********************************************************************** CHILDREN RESPONDENT HAS ADOPTED ********************************************************************** 1266-1267 M202 Q.202 How many children, if any, have you adopted? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 00-None 12615 96.40 01 245 2.03 02 100 0.89 03 or more 28 0.29 96-Inapplicable 17 0.28 99-No answer 12 0.11 NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-132 _______________________________________________________________________________ M203P01-M203P12 Q.203 How old are your adopted children now? (ages in years) __________________________________________________ Distribution of Current Ages of Respondent's Adopted Children (Frequencies aggregated over M203P01-M203P12) __________________________________________________ Unweighted Frequency 00-02 16 03-05 26 06-08 34 09-11 48 12-14 44 15-19 100 20-24 87 25-29 53 30-34 39 35-39 37 40-44 20 45-49 14 50 and older 13 95-Child deceased 8 96-Inapplicable 155653 99-No answer 12 Total 156204 __________________________________________________ ________________________________________ CHILD AGE (Q.203) a 1268-1269 b 1270-1271 c 1272-1273 d 1274-1275 e 1276-1277 f 1278-1279 g 1280-1281 h 1282-1283 i 1284-1285 j 1286-1287 k 1288-1289 l 1290-1291 ________________________________________ NSFH/30 January 90 Page M-133 ________________________________________________________________________________ ********************************************************************** CHILDREN RESPONDENT HAS BORNE OR FATHERED ********************************************************************** 1292-1293 M204 Q.204 How many children have you (given birth to/fathered)? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 00-None 3478 29.24 01 2278 15.17 02 3125 23.61 03 1954 15.17 04 1012 8.08 05 509 3.94 06 268 1.97 07 146 1.07 08 96 0.71 09 55 0.43 10 30 0.18 11 29 0.19 12 or more 36 0.23 99-No answer 1 0.00 Q.205 (Not counting adopted children,) In what month and year was your (first, second...) child born? M205P01M-M205P12M Date Coded in Century Months See Appendix G for coding of dates into Century Months. M205P01F-M205P12F Date Allocation Flag NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-134 _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Distribution of Date Allocation Flag (Frequencies Aggregated Over M205P01F-M205P12F) __________________________________________________ Unweighted Frequency 0-Month and year given by respondent 24609 1-Year given, month allocated from 25 season or portion of year 2-Year given, no response for month; 654 month allocated 3-No year given by respondent 638 6-Inapplicable 130278 Total 156204 __________________________________________________ __________________________________ BIRTH DATE ______________ CENTURY CHILD MONTH FLAG __________________________________ 1 1294-1297 1298 2 1299-1302 1303 3 1304-1307 1308 4 1309-1312 1313 5 1314-1317 1318 6 1319-1322 1323 7 1324-1327 1328 8 1329-1332 1333 9 1334-1337 1338 10 1339-1342 1343 11 1344-1347 1348 12 1349-1352 1353 __________________________________ 1354 M206 Q.206 (Did you) (Did your wife/partner) become pregnant with (this child/any of these children) sooner than you intended? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-Yes 4036 27.37 2-No 5424 42.72 6-Inapplicable 3479 29.24 9-No answer 78 0.67 NSFH/30 January 90 Page M-135 ________________________________________________________________________________ M207P01-M207P12 Q.207 Which births occurred sooner than you intended? 1-Circled 2-Not circled 6-Inapplicable 9-No answer Birth Variable Location ________________________________ 1 M207P01 1355 2 M207P02 1356 3 M207P03 1357 4 M207P04 1358 5 M207P05 1359 6 M207P06 1360 7 M207P07 1361 8 M207P08 1362 9 M207P09 1363 10 M207P10 1364 11 M207P11 1365 12 M207P12 1366 __________________________________________________ Distribution of Births by Whether Occurred Sooner than Intended (Aggregated over M207P01-M207P12) __________________________________________________ Unweighted Frequency 1-Sooner 5419 2-Not sooner 4801 6-Inapplicable 145963 9-No answer 21 Total 156204 __________________________________________________ Note: If the respondent has had only one birth, and it was unwanted or mistimed, it is not included here, and must be added from the value of m204, m206, and m208. NSFH/30 January 90 Page M-136 ________________________________________________________________________________ 1367 M208 Q.208 Sometimes people have (a child/another child) after they intend not to have any (more) children. Has this ever happened to you? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-Yes 1578 10.41 2-No 7873 59.65 6-Inapplicable 3479 29.24 9-No answer 87 0.69 M209P01-M209P12 Q.209 Which births occurred after you intended not to have any more children? 1-Circled 2-Not circled 6-Inapplicable 9-No answer Birth Variable Location ________________________________ 1 M209P01 1368 2 M209P02 1369 3 M209P03 1370 4 M209P04 1371 5 M209P05 1372 6 M209P06 1373 7 M209P07 1374 8 M209P08 1375 9 M209P09 1376 10 M209P10 1377 11 M209P11 1378 12 M209P12 1379 Note: If the respondent has had only one birth, and it was unwanted or mistimed, it is not included here, and must be added from the value of m204, m206, and m208. NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-137 _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Distribution of Births by Whether Occurred After Intended to Have No More Children (Aggregated over M209P01-M209P12) __________________________________________________ Unweighted Frequency 1-After intended no more 2271 2-Not after intended no more 3470 6-Inapplicable 150452 9-No answer 11 Total 156204 __________________________________________________ 1380 M210 Q.210 (Is your child/are all of your children) still living? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-Yes 8547 63.73 2-No 929 6.55 6-Inapplicable 3479 29.24 8-Don't know 6 0.04 9-No answer 56 0.44 1381-1382 M211NUM Number of Children No Longer Living Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 00-All living 8547 63.73 01 735 5.36 02 134 0.88 03 30 0.14 04 14 0.08 05 5 0.03 06 or more 3 0.03 96-Inapplicable 3541 29.72 99-No answer 8 0.04 NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-138 _______________________________________________________________________________ Q.211 Tell me the birthdate of your child(ren) who (is/are) no longer living. M211P01M-M211P06M Date Coded in Century Months See Appendix G for coding of dates into Century Months. M211P01F-M211P06F Date Allocation Flag __________________________________________________ Distribution of Date Allocation Flag (Frequencies Aggregated Over M211P01F-M211P06F) __________________________________________________ Unweighted Frequency 0-Month and year given by respondent 1057 1-Year given, month allocated from 7 season or portion of year 2-Year given, no response for month; 68 month allocated 3-No year given by respondent 60 6-Inapplicable 76910 Total 78102 __________________________________________________ Q.212 In what month and year did this child die? M212P01M-M212P06M Date Coded in Century Months See Appendix G for coding of dates into Century Months. NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-139 _______________________________________________________________________________ M212P01F-M212P06F Date Allocation Flag __________________________________________________ Distribution of Date Allocation Flag (Frequencies Aggregated Over M212P01F-M212P06F) __________________________________________________ Unweighted Frequency 0-Month and year given by respondent 983 1-Year given, month allocated from 15 season or portion of year 2-Year given, no response for month; 87 month allocated 3-No year given by respondent 107 6-Inapplicable 76910 Total 78102 __________________________________________________ CHILDREN WHO ARE NO LONGER LIVING __________________________________________________________________ (Q.211) (Q.212) BORN DIED ______________ ______________ CENTURY CENTURY CHILD MONTH FLAG MONTH FLAG a 1383-1386 1387 1388-1391 1392 b 1393-1396 1397 1398-1401 1402 c 1403-1406 1407 1408-1411 1412 d 1413-1416 1417 1418-1421 1422 e 1423-1426 1427 1428-1431 1432 f 1433-1436 1437 1438-1441 1442 __________________________________________________________________ NSFH/30 January 90 Page M-140 ________________________________________________________________________________ ********************************************************************** FUTURE BIRTH INTENTIONS ********************************************************************** 1443 CHKPTN CHECKPOINT N: RESPONDENT IS? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-Female, age 40 or older 3725 27.26 2-Female, age 39 or younger 4064 25.28 3-Male - married or cohabiting, 1445 16.77 wife/partner age 40 or older 4-Male-married or cohabiting, 2016 15.69 wife/partner age 39 or younger 5-Male-not married or cohabiting, 546 3.34 R age 45 or older 6-Male-not married or cohabiting, 1221 11.66 R age 44 or under 1444 M213 Q.213 Have you (or your husband/wife/partner) had an operation that makes it impossible for you to have (a/another) child? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-Yes 1647 10.75 2-No 5515 40.61 6-Inapplicable 5733 47.65 9-No answer 122 1.00 1445 M214 Q.214 Which of you has had such an operation? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-Respondent 632 4.64 2-Spouse/partner 514 4.26 3-Both 46 0.35 6-Inapplicable 11821 90.73 9-No answer 4 0.02 NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-141 _______________________________________________________________________________ Q.215 In what month and year did (that/those) operation(s) occur? Date of Respondent's Operation 1446-1449 M215P01M Date Coded in Century Months Year Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent Before 1970 6 0.03 1970-1974 57 0.32 1975-1979 261 1.59 1980-1984 476 2.69 1985 126 0.76 1986 112 0.60 1987-1988 85 0.44 9996-Inapplicable 11884 93.51 9998-Don't know to entire question 4 0.03 9999-No answer to entire question 6 0.03 See Appendix G for coding of dates into Century Months. 1450 M215P01F Date Allocation Flag Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 0-Month and year given by respondent 1022 5.79 1-Year given, month allocated from 44 0.31 season or portion of year 2-Year given, no response for month; 57 0.34 month allocated 3-No year given by respondent 10 0.06 6-Inapplicable 11884 93.51 NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-142 _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Spouse/Partner's Operation 1451-1454 M215P02M Date Coded in Century Months Year Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent Before 1970 2 0.01 1970-1974 32 0.32 1975-1979 105 0.93 1980-1984 227 1.92 1985 59 0.47 1986 67 0.48 1987-1988 40 0.30 9996-Inapplicable 12453 95.37 9998-Don't know 26 0.13 9999-No Answer 6 0.07 See Appendix G for coding of dates into Century Months. NSFH/30 January 90 Page M-143 ________________________________________________________________________________ 1455 M215P02F Date Allocation Flag Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 0-Month and year given by respondent 449 3.82 1-Year given, month allocated from 31 0.22 season or portion of year 2-Year given, no response for month; 52 0.39 month allocated 3-No year given by respondent 32 0.20 6-Inapplicable 12453 95.37 Note: We know that some respondents who were currently pregnant responded to questions 216-221 with respect to whether they will have more children after the forthcoming birth. We do not know how frequently this occurred. Neither do we know how complete the count of currently pregnant respondents (in M219) is. We know only (on the basis of interviewer notes in the margin) that there was some confusion in this series when the respondent was pregnant. It is clear that we should have been less ambiguous in wording these questions. 1456 M216 Q.216 Do you intend to have (a/another) child sometime? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-Yes 3572 27.67 2-No 1912 12.83 6-Inapplicable 7363 58.11 9-No answer 170 1.38 1457 M217 Q.217 How sure are you that you will not have (more) children? Are you: Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-very sure 877 5.68 2-moderately sure 689 4.91 3-not at all sure 370 2.41 6-Inapplicable 10935 85.78 9-No answer 146 1.22 1458-1459 M218 Q.218 What is the total number of children you intend to have (including those you have now)? NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-144 _______________________________________________________________________________ Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 00-None 1 0.02 01 254 1.93 02 1690 13.63 03 932 6.97 04 368 2.63 05 90 0.70 06 39 0.28 07 12 0.08 08 10 0.06 09 3 0.02 10 8 0.04 11 1 0.00 12 or more 6 0.04 96-Inapplicable 9445 72.33 98-Don't know 85 0.64 99-No answer 73 0.63 1460 M219 Q.219 How sure are you that you will have (more) children? Are you: Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-very sure 1385 11.17 2-moderately sure 1253 9.90 3-not at all sure 654 4.64 4-currently pregnant 203 1.30 6-Inapplicable 9445 72.33 9-No answer 77 0.66 1461 M220 Q.220 Is there a particular time when you plan to have your (first/next) child? Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 1-Yes 1623 12.19 2-No 1664 13.50 NSFH/1 October 88 Page M-145 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6-Inapplicable 9648 73.63 8-Don't know 2 0.01 9-No answer 80 0.67 1462-1463 M221 Q.221 How many years from now do you expect that to be? (number of years) Unweighted Weighted Frequency Percent 01-One year or less 494 3.18 02 398 2.52 03 195 1.44 04 116 0.83 05 155 1.22 06 68 0.69 07 40 0.47 08 36 0.43 09 19 0.35 10 or more 64 0.81 96-Inapplicable 11392 87.80 98-Don't Know 32 0.20 99-No answer 8 0.06 Q.222 is instructions for SE-8