WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

In Person: Marriage, Cohab, and Dating

JMARR Marriage, Cohabitation, and Dating    


The marriage module starts by confirming the participant's marital status at
the time of the last interview. We then follow-up with questions about any
changes in marital status. Information about current spouse is updated and
background information of new spouses or partners is collected.

For the first time, non-married participants are asked about cohabitation and
dating.  We ask about the starting date of the current cohabitation but do not
ask about any prior cohabitations. Participants who are not currently married
or living with someone are asked about their dating activity.  

A complete marriage roster that harmonizes data from all prior waves has been
created and is available for download.  To read more about the cross-wave
harmonized marriage roster
click here.


 HMARSTAT - HMARREL:	Module-level status variables
 HC001RE: 		Current Marital Status
 HC101RE  - HC102RE:	Current Cohabitation Status
 HC002RE  - HC208RE:	Marital History
 HC005RE  - HT121RE:	Characteristics of current marriage and current spouse 
 			or partner
 HC200RE  - HC206RE:	Dating and future relationship plans
 HC014SP  - HC032SP:   	Characteristics of CURRENT spouse or partner's job

hmarstat: Was the Marriage Module completed by participant alone, with help, or by proxy?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_marproxy1, y_marhelp0, capiproxy, y_proxy, and y_ivwloc

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
1 R COMPLETED ALONE 2327 2955 5282
Note: For many cases a participant's spouse or other family member was present during the interview. This sometimes resulted in the participant relying on the other person for help in answering some or many of the questions. At the end of each module the interviewer indicated the amount of help the participant received and who provided that help. That assessment is covered by codes 1 through 5. Additionally, a code of 7 indicates that the entire interview was administered to a proxy while a code of 6 indicates that this particular module was answered by a proxy but other modules were answered by the participant.

hmarrel: Relationship of Marriage Module helper or proxy to participant

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hmarstat, y_marproxy1, y_marhelp0, y_marhelp1, y_marhelp2_hfn, y_marhelp3, y_h1fn to y_h4fn, y_pfn, prxyfnam, y_p1fn to y_p5fn, y_prel, prxyrel, and y_p1rel to y_p5rel

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2530 3082 5612
0 SPOUSE 236 95 331
2 BROTHER 1 0 1
8 DAUGHTER 3 4 7
25 FRIEND 0 1 1
48 SON 1 3 4
Note: If this module was administered via proxy or if the participant received help answering the questions in this module then the interviewer recorded the relationship of the proxy/helper to the participant. Although most participants relied on only one helper or proxy for the interview, some had more than one. Thus the value of the relationship code may vary across the modules.

hc001re: Current (2011) marital status

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c28v y_c28m1 y_c28m2 y_c32m_11 y_c32s1 y_c28w1 y_c28w2 y_c32s y_mrst04 y_mrst92

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
1 CURRENTLY MARRIED 2335 2099 4434
2 SEPARATED 8 8 16
3 DIVORCED 233 421 654
4 WIDOWED 167 670 837
5 NEVER MARRIED 99 103 202

hc101re: Are you living in a marriage-like relationship or cohabiting?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c70 y_c32m_21 y_c32m_22 y_c32m_23

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 9 12
-2 2335 2099 4434
1 YES 78 57 135
2 NO 429 1142 1571

hc102re: Century Month for beginning of current cohabiting relationship

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c46_m y_c46_y

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2701 3136 5837
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
742 - 1050 15 10 25
1066 - 1168 14 11 25
1170 - 1261 17 9 26
1263 - 1299 11 15 26
1302 - 1344 16 10 26

hc002re: More than one marriage as of 2011 interview?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc003re

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 7 10
-3 REFUSED 3 2 5
1 YES 636 595 1231
2 NO 2203 2703 4906

hc003re: Number of marriages as of 2011 interview

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: gc003re rc003re y_c28v y_c28m1 y_c28m2 y_c32m_11 y_c32s1 y_c28w1 y_c28w2 y_c32s

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-3 REFUSED 3 2 5
0 NEVER MARRIED 99 103 202
1 2104 2600 4704
2 521 489 1010
3 95 94 189
4 14 12 26
5 4 0 4
6 1 0 1
7 1 0 1

hc004re: Marital history as of 2011

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc001re hc003re

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 0 1 1
-29 Left Blank on MOSAQ 3 6 9
-3 Refused 3 2 5
1 Currently Married, Married Only Once 1793 1735 3528
2 Currently Married, Married more than once 540 364 904
3 Separated, Married only once 3 7 10
4 Separated, Married more than once. 5 1 6
5 Divorced, Married Only once 165 315 480
6 Divorced, Married more than once. 67 106 173
7 Widowed, married only once 143 543 686
8 Widowed, Married more than once 24 124 148
9 Single, never married 99 103 202

hc008re: Status of 1975 Marriage

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: gc008re rc008re hc208 hc108

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not Part Of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-4 Not Ascertained 2 0 2
-3 Refused 0 1 1
-2 387 448 835
-1 Don't Know 0 1 1
1 Still In Marriage 1728 1681 3409
2 Separated 21 21 42
3 Ended In Divorce 440 470 910
4 Death Of Spouse 199 569 768

hc108re: Status of 1993 Marriage

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: gc108re rc001re

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not Part Of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-4 Not Ascertained 1 0 1
-2 425 652 1077
-1 Don't Know 0 1 1
1 Still In Marriage 2074 1900 3974
2 Separated 6 5 11
3 Ended In Divorce 89 91 180
4 Death Of Spouse 182 542 724

hc208re: Status of 2004 Marriage

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: gc001re hc001re y_c28w1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not Part Of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 529 996 1525
1 Still In Marriage 2133 1918 4051
2 Separated 5 4 9
3 Ended In Divorce 20 18 38
4 Death Of Spouse 90 255 345

hc005re: Century Month when current marriage began

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c46_m y_c46_y rc005re gc005re

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-3 REFUSED 5 2 7
-2 508 1208 1716
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 1 5
676 - 718 251 675 926
719 - 740 434 490 924
741 - 773 535 363 898
774 - 906 623 263 886
908 - 1342 484 304 788

hc011sp: Century Month of 2011 spouse/partner's birth

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cu28pa_y y_cu28pa_m y_c28v y_c28m1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 419 1105 1524
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 0 4
205 - 442 83 796 879
443 - 469 208 717 925
470 - 488 544 352 896
489 - 519 763 119 882
520 - 824 727 87 814
Note: Year of birth on public release

hcb10sp: Level of Educational attainment of 2011 spouse/partner at time of marriage/cohab

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cu68s y_c68t gcb10sp rcb10sp rca10sp mrceds

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-3 REFUSED 3 2 5
-2 431 1151 1582
-1 DON'T KNOW 9 7 16
1 First Grade 0 1 1
3 Third Grade 1 2 3
4 Fourth Grade 1 0 1
6 Sixth Grade 1 0 1
7 Seventh Grade 1 4 5
8 Eighth Grade 12 57 69
9 Ninth Grade 5 24 29
10 Tenth Grade 39 56 95
11 Eleventh Grade 50 47 97
12 Fourth Year Of High School 1340 992 2332
13 1 Year Of College 140 99 239
14 2 Years Of College 179 136 315
15 3 Years Of College 66 56 122
16 4 Years Of College 345 283 628
17 5 Years College, 1 Year Grad Or Prof School 39 75 114
18 6 Years College, 2 Years Grad Or Prof School 52 116 168
19 7 Years College, 3 Years Grad Or Prof School 10 30 40
20 8 Years College, 4 Years Grad Or Prof School 5 47 52
21 9 Years College, 5 Years Grad Or Prof School 1 15 16
22 10 Years College, 6 Years Grad Or Prof School 1 13 14
23 11 Years College, 7 Years Grad Or Prof School 0 3 3
24 12 Years College, 8 Years Grad Or Prof School 3 6 9
25 13 Years College, 9 Years Grad Or Prof School 0 3 3
26 14 Years College, 10 Years Grad Or Prof School 0 1 1
32 High School Equivalency - GED 13 10 23
35 Special School 5 1 6
40 Associate's Degree 12 10 22
45 Bachelor's Degree 38 31 69
50 Master's Degree 24 15 39
55 PhD 5 4 9
Note: Participants could answer in number of years or final degree. Although it is impossible to know for sure it is likely that responses of 16 (Four years of college) and 45 (Bachelor's Degree) are equivalent.
Note: While the in-person interview asked about spouse's AND cohabiting partner's educational attainment at the time of marriage, the MOSAQ only asked for spouse's education and not partner's. Thus we have values of -30 "Not part of MOSAQ" for cohabiting participants and values of -29 "Left blank on SAQ" for married participants.

hcc11sp: Number of Spouse/Partner's Children at time of new 2011 marriage/cohab

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c62j

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2645 3107 5752
0 26 14 40
1 21 12 33
2 42 21 63
3 22 19 41
4 13 10 23
5 5 6 11
6 2 1 3
8 0 1 1
10 1 0 1
Note: Only valid for participants who reported a new relationship (marriage or cohabitation) in the 2011 wave.

hc012sp: Age of Spouse/Partner at time of 2011 interview

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc011sp datey datem

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 0 4
44 - 68 905 108 1013
69 - 71 947 295 1242
72 - 73 327 613 940
74 - 77 114 790 904
78 - 95 31 265 296

hc013sp: Age of Spouse/Partner at time of Marriage

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc011sp hc005sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 6 2 8
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 1 5
7 - 21 938 407 1345
22 - 23 458 493 951
24 - 28 354 629 983
29 - 56 471 405 876
57 - 88 95 134 229
Note: The variable is based on spouse's birthdate and date of marriage resulting in some unlikely ages.

hc034sp: Does R currently live with spouse/partner?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c62m_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 420 1105 1525
1 YES 2330 2062 4392
2 NO 27 24 51

hc035spx: Why are R and spouse/partner not living together?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c62m_s
Revisions: Replaced 11/2020      Archived variable: hc035sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2750 3167 5917
1 Away At Work 5 1 6
7 Spouse/Partner Lives In Nursing Home/Assisted Living 11 11 22
10 Has Another Residence Elsewhere 1 0 1
11 Marital Difficulties 2 0 2
12 Separated 2 1 3
15 Spouse/Partner In Rehabilitation 0 1 1
16 R Lives In Nursing Home Or Assisted Living 2 3 5
17 Prefer To Live Apart By Mutual Consent 1 2 3
18 Part-Time Cohabitation 0 4 4
19 R Is Hospitalized 1 1 2
20 R Is In Rehabilitation 1 0 1

hc038spa: Version A: How would you describe your spouse/partner's health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c76f y_b1165 y_b1165b

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 0 2 2
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 EXCELLENT 741 493 1234
2 GOOD 1171 1074 2245
3 FAIR 354 380 734
4 POOR 69 108 177
5 VERY POOR 20 29 49

hc038spb: Version B: How would you describe your spouse/partner's health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c76f y_b1165 y_b1165b

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2356 2790 5146
1 EXCELLENT 103 73 176
2 VERY GOOD 136 135 271
3 GOOD 121 129 250
4 FAIR 50 50 100
5 POOR 11 14 25

hc038spf: Flag for version and order of spouse health question

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_sp_hlth

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 420 1105 1525
1 Only asked version A in marriage module 1936 1685 3621
2 Asked A in marriage module B in retirement module 210 199 409
3 Asked B in marriage A in retirement module 211 202 413
Note: Spouse's Reported Health was asked twice as part of a methodological experiement on response cateories.

hc094sp: Does Spouse/Partner have physical or mental condition that limits work?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cu76g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 3 9
1 YES 514 645 1159
2 NO 1837 1437 3274

hv005re: Does spouse partner have condition that limits non-work activities now or is likely to in the future?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cu78

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 1 3 4
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 DON'T KNOW 13 19 32
1 YES 689 815 1504
2 NO 1654 1249 2903

hv005f: Flag for number of conditions listed

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: c_y_cu79 c2_y_cu79 c3_y_cu79 c4_y_cu79 c5_y_cu79

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2088 2376 4464
1 554 612 1166
2 106 149 255
3 21 41 62
4 6 6 12
5 1 6 7
Note: Only the first two conditions are available in the public release. Users should contact WLS if they wish access to all listed conditions.

hv005re1: ICD-9 Code for first condition listed

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: c_y_cu79 c2_y_cu79 c3_y_cu79 c4_y_cu79 c5_y_cu79

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 2089 2377 4466
38 Septicemia 0 1 1
45 Acute poliomyelitis 1 0 1
88 Other arthropod-borne diseases 1 0 1
117 Other mycoses 1 0 1
135 Sarcoidosis 0 1 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 1 0 1
138 Late effects of acute poliomyelitis 3 3 6
152 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum 0 1 1
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 0 1 1
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 0 1 1
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 0 3 3
163 Malignant neoplasm of pleura 0 1 1
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 1 0 1
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 1 3 4
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 7 0 7
182 Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus 1 0 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 3 0 3
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 0 15 15
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 0 5 5
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 9 13 22
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 2 5 7
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 0 2 2
204 Lymphoid leukemia 1 1 2
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 2 2 4
209 1 0 1
238 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other and unspecified sites and tissues 0 3 3
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 1 3 4
245 Thyroiditis 1 0 1
246 Other disorders of thyroid 1 0 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 50 86 136
255 Disorders of adrenal glands 2 0 2
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 0 1 1
274 Gout 0 3 3
277 Other and unspecified disorders of metabolism 1 0 1
278 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 6 1 7
279 Disorders involving the immune mechanism 1 0 1
284 Aplastic anemia 0 1 1
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 1 1
286 Coagulation defects 0 1 1
289 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 1 0 1
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 5 8 13
296 Affective psychoses 2 1 3
297 Paranoid states 1 0 1
300 Neurotic disorder 2 0 2
303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 2 1 3
305 Nondependent abuse of drugs 1 0 1
309 Adjustment reaction 0 1 1
310 Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders due to organic brain damage 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 3 1 4
331 Other cerebral degenerations 5 18 23
332 Parkinson's disease 4 23 27
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 0 1 1
334 Spinocerebellar disease 1 0 1
337 Disorders of the autonomic nervous system 1 0 1
340 Multiple sclerosis 10 2 12
344 Other paralytic syndromes 1 1 2
346 Migraine 2 0 2
349 Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system 2 0 2
350 trigeminal nerve disorder 0 2 2
354 Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex 1 0 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 3 10 13
357 Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy 1 0 1
358 Myoneural disorders 0 2 2
359 Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies 1 0 1
360 Disorder of the globe 1 0 1
361 Retinal detachments and defects 0 1 1
362 Other retinal disorders 6 8 14
365 Glaucoma 4 7 11
366 Cataract 1 1 2
369 Blindness and low vision 4 11 15
378 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 0 1 1
379 Other eye disorders 1 1 2
386 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 5 0 5
389 Hearing loss 3 6 9
395 Diseases of the aortic valve 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 4 11 15
410 Acute myocardial infarction 3 14 17
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 2 5 7
415 Acute pulmonary heart disease 1 0 1
425 Cardiomyopathy 0 1 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 7 22 29
428 Heart failure 0 11 11
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 22 76 98
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 3 0 3
431 Intracerebral hemorrhage 1 0 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 6 20 26
438 Late effects of cerebrovascular disease 1 0 1
440 Atherosclerosis 0 5 5
441 Aortic aneurysm 1 2 3
442 Other aneurysm 1 1 2
443 Other peripheral vascular disease 1 2 3
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 0 1
446 Polyarteritis nodosa and allied conditions 0 1 1
447 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 2 3 5
453 Other venous embolism and thrombosis 0 1 1
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 0 1 1
461 Acute sinusitis 1 0 1
490 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic 0 1 1
492 Emphysema 5 16 21
493 Asthma 24 15 39
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 14 28 42
501 Asbestosis 0 1 1
515 Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 4 4 8
519 Other diseases of respiratory system 3 1 4
530 Diseases of esophagus 1 0 1
537 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 1 0 1
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 0 1 1
560 Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia 0 1 1
569 Other disorders of intestine 1 1 2
573 Other disorders of liver 2 1 3
577 Diseases of pancreas 1 1 2
579 Intestinal malabsorption 1 0 1
586 Renal failure, unspecified 3 7 10
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 4 4 8
596 Other disorders of bladder 0 1 1
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 2 1 3
709 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 1 0 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 8 1 9
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 21 11 32
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 5 1 6
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 79 47 126
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 50 31 81
721 Spondylosis and allied disorders 5 3 8
722 Intervertebral disc disorder 14 8 22
723 Other disorder of cervical region 3 1 4
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 57 44 101
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 3 1 4
726 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 1 3 4
727 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 1 0 1
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 1 3 4
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 26 1 27
732 Osteochondropathies 0 1 1
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 13 1 14
734 Flat foot 1 0 1
737 Curvature of spine 5 1 6
738 Other acquired deformity 0 1 1
742 Other congenital anomalies of nervous system 1 0 1
753 Congenital anomalies of urinary system 0 1 1
780 General symptoms 10 11 21
781 Symptoms involving nervous and muscoskeletal system 1 1 2
782 Symptoms involving skin and other integumentary tissue 1 0 1
785 Symptoms involving cardiovascular system 2 0 2
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 6 6 12
790 Nonspecific findings on examination of blood 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 2 3 5
805 Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord 0 2 2
808 Fracture of pelvis 1 0 1
814 Fracture of carpal bone(s) 1 0 1
818 Ill-defined fractures of upper limb 1 0 1
820 Fracture of neck of femur 1 0 1
821 Fracture of other and unspecified parts of femur 0 1 1
822 Fracture of patella 0 1 1
826 Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot 1 0 1
827 Other, multiple, and ill-defined fractures of lower limb 2 0 2
840 Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm 0 1 1
844 Sprains and strains of knee and leg 0 1 1
845 Sprains and strains of ankle and foot 1 0 1
959 Injury, other and unspecified 1 0 1
989 Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source 2 0 2
995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified 3 1 4
1765 Involuntary movement functions 1 0 1
6042 Organ Or Tissue Replaced By Transplant 0 1 1
6049 Other Conditions Influencing Health Status 3 3 6
6052 Fitting And Adjustment Of Prosthetic Device and implant 0 1 1
6056 Encounter For Dialysis and Dialysis Catheter Care 0 2 2
6062 Other Psychosocial Circumstances 1 0 1
7000 Procedures and Interventions, NEC 0 2 2
7002 Other operations on skull, brain, and cerebral meninges 1 0 1
7016 Operations on orbit and eyeball 1 0 1
7030 Excision of larynx 0 1 1
7033 Other operations on lung and bronchus 1 0 1
7035 Operations on valves and septa of heart 1 2 3
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 4 18 22
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 5 16 21
7046 Other operations on intestine 2 1 3
7051 Operations on gallbladder and biliary tract 1 0 1
7054 Other operations of abdominal wall 0 1 1
7055 Operations on kidney 2 1 3
7056 Operations on ureter 0 1 1
7060 Operations on prostate and seminal vesicles 0 1 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 38 40 78
7083 Operations on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa except hand 0 3 3
7084 Other procedures on musculoskeletal system 0 1 1

hv005re2: ICD-9 Code for second condition listed

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: c_y_cu79 c2_y_cu79 c3_y_cu79 c4_y_cu79 c5_y_cu79

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2700 2631 5331
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2089 2377 4466
38 Septicemia 0 1 1
45 Acute poliomyelitis 0 1 1
135 Sarcoidosis 1 0 1
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 0 2 2
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 0 1 1
179 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 1 0 1
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 0 3 3
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 4 5 9
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 0 1 1
238 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other and unspecified sites and tissues 1 0 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 13 17 30
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 0 3 3
277 Other and unspecified disorders of metabolism 0 1 1
278 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 2 1 3
289 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 0 2 2
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 0 3 3
295 Schizophrenic disorders 1 0 1
302 Sexual deviations and disorders 0 1 1
306 Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 2 0 2
331 Other cerebral degenerations 0 1 1
332 Parkinson's disease 1 2 3
342 Hemiplegia 0 1 1
344 Other paralytic syndromes 1 1 2
346 Migraine 2 0 2
349 Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system 1 0 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 2 3 5
362 Other retinal disorders 0 1 1
365 Glaucoma 0 1 1
366 Cataract 1 0 1
369 Blindness and low vision 1 0 1
379 Other eye disorders 1 0 1
386 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 1 0 1
389 Hearing loss 3 1 4
401 Essential hypertension 0 3 3
410 Acute myocardial infarction 0 5 5
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 1 3 4
428 Heart failure 0 2 2
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 11 18 29
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 1 8 9
438 Late effects of cerebrovascular disease 1 0 1
442 Other aneurysm 0 3 3
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 1 2
447 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 2 0 2
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 0 3 3
490 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic 0 1 1
492 Emphysema 2 1 3
493 Asthma 3 3 6
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 2 6 8
518 Other diseases of lung 1 1 2
530 Diseases of esophagus 0 1 1
537 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 1 0 1
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 1 0 1
555 Regional enteritis 1 0 1
569 Other disorders of intestine 0 1 1
573 Other disorders of liver 1 1 2
577 Diseases of pancreas 0 1 1
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 2 0 2
596 Other disorders of bladder 1 0 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 2 0 2
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 8 14 22
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 14 7 21
721 Spondylosis and allied disorders 1 1 2
722 Intervertebral disc disorder 2 1 3
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 5 9 14
726 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 0 1 1
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 1 0 1
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 5 0 5
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 2 0 2
737 Curvature of spine 1 0 1
741 Spina bifida 0 1 1
780 General symptoms 1 8 9
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 2 2 4
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 1 1
805 Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord 1 0 1
820 Fracture of neck of femur 1 0 1
827 Other, multiple, and ill-defined fractures of lower limb 1 0 1
840 Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm 1 0 1
909 Late effects of other and unspecified external causes 0 1 1
989 Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source 1 1 2
995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified 2 0 2
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 1 0 1
5863 Accidental Poisoning By Agricultural And Horticultural Chemical And Pharmaceutical Preparations Other Than Plant Foods And Fertilizers 0 2 2
6049 Other Conditions Influencing Health Status 1 2 3
6056 Encounter For Dialysis and Dialysis Catheter Care 1 1 2
7000 Procedures and Interventions, NEC 2 2 4
7002 Other operations on skull, brain, and cerebral meninges 1 0 1
7016 Operations on orbit and eyeball 0 1 1
7035 Operations on valves and septa of heart 0 1 1
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 1 9 10
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 1 5 6
7057 Operations on urinary bladder 0 1 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 4 13 17

hv005re3: ICD-9 Code for third condition listed

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: c_y_cu79 c2_y_cu79 c3_y_cu79 c4_y_cu79 c5_y_cu79

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2806 2780 5586
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2089 2377 4466
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 0 2 2
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 0 1 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 2 6 8
251 Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretion 1 0 1
274 Gout 1 0 1
278 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 1 0 1
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 0 1 1
296 Affective psychoses 1 0 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 1 0 1
332 Parkinson's disease 0 1 1
347 Cataplexy and narcolepsy 0 1 1
362 Other retinal disorders 1 0 1
389 Hearing loss 0 2 2
401 Essential hypertension 0 3 3
415 Acute pulmonary heart disease 0 1 1
428 Heart failure 1 1 2
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 0 3 3
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 0 3 3
441 Aortic aneurysm 0 1 1
442 Other aneurysm 1 0 1
443 Other peripheral vascular disease 1 0 1
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 0 1 1
491 Chronic bronchitis 0 1 1
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 1 1 2
518 Other diseases of lung 0 1 1
555 Regional enteritis 1 1 2
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 1 2
599 Other disorders of urethra and urinary tract 0 1 1
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 0 1 1
709 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 0 1 1
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1 0 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 1 1 2
717 Internal derangement of knee 0 1 1
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 2 2 4
723 Other disorder of cervical region 1 0 1
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 2 3 5
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 0 1 1
780 General symptoms 1 0 1
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 0 2 2
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 1 0 1
820 Fracture of neck of femur 0 1 1
6046 Other Dependence On Machines 0 1 1
7011 Operations on cornea 1 0 1
7028 Operations on tonsils and adenoids 1 0 1
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 0 1 1
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 0 3 3
7038 Incision, excision, and occlusion of vessels 1 0 1
7045 Incision, excision, and anastomosis of intestine 1 0 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 1 1 2
7084 Other procedures on musculoskeletal system 0 1 1

hv005re4: ICD-9 Code for fourth condition listed

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: c_y_cu79 c2_y_cu79 c3_y_cu79 c4_y_cu79 c5_y_cu79

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2827 2821 5648
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2089 2377 4466
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 0 1 1
173 Other malignant neoplasm of skin 0 1 1
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 0 1 1
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 1 0 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 1 0 1
350 trigeminal nerve disorder 1 0 1
379 Other eye disorders 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 0 1 1
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 0 1 1
442 Other aneurysm 0 1 1
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 0 1 1
495 Extrinsic allergic alveolitis 0 1 1
569 Other disorders of intestine 1 0 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 1 0 1
7002 Other operations on skull, brain, and cerebral meninges 1 0 1
7016 Operations on orbit and eyeball 0 1 1
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 1 0 1
7084 Other procedures on musculoskeletal system 0 1 1

hv005re5: ICD-9 Code for fifth condition listed

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: c_y_cu79 c2_y_cu79 c3_y_cu79 c4_y_cu79 c5_y_cu79

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2833 2827 5660
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2089 2377 4466
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 0 1 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 0 1 1
365 Glaucoma 0 1 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 0 1 1
805 Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord 1 0 1

hv047sp: In the last 12 months did sp/part RECEIVE personal care for a period of 1 month or more because of an illness or disability?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cu81

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 1 2 3
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 223 298 521
2 NO 2132 1784 3916

hc039re: To what extent do you and your spouse share a similar outlook on life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c76h

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-27 Not asked of Proxy 12 11 23
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 Don't know 2 1 3
1 Not at all similar 11 13 24
2 Not very similar 53 64 117
3 Somewhat similar 976 861 1837
4 Very similar 1303 1136 2439

hc040re: How close are you and your current spouse?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c76i

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 12 11 23
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
2 NOT VERY CLOSE 16 21 37
3 SOMEWHAT CLOSE 327 329 656
4 VERY CLOSE 1993 1720 3713

h1006spc: Spouse/Partner's Religious Preference

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_j452q c_yj452q c_y_j454n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 4 8 12
-2 420 1105 1525
-1 DON'T KNOW 16 11 27
0 No Religion, None 164 177 341
1 Roman Catholic 875 788 1663
2 Greek Orthodox 0 3 3
3 Russian Orthodox 0 1 1
5 Serbian Orthodox 2 0 2
6 Eastern Orthodox 1 1 2
7 Jewish 25 24 49
8 Islam/Muslim (OTHER CODE 77) 0 1 1
10 Scientologist 1 0 1
12 Yoga 2 0 2
13 Church Of Religious Science 0 1 1
14 Metaphysicist 1 0 1
17 Bahai 0 1 1
18 Protestant (No Denomination Given, Born Again, Born Again Christian, Christian, No Preference, Nothing Particular) 23 12 35
19 Protestant, Non-Denominational (R Must Have Used The Words 'Non-Denominational' For Religious Preference) 29 12 41
20 Community Church, No Denomination 4 0 4
21 Evangelical 9 9 18
22 Evangelical Free 11 1 12
23 Covenant 1 2 3
28 Evangelical Covenant 1 0 1
29 Charismatic Christian 0 1 1
31 First Christian 1 1 2
32 Christian 54 53 107
34 Moravian 4 5 9
35 Mennonite 0 1 1
37 First Assembly Of God 2 2 4
38 Presbyterian 65 68 133
39 Lutheran, Evangelical Lutheran, Congregational Lutheran, Reformed Lutheran, Synod Lutheran 639 565 1204
40 United Church Of Christ, Congregational Evangelical And Reformed 47 43 90
41 Episcopalian, Anglican 29 20 49
42 Reformed, Dutch, Swiss, And Christian Reformed, First Reformed, Church Of America 8 9 17
43 United Methodist, Methodist, Evangelical United Brethren, Free Methodist, Primitive Methodist, Nazarene Free Methodist 157 118 275
44 Baptist, Southern Baptist, Free Will Baptist, Primitive Baptist 50 31 81
46 Disciples Of Christ 0 1 1
47 United Missionary 1 0 1
48 Church Of God, Church Of Christ, Church Of God And Christ 6 3 9
50 Brethren 2 1 3
51 Salvation Army 0 1 1
52 Seventh Day Adventist 3 4 7
54 Advent Christian 0 1 1
55 Swedish Mission Covenant 0 1 1
61 Fundamental Bible Church 2 1 3
63 Fundamentalist 2 0 2
65 Christian Missionary Alliance 1 3 4
66 Armenian Apostolic 0 1 1
68 Pentecostal, Assembly Of God 12 8 20
69 Christian Scientist 1 0 1
70 Mormon, Latter Day Saints 13 5 18
71 Jehovah's Witnesses 9 8 17
72 Unity 1 1 2
73 Spiritualistic 2 1 3
74 Quaker 1 1 2
75 Unitarian 4 7 11
83 Zen Buddhist 1 0 1
87 Nazarene 0 5 5
88 Native American, American Indian 1 0 1
90 Congregational 15 14 29
91 Interdenominational 2 3 5
92 Ecumenical 0 1 1
93 Agnostic 7 7 14
94 Atheist 2 5 7
96 Other religions, not established religion or changing religion with no clue of what they are changing to 2 5 7
100 Independently Faithful, Personal Religion 8 9 17
101 Christian Non-Denominational with no mention of Protestantism 7 1 8
102 Non-Denominational (No Further Specification) 9 6 15
103 Universal/All Religions OK/No Preference 2 3 5
104 Gnosticism 1 0 1
105 New Thought (Christian-Based) 1 0 1
107 Messianic Judaism 1 0 1
Note: All codes not in (0 1 7 18 19 21 22 32 38-44 68 90 93 100 102) were collapsed into "OTHER" (96) on the public release.

hta121re: Current Quality of Relationship with spouse compared to pre-retirement relationship

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cu78f2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2275 2892 5167
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
1 BETTER 134 92 226
2 ABOUT THE SAME 357 175 532
3 NOT AS GOOD 9 31 40
Note: There are two analysis variables in the 2011 wave that measure changes in marital quality after spouse retirement. The other variable is htb121re and can be found in the retirement module.

hc200re: Do you go out on dates?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 0 2 2
-2 2357 2086 4443
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 161 176 337
2 NO 254 927 1181

hc201re: Do you regularly date one person that you consider your steady partner?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2616 3015 5631
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 YES 90 88 178
2 NO 70 87 157

hc202re: What is your dating partner's age?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2687 3103 5790
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
24 - 62 30 6 36
63 - 68 27 12 39
69 - 71 16 20 36
72 - 77 13 30 43
78 - 96 3 19 22

hc203re: How many days last week did you get together with your partner?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2687 3103 5790
0 25 13 38
1 7 16 23
2 23 22 45
3 11 14 25
4 8 8 16
5 7 3 10
6 2 0 2
7 7 12 19

hc204nre: NUMBER: Length of Relationship with Partner

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate5_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2687 3103 5790
0 - 2 18 19 37
3 - 5 22 27 49
6 - 10 26 16 42
11 - 22 19 19 38
23 - 50 5 7 12

hc204ure: UNIT: Length of Relationship with Partner

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate5_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2687 3103 5790
0 Not romantically involved 0 1 1
1 Days 2 1 3
2 Weeks 2 0 2
3 Months 20 10 30
4 Years 66 76 142

hc205re: How likely is it that you and partner will decide to live together without being married?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-4 Not ascertained 0 1 1
-2 2687 3103 5790
-1 Don't Know 0 1 1
1 Definitely won't live together 27 43 70
2 Probably won't 32 27 59
3 About a 50-50 chance 21 10 31
4 Probably will 5 4 9
5 Definitely will live together 4 0 4
6 Already live together 1 2 3

hc206re: How likely is it that you and partner will get married?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-4 Not ascertained 1 0 1
-3 Refused 1 0 1
-2 2611 3048 5659
-1 Don't Know 0 1 1
1 Definitely won't get married 58 84 142
2 Probably won't 51 39 90
3 About a 50-50 chance 35 10 45
4 Probably will 7 5 12
5 Definitely will get married 10 3 13
6 Other Specify 2 1 3
8 Already married 1 0 1

hc207re: Why is that? Reason for (not) getting married

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_cdate8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not Part Of Mosaq 68 116 184
-4 Not Ascertained 0 1 1
-3 Refused 3 1 4
-2 2611 3048 5659
-1 Don't Know 10 5 15
1 Want To Get Married/Love 9 4 13
2 Not Interested In Marriage 14 16 30
3 Dont Want/Hesitant To Get Married Again 26 28 54
4 Content With The Way Things Are 10 6 16
5 Enjoy Independence 16 16 32
6 Financial Benefits Would End If Married 2 6 8
7 Own Finances Are Secure 3 2 5
8 More Expensive To Be Married 4 2 6
9 Financial Reasons Unspecified 16 9 25
10 Family and Financial Reasons 3 7 10
11 Family Reasons 6 9 15
12 Age/Health 13 12 25
13 Personal Beliefs/Issues 15 8 23
14 Companionship/Compatibility 9 7 16
15 Legal Issues 7 4 11

hc014sp: Labor force status of current (2011) spouse

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c76sa y_c76sb y_c78sc y_c78sd y_c78n0 y_c78nb

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-4 Not ascertained 8 5 13
-2 495 1160 1655
1 Working 381 209 590
2 Not Working 1893 1817 3710
Note: Not asked of cohabiting partners
Note: The intent of these variables about spouse's labor force participation is primarily to measure their retirement job and therefore the occupational status of the spouse. It is not a complete measure of whether or not the spouse is currently working. If the participant was married to the same spouse at a prior wave and he/she reported that the spouse retired from a job we unfortunately do not ask if they are currently working. We suggest that users who are interested in whether the spouse is currently working consider variable hp201sp which measures whether or not the spouse earned at least $500 in wages in the last 12 months.

hc090sp: (Continuous) Spouse has same job now as last interview?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc014sp y_c78n0 y_c78sc y_c78xi y_c76sa

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2421 2983 5404
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 277 166 443
2 NO 70 35 105

hc091sp: Year of retirement/leaving job for R's current Spouse

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c78x

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2235 2872 5107
-1 DON'T KNOW 12 15 27
1963 - 2004 87 96 183
2005 - 2006 175 90 265
2007 - 2008 126 62 188
2009 - 2010 127 47 174
2011 - 2012 15 9 24
Note: This variable does not carry forward the values from previous waves.

hc016sp: Has 2011 spouse ever worked?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: gc016sp cc016sp y_c78na y_c78nb y_c78nc y_c78n0 y_c78n1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-4 Not ascertained 4 0 4
-2 496 1160 1656
0 Never Worked 86 18 104
1 Ever Worked 2191 2013 4204

hc316sp: Current (continuous) spouse had a job since last interview?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: 7_c78n0 y_c78n1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 1493 2577 4070
1 YES 399 219 618
2 NO 884 394 1278

hc216spf: Flag for hc216sp hc026sp hcu19sp hc026sp hc027sp hc028sp hc029sp hc126sp hc127sp hc128sp hc129sp hc130sp hc131sp hc030sp hc031sp hc032sp

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c78nc y_c78nb y_c76sb y_c78xx y_c76sa y_c76sb y_c78sc y_c78xi

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-4 Not Ascertained 103 54 157
-2 2108 2823 4931
1 Current Job 241 144 385
2 Most Recent Job 29 5 34
3 Retirement job 296 165 461
Note: There are multiple variables that measure the characteristics of the spouse's job. Use this variable to differentiate among the possible jobs that were asked about; current, most recent, or the retirment job.

hc216sp: Hours spouse worked at current/last/retirement job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c76mu3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-20 VARIES 7 8 15
-2 2209 2877 5086
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 14 19
0 - 24 128 44 172
25 - 40 306 144 450
41 - 70 84 80 164
75 - 168 5 15 20

hcu19sp: Class of Worker Code for Spouse's Job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c80m y_c80s y_c80x

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-2 2221 2879 5100
1 Private company, business or individual for wages, salary or commission 325 135 460
2 Government employee (federal, state or local government) 98 27 125
3 Own business or professional practice; incorporated 13 42 55
4 Own business or professional practice; not incorporated 39 73 112
5 Working without pay in a family business or farm 11 2 13
6 Family worker, not further specified 15 3 18

hc026sp: 1990 Census detailed Industry Code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c78s_ind1990

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 Refused 8 9 17
-2 2095 2814 4909
-1 Don't Know 1 0 1
10 - 362 78 130 208
372 - 651 125 82 207
660 - 791 143 68 211
800 - 842 217 38 255
850 - 942 108 50 158
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc027sp: 1990 Census detailed Occupation Code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c78s_occ1990

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 Refused 9 9 18
-2 2102 2816 4918
5 - 86 107 99 206
87 - 243 173 66 239
253 - 337 181 47 228
338 - 486 154 52 206
503 - 905 49 102 151
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc028sp: 1990 Major Industry Code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc026sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 8 9 17
-2 2095 2814 4909
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 Agriculture, Forestry, And Fisheries 12 32 44
3 Construction 10 28 38
4 Manufacturing 60 76 136
5 Transportation, Communications, And Other Public Utilities 27 26 53
6 Wholesale And Retail Trade 123 57 180
7 Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate 70 35 105
8 Business And Repair Services 13 21 34
9 Personal Services 31 5 36
10 Entertainment And Recreation Services 11 5 16
11 Public Administration 27 11 38
12 Professional And Related Services 286 69 355
13 Active Duty Military 1 3 4
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc029sp: 1990 Major Occupation Code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc027sp hcu19sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 9 9 18
-2 2102 2816 4918
2 Professional, Technical & Specialty: Salaried & N.A. 160 81 241
3 Executives, Administrators & Managers: Salaried & N.A. 99 65 164
5 Sales: Not Retail Trade 87 62 149
7 Administrator Support, Including Clerical 175 9 184
10 Precision Production, Craftsmen, Repair: All Other & N.A. 12 54 66
12 Operators & Fabricators: All Other & N.A. 28 41 69
13 Service Occupations 88 17 105
15 Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers/Laborers: All Other & N.A. 9 5 14
16 Farm Operators & Managers 5 23 28
17 Farm Workers & Related Occupations 1 7 8
18 Military Occupations 0 2 2
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc126sp: 2000 Census detailed Industry Code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c78s_ind2000

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 8 9 17
-2 2095 2814 4909
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 Only 1990 code available 137 65 202
17 - 389 58 110 168
396 - 648 105 63 168
667 - 786 143 58 201
787 - 837 139 29 168
847 - 969 89 43 132
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc127sp: 2000 Census detailed Occupation Code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c78s_occ2000

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 9 9 18
-2 2095 2814 4909
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 Only 1990 code available 137 65 202
1 - 146 80 91 171
153 - 330 117 51 168
331 - 476 123 45 168
480 - 570 158 33 191
581 - 980 56 82 138
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc128sp: 2000 Census Major Industry Code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc126sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 8 9 17
-2 2095 2814 4909
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 Only 1990 code available 137 65 202
1 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting 8 24 32
3 Utilities 5 1 6
4 Construction 7 24 31
5 Manufacturing 41 66 107
6 Wholesale Trade 10 8 18
7 Retail Trade 74 34 108
8 Transportation and Warehousing 10 16 26
9 Information 14 3 17
10 Finance and Insurance 36 12 48
11 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 19 14 33
12 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 15 20 35
13 Management, Administrative and Support, and Waste Management Services 13 4 17
14 Educational Services 75 15 90
15 Health Care and Social Assistance 130 19 149
16 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 9 5 14
17 Accomodations and Food Services 19 4 23
18 Other Services (Except Public Administration) 25 23 48
19 Public Administration and Active Duty Military 24 11 35
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc129sp: 2000 Census Major Occupation Code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc126sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 9 9 18
-2 2095 2814 4909
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 Only 1990 code available 137 65 202
1 Management 35 41 76
2 Business and Financial Operations 38 33 71
3 Computer and Mathematical 5 5 10
4 Architecture and Engineering 2 15 17
5 Life, Physical, and Social Services 3 6 9
6 Community and Social Services 14 8 22
7 Legal 1 5 6
8 Education, Training, and Library 50 6 56
9 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media 13 6 19
10 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical 52 17 69
11 Healthcare Support 15 0 15
12 Protective Service 3 1 4
13 Food Preparation and Serving Related 26 2 28
14 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance 7 11 18
15 Personal Care and Service 18 5 23
16 Sales and Related 67 51 118
17 Office and Administrative Support 145 8 153
18 Farming, Forestry, and Fishing 1 2 3
19 Construction and Extraction 1 15 16
20 Installation, Repair, and Maintenance 0 19 19
21 Production 26 27 53
22 Transportation and Material Moving 12 18 30
23 Military Specific Occupations 0 1 1
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc130sp: NAICS (North American Industry Classification System code) for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c78s_naics

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 4378 4898 9276
"-30" NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
"2332" 0 1 1
"235610" 0 1 1
"325998" 0 1 1
"336399" 1 1 2
"337920" 1 0 1
"422510" 1 0 1
"444190" 2 4 6
"454311" 0 1 1
"624190" 2 0 2
"713950" 0 1 1
Note: Only 12 of 301 values are listed.
Note: http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/

hc131sp: Standard Occupational Classification code for spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_c78s_soc

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 4378 4898 9276
"-30" NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
"11-1011" 5 5 10
"11-3049" 1 0 1
"11-9032" 2 0 2
"13-1079" 1 0 1
"27-3022" 1 0 1
"37-2011" 2 9 11
"39-9021" 1 0 1
"51-4072" 1 1 2
"51-4111" 1 1 2
"51-5023" 3 1 4
Note: Only 12 of 260 values are listed.
Note: http://www.bls.gov/SOC/

hc030sp: 1989 NT Prestige Rating for Spouse's job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc026sp hc027sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 Not part of MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 Refused 9 9 18
-2 2102 2818 4920
126 - 313 135 72 207
320 - 504 136 71 207
510 - 605 150 74 224
608 - 789 128 78 206
790 - 946 115 69 184
998 Not in Labor Force 2 0 2

hc031sp: 1990 Occ Educ Score for spouse's current job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc026sp hc027sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 9 9 18
-2 2104 2818 4922
145000 - 343000 85 122 207
349000 - 554000 178 39 217
555000 - 726000 154 53 207
729000 - 861000 132 73 205
864000 - 999000 115 77 192

hc032sp: 1990 Occ Earnings Score for spouse's current job

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: hc026sp hc027sp

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2146 2019 4165
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 68 116 184
-3 REFUSED 9 9 18
-2 2104 2818 4922
0.04 - 0.11 182 23 205
0.11 - 0.19 142 64 206
0.19 - 0.32 117 89 206
0.32 - 0.51 123 83 206
0.51 - 0.84 100 105 205
