COMPUTER OPERATIONS REQUEST #429 - SUMMARY We have three sets of questions regarding marital history and number of children born in each marriage. Q46,47/46a,47a/46b,47b In what month and year after 1975, did you (first) get married?/ In what month and year, did you next get married?/ What was the month and year of your most recent marriage? Q48/48a/48b Are you still in this marriage? Q49/49a/49b How did this marriage end? Was it by divorce, separation, or the death of your [spouse]? Q50,51/50a,51a/50b,51b In what month and year did you and your [spouse] stop living together? Q53,54/53a,54a/53b,54b In what month and year did your spouse die? Q56/56a/56b How many children did you have in this marriage? Question Marriage Conditions Q46-56 1st marriage a/f 1975 1. married at least once after 1975 Q46a-56a 2nd marriage a/f 1975 1. married at least twice after 1975 2. "no" in Q48 (still in the first marriage) Q46b-56b most current a/f 1975 1. married at least three times after 75 2. "no" in Q48a (still in the 2nd marriage) How many, if any, children , including biological chldren, adopted children, step children, and foster children? do you have from this marriage did you have from this marriage Q56 currently married; married once after 1975 otherwise Q56a currently married; married twice after 1975 otherwise Q56b currently married otherwise GET THE RESPONDENT TO REPORT ONLY THE NUMBER OF KIDS ACQUIRED THROUGH THAT MARRIAGE. ACQUIRED = BIO,ADOPTED,STEP,FOSTER (We do not want them to report here that their spouse has adopted the 3 kids they have already told us about from an earlier marriage. But we do want to know here if the R adopted the new spouse's kids when this marriage began. Also, any step-kids....) Example: After the first marriage, some or all children may be living with the respondent. Even if the R has three children with her/him IN the second marriage, we are only interested in children who were newly acquired as a result of this second marriage.