CHANGE NOTICE #16 - 5/15/98

Problems have been corrected with the extract program (WLSGV)
for Wave 1 - company module (WLSCOMP) and Wave 3 - beginning module (XBEGV) and mail module (WLS23SM).

  • Duplicate variable names were used in the documentation for the Wave 1 company data module. New variable names have been assigned and this duplication has been removed.
  • The variable name SR_COMP was used for variables in columns 96-105 and 358-367.
    They have been changed to:
    96-105 SR_COMP1 Sales & Receipts/company ($100,000) (R1C62)

    358-367 SR_COMP2 Sales and Receipts/Company ($100,000) (R5C8)

    The variable name EST_COMP was used for variables in columns 116-125 and 458-467.
    They have been changed to:
    116-125   EST_CMP1  Establishments/company (R1C82)
    458-467   EST_CMP2  Establishments/company (R5C108)
  • Repeated variable names and columns were removed in Wave 3 mail documentation - WLS23SM.LIS

  • The variable names and column numbers for the following section were repeated. This repetition has been removed.

     NZ001RER 810-810
     NZ002RER 811-811
     NZ003RER 812-812
     NZ004RER 813-813
     NZ005RER 814-814
     NZ006RER 815-815
     NZ007RER 816-816
     NZ008RER 817-817
     NZ009RER 818-818
     NZ010RER 819-819
     NZ011RER 820-820
     NZ012RER 821-821
     NZ013RER 822-822
     NZ014RER 823-823
     NZ015RER 824-824
     NZ016RER 825-825
     NZ017RER 826-826
     NZ018RE  827-828
     NZ019RE  829-829
     NZ020RE  830-831
     NZ021RE  832-832
     NZ022RER 833-834
     NZ023RER 835-836
     NZ024RER 837-837
     NB001RER 848-850
     NB002RER 851-851
    WLSCOMP.PRG, XBEGV.PRG, and WLS23SM.PRG have been updated and are now
    available in readprg.exe and readprg.tar.Z.
    No change was made to data files - they were correct.