Economics 302: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

This site provides resources for students in Economics 302 at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for Spring 2007 Semester

Chart from E. Porter and J.W. Peters, "This expansion looks familiar," NYT, February 13, 2007.

Syllabus | Important Dates | Downloadable Course Materials and Information Sources | Department of Economics Robert M. LaFollette School of Public Affairs |

LECTURE: MW 2:30-3:45, 5106 Social Sciences

Section 301: R 8:50, 58 Bascom
Section 302: R 9:55, 14 Ingraham
Section 303: F 11:00, 6228 Social Sciences
Section 304: F 3:30, 5322 Social Sciences
Section 305: F 9:55, 6102 Social Sciences

Professor Menzie Chinn
Office Hours: MW 1:15-2:15
Office: 7418 Social Sciences Bldg.
Phone: (608) 262-7397
email: mchinn at
Home Page

Teaching Assistant
Seung Gyu Sim
Office Hours: Th,F 2:20-3:20 (tentative)
Office: 7226 Social Sciences Bldg.
Phone: (608) 262-5353
email: seunggyusim at
Home Page

Course Syllabus

Econ 302 Syllabus in PDF file.

Economics 302 is a course in intermediate macroeconomic theory and policy analysis. Students should have a familiarity with algebra (solving simultaneous equations). Knowledge of basic calculus (partial and total differentials) and introductory statistics (linear regression) will be helpful, but not required. The main part of the course will focus on the IS-LM framework. However, considerable attention will be devoted to international aspects, such as the trade deficit, international capital flows and the exchange rate, as well as domestic issues such as inflationary processes. Students enrolling in this course should be comfortable with algebraic and graphical analysis. It requires sustained immersion in relevant economic theory, and does not present a primarily descriptive or historical approach.

One semester of calculus (Math 221 or 211) is required. Math 221 is recommended.

Important Dates

Course Materials and Sources of Economic Information

Downloadable Course Materials

Required On-line Readings

Additional Optional Readings

News Reports

News Sources

Weblogs and Perspectives

Economics and Economic Policy Links

International Organizations

U.S. Government Agencies

Current and Historical Data

Economics 302 Intermediate Macro / UW Madison / / 21 May 2007