title: 'R for Researchers: R Markdown solutions'
date: "April 2015"
This article contains solutions to exercises for an article in the
series R for Researchers.
For a list of topics covered by this series, see the
If you\'re new to R we highly recommend reading the articles in order.
There is often more than one approach to the exercises.
Do not be concerned if your approach is different than
the solution provided.
```{r echo=FALSE}
backtick = "`"
Exercise solutions
1. Open a new R Markdown file with an output format of HTML.
Give the document the title \"My RFR class notes\".
There is no code associated with the solution to this problem.
The meta data section of the .Rmd file you opened should be
as follows
title: "My RFR class notes"
output: html_document
2. Save the file created in exercise 1 as \"Notes\"
in the RFR project folder.
There is no code associated with the solution to this problem.
3. Remove all of the document text and commands after the
metadata section.
There is no code associated with the solution to this problem.
4. Add a level 2 header with the title of this article.
## R Markdown
5. Following the header created in the exercise above,
write a note to remind yourself of at least one
thing about formatting using Markdown.
An enumerated list can start with any integer value.
All additional items in the list are numbered
sequentially from this starting integer value.
6. In the text you wrote for the exercise above,
use a text modifier (bold, italic, etc.) to highlight
a key work or phrase from the text.
An **enumerated list** can start with ***any integer*** value.
All additional items in the list are numbered
***sequentially*** from this starting integer value.
7. Ignore the Notes.html file and commit the Notes.Rmd
and .gitignore files with the commit message
\"Added notes for R Markdown article\".
There is no code associated with the solution to this problem.
8. Demonstrate the use of in line R code to calculate
the results of ((43 - 17)*.1)^2.
The following are a few examples of the use of R code
In line calculation `r backtick`r ((43 - 17)*.1)^2`
9. Demonstrate the use of a chunk to calculate
the expression from the prior problem.
A code block
`r backtick```{r}
((43 - 17)*.1)^2
10. Same problem as prior problem with the addition
of using chunk option(s) to prevent the R source
code from being displayed.
A code block which does not echo the source text
`r backtick```{r echo=FALSE}
((43 - 17)*.1)^2
11. Commit the Notes.Rmd file with the commit message
\"Added R code examples to Notes\".
There is no code associated with the solution to this problem.
* One possible completed Notes.Rmd file
title: "My RFR class notes"
output: html_document
## R for Researchers: R Markdown
An **enumerated list** can start with ***any integer*** value.
All additional items in the list are numbered
***sequentially*** from this starting integer value.
The following are a few examples of the use of R code
In line calculation `r backtick`r ((43 - 17)*.1)^2`
A code block
`r backtick```{r}
((43 - 17)*.1)^2
A code block which does not echo the source text
`r backtick```{r echo=FALSE}
((43 - 17)*.1)^2
Return to the [R Markdown](RFR_RMarkdown.html) article
Last Revised: 2/2/2015