Summary Variables for Graduate Phone Instrument OVERVIEW This module contains information about the graduate rather than responses from the graduate. Details such as age at time of interview, place of residence at time of interview, number of sessions to complete the interview are included in this module. See next section for complete details. Other details about the graduate respondent that remain static such as gender, date of birth and random replicate number are not reproduced in this module. Those variables remain available in the first module - of wls documentation - status and descriptive variables. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS ga003re Graduate respondent's age at time of interview. ga006re Did graduate complete the entire phone interview? ga007re First unanswered question in Q file for partial phone completes. ga008re Module of first unanswered question for partial phone interviews. ga009re Was this interview conducted by a CAPI instrument? ga016rem-ga016rey Month, day and year of 2004 graduate respondent telephone interview. ga020re State of graduate respondent's residence at time of 2004 interview. ga021re Five digit FIPS code for Graduate Respondent's residence at time of 2004 interview. ga029re Date 2004 graduate telephone interview was delivered to WLS from UWSC. ga030re Number of sessions completed between Graduate Respondent and Interviewer. ga031re - ga036re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GINTRO module. ga037re - ga042re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GEDUC module. ga043re - ga048re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GMARR module. ga049re - ga054re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GKID module. ga055re - ga060re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GPAR module. ga061re - ga066re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GHH module. ga067re - ga072re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GSIB module. ga073re - ga078re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GHEALTH module. ga079re - ga084re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GCOGFLU module. ga085re - ga090re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GEMPL module. ga091re - ga096re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GPENS module. ga097re - ga102re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GJOBC module. ga103re - ga108re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GCOGORD module. ga109re - ga114re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GOINC module. ga115re - ga120re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GASSETS module. ga121re - ga126re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GCOGIMM module. ga127re - ga132re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GACINS module. ga133re - ga138re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GACUTIL module. ga139re - ga144re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GVOLUN module. ga145re - ga150re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GALC module. ga151re - ga156re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GRELI module. ga157re - ga162re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GINET module. ga163re - ga168re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GCOGDEL module. ga169re - ga174re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GDEPR module. ga175re - ga180re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GEOLPREP module. ga181re - ga186re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GEOLDTH module. ga187re - ga192re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GIT module. ga193re - ga198re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GADDRS module. ga199re - ga204re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GAAI module. ga205re - ga210re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GAAD module. ga211re - ga216re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GPSYB module. ga217re - ga222re Session number, interviewer number, date and time and duration for GNONNORM module. ga223re, ga233re, Number of calls talked to someone, number of calls ga234re, ga235re busy, number of calls MAD, number of calls MAD+msg. ga236re Total time to complete telephone interview in seconds ga224re - ga232re Interviewer number of phone sessions 1 through 9. ga300re Total number of attempts to contact respondent in order to complete the telephone interview. ga301re - ga475re Outcome of each attempted contact with graduate respondent. Includes unusable partial cases. ga501re - ga675re Date of each attempted contact with graduate. Includes unusable partial cases. ga701re - ga875re Interviewer number of the person who made each attempted contact with the graduate. CODING See cor855 for program that read trace files to obtain code for variables ga031re - ga235re. PROBLEMS Number of sessions to complete the interview (isess) was missing for 69 cases and appeared to be incorrect for some others. This information was obtained from the trace files. Accurate, detailed information by module for start time, duration, session number and interview number was not readily available from the delivered data. That information was also obtained from the trace files. PEOPLE Joe Nelson - Writing code to create variables for inum, time, duration and session from trace files. See cor855. Linda Jordan - Writing code to create analysis variables ga003re-ga029re, ga301re-ga675re; making corrections to raw data, and writing the COR. REFERENCES ga021re - five digit FIPS code was created using zipfips command in SAS given the zip code of residence.