Installing the pbnm Package


The pbnm package is an R package which contains functions to perform a parametric bootstrap. The package supports bootstraps on the coefficients from models constructed using lm, glm, lmer, or glmer functions.

The pbnm package is available as a source package on the SSCC's website. The install procedure for a source package is different than installing a package from CRAN. This article describes how to install the pbnm package.

Source install from X drive

If you have access to the X drive on the SSCC network, use the following instructions to install pbnm.

  • Open a new file explorer window.

  • Navigate to the X:\SSCC Tutorials\pbnm\downloads folder.

  • Find the most recent version of the .tar.gz file.

  • Open R or RStudio.

  • Enter the following command in the console window. You will need to replace "pbnm_0.3.0.9001" with the name of the most recent .tar.gz file found in the pbnm\downloads folder.

    install.packages("X:/SSCC Tutorials/pbnm/downloads/pbnm_0.3.0.9001.tar.gz", repos=NULL,type="source")

  • The pbnm package is finished installing when the following is displayed in the console.

    * DONE (pbnm)

Source install from Internet

If you do not have access to the X drive on the SSCC network, use the following instructions to install pbnm.

  • Open a browser.

  • Navigate to the

  • Find the most recent version of the .tar.gz file.

  • Click on the file and select the Save File option. Click the Ok button to save the file Save the file to a known folder. On a windows machine this can be your download folder.

  • Open R or RStudio.

  • Enter the following command in the console window. You will need to replace "pbnm_0.3.0.9001" with the name of the most recent .tar.gz file found in the pbnm\downloads folder. You will need to replace path with the path to the folder that you saved the .tar.gz file to.

    install.packages("path/pbnm_0.3.0.9001.tar.gz", repos=NULL,type="source")

  • The pbnm package is finished installing when the following is displayed in the console.

    * DONE (pbnm)

Last Revised: 6/24/2016