Testing: This is going to be a draft of syllabus for 544; I am trying to save it as HTML file.

Experiment with inporting Harvard Graphics;

This time it was imported as an ASCI file.

Spring 1997-98  - 544 Plans

Sociology 544 - Introduction to Survey Research
4:00-5:15 Tuesday/Thursday
4308 Social Science



Earl Babbie, Survey Research Methods, 2nd Edition, Wadsworth, 1990

Floyd Fowler, Improving Survey Questions,  Sage Publications, 1995

Floyd Fowler and Thomas Mangione, Standardized Survey Interviewing:  Minimizing Interviewer-
Related Error,  Sage Publications, 1990

Linda Baurque and Eve Fielder, How to Conduct Self-Administered and Mail Surveys
 Sage Publications, 1995

Considered, but Rejected
Jean Converse and Stanley Presser, Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire

Eleanor Singer and Stanley Presser, Survey Research Methods: a Reader