NSFH3 MEDICAL CONDITION CODES These codes are used with variables: Main: RE3, RE4, RE6, RE10, RE11, RE14, RE15, RE36 Acute Conditions 101 Common cold 102 Other acute upper respiratory conditions: sore throat, laryngitis, "sinus trouble" (see also 206), sinus headache, U.R.I., vocal cord difficulties, pharynigitis, coryza, cough, mild throat infection. Strep throat, serious throat infections go in 111. 103 Pneumonia, pneumonitis, "lung infection" (acute). 104 Lower respiratory conditions: acute bronchitis, "chest cold", pleuritis, pleurisy (see also 209). "Flu" goes in 106. 105 Influenza with digestive manifestations (stomach "flu", acute enteritis), intestinal virus, 24 hour virus 106 Influenza ("the flu", grippe, "three-day virus"). 107 Virus, not codable in 101 to 106. 108 Mild infectious diseases common to children: chicken pox (varicella), German measles (roseola, rubella), measles (rubeola), mumps. 109 More serious infectious diseases common to children: whooping cough, croup, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever. 110 Mild infective and parasitic disease: herpes, thrush, fungus, mononucleosis, cold sore, swollen gland, lymphadenopathy, crabs, scabies, "sore in mouth", ulcers in throat, water blisters on hands, feet, etc., "mononucleosis hepatitis", ringworm. 111 More serious infections and parasitic diseases: ulcers in the mouth or throat, strep throat, shingles, herpes zoster, syphilis ("bad blood"), staph infection, trench mouth, "blood poisoning" (see also 217, 218), typhoid fever, more serious throat infections. 112 Severe infective and parasitic diseases: meningitis, viral meningitis, lock jaw (tetanus), histoplasmosis, infection in blood stream; (see also 212, 218). 113 Localized tissue infections: infected toe, boils, car-uncles, impetigo, erysipelas, felon, mastitis, abscesses, "sore on chest that wouldn't heal", "ingrown pimple", "acute inflammatory pressure". 114 Acute diseases of the eye: pink eye, conjunctivitis, cold in the eye, stye, hyphemia, hemorrhage in eye, blood clot in eye, clogged tear gland (duct). 115 Acute conditions of the ear: otitis media, ear infection, punctured ear drum, mastoiditis, myringitis, swimmer's ear, earache. 116 Tonsillitis and adenoiditis, trouble with tonsils. 117 Appendicitis. 118 Acute cholecystitis, gall bladder attack, pain in side relating to gall bladder. Gall bladder trouble, if not acute, goes in 232. 119 Acute digestive system disorders: functional and symptomatic digestive system conditions, stomachache, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, food poisoning, nervous stomach (see also 231), gastroenteritis, peritonitis, colic, colicky babies (feeding problems), acute constipation, stomach cramps, abdominal pains, amoebic dysentery,. Diarrhea for babies under one year goes in 120. 120 Diarrhea for babies under a year old. 121 Headache. Migraine headache goes in 222. 122 Pelvic infection: acute "female trouble", gonorrhea (GC) and VD (unspecified) in females, salpingitis, acute vaginal bleeding, acute "female trouble", infected uterus (see also 233). 123 Acute genitourinary disorders: kidney infection, bladder infection, (see also 234), orchitis, cystitis, pyelitis, gonorrhea (GC) and VD (unspecified) in males, other urethritis, polyuresis, hypouresis, "kidney injury", inflamed testicle. 124 Acute, non-allergic or non-infectious conditions of the skin: ingrown toenail, corn, unspecified rashes, diaper rash, sunburn, hair loss, morbilliform rash, callosity, "low tide itch", rectal itch, itchy scalp, nervous skin rash, nervous dermatitis. 125 Burns. 126 Acute circulatory conditions: thrombosis, phlebitis (see also 217), blood clot, pulmonary embolism, berry aneurysm, "brain explosion", "blocked artery", langiagra. Broken blood vessel goes in 134. 127 Acute mild vertebral and lumbar disorder: lumbago, stiff neck-- no other information given, cold or pain or cramp in back, backache, shoulder pains. 128 Acute, more serious musculoskeletal disorders: fibrositis, myositis, neuritis, severe back pain, swelling of limb, back or joint, sciatica, slipped disc, knee drainage, pinched nerve, muscle spasm, back operation-- unspecified, water on the knee, tendinitis, torticollis, DeQuervain's disease, strained back, pulled/torn muscle in back, sacroiliac strain, ruptured disc, infection in joint, hemorrhage into ankle or knee joint, leg cramp in young person. Leg cramp in older person goes in 217. 129 Fractures and dislocations: bone chips, hairline fractures, dislocated vertebra. Any time the doctor put a cast on it should be coded here. 130 Connective tissue disorder: sprains and strains, whiplash, torn ligaments, knee injury-- unspecified, pulled muscle, hurt knee cap, "swollen finger", sore knee, "tore lining from ribs", "stubbed toe". 131 Open wounds and lacerations, mild: no mention of stitches or a few stitches required, cuts on face or genitals requiring no stitches. 132 Open wounds and lacerations, more serious: stitches on face or genitals, a large number of stitches required, blood transfusions, plastic surgery, or debridement of necrotic tissue required. 133 Penetrating injuries: stab wounds, gunshot wounds, stepped on nail, dog bite, puncture wound. 134 Superficial injuries: contusions, bruises, abrasions, nosebleed. 135 Complications of medical or surgical procedures, drug overdoses, poisonings: overdoses, both accidental and deliberate, drug reactions, penicillin reaction, over-sedated with tranquilizers, other kinds of poisonings (exposure to paint fumes, maced in demonstration), complications of medical procedures, BCP/IUD complications. Food poisoning goes in 119. 136 Surgical emergencies: intussusception, ruptured spleen, internal injuries from auto accidents, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, obstruction to the common iliac vein due to injury, emergencies involving digestive system, emergencies involving reproductive system (e.g., ruptured ovarian cyst), collapsed lung, acute pancreatitis, "ruptured cystic ovary." 137 Unconscious, concussion, fainted, passed out (no further description of condition which caused symptom). 138 Tiredness or pains from overwork, fatigue or tiredness that apparently only lasted a day or so (no further explanation or description of condition). 139 Hangover 198 Residual acute conditions: pain, apparently acute with no diagnosis, dehydration, sunstroke, febrile convulsions (see also 226), fever of unknown origin, choking, surgery on finger, "didn't have any appetite," "couldn't see," "fell on back," "near drowning," "the bends," "cramps from skin diving," "passing blood, find no cause." Chronic Conditions 201 Cancer: malignant neoplasm, leukemia, Hodgkins disease. 202 Unspecified tumor: "had a biopsy," "afraid I had cancer," lump, tumor, growth, skin tumor behind ear drum (not 238), "lump in breast." 203 Benign tumor, mild problem (not much discomfort): mole, sebaceous cyst, warts, hemangioma, birth mark, "cyst in roof of mouth," "cyst on nose," ganglion cyst, "polyp in eye," "small growth on the white of my eyeball," "skin lesions." If removed on outpatient basis and if no clear indication that it should be coded below in 204, then code here. Pilonidal cyst goes in 233. 204 Benign tumor, more serious (problem or worry producing): biopsies, no malignancy found, fibroids, fibrocystic disease of breast, polyps, "polyp in colon," cystic mastitis, ovarian cystic meningiomas, "breast tumor." 205 Asthma, bronchial asthma. Asthmatic bronchitis goes in 206. 206 Chronic sinusitis or bronchitis: bronchiectasis, sinus condition (see also 102), asthmatic bronchitis, "recurring pulmonary infection," deviated septum. 207 Tuberculosis: active and inactive, arrested, reactive TB test. 208 Other chronic infective diseases: trichinosis, worms, brucellosis, malaria, undulant fever, tularemia. 209 Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract not mentioned above: emphysema, shortness of breath, collapsed lung, cystic fibrosis, histoplasmosis, atelectasis, black lung, pleurisy (chronic), pleural effusion--not otherwise specified. Hold fluid in the lungs for medical consultant. Pulmonary edema is heart failure and goes in 212. Shortness of breath without other information goes in 298. 210 Heart attack, M.I. (myocardial infarction), "coronary." See other codes for additional conditions respondent may cite as resulting from this condition, e.g., coded 212. 211 Heart trouble, mild: patient thought there was something wrong with his heart but doctor found nothing wrong, functional heart condition, chest pain, functional heart murmurs, other very minor cardiac abnormalities, problems with cholesterol, arrhythmias, palpitations. 212 Heart trouble, more serious: serious structural abnormalities (aortic aneurysm, valve lesions, aortic stenosis, mitral insufficiency); cardiac symptoms after a myocardial infarction (heart muscle damage, coronary insufficiency); post-coronary thrombosis; cardiac symptoms after rheumatic fever, "chronic rheumatic heart"; angina--no mention of normal findings or no mention that it followed a heart attack; coronary spasm; heart infection; "heart trouble," "bad heart," "heart condition"--no further elaboration; cardiovascular disease--no further elaboration; enlarged heart' minor structural abnormalities (congenital heart disease, no further elaboration); heart failure (big heart and shortness of breath). 213 Stroke (cerebrovascular accident (CVA), thrombosis of cerebral artery), large intracerebral hematoma. See other codes for additional conditions respondent may cite as resulting form this condition. 214 High blood pressure (hypertensive disease, hypertension ), "blood pressure." 215 Varicose veins (varicocele). 216 Hemorrhoids ("piles"), rectal condition - not otherwise specified, fissurectomy, fistula. 217 Chronic diseases of the circulatory system: arteriosclerosis, "hardening of the arteries," "calcium deposits in the arteries," chronic phlebitis, (see also 126), other chronic diseases of the circulatory system, (fainting, dizziness, or leg cramps in older person). If fainting or dizziness in person over 45, see 137, 255, 298. If leg cramps in person under 45, see 128. Low blood pressure goes in 298. 218 Blood disorders: anemia, low blood count, thick blood, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, borderline bleeder; see also 111, 112. Leukemia is cancer and goes in 201. "Bad blood" is syphilis and goes in 111. "Infection in blood stream" goes in 112. "Bruises easily," see 298. 219 Diseases of the thyroid gland: thyroid trouble, goiter, hypothyroid, thyroid adenoma, Graves' Disease, myxedema; see also 227. 220 Diabetes (diabetes mellitus, "sugar," hyperglycemia). Diabetes insipidus goes in 227. 221 Allergies: hayfever, poison ivy, allergic rhinitis, contact dermatitis, angioneurotic edema (angioneuredema), urticaria, hives. 222 Migraine headache (including allergic migraine). Headache goes in 121. 223 Chronic skin disease: eczema, keratosis, psoriasis, lupus-- not systemic, skin ulcer, acne, bed sores, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, alopecia, pilonidal sinus or cyst, seborrhea, "leg ulcer," "skin eruption"; see also 124, 203. 224 Arthritis and rheumatism, "congenital hips," (double code with 241). 225 Other chronic musculoskeletal disorder: bursitis, "back trouble," vertebral disc disease, bunion, hallux valgus, knock-kneed, "baby's feet need corrective shoes" (see also 241), flat feet, "feet turn in," bone spur, Osgood-Schlatter disease, Scheuermann's disease, chondromalacia patella, osteochondritis dissecans, chronic backache, "calcium buildup under food," "pain in bottom of foot," "nerve injuries in cervical spine caused from fall," chronic slipped disc, chronic pinched nerve. 226 Seizures: epilepsy, epileptic fits, "fits" or seizures of unknown origin. Include febrile convulsions either associated with another chronic condition or with evidence that they are a recurring condition. Febrile convulsions, no further elaboration, go in 198. 227 Other metabolic or endocrinologic diseases, glandular disturbances: gout, (uric acid in blood), porphyria, Addison's disease, diabetes insipidus; see also 219. Diabetes unspecified or mellitus goes in Code 220. 228 Hernia ("rupture"): femoral hernia, hydrocele in a child, Hydrocele in an adult goes in 234. Hiatus hernia goes in 229. 229 Peptic ulcer (ulcer of the stomach or duodenum). Hiatus hernia (ruptured esophagus) goes here. Skin ulcer goes in 223. 230 Other serious chronic diseases of the digestive system: pyloric stenosis, diverticulitis, yellow jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, ulcerative colitis, bleeding colon, pancreatitis (infected pancreas), stomach operation--unspecified. All colitis in hospital goes here. 231 Mild or functional diseases of the digestive system: "nervous stomach," constipation, nervous diarrhea, intestinal disorders, incipient ulcer, colitis, intestinal blockage, "twisted colon", spastic colon, "peptic stomach"; see also 119. 233 Chronic gynecologic conditions: "female trouble"-- chronic "cramps", menopausal symptoms, hot flashes, hysterectomy -- cause unspecified, cervicitis, "suspicious" Pap test, trouble with periods, structural problems, enlarged ovary, vaginal discharge, vaginitis, painful intercourse. Notice that all pelvic infections will go into 112 even if they have been going on for a long time. Gonorrhea (GC) is females goes in 122. 234 Chronic diseases of the urinary system and male genital system: kidney or bladder stone, nephrosis, nephritis, uremia, prostate trouble, undescended testicle, cryptorchidism, cystocele, urinary problems secondary to chronic condition, "urethral carbuncle," "fallen bladder:, chronic pyelitis, hydrocele in adult; see also 123. Hydrocele in child goes in 228. 235 Blindness (one or both eyes). 236 Visual impairments, mild: refractive errors with no other eye problem mentioned (myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism). Place here also "normal eye exam" when no refractive error was found but no other eye problem was mentioned either in symptoms or diagnosis. Also, glasses broken, contact lens prescribed, check-up when doctor is obviously an ophthalmologist. 237 Visual impairments, more serious: glaucoma, "almost blind", eye trouble, weak eye muscles, cross eyed, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, eye injuries. If blindness resulted double code with 235. 238 Chronic difficulties with ears or hearing: deaf, hearing impairments, hard of hearing, too much ear wax, surgery to construct a new ear drum. Meniere's syndrome, labyrinthitis--inner ear dizziness, fluid in middle ear, chronic otitis, condition requiring mastoidectomy, "inner ear ringing," "inner ear problem," chronic ear infection, vertigo. 239 Paralysis: paraplegic, hemiplegic, quadriplegic, paralyzed in accident. 240 Amputations. 241 Other impairments including congenital malformations: incontinent osteogenesis imperfecta, after effects of polio - not further specified, water head baby, cleft palate, after effects of brain surgery -- not further specified, kyphosis, microcephaly (double code with 253), "congenital hips" (double code with 224), "cyst on spine -- born with it." 242 Serious chronic neurological disorders: multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, Bell's palsy, tic douloureux, Huntington's chorea, neurological conditions of questionable etiology. 243 Weight problems: obesity, underweight, nutritional deficiencies. 244 Phimosis, other reasons for needing circumcision. Do not code new baby in hospital here or anywhere. 245 Edema, dropsy (fluid accumulating in body). Pulmonary edema goes in 212. If any mention of heart trouble put in 212. If any mention of kidney trouble, put in 234. 247 Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the hip socket). 248 Collagen diseases: systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), polyarteritis nodosa, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, polymyositis, Raynaud's disease. 249 Pregnancy and termination of pregnancy, other complications of pregnancy, miscarriage, delivery. Chronic Mental Conditions (Condition Expected to Last More than 3 Months) 250 Minor psychological problems: nervousness given either as a symptom or a diagnosis, nervous exhaustion, nervous breakdown; insomnia, nightmares; problems of childhood (bedwetting (enuresis), hyperkinetic child, "holding breath"); no specific diagnosis or symptoms mentioned but indication that tranquilizers or sleeping pills have been prescribed (the most common tranquilizers are Librium, Valium, Miltown (Meprobamate); the most common sleeping pills are Seconal, Nembutal, Doriden); hyperventilation syndrome; depressed, unhappy; social problems such as "fight with boyfriend," accident prone, family problems, marital problems with no sexual difficulty mentioned. Do no code 250 if respondent mentions worry or anxiety over an illness unless it is clear that anxiety is the problem, rather than the illness. 251 Intermediate psychiatric problems: this category is difficult in some cases to distinguish from 250 but, in general, it is meant to represent more long standing conditions or more specific or sophisticated psychiatric diagnoses than are used in 250: anxiety, anxiety reaction, no further qualification; any neurosis mentioned by name (hysteria, obsessive-compulsive, mixed psychoneurosis, phobic anxiety neurosis, globus hystericus, psychasthenia, neurasthenia); psychosomatic conditions, sexual problems, underlying physical cause not given; neurotic, no further qualification; attempted suicide' endogenous depression, depressive neurosis; involutional reaction. 252 Mental illness: schizophrenia (acute schizophrenic reaction, other mention of schizophrenia, schizophrenia in remission, latent schizophrenia); psychosis other than schizophrenia (psychotic manic-depressive, borderline psychotic); neurotic reaction of such intensity as to require hospitalization (acute anxiety attack, panic, hyper- ventilation syndrome, hysterical, acute fugue state)--Note reaction or neurosis here; otherwise, it goes in 250 or 251; problems with alcohol, alcoholic; problems with drugs, drug addiction that requires hospitalization; senility, chronic or acute brain syndrome (in hospital); depressions serious enough to be hospitalized; "mental illness," "emotional disorder," other vague category attended by psychiatrist in hospital but no further diagnosis given. Acute Mental Conditions 253 Mental retardation, brain damage: microcephaly, (double code with 241), speech pathology and persevarative speech, hydrocephalic, neurological immaturity, "slow learner," "slow starter." 254 Senility (not in mental hospital). Hospitalized senility goes in 252. 255 Dizzy, (no diagnoses). See also 217. 298 Residual chronic condition: weakness, tiredness, fatigue, "low blood pressure," low blood sugar, hypoglycemia, aches and pains, "old age," "growing pains," "shortness of breath." NOTE: These symptoms account for the bulk of this category. Also included are a few miscellaneous cases: "not able to perspire," "breaks blood vessels easily," "a constant numbness in left arm," "he runs a fever and gets delirious... gradually growing out of it...," "I went for a check up and the doctor kept me 5 days...," "exhaustion and breathing problems," "cortisone shot," " checked for diabetes and blood pressure and blood test...," "hospitalized and they couldn't find anything," "nauseated, weak and sick...nothing showed up," "I wasn't feeling well," "I have so many things wrong," "went to get some water pills," " went for x-rays." 301 Check up in absence of symptoms (preventive care): routine check-up; gynecological check up; well baby care; pre-employment physical; physical for school, or camp; premarital exam; exam for insurance company, etc. if condition found as a result of check up, double code with, and prior to condition found. If verbatim comment of "check up," 302 Follow up care: check up in connection with another condition, post-operative check up, removal of stitches, prescription refill. Inclusion being followed up. Infer condition with "prescription renewed," type of answer; if an inference is not possible, code only 302. If a response implies that the respondent has had more than one visit for a specific condition. Code 302. If the number of different conditions being followed up exceed the space allowed, code the conditions to the exclusion of 302. Other Conditions 303 Test and shots (preventive care): vaccination, flu shot, German measles shot, Pap test, hearing test, blood sugar test. Code only when it appears the respondent was seen only for test or shots but not a general check up or specific diagnosis (see also 302 and 302 Eye exam goes in 236. 304 Fertility problems and advice: birth control advice and services; vasectomy, tubes tied, infertile, trying to become pregnant, sterility, BCP refill, IUD insertion/removal. Abortion goes in 249. 305 Dental problems: gingivitis, toothache, abscess, teething, bleeding gums, "tooth extraction--wouldn't heal." 306 Consultation with M.D. for reasons other than illness or preventive care: ear pierced, "to get to know doctor," other advice or consultation excluding medical treatment. 307 Auto accident 308 Other accident (i.e., drowning) 309 Suicide NOTE that a normal or forceps delivery is not counted as an operation; "put in traction" is not an operation. 401 Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy. 402 Appendectomy. 403 Hemorrhoidectomy, fistulectomy. 404 Operations for hernia (hernioplasty, herniorrhaphy). 405 Hysterectomy (ovaries, tubes removed). 406 Dilation and curettage (d and c) for other than miscarriage or termination of pregnancy; see also 444 and 447. 407 Other operation of female genital organs or for "female trouble" (removed fibroid tumor, packed uterus for bleeding, insertion of radium seeds, hymenotomy). 408 Gall bladder operation, cholecystectomy. 409 Setting a fracture or dislocation (includes removal of pins, spikes, etc. afterwards; other orthopedic procedures--osteotomy, club foot surgery, meniscectomy, hip replacement). Bunionectomy goes in 437. 410 Operation for spinal ("disc") conditions (spinal fusion, back operation--unspecified, lumbar disc removal, laminectomy). 411 Circulatory system operation, including varicose veins (endarterectomy). Cardiac catherization goes in 445. 412 Minor eye surgery (adjustment of eye muscles, removal of pterygium). 413 Cataract operation, "ultrasonic probe on eye for cataract." 414 Operations on the eye other than 412 and 413 (detached retina, removal of fluid behind eyeball). 415 Operations on the ear or mastoids. 416 Amputation and repair of old amputation. 417 Operation for ulcers of stomach, duodenum or jejunum. 418 Other operations on the digestive system (liver operation, intussusception, colostomy, coloscopy, esophageal surgery). 419 Operations on the teeth or gums, including extraction, jaw operation. 420 Operation on the nose, throat, pharynx, nasopharynx, or tonsils, nasal polypectomy. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy go in 401. 421 Simple or radical mastectomy (remove breast), other breast surgery. Biopsies go in 430. 422 Operation on kidney. 423 Operation on bladder (urethral stricture, cystoscopy for other than diagnosis, meatotomy). 424 Operation on prostate. 425 Other operation on male genital organs. Circumcision goes in 431. Vasectomy goes in 448. 426 Operation on skin, including skin grafts (remove mole, cyst, wart), skin cancer, lymph nodes, extensive stitching requiring anesthesia, cauterizing debridement of burns, ganglions removed). 427 Operation on the endocrine system (thyroidectomy, removal of parotid gland tumor). 428 Operation on brain and skull. 429 Operation on nervous system, spinal cord. 430 Biopsy; bone marrow aspiration. 431 Circumcision of other than newborn. 432 Removed cancerous tumor (operation for cancer--site not specified). 433 Dilated esophagus (bougienage, esophagoscopy). 434 Removed benign tumor--site not specified, lipoma. 435 Removed unspecified tumor--site not specified. 436 Any operation on the heart (open heart surgery). 437 Bunionectomy, ingrown toenail surgery, other minor foot operations, remove Morton's neuroma 438 Exploratory laparotomy, splenectomy. 439 Plastic surgery. 440 Boil or ear drained, infected gland lanced or drained, tube put in ear, knee joint aspirated, inserted tube--no other information, drained abscess. 441 Operations on the respiratory system (sticking a tube into trachea, bronchia, lungs, thoracentesis, broncoscopy), operation on larynx. 442 Operation on muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves in extremities (sew together broken muscles inside leg, carpal tunnel syndrome, fix trigger thumbs). 443 Remove bullet--site unspecified, operation in connection with stub wounds--site unspecified. 444 D and C for miscarriage. Abortion, legal or illegal, goes in 447. 445 Cardiac catherization. 446 Exchange transfusion. 447 D and C or suction curettage for abortion, legal or illegal (any medical procedure for purpose of abortion). 448 Tubes tied, vasectomy (double code with 304 when operation not performed for health reasons). 449 Caesarian section. 450 Other operation connected with pregnancy (cyst removed, biopsy prior to delivery, hysterectomy to terminate early pregnancy, laparotomy for ruptured ovarian pregnancy). Chronic Conditions (appended) 500 Deaf 775 Old age 780 Surgery, not specified 800 AIDS 777 Other Condition 990 No specific condition given