Soc 626 Frames, Ideologies and Other Ways of Talking About Ideas

  1. Meyer (chapter 2) pp. 40-43. Ideas in movements. A critique of the “great books” idea of how movements; emphasis on reception context.  This is basically an introductory overview
  2. *David Snow et al., “Frame Alignment Processes,” ASR 51 (1986): 464-481. Movement actors try to bring their movement’s frame into alignment with other’s ideas so that they will join or support the movement.
  3. * Morris, A. and N. Braine (2001). “Social movements and oppositional consciousness.” Oppositional consciousness: the subjective roots of social protest. J. Mansbridge and A. Morris. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press: 20-37. Argues that liberation movements against domination differ in key ways from social problems movements. Copy in on-line reserves
  4. Lectures and reading notes -Lectures notes on frames, narratives, fields Snow et al, Superbarrio, Poletta, Ray (listed below)
  5. Robert Benford. 1993. “Frame Disputes within the Nuclear Disarmament Movement.” Social Forces 71: 677-702. Debates inside the peace movement about how they would view their issue and present themselves to others. Stable URL:
  6. Polletta, F. (1998). “”It Was Like a Fever…” Narrative and Identity in Social Protest.” Social Problems 45(2): 137-159, Narratives of the sit-ins helped to constitute “student activist” as a new collective identity & to make high-risk activism attractive. My reserves (.txt file)
  7. Bert Klandermans. 1988. “The Formation and Mobilization of Consensus.” International Social Movement Research 1: 173-196. Consensus mobilization is the creation of shared views of movement issues (vs action mobilization to act). Wide-ranging review of functionalist requirements for content of ideologies and sources of communication and credibility. In On-Line Reserves
  8. Robert Benford and David Snow. Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment. Annual Review of Sociology, 2000, 26, 611-639. Reviews scholarship on collective action frames & framing processes in relation to social movements, with focus on the analytic utility of this literature for understanding social movement dynamics. My Reserves
  9. Link to graduate seminar page with more articles on frames, discourses, narratives