Summary Variables for Graduate Spouse Instrument OVERVIEW This module contains information about the graduate spouse rather than responses from the graduate spouse. Details such as age at time of interview, place of residence at time of interview, number of sessions to complete the interview are included in this module. See next section for complete details. Other details about the graduate spouse respondent that remain static such as gender and date of birth are not reproduced in this module. Those variables are available in the Status and Descriptive stand alone module. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS aa003re Graduate spouse respondent's age at time of interview. aa006re Did graduate spouse complete the entire phone interview? aa007re First unanswered question in Q file for partial phone completes. aa008re Module of first unanswered question for partial phone interviews. aa016rem-aa016rey Month, day and year of 2004 graduate spouse respondent telephone interview. aa020re State of graduate spouse respondent's residence at time of 2004 interview. aa021re Five digit FIPS code for graduate spouse respondent's residence at time of 2004 interview. aa029re Date 2004 graduate spouse telephone interview was delivered to WLS from UWSC. aa030re Number of sessions completed between graduate spouse respondent and interviewer. aa223re-aa234re Number of calls talked to someone, number of calls busy, number of calls MAD. aa236re Total time to complete the telephone interview. aa300re Total number of attempted contacts with graduate spouse respondent. CODING PROBLEMS PEOPLE REFERENCES aa021re - five digit FIPS code was created using zipfips command in SAS given the zip code of residence.