06/08/05 HMARR - Marriage Module cor908.txt OVERVIEW Information about the Graduate Spouse's current marriage was collected in the following manner: -Information about the graduate's health, long-term limiting condition(s), memory, and ability to make decisions and organize. -The graduate-spouse was asked the degree of similarity in outlook and closeness with the graduate. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS ac038sp Description of graduate's health. ac039re Similarity of outlook on life with graduate. ac040re How close respondent is with the graduate. av005sp-av006sp Description of the graduate's most serious limiting condition ac096sp-ac099sp Variables ascertaining the state of the graduate's memory and ability to make decisions and organize. OPEN-ENDED CODING DECISIONS In the marriage module, item >hc79< was specified as an open-ended response and ascertained the graduate's most serious limiting condition if the spouse reported the graduate had such a condition in the previous item. This item was coded using the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision. Details on the coding of all disability items can be found in corXXX. PROBLEMS Problems occurred in the coding of the Cases instrument and during the interviewing process. Problems with the instrument that affected codes for analysis variables are included as notes with the affected variables in the codebook. Details regarding the problems with individual cases which occurred during the interviewing process are listed in corXXX.xls. PEOPLE Megan Andrew - Writing code to create analysis variables, making corrections to raw data, checking notes, making corrections, coding/supervising coding open-ended responses, and writing the COR. Mandy Lauber - Making corrections to raw data, coding open-ended responses REFERENCES Cause of death - gd008 is coded to ICD9 codes using "International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification: ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes" (Volumes 1 & 2). Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 1998.