COR 368a Sibling Data Construction SIBSIS--BOR In the recode statement, all people that had missing data on SIBSIS also had missing data on SIBBRO. SIBBRO reflects sisters and brothers ever born. SIBSIS, SIBBRO, SISOL, BROOL, SIBSTT and BOR should therefore not be compared to the sib roster in Q77 of the 1975 questionnaire. BOR reflects R's position in the family of ever born sibs (using SISOL and BROOL). They are all constructed using Q74 and Q75 of the 1975 questionnaire. SIBSLV This variable was constructed using the raw data tape's sib roster (R not included in the roster). It is simply a counter of sibs listed in Q77 of the 1975 questionnaire. It is a counter of living sibs and does not include R. If the entire roster has missing data, then SIBSLV = 99. If the number of sibs could be determined, even though each sib's data in the table was 77 (Don't know) or 99 (Not ascertained or nonrespondent), SIBSLV was given a nonmissing value. BORSIB Respondent's age at the time of the interview (TEMPOI) was needed for constructing this variable. BORSIB was hand coded for cases with missing ages in the sib roster. It was determined by comparing SIBSTT, SISOL and BROOL. Those cases coded 99 did not allow comparisons due to deaths of sibs since SIBSTT, SISOL and BOR reflect ever born sibs and BORSIB reflects R's position among currently living sibs. Hand coding was also done for a case where R and another sib were the same age. It was computed by determining how recently R had turned the same age and by comparing SIBSTT, SISOL and BROOL when possible. If R was a twin, R was assigned a position older than the twin, New Sibling Roster--Including R Construction of BORSIB is important in including R in the sibling roster. R's age is calculated in constructing BORSIB (TEMP01). Only one respondent has missing data on age. R's education was constructed using EDYRCM. Q93 gave us R's sex. Ages should be properly ordered in the table, from oldest sib in the first position (R is in the first position if he/she is an only child) to youngest sib. If BORSIB = 99 (not ascertained or nonrespondent), the entire table was given 9's since R's correct position in the table could not be determined. If the number of sibs was known, although the table contained 9's and BORSIB = 99, the roster was given 9's through the SIBSLV + 1 position. If R is a twin, he/she was assigned a position before the twin (R was assumed older). IVRSBO There is no 55 twin code since R was considered older than his/her twin. SSBPOS This variable gives the selected sib's position in the table when R is included in the table. 99 was used if BORSIB = 99 (R cannot be included in the table), or the sibling selection number (Q79) was 77 or 99 (don't know which should have been the selected sib). For twins, R was considered older than the twin. IVSSBR There is a separate twin code (55) so those coded 00 years as an interval do not reflect the twins.