R for researchers: Final SalDoc
April 2015
This article is part of the R for Researchers series. For a list of topics covered by this series, see the Introduction article. If you're new to R we highly recommend reading the articles in order.
This article has the completed SalDoc.Rmd file. The material explaining the construction of this table are contained in the Data presentation article.
The R chunk options can not be split across multiple lines. These chunk options extend beyond the display box. There is a slider bar at the bottom of the display box which will allow you to scroll to the right to see the remainder of the content.
The completed SalDoc.Rmd files should look similar to the following
--- title: "Analysis of Professor Salaries" fontsize: 12pt geometry: margin=1in documentclass: article output: pdf_document: fig_caption: yes --- ```{r, echo=FALSE} targetType <- "latex" # # table numbers # tabNumRankByDscpl <- 1 # # figure numbers # FigNumYrsFacRank <- 1 FigNumBoxDscplFacRank <- 2 FigNumGenYrsFacDscpl <- 3 FigNumBoxGenRankFacDscpl <- 4 ``` ```{r, echo=FALSE, results="hide", message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.show="hide"} source("SalAnalysis.R") ``` ## Data overview The Salaries data set is the basis for this analysis. It is a sample of academic salaries of Professors at United States universities from the 2008-9 school year. The salary information was collected to monitor the difference in salaries between men and women. ```{r, echo=FALSE, results="hide", message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.show="hide"} vars <- colnames(SalariesIn) dscplNames <- levels(salary$dscpl) rankNames <- levels(salary$rank) ``` The data set included `r length(salary$salary)` professors. The variables included in the data set are `r paste(vars[-length(vars)],collapse=", ")`, and `r vars[length(vars)]`. The sampled professors had ranks of `r paste(rankNames[-length(rankNames)],collapse=", ")`, and `r rankNames[length(rankNames)]` and were from disciplines `r paste(dscplNames[-length(dscplNames)],collapse=", ")` and `r dscplNames[length(dscplNames)]`. The numbers of professors from each of these groups is displayed in table `r tabNumRankByDscpl`. There are about 20 percent more members of discipline B included in the sample than of discipline A. The table shows there are a greater proportion of Discipline B members with a rank of associate or assistant professor. ```{r, echo=FALSE } tempTab <- table(salary$rank,salary$dscpl) rankByDscpl <- as.data.frame.matrix(tempTab) rankByDscpl$Totals <- rowSums(tempTab) rankByDscpl["Totals",] <- colSums(rankByDscpl) rankByDscpl ``` ```{r, echo=FALSE, results="asis"} xtab <- xtable(rankByDscpl, caption="Count of Professors by discipline and Rank", display=c("s","d","d","d"), align="|r|rr|r|" ) print(xtab, type=targetType, caption.placement="top", hline.after=c(-1,0,3,4), comment=FALSE ) ``` The relationship between years of service and salary can be seen in figure `r FigNumYrsFacRank`. The panels seem to indicate that for associate and assistant professors most of the members of discipline B have higher salaries than most of the members of discipline A, at the same rank. The box plots, figure `r FigNumBoxDscplFacRank`, also supports this observation. ```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Salaries by discipline and rank", fig.height=2.75, fig.width=5.5 } plotYrsFacRank ``` ```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Salaries summarized by discipline and rank", fig.height=2.75, fig.width=5.5 } boxDscplFacRank ``` The plots of salaries with color indicators for gender, figure `r FigNumGenYrsFacDscpl`, indicates there may be a gender difference in salary in discipline A. The box plots in figure `r FigNumBoxGenRankFacDscpl` indicate that the difference between the genders in discipline A is greatest at the rank of assistant professor. The plots of salaries with color indicators for gender, figure `r FigNumGenYrsFacDscpl`, indicates there may be a gender difference in salary in discipline A. The box plots in figure `r FigNumBoxGenRankFacDscpl` indicate that the difference between the genders in discipline A is greatest at the rank of assistant professor. ```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Salaries by gender and discipline", fig.height=2.75, fig.width=5.5 } plotYrsFacDscpl ``` ```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Salaries summarized by gender and discipline", fig.height=3, fig.width=5.5 } boxGenRankFacDscpl ```
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Last Revised: 2/16/2015