RG1 help ch w/ shopping/transportation Next we are interested in help and support that you may have given to your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren)age 19 and older. This includes: [fill name:b] [fill NAME:b] [fill Name:b] Include only help that you, yourself gave, but not help that other members of your family may have given. DURING THE LAST MONTH, have YOU GIVEN help with shopping or errands, or provided transportation to your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) age 19 or older? (The Q name was 'B1'.) % Freq VALUE 31.1 1,838 1 YES 68.9 4,076 2 NO 19 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 1,343 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG2P01 which ch given help w/ transportation Which of your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren)(age 19 and older) have you given help with shopping, errands, or transportation in the last month? (The Q name was 'B2a'.) % Freq VALUE 0.7 10 -5 19.5 266 -3 5.9 80 2 22.3 305 3 21.4 292 4 6.6 90 5 2.0 27 6 0.6 8 7 0.4 5 8 0.1 1 9 0.1 1 10 6.8 93 21 5.2 71 22 2.6 36 23 1.4 19 24 0.8 11 25 0.1 2 26 0.1 1 28 0.1 2 31 0.7 10 41 0.5 7 42 0.1 1 43 0.1 1 44 0.4 6 61 0.6 8 62 0.3 4 63 0.4 5 64 0.1 2 65 0.1 2 67 5,911 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG2P02 which ch given help w/ transportation Which other children have you helped with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B2b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.3 3 -5 70.8 779 -4 0.7 8 -3 1.5 17 2 6.3 69 3 7.1 78 4 3.9 43 5 1.0 11 6 0.3 3 7 0.1 1 8 0.1 1 9 2.1 23 21 1.9 21 22 0.8 9 23 0.5 6 24 0.5 6 25 0.1 1 26 0.1 1 41 0.3 3 42 0.3 3 43 0.4 4 62 0.3 3 63 0.1 1 64 0.5 6 65 6,177 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG2P03 which ch given help w/ transportation Which other children have you helped with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B2c'.) % Freq VALUE 0.8 2 -5 75.1 178 -4 0.4 1 -3 0.8 2 2 3.4 8 3 4.2 10 4 2.5 6 5 3.0 7 6 0.8 2 7 0.8 2 8 1.3 3 21 0.8 2 22 1.7 4 23 1.3 3 24 0.8 2 25 0.4 1 41 0.4 1 44 0.4 1 63 0.8 2 66 7,040 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG2P04 which ch given help w/ transportation Which other children have you helped with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B2d'.) % Freq VALUE 2.2 1 -5 73.9 34 -4 4.3 2 3 2.2 1 5 4.3 2 6 2.2 1 7 2.2 1 8 2.2 1 10 2.2 1 21 2.2 1 22 2.2 1 66 7,231 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG2P05 which ch given help w/ transportation Which other children have you helped with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B2e'.) % Freq VALUE 70.0 7 -4 10.0 1 -3 10.0 1 5 10.0 1 6 7,267 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG2P06 which ch given help w/ transportation Which other children have you helped with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B2f'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 1 -4 50.0 1 4 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG3 help ch w/ housework DURING THE LAST MONTH, have YOU GIVEN help with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house to your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 or older)? (The Q name was 'B3'.) % Freq VALUE 20.1 1,191 1 YES 79.9 4,721 2 NO 20 -2 REFUSED 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 1,343 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG4P01 which ch given help w/ housework Which of your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren)(age 19 and older) have you given help with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house in the last month? (The Q name was 'B5a'.) % Freq VALUE 0.8 7 -5 14.4 125 -3 5.1 44 2 24.7 215 3 22.4 195 4 4.9 43 5 2.1 18 6 0.1 1 7 0.6 5 8 8.2 71 21 6.3 55 22 3.9 34 23 1.3 11 24 1.0 9 25 0.2 2 27 0.7 6 41 0.6 5 42 0.2 2 43 0.1 1 44 0.1 1 55 0.7 6 61 0.8 7 62 0.2 2 63 0.3 3 64 0.1 1 65 0.1 1 67 6,407 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG4P02 which ch given help w/ housework Which other children have you helped with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B5b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.4 3 -5 77.0 574 -4 0.1 1 -3 0.5 4 2 5.6 42 3 4.6 34 4 3.9 29 5 1.2 9 6 0.4 3 7 0.1 1 9 2.1 16 21 1.7 13 22 0.9 7 23 0.1 1 25 0.1 1 26 0.1 1 42 0.5 4 62 0.1 1 63 0.1 1 67 6,532 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG4P03 which ch given help w/ housework Which other children have you helped with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B5c'.) % Freq VALUE 78.1 100 -4 0.8 1 -3 4.7 6 3 4.7 6 4 4.7 6 5 0.8 1 9 3.1 4 22 0.8 1 24 0.8 1 62 1.6 2 63 7,149 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG4P04 which ch given help w/ housework Which other children have you helped with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B5d'.) % Freq VALUE 82.4 14 -4 5.9 1 3 5.9 1 4 5.9 1 5 7,260 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG4P05 which ch given help w/ housework Which other children have you helped with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B5e'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 2 -4 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG4P06 which ch given help w/ housework Which other children have you helped with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B5f'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG5 help ch w/ emotional support DURING THE LAST MONTH, have YOU GIVEN advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support to your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 or older)? (The Q name was 'B7'.) % Freq VALUE 82.3 4,862 1 YES 17.7 1,045 2 NO 19 -2 REFUSED 8 -1 DON'T KNOW 1,343 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG6P01 which ch given help w/ emotional support Which of your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 and older) have you given advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support in the last month? (The Q name was 'B7a'.) % Freq VALUE 1.2 44 -5 53.3 2,033 -3 3.2 122 2 10.4 398 3 6.6 252 4 1.9 74 5 0.5 19 6 0.0 1 7 0.1 2 8 0.0 1 9 8.2 314 21 6.0 228 22 2.8 108 23 1.5 58 24 0.7 28 25 0.4 14 26 0.1 5 27 0.2 8 28 0.0 1 29 0.0 1 31 0.0 1 32 0.6 22 41 0.5 19 42 0.3 10 43 0.1 2 44 0.0 1 45 0.1 3 46 0.0 1 48 0.3 13 61 0.4 14 62 0.2 7 63 0.2 8 64 0.0 1 65 0.0 1 67 3,463 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG6P02 which ch given help w/ emotional support Which other children have you given advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B7b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.4 8 -5 38.8 691 -4 3.6 64 -3 2.6 47 2 11.2 200 3 9.7 173 4 3.2 57 5 0.7 12 6 0.1 2 7 0.1 2 8 0.1 1 11 6.5 116 21 8.2 146 22 5.2 92 23 2.5 44 24 1.3 24 25 0.6 10 26 0.3 5 27 0.1 1 28 0.1 1 31 0.1 1 32 0.7 13 41 0.7 13 42 0.2 4 43 0.3 5 44 0.7 12 61 0.8 15 62 0.7 13 63 0.2 3 64 0.2 4 65 0.1 1 67 0.1 1 69 5,496 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG6P03 which ch given help w/ emotional support Which other children have you given advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B7c'.) % Freq VALUE 0.4 3 -5 54.1 430 -4 2.3 18 -3 1.8 14 2 5.3 42 3 5.7 45 4 3.5 28 5 1.0 8 6 0.4 3 7 0.1 1 8 0.1 1 9 0.1 1 13 4.9 39 21 5.5 44 22 5.4 43 23 3.0 24 24 0.6 5 25 0.9 7 26 0.3 2 27 0.3 2 28 0.1 1 30 0.1 1 31 0.3 2 41 0.5 4 42 0.6 5 43 0.4 3 44 0.1 1 49 0.1 1 61 0.6 5 62 0.6 5 63 0.4 3 64 0.4 3 65 0.1 1 67 6,482 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG6P04 which ch given help w/ emotional support Which other children have you given advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B7d'.) % Freq VALUE 0.7 2 -5 54.2 148 -4 1.8 5 -3 1.8 5 2 4.8 13 3 1.5 4 4 2.2 6 5 1.8 5 6 0.7 2 7 6.2 17 21 3.7 10 22 3.7 10 23 2.9 8 24 3.7 10 25 0.7 2 26 1.1 3 27 0.4 1 30 1.1 3 42 0.7 2 43 0.4 1 61 1.1 3 62 1.5 4 63 2.2 6 64 0.7 2 65 0.4 1 67 7,004 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG6P05 which ch given help w/ emotional support Which other children have you given advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B7e'.) % Freq VALUE 1.1 1 -5 51.6 48 -4 4.3 4 -3 2.2 2 2 5.4 5 3 2.2 2 4 2.2 2 6 4.3 4 21 3.2 3 22 5.4 5 23 1.1 1 24 3.2 3 25 3.2 3 26 1.1 1 27 2.2 2 28 1.1 1 44 1.1 1 45 1.1 1 62 1.1 1 64 1.1 1 65 2.2 2 66 7,184 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG6P06 which ch given help w/ emotional support Which other children have you given advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B7f'.) % Freq VALUE 55.2 16 -4 6.9 2 3 6.9 2 21 3.4 1 22 3.4 1 23 6.9 2 25 3.4 1 26 3.4 1 27 3.4 1 28 3.4 1 29 3.4 1 42 7,248 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG7 help ch w/ ch care while working DURING THE LAST MONTH, have you helped your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 or older) with child care WHILE they were WORKING? (The Q name was 'B11'.) % Freq VALUE 29.5 1,215 1 YES 70.4 2,901 2 NO 0.1 3 6 NONE HAVE ANY CHILDREN 15 -2 REFUSED 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 3,141 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG8P01 which ch give hlp w/ch care while working Which of your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 and older) have you helped with child care while they were working? (The Q name was 'B11a'.) % Freq VALUE 0.7 8 -5 6.6 71 -3 6.9 74 2 26.0 278 3 16.4 176 4 4.2 45 5 1.6 17 6 0.5 5 7 0.6 6 8 13.3 142 21 9.2 98 22 5.0 54 23 2.0 21 24 1.3 14 25 0.6 6 26 0.3 3 27 0.1 1 28 1.2 13 41 0.8 9 42 0.3 3 43 0.2 2 44 0.1 1 45 0.1 1 46 0.3 3 61 0.9 10 62 0.2 2 63 0.3 3 64 0.4 4 65 0.1 1 66 6,206 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG8P02 which ch give hlp w/ch care while working Which other children have you helped with child care while they were working? (The Q name was 'B11b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.2 2 -5 80.6 806 -4 0.5 5 -3 0.6 6 2 5.3 53 3 2.9 29 4 1.3 13 5 0.4 4 6 0.2 2 7 0.1 1 8 1.7 17 21 2.1 21 22 1.5 15 23 0.7 7 24 0.2 2 25 0.2 2 26 0.1 1 27 0.4 4 42 0.1 1 43 0.1 1 44 0.2 2 61 0.1 1 62 0.4 4 63 0.1 1 65 6,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG8P03 which ch give hlp w/ch care while working Which other children have you helped with child care while they were working? (The Q name was 'B11c'.) % Freq VALUE 80.9 140 -4 1.2 2 -3 3.5 6 3 2.3 4 4 1.7 3 5 1.7 3 6 3.5 6 21 0.6 1 22 0.6 1 23 1.2 2 24 1.2 2 25 0.6 1 43 0.6 1 45 0.6 1 63 7,104 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG8P04 which ch give hlp w/ch care while working Which other children have you helped with child care while they were working? (The Q name was 'B11d'.) % Freq VALUE 96.4 27 -4 3.6 1 5 7,249 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG8P05 which ch give hlp w/ch care while working Which other children have you helped with child care while they were working? (The Q name was 'B11e'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 1 -4 7,276 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG8P06 which ch give hlp w/ch care while working Which other children have you helped with child care while they were working? (The Q name was 'B11f'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG9 help ch w/ ch care w/o working DURING THE LAST MONTH, have you helped your children, (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) with child care AT TIMES OTHER THAN WHEN they were WORKING? (The Q name was 'B13'.) % Freq VALUE 37.8 1,555 1 YES 62.2 2,561 2 NO 15 -2 REFUSED 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 3,144 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG10P01 which ch give hlp w/ch care w/o working Which of your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 and older) have you helped with child care at times other than when they were working? (The Q name was 'B13a'.) % Freq VALUE 1.1 15 -5 10.2 142 -3 6.1 85 2 26.9 375 3 16.4 228 4 3.4 48 5 1.3 18 6 0.4 6 7 0.3 4 8 0.1 1 9 0.1 1 14 0.1 1 16 12.2 170 21 7.5 105 22 4.2 58 23 1.6 22 24 1.1 15 25 0.4 6 26 0.1 2 27 0.2 3 28 0.1 1 31 1.4 19 41 1.3 18 42 0.7 10 43 0.1 2 44 0.1 1 45 0.1 1 46 0.5 7 61 0.9 12 62 0.4 6 63 0.4 5 64 0.2 3 65 0.1 2 66 5,885 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG10P02 which ch give hlp w/ch care w/o working Which other children have you helped with child care at times other than when they were working? (The Q name was 'B13b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.2 2 -5 73.9 924 -4 0.2 2 -3 1.1 14 2 6.6 82 3 4.4 55 4 3.0 38 5 0.2 3 6 0.2 2 7 0.2 3 8 3.0 37 21 2.6 32 22 1.1 14 23 0.6 7 24 0.5 6 25 0.2 3 26 0.1 1 27 0.1 1 28 0.2 3 41 0.2 3 42 0.2 2 43 0.1 1 46 0.2 2 61 0.3 4 62 0.4 5 63 0.1 1 64 0.2 2 65 0.1 1 67 6,027 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG10P03 which ch give hlp w/ch care w/o working Which other children have you helped with child care at times other than when they were working? (The Q name was 'B13c'.) % Freq VALUE 82.7 248 -4 1.3 4 2 2.3 7 3 4.7 14 4 0.7 2 5 1.0 3 6 0.3 1 7 0.3 1 8 2.3 7 21 1.0 3 22 0.7 2 23 1.0 3 24 0.3 1 41 0.3 1 43 0.3 1 62 0.7 2 65 6,977 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG10P04 which ch give hlp w/ch care w/o working Which other children have you helped with child care at times other than when they were working? (The Q name was 'B13d'.) % Freq VALUE 77.3 34 -4 6.8 3 3 4.5 2 4 2.3 1 5 2.3 1 6 2.3 1 8 2.3 1 45 2.3 1 63 7,233 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG10P05 which ch give hlp w/ch care w/o working Which other children have you helped with child care at times other than when they were working? (The Q name was 'B13e'.) % Freq VALUE 62.5 5 -4 12.5 1 5 12.5 1 7 12.5 1 65 7,269 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG10P06 which ch give hlp w/ch care w/o working Which other children have you helped with child care at times other than when they were working? (The Q name was 'B13f'.) % Freq VALUE 66.7 2 -4 33.3 1 5 7,274 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG11 how many hours help your adult ch/ave week Taking all kinds of help together, in an average week about how many hours would you say you spend helping your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 and older)? (The Q name was 'B15'.) 7,277 cases (Range of valid codes: -6-99) Min = -6 Mean = 4.590 Max = 99 Std Dev = 9.587 Median = 2 Variance = 91.907 (Based on 5,077 valid cases) RG12 receive help from adult ch in last month Next we are interested in help and support that you have RECEIVED from your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) age 19 and older. DURING THE LAST MONTH, have you RECEIVED help from your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) with shopping, running errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B17'.) % Freq VALUE 27.9 1,651 1 YES 72.1 4,262 2 NO 18 -2 REFUSED 3 -1 DON'T KNOW 1,343 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG13P01 which child helped w/ shop/transport From which of your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) age 19 and older have you received help with shopping, errands, or transportation during the last month? (The Q name was 'B17a'.) % Freq VALUE 1.4 17 -5 18.4 230 -3 5.9 74 2 18.4 230 3 17.3 216 4 4.9 61 5 2.0 25 6 0.4 5 7 0.2 2 8 0.2 2 10 9.7 121 21 9.4 118 22 4.9 61 23 1.8 23 24 1.8 22 25 0.4 5 26 0.5 6 27 0.2 3 28 0.6 7 41 0.9 11 42 0.2 2 43 0.1 1 44 0.2 2 61 0.2 3 62 0.1 1 63 0.1 1 64 0.1 1 66 6,027 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG13P02 which child helped w/ shop/transport From which other children have you received help with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B17b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.4 4 -5 66.3 676 -4 1.0 10 -3 2.0 20 2 6.7 68 3 5.6 57 4 2.5 25 5 1.6 16 6 0.3 3 7 0.2 2 8 0.2 2 9 3.0 31 21 3.5 36 22 2.8 29 23 2.0 20 24 0.5 5 25 0.5 5 26 0.2 2 28 0.4 4 41 0.2 2 42 0.2 2 61 0.1 1 62 6,257 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG13P03 which child helped w/ shop/transport From which other children have you received help with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B17c'.) % Freq VALUE 0.4 1 -5 71.8 204 -4 0.7 2 -3 1.4 4 2 3.5 10 3 4.2 12 4 1.8 5 5 1.1 3 6 0.4 1 7 0.4 1 8 0.4 1 12 3.5 10 21 2.8 8 22 2.8 8 23 2.1 6 24 0.7 2 25 0.4 1 26 0.4 1 27 0.4 1 28 0.4 1 30 0.7 2 42 6,993 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG13P04 which child helped w/ shop/transport From which other children have you received help with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B17d'.) % Freq VALUE 78.5 51 -4 1.5 1 -3 1.5 1 2 3.1 2 4 1.5 1 5 3.1 2 6 1.5 1 7 1.5 1 22 4.6 3 23 1.5 1 25 1.5 1 43 7,212 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG13P05 which child helped w/ shop/transport From which other children have you received help with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B17e'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 6 -4 8.3 1 3 8.3 1 4 8.3 1 7 8.3 1 22 8.3 1 24 8.3 1 25 7,265 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG13P06 which child helped w/ shop/transport From which other children have you received help with shopping, errands, or transportation? (The Q name was 'B17f'.) % Freq VALUE 40.0 2 -4 20.0 1 -3 20.0 1 5 20.0 1 25 7,272 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG14 received help w/ housework DURING THE LAST MONTH, have you RECEIVED help from your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 and older) with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B19'.) % Freq VALUE 28.6 1,690 1 YES 71.4 4,222 2 NO 19 -2 REFUSED 3 -1 DON'T KNOW 1,343 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG15P01 which child helped w/ housework From which of your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 and older) have you received help with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house in the last month? (The Q name was 'B21a'.) % Freq VALUE 1.6 20 -5 15.2 193 -3 5.1 65 2 20.0 254 3 18.6 237 4 6.7 85 5 2.0 26 6 0.4 5 7 0.4 5 8 0.2 2 9 0.2 3 10 9.3 118 21 7.5 96 22 4.6 58 23 2.2 28 24 1.4 18 25 0.4 5 26 0.1 1 27 0.2 3 28 0.1 1 29 0.1 1 33 1.0 13 41 0.8 10 42 0.1 1 43 0.2 2 44 0.6 8 61 0.6 8 62 0.2 3 63 0.1 1 64 0.2 3 65 6,004 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG15P02 which child helped w/ housework From which other children have you received help with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B21b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.6 6 -5 68.6 741 -4 0.9 10 -3 1.1 12 2 5.2 56 3 6.7 72 4 3.3 36 5 0.7 8 6 0.4 4 7 0.2 2 8 0.3 3 9 0.1 1 10 2.9 31 21 2.9 31 22 2.7 29 23 1.4 15 24 0.4 4 25 0.3 3 26 0.3 3 27 0.1 1 28 0.1 1 32 0.1 1 41 0.2 2 43 0.1 1 44 0.2 2 61 0.2 2 62 0.1 1 63 0.2 2 64 6,197 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG15P03 which child helped w/ housework From which other children have you received help with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B21c'.) % Freq VALUE 0.3 1 -5 79.1 227 -4 1.4 4 -3 0.7 2 2 2.8 8 3 3.5 10 4 1.7 5 5 2.1 6 6 1.0 3 21 1.4 4 22 2.1 6 23 2.1 6 24 0.7 2 25 0.7 2 26 0.3 1 34 6,990 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG15P04 which child helped w/ housework From which other children have you received help with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B21d'.) % Freq VALUE 77.1 37 -4 2.1 1 -3 4.2 2 3 4.2 2 4 2.1 1 5 2.1 1 7 2.1 1 8 2.1 1 21 2.1 1 22 2.1 1 27 7,229 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG15P05 which child helped w/ housework From which other children have you received help with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B21e'.) % Freq VALUE 55.6 5 -4 11.1 1 4 11.1 1 6 22.2 2 22 7,268 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG15P06 which child helped w/ housework From which other children have you received help with housework, yard work, car repairs, or other work around the house? (The Q name was 'B21f'.) % Freq VALUE 66.7 2 -4 33.3 1 -3 7,274 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG16 received emotional support DURING THE LAST MONTH, have you RECEIVED advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support from your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 and older)? (The Q name was 'B23'.) % Freq VALUE 56.2 3,324 1 YES 43.8 2,587 2 NO 18 -2 REFUSED 5 -1 DON'T KNOW 1,343 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG17P01 which ch help w/ gave emotional support From which of your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) (age 19 and older) have you received advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support in the last month? (The Q name was 'B23a'.) % Freq VALUE 1.0 25 -5 52.5 1,368 -3 4.0 104 2 10.9 284 3 6.8 177 4 2.0 52 5 0.3 9 6 0.1 2 7 9.7 252 21 5.4 141 22 2.5 64 23 1.4 37 24 0.9 23 25 0.3 7 26 0.1 2 27 0.1 3 28 0.0 1 29 0.0 1 31 0.7 18 41 0.4 11 42 0.2 4 43 0.1 2 44 0.3 8 61 0.2 5 62 0.1 3 63 0.0 1 64 0.1 2 65 0.0 1 66 4,670 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG17P02 which ch help w/ gave emotional support From which other children have you received advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B23b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.4 5 -5 41.2 510 -4 3.1 39 -3 3.1 38 2 10.4 129 3 9.0 111 4 3.1 38 5 0.3 4 6 0.2 2 7 0.1 1 9 6.9 85 21 10.7 132 22 5.2 64 23 2.2 27 24 0.6 8 25 0.3 4 26 0.2 3 27 0.1 1 28 0.1 1 29 0.5 6 41 0.6 7 42 0.1 1 43 0.1 1 44 0.5 6 61 0.6 8 62 0.3 4 63 0.3 4 65 6,038 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG17P03 which ch help w/ gave emotional support From which other children have you received advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B23c'.) % Freq VALUE 0.2 1 -5 55.3 304 -4 2.7 15 -3 1.1 6 2 3.8 21 3 5.6 31 4 3.5 19 5 0.9 5 6 0.2 1 7 0.2 1 10 3.1 17 21 5.1 28 22 8.5 47 23 3.1 17 24 1.3 7 25 1.1 6 26 0.5 3 27 0.2 1 28 0.7 4 41 0.9 5 42 0.2 1 43 0.2 1 61 0.9 5 63 0.4 2 64 0.2 1 65 0.2 1 66 6,727 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG17P04 which ch help w/ gave emotional support From which other children have you received advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B23d'.) % Freq VALUE 58.2 107 -4 0.5 1 -3 2.2 4 2 1.6 3 3 1.1 2 4 1.6 3 5 2.2 4 6 1.1 2 7 0.5 1 13 3.8 7 21 3.8 7 22 3.3 6 23 7.1 13 24 4.9 9 25 2.2 4 26 1.6 3 27 0.5 1 43 0.5 1 61 1.6 3 62 0.5 1 63 0.5 1 64 0.5 1 65 7,093 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG17P05 which ch help w/ gave emotional support From which other children have you received advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B23e'.) % Freq VALUE 53.7 29 -4 1.9 1 -3 1.9 1 2 3.7 2 3 1.9 1 4 1.9 1 12 3.7 2 21 1.9 1 22 3.7 2 24 7.4 4 25 5.6 3 26 1.9 1 27 3.7 2 28 1.9 1 41 3.7 2 63 1.9 1 66 7,223 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG17P06 which ch help w/ gave emotional support From which other children have you received advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (The Q name was 'B23f'.) % Freq VALUE 60.0 12 -4 5.0 1 -3 5.0 1 21 5.0 1 23 5.0 1 25 5.0 1 26 5.0 1 27 5.0 1 29 5.0 1 45 7,257 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RG18 number hrs ch 19+ help you Taking all kinds of help together, in an average week about how many hours do your children (or your husband's/wife's/partner's child/ren) age 19 and older spend helping you? (The Q name was 'B78'.) % Freq VALUE 25.2 970 0 NONE OR LESS THAN ONE 26.4 1,014 1 16.8 645 2 7.7 297 3 5.1 197 4 4.8 186 5 2.5 96 6 1.3 49 7 1.7 66 8 0.1 5 9 3.0 115 10 0.0 1 11 0.6 22 12 0.0 1 13 0.3 11 14 0.5 18 15 0.2 7 16 0.1 2 18 1.2 46 20 0.0 1 22 0.2 7 24 0.1 5 25 0.0 1 28 0.2 8 30 0.0 1 35 0.0 1 38 0.2 8 40 0.0 1 45 0.1 4 50 0.0 1 60 0.0 1 70 0.0 1 72 0.0 1 84 0.0 1 96 1.4 54 100 OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) 6 -2 REFUSED 55 -1 DON'T KNOW 3,372 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = 0 Mean = 4.250 Max = 100 Std Dev = 12.601 Median = 1 Variance = 158.780 (Based on 3,844 valid cases) RT18A1 help child care Next, we are interested in the help and support that you give to other people, for example friends, neighbors, co-workers, brothers or sisters, or relatives other than your parents or adult children. Please think of help you have given in the past month. We are talking about help that is not paid for. During the PAST MONTH, did you help anyone with babysitting or child care? (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) (The Q name was 'se18q8a1'.) % Freq VALUE 13.1 948 1 YES 86.9 6,311 2 NO 5 -2 REFUSED 4 -1 DON'T KNOW 9 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18A2A-C help who child care (Did you help anyone with babysitting or child care?) (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) Did you help a friend, neighbor, or co-worker? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @A (Did you help) . . . a brother or sister? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @B (Did you help) . . . another relative? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @C RT18A2A help who child care (This item 'RT18A2A' is the first on this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8a2@A'.) % Freq VALUE 65.8 624 1 YES 34.2 324 2 NO 6,329 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18A2B help who child care (Did you help) . . . a brother or sister? (See 'RT18A2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8a2@B'.) % Freq VALUE 26.6 252 1 YES 73.4 696 2 NO 6,329 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18A2C help who child care (Did you help) . . . another relative? (See 'RT18A2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8a2@C'.) % Freq VALUE 31.1 295 1 YES 68.9 653 2 NO 6,329 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18B1 help transportation Did you help anyone with transportation? (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) (The Q name was 'se18q8b1'.) % Freq VALUE 28.4 2,064 1 YES 71.6 5,200 2 NO 2 -2 REFUSED 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 9 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18B2A-C help who transportation (Did you help anyone with transportation?) (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) Did you help a friend, neighbor, or co-worker? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @A (Did you help) . . . a brother or sister? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @B (Did you help) . . . another relative? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @C RT18B2A help who transportation (This item 'RT18B2A' is the first on this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8b2@A'.) % Freq VALUE 84.5 1,742 1 YES 15.5 320 2 NO 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 5,213 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18B2B help who transportation (Did you help) . . . a brother or sister? (See 'RT18B2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8b2@B'.) % Freq VALUE 20.4 422 1 YES 79.6 1,642 2 NO 5,213 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18B2C help who transportation (Did you help) . . . another relative? (See 'RT18B2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8b2@C'.) % Freq VALUE 20.0 412 1 YES 80.0 1,651 2 NO 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 5,213 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18C1 help housework Did you help anyone with housework, yardwork, car repairs, and other work around the house? (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) (The Q name was 'se18q8c1'.) % Freq VALUE 15.6 1,134 1 YES 84.4 6,130 2 NO 2 -2 REFUSED 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 9 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18C2A-C help who housework (Did you help anyone with housework, yardwork, car repairs, and other work around the house?) (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) Did you help a friend, neighbor, or co-worker? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @A (Did you help) . . . a brother or sister? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @B (Did you help) . . . another relative? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @C RT18C2A help who housework (This item 'RT18C2A' is the first on this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8c2@A'.) % Freq VALUE 78.0 885 1 YES 22.0 249 2 NO 6,143 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18C2B help who housework (Did you help) . . . a brother or sister? (See 'RT18C2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8c2@B'.) % Freq VALUE 25.1 285 1 YES 74.9 849 2 NO 6,143 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18C2C help who housework (Did you help) . . . another relative? (See 'RT18C2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8c2@C'.) % Freq VALUE 22.3 253 1 YES 77.7 881 2 NO 6,143 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18D1 help advice Did you give anyone advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) (The Q name was 'se18q8d1'.) % Freq VALUE 69.4 5,037 1 YES 30.6 2,217 2 NO 4 -2 REFUSED 10 -1 DON'T KNOW 9 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18D2A-C help who advice (Did you give anyone advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support?) (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) Did you help a friend, neighbor, or co-worker? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @A (Did you help) . . . a brother or sister? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @B (Did you help) . . . another relative? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @C RT18D2A help who advice (This item 'RT18D2A' is the first on this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8d2@A'.) % Freq VALUE 88.8 4,469 1 YES 11.2 566 2 NO 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 2,240 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18D2B help who advice (Did you help) . . . a brother or sister? (See 'RT18D2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8d2@B'.) % Freq VALUE 44.5 2,239 1 YES 55.5 2,796 2 NO 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 2,240 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT18D2C help who advice (Did you help) . . . another relative? (See 'RT18D2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se18q8d2@C'.) % Freq VALUE 30.1 1,514 1 YES 69.9 3,520 2 NO 3 -1 DON'T KNOW 2,240 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19E1 receive child care During the past month, have you received help with babysitting or child care? (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) (The Q name was 'se19q8e1'.) % Freq VALUE 17.9 266 1 YES 82.1 1,223 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 5,787 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19E2A-C receive who child care (During the past month, have you received help with babysitting or child care?) (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) Was it a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who helped you? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @A (Who helped you) . . . a brother or sister? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @B (Who helped you) . . . another relative? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @C RT19E2A receive who child care (This item 'RT19E2A' is the first on this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8e2@A'.) % Freq VALUE 75.9 202 1 YES 24.1 64 2 NO 7,011 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19E2B receive who child care (Who helped you) . . . a brother or sister? (See 'RT19E2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8e2@B'.) % Freq VALUE 28.9 77 1 YES 71.1 189 2 NO 7,011 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19E2C receive who child care (Who helped you) . . . another relative? (See 'RT19E2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8e2@C'.) % Freq VALUE 30.5 81 1 YES 69.5 185 2 NO 7,011 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19F1 receive transportation Did you receive help with transportation? (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) (The Q name was 'se19q8f1'.) % Freq VALUE 16.0 1,166 1 YES 84.0 6,100 2 NO 2 -2 REFUSED 9 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19F2A-C receive who transportation (Did you receive help with transportation?) (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) Was it a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who helped you? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @A (Who helped you) . . . a brother or sister? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @B (Who helped you) . . . another relative? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @C RT19F2A receive who transportation (This item 'RT19F2A' is the first on this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8f2@A'.) % Freq VALUE 80.5 939 1 YES 19.5 227 2 NO 6,111 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19F2B receive who transportation (Who helped you) . . . a brother or sister? (See 'RT19F2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8f2@B'.) % Freq VALUE 24.9 290 1 YES 75.1 876 2 NO 6,111 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19F2C receive who transportation (Who helped you) . . . another relative? (See 'RT19F2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8f2@C'.) % Freq VALUE 22.0 257 1 YES 78.0 909 2 NO 6,111 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19G1 receive housework Did you receive help with housework, yardwork, car repairs, and other work around the house? (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) (The Q name was 'se19q8g1'.) % Freq VALUE 14.0 1,019 1 YES 86.0 6,243 2 NO 5 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 9 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19G2A-C receive who housework (Did you receive help with housework, yardwork, car repairs, and other work around the house?) (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) Was it a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who helped you? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @A (Who helped you) . . . a brother or sister? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @B (Who helped you) . . . another relative? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @C RT19G2A receive who housework (This item 'RT19G2A' is the first on this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8g2@A'.) % Freq VALUE 69.8 711 1 YES 30.2 307 2 NO 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 6,258 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19G2B receive who housework (Who helped you) . . . a brother or sister? (See 'RT19G2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8g2@B'.) % Freq VALUE 20.3 207 1 YES 79.7 812 2 NO 6,258 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19G2C receive who housework (Who helped you) . . . another relative? (See 'RT19G2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8g2@C'.) % Freq VALUE 28.7 292 1 YES 71.3 727 2 NO 6,258 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19H1 receive advice Did you receive advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support? (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) (The Q name was 'se19q8h1'.) % Freq VALUE 52.9 3,842 1 YES 47.1 3,419 2 NO 3 -2 REFUSED 4 -1 DON'T KNOW 9 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19H2A-C receive who advice (Did you receive advice, encouragement, moral or emotional support?) (INTERVIEWER: OTHER THAN PARENTS OR SONS AND DAUGHTERS) Was it a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who helped you? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @A (Who helped you) . . . a brother or sister? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @B (Who helped you) . . . another relative? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @C RT19H2A receive who advice (This item 'RT19H2A' is the first on this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8h2@A'.) % Freq VALUE 90.5 3,477 1 YES 9.5 363 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 3,435 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19H2B receive who advice (Who helped you) . . . a brother or sister? (See 'RT19H2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8h2@B'.) % Freq VALUE 47.9 1,837 1 YES 52.1 2,002 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 3,435 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RT19H2C receive who advice (Who helped you) . . . another relative? (See 'RT19H2A' for full text of this form.) (The Q name was 'se19q8h2@C'.) % Freq VALUE 28.9 1,110 1 YES 71.1 2,727 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 4 -1 DON'T KNOW 3,435 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases