MEMO127a The question of how to handle siblings in the sibling study yielded lots of discussion. What follows is a large selection of notes and memos that passed back and forth in preparation for handling the unique problems that the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study has had to address with data collection from siblings. (Some of this material is extracted from the original COR281 which dealt with siblings already interviewed in 1975. This COR includes specific identifiers and does not appear in the public release.) Selection of Sample for Sib Study 1) Run XTABS on DE 5867 (current 75 data tape) and take to WSRL for generation of random numbers. Select sample: sib age between 20 and 65, include 77's and 991s. a. Sex of sibling pairs: Respondent - female Sib - female SXPR = 1 Respondent - male Sib - male SXPR = 2 Respondent - female Sib - male SXPR = 3 Respondent - male Sib - female SXPR = 4 b. column variable - education of selected sib (SBED) group as follows: 0 - 8 years of schooling for sib 9 - 11 12 13 - 15 16 17 - 76 77 99 c. row variable - selected sib's position in the sib roster (include Respondent in the roster) (POST) d. page variable - number of living sibs (SBNO) 2) WSRL will select strata from these XTABS and provide random numbers for selection of the sample (DE 833). A list of strata numbers is available in 8102 Soc Sci. N=2824 cases, including pretest cases. Strata 157 and 158 are combined. 3) Select sample and flag the pretest cases with a '1' in column 46. OUTPUT = DE 030, 9 track, 46 characters per record, block = 100 N=48 cases for pretesting 4) Pull all interviews for the pretest sample. Check for the following: 1) Is coding of SXPR, strata number, and random number correct? 2) Are sib and R twins? 3) Are variables SBED, SBNO, POST, CKSBNO,' SIBHS, SIBIMN, SIB7111 correct? 4) Does a married woman have the husband's first name available? 5) Is an address given that can be located? 6) Does Respondent request that sib not be contacted (p. 24, 25, last page.).1 SIBLING STUDY SAMPLE SELECTICN 1) XTABS were run on four groups. Sample: Siblings > 19 and < 66 years in age (includes 77 and 99's); Eliminate if R is the only child (SIBTW1> 11 and CKSNO> 10) because there is no selected sib data; Eliminate if selected sib's sex is unknown. Column variable - education of selected sib Row variable - selected sib's position in the roster Q included in the roster) Page variable - number of living sibs RF-SF N - 2112 (Respondent female; Sibling female) RF-SM N - 2194 RN-SM N - 1952 RM-SM N - 1954 8212 sent to WSRL in tables for sample selection. 2) Received from WSRL: Cards with strata number, random number, and project number (701). List containing: Sib Cell Sample Strata SBNO Educ Posit N N (SIBSLV) (SSBED)(SSBPOS) 0 series N = 1043 RF-SF 1 series N = 1044 RM-SM 2 series N = 349 RF-SM 3 series N = 348 RM-SF Meanwhile, the raw date tape was being updated. Some people were lost in certain cells so that the cell N's had minor differences between those to be used in the sample selection and those sent to WSRL in the above tables. It affected 8 cells and the last random number in the cell became larger than the new cell N. They were simply eliminated since they would have had to been treated as nonsample cases, The series affected and the new N's are: 1 series N = 1039 (lost 5) 3 series N = 345 (lost 3) 3) Cover sheets were made for the following: 0 series = 1043 1 series = 1039 2 series = 349 3 series = 345 Twins = 71 (those not included in series 0-3) 4) Due to oversampling, we returned a list of 2776 IDs (1043 + 1039 + 349 + 345) for Charlie Palit to choose a random supplementary sample that would be used only in the event that we did not achieve locating 90% (minimum) in the telephone search. Supplementary sample N = 428. All twins in the supplementary sample had to be added to the twin group (N = 8). New totals of possible respondents that needed to be searched for: 0 series = 882 1 series = 879 2 series = 296 3 series = 291 4 series = 79 (twins) 2348 Supplementary Sample N's: 0 series = 161 1 series = 160 2 series = 53 3 series = 54 5) A note on twins: SW120 has 141 twins. Eleven pairs of twins had both twins as a respondent in 1975. Nine of the 22 fell within series 0-5. Two were in the supplementary sample and were added to series 4. These 11 had cover sheets made since they were included in the sampling tables WSRL used to draw the random numbers. The remaining eleven were eliminated from series 4 before cover sheets were made. '75 R with '75 R with No Cover Sheets; Not Interviewable Cover Sheets; Not Series N I'wed in '77 Study Twins I'wed in '77 Study 0 21 5 16 1 23 3 20 2 1 1 0 3 6 0 6 4 79 2 77 Totals 130 11 119 11 119 interviewable twins 11 75 R's with cover sheets 11 75 R's with no cover sheets Total of 141 twins from SWL20 Sibling Study Coversheets Cover sheets are needed for the Sibling Study. Sample numbers should be 5 digits with the first digit identifying the group as follows: 00001 - Female - female sib pairs 10001 - Male - male group pairs 20001 - Respondent female - sib male pairs 30001 - Respondent Male - Sib female pairs 40001 - Twins Modifications of 74 cover sheet 1) Clearly identify these as sib cover sheets 2) Project 701; Winter/Spring, 1977; Wisconsin Sibiing Study 3) Sex following Sample Number reflects sex of Sib 4) ID - original respondent% SWLID; also show original R's office ID. 5) On left side indicate Sib's 75 address from DE 5734 (Q A, Q 106 and Q B) and leave space for Sib's maiden name (Q 107A). 6) On right side, indicate high school of original respondent (Q C2), name, address, and sex of original respondent (Q CI) from DE 5889, and parents latest address from DE 5889. Determination of completed 1977 sib interviews There was a problem concerning respondents on the 1977 sibling tape DE4777 who did not complete Q19c, the current to last full time civilian job question. These people were removed from the sib tape and considered refusals. All told, four cases were removed. Dealing with sibs already interviewed in 1975 There are 11 pairs of twins that had both twins already interviewed in 1975. Three nontwins also fell in the sibling sample that were people already interviewed in 1975. To keep these people in our sample but avoid reinterviewing them, recode their sib's 1975 interview as a 1977 interview and add to 1977 sibling tape. PROCEDURE: If one R fell in strata 0-3, code the sib of that R. If both R's fell in strata 0-3 code both sibs. If neither fell in strata 0-3 but both would have automatically fallen in strata 4 for sibs, choose one to be sib and one to be original 75 R to avoid unnecessary duplication of records when the sib data is finally merged with SWL20 records. PROBLEMS: "Currently" always reflects 75 not 77 data. All job allocation flags were obtained by dumping SWL20 records. DECK01-- V0001 - if in series 0-3,- give next available office ID in that series; add others to series 4. V0006 - if sample number was already assigned, use it (cover sheet made up and pulled); add others to series 4 assigning next available sample number (40080-40083). V0022 - add a code 1751 for month of interview. This, along with the sample code (V0961) on the recoded sib tape will serve as a flag for the sixteen constructed cases. V0024 - V0036 - coded 9's since month and day of interview, time of interview and interviewer are nonexistent. V0049 - R's geographic code from Deck 13 will be 75 address codes. DECK04-- V0258 - for ID05782 (77 OFFICE ID) this was obtained from the children chart in 75. DECK05-- "Last year" refers to 1974, not 1976. DECK06-- V0425 - V0428 - Coded 9's. V0419 and V0424 - Coded by referring to sib's 75 interview also, if both sibs replied yes to 75's Q61 (living with both parents most of the time up to senior year), coded yes to V0424. V0445 - Refer to Q133b in 1975 interview (social participation chart). V0446 - V0448 - Coded 9's. DECK07-- V0499 - Age of current spouse in 1977 was obtained by looking at the response to Q100 in the 75 interview, and adding 2 years. DECK10-- V0781 - Coded as no children adopted, step, or foster if not mentioned any as adopted, step, or foster children in 75 interview. DECK12-- V0926 - Coded from Q136 in 75 survey and consequently refers to November, 1974 election for Congressmen, Senators, and state and local officials. COR #260 (Sibling Study Century Months) has been completed. It was done after COR #280 and COR #281. Originally, there were 16 cases (75 R's) coded: V0022 = 75, V0967 = 999, V0970 = 1. These were in error and were recoded. VO022 remained 75. V0967 took the value of CMINT from SWL20. This was necessary for any recoded variables that dealt with the duration of some date to the present. If we did not do this, a duration of 2 months prior to the 1975 interview would gain a value of 2 years and 2 months. Another option would have been to code V0967 as inap. This was discarded as it would have caused us to lose many variables for these people. DECK07---V0499 "Age of current spouse in 1977" was rephrased in the codebook to indicate that V0499 represents "age of current spouse at time of interview." Presently we added two years to the response to Q100 in the 75 interview. This was undone, and the response to Q100 will be moved directly to V0499. Computer Operations Request #216 PURPOSE: To obtain crosstabs, marginals and data present information for 1975 respondents and their selected siblings. Program: XTAB 1. Create a variable for sex of pairs (SXPR) and run marginals. Obtain the number of the selected sib from SIBTWII (V0322) or CKSBNO (V0325). Sex of R Sex of Selected Sib SXPR CKSEXX (V0342) SIBSXI...SIBSXO 1 male male 2 male female 3 female female 4 female male 8 inappropriate, no (SIBSXl...SIBSX0 = 8) living sibs 9 Not ascertained if SIBSX1...SIBSXO (refused sex of 7, 9 then SXPR = 9 sib) 2. Run crosstab for SXPR by selected sibs characteristics: a. age of selected sib (SIBAGI ... SIBAGO) b. education of selected sib (SIBED1 ... SIBEDO) c. create a variable for labor force status of selected sib (SBLF) from INSIB (VO327): if INSIB = 017-947 then SBLF = 1 (Working with occupation reported) if INSIB = 991 then SBLF = 2 (sib doesn't work) if INSIB = 998 then SBLF = 8 (Inap no living sibs) if INSIB = 997, 999 then SBLF = 0 (NA or DK, occupation not reported) d. Did sib attend a Wisconsin high school? (SBHS) from SIBHS (V0326): if SIBHS = 000 then SBHS = 0 (sib attended out of state HS) if SIBHS = 001-840 then SBHS = 1 (sib attended a Wisconsin HS), if SIBHS = 998 then SBHS = 8 (Inap, no living sibs) if SIBHS = 997, 999 then SBHS = 9 (NA or DK) e. Create a variable for total number of children alive or dead in the sibship (TOSB) from SIBSIS (V0283) and SIBBRO (V0285): if SIBSIS < 70 and SIBBRO < 70 then TOSB = SIBSIS + SIBBRO + 1. if SIBSIS > 69 and SIBBRO > 69 then TOSB = 1. if SIBSIS > 69 and SIBBRO < 69 then TOSB = SIBBRO + I. if SIBSIS < 69 and SIBBRO > 69 then TOSB = SIBSIS + 1. 3. Run crosstabs for SXPR by respondent's data present for current or last job and earnings or income in 1974: a. R's current or last job (CRJB) from INXCUR (V0185) and OCXCUR (V0186): if INXCUR = 001-090 and OCXCUR = 001-990 then CRJB = I (industry and occupation reported) else CPJB = 0 (industry or occupation not reported) b. R's earnings or income in 1974 (ER74)-from YWGX74 (V0249), YSEXD4 (V0251) and YSFXD4 (V0253): if YWGX74 = 000000-999990 then ER74 = 1 (wages or salary reported) if YSEXD4 = 000000-999990 then ER74 = 1 (own business income reported) if YSFXD4 = 000000-999990 then ER74 = 1 (own farm income reported) else ER74 = 0 (no wages, salaries or income from own business or farm reported) c. data present for both current or last job and earnings/income in 1974 (DT74) from CRJB and ER74: if CRJB = 1 and 074 = 1 then DT74 = 1 (data present for both job and 1974 earnings/income. else DT74 = 0 (data missing for one or both variables) 4. Do we have an address for the selected sib? (Was a geographic location code assigned?) (SBAD) from SIBCI (V0332). Run crosstabs for SXPR by SBAD: if SIBCI = 9997 or 9999 then SBAD = 0 (no address, NA or DK) if SIBCI = 9998 then SBAD = 8 (Inap, no living sibs) else SBAD = 1 (a geographic location code has been assigned to the sib and the sib can most likely be found)