COR #400 (WLS70.WP5) 9/23/92 (updated 2/21/95) Spss code to read this data is in wls70a.asc. See cor563 for information about data files. Format for the Data File to be Input to the Questionnaire. This describes the input data file used for the version of the 9/23/92 version of the Cases survey instrument for the 1992-93 follow-up of the WLS main sample. There are three records for each respondent. Each record has 509 characters. The column labeled REC indicates the record number of the variable. The column LEN indicates the length of the variable and the column labeled POS gives the position of the data in the record. All variable names are four characters or less in length. If the variable has been previously referenced using another name, that name is included under the description column. VAR LEN REC POS DESCRIPTION NAME IDSW 6 1 1 (IDSWL) Sewell ID. Unique for each respondent. HSN 24 1 7 High school name. IN75 2 1 31 (STAT75) 1975 status code. 01 interviewed 02 refused 03 unpublished phone 04 no phone 05 handicapped 09 out of U.S.A. 10 not found XS77 2 1 33 (XSTAT77) 1977 status code. 01 interviewed in 1977 02 refusal 03 unpublished phone 04 no phone 05 handicapped 06 deceased between 1975 and 1977 07 out of U.S.A. 08 interviewed in 1975 and did not reproduce interview in 1977 09 respondent could not be contacted for duration of study 10 interviewed in 1975 and reproduced interview in COR 281 97 not found 98 1975 respondent requested that sibling not be contacted 99 nonsample, including supplementaty sample ST91 2 1 35 (STRATA91) strata assigned in 1991. 01 - 92 GP91 1 1 37 (GROUP91) group number assigned in 1991. 0 - 9 RFLG 1 1 38 (RDEATH) Flag entered during tracing to indicate problem for respondent. C see RCOM for explanation H handicapped or some other reason not to interview (dropped) M expect to move O out of the U.S.A. (meaning 50 states) (dropped) U unpublished or no phone (dropped) Y dead (these records dropped) RFN 24 1 39 (STUFN) Respondent's first name from 1991-1992 tracing. RLN 16 1 63 (STULN) Respondent's last name from 1991-1992 tracing. RAD 35 1 79 (STUADR) Respondent's address from 1991-1992 tracing. RCIT 22 1 114 (STUCITY) Respondent's city from 1991-1992 tracing. RST 3 1 136 (STUSTATE) Respondent's state from 1991-1992 tracing. RZIP 5 1 139 (STUZIP) Respondent's zip from 1991- 1992 tracing. PHON 14 1 144 (HPHONE) Respondent's home, only or first phone listed from 1991-1992 tracing. includes digits and - plus possibly: H,h home B,b business U,u unlisted RCM1 72 1 158 (RCOMMENT) First part of comment entered during 1991-1992 tracing. RCM2 28 1 230 (RCOMMENT) Rest of comment entered during 1991-1992 tracing. SFLG 1 1 258 (SIBDEATH) Flag entered for sib during 1991-1992 tracing. C see SBCM for explanation H handicapped or some other reason not to interview M expect to move O out of the U.S.A. (meaning 50 states) U unpublished or no phone Y dead SBFN 24 1 259 (SIBFN) Selected sibling first name from 1991-1992 tracing. blank NA SBLN 16 1 283 (SIBLN) Selected sibling last name from 1991-1992 tracing. blank NA SBAD 35 1 299 (SIBADR) Selected sibling address obtained during 1991-1992 tracing. blank NA SBCT 16 1 334 (SIBCITY) Selected sibling city obtained during 1991-1992 tracing. blank NA SBST 3 1 350 (SIBSTATE) Selected sibling state obtained during 1991-1992 tracing. blank NA SBZP 5 1 353 (SIBZIP) Selected sibling zip obtained during 1991-1992 tracing. blank NA SBPH 14 1 358 (SIBPHONE) Selected sibling phone obtained during 1991-1992 tracing. includes digits and - plus possibly: H,h home B,b business U,u unlisted blank NA SBC1 72 1 372 (SIBCOM) First part of comment for sibling entered during 1991-1992 tracing. SBC2 28 1 444 (SIBCOM) Rest of comment for sibling entered during 1991-1992 tracing. MNNT 3 1 472 (MNINT) Month of 1975 interview. First 3 characters of month 999 not a 1975 respondent DBTH 11 1 475 (DATEBTH) Respondent's date of birth. Mon,dd,year Ex. Apr,07,1939 one missing = 999,99,9999 plus all missing for 75 nonrespondents RSEX 1 1 486 (SEXRSP) Respondent's sex. 1 male 2 female HH57 1 1 487 (BKHS57) Head of respondents' household in 1957. 1 father 2 mother 3 other male 4 other female 7 don't know 9 NA or 1975 nonrespondent SBLV 2 1 488 (SIBLIV) Number of living siblings in 1975. 0-12 99 not available MRST 1 1 490 (MRSTAT) Marital status in 1975. 1 single 2 married 3 separated 4 divorced 5 widowed 9 NA MLTY 1 1 491 (MILTY) Ever been on active duty in the armed forces. 0 no 1 yes 9 NA LN57 18 1 492 (LASTNM57) Respondent's last name in 1957. FN57 13 2 1 (FRSTNM57) Respondent's first name in 1957. AD75 34 2 14 (ADR75) Respondent's address in 1975. blank 1975 nonrespondent CT75 16 2 48 (CITY75) Respondent's city in 1975. blank 1975 nonrespondent ST75 3 2 64 (STATE75) Respondent's state in 1975. blank 1975 nonrespondent CPNM 28 2 67 (COMPNAM) Name of company for current or last job which respondent held in five years preceeding and including 1975. company name 5 self-employed 7 refusal 8 inap 9 1975 nonrespondent CPAD 28 2 95 (COMPADR) Address of company for which respondent worked in 1975. address 7 refusal 8 inap blank unknown (all self-employed are blank for this variable, but not all balnks are self-employed) CPCT 15 2 123 (COMPCITY) City of company for which respondent worked in 1975. city 5 self-employed 7 refusal 8 inap blank for 1975 nonrespondents CPST 3 2 138 (COMPSTAT) State of company for which respondent worked in 1975. state 5 self-employed 7 refusal 8 inap blank for 1975 nonrespondents KN1 15 2 141 (KIDNAM1) First name of kid 1. blank INAP or NA If kid deceased in 1975 and name was given,then name is followed by (DEC). If kid deceased in 1975 and no name was given, then name is (DECEASED). KN2 15 2 156 (KIDNAM2) First name of kid 2. KN3 15 2 171 (KIDNAM3) First name of kid 3. KN4 15 2 186 (KIDNAM4) First name of kid 4. KN5 15 2 201 (KIDNAM5) First name of kid 5. KN6 15 2 216 (KIDNAM6) First name of kid 6. KN7 15 2 231 (KIDNAM7) First name of kid 7. KN8 15 2 246 (KIDNAM8) First name of kid 8. KN9 15 2 261 (KIDNAM9) First name of kid 9. KN10 15 2 276 (KIDNAM10) First name of kid 10. KN11 15 2 291 (KIDNAM11) First name of kid 11. KN12 15 2 306 (KIDNAM12) First name of kid 12. KN13 15 2 321 (KIDNAM13) First name of kid 13. KN14 15 2 336 (KIDNAM14) First name of kid 14. KN15 15 2 351 (KIDNAM15) First name of kid 15. KS1 1 2 366 (KIDSEX1) Sex of kid 1. F female M male U refused blank INAP KS2 1 2 367 (KIDSEX2) Sex of kid 2. KS3 1 2 368 (KIDSEX3) Sex of kid 3. KS4 1 2 369 (KIDSEX4) Sex of kid 4. KS5 1 2 370 (KIDSEX5) Sex of kid 5. KS6 1 2 371 (KIDSEX6) Sex of kid 6. KS7 1 2 372 (KIDSEX7) Sex of kid 7. KS8 1 2 373 (KIDSEX8) Sex of kid 8. KS9 1 2 374 (KIDSEX9) Sex of kid 9. KS10 1 2 375 (KIDSEX10) Sex of kid 10. KS11 1 2 376 (KIDSEX11) Sex of kid 11. KS12 1 2 377 (KIDSEX12) Sex of kid 12. KS13 1 2 378 (KIDSEX13) Sex of kid 13. KS14 1 2 379 (KIDSEX14) Sex of kid 14. KS15 1 2 380 (KIDSEX15) Sex of kid 15. KM1 3 2 381 (KIDMN1) Month of birth of kid 1. First 3 characters of month blank INAP, includes 1975 nonrespondent 999 NA KM2 3 2 384 (KIDMN2) Month of birth of kid 2. KM3 3 2 387 (KIDMN3) Month of birth of kid 3. KM4 3 2 390 (KIDMN4) Month of birth of kid 4. KM5 3 2 393 (KIDMN5) Month of birth of kid 5. KM6 3 2 396 (KIDMN6) Month of birth of kid 6. KM7 3 2 399 (KIDMN7) Month of birth of kid 7. KM8 3 2 402 (KIDMN8) Month of birth of kid 8. KM9 3 2 405 (KIDMN9) Month of birth of kid 9. KM10 3 2 408 (KIDMN10) Month of birth of kid 10. KM11 3 2 411 (KIDMN11) Month of birth of kid 11. KM12 3 2 414 (KIDMN12) Month of birth of kid 12. KM13 3 2 417 (KIDMN13) Month of birth of kid 13. KM14 3 2 420 (KIDMN14) Month of birth of kid 14. KM15 3 2 423 (KIDMN15) Month of birth of kid 15. KY1 2 2 426 (KIDYR1) Year of birth of kid 1. last two digits of year 88 INAP, includes 1975 nonrespondents 99 NA KY2 2 2 428 (KIDYR2) Year of birth of kid 2. KY3 2 2 430 (KIDYR3) Year of birth of kid 3. KY4 2 2 432 (KIDYR4) Year of birth of kid 4. KY5 2 2 434 (KIDYR5) Year of birth of kid 5. KY6 2 2 436 (KIDYR6) Year of birth of kid 6. KY7 2 2 438 (KIDYR7) Year of birth of kid 7. KY8 2 2 440 (KIDYR8) Year of birth of kid 8. KY9 2 2 442 (KIDYR9) Year of birth of kid 9. KY10 2 2 444 (KIDYR10) Year of birth of kid 10. KY11 2 2 446 (KIDYR11) Year of birth of kid 11. KY12 2 2 448 (KIDYR12) Year of birth of kid 12. KY13 2 2 450 (KIDYR13) Year of birth of kid 13. KY14 2 2 452 (KIDYR14) Year of birth of kid 14. KY15 2 2 454 (KIDYR15) Year of birth of kid 15. NMKD 2 2 456 (NUMKIDS) Number of respondent's kids as reported in 1975. 0-15 99 NA or 1975 nonrespondent CKKD 2 2 458 (CKKIDS) Position of selected kid in kid table. 1-15 88 INAP - no kids 99 NA or 1975 nonrespondent FNDL 18 2 460 (FRNDLST) Last name of one of respondents three best friends in 1957. Friend must also be in 1/3 sample and not known to be dead. and also have chosen R as a friend. blank no friend found who meets criteria FNDF 13 2 478 (FRNDFRST) First name of one of respondents three best friends in 1957. EM75 1 2 491 Respondent's 1975 employment status. 0 1975 non-respondent 1 R was in military 2 R was unemployed 3 R was self-employed 4 R was employed - company name is known 5 R was employed - company name is not known 6 employment status unknown FILL 18 2 492 Blank fill to make record 2 same length as record 1. RNK 8 3 1 Random number between 1 and 10000000 for selection of alternate kid if necessary. RNS 8 3 9 Random number between 1 and 10000000 for selection of alternate sib if necessary. RN1 8 3 17 Random number between 1 and 10000000. RN2 8 3 25 Random number between 1 and 10000000. RN3 8 3 33 Random number between 1 and 10000000. RN4 8 3 41 Random number between 1 and 10000000. RN5 8 3 49 Random number between 1 and 10000000. RN6 8 3 57 Random number between 1 and 10000000. RN7 2 3 65 Random number between 01 and 99. RN7A 2 3 67 Random number between 01 and 99. RN7B 2 3 69 Random number between 01 and 99. RN7C 2 3 71 Random number between 01 and 99. RN8 8 3 73 Random number between 1 and 10000000. RN9 8 3 81 Random number between 1 and 10000000. RN10 8 3 89 Random number between 1 and 10000000. MNIT 2 3 97 Numeric month of interview. 1 - 12 Jan - Dec 99 missing YRBT 2 3 99 Year of respondent's birth. 11 - 41 year 99 missing MNBT 2 3 101 Numeric month of respondent's birth. 1 - 12 Jan - Dec 99 missing KO1 2 3 103 Numeric month of birth of kid 1. 1 - 12 Jan - Dec 98 inap, includes 75 non R 99 missing KO2 2 3 105 Numeric month of birth of kid 2. KO3 2 3 107 Numeric month of birth of kid 3. KO4 2 3 109 Numeric month of birth of kid 4. KO5 2 3 111 Numeric month of birth of kid 5. KO6 2 3 113 Numeric month of birth of kid 6. KO7 2 3 115 Numeric month of birth of kid 7. KO8 2 3 117 Numeric month of birth of kid 8. KO9 2 3 119 Numeric month of birth of kid 9. KO10 2 3 121 Numeric month of birth of kid 10. KO11 2 3 123 Numeric month of birth of kid 11. KO12 2 3 125 Numeric month of birth of kid 12. KO13 2 3 127 Numeric month of birth of kid 13. KO14 2 3 129 Numeric month of birth of kid 14. KO15 2 3 131 Numeric month of birth of kid 15. SBSX 1 3 133 (SSBSEX) Sex of selected sibling. 1 male 2 female 7 don't know 8 inap, includes 75 non R 9 not available DE1 1 3 134 Kid 1 deceased? 0 alive 1 deceased 8 inap, includes 75 non R DE2 1 3 135 Kid 2 deceased? DE3 1 3 136 Kid 3 deceased? DE4 1 3 137 Kid 4 deceased? DE5 1 3 138 Kid 5 deceased? DE6 1 3 139 Kid 6 deceased? DE7 1 3 140 Kid 7 deceased? DE8 1 3 141 Kid 8 deceased? DE9 1 3 142 Kid 9 deceased? DE10 1 3 143 Kid 10 deceased? DE11 1 3 144 Kid 11 deceased? DE12 1 3 145 Kid 12 deceased? DE13 1 3 146 Kid 13 deceased? DE14 1 3 147 Kid 14 deceased? DE15 1 3 148 Kid 15 deceased? PHN2 14 3 149 (BPHONE) Respondent's second or business phone (if present) from 1991-1992 tracing. RCFR 1 3 163 Reciprocal friend. 0 no 1 yes STNM 20 3 164 Respondent's state from 1991-1992 tracing. This is complete name, instead of two letter abreviation as in RST. FIL2 22 3 184 Blanks to make record same length as records 1 and 2. FIL3 72 3 206 Blanks to make record same length as records 1 and 2. FIL4 72 3 278 Blanks to make record same length as records 1 and 2. FIL5 72 3 350 Blanks to make record same length as records 1 and 2. FIL6 72 3 422 Blanks to make record same length as records 1 and 2. FIL7 16 3 494 Blanks to make record same length as records 1 and 2.