WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

1957 - Aspirations

plns58q - plcertq   Plans for next year
tchcntq - parinfq   Contact, influence of teachers, parents on future
marplnq             Influence of marriage on future
milplnq             Influence of military on future
plnsedq - edmj57q   Education plans
jbst57q, jobnxyr1   Job situation for next year
indnxyr1 - ocixyr   Occupation scores for job after graduation
occl57 - spociasp   Occupation scores for job respondent aspires to have
imputeoc            Use JOBENTER for detailed occupation code?
didspec1            Responent give specific occupational aspiration?
schlmaj1            Were respondent's education plans used for occupation 

NOTE:   See Appendix A - Memo067 for a general selection of variables
        used for previous WLS publications.
NOTE:   See APPENDIX II - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational 
        aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
        1957 aspiration recoding.

plns58q: What are your plans for next year?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 1a
Revisions: Replacement 1/83      Archived variable: plns58

Value Label Male Female Total
1 Continue going to school 1878 2289 4167
2 Get a job 908 2454 3362
3 Become an apprentice 172 12 184
4 Military service 1183 28 1211
5 Work at home 192 35 227
6 No definite plans 287 131 418
7 Get married 7 69 76
8 Other plans (If graduate provided information, the more detailed code was assigned.) 22 43 65
9 School AND job 55 135 190
10 School AND apprentice 15 2 17
11 School AND military 75 1 76
12 School AND work at home 3 3 6
13 School AND no definite plans 2 2 4
15 School AND other plans 8 5 13
16 Job AND apprentice 7 3 10
17 Job AND military 63 3 66
18 Job AND work at home 15 7 22
19 Job AND no definite plans 8 6 14
20 Job AND get married 0 55 55
21 Job AND other plans 9 18 27
22 Apprentice AND military 13 0 13
24 Apprentice AND no definite plans 1 0 1
26 Apprentice AND other plans 3 0 3
27 Military AND work at home 12 0 12
28 Military AND no definite plans 3 0 3
30 Military AND other plans 8 0 8
31 Work at home AND no definite plans 1 0 1
32 Work at home AND get married 0 1 1
33 Work at home AND other plans 1 0 1
34 No definite plans AND get married 0 1 1
35 No definite plans AND other plans 0 3 3
77 Graduate checked more than two responses 16 5 21
Note: Marriage was not listed as an option on the original
questionnaire but many people responded with "other -
marriage" and a unique code was created to reflect this.

plnslkq: What would you like to do next year?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 1b, 1a
Revisions: Added 1/83     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NOT ASCERTAINED/REFUSED OR same as PLNS58 4481 4985 9466
1 Continue going to school 312 281 593
2 Get a job 65 27 92
3 Become an apprentice 65 3 68
4 Military service 41 14 55
5 Work at home 8 1 9
6 No definite plans 3 1 4
7 Get married 1 1 2
8 Other plans OR graduate checked more than one 15 13 28
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

plcertq: How certain are you that you will be doing what you plan for next year?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 1d
Revisions: Added 1/83     

Value Label Male Female Total
1 Certain 3094 3884 6978
2 Uncertain 1388 1028 2416
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

tchcntq: To what extent have you discussed your plans with your teachers or counselors?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 5a
Revisions: Replacement 1/83      Archived variable: tchcnt

Value Label Male Female Total
1 Not at all 1422 1250 2672
2 Some 3006 3393 6399
3 Very much 416 569 985
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

tchinfq: How much did your teachers or counselors influence your plans?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 5b
Revisions: Replacement 1/83      Archived variable: tchinf

Value Label Male Female Total
1 Not at all 1655 1562 3217
2 Some 2370 2632 5002
3 Very much 463 576 1039
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

parcntq: To what extent have you discussed your plans with your parents?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 6a
Revisions: Replacement 1/83      Archived variable: parcnt

Value Label Male Female Total
1 Not at all 123 73 196
2 Some 2250 1522 3772
3 Very much 2550 3677 6227
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

parinfq: How much did your parents influence your plans?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 6b
Revisions: Replacement 1/83      Archived variable: parinf

Value Label Male Female Total
1 Not at all 593 457 1050
2 Some 2949 2843 5792
3 Very much 1320 1919 3239
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

marplnq: Has marriage or the prospect of being married influenced your plans for next year?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 20
Revisions: Replacement 1/83      Archived variable: marpln

Value Label Male Female Total
1 YES 261 909 1170
2 NO 4176 4044 8220
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

milplnq: How has the prospect of military service influenced your plans?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 28, 29
Revisions: Replacement 1/83      Archived variable: milpln

Value Label Male Female Total
1 Male; Influenced graduate to attend college and join the ROTC 560 0 560
2 Male; Male graduate uncertain about future plans 2100 1 2101
3 Male; Caused graduate to plan a military career 638 0 638
4 Male; Had no influence on plans 1513 2 1515
5 Female; Caused graduate to be unsettled in plans 0 423 423
6 Female; Had no influence on decisions 0 4704 4704
7 Female; Caused graduate to plan to enter military service 0 32 32
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

plnsedq: What kind of school do you plan to attend?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 2a
Revisions: Replacement 1/83      Archived variable: plnsed

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NOT ASCERTAINED/REFUSED or not applicable 2671 2730 5401
1 Public vocational school 207 236 443
2 Public county teachers college 23 105 128
3 Public state college 574 463 1037
4 Public university (Graduate may have attended University Extension but if University was checked - code 4 was assigned.) 688 451 1139
5 Private liberal arts college 256 347 603
6 Private university 225 127 352
7 Private business or trade school 154 303 457
8 Other (for ALL graduates who checked 'other' OR if graduate checked two or more schools) 193 564 757
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

edwiscq: Do you plan to attend school outside of Wisconsin?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 2b
Revisions: Added 1/83     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NOT ASCERTAINED/REFUSED or not applicable 2422 2528 4950
1 YES 475 564 1039
2 NO 2094 2234 4328
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

edtimeq: Will you attend school full-time or part-time?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 2c
Revisions: Added 1/83     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NOT ASCERTAINED/REFUSED or not applicable 2733 2799 5532
1 FULL-TIME 2008 2267 4275
2 PART-TIME 250 260 510
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

edmj57q: What is the graduate's major field of study.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 3
Revisions: Added 1/83     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NOT ASCERTAINED/REFUSED or not applicable 2448 2734 5182
-1 UNDECIDED 159 85 244
0 - 50 634 711 1345
54 - 90 692 301 993
91 - 363 514 535 1049
364 - 648 227 756 983
649 - 776 317 204 521
Note: See Appendix B - COR555 Major fields of study.

jbst57q: What is your job status for next year?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4a
Revisions: Added 1/83     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NOT ASCERTAINED/REFUSED or not applicable 2590 2170 4760
1 Have applied, but do not yet have a job 437 888 1325
2 Have applied and have been accepted 185 415 600
3 Have not applied 1036 1260 2296
4 Will continue in a job currently held 549 488 1037
5 Other 194 105 299
Note: See Appendix A - COR336at3 for 1983 recoding of questionnaires.

jobnxyr1: Do you know the specific job that you will hold after graduation?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Added 5/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
1 YES 836 1140 1976
2 NO 4155 4186 8341
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

indnxyr1: 1970 Census detailed industry code for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP (JOBNXYR1=2), Refused, not ascertained 4224 4377 8601
17 - 199 304 39 343
207 - 398 166 216 382
407 - 628 129 236 365
629 - 718 107 237 344
727 - 937 61 221 282
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

See Appendix E for Coding of 1957 and 1977 industry,
occupation and class of worker.

indnxyr2: 1970 Major industry code for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP/refused/not ascertained 4224 4377 8601
1 Agriculture, Forestry, And Fisheries 188 6 194
2 Mining 3 0 3
3 Construction 77 1 78
4 Manufacturing 202 248 450
5 Transportation, Communications, And Other Public Utilities 49 150 199
6 Wholesale And Retail Trade 184 177 361
7 Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate 3 146 149
8 Business And Repair Services 21 18 39
9 Personal Services 17 21 38
10 Entertainment And Recreation Services 6 7 13
11 Public Administration 6 14 20
12 Professional And Related Services 11 161 172
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

See Appendix E - COR713 and MEMO133 for creation of major industry,
major occupation, status, and prestige.

ocnxyr1: 1970 Census detailed occupation code for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP/refused/not ascertained 4183 4208 8391
1 - 372 124 344 468
374 - 395 23 578 601
396 - 751 371 64 435
753 - 925 285 111 396
926 - 984 5 21 26
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

See Appendix E for Coding of 1957 and 1977 industry,
occupation and class of worker.

ocnxyr2: 1970 Major occupation code for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP/refused/not ascertained 4183 4208 8391
1 Professional, technical and kindred workers 39 22 61
2 Managers and administrators; except farm 17 3 20
3 Sales workers 37 18 55
4 Clerical and kindred workers 54 880 934
5 Craftsmen and kindred workers 136 4 140
6 Operatives; except transport 141 57 198
7 Transport equipment operatives 40 2 42
8 Laborers; except farm 130 7 137
9 Farmers and farm managers 72 2 74
10 Farm laborers and farm foremen 112 0 112
11 Service workers; except private household 30 120 150
12 Private household workers 0 3 3
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

ocnxyr3: 1970 Duncan SEI score for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Updated 5/97, 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP/refused/not ascertained 4183 4208 8391
20 - 151 343 62 405
160 - 326 265 126 391
329 - 440 94 414 508
449 - 610 69 390 459
619 - 869 37 126 163
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.

See Appendix E - COR713 and MEMO133 for creation of major industry,
major occupation, status, and prestige.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

ocnxyr4: 1970 MSEI2 occupational status score for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Updated 5/97, 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP/refused/not ascertained 4183 4208 8391
1267 - 1850 340 45 385
1852 - 2293 258 130 388
2303 - 3398 93 311 404
3413 - 4079 26 378 404
4254 - 7816 91 254 345
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

ocnxyr5: 1970 TSEI2 occupational status score for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Updated 5/97, 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP/refused/not ascertained 4183 4208 8391
1448 - 1943 335 114 449
1952 - 2288 188 208 396
2311 - 2774 155 463 618
2799 - 4615 80 306 386
4848 - 8011 50 27 77
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

ocnxyr6: 1970 Siegel prestige score for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Updated 5/97, 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP/refused/not ascertained 4183 4208 8391
144 - 233 311 79 390
236 - 356 230 156 386
357 - 368 50 348 398
371 - 433 153 309 462
437 - 670 64 226 290
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.
See Appendix E - COR713 and MEMO133 for creation of major industry,
major occupation, status, and prestige.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

ocexyr: 1970 Occupational education score for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Added 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 4183 4208 8391
8 - 70 339 50 389
72 - 127 270 117 387
129 - 201 96 308 404
203 - 265 18 432 450
267 - 862 85 211 296
Note: There is an implied decimal point one place to the left of
the right most digit.

The 1970-basis occupational education score is the percentage of persons
in the 1970 Census in an occupation/industry/class-of-worker category
who completed one year of college or more. See Appendix P--cor638 and
cor713 for details, and a recommended transformation of this variable
is described in MEMO133.

ocixyr: 1970 Occupational income score for job to be held after graduation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 4
Revisions: Added 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 4183 4208 8391
0 - 23 48 338 386
24 - 37 200 245 445
38 - 72 75 324 399
78 - 202 219 167 386
203 - 755 266 44 310
Note: There is an implied decimal point one place to the left of
the right most digit.

The 1970-basis occupational education score is the percentage of persons
in the 1970 Census in an occupation/industry/class-of-worker category
who completed one year of college or more. See Appendix P--cor638 and
cor713 for details, and a recommended transformation of this variable
is described in MEMO133.

occl57: Graduate's intended occupational class.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 1, 2, 3, 4 9b

Value Label Male Female Total
0 No information 356 380 736
5 Marriage--no further information 0 63 63
10 Military service (noncareer) 425 13 438
20 Unskilled 109 12 121
30 Farmers 319 16 335
40 Service workers 75 327 402
50 Operatives 491 146 637
60 Skilled workers 512 24 536
70 White collar 655 2420 3075
80 Executives 298 46 344
90 Low professional (other than codes 91-93 below) 559 522 1081
91 Nurses 5 540 545
92 Clergymen 34 5 39
93 Teachers 212 694 906
94 High prestige professions (other than codes 95-99 below) 66 26 92
95 Low medical 37 8 45
96 Professors, scientists and research workers 78 33 111
97 Engineers and architects 609 11 620
98 Lawyers 49 7 56
99 High medical 102 33 135
Note: See Appendix E - COR074c On the Coding of Occupational

ocst57: 1950 Duncan SEI score for graduate's intended occupation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 1, 2, 3, 4 9b

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Missing data 355 441 796
0 - 19 1480 441 1921
21 - 43 598 1846 2444
48 - 60 689 1291 1980
64 - 71 912 1137 2049
74 - 96 957 170 1127
Note: See Appendix E - COR074c On the Coding of Occupational

ocpr57: 1950 NORC prestige score for graduate's intended occupation.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 1, 2, 3, 4 9b

Value Label Male Female Total
0 MISSING DATA 355 441 796
9 - 58 1481 441 1922
59 - 69 597 1846 2443
70 - 74 689 1291 1980
75 - 78 912 1137 2049
79 - 99 957 170 1127
Note: See Appendix E - COR074c On the Coding of Occupational

jobenter: Graduate's 1957 occupational aspiration, by broad category.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b, 1, 2, 3, 4
Revisions: Added 5/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Blank, no info provided 1209 1066 2275
1 Office work 215 2031 2246
2 Professional 1226 1506 2732
3 Executive 326 20 346
4 Factory worker 433 130 563
5 Salesman 127 32 159
6 Own/manage small business 307 49 356
7 Own/manage farm 281 8 289
8 Other occupation (specify) 867 484 1351
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

spjoben1: 1970 Census detailed occupation code for graduate's 1957 aspiration. This is not imputed.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 1756 1102 2858
1 - 75 1193 597 1790
76 - 190 506 1038 1544
191 - 395 324 2105 2429
402 - 935 1193 298 1491
942 - 984 19 186 205
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

See Appendix E for Coding of 1957 and 1977 industry,
occupation and class of worker.

spocasp1: 1970 Census detailed occupation code for graduate's 1957 aspiration. This is imputed.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b, 1, 2, 3, 4
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 1440 1062 2502
1 - 75 1193 597 1790
76 - 193 523 1040 1563
194 - 395 618 2143 2761
402 - 944 1199 476 1675
960 - 984 18 8 26
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

See Appendix E for Coding of 1957 and 1977 industry,
occupation and class of worker.

spocasp2: 1970 Major occupation code for 1957 aspiration.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b
Revisions: Updated 5/97, 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 1756 1102 2858
1 Professional, technical and kindred workers 1721 1642 3363
2 Managers and administrators; except farm 68 15 83
3 Sales workers 63 28 91
4 Clerical and kindred workers 171 2055 2226
5 Craftsmen and kindred workers 405 12 417
6 Operatives; except transport 396 127 523
7 Transport equipment operatives 21 0 21
8 Laborers; except farm 41 3 44
9 Farmers and farm managers 295 10 305
10 Farm laborers and farm foremen 5 0 5
11 Service workers; except private household 49 327 376
12 Private household workers 0 5 5
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.

See Appendix E - COR713 and MEMO133 for creation of major industry,
major occupation, status, and prestige.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

spocasp3: 1970 Duncan SEI score for 1957 aspiration.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 1756 1102 2858
41 - 329 1028 470 1498
330 - 440 271 1828 2099
443 - 623 590 1553 2143
630 - 899 1167 327 1494
921 - 960 179 46 225
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.

See Appendix E - COR713 and MEMO133 for creation of major industry,
major occupation, status, and prestige.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

spocasp4: 1970 MSEI2 occupational status score for 1957 aspiration.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 1756 1102 2858
1309 - 2809 1071 420 1491
2811 - 3413 251 1846 2097
3422 - 4892 551 1446 1997
5032 - 7915 1047 445 1492
8035 - 8849 315 67 382
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

spocasp5: 1970 TSEI2 occupational status score for 1957 aspiration.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 1756 1102 2858
1448 - 2687 1038 477 1515
2709 - 2774 162 1802 1964
2802 - 5164 724 1441 2165
5343 - 8291 1039 452 1491
8353 - 8957 272 52 324
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

spocasp6: 1970 Siegel prestige score for 1957 aspiration.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b
Revisions: Added 5/97; Updated 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
122 - 362 789 2190 2979
364 - 442 752 898 1650
443 - 601 595 939 1534
603 - 812 1099 197 1296
Note: See Change Notice #21 for information about the 9/00 update.
See Appendix E - COR713 and MEMO133 for creation of major industry,
major occupation, status, and prestige.

See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

spoceasp: 1970 Occupational education score for 1957 aspiration.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b
Revisions: Added 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 1756 1102 2858
25 - 142 1125 387 1512
145 - 231 230 1891 2121
235 - 608 633 1427 2060
611 - 961 1046 446 1492
966 - 987 201 73 274
Note: There is an implied decimal point one place to the left of
the right most digit.

The 1970-basis occupational education score is the percentage of persons
in the 1970 Census in an occupation/industry/class-of-worker category
who completed one year of college or more. See Appendix P--cor638 and
cor713 for details, and a recommended transformation of this variable
is described in MEMO133.

spociasp: 1970 Occupational income score for 1957 aspiration.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b
Revisions: Added 9/00     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 INAP, refused, not ascertained 1756 1102 2858
2 - 58 179 2329 2508
60 - 129 640 1320 1960
132 - 421 1084 409 1493
422 - 877 1332 166 1498
Note: There is an implied decimal point one place to the left of
the right most digit.

The 1970-basis occupational education score is the percentage of persons
in the 1970 Census in an occupation/industry/class-of-worker category
who completed one year of college or more. See Appendix P--cor638 and
cor713 for details, and a recommended transformation of this variable
is described in MEMO133.

imputeoc: Was 1970 detailed occupation code imputed, based on response to JOBENTER?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b, 1, 2, 3, 4
Revisions: Added 5/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
0 NO 4675 5286 9961
1 YES 316 40 356
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

didspec1: Did respondent name a specific occupational aspiration, which could be assigned a 1970 detailed occupation code?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 9b
Revisions: Added 5/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
1 YES 922 528 1450
2 NO 4069 4798 8867
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding.

schlmaj1: Was information about educational plans or aspirations, including college major, used to assign a 1970 detailed occupation code?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: SAQ
Source variables: 1, 2, 3
Revisions: Added 5/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
1 YES 1961 2077 4038
2 NO 3030 3249 6279
Note: See Appendix B - COR617a2 for Recoding of 1957 occupational
aspiration responses and COR617f2 for Instructions to coders for
1957 aspiration recoding
