Soc 626 Mobilization Process

Some opening examples that raise themes we will revisit. Read these for concrete examples of how mobilization unfolds over time. Note: Read Klandermans and Oegema for Sept 20 and meyer for Sept 25.

  1. *meyer, Chapter 3 “Becoming an Activist”. An overview.
  2. *Bert Klandermans and Dirk Oegema. “Potentials, Networks, Motivations and Barriers: Steps Toward Participation in Social Movements.” ASR 52 (1987): 519-532. Data on mobilization for a Dutch peace march.
  3. Slides on “reading article tables/graphs” for the Klandermans & Oegema and Wood & Hughes articles PowerPoint pdf file
  4. some reading notes about the “main points” in Klandermans & Oegema, Freeman, and Wood & Hughes articles