CHANGE NOTICE #22 - 12/00

New Editions of WLS data and documentation are available for:

Wave 1 (1957-1977) Graduates and Siblings
Wave 2 (1992-93) Graduates
Wave 3 (1993-94) Siblings

A new edition (DPLS edition 10) of the first wave WLS data has been released.
A new edition (DPLS edition 9) of the second wave WLS graduate data has been released.
A new edition (DPLS edition 5) of the third wave WLS sibling data has been released.

If you received any WLS data before May 1, 2003, please read this notice.

Summary of the Wave 1 updates between 09/2000 and03/2003. See Below for details

The TENTH edition of the 1957-77 WLS graduates and siblings differs from previous releases in the following ways:

Summary of the Wave 2 updates between 09/2000 and03/2003. See Below for details.

The NINTH edition of the 1992-93 WLS graduates differs from previous releases in the following ways:

Summary of the Wave 3 updates between 09/2000 and03/2003. See Below for details.

The FIFTH edition of the 1993-94 WLS siblings differs from previous releases in the following ways:

                             OLD     NEW

10/01     254034  XLIV        2      1        During ndi checking, we
                  XDEATYR     9999   9998     discovered that the sib
                                              had mistakenly been coded
                                              as deceased
                             OLD     NEW

10/01     137016  RS64FU     9        6       See entry of 12/93 by jp
                  RS64       9        7       These missing values require
                                              a code other than 9 which
                                              was assigned in the 12/93 

                             OLD     NEW

9/19/02   62055   LIV92       2      1        During widow checking, we
                  DEATYR      1987   9998     discovered that the grad/sib 
                                              had mistakenly been coded
          188007  XLIV        2      1        as deceased
                  XDEATYR     1979   9998
          267004  XLIV        2      1
                  XDEATYR     1989   9998

          IDUSER  VAR        Old   New     Reason

9/26/02   10004   LIV92      2     1       Coded deceased based on early SSDI
                  DEATYR           9998    search,  Not 100% certain good
          357008  LIV92      2     1       match.  Name is same, but dates of
                  DEATYR           9998    birth differ, did not die inWi,
                                           soc not issued in Wi.

1/09/03      310004 & 184022, changed liv92 to 2 (both deceased)
deatyr =1999 & 2002 respectively
10/25/01   wls1401.asc  Variables XGEOGHS - XRESHS confusing in documentation
           not yet coded.  The blank are 9 codes are listed as well as the
           codes which were to be assigned and none of these codes had
           freqs attached.  Attached freqs to the current codes; entered
           note prior to the "to be assigned " codes.

11/02/01   wls2091.asc  Variable ALCM36, documentation only - changed
           word Stopped to STarted - this error found during lalel
           creation - Question number corresponds to date started living
           with first spouse/ not stopped.  Changed both wls2091.asc
           and wls23u_des.

01/14/02   wls23u_6.lis, wls23.prg  The variable XWWWRAL in column 3458
           was spelled XWWRAL in both wls23_6.lis & wls23.prg. Both were 
03/29/02   Moved day of birth of grad and sib to restrict subdirectory.
           Removed day of birth from private wave 1 data.  CMBRDX
           (century month of birth) now only available to private
           users.  Added BRDXDY - year of birth - available to both
           public and private users.

           Blanked out cause of death, month of death and death state
           for both grad and sib.  (first saved these in restrict
           subdirectory). XDEATC XDEATMN XDEATST DEATC92 DEATMN
           Updated whether grad or sib alive and year of death,
           LIV92 XLIV DEATYR XDEATYR, from ndi searches.
Following are from entering sib names from 1975 questionnaire into sibnm.dbf;
and also checking sibslv vs. number of sib names for discrepancies.

1/07/03     303004 Inserted sib 5 - female, grade 12, age 20

            174016 Beginning at sib 5, educ and age off, sib 8 not entered 
            previously.  Should be: Sib#  Sib age   Sib educ    Sib gender
                                    5       45        11         2
                                    6       43        12         2
                                    7       41        12         2
                                    8       40        12         1

            316013 Add 9th sib, age 27, female, educ = 12

            81007  Add 4th sib, age 32, female

            137025 Insert 3rd sib, female, age 30 16 years educ

            356031 Add 2nd sib, female, age 22
	     282006  CFOSX1	 9	1     See ** below.
	     	     CFOED1	99      8
	     	     CFOSX2	 9	2
	     	     CFOED2	99	8
	     	     CFOSX3	 9	1
	     	     CFOED3	99	8
	     	     CFOSX4	 9	1
	     	     CFOED4	99	8
	     192020  CFOSX1	 9	1
	     	     CFOED1	99     16
	     	     CFOSX2	 9	1
	     	     CFOED2	99     12
	     	     CFOSX3	 9	2
	     	     CFOED3	99     10
	     	     CFOSX4	 9	1
	     	     CFOED4	99     12
	     	     CFOSX5	 9	2
	     	     CFOED5	99     12
	     	     CFOSX6	 9	1
	     	     CFOAG6	 9     35
	     	     CFOED6	99     12
	     	     CFOSX7	 9	2
	     	     CFOED7	99     12
	     419001  CFOSX3	 9	2
	     	     CFOED3	99     12

  **  From an analysis of SIBSIS, SISOL, SIBBRO, BROOL, SIBSTT and SIBSLV it
      was possible to identify where in the table R belonged for 403252 

      For 251014 and 454048, only an approximation could be done.  However, some
      sibs could clearly be placed within the table, so their values were added
      from the 1975 questionnaire:

      [a] For 251014, BORSIB is either 5,6 or 7.  This implies that the first 
      four sibs can have their data correctly entered.
      [b] For 454048, BORSIB is either 1 or 2.  This implies that the last sib
      can have her data entered.

            Discrepancies between selected sibling name and name in sibnm.dbf
            (database of sibling names from 1975 interview) pointed to by 
            SSBPOS (sel sib position in sib table) revealed these errors.

Old records were checked to determine the origin of the discrepancy.  
In some cases, the interviewer wrote down the number of the sib 
indicated on the top line of the random number selection, rather 
than the number on the bottom line. (The top line referred to the
number of siblings in the household; and the bottom line indicated
the position of the randomly selected sibling.)  This incorrect
sib was asked about and traced from that time forward.  SSBPOS continued
to point to the sib who should have been randomly selected.  To correct
this situation, SSBPOS will be changed to the sibling who was actually
asked about in '75 and subsequently followed.  (This affects idswls
525025, 765027 and 769019 280034).  

In other cases, the correct randomly chosen sibling was asked about
in 1975 and then a different sibling was traced in 1977 and 1992.  If we
have completed interviews for 1977 or 1994 from the sibling, then
the 1975 data is set to ref/na and SSBPOS is changed to point to
the sibling who was followed in 1977 and/or 1994.  (This affects
116200 and 280034 513002 360217 605058 524086). If the sel sib was 
not interviewed in 
1977 or 1994, RK066SSE will be coded "3" to indicate that a different
sel sib was asked about in error in 1992.  (This affects 
256014, 349065, 740162 and 601084 629189)

Note that we first determined correct sel sib position in sib table
by comparing 75 questionnaire and sibnm.dbf.  Then modified SSBPOS
to take into account R's postion in sib table.

                                OLD     NEW

2/19/03      262001 SSBPOS      1          2    See proceeding 3 paragraphs
                    IVSSBR      15         12
                    IVSSBO      66         3
                    IVSSBY      3          12
                    SSBAGE      51         48

             281066 SSBPOS      1          3 
                    IVSSBR      2          3
                    IVSSBO      66         3
                    IVSSBY      2          66
                    SSBAGE      37         32
             127009 SSBPOS      1          8          
                    IVSSBR      10         4
                    IVSSBO      66         3
                    IVSSBY      2          3
                    SSBAGE      46         32

             159123 TWINR       4          5
                    SSBPOS      2          3

                    IVSSBR      55         7
                    IVSSBO      55         7
                    IVSSBY      7          66
                    SSBAGE      36         29
                    SSBED       12         16
                    SIBHS       784        999
                    INSIB       937        999
                    OCSIB       964        999
                    CWSIB       2          9
                    INMSIB      11         99
                    OCMSIB      13         99
                    OCSSIBU     400        999
                    OCPSIBU     477        999
            288017  SSBPOS      2          2  
                    IVSSBR      6          10
                    IVSSBO      6          4
                    IVSSBY      0          66
                    SSBAGE      29         25
                    SSBED       14         15
                    SIBHS       0          999
                    INSIB       707        999
                    OCSIB       301        999
                    CWSIB       2          9
                    INMSIB      7          99
                    OCMSIB      7          99  
                    OCSSIBU     520        999
                    OCPSIBU     495        999

            243033  SSBPOS      1          3
                    IVSSBR      23         12
                    IVSSBO      66         9
                    IVSSBY      2          12
                    SSBAGE      58         47 
                    SIBHS       360        999
                    INSIB       669        999
                    OCSIB       230        999
                    CWSIB       4          9
                    INMSIB      6          99
                    OCMSIB      4          99
                    OCSSIBU     376        999
                    OCPSIBU     387        999

            210020  SSBPOS      2          7
                    IVSSBR      4          6 
                    IVSSBO      2          1
                    IVSSBY      2          66
                    SSBSEX      2          2
                    SSBAGE      39         29
                    SSBED       12         12
                    SIBHS       314        999
                    INSIB       991        999
                    OCSIB       998        999
                    CWSIB       8          9
                    INMSIB      88         99
                    OCMSIB      88         99
                    OCSSIBU     998        999
                    OCPSIBU     998        999

            329018  SSBPOS      4          3
                    IVSSBR      6          3 
                    IVSSBO      3          3
                    IVSSBY      3          10
                    SSBAGE      30         33
                    SIBHS       605        999
                    INSIB       648        999
                    OCSIB       245        999
                    CWSIB       1          9
                    INMSIB      6          99
                    OCMSIB      3          99
                    OCSSIBU     310        999
                    OCPSIBU     371        999

            309034  SSBPOS      3          1
                    IVSSBR      6          6 
                    IVSSBO      2          66
                    IVSSBY      66          6
                    SSBAGE      34         42
                    SIBHS       0          999
                    INSIB       67         999
                    OCSIB       534        999
                    CWSIB       4           9
                    INMSIB      3          99
                    OCMSIB      9          99
                    OCSSIBU     151        999
                    OCPSIBU     315        999

Detailed 4/2003 CHANGES TO THE WAVE 2 DATA (1992-1993) - GRADUATES:

Code 998 in variable RU029RE (binge drinking) has been changed to include the following respondents: 1. inapropriate 2. ru001re=0 (not in the 79% sample) 3. ru025re=2 (never drink) 4. ru026re=0 or ru026re=1 (did not drink or only drink one day in the last month) Previously the codebook on web was printed as "inappropriate, ru001re=0 or ru025re=2 or ru026re=1".
3/27/02      oinc  rp120hed is a sum of rp113re rp114sp and rp119hh.  Both  
                   rp113re and rp114sp were corrected on 2/4/02.  But rp120hed
                   was not corrected then. corrected rp120hed in
                   the sas save file. rewrote the ascii data 
                   file into the /tmp subdirectory.  rp120hed in the spss and
                   stata save files were also corrected.  
                   Also oinc.asc was updated so that all totals have a warning clearly
                   indicating that a zero sum may be due to missing data.
3/22/02    oinc.asc   Added warning not to rp044hef to make it clear that 
           missing values are treated as 0 when summing.

04/02/02   asst.asc,.txt  Added warning to variable RR043REC to make
it clear that 0 total assets may be due to missing data. 9/27/02 pers, psyb Changed .asc doc and spss save files to indicate that 0 total
scores are missing data.
3/28/02      beg   write variables for date of phone interview RA016RE as 3 
             separate variables.Use of variable in format mmddyy is awkward.
             * month RA016REM, day RA016RED, year RA016REY;
             And for date mail interview returned * month RA017REM, day RA017RED 
             year RA017REY.
8/29/02       cor578 - referenced in intr Appendix L was updated   
              It was reworded so it was clear that the maximum is
              16 transfers to children - not max of 16 children.
              Also added info about transfers that reached limit due to 
              finite number of transfers per reason.

              added note and modified description of rq026kd to make
              clear that this is number of transfers/ not number of children.
162-163   RQ026KD             Number of transfers to children who received                  
                              financial help from respondent. (660,            
                        00                                            1193 1520
                        01                                             580  651
                        02                                             745  772
                        03                                             555  639
                        04                                             347  347
                        05                                             171  208
                        06                                             122  134
                        07                                              61   56
                        08                                              24   38
                        09                                              20   20
                        10                                               7   10
                        11                                               2    4
                        12                                               6    2
                        13                                               2    3
                        14                                               1    0
                        15                                               1    2
                        16                                               0    1
                        97    DON'T KNOW                                 3    1
                        99    REFUSED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT GIVING 141  104
                              TO CHILDREN, NOT ASCERTAINED                     
Note:   For each child to whom money was transferred, we know the birth order  
        of the child (RQ027nn), whether or not the child is the selected child 
        (RQ028nn), the sex of the child (RQ029nn), the amount of money         
        transferred to the child (RQ030nn), why the child received money       
        (RQ031nn) and the most recent year child received money (RQ032nn).     
        There are 16 of each of these variables.  RQ026KD indicates how many   
        have valid entries;nn is the table number.  Table entries are in       
        descending order by amount child received.  The same child may be listed for 
        different reasons in the table.
Note:   The survey instrument allowed for transfers to children for each of 
        these reasons:  down payment on a home (3), enter or continue
        business or farm (3), increase wealth or decrease debt (3), medical 
        expenses (4),  housing or other living expenses (4), educational 
        expenses (3), and other (4).  The number in parenthesis indicates
        maximum number of transfers allowed for that reason. The total number
        of transfers in the actual data was 16. 
Sep-Oct 2002  

        Many variables that were previously available to the public are
        now unavailable.  Cor589.asc has complete details - noted by
        ** added 09/02 **

        These items are now restricted from the public:

        State in any form includes residence, job.
        However, for 1992 and 1994 state of residence at time of 
        interview will retain distinction between Wi vs nonWi
        for the public. 

        Month of birth of any person.

        Day of 75, 77, 92,94 interview. 

3/28/02     ALSO...changes century month of birth (RA002RE) so that it is month 
            (RA002REM) and year (RA002REY). Month will no longer be available 
            to the public and day (RA003RE) of birth will no longer be available 
            to private users.  Moved day to restrict subdirectory.
7/05/01          MY018RER    Changed description in the list
                 of variables to make it clear that
                 MY018RER is not included in the 
                 sum of MY013REC.

10/02            mpsyb MN046REC Items 19m 19t 19hh and 19oo should have 
been reversed prior to summing to obtain MN046RER. However the
.sor fileshowed that 19pp was reverse coded, but 19oo was not
reverse coded. Problem corrected.

Discrepancies between selected sibling name and name in sibnm.dbf
(database of sibling names from 1975 interview) pointed to by 
SSBPOS (sel sib position in sib table) revealed these errors.

Old records were checked to determine the origin of the discrepancy.  
In some cases, the interviewer wrote down the number of the sib 
indicated on the top line of the random number selection, rather 
than the number on the bottom line. (The top line referred to the
number of siblings in the household; and the bottom line indicated
the position of the randomly selected sibling.)  This incorrect
sib was asked about and traced from that time forward.  SSBPOS continued
to point to the sib who should have been randomly selected.  To correct
this situation, SSBPOS will be changed to the sibling who was actually
asked about in '75 and subsequently followed.  (This affects idswls
525025, 765027 and 769019 280034).  

In other cases, the correct randomly chosen sibling was asked about
in 1975 and then a different sibling was traced in 1977 and 1992.  If we
have completed interviews for 1977 or 1994 from the sibling, then
the 1975 data is set to ref/na and SSBPOS is changed to point to
the sibling who was followed in 1977 and/or 1994.  (This affects
159123 and 288017 210020 360217).  If the sel sib was not interviewed in 
1977 or 1994, RK066SSE will be coded "3" to indicate that a different
sel sib was asked about in error in 1992.  (This affects 
347008, 120004, 417052 and 59026 422042  and 329018)  

Note that we first determined correct sel sib position in sib table
by comparing 75 questionnaire and sibnm.dbf.  Then modified SSBPOS
to take into account R's postion in sib table.

                                OLD     NEW

2/19/03      347008 RK066SSE    1          3    See proceeding 3 paragraphs
             120004 RK066SSE    1          3            

             422042 RK066SSE    1          3          

             59026  RK066SSE    1          3

4/01/03     The code to create RK028SSC mistakenly coded 18 cases as 2,
            rather than 7 or 9.  Codes prior to fix: 

           Obs    IDUSER    RK001SS    SIBSLV    RK028SSC    RK066SSE

             1      1118       9          1          2           8   
             2     31018       9          1          2           8   
             3     31056       9          1          2           8   
             4     57009       9          1          2           8   
             5     59004       9          1          2           8   
             6     60016       9          1          2           8   
             7     78046       7          1          2           8   
             8     94029       9          1          2           8   
             9    117001       9          1          2           8   
            10    159018       7          1          2           8   
            11    188023       7          1          2           8   
            12    253010       9          1          2           8   
            13    268048       9          1          2           8   
            15    278030       9          1          2           8   
            16    286011       9          1          2           8   
            18    338048       7          1          2           8   
            19    365011       7          1          2           8   
            20    409023       9          1          2           8   

Relevant section from ssib.sor:
1       RK028SSC              Does respondent have any
                              biological or adopted brothers or
                              sisters who are living? 
                              (RK001SS, IN75, SBLV, z401, 
                              z40b, 401x)
                              {IN75, SBLV, z401, z40b, 401x}

                  1           YES
                  2           NO

                  7           DON'T KNOW
                  8           INAPPROPRIATE (NO SIBLINGS,
                              SBLV = 0,99)
                  9           REFUSED, NOT ASCERTAINED

*       if IDUSER=53221 or IDUSER=54235 then RK028SSC = 2;
        else if IDUSER=300036 or IDUSER=276041 then RK028SSC = 1;
        else if RK001SS = 1 then RK028SSC = 1;
        else if RK001SS = 3 then RK028SSC = 9;
        else if RK001SS eq 4 then RK028ssc = 1;
        else if SBLV=0 or (IN75=1 and SBLV=99) then RK028SSC = 8;
        else if SBLV=1 and IN75=1 then RK028SSC = 2;
        else if vz401=0 and vz40b=0 then RK028SSC = 8;
        else if v401x = 8 then RK028SSC = 7;
        else if v401x ^= . then RK028SSC = v401x;
        else if v401x = . then RK028SSC = 9;

       The line "else if SBLV=1 and IN75=1 then RK028SSC = 2;"  set 
       RK028SSC to 2 for those grads who were interviewed in 1975 and
       had only one living sibling at that time, even if they responded
       refused or don't know to whether or not the sibling was living
       in 1992.  

       To correct:  For the 18 cases listed above: 
       if RK001SS eq 7, then code  RK028SSC 7 also.
       else if RK001SS eq 9  then code RK028SSC 9 also.

       For variables RK029SSD through RK066SSE, change the wording for
       the inap category from INAPPROPRIATE (NO LIVING SIBLINGS, RK028SSC ^=1)

It was determined that the conversion factor for lbs to kg
was wrong.  The new conversion factor (kg = lbs* .45359237) was 
taken from the National Institute of Standards and Technology web site: The old and new frequencies for the public data are posted below. R Body Mass (OLD VALUES - Public) Cumulative Cumulative MX011REC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ------------------------------------------------------------- 12 2 0.03 2 0.03 13 5 0.07 7 0.10 14 14 0.20 21 0.31 15 44 0.64 65 0.95 16 142 2.07 207 3.01 17 334 4.86 541 7.87 18 525 7.64 1066 15.51 19 666 9.69 1732 25.19 20 786 11.43 2518 36.63 21 842 12.25 3360 48.87 22 733 10.66 4093 59.53 23 658 9.57 4751 69.11 24 497 7.23 5248 76.33 25 398 5.79 5646 82.12 26 296 4.31 5942 86.43 27 229 3.33 6171 89.76 28 157 2.28 6328 92.04 29 104 1.51 6432 93.56 30 87 1.27 6519 94.82 31 57 0.83 6576 95.65 32 42 0.61 6618 96.26 33 29 0.42 6647 96.68 34 16 0.23 6663 96.92 35 14 0.20 6677 97.12 36 9 0.13 6686 97.25 37 2 0.03 6688 97.28 38 5 0.07 6693 97.35 39 3 0.04 6696 97.40 40 3 0.04 6699 97.44 41 2 0.03 6701 97.47 42 2 0.03 6703 97.50 43 2 0.03 6705 97.53 44 1 0.01 6706 97.54 45 1 0.01 6707 97.56 55 2 0.03 6709 97.59 68 1 0.01 6710 97.60 99 165 2.40 6875 100.00 R Body Mass (NEW VALUES - Public) Cumulative Cumulative MX011REC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ------------------------------------------------------------- 15 2 0.03 2 0.03 16 3 0.04 5 0.07 17 7 0.10 12 0.17 18 35 0.51 47 0.68 19 75 1.09 122 1.77 20 180 2.62 302 4.39 21 311 4.52 613 8.92 22 456 6.63 1069 15.55 23 527 7.67 1596 23.21 24 694 10.09 2290 33.31 25 626 9.11 2916 42.41 26 628 9.13 3544 51.55 27 728 10.59 4272 62.14 28 468 6.81 4740 68.95 29 396 5.76 5136 74.71 30 347 5.05 5483 79.75 31 297 4.32 5780 84.07 32 230 3.35 6010 87.42 33 187 2.72 6197 90.14 34 126 1.83 6323 91.97 35 86 1.25 6409 93.22 36 72 1.05 6481 94.27 37 60 0.87 6541 95.14 38 45 0.65 6586 95.80 39 34 0.49 6620 96.29 40 24 0.35 6644 96.64 41 15 0.22 6659 96.86 42 10 0.15 6669 97.00 43 13 0.19 6682 97.19 44 7 0.10 6689 97.29 45 2 0.03 6691 97.32 46 6 0.09 6697 97.41 47 1 0.01 6698 97.43 48 6 0.09 6704 97.51 49 1 0.01 6705 97.53 50 4 0.06 6709 97.59 52 1 0.01 6710 97.60 99 165 2.40 6875 100.00

Detailed 04/2003 CHANGES TO THE WAVE 3 DATA (1993-1994) - SIBLINGS:

Oct 15, 2001  

UPdated cor572.asc to include more details re. cognition scoring.  Also copied this
to the appendix.  This is part of appendix G for wave 3. The .tar file is not yet recreated.

January 10,2002  

UPdated cog scores according to recommendations in
2/28/02   xjobc.asc doc only.  Added following note to clarify creation
          of sg056jje.

          No questions regarding degree of seriousness of danger were asked
          of the respondent.  SG056JJE was constructed from SG055JJD.
          SG056JJE=1,NOT SERIOUS OR EXTREME (If SG055JJD = 4,20,22,25,27,30-32)
          SG056JJE=2,SERIOUS DANGER (If SG055JJD =1-3,5-6,8-9,11,19,21,23-24,
          SG056JJE=3,EXTREME DANGER (If SG055JJD = 7,10,12-18,29)

04/02/02      xasst.asc  updated note with sr043rec to make it clear that
0 total asstes may be due to missing values for all items
included in the sum.
3/28/02  lj  xbegv   write variables for date of phone interview SA012RE 
             as 3 separate variables.
             Use of variable in format mmddyy is awkward.
             * month SA012REM, day SA012RED, year SA012REY;
             And for date mail interview returned * month SA013REM, day 
             SA013RED year SA013REY.
8/29/02       cor578 - referenced in intr Appendix L was updated   
              It was reworded so it was clear that the maximum is
              16 transfers to children - not max of 16 children.
              Also added info about transfers that reached limit due to 
              finite number of transfers per reason.

              added note and modified description of rq026kd to make
              clear that this is number of transfers/ not number of children.

162-163   SQ026KD             Number of transfers to children for  
                              financial help from respondent. (660,

                        00                                             990  992
                        01                                             361  380
                        02                                             345  400
                        03                                             250  297
                        04                                             128  168
                        05                                              73   78
                        06                                              46   50
                        07                                              32   29
                        08                                              13   10
                        09                                               6   10
                        10                                               1    6
                        11                                               1    2
                        12                                               3    2
                        13                                               0    1
                        97    DON'T KNOW                                 3    2
                        99    REFUSED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT         72   53
                              GIVING TO CHILDREN, NOT ASCERTAINED

Note:  For each transfer, we know the birth order of the child (SQ027nn), 
       whether or not the child is the selected child (SQ028nn), the sex 
       of the child (SQ029nn), the amount of money transferred to the 
       child (SQ030nn), why the child received money (SQ031nn) and the 
       most recent year child recieved money (SQ032nn).  
       There are 13 sets of these variables.  SQ026KD indicates how many 
       have valid entries;nn is the table number.  Table entries are in
       descending order by amount child received.  Missing values for
       amount are at the end of the table.  If the respondent replied
       with don't know to all questions about transfers to children,  
       then all variables in the table are coded "don't know".  There
       5 cases of this type.  If the respondent refused to answer any 
       questions about transfers to children, then all tables entries
       are coded "refused/ not ascertained".  There are 125 cases of this

Note:  The survey instrument allowed for transfers to children for each of 
       these reasons:  down payment on a home (3), enter or continue
       business or farm (3), increase wealth or decrease debt (3), medical 
       expenses (4),  housing or other living expenses (4), educational 
       expenses (3), and other (4).  The number in parenthesis indicates
       maximum number of transfers allowed for that reason. The total number
       of transfers in the actual data was 13. 
Sep-Oct 2002  

        Many variables that were previously available to the public are
        now unavailable.  Cor642.asc has complete details - noted by
        ** added 2002 **

        These items are now restricted from the public:

        State in any form includes residence, job, death.
        However, for 1992 and 1994 state of residence at time of 
        interview will retain distinction between Wi vs nonWi
        for the public. 

        Month of birth or death of any person.

        Cause of death of any person.

        Day of 75, 77, 92,94 interview. 

            * change century month of birth (SA002REC) so that it is month 
(now SA002REM) and
year (SA002REY). Month will no longer be available to the public
and day (SA003REC)
of birth will no longer be available to private users. Moved day
to restrict subdirectory.
10/02           psyb NP046REC Items 41m 41t 41hh and 41oo should have 
                been reversed prior to summing to obtain NP046REC.  However 
                the .sor file showed that 41pp was reverse coded, but 41oo 
                was not reverse coded.  See cor756 for more details.

                Problem corrected 
10/02           The items summed as Hostility index in NU033REC
                should have been separated into a Speilberger anxiety
                index and a Speilberger anger index.  These new variables
                with associated variable for number of questions have been
                NUA33REC Speilberger anxiety index.
                NUB33REC Number of anxiety items answered.
                NUA34REC Speilberger anger index.
                NUB34REC Number of angr items answered.
                These new variables replace NU033REC and NU034RE.

                Due to the addition of new variables in the
                ascii data file column locations for variables NU035RER to 
                NU054RER were changed (shifted down 3 columns).

It was determined that the conversion factor for lbs to kg
was wrong.  The new conversion factor (kg = lbs* .45359237) was 
taken from the National Institute of Standards and Technology web site: The old and new frequencies for the public data are posted below. Body mass index (OLD VALUES - Public) Cumulative Cumulative NX025REC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ------------------------------------------------------------- 8 1 0.02 1 0.02 9 1 0.02 2 0.05 13 7 0.17 9 0.22 14 8 0.20 17 0.42 15 36 0.89 53 1.30 16 76 1.87 129 3.18 17 205 5.05 334 8.22 18 305 7.51 639 15.73 19 393 9.68 1032 25.41 20 441 10.86 1473 36.26 21 527 12.97 2000 49.24 22 391 9.63 2391 58.86 23 396 9.75 2787 68.61 24 294 7.24 3081 75.85 25 226 5.56 3307 81.41 26 176 4.33 3483 85.75 27 125 3.08 3608 88.82 28 88 2.17 3696 90.99 29 58 1.43 3754 92.42 30 37 0.91 3791 93.33 31 42 1.03 3833 94.36 32 27 0.66 3860 95.03 33 27 0.66 3887 95.69 34 20 0.49 3907 96.18 35 8 0.20 3915 96.38 36 11 0.27 3926 96.65 37 6 0.15 3932 96.80 38 3 0.07 3935 96.87 39 1 0.02 3936 96.90 40 1 0.02 3937 96.92 41 1 0.02 3938 96.95 42 1 0.02 3939 96.97 44 1 0.02 3940 97.00 48 1 0.02 3941 97.02 57 1 0.02 3942 97.05 99 120 2.95 4062 100.00 Body mass index (NEW VALUES - Public) Cumulative Cumulative NX025REC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ------------------------------------------------------------- 14 1 0.02 1 0.02 15 3 0.07 4 0.10 16 4 0.10 8 0.20 17 7 0.17 15 0.37 18 23 0.57 38 0.94 19 58 1.43 96 2.36 20 102 2.51 198 4.87 21 186 4.58 384 9.45 22 255 6.28 639 15.73 23 315 7.75 954 23.49 24 400 9.85 1354 33.33 25 365 8.99 1719 42.32 26 389 9.58 2108 51.90 27 371 9.13 2479 61.03 28 297 7.31 2776 68.34 29 251 6.18 3027 74.52 30 204 5.02 3231 79.54 31 161 3.96 3392 83.51 32 130 3.20 3522 86.71 33 94 2.31 3616 89.02 34 74 1.82 3690 90.84 35 48 1.18 3738 92.02 36 36 0.89 3774 92.91 37 31 0.76 3805 93.67 38 38 0.94 3843 94.61 39 24 0.59 3867 95.20 40 22 0.54 3889 95.74 41 20 0.49 3909 96.23 42 9 0.22 3918 96.45 43 6 0.15 3924 96.60 44 7 0.17 3931 96.77 45 4 0.10 3935 96.87 46 2 0.05 3937 96.92 47 1 0.02 3938 96.95 48 3 0.07 3941 97.02 53 1 0.02 3942 97.05 99 120 2.95 4062 100.00

Last updated May, 2003