WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Mail: Health

Graduate Mail: Health Module


The 1993 round of WLS data collection was the first to include items directly
ascertaining health and health behaviors. During the 2004 round, additional
information about childhood health, access to health care, health utilization,
quality of life, and future health projections was collected - both by
telephone and using a mail questionnaire. This round (2011), the mail
questionnaire focuses on general health, current diagnoses and their
interference with enjoyable activities, daytime drowsiness and sleep problems,
physical attributes, trends in bodily weight, examinations and health
appointments during the past 5 years, changes in quality of vision and hearing
during the past 5 years, current medications and their attributes, cigarette
smoking history and trends, alcohol use and its effects, bodily organ donation,
end of life wishes and expectations, and biological relatives' health


    Variable ranges reference dataset/codebook order and are not necessarily 
    JXSF1REC-JXSF3REC:		  SF12 Summary Scales
    JX001RER-JX004RER:            Personal Health and Appearance Ratings 
    				  at Present, in Past, and Relative to 
    JXCH01RE-JXCH10BR:            Current Health Limitations	
    JX401RER-JX409RER:            Health and Limitations in Past 4 Weeks
    JX082REC-JX081RER:            Current Health Symptoms, Frequency, and 
    				  Resulting Discomfort
    JX117REC-JX108RER:            Current Diagnosed Illnesses, Age at
    				  Diagnosis, and Resulting Interference
    				  with Activities

    JX007RER:                     Days Ill or Injured in Bed During Past
    JXSL03RE-JXSL10RE:            Sleep Trends and Sleep Apnea
    JX009RER-JX011REC:            Current Weight, Height, and Body Mass
    JXW01RER-JXW10RER:            Weight History and Management
    JX1301RE-JX1318RE:            Procedures/Operations History
    JXHS30RE-JXHS20RE:            Current Vision and Hearing Attributes
    				  and Quality
    JXH001RE-JXH856RE:            Medication Usage and Characteristics
    JXH150RE-JXH159RE:		  Experiences Taking Medication Prescribed
    				  By a Doctor in the Past 12 Months
    JX012RER-JX015RER:            Cigarette Use and History
    JXAB01RE-JXAB11RE:            Alcohol Use and Behaviors
    JXOR01RE-JXOR03RE:		  Attitudes about Bodily Organ Donation
    JXEL01RE-JXEL14RE:		  End of Life Considerations and 

    JXM01RER-JXD13RER:            Health History of Biological Parents, 
    				  Siblings, and Children

jxsf1rec: SF12 Physical Component Summary Scale.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_x1, y_health3_:1-2, y_health5_:1-2, y_health6_:1-2, y_health7, y_health8_:1-3, y_health9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 262 336 598
10.70 - 36.40 396 557 953
36.41 - 46.80 463 490 953
46.82 - 52.11 441 524 965
52.12 - 55.50 487 505 992
55.52 - 64.55 416 487 903
Note: One of the SF12 components (y_x1) is from the CAPI (in-person) interview. PCS12 and MCS12 scores were computed ONLY if the participant answered all 12 items.
Note: JXSF1REC was constructed using the physical regression weights from the second edition of SF-12 (Ware J.E., M. Kosinski, and S.D. Keller. 1995. SF-12: How to Score the SF-12 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scales. Second Edition. Boston, MA: The Health Institute, New England Medical Center.).

jxsf2rec: SF12 Mental Component Summary Scale.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_x1, y_health3_:1-2, y_health5_:1-2, y_health6_:1-2, y_health7, y_health8_:1-3, y_health9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 262 336 598
20.42 - 53.08 405 549 954
53.09 - 56.87 448 507 955
56.88 - 58.44 453 505 958
58.44 - 60.68 423 531 954
60.68 - 71.36 474 471 945
Note: One of the SF12 components (y_x1) is from the CAPI (in-person) interview. PCS12 and MCS12 scores were computed ONLY if the participant answered all 12 items.
Note: JXSF2REC was constructed using the mental regression weights from the second edition of SF-12 (Ware J.E., M. Kosinski, and S.D. Keller. 1995. SF-12: How to Score the SF-12 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scales. Second Edition. Boston, MA: The Health Institute, New England Medical Center.).

jxsf3rec: Number of SF12 items answered.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_x1, y_health3_:1-2, y_health5_:1-2, y_health6_:1-2, y_health7, y_health8_:1-3, y_health9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 15 30 45
2 2 5 7
3 90 83 173
4 0 1 1
5 1 0 1
7 0 3 3
8 5 3 8
9 5 3 8
10 21 29 50
11 123 179 302
12 2203 2563 4766
Note: One of the SF12 components (y_x1) is from the CAPI (in-person) interview. PCS12 and MCS12 scores were computed ONLY if the participant answered all 12 items.

jx001rer: How would you rate your health at the present time?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health1_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 24 37 61
1 VERY POOR 21 22 43
2 POOR 59 53 112
3 FAIR 388 404 792
4 GOOD 1561 1860 3421
5 EXCELLENT 424 533 957

jx002rer: How would you rate your health compared with other people your same age and sex?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health1_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 52 79 131
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 VERY POOR 16 23 39
2 POOR 65 70 135
3 FAIR 287 344 631
4 GOOD 1341 1576 2917
5 EXCELLENT 716 819 1535

jxc01rer: How would you rate your health as a child, when you were growing up through age 16?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health1_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 47 67 114
1 VERY POOR 22 12 34
2 POOR 45 34 79
3 FAIR 149 129 278
4 GOOD 746 897 1643
5 EXCELLENT 1466 1772 3238

jx003rer: Compared with 5 years ago, how would you rate your health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health2_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 18 39 57
1 MUCH WORSE 43 53 96
2 SOMEWHAT WORSE 521 572 1093
3 ABOUT THE SAME 1517 1753 3270
4 SOMEWHAT BETTER 258 337 595
5 MUCH BETTER 118 159 277

jx004rer: Compared with 5 years ago, how would you rate your appearance?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health2_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 40 54 94
1 MUCH WORSE 12 25 37
2 SOMEWHAT WORSE 396 548 944
3 ABOUT THE SAME 1762 1890 3652
4 SOMEWHAT BETTER 203 274 477
5 MUCH BETTER 63 121 184

jxch01re: How much does your health limit you in moderate activities, such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling or playing golf?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health3_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 26 42 68
1 YES, LIMITED A LOT 192 286 478
2 YES, LIMITED A LITTLE 705 844 1549
3 NO, NOT LIMITED AT ALL 1554 1738 3292

jxch02re: How much does your health limit you in climbing several flights of stairs?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health3_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 34 57 91
1 YES, LIMITED A LOT 283 516 799
2 YES, LIMITED A LITTLE 917 1125 2042
3 NO, NOT LIMITED AT ALL 1242 1213 2455

jxch03re: Do you have any difficulty lifting and carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds, such as a bag of groceries?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 18 37 55
1 YES 117 333 450
2 NO 2342 2543 4885

jxch04re: Do you have any difficulty lifting and carrying something as heavy as 25 pounds, such as a bag of pet food?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 19 43 62
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 3 3
1 YES 363 1402 1765
2 NO 2096 1463 3559

jxch05re: Do you have any difficulty pushing and pulling large objects, such as a living room chair?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 28 39 67
1 YES 401 809 1210
2 NO 2049 2061 4110

jxch06re: Do you have any difficulty standing or being on your feet for one hour?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 24 44 68
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 664 842 1506
2 NO 1787 2025 3812

jxch07re: Do you have any difficulty sitting for one hour?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 21 43 64
1 YES 118 179 297
2 NO 2335 2685 5020

jxch08re: Do you have any difficulty with stooping, crouching or kneeling?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 28 40 68
1 YES 1106 1500 2606
2 NO 1342 1369 2711

jxch09re: Do you have any difficulty reaching over your head?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 22 37 59
1 YES 294 337 631
2 NO 2154 2536 4690

jxch10re: Do you have any difficulty climbing one flight of stairs?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 51 68 119
1 YES 280 533 813
2 NO 2144 2311 4455

jxch10ar: If you have any difficulty lifting and carrying something as heavy as 10 or 25 pounds, pushing and pulling large objects, standing or being on your feet for one hour, sitting for one hour, stooping, crouching, kneeling, reaching over your head, or climbing one flight of stairs, what condition is the main reason for your difficulty? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_9, c_y_health4_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 285 365 650
-18 COULD NOT CODE 5 3 8
-2 1163 901 2064
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 1 4
45 Acute poliomyelitis 2 0 2
78 Other diseases due to viruses and Chlamydiae 0 1 1
138 Late effects of acute poliomyelitis 2 2 4
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 1 0 1
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 0 1 1
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 0 1 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 2 2
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 0 1 1
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1 0 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 4 5 9
250 Diabetes mellitus 2 2 4
274 Gout 1 1 2
278 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 9 11 20
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 1 1
289 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 0 1 1
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 2 0 2
299 Psychoses with orgin specific to childhood 1 0 1
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 0 1 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 0 3 3
332 Parkinson's disease 15 5 20
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 0 3 3
335 Anterior horn cell disease 0 1 1
340 Multiple sclerosis 4 12 16
344 Other paralytic syndromes 1 0 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 8 12 20
358 Myoneural disorders 0 1 1
359 Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies 0 2 2
369 Blindness and low vision 1 0 1
386 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 8 5 13
389 Hearing loss 0 1 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 4 1 5
416 Chronic pulmonary heart disease 0 3 3
425 Cardiomyopathy 1 0 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 4 6 10
428 Heart failure 4 3 7
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 17 15 32
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 14 11 25
443 Other peripheral vascular disease 2 1 3
454 Varicose veins of lower extremities 0 1 1
456 Varicose veins of other sites 0 1 1
457 Noninfectious disorders of lymphatic channels 1 0 1
458 Hypotension 1 0 1
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 2 4 6
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 0 1 1
492 Emphysema 2 9 11
493 Asthma 3 16 19
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 24 26 50
501 Asbestosis 1 0 1
515 Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis 1 1 2
530 Diseases of esophagus 1 0 1
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 4 2 6
586 Renal failure, unspecified 1 0 1
618 Gebital prolapse 0 1 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 0 2 2
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 3 22 25
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 14 30 44
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 108 247 355
717 Internal derangement of knee 0 1 1
718 Other derangement of joint 1 1 2
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 232 278 510
720 Ankylosing spondylitis and other inflammatory spondylopathies 0 2 2
721 Spondylosis and allied disorders 7 11 18
722 Intervertebral disc disorder 10 26 36
723 Other disorder of cervical region 1 0 1
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 101 181 282
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 1 2 3
726 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 9 8 17
727 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 0 4 4
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 33 130 163
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 1 20 21
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 0 12 12
734 Flat foot 2 3 5
737 Curvature of spine 0 9 9
780 General symptoms 29 33 62
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 28 48 76
788 Symptoms involving urinary system 1 0 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 32 34 66
805 Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord 3 4 7
808 Fracture of pelvis 0 1 1
818 Ill-defined fractures of upper limb 0 1 1
820 Fracture of neck of femur 3 1 4
822 Fracture of patella 1 0 1
824 Fracture of ankle 0 1 1
827 Other, multiple, and ill-defined fractures of lower limb 2 7 9
840 Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm 8 5 13
841 Sprains and strains of elbow and forearm 1 0 1
843 Sprains and strains of hip and thigh 0 2 2
844 Sprains and strains of knee and leg 5 13 18
845 Sprains and strains of ankle and foot 3 0 3
847 Sprains and strains of other and unspecified parts of the back 1 5 6
848 Other and ill-defined sprains and strains 2 1 3
869 Internal injury to unspecified or ill-defined organs 0 1 1
879 Open wound of other and unspecified site, except limbs 1 0 1
909 Late effects of other and unspecified external causes 2 4 6
952 Spinal cord injury without evidence of spinal bone injury 1 0 1
989 Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source 2 0 2
990 Effects of radiation, unspecified 0 1 1
996 Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures 1 0 1
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
3450 Walking 1 4 5
3469 Walking and moving, other specified and unspecified 17 20 37
5814 Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with pedestrian 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 1 2 3
5878 Surgical operation and other surgical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication without mention of misadventure at the time of operation 2 0 2
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 1 1 2
6015 Other Personal History Presenting Hazards To Health 1 0 1
6046 Other Dependence On Machines 0 4 4
6049 Other Conditions Influencing Health Status 54 81 135
6052 Fitting And Adjustment Of Prosthetic Device and implant 0 1 1
6069 Problems Related to Lifestyle 11 17 28
7000 Procedures and Interventions, NEC 1 3 4
7002 Other operations on skull, brain, and cerebral meninges 0 1 1
7033 Other operations on lung and bronchus 2 2 4
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 1 2 3
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 2 1 3
7044 Other operations on stomach 0 2 2
7054 Other operations of abdominal wall 0 1 1
7068 Other incision and excision of uterus 0 1 1
7078 Other operations on bones, except facial bones 1 0 1
7080 Incision and excision of joint structures 10 9 19
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 112 153 265
7083 Operations on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa except hand 1 3 4
7084 Other procedures on musculoskeletal system 0 1 1
7085 Operations on the breast 0 1 1
Note: This variable contains the specified conditions participants reported, coded using using ICD-9 and ICF classifications. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxch10br: If you have any difficulty lifting and carrying something as heavy as 10 or 25 pounds, pushing and pulling large objects, standing or being on your feet for one hour, sitting for one hour, stooping, crouching, kneeling, reaching over your head, or climbing one flight of stairs, what condition is the main reason for your difficulty? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health4_9, c_y_health4_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 285 365 650
-18 NOT CODEABLE 5 3 8
-2 1163 901 2064
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 1 4
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 4 3 7
20 Neoplasms 6 10 16
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 12 14 26
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 0 2 2
50 Mental Disorders 3 0 3
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 37 46 83
70 Circulatory System 50 46 96
80 Respiratory System 31 53 84
90 Digestive System 5 2 7
100 Genitourinary system 1 1 2
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 523 989 1512
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 90 115 205
170 Injury and Poisoning 36 48 84
180 ICD-9 E Codes 4 4 8
190 ICD-9 V Codes 66 103 169
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 130 180 310
230 ICF Activities and Participation 18 24 42
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXCH10AR into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx401rer: During the past 4 weeks, have you accomplished less than you would like with your work or other daily activities as a result of your physical health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health5_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 113 129 242
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 YES 563 753 1316
2 NO 1789 2017 3806

jx402rer: During the past 4 weeks, were you limited in the kind of work or other activities you could do as a result of your physical health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health5_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 126 142 268
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 YES 590 766 1356
2 NO 1749 1990 3739

jx403rer: During the past 4 weeks, have you accomplished less than you would like with your work or other regular activities as a result of any emotional problems, such as feeling depressed or anxious?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health6_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 114 130 244
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 YES 184 268 452
2 NO 2167 2501 4668

jx404rer: During the past 4 weeks, did you do work or other activities less carefully than usual as a result of any emotional problems, such as feeling depressed or anxious?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health6_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 119 144 263
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 YES 117 167 284
2 NO 2229 2587 4816

jx405rer: During the past 4 weeks, how much did pain interfere with your normal work, including both work outside the home and housework?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 115 124 239
1 NOT AT ALL 1158 1250 2408
2 A LITTLE BIT 736 849 1585
3 MODERATELY 301 431 732
4 QUITE A BIT 142 218 360
5 EXTREMELY 21 36 57

jx406rer: During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time have you felt calm and peaceful?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health8_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 118 128 246
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 ALL OF THE TIME 400 316 716
2 MOST OF THE TIME 1453 1659 3112
3 A GOOD BIT OF THE TIME 270 452 722
4 SOME OF THE TIME 164 246 410
5 A LITTLE OF THE TIME 37 75 112
6 NONE OF THE TIME 23 21 44

jx407rer: During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you have a lot of energy?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health8_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 118 124 242
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 ALL OF THE TIME 171 174 345
2 MOST OF THE TIME 995 1189 2184
3 A GOOD BIT OF THE TIME 612 631 1243
4 SOME OF THE TIME 387 527 914
5 A LITTLE OF THE TIME 137 187 324
6 NONE OF THE TIME 43 66 109

jx408rer: During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time have you felt downhearted and blue?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health8_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 114 128 242
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 ALL OF THE TIME 22 18 40
2 MOST OF THE TIME 18 34 52
3 A GOOD BIT OF THE TIME 48 72 120
4 SOME OF THE TIME 179 289 468
5 A LITTLE OF THE TIME 757 1037 1794
6 NONE OF THE TIME 1327 1320 2647

jx409rer: During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your social activities, like visiting friends, relatives, etc.?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 130 127 257
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 ALL OF THE TIME 29 25 54
2 MOST OF THE TIME 36 51 87
3 SOME OF THE TIME 182 259 441
4 A LITTLE OF THE TIME 301 376 677
5 NONE OF THE TIME 1786 2060 3846

jx082rec: Total number of reported physical symptoms.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_:1-25

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 113 111 224
0 - 3 598 567 1165
4 - 6 520 588 1108
7 - 10 571 707 1278
11 - 15 471 592 1063
16 - 25 205 348 553
Note: The participant may report having experienced up to 25 possible physical symptoms within the last 6 months.

jx082red: Number of physical symptom items answered.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_:1-25

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
1 - 23 76 111 187
24 190 278 468
Note: There are 25 total physical symptom items.

jx124rer: Have you had coughing/wheezing in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 137 150 287

jx125rer: How often have you had coughing/wheezing in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 137 150 287
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1474 1727 3201
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 217 224 441
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 241 335 576

jx126rer: How much discomfort has coughing/wheezing caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 150 158 308
-2 1474 1727 3201
1 NONE 256 297 553
2 A LITTLE 403 438 841
3 SOME 162 214 376
4 A LOT 31 78 109

jx067rer: Have you had chest pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 166 180 346

jx068rer: How often have you had chest pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 166 180 346
1 HAVE NOT HAD 2076 2489 4565
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 49 53 102

jx069rer: How much discomfort has chest pain caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 156 164 320
-2 2076 2489 4565
1 NONE 52 49 101
2 A LITTLE 145 134 279
3 SOME 36 64 100
4 A LOT 12 13 25

jx139rer: Have you had palpitations, feeling your heart pound or race, in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 127 128 255

jx140rer: How often have you had palpitations, feeling your heart pound or race, in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 127 128 255
1 HAVE NOT HAD 2026 2239 4265
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 69 105 174

jx141rer: How much discomfort have palpitations, feeling your heart pound or race, caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 128 135 263
-2 2026 2239 4265
1 NONE 110 181 291
2 A LITTLE 153 286 439
3 SOME 52 58 110
4 A LOT 8 10 18

jx070rer: Have you had shortness of breath in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 144 137 281

jx071rer: How often have you had shortness of breath in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 144 137 281
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1562 1938 3500
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 155 220 375
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 158 187 345

jx072rer: How much discomfort has shortness of breath caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 154 152 306
-2 1562 1938 3500
1 NONE 150 145 295
2 A LITTLE 402 423 825
3 SOME 147 181 328
4 A LOT 62 73 135

jx031rer: Have you had dizziness/faintness in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 136 141 277

jx032rer: How often have you had dizziness/faintness in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 136 141 277
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1833 2237 4070
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 101 100 201

jx033rer: How much discomfort has dizziness/faintness caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 140 147 287
-2 1833 2237 4070
1 NONE 106 115 221
2 A LITTLE 302 293 595
3 SOME 82 97 179
4 A LOT 14 21 35

jx073rer: Have you had excessive sweating in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 140 146 286

jx074rer: How often have you had excessive sweating in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 140 146 286
1 HAVE NOT HAD 2003 2300 4303
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 84 112 196
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 47 124 171

jx075rer: How much discomfort has excessive sweating caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 143 149 292
-2 2003 2300 4303
1 NONE 99 81 180
2 A LITTLE 156 217 373
3 SOME 59 104 163
4 A LOT 17 62 79

jx201rer: Have you had foot pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 126 138 264

jx202rer: How often have you had foot pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 126 138 264
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1590 1633 3223
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 193 282 475
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 237 405 642

jx203rer: How much discomfort has foot pain caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 144 163 307
-2 1590 1633 3223
1 NONE 47 60 107
2 A LITTLE 361 494 855
3 SOME 245 346 591
4 A LOT 88 213 301

jx204rer: Have you had hip pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 146 152 298

jx205rer: How often have you had hip pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 146 152 298
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1591 1729 3320
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 228 267 495
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 184 300 484

jx206rer: How much discomfort has hip pain caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 159 168 327
-2 1591 1729 3320
1 NONE 46 60 106
2 A LITTLE 360 474 834
3 SOME 229 327 556
4 A LOT 93 153 246

jx064rer: Have you had back pain/strain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 135 143 278

jx065rer: How often have you had back pain/strain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 135 143 278
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1137 1214 2351
2 MONTHLY OR LESS OFTEN 608 689 1297
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 302 407 709
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 294 457 751

jx066rer: How much discomfort has back pain/strain caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 161 186 347
-2 1137 1214 2351
1 NONE 65 48 113
2 A LITTLE 600 703 1303
3 SOME 359 492 851
4 A LOT 154 266 420

jx121rer: Have you had bone pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 167 168 335
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2

jx122rer: How often have you had bone pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 167 168 335
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1780 1873 3653
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 147 223 370
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 128 263 391

jx123rer: How much discomfort has bone pain caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 178 184 362
-2 1780 1873 3653
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NONE 52 54 106
2 A LITTLE 254 400 654
3 SOME 153 259 412
4 A LOT 58 143 201

jx130rer: Have you had neck and/or shoulder pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 133 127 260

jx131rer: How often have you had neck and/or shoulder pain in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 133 127 260
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1338 1488 2826
2 MONTHLY OR LESS OFTEN 480 595 1075
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 266 377 643
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 260 324 584

jx132rer: How much discomfort has neck and/or shoulder pain caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 153 151 304
-2 1338 1488 2826
1 NONE 68 46 114
2 A LITTLE 475 656 1131
3 SOME 327 391 718
4 A LOT 117 181 298

jx136rer: Have you had pain in your ankles/knees in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 133 121 254

jx137rer: How often have you had pain in your ankles/knees in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 133 121 254
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1283 1376 2659
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 284 348 632
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 356 494 850

jx138rer: How much discomfort has pain in your ankles/knees caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 158 158 316
-2 1283 1376 2659
1 NONE 54 66 120
2 A LITTLE 475 623 1098
3 SOME 356 425 781
4 A LOT 150 262 412

jx133rer: Have you had pain in your hands/wrists in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 134 126 260

jx134rer: How often have you had pain in your hands/wrists in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 134 126 260
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1535 1572 3107
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 207 345 552
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 224 337 561

jx135rer: How much discomfort has pain in your hands/wrists caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 155 164 319
-2 1535 1572 3107
1 NONE 63 56 119
2 A LITTLE 408 596 1004
3 SOME 233 365 598
4 A LOT 82 157 239

jx058rer: Have you had aching muscles in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 156 148 304

jx059rer: How often have you had aching muscles in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 156 148 304
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1146 1356 2502
2 MONTHLY OR LESS OFTEN 726 776 1502
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 298 361 659
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 152 271 423

jx060rer: How much discomfort have aching muscles caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 190 197 387
-2 1146 1356 2502
1 NONE 131 90 221
2 A LITTLE 700 764 1464
3 SOME 250 357 607
4 A LOT 59 147 206

jx061rer: Have you had stiff/swollen joints in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 141 140 281

jx062rer: How often have you had stiff/swollen joints in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 141 140 281
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1659 1681 3340
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 171 277 448
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 164 325 489

jx063rer: How much discomfort have stiff/swollen joints caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 156 162 318
-2 1659 1681 3340
1 NONE 56 76 132
2 A LITTLE 351 532 883
3 SOME 187 306 493
4 A LOT 66 155 221

jx207rer: Have you had foot or leg swelling in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_16

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 142 140 282

jx208rer: How often have you had foot or leg swelling in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_16

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 142 140 282
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1859 1986 3845
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 89 185 274
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 151 229 380

jx209rer: How much discomfort has foot or leg swelling caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_16

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 156 159 315
-2 1859 1986 3845
1 NONE 89 136 225
2 A LITTLE 207 342 549
3 SOME 108 190 298
4 A LOT 58 100 158

jx046rer: Have you had an upset stomach in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 130 131 261

jx047rer: How often have you had an upset stomach in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 130 131 261
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1730 1979 3709
2 MONTHLY OR LESS OFTEN 456 558 1014
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 129 187 316

jx048rer: How much discomfort has an upset stomach caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 149 139 288
-2 1730 1979 3709
1 NONE 87 76 163
2 A LITTLE 379 518 897
3 SOME 112 155 267
4 A LOT 20 45 65

jx049rer: Have you had constipation in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 138 134 272

jx050rer: How often have you had constipation in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 138 134 272
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1832 1962 3794
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 119 220 339

jx051rer: How much discomfort has constipation caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 156 155 311
-2 1832 1962 3794
1 NONE 81 100 181
2 A LITTLE 289 452 741
3 SOME 92 182 274
4 A LOT 27 62 89

jx052rer: Have you had diarrhea in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 134 133 267

jx053rer: How often have you had diarrhea in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 134 133 267
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1824 2067 3891
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 82 143 225

jx054rer: How much discomfort has diarrhea caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 143 139 282
-2 1824 2067 3891
1 NONE 122 103 225
2 A LITTLE 297 400 697
3 SOME 68 137 205
4 A LOT 22 66 88

jx022rer: Have you had fatigue/exhaustion in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_20

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 141 143 284

jx023rer: How often have you had fatigue/exhaustion in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_20

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 141 143 284
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1353 1330 2683
2 MONTHLY OR LESS OFTEN 627 802 1429
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 252 438 690
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 104 199 303

jx024rer: How much discomfort has fatigue/exhaustion caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_20

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 172 184 356
-2 1353 1330 2683
1 NONE 145 193 338
2 A LITTLE 534 713 1247
3 SOME 209 360 569
4 A LOT 63 128 191

jx025rer: Have you had headaches in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_21

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 133 127 260

jx026rer: How often have you had headaches in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_21

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 133 127 260
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1751 1814 3565
2 MONTHLY OR LESS OFTEN 436 692 1128
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 119 213 332

jx027rer: How much discomfort have headaches caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_21

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 146 152 298
-2 1751 1814 3565
1 NONE 111 105 216
2 A LITTLE 352 597 949
3 SOME 95 190 285
4 A LOT 22 51 73

jx016rer: Have you had a lack of energy in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_22

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 142 132 274

jx017rer: How often have you had a lack of energy in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_22

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 142 132 274
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1039 1069 2108
2 MONTHLY OR LESS OFTEN 814 974 1788
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 332 468 800
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 149 270 419

jx018rer: How much discomfort has lack of energy caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_22

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 191 192 383
-2 1039 1069 2108
1 NONE 260 310 570
2 A LITTLE 660 801 1461
3 SOME 249 375 624
4 A LOT 79 166 245

jx034rer: Have you had numbness in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_23

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 136 141 277

jx035rer: How often have you had numbness in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_23

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 136 141 277
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1844 2236 4080
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 103 112 215
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 133 176 309

jx036rer: How much discomfort has numbness caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_23

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 152 138 290
-2 1844 2236 4080
1 NONE 85 84 169
2 A LITTLE 264 251 515
3 SOME 93 120 213
4 A LOT 40 84 124

jx037rer: Have you had ringing in the ears in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_24

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 131 130 261

jx038rer: How often have you had ringing in the ears in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_24

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 131 130 261
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1482 2082 3564
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 143 108 251
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 484 351 835

jx039rer: How much discomfort has ringing in the ears caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_24

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 150 137 287
-2 1482 2082 3564
1 NONE 256 215 471
2 A LITTLE 301 258 559
3 SOME 184 138 322
4 A LOT 104 82 186

jx079rer: Have you had skin problems in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_25

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 134 128 262
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1

jx080rer: How often have you had skin problems in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10a_25

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 134 128 262
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 HAVE NOT HAD 1671 2163 3834
3 ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 118 95 213
4 DAILY OR MORE OFTEN 164 176 340

jx081rer: How much discomfort have skin problems caused you in the past 6 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health10b_25

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 138 136 274
-2 1671 2163 3834
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NONE 168 133 301
2 A LITTLE 327 285 612
3 SOME 120 125 245
4 A LOT 51 71 122

jx117rec: Total number of reported diagnosed illnesses.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_:1-15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 90 88 178
0 NONE 414 292 706
1 702 559 1261
2 592 665 1257
3 326 514 840
4 197 356 553
5 93 215 308
6 30 85 115
7 11 68 79
8 7 26 33
9 6 25 31
10 1 11 12
11 1 2 3
12 2 2 4
13 5 2 7
14 0 3 3
15 1 0 1
Note: The participant may report having been diagnosed with up to 15 possible illnesses or conditions.

jx117red: Number of illness items answered.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_:1-15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
1 16 20 36
2 9 20 29
3 2 15 17
4 1 12 13
5 2 6 8
6 1 1 2
7 1 3 4
8 0 2 2
9 0 2 2
11 3 4 7
12 7 11 18
13 29 57 86
14 285 356 641
Note: There are 15 total illness items.

jx109rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have allergies?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 276 359 635
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1 YES 577 1088 1665
2 NO 1624 1463 3087

jx109are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with allergies?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_1, y_hh11anw_1r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 350 499 849
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1624 1463 3087
-1 DON'T KNOW 9 33 42
0 - 15 132 157 289
16 - 30 116 218 334
31 - 50 90 248 338
51 - 65 109 198 307
66 - 79 43 76 119

jx110rer: How much do your allergies currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 276 410 686
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1624 1463 3087
1 NOT AT ALL 304 508 812
2 VERY LITTLE 162 293 455
3 SOME 85 177 262
4 QUITE A BIT 17 35 52
5 A GREAT DEAL 8 25 33

jx410rer: What type of allergies do you have? - First response.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_1, c_y_health11_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 92 145 237
-2 1901 1825 3726
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 7 12
1 SEASONAL 19 57 76
3 POLLEN 48 65 113
4 RAGWEED 12 8 20
5 TREES 11 10 21
6 DUST 30 58 88
7 MOLD 12 35 47
8 SMOKE 1 9 10
9 SPECIFIC DRUG(S) 139 314 453
10 SPECIFIC FOOD(S) 36 50 86
11 GRASS 6 10 16
12 OTHER 14 42 56
14 HAYFEVER 68 68 136
17 BEES / BEE STINGS 14 15 29
20 ANIMAL(S) 12 18 30
22 MULTIPLE TYPES 23 46 69
23 NON-ALLERGY 12 23 35
Note: In some cases the participant provided more than one type of allergy that they had. Only the first response has been recorded.

jx085rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have asthma?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 146 196 342
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1 YES 167 325 492
2 NO 2164 2391 4555

jx085are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with asthma?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_2, y_hh11anw_2r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 164 244 408
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2164 2391 4555
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 - 10 44 47 91
12 - 40 29 71 100
42 - 55 27 65 92
56 - 65 29 59 88
66 - 73 18 33 51

jx086rer: How much does your asthma currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 140 203 343
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2164 2391 4555
1 NOT AT ALL 62 101 163
2 VERY LITTLE 52 92 144
3 SOME 38 94 132
4 QUITE A BIT 12 21 33
5 A GREAT DEAL 8 11 19

jx211rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have arthritis/rheumatism?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 145 167 312
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1 YES 917 1493 2410
2 NO 1413 1251 2664

jx211are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with arthritis/rheumatism?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_3, y_hh11anw_3r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 281 385 666
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1413 1251 2664
-1 DON'T KNOW 10 19 29
4 - 50 220 399 619
51 - 60 251 372 623
61 - 66 167 259 426
67 - 76 135 228 363

jx212rer: How much does your arthritis/rheumatism currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 170 240 410
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1413 1251 2664
1 NOT AT ALL 133 203 336
2 VERY LITTLE 299 439 738
3 SOME 340 508 848
4 QUITE A BIT 85 198 283
5 A GREAT DEAL 33 71 104

jx089rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have chronic bronchitis/emphysema?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 150 205 355
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 YES 177 250 427
2 NO 2149 2457 4606

jx089are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with chronic bronchitis/emphysema?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_4, y_hh11anw_4r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 190 257 447
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2149 2457 4606
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 4 5
0 - 44 22 45 67
45 - 55 30 37 67
56 - 63 34 32 66
64 - 68 29 43 72
69 - 74 22 37 59

jx090rer: How much does your chronic bronchitis/emphysema currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 155 207 362
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2149 2457 4606
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 36 54 90
2 VERY LITTLE 42 56 98
3 SOME 45 82 127
4 QUITE A BIT 30 35 65
5 A GREAT DEAL 19 22 41

jx142rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have chronic sinus problems?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 116 175 291
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1 YES 279 455 734
2 NO 2079 2279 4358

jx142are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with chronic sinus problems?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_5, y_hh11anw_5r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 195 266 461
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2079 2279 4358
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 10 13
5 - 24 39 81 120
25 - 40 45 100 145
42 - 54 38 80 118
55 - 65 52 65 117
66 - 74 26 32 58

jx143rer: How much do your chronic sinus problems currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 135 192 327
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2079 2279 4358
1 NOT AT ALL 63 110 173
2 VERY LITTLE 100 123 223
3 SOME 76 151 227
4 QUITE A BIT 23 46 69
5 A GREAT DEAL 1 11 12

jx144rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have fibromyalgia?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 149 186 335
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 2 5
1 YES 29 156 185
2 NO 2296 2568 4864

jx144are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with fibromyalgia?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_6, y_hh11anw_6r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 163 225 388
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2296 2568 4864
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
25 - 48 2 28 30
49 - 53 1 26 27
54 - 60 4 25 29
62 - 68 4 28 32
69 - 74 6 11 17

jx145rer: How much does your fibromyalgia currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 150 188 338
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2296 2568 4864
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 15 33 48
2 VERY LITTLE 4 24 28
3 SOME 6 42 48
4 QUITE A BIT 4 35 39
5 A GREAT DEAL 1 22 23

jx146rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have high cholesterol?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 115 138 253
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 YES 1245 1510 2755
2 NO 1115 1262 2377

jx146are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with high cholesterol?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_7, y_hh11anw_7r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 326 410 736
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1115 1262 2377
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 22 28
0 - 50 308 304 612
51 - 60 373 402 775
61 - 65 191 280 471
66 - 89 158 233 391

jx147rer: How much does your high cholesterol currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 156 199 355
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1115 1262 2377
1 NOT AT ALL 868 1027 1895
2 VERY LITTLE 251 289 540
3 SOME 75 112 187
4 QUITE A BIT 8 18 26
5 A GREAT DEAL 3 5 8

jx148rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have irritable bowel syndrome?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 144 175 319
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1 YES 127 349 476
2 NO 2206 2387 4593

jx148are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_8, y_hh11anw_8r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 185 262 447
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2206 2387 4593
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 7 9
9 - 40 21 75 96
41 - 54 13 56 69
55 - 60 21 57 78
61 - 70 25 58 83
71 - 74 4 10 14

jx149rer: How much does your irritable bowel syndrome currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 148 195 343
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2206 2387 4593
1 NOT AT ALL 26 67 93
2 VERY LITTLE 35 83 118
3 SOME 42 117 159
4 QUITE A BIT 16 43 59
5 A GREAT DEAL 3 20 23

jx105rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have kidney/bladder problems?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 123 167 290
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1 YES 325 446 771
2 NO 2029 2300 4329

jx105are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with kidney/bladder problems?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_9, y_hh11anw_9r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 183 280 463
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2029 2300 4329
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 8 12
4 - 50 44 89 133
51 - 62 59 70 129
63 - 66 59 58 117
67 - 70 81 79 160
71 - 83 18 28 46

jx106rer: How much do your kidney/bladder problems currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 146 198 344
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2029 2300 4329
1 NOT AT ALL 120 129 249
2 VERY LITTLE 78 97 175
3 SOME 62 112 174
4 QUITE A BIT 30 53 83
5 A GREAT DEAL 10 22 32

jx213rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have liver disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 123 172 295
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1 YES 62 60 122
2 NO 2291 2681 4972

jx213are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with liver disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_10, y_hh11anw_10r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 150 207 357
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2291 2681 4972
13 - 35 8 4 12
42 - 55 8 5 13
58 - 65 7 7 14
68 - 70 7 7 14
71 - 73 6 2 8

jx214rer: How much does your liver disease currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 132 178 310
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2291 2681 4972
1 NOT AT ALL 36 39 75
2 VERY LITTLE 7 9 16
3 SOME 3 4 7
4 QUITE A BIT 3 1 4
5 A GREAT DEAL 4 1 5

jx111rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have multiple sclerosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 122 166 288
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 YES 25 46 71
2 NO 2330 2700 5030

jx111are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with multiple sclerosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_11, y_hh11anw_11r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 141 196 337
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2330 2700 5030
20 1 0 1
21 0 1 1
22 0 1 1
23 0 1 1
24 0 1 1
26 0 1 1
28 0 1 1
30 1 0 1
37 0 1 1
43 0 1 1
45 0 1 1
49 0 1 1
50 1 3 4
52 1 0 1
57 1 0 1
58 0 1 1
61 0 1 1
65 0 1 1
66 1 1 2

jx112rer: How much does your multiple sclerosis currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 129 171 300
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2330 2700 5030
1 NOT AT ALL 10 23 33
3 SOME 0 5 5
4 QUITE A BIT 4 2 6
5 A GREAT DEAL 3 10 13

jx150rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 127 172 299
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1 YES 84 651 735
2 NO 2265 2086 4351

jx150are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_12, y_hh11anw_12r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 156 323 479
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2265 2086 4351
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 11 12
20 - 58 8 102 110
59 - 62 12 116 128
63 - 65 11 130 141
66 - 70 20 125 145
71 - 74 4 20 24

jx151rer: How much does your osteoporosis currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 138 217 355
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2265 2086 4351
1 NOT AT ALL 40 282 322
2 VERY LITTLE 18 144 162
3 SOME 9 128 137
4 QUITE A BIT 4 43 47
5 A GREAT DEAL 3 11 14

jx215rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have Parkinson's Disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 122 168 290
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1 YES 55 46 101
2 NO 2300 2698 4998

jx215are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_13, y_hh11anw_13r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 144 203 347
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2300 2698 4998
3 - 60 8 4 12
62 - 66 7 4 11
67 - 70 13 3 16
71 - 73 5 1 6

jx216rer: How much does your Parkinson's Disease currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 130 180 310
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2300 2698 4998
1 NOT AT ALL 12 24 36
3 SOME 12 1 13
4 QUITE A BIT 9 3 12
5 A GREAT DEAL 10 6 16

jx097rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have serious back trouble?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 122 170 292
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 YES 375 480 855
2 NO 1979 2261 4240

jx097are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with serious back trouble?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_14, y_hh11anw_14r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 208 320 528
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1979 2261 4240
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 6 7
2 - 35 74 53 127
36 - 50 69 81 150
51 - 60 73 68 141
61 - 68 49 81 130
69 - 73 24 42 66

jx098rer: How much does your serious back trouble currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 146 205 351
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1979 2261 4240
1 NOT AT ALL 46 47 93
2 VERY LITTLE 54 54 108
3 SOME 114 150 264
4 QUITE A BIT 80 106 186
5 A GREAT DEAL 58 86 144

jx107rer: Has a medical professional ever said that you have an ulcer?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11_15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 130 165 295
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1 YES 165 218 383
2 NO 2182 2528 4710

jx107are: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with an ulcer?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11a_15, y_hh11anw_15r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 170 230 400
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2182 2528 4710
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 4 4
0 - 26 32 26 58
27 - 40 36 34 70
42 - 54 26 30 56
55 - 67 20 38 58
68 - 73 11 22 33

jx108rer: How much does your ulcer currently interfere with what you like to do?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health11b_15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 137 191 328
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 2182 2528 4710
1 NOT AT ALL 104 112 216
2 VERY LITTLE 31 43 74
3 SOME 20 32 52
4 QUITE A BIT 2 6 8
5 A GREAT DEAL 1 1 2

jx007rer: During the last year, how many days, if any, did you stay in bed for more than half of the day because of illness or injury?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 91 98 189
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
0 NONE 1968 2204 4172
1 - 2 186 254 440
3 - 5 119 167 286
6 - 21 83 128 211
24 - 365 31 60 91
Note: If the participant's answer included a fraction or decimal point, it has been rounded to the nearest whole number.

jxsl03re: How often do you have extreme sleepiness in the daytime when you have to struggle against falling asleep?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 100 122 222
1 NEVER OR RARELY 1479 1817 3296
2 SOMETIMES 659 708 1367
3 SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK (3-5) 154 157 311

jxsl04re: Have you had extreme sleepiness in the daytime when you have to struggle against falling asleep for a month or more?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health13a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 120 136 256
-2 1480 1818 3298
1 YES 678 729 1407
2 NO 200 230 430

jxsl11re: On a typical weekday, how many hours of sleep do you usually get, rounded to the nearest half hour?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 119 111 230
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
0 - 7 906 1201 2107
7.50 - 8 972 1110 2082
8.50 - 18 480 489 969

jxsl12re: On a typical weekend day, how many hours of sleep do you usually get, rounded to the nearest half hour?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 91 98 189
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
0 - 7 844 1130 1974
7.50 - 8 1018 1172 2190
8.50 - 18.50 524 511 1035

jxsl05re: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you have sleep apnea?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health16

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 92 84 176
1 YES 393 191 584
2 NO 1992 2638 4630

jxsl06re: Have you ever used weight loss as a treatment for your sleep apnea?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health16a_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 188 141 329
-2 1992 2638 4630
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 47 24 71
2 NO 250 110 360

jxsl07re: Have you ever had CPAP/BiPAP as a treatment for your sleep apnea?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health16a_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 97 87 184
-2 1992 2638 4630
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 291 149 440
2 NO 94 39 133

jxsl08re: Have you ever had surgery as a treatment for your sleep apnea?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health16a_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 194 148 342
-2 1992 2638 4630
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 29 5 34
2 NO 262 122 384

jxsl09re: Have you ever used a dental device as a treatment for your sleep apnea?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health16a_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 200 148 348
-2 1992 2638 4630
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 18 11 29
2 NO 267 116 383

jxsl10re: Have you ever used something other than weight loss, CPAP/BiPAP, surgery, or a dental device as a treatment for your sleep apnea?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health16a_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 452 252 704
-2 1992 2638 4630
1 YES 11 13 24
2 NO 23 10 33

jx009rer: How much do you weigh in pounds?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 79 117 196
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 4 4
59 - 147 103 953 1056
148 - 169 311 729 1040
170 - 189 557 486 1043
190 - 215 723 351 1074
216 - 375 705 273 978
Note: If the participant's answer included a fraction or decimal point, it has been rounded to the nearest whole number.
Note: Bottom-coded at 103 pounds and top-coded at 300 pounds on the public release.

jx010fre: How tall are you: feet component?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health17_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 83 84 167
4 1 95 96
5 1838 2716 4554
5.40 0 1 1
6 554 14 568
7 1 0 1
8 1 3 4

jx010ire: How tall are you: inches component?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health17_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 150 137 287
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 173 85 258
1 121 227 348
2 106 448 554
3 55 434 489
4 67 441 508
5 62 346 408
6 145 309 454
7 191 210 401
8 312 117 429
9 349 47 396
10 418 45 463
11 292 53 345
12 37 13 50
Note: If the participant's answer included a fraction or decimal point, it has been rounded to the nearest whole inch.

jx010rec: Participant's total height in inches.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health17_1, y_health17_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 83 84 167
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
48 - 63 22 1331 1353
64 - 66 233 1089 1322
67 - 69 843 359 1202
70 - 73 1095 38 1133
74 - 105 202 11 213
Note: The participant's total height has been rounded to the nearest whole inch.
Note: Bottom-coded at 59 inches and top-coded at 76 inches on the public release.

jx011rec: Responent's Body Mass Index based on their reported weight and height.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health18, y_health17_1, y_health17_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 86 128 214
-2 0 5 5
11 - 24 405 750 1155
25 - 27 605 652 1257
28 - 30 603 514 1117
31 - 35 558 497 1055
36 - 56 221 367 588
Note: Body Mass Index = Weight(kg) / (Height(m))^2. Rounded to the nearest integer.
Note: Bottom-coded at 19 and top-coded at 48 on the public release.

jxw01rer: Up to the present time and excluding pregnancies, what is the most you have ever weighed in pounds?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 106 134 240
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 8 11
52 - 160 96 1039 1135
161 - 185 396 729 1125
186 - 210 628 484 1112
211 - 244 742 288 1030
245 - 415 507 231 738
Note: Rounded to nearest whole pound.
Note: Bottom-coded at 116 pounds and top-coded at 335 pounds on the public release.

jxw02rer: How old were you when you weighed the most?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health19a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 154 215 369
-1 DON'T KNOW 12 30 42
0 - 50 631 536 1167
51 - 64 475 546 1021
65 - 69 563 646 1209
70 - 71 479 696 1175
72 - 90 163 244 407
Note: If the participant's answer included a fraction or decimal point, it has been rounded down to the nearest integer age.

jxw03rer: What is the least you have ever weighed in pounds since you were 18 years old?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health20

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 106 131 237
-1 DON'T KNOW 16 28 44
40 - 116 33 994 1027
117 - 128 131 904 1035
129 - 145 513 616 1129
146 - 170 978 176 1154
172 - 300 701 64 765
Note: Rounded to nearest whole pound.
Note: Bottom-coded at 90 pounds and top-coded at 220 pounds on the public release.

jxw04rer: How old were you when you weighed the least since the age of 18?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health20a, y_hh20anwr

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 131 178 309
-1 DON'T KNOW 26 28 54
2 - 18 735 416 1151
19 - 20 485 540 1025
21 - 25 448 746 1194
26 - 48 300 704 1004
49 - 92 352 298 650
Note: If the participant's answer included a fraction or decimal point, it has been rounded down to the nearest integer age.

jxw20rer: How much did you weigh in pounds when you were about 18 years old, about when you graduated from high school?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health21

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 103 121 224
-1 DON'T KNOW 12 45 57
50 - 118 47 1018 1065
119 - 130 212 1001 1213
131 - 150 652 525 1177
151 - 175 925 135 1060
176 - 285 527 68 595
Note: Rounded to nearest whole pound.
Note: Bottom-coded at 94 pounds and top-coded at 235 pounds on the public release.

jxw05rer: Do you consider yourself now to be overweight, underweight, or about the right weight?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health27

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 60 58 118
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 54 51 105
1 OVERWEIGHT 1351 1864 3215
2 UNDERWEIGHT 57 44 101

jxw06rer: Are you actively trying to lose weight or maintain a desirable weight?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health28

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 73 79 152
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
2 YES, TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT 810 1246 2056

jxw07rer: Are you eating either fewer calories or less fat to lose or maintain your weight?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health29_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 103 113 216
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 915 782 1697
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 1315 1923 3238
2 NO 130 81 211

jxw08rer: Are you using physical activities or exercise to lose or maintain your weight?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health29_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 122 137 259
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 915 782 1697
1 YES 1252 1676 2928
2 NO 172 303 475

jxw09rer: Are you using any pills or laxatives to lose or maintain your weight?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health29_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 192 241 433
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 915 782 1697
1 YES 24 25 49
2 NO 1334 1850 3184

jxw10rer: Are you using methods other than eating fewer calories or less fat, physical activities, exercise, pills or laxatives to lose or maintain your weight?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health29_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 385 515 900
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 915 782 1697
1 YES 130 250 380
2 NO 1035 1351 2386

jxw12rer: What method other than eating fewer calories or less fat, physical activities, exercise, pills or laxatives are you using to lose or maintain your weight?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health29_4, c_y_health29_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2348 2663 5011
11 OTHER 12 12 24

jx1301re: How long has it been since you had a complete health exam or physical?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 78 147
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 1899 2302 4201
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 239 264 503
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 63 71 134
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 20 27 47
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 41 35 76
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 116 110 226
7 NEVER 27 26 53

jx1302re: How long has it been since you had a heart or exercise stress test?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 86 100 186
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 617 562 1179
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 369 382 751
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 237 234 471
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 118 117 235
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 182 160 342
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 429 408 837
7 NEVER 435 942 1377

jx1303re: How long has it been since you had a cholesterol test?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 104 111 215
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 2009 2312 4321
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 163 282 445
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 50 58 108
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 13 26 39
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 23 39 62
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 70 44 114
7 NEVER 45 39 84

jx1304re: How long has it been since you had a blood pressure check?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 65 68 133
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 2305 2731 5036
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 61 79 140
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 23 7 30
7 NEVER 5 4 9

jx1305re: How long has it been since you had a flu shot?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 92 101 193
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 1779 2110 3889
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 111 159 270
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 33 38 71
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 22 25 47
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 19 13 32
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 142 127 269
7 NEVER 269 333 602

jx1306re: How long has it been since you visited a chiropractor?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 101 92 193
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 357 515 872
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 111 127 238
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 89 77 166
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 60 65 125
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 65 83 148
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 618 597 1215
7 NEVER 1064 1350 2414

jx1307re: How long has it been since you had an eye examination?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 85 99 184
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 1590 2029 3619
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 398 511 909
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 167 131 298
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 55 33 88
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 61 36 97
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 90 47 137
7 NEVER 20 11 31

jx1308re: How long has it been since you had your hearing checked?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 96 118 214
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 567 458 1025
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 263 230 493
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 208 201 409
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 108 102 210
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 151 135 286
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 659 656 1315
7 NEVER 421 1008 1429

jx1309re: How long has it been since you had a Bone Mass or Bone Density Measurement test for osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 95 73 168
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 1 4
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 165 842 1007
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 100 698 798
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 75 365 440
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 47 161 208
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 51 202 253
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 118 261 379
7 NEVER 1821 301 2122

jx1310re: How long has it been since you had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 83 76 159
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 442 516 958
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 483 522 1005
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 406 470 876
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 186 207 393
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 278 355 633
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 305 339 644
7 NEVER 293 421 714

jx1311re: How long has it been since you had a blood stool test using a special kit or cards to determine whether the stool contains blood?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 88 90 178
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 3 3
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 503 532 1035
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 319 341 660
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 205 255 460
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 107 143 250
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 216 226 442
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 443 609 1052
7 NEVER 594 709 1303

jx1312re: How long has it been since you had a shot for pneumonia?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 95 89 184
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 506 591 1097
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 414 543 957
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 307 372 679
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 101 161 262
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 165 231 396
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 221 242 463
7 NEVER 664 670 1334

jx1313re: How long has it been since you had a dental check-up?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 139 181 320
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 1751 2151 3902
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 163 185 348
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 86 88 174
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 52 34 86
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 68 38 106
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 193 188 381
7 NEVER 25 43 68

jx1314re: How long has it been since you had a prostate specific antigen, or PSA test?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 77 113 190
-2 0 2797 2797
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 1665 0 1665
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 288 0 288
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 106 0 106
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 73 1 74
7 NEVER 185 2 187
Note: Only male participants were instructed to answer JX1314RE. For female participants, JX1314RE has a value of -2.

jx1315re: How long has it been since you had a mammogram?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 167 236
-2 2409 0 2409
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 0 2006 2006
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 0 341 341
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 0 113 113
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 0 120 120
7 NEVER 0 69 69
Note: Only female participants were instructed to answer JX1315RE. For male participants, JX1315RE has a value of -2.

jx1316re: How long has it been since you did a breast self-exam?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_16

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 120 189
-2 2409 0 2409
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 0 2277 2277
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 0 155 155
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 0 79 79
7 NEVER 0 163 163
Note: Only female participants were instructed to answer JX1316RE. For male participants, JX1316RE has a value of -2.

jx1317re: How long has it been since you had a doctor or other health professional perform a breast exam?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 89 158
-2 2409 0 2409
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 0 2002 2002
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 0 318 318
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 0 143 143
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 0 158 158
7 NEVER 0 63 63
Note: Only female participants were instructed to answer JX1317RE. For male participants, JX1317RE has a value of -2.

jx1318re: How long has it been since you had a pelvic exam or Pap smear?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health22_18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 84 153
-2 2409 0 2409
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 WITHIN PAST YEAR 0 1025 1025
2 WITHIN PAST 2 YEARS 0 549 549
3 WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS 0 337 337
4 WITHIN PAST 4 YEARS 0 168 168
5 WITHIN PAST 5 YEARS 0 188 188
6 MORE THAN 5 YEARS 0 523 523
7 NEVER 0 37 37
Note: Only female participants were instructed to answer JX1318RE. For male participants, JX1318RE has a value of -2.

jxhs30re: How would you describe your eye color currently?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health23, c_y_health23

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 134 97 231
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 116 86 202
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 BLUE 1039 986 2025
2 GREEN 163 304 467
3 BROWN 595 697 1292
4 HAZEL 287 467 754
5 GRAY 44 30 74
9 OTHER 0 1 1
Note: Participants who reported a shade or variation of a base eye color (e.g. "greenish blue" or "dark brown") were assigned codes reflecting the base color.

jxhs31re: Has your eye color ever changed?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health24

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 136 114 250
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 YES 61 115 176
2 NO 2280 2683 4963

jxhs32re: How would you describe your previous eye color?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health24a, c_y_health24a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 121 104 225
-2 2280 2683 4963
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 BLUE 17 43 60
2 GREEN 7 16 23
3 BROWN 28 30 58
4 HAZEL 10 11 21
5 GRAY 0 1 1
Note: Participants who reported a shade or variation of a base eye color (e.g. "greenish blue" or "dark brown") were assigned codes reflecting the base color.

jxhs10re: Which of the following best describes your use of hearing aids?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health25

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 77 90 167
3 DO NOT OWN HEARING AIDS 1967 2641 4608

jxhs11re: Have you experienced increased problems with hearing conversations in person in the last 12 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 286 295 581
1 YES 603 464 1067
2 NO 1589 2154 3743

jxhs12re: Have you experienced increased problems with hearing conversations in person in the last 5 years?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 472 775 1247
1 YES 945 647 1592
2 NO 1061 1490 2551

jxhs13re: Have you experienced increased problems with hearing conversations on the phone in the last 12 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 244 242 486
1 YES 431 308 739
2 NO 1803 2363 4166

jxhs14re: Have you experienced increased problems with hearing conversations on the phone in the last 5 years?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 525 838 1363
1 YES 574 341 915
2 NO 1379 1734 3113

jxhs15re: Have you experienced increased problems with understanding spoken instructions from your doctor, employer or other person in the last 12 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 194 205 399
1 YES 275 146 421
2 NO 2009 2562 4571

jxhs16re: Have you experienced increased problems with understanding spoken instructions from your doctor, employer or other person in the last 5 years?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 563 864 1427
1 YES 299 142 441
2 NO 1615 1907 3522

jxhs17re: Have you experienced increased problems with reading small print on medicine bottles or other places in the last 12 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 242 285 527
1 YES 687 1167 1854
2 NO 1549 1459 3008

jxhs18re: Have you experienced increased problems with reading small print on medicine bottles or other places in the last 5 years?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 504 741 1245
1 YES 810 1137 1947
2 NO 1164 1033 2197

jxhs19re: Have you experienced increased problems with understanding written instructions in the last 12 months?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 194 202 396
1 YES 126 110 236
2 NO 2158 2600 4758

jxhs20re: Have you experienced increased problems with understanding written instructions in the last 5 years?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health26_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 561 865 1426
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 114 83 197
2 NO 1802 1964 3766

jxhi20re: Self-reported total number of medications that Participant is currently taking.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth30a:1-9, y_hlh30a10, y_hh30a:11-17, y_hh30a:18r-24r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 501 499 1000
-3 REFUSED 4 4 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 - 2 471 486 957
3 - 4 500 519 1019
5 - 7 526 687 1213
8 - 11 355 525 880
12 - 26 106 182 288

jxh001re: What is the name on the label of the 1st medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 520 514 1034
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 12 6 18
"Azelastine" 1 0 1
"Calcium + Vit. D" 0 1 1
"Fusamax" 0 1 1
"MetApRol" 1 0 1
"Metforim XL" 1 0 1
"asa" 0 1 1
"hydrochlorothizide" 1 0 1
"novolog pen fill" 0 1 1
"premarin cream" 0 1 1
"quinapril" 1 1 2
Note: Only 14 of 1759 values are listed.

jxh001cn: What is the code for the 1st medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 12 6 18
-2 520 514 1034
1 acyclovir 4 1 5
2 amiodarone 1 2 3
4 atenolol 67 85 152
6 captopril 1 1 2
11 ciprofloxacin 1 2 3
13 enalapril 13 17 30
15 ibuprofen 14 20 34
16 labetalol 0 4 4
18 nadolol 6 4 10
19 naproxen 6 16 22
21 ranitidine 9 13 22
22 warfarin 42 24 66
23 allopurinol 32 6 38
24 azathioprine 1 2 3
26 fenoprofen 1 0 1
31 probenecid 1 0 1
32 propranolol 4 9 13
33 sulindac 1 1 2
37 doxycycline 1 3 4
39 indomethacin 2 0 2
40 oxazepam 0 1 1
41 tetracycline 3 3 6
44 clonidine 3 2 5
45 diltiazem 13 22 35
46 erythromycin 0 1 1
48 verapamil 8 11 19
49 acetaminophen 4 8 12
50 methadone 1 0 1
51 nifedipine 5 12 17
58 carbamazepine 0 1 1
60 methotrexate 2 10 12
61 lithium 0 1 1
70 furosemide 9 13 22
80 cefadroxil 0 1 1
86 amantadine 1 1 2
88 amoxicillin 3 1 4
89 amoxicillin-clavulanate 0 2 2
96 cephalexin 0 1 1
98 dapsone 1 0 1
102 itraconazole 1 0 1
108 metronidazole 0 2 2
123 trimethoprim 1 0 1
124 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 1 1 2
132 hydralazine 1 1 2
134 metoprolol 67 76 143
137 pindolol 1 0 1
139 timolol 5 6 11
141 famotidine 2 1 3
142 theophylline 2 2 4
143 phenytoin 5 3 8
144 nortriptyline 0 3 3
146 amitriptyline 3 5 8
148 diazepam 0 1 1
149 lorazepam 4 7 11
161 acetazolamide 1 0 1
168 alprazolam 5 8 13
170 aspirin 122 67 189
175 benztropine 1 0 1
179 bumetanide 3 3 6
181 bupropion 3 5 8
182 buspirone 1 1 2
184 carbidopa 1 0 1
191 chlorpheniramine 1 0 1
192 chlorthalidone 2 1 3
193 cholestyramine 1 0 1
197 clonazepam 4 3 7
206 dexamethasone 1 0 1
210 digoxin 9 5 14
217 doxepin 2 2 4
231 felodipine 0 3 3
233 fentanyl 1 4 5
234 flecainide 4 2 6
235 fluorouracil 0 1 1
236 fluoxetine 7 19 26
241 folic acid 0 4 4
242 fosinopril 3 2 5
245 gemfibrozil 14 5 19
246 glipizide 9 4 13
248 glyburide 7 3 10
253 hydrochlorothiazide 60 70 130
260 indapamide 0 4 4
262 insulin 2 1 3
265 ipratropium 1 0 1
268 isosorbide dinitrate 1 0 1
269 isosorbide mononitrate 3 2 5
278 levothyroxine 45 190 235
280 lovastatin 23 25 48
284 medroxyprogesterone 0 2 2
290 methimazole 1 0 1
293 methylprednisolone 1 0 1
308 morphine 2 1 3
310 nabumetone 2 2 4
314 niacin 11 9 20
325 omeprazole 48 47 95
328 oxybutynin 4 3 7
329 oxycodone 1 0 1
340 phenobarbital 2 0 2
343 piroxicam 0 1 1
345 potassium chloride 7 17 24
348 pravastatin 25 30 55
350 prednisone 9 5 14
352 primidone 1 0 1
358 propafenone 1 2 3
360 propoxyphene 1 0 1
361 propylthiouracil 0 3 3
365 quinapril 7 2 9
371 sotalol 1 1 2
373 spironolactone 1 8 9
377 sucralfate 1 0 1
379 sulfasalazine 3 3 6
381 tamoxifen 0 2 2
384 temazepam 1 0 1
386 terazosin 13 0 13
395 trazodone 0 7 7
396 triamterene 2 18 20
397 triazolam 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 1 0 1
413 cyanocobalamin 2 1 3
417 bioflavonoids 1 0 1
425 calcium carbonate 1 17 18
426 ascorbic acid 1 2 3
484 selenium 1 0 1
488 lysine 1 1 2
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 14 12 26
534 estrone 0 1 1
537 estradiol 0 5 5
541 conjugated estrogens 0 20 20
543 estropipate 0 2 2
558 testosterone 2 0 2
563 finasteride 14 0 14
595 glucose 0 1 1
598 calcitonin 0 2 2
608 fludrocortisone 1 0 1
609 cortisone 1 0 1
653 isosorbide 1 0 1
655 thyroid desiccated 2 8 10
658 liothyronine 1 0 1
683 lidocaine topical 0 1 1
689 amlodipine 45 42 87
709 bisoprolol 1 2 3
726 doxazosin 12 2 14
728 ramipril 5 2 7
730 benazepril 8 17 25
732 lisinopril 118 117 235
743 sodium polystyrene sulfonate 1 0 1
746 simvastatin 148 117 265
749 albuterol 7 11 18
760 beclomethasone 0 2 2
761 flunisolide 1 0 1
769 pseudoephedrine 1 0 1
797 guaifenesin 0 1 1
817 hydroxychloroquine 2 2 4
842 salsalate 0 1 1
848 diclofenac 3 4 7
851 etodolac 0 1 1
859 meclizine 0 1 1
880 sertraline 2 19 21
900 methylphenidate 1 0 1
907 hydroxyzine 0 1 1
910 zolpidem 2 10 12
919 mephobarbital 0 2 2
963 cyclobenzaprine 0 1 1
967 baclofen 1 1 2
985 hyoscyamine 0 3 3
999 dicyclomine 1 0 1
1005 ursodiol 0 3 3
1012 phenolphthalein 1 0 1
1013 senna 0 2 2
1017 polycarbophil 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 2 1 3
1021 docusate 3 3 6
1027 simethicone 1 0 1
1031 mesalamine 3 6 9
1191 pilocarpine ophthalmic 0 1 1
1233 nystatin 1 0 1
1296 fluticasone 2 5 7
1300 mometasone topical 1 0 1
1373 hydroxyurea 2 2 4
1387 alprostadil 1 0 1
3050 loratadine 3 2 5
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 12 29 41
3075 hydrocodone 0 1 1
3126 calcitriol 0 3 3
3128 ergocalciferol 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 2 10 12
3137 calcium-vitamin d 1 22 23
3140 multivitamin 14 21 35
3145 multivitamin with minerals 16 12 28
3157 paroxetine 2 7 9
3162 ethanol 1 0 1
3180 risperidone 1 0 1
3181 venlafaxine 2 5 7
3182 gabapentin 7 13 20
3183 fluvastatin 0 1 1
3189 torsemide 0 2 2
3205 hydrocortisone topical 1 0 1
3206 triamcinolone topical 0 1 1
3208 metronidazole topical 0 1 1
3245 esterified estrogens-methyltestosterone 0 1 1
3258 atenolol-chlorthalidone 4 5 9
3259 bendroflumethiazide-nadolol 0 1 1
3264 hydrochlorothiazide-metoprolol 0 1 1
3265 benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide 0 4 4
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 22 31 53
3270 phenylephrine-pyrilamine nasal 1 0 1
3298 chlorpheniramine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3342 acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/pse 0 1 1
3423 acetaminophen-codeine 1 4 5
3425 acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine/codeine 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 3 3 6
3434 acetaminophen-propoxyphene 1 1 2
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 1 1 2
3455 acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine 1 0 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 7 4 11
3492 chlordiazepoxide-clidinium 1 1 2
3506 atropine-diphenoxylate 1 0 1
3689 calcium acetate 0 1 1
3740 enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide 2 3 5
3744 bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide 3 6 9
3752 tacrolimus 2 1 3
3788 calcipotriene topical 1 0 1
3796 magnesium chloride 0 1 1
3804 fluvoxamine 0 1 1
3805 dorzolamide ophthalmic 0 1 1
3807 metformin 72 54 126
3808 nefazodone 0 1 1
3809 lamotrigine 1 1 2
3819 conjugated estrogens-medroxyprogesterone 0 5 5
3821 losartan 15 25 40
3823 iron polysaccharide 1 0 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 2 1 3
3825 nisoldipine 0 1 1
3826 tramadol 2 6 8
3827 cetirizine 1 3 4
3828 lansoprazole 5 9 14
3829 amlodipine-benazepril 10 4 14
3830 hydrochlorothiazide-losartan 9 10 19
3833 divalproex sodium 1 0 1
3835 moexipril 0 1 1
3839 mycophenolate mofetil 3 0 3
3847 carvedilol 17 12 29
3849 alendronate 3 61 64
3850 bicalutamide 1 0 1
3863 tretinoin 0 1 1
3864 glimepiride 8 5 13
3866 calcium citrate 1 1 2
3873 anastrozole 0 8 8
3984 ritonavir 1 0 1
4012 terbinafine 0 1 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 5 5 10
4025 mirtazapine 1 2 3
4035 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine 0 2 2
4037 timolol ophthalmic 2 0 2
4040 fexofenadine 5 5 10
4048 brimonidine ophthalmic 1 2 3
4058 melatonin 1 0 1
4065 trandolapril-verapamil 0 1 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 1 0 1
4068 azelastine nasal 1 0 1
4099 donepezil 1 1 2
4105 atorvastatin 75 71 146
4111 glatiramer 0 1 1
4113 valsartan 18 20 38
4115 topiramate 1 1 2
4117 olopatadine ophthalmic 1 0 1
4121 tamsulosin 23 0 23
4145 pramipexole 1 1 2
4156 letrozole 0 3 3
4186 phenylephrine nasal 1 0 1
4210 estradiol topical 0 1 1
4215 ropinirole 0 2 2
4220 quetiapine 0 1 1
4222 irbesartan 9 10 19
4223 mometasone nasal 0 1 1
4233 triamcinolone nasal 0 1 1
4245 hydrochlorothiazide-irbesartan 1 2 3
4258 clopidogrel 28 16 44
4261 raloxifene 0 17 17
4271 diclofenac-misoprostol 0 3 3
4276 budesonide 2 2 4
4283 fluticasone nasal 6 6 12
4286 fenofibrate 8 7 15
4289 montelukast 2 7 9
4293 hydrochlorothiazide-valsartan 7 12 19
4294 tolterodine 0 3 3
4299 sildenafil 4 0 4
4300 risedronate 1 13 14
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4322 candesartan 0 4 4
4332 citalopram 6 9 15
4363 sevelamer 1 0 1
4364 telmisartan 2 2 4
4365 etanercept 0 2 2
4369 insulin regular 0 1 1
4370 insulin isophane 1 0 1
4371 insulin zinc 1 0 1
4372 insulin zinc extended 3 1 4
4373 insulin lispro 3 5 8
4378 modafinil 0 1 1
4380 celecoxib 3 11 14
4382 cilostazol 0 1 1
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 1 1
4411 garlic 0 1 1
4413 ginkgo 0 1 1
4418 glucosamine 3 1 4
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 3 4 7
4426 red yeast rice 0 4 4
4427 levalbuterol 1 1 2
4434 rosiglitazone 1 0 1
4440 perindopril 1 1 2
4442 pioglitazone 6 4 10
4448 rabeprazole 0 4 4
4453 sirolimus 1 0 1
4459 dofetilide 1 0 1
4460 entacapone 0 1 1
4497 aspirin-dipyridamole 2 0 2
4499 levetiracetam 3 2 5
4500 moxifloxacin 0 1 1
4509 hydrochlorothiazide-quinapril 0 1 1
4514 pantoprazole 5 6 11
4522 papaya 1 0 1
4523 ubiquinone 0 2 2
4532 meloxicam 0 3 3
4537 rivastigmine 0 2 2
4538 insulin glargine 4 2 6
4539 fosinopril-hydrochlorothiazide 0 2 2
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 13 20 33
4695 colesevelam 1 3 4
4697 insulin aspart 2 3 5
4700 balsalazide 0 1 1
4703 glyburide-metformin 1 1 2
4711 candesartan-hydrochlorothiazide 0 1 1
4722 diclofenac topical 0 2 2
4737 hydrochlorothiazide-telmisartan 1 3 4
4749 esomeprazole 15 19 34
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 4 5 9
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 0 2 2
4758 imatinib 0 1 1
4785 desloratadine 0 1 1
4787 lovastatin-niacin 3 0 3
4788 dutasteride 4 0 4
4795 budesonide-formoterol 1 4 5
4801 olmesartan 7 14 21
4812 escitalopram 0 6 6
4823 glipizide-metformin 1 0 1
4824 ezetimibe 8 7 15
4829 tiotropium 4 2 6
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 2 2
4839 insulin aspart-insulin aspart protamine 0 1 1
4851 rosuvastatin 33 25 58
4878 hydrochlorothiazide-olmesartan 1 8 9
4893 vardenafil 1 0 1
4896 tadalafil 1 0 1
4898 epinastine ophthalmic 0 1 1
4899 memantine 1 3 4
4929 trospium 1 0 1
5048 amlodipine-atorvastatin 0 2 2
5262 mometasone 0 2 2
5265 nebivolol 0 4 4
5283 brimonidine-timolol ophthalmic 2 0 2
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 12 9 21
5355 duloxetine 0 2 2
5357 ibandronate 0 6 6
5366 acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/doxylamine 0 1 1
5413 solifenacin 1 4 5
5422 darifenacin 1 3 4
5436 insulin detemir 1 0 1
5508 pregabalin 0 2 2
5526 alendronate-cholecalciferol 0 4 4
5529 exenatide 0 1 1
5578 ramelteon 1 0 1
5635 metformin-pioglitazone 3 1 4
5696 lenalidomide 0 1 1
5847 efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir 1 0 1
5851 levocetirizine 0 1 1
5896 sitagliptin 1 1 2
6392 wheat dextrin 0 1 1
6507 cinnamon 0 1 1
6662 amlodipine-valsartan 1 0 1
6665 aliskiren 1 2 3
6720 metformin-sitagliptin 0 1 1
6842 armodafinil 0 1 1
6848 lutein 1 0 1
6905 amlodipine-olmesartan 4 0 4
7110 niacin-simvastatin 2 0 2
7356 rivaroxaban 1 0 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 1 0 1
7458 dronedarone 0 1 1
7467 saxagliptin 2 1 3
7634 dutasteride-tamsulosin 1 0 1
8119 brimonidine topical 0 1 1

jxh002re: What is the dosage on the label of the 1st medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 3 2 5
"-2" 520 514 1034
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 88 89 177
"10-25 mg" 1 2 3
"120/24 cap" 1 0 1
"160 mg/25 mg" 1 0 1
"20-12" 0 1 1
"200 mg since Dec 2010" 1 0 1
"25 EQ" 0 1 1
"25 m" 2 0 2
"25 mg / 100m" 1 0 1
"25 mg 1 capsule" 0 1 1
"mg" 0 1 1
Note: Only 14 of 1018 values are listed.

jxh003re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 1st medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 84 66 150
-2 520 514 1034
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 - 1 1299 1645 2944
1.50 - 4 380 430 810
4.50 - 124 19 36 55
777 WEEKLY 3 8 11
888 DAILY 128 121 249
999 AS NEEDED 44 93 137
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9003RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9003re: Time units: How often does the label on your 1st medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_c_n, y_hlh30a1_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 288 192 480
-2 695 736 1431
1 TIMES PER DAY 1466 1870 3336
2 TIMES PER WEEK 23 103 126
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9003RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh004re: What is the main reason you are taking your 1st medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_d, c_y_hlh30a1_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 149 112 261
-18 COULD NOT CODE 13 5 18
-2 520 514 1034
-1 DON'T KNOW 13 9 22
42 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease 2 0 2
53 Herpes zoster 0 2 2
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 2 1 3
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 9 9
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1 0 1
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 1 6 7
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 0 1 1
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 0 1 1
204 Lymphoid leukemia 0 1 1
205 Myeloid leukemia 0 1 1
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 1 0 1
242 Thyrotoxicosis with or without goiter 0 3 3
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 6 42 48
245 Thyroiditis 0 2 2
246 Other disorders of thyroid 37 140 177
250 Diabetes mellitus 99 85 184
266 Deficiency of B-complex components 0 2 2
268 Vitamin D deficiency 1 8 9
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 371 312 683
274 Gout 27 5 32
277 Other and unspecified disorders of metabolism 0 3 3
283 Acquired hemolytic anemias 1 0 1
285 Other and unspecified anemias 2 0 2
286 Coagulation defects 3 1 4
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 0 1 1
296 Affective psychoses 1 2 3
300 Neurotic disorder 16 46 62
308 Acute reaction to stress 0 2 2
309 Adjustment reaction 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 16 35 51
314 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 1 1 2
331 Other cerebral degenerations 1 2 3
332 Parkinson's disease 9 5 14
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 5 4 9
340 Multiple sclerosis 0 2 2
344 Other paralytic syndromes 1 1 2
345 Epilepsy 1 0 1
346 Migraine 1 1 2
347 Cataplexy and narcolepsy 0 1 1
350 trigeminal nerve disorder 0 1 1
354 Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex 0 1 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 4 8 12
358 Myoneural disorders 2 0 2
362 Other retinal disorders 2 0 2
365 Glaucoma 13 17 30
379 Other eye disorders 0 1 1
386 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 0 3 3
388 Other disorders of ear 2 0 2
390 Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement 1 0 1
401 Essential hypertension 192 373 565
410 Acute myocardial infarction 4 2 6
413 Angina pectoris 2 0 2
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 3 0 3
415 Acute pulmonary heart disease 0 1 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 26 25 51
428 Heart failure 2 3 5
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 10 7 17
435 Transient cerebral ischemia 2 0 2
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 16 7 23
441 Aortic aneurysm 1 0 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 5 14 19
453 Other venous embolism and thrombosis 1 0 1
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 1 3 4
466 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis 0 1 1
472 Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis 0 1 1
473 Chronic sinusitis 1 0 1
477 Allergic rhinitis 3 0 3
487 Influenza 1 0 1
492 Emphysema 1 1 2
493 Asthma 13 35 48
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 9 5 14
518 Other diseases of lung 1 0 1
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 0 2 2
530 Diseases of esophagus 48 68 116
531 Gastric ulcer 0 1 1
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 2 2 4
535 Gastritis and duodenitis 0 2 2
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 4 0 4
555 Regional enteritis 3 3 6
556 Idiopathic proctocolitis 1 2 3
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 2 3 5
562 Diverticula of intestine 0 1 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 1 2 3
573 Other disorders of liver 2 0 2
574 Cholelithiasis 0 2 2
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 2 0 2
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
595 Cystitis 2 1 3
596 Other disorders of bladder 1 0 1
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 15 0 15
602 Other disorders of prostate 1 0 1
692 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 1 1 2
695 Erythematous conditions 1 8 9
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 1 2
706 Diseases of sebaceous glands 1 0 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 0 1 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 3 14 17
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1 6 7
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 17 36 53
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 9 15 24
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 5 6 11
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 1 1 2
726 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 1 1 2
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 6 5 11
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 1 3 4
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 5 67 72
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 8 5 13
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 1 2 3
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 1 1
820 Fracture of neck of femur 0 1 1
996 Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures 4 0 4
1130 Energy and drive functions 0 3 3
1134 Sleep functions 9 22 31
1144 Memory functions 1 4 5
1210 Seeing functions 1 0 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 5 7 12
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 3 2 5
1230 Hearing functions 0 1 1
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 18 39 57
1410 Heart functions 99 56 155
1415 Blood vessel functions 4 1 5
1420 Blood pressure functions 285 279 564
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 19 15 34
1435 Immunological system functions 16 25 41
1440 Respiration functions 5 4 9
1450 Additional respiratory functions 4 13 17
1455 Exercise tolerance functions 1 0 1
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 10 14 24
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 65 22 87
1510 Ingestion functions 1 1 2
1515 Digestive functions 4 5 9
1520 Assimilation functions 0 2 2
1525 Defecation functions 7 6 13
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 21 18 39
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 7 9 16
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 11 33 44
1550 Thermoregulatory functions 0 1 1
1555 Endocrine gland functions 0 6 6
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 1 2
1620 Urination functions 17 16 33
1640 Sexual functions 3 3 6
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 12 12
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 26 4 30
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 7 67 74
1765 Involuntary movement functions 9 9 18
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 1 1 2
1830 Other functions of the skin 1 1 2
1840 Sensation related to the skin 1 3 4
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
2320 Structure of mouth 1 0 1
2840 Structure of hair 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 25 36 61
3770 Intimate relationships 1 0 1
4355 Health professionals 4 3 7
4410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members 2 0 2
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 1 2 3
6007 Need For Isolation And Other Prophylactic Measures 1 6 7
6018 Family History Of Certain Other Specific Conditions 0 1 1
6042 Organ Or Tissue Replaced By Transplant 1 0 1
6058 Encounter For Other And Unspecified Procedures And Aftercare 1 0 1
6069 Problems Related to Lifestyle 0 1 1
7000 Procedures and Interventions, NEC 1 0 1
7006 Operations on thyroid and parathyroid glands 1 4 5
7024 Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli 0 1 1
7035 Operations on valves and septa of heart 1 3 4
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 1 2 3
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 2 0 2
7055 Operations on kidney 0 1 1
7059 Other operations on urinary tract 1 0 1
7080 Incision and excision of joint structures 0 1 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9004re: What is the main reason you are taking your 1st medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_d, c_y_hlh30a1_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 149 112 261
-18 NOT CODEABLE 13 5 18
-2 520 514 1034
-1 DON'T KNOW 13 9 22
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 4 3 7
20 Neoplasms 3 20 23
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 541 602 1143
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 6 1 7
50 Mental Disorders 34 88 122
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 41 47 88
70 Circulatory System 265 432 697
80 Respiratory System 30 46 76
90 Digestive System 63 88 151
100 Genitourinary system 22 1 23
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 4 10 14
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 49 155 204
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 9 8 17
170 Injury and Poisoning 4 1 5
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 2 3
190 ICD-9 V Codes 3 8 11
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 7 13 20
210 ICF Body Functions 663 706 1369
220 ICF Body Structures 1 1 2
230 ICF Activities and Participation 26 36 62
240 ICF Environmental Factors 6 3 9
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH004RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh005re: How many times did you take your 1st medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 74 79 153
-2 520 514 1034
1 1463 1790 3253
2 313 318 631
3 34 52 86
4 15 14 29
5 1 4 5
6 1 2 3
8 2 1 3
30 1 0 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh006re: Century-month Participant began taking 1st medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a1_f, y_hlh30a1_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 210 302 512
-2 520 514 1034
-1 DON'T KNOW 45 108 153
523 - 1141 320 423 743
1142 - 1208 346 401 747
1209 - 1268 371 371 742
1269 - 1310 361 378 739
1311 - 1362 304 415 719
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh007re: What is the name on the label of the 2nd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 727 730 1457
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 5 5 10
"Ambrolipine" 1 0 1
"Amlodipine (Norvasc)" 1 1 2
"Diabetes meds" 0 1 1
"Emelopril" 1 0 1
"Flomax .4mg" 1 0 1
"Naproxyn 375 mg" 0 1 1
"Simicor" 0 1 1
"Triamcirolone" 1 0 1
"carbo-levo er" 1 0 1
"sildenafil" 1 0 1
Note: Only 14 of 1768 values are listed.

jxh007cn: What is the code for the 2nd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 5 5 10
-2 727 730 1457
1 acyclovir 1 5 6
2 amiodarone 4 1 5
3 ampicillin 0 1 1
4 atenolol 54 70 124
6 captopril 2 0 2
11 ciprofloxacin 1 1 2
13 enalapril 24 9 33
15 ibuprofen 7 11 18
18 nadolol 3 1 4
19 naproxen 7 12 19
21 ranitidine 12 12 24
22 warfarin 22 13 35
23 allopurinol 26 7 33
24 azathioprine 1 1 2
28 ketoprofen 0 1 1
32 propranolol 7 5 12
33 sulindac 1 0 1
37 doxycycline 1 3 4
41 tetracycline 0 1 1
43 clindamycin 1 0 1
44 clonidine 6 5 11
45 diltiazem 13 17 30
48 verapamil 6 9 15
49 acetaminophen 2 7 9
51 nifedipine 3 7 10
58 carbamazepine 2 3 5
60 methotrexate 1 4 5
70 furosemide 9 26 35
79 cyclosporine 1 0 1
86 amantadine 2 1 3
88 amoxicillin 0 2 2
108 metronidazole 0 1 1
110 minocycline 2 1 3
112 nitrofurantoin 0 1 1
124 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 0 3 3
128 acebutolol 0 2 2
132 hydralazine 1 3 4
134 metoprolol 89 84 173
138 prazosin 1 0 1
139 timolol 8 2 10
140 cimetidine 1 1 2
141 famotidine 3 2 5
143 phenytoin 0 3 3
144 nortriptyline 0 2 2
145 desipramine 0 1 1
146 amitriptyline 2 7 9
148 diazepam 0 3 3
149 lorazepam 3 9 12
150 colchicine 1 2 3
153 dicloxacillin 1 0 1
168 alprazolam 1 9 10
169 amiloride 0 1 1
170 aspirin 98 84 182
179 bumetanide 0 2 2
181 bupropion 4 6 10
184 carbidopa 0 1 1
189 chlordiazepoxide 0 1 1
190 chlorothiazide 0 1 1
191 chlorpheniramine 2 0 2
192 chlorthalidone 2 4 6
193 cholestyramine 0 1 1
197 clonazepam 5 4 9
210 digoxin 12 2 14
212 diphenhydramine 0 2 2
217 doxepin 0 1 1
231 felodipine 4 4 8
234 flecainide 0 1 1
236 fluoxetine 4 10 14
239 flurbiprofen 0 1 1
241 folic acid 1 11 12
242 fosinopril 2 4 6
245 gemfibrozil 6 7 13
246 glipizide 15 13 28
248 glyburide 11 8 19
253 hydrochlorothiazide 81 98 179
259 imipramine 1 1 2
260 indapamide 3 7 10
262 insulin 0 1 1
265 ipratropium 0 1 1
268 isosorbide dinitrate 1 1 2
269 isosorbide mononitrate 2 2 4
278 levothyroxine 25 120 145
280 lovastatin 19 28 47
284 medroxyprogesterone 0 3 3
289 mercaptopurine 0 1 1
293 methylprednisolone 0 1 1
299 metolazone 0 1 1
308 morphine 1 2 3
310 nabumetone 1 2 3
314 niacin 15 9 24
321 nitroglycerin 2 1 3
325 omeprazole 39 58 97
328 oxybutynin 2 8 10
329 oxycodone 1 0 1
336 pentoxifylline 0 2 2
340 phenobarbital 1 1 2
345 potassium chloride 2 19 21
348 pravastatin 16 30 46
350 prednisone 7 2 9
352 primidone 1 0 1
360 propoxyphene 0 1 1
363 pyridostigmine 1 0 1
365 quinapril 3 9 12
371 sotalol 4 2 6
373 spironolactone 5 10 15
377 sucralfate 0 2 2
379 sulfasalazine 1 2 3
381 tamoxifen 0 2 2
384 temazepam 1 1 2
386 terazosin 6 1 7
395 trazodone 5 5 10
396 triamterene 11 9 20
402 vitamin a 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 3 1 4
412 pyridoxine 1 1 2
413 cyanocobalamin 1 5 6
425 calcium carbonate 2 31 33
426 ascorbic acid 4 8 12
496 inositol 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 11 14 25
537 estradiol 0 11 11
541 conjugated estrogens 0 16 16
550 progesterone 0 2 2
558 testosterone 1 0 1
563 finasteride 16 0 16
598 calcitonin 0 3 3
608 fludrocortisone 1 1 2
653 isosorbide 1 0 1
655 thyroid desiccated 1 3 4
658 liothyronine 1 0 1
689 amlodipine 37 65 102
699 epinephrine 1 0 1
709 bisoprolol 1 1 2
717 guanfacine 1 0 1
726 doxazosin 17 4 21
728 ramipril 8 5 13
730 benazepril 9 16 25
732 lisinopril 117 76 193
746 simvastatin 110 129 239
749 albuterol 12 5 17
769 pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
773 tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic 1 0 1
797 guaifenesin 1 1 2
817 hydroxychloroquine 3 6 9
848 diclofenac 2 6 8
851 etodolac 2 2 4
853 oxaprozin 2 0 2
859 meclizine 0 3 3
867 ondansetron 1 0 1
880 sertraline 6 14 20
900 methylphenidate 1 0 1
907 hydroxyzine 0 3 3
910 zolpidem 2 8 10
963 cyclobenzaprine 1 3 4
967 baclofen 0 2 2
985 hyoscyamine 0 1 1
999 dicyclomine 1 0 1
1002 pancrelipase 1 0 1
1005 ursodiol 2 1 3
1012 phenolphthalein 1 0 1
1013 senna 1 0 1
1018 psyllium 2 0 2
1021 docusate 1 2 3
1025 loperamide 1 2 3
1031 mesalamine 1 2 3
1241 clindamycin topical 0 1 1
1267 mupirocin topical 0 1 1
1296 fluticasone 3 2 5
1348 megestrol 1 0 1
1423 potassium citrate 1 0 1
3050 loratadine 7 10 17
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 9 26 35
3075 hydrocodone 0 3 3
3126 calcitriol 1 0 1
3128 ergocalciferol 1 1 2
3129 cholecalciferol 5 18 23
3137 calcium-vitamin d 7 20 27
3140 multivitamin 15 22 37
3141 multivitamin with iron 0 1 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 7 38 45
3157 paroxetine 5 6 11
3160 sumatriptan 0 3 3
3181 venlafaxine 0 4 4
3182 gabapentin 5 11 16
3183 fluvastatin 3 1 4
3193 amiloride-hydrochlorothiazide 0 1 1
3197 betamethasone topical 0 1 1
3206 triamcinolone topical 1 3 4
3208 metronidazole topical 1 0 1
3221 prednisolone ophthalmic 1 0 1
3227 fluorometholone ophthalmic 0 1 1
3247 hydrochlorothiazide-spironolactone 0 1 1
3258 atenolol-chlorthalidone 5 2 7
3261 hydrochlorothiazide-propranolol 0 1 1
3264 hydrochlorothiazide-metoprolol 0 1 1
3265 benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide 0 1 1
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 21 11 32
3329 asa/diphenhydramine/ppa 1 0 1
3379 guaifenesin-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3393 codeine-guaifenesin 1 0 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 2 1 3
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 0 1 1
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 0 1 1
3449 aspirin-caffeine 0 1 1
3455 acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine 1 0 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 5 2 7
3506 atropine-diphenoxylate 2 3 5
3552 clioquinol-hydrocortisone topical 0 1 1
3640 budesonide nasal 1 0 1
3641 petrolatum topical 0 1 1
3644 lactobacillus acidophilus 0 1 1
3689 calcium acetate 0 1 1
3740 enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide 2 0 2
3744 bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide 1 2 3
3752 tacrolimus 0 1 1
3759 salmeterol 0 1 1
3768 ocular lubricant 0 1 1
3807 metformin 41 27 68
3809 lamotrigine 1 0 1
3819 conjugated estrogens-medroxyprogesterone 0 2 2
3821 losartan 22 25 47
3823 iron polysaccharide 0 1 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 0 3 3
3826 tramadol 2 4 6
3827 cetirizine 2 6 8
3828 lansoprazole 4 5 9
3829 amlodipine-benazepril 3 5 8
3830 hydrochlorothiazide-losartan 4 6 10
3833 divalproex sodium 2 1 3
3838 valacyclovir 0 1 1
3839 mycophenolate mofetil 1 0 1
3847 carvedilol 18 13 31
3849 alendronate 2 28 30
3864 glimepiride 5 4 9
3866 calcium citrate 1 5 6
3873 anastrozole 0 6 6
3879 cannabis (schedule i substance) 1 0 1
3952 citric acid-sodium citrate 1 0 1
4008 trandolapril 1 0 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 4 5 9
4025 mirtazapine 3 2 5
4031 pilocarpine 1 0 1
4035 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine 0 1 1
4037 timolol ophthalmic 0 2 2
4040 fexofenadine 3 12 15
4048 brimonidine ophthalmic 1 2 3
4050 olanzapine 1 1 2
4052 pentosan polysulfate sodium 0 1 1
4053 zafirlukast 0 1 1
4057 zinc sulfate 1 1 2
4058 melatonin 1 0 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 2 1 3
4099 donepezil 1 1 2
4102 tizanidine 1 1 2
4105 atorvastatin 43 31 74
4113 valsartan 11 6 17
4115 topiramate 0 4 4
4117 olopatadine ophthalmic 0 2 2
4121 tamsulosin 26 0 26
4142 chromium picolinate 0 1 1
4145 pramipexole 4 0 4
4156 letrozole 0 2 2
4210 estradiol topical 0 2 2
4215 ropinirole 1 1 2
4220 quetiapine 0 1 1
4222 irbesartan 5 6 11
4223 mometasone nasal 3 3 6
4258 clopidogrel 17 10 27
4261 raloxifene 0 6 6
4276 budesonide 1 2 3
4278 cyanocobalamin nasal 0 1 1
4279 flunisolide nasal 0 1 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 4 5 9
4286 fenofibrate 10 13 23
4289 montelukast 3 6 9
4292 loteprednol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4293 hydrochlorothiazide-valsartan 7 9 16
4294 tolterodine 1 2 3
4299 sildenafil 5 0 5
4300 risedronate 1 9 10
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4311 capecitabine 0 1 1
4322 candesartan 2 1 3
4332 citalopram 7 12 19
4364 telmisartan 3 0 3
4369 insulin regular 0 2 2
4372 insulin zinc extended 0 1 1
4373 insulin lispro 2 0 2
4375 estradiol-norethindrone 0 1 1
4376 abacavir 1 0 1
4380 celecoxib 8 9 17
4394 cromolyn nasal 1 0 1
4411 garlic 0 2 2
4412 ginseng 1 0 1
4415 saw palmetto 3 0 3
4418 glucosamine 1 5 6
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 5 11 16
4426 red yeast rice 1 3 4
4434 rosiglitazone 0 1 1
4442 pioglitazone 5 2 7
4448 rabeprazole 2 2 4
4459 dofetilide 1 1 2
4497 aspirin-dipyridamole 1 0 1
4499 levetiracetam 0 4 4
4509 hydrochlorothiazide-quinapril 0 2 2
4514 pantoprazole 4 6 10
4523 ubiquinone 0 2 2
4532 meloxicam 3 6 9
4537 rivastigmine 0 1 1
4538 insulin glargine 5 4 9
4539 fosinopril-hydrochlorothiazide 1 0 1
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 4 11 15
4695 colesevelam 1 0 1
4697 insulin aspart 2 1 3
4703 glyburide-metformin 3 4 7
4708 zoledronic acid 0 1 1
4711 candesartan-hydrochlorothiazide 0 2 2
4737 hydrochlorothiazide-telmisartan 0 1 1
4743 nateglinide 1 0 1
4749 esomeprazole 6 9 15
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 5 6 11
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 3 3 6
4764 cetirizine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
4785 desloratadine 0 1 1
4787 lovastatin-niacin 1 0 1
4788 dutasteride 5 0 5
4795 budesonide-formoterol 2 3 5
4797 alfuzosin 5 0 5
4801 olmesartan 4 4 8
4812 escitalopram 1 6 7
4820 metformin-rosiglitazone 1 0 1
4824 ezetimibe 13 9 22
4829 tiotropium 1 10 11
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 3 3
4851 rosuvastatin 24 13 37
4861 diphenhydramine-phenylephrine 0 1 1
4877 carbidopa/entacapone/levodopa 1 0 1
4878 hydrochlorothiazide-olmesartan 2 1 3
4882 atazanavir 1 0 1
4893 vardenafil 2 0 2
4896 tadalafil 2 0 2
4899 memantine 2 1 3
5048 amlodipine-atorvastatin 0 2 2
5217 mycophenolic acid 1 0 1
5262 mometasone 0 1 1
5265 nebivolol 0 4 4
5283 brimonidine-timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
5294 rifaximin 0 1 1
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 16 10 26
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 2 1 3
5355 duloxetine 1 2 3
5357 ibandronate 0 1 1
5413 solifenacin 1 1 2
5436 insulin detemir 1 2 3
5471 alpha-d-galactosidase 0 1 1
5508 pregabalin 2 3 5
5525 entecavir 1 0 1
5529 exenatide 0 2 2
5530 drospirenone-estradiol 0 1 1
5612 rasagiline 1 1 2
5635 metformin-pioglitazone 2 0 2
5702 methylsulfonylmethane 1 0 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 1 1 2
5896 sitagliptin 2 0 2
6032 fluocinolone otic 0 1 1
6392 wheat dextrin 1 0 1
6507 cinnamon 1 0 1
6655 alpha-lipoic acid 1 0 1
6662 amlodipine-valsartan 1 0 1
6720 metformin-sitagliptin 1 1 2
6851 azithromycin ophthalmic 0 1 1
6905 amlodipine-olmesartan 1 0 1
7077 aliskiren-hydrochlorothiazide 1 0 1
7110 niacin-simvastatin 0 1 1
7354 silodosin 1 0 1
7371 fenofibric acid 1 1 2
7395 dexlansoprazole 1 2 3
7458 dronedarone 1 0 1
7486 aliskiren-valsartan 0 1 1

jxh008re: What is the dosage on the label of the 2nd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 5 1 6
"-2" 727 730 1457
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 83 132 215
".05%" 0 1 1
"0.9 mg." 0 1 1
"1 MG" 1 0 1
"10-15 units" 1 0 1
"1000 IU" 3 1 4
"125 mg" 1 6 7
"2 mg. tablets" 0 1 1
"20 m" 1 0 1
"32.4 mg" 0 1 1
"500 mcg" 1 0 1
Note: Only 15 of 851 values are listed.

jxh009re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 2nd medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 57 61 118
-2 727 730 1457
0.25 - 1 1167 1480 2647
1.25 - 3.50 321 381 702
3.75 - 24 40 64 104
777 WEEKLY 2 4 6
888 DAILY 117 120 237
999 AS NEEDED 47 73 120
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9009RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9009re: Time units: How often does the label on your 2nd medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_c_n, y_hlh30a2_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 270 193 463
-2 893 927 1820
1 TIMES PER DAY 1292 1709 3001
2 TIMES PER WEEK 19 71 90
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH009RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh010re: What is the main reason you are taking your 2nd medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_d, c_y_hlh30a2_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 146 152 298
-18 COULD NOT CODE 11 10 21
-2 727 730 1457
-1 DON'T KNOW 8 8 16
42 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease 2 0 2
53 Herpes zoster 1 1 2
54 Herpes simplex 0 3 3
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 1 0 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 8 8
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 2 0 2
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 0 4 4
242 Thyrotoxicosis with or without goiter 0 2 2
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 4 12 16
246 Other disorders of thyroid 20 95 115
250 Diabetes mellitus 82 64 146
255 Disorders of adrenal glands 0 1 1
266 Deficiency of B-complex components 0 1 1
268 Vitamin D deficiency 2 5 7
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 250 274 524
274 Gout 29 8 37
277 Other and unspecified disorders of metabolism 0 2 2
283 Acquired hemolytic anemias 1 0 1
285 Other and unspecified anemias 1 3 4
286 Coagulation defects 1 1 2
296 Affective psychoses 0 1 1
300 Neurotic disorder 15 36 51
308 Acute reaction to stress 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 14 30 44
314 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 1 1 2
331 Other cerebral degenerations 2 1 3
332 Parkinson's disease 9 5 14
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 9 5 14
340 Multiple sclerosis 0 1 1
344 Other paralytic syndromes 1 1 2
345 Epilepsy 0 2 2
346 Migraine 0 9 9
349 Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system 1 2 3
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 4 11 15
358 Myoneural disorders 1 0 1
362 Other retinal disorders 0 4 4
365 Glaucoma 17 18 35
379 Other eye disorders 0 2 2
386 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 181 274 455
410 Acute myocardial infarction 4 1 5
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 33 17 50
428 Heart failure 3 0 3
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 5 7 12
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 9 6 15
443 Other peripheral vascular disease 0 1 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 5 5 10
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 2 1 3
472 Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis 0 1 1
473 Chronic sinusitis 0 1 1
477 Allergic rhinitis 0 2 2
492 Emphysema 1 4 5
493 Asthma 10 16 26
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 4 10 14
518 Other diseases of lung 1 0 1
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 0 3 3
530 Diseases of esophagus 38 54 92
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 2 4 6
535 Gastritis and duodenitis 1 1 2
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 1 0 1
555 Regional enteritis 0 4 4
556 Idiopathic proctocolitis 1 2 3
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 1 3 4
562 Diverticula of intestine 1 0 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 1 2 3
571 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 0 1 1
573 Other disorders of liver 1 0 1
574 Cholelithiasis 1 0 1
586 Renal failure, unspecified 0 1 1
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 3 0 3
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 21 0 21
625 Pain and other symptoms associated with female genital organs 0 1 1
695 Erythematous conditions 2 4 6
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 2 3
702 Other dermatoses 1 0 1
704 Diseases of hair and hair follicles 0 1 1
708 Urticaria 0 2 2
709 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 0 1 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 3 0 3
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 2 11 13
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 2 3 5
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 17 27 44
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 12 13 25
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 8 9 17
727 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 0 1 1
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 2 4 6
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 1 3 4
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 3 46 49
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 5 6 11
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 4 4
891 Open wound of knee, leg [except thigh], and ankle 0 1 1
996 Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures 3 0 3
1126 Temperament and personality functions 0 1 1
1130 Energy and drive functions 1 4 5
1134 Sleep functions 11 29 40
1144 Memory functions 1 1 2
1152 Emotional functions 0 4 4
1210 Seeing functions 1 0 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 5 8 13
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 2 2 4
1230 Hearing functions 1 0 1
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 3 7 10
1249 Hearing and vestibular functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 12 18 30
1410 Heart functions 109 63 172
1415 Blood vessel functions 5 3 8
1420 Blood pressure functions 281 260 541
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 16 10 26
1435 Immunological system functions 22 40 62
1440 Respiration functions 2 4 6
1450 Additional respiratory functions 10 8 18
1455 Exercise tolerance functions 1 0 1
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 10 17 27
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 53 26 79
1510 Ingestion functions 0 1 1
1520 Assimilation functions 3 1 4
1525 Defecation functions 10 9 19
1530 Weight maintenance functions 1 0 1
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 21 26 47
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 5 6 11
1540 General metabolic functions 0 1 1
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 14 53 67
1555 Endocrine gland functions 0 10 10
1559 Functions related to metabolism and the endocrine system, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1610 Urinary excretory functions 2 1 3
1620 Urination functions 20 18 38
1640 Sexual functions 7 2 9
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 9 9
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 28 6 34
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 9 63 72
1749 Muscle functions, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1765 Involuntary movement functions 3 8 11
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 1 3 4
1799 Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions, unspecified 0 1 1
1840 Sensation related to the skin 0 4 4
2320 Structure of mouth 0 4 4
2520 Structure of oesophagus 0 1 1
2840 Structure of hair 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 30 65 95
4355 Health professionals 6 11 17
4360 Other professionals 1 0 1
4410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members 1 0 1
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 1 3 4
6007 Need For Isolation And Other Prophylactic Measures 0 4 4
6018 Family History Of Certain Other Specific Conditions 0 2 2
6058 Encounter For Other And Unspecified Procedures And Aftercare 2 0 2
7000 Procedures and Interventions, NEC 0 2 2
7006 Operations on thyroid and parathyroid glands 1 3 4
7013 Operations on lens 0 1 1
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 2 1 3
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 2 1 3
7048 Operations on rectum, restosigmoid, and perirectal tissue 1 0 1
7055 Operations on kidney 1 0 1
7065 Operations on ovary 0 1 1
7068 Other incision and excision of uterus 0 1 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 1 5 6
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9010re: What is the main reason you are taking your 2nd medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_d, c_y_hlh30a2_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 146 152 298
-18 NOT CODEABLE 11 10 21
-2 727 730 1457
-1 DON'T KNOW 8 8 16
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 4 4 8
20 Neoplasms 2 12 14
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 387 464 851
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 3 4 7
50 Mental Disorders 30 69 99
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 44 62 106
70 Circulatory System 240 311 551
80 Respiratory System 18 35 53
90 Digestive System 48 74 122
100 Genitourinary system 25 2 27
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 4 10 14
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 50 117 167
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 5 11 16
170 Injury and Poisoning 3 1 4
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 3 4
190 ICD-9 V Codes 2 6 8
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 8 15 23
210 ICF Body Functions 672 728 1400
220 ICF Body Structures 0 6 6
230 ICF Activities and Participation 30 65 95
240 ICF Environmental Factors 8 11 19
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH010RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh011re: How many times did you take your 2nd medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 85 154
-2 727 730 1457
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 1329 1630 2959
2 267 309 576
3 22 26 48
4 11 8 19
5 0 2 2
6 2 1 3
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh012re: Century-month Participant began taking 2nd medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a2_f, y_hlh30a2_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 225 315 540
-2 727 730 1457
-1 DON'T KNOW 47 110 157
592 - 1148 282 365 647
1149 - 1225 299 351 650
1226 - 1278 338 371 709
1279 - 1314 321 334 655
1315 - 1362 239 336 575
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh013re: What is the name on the label of the 3rd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 990 1000 1990
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 3 6
"Cyclophosphamide" 1 0 1
"Hydralazine" 1 2 3
"Lisinop.Hc TZ" 0 1 1
"Multiple Vitamin" 0 1 1
"Predinsane" 1 0 1
"asperin" 0 1 1
"diltazem" 1 0 1
"pseudoephedrine" 0 1 1
"sinvastatin" 1 0 1
"tobbacho" 1 0 1
Note: Only 13 of 1599 values are listed.

jxh013cn: What is the code for the 3rd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 990 1000 1990
1 acyclovir 0 1 1
2 amiodarone 4 3 7
4 atenolol 35 42 77
13 enalapril 11 1 12
15 ibuprofen 11 14 25
18 nadolol 0 4 4
19 naproxen 10 15 25
21 ranitidine 10 7 17
22 warfarin 35 8 43
23 allopurinol 25 9 34
24 azathioprine 0 2 2
31 probenecid 1 0 1
32 propranolol 1 3 4
33 sulindac 1 2 3
36 cyclophosphamide 1 0 1
37 doxycycline 2 2 4
39 indomethacin 2 0 2
43 clindamycin 0 1 1
44 clonidine 3 9 12
45 diltiazem 13 9 22
48 verapamil 4 8 12
49 acetaminophen 2 11 13
51 nifedipine 2 5 7
58 carbamazepine 0 3 3
60 methotrexate 1 9 10
68 ethambutol 1 0 1
70 furosemide 21 18 39
86 amantadine 1 0 1
88 amoxicillin 3 3 6
96 cephalexin 0 1 1
97 clarithromycin 0 1 1
108 metronidazole 1 1 2
110 minocycline 1 1 2
112 nitrofurantoin 0 2 2
124 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 1 1 2
132 hydralazine 3 2 5
133 methyldopa 1 0 1
134 metoprolol 64 47 111
137 pindolol 0 1 1
139 timolol 1 1 2
140 cimetidine 1 1 2
141 famotidine 1 1 2
143 phenytoin 0 2 2
144 nortriptyline 1 0 1
146 amitriptyline 2 6 8
148 diazepam 2 0 2
149 lorazepam 3 9 12
150 colchicine 0 1 1
161 acetazolamide 1 0 1
168 alprazolam 4 17 21
169 amiloride 1 0 1
170 aspirin 96 110 206
179 bumetanide 1 3 4
181 bupropion 0 6 6
191 chlorpheniramine 1 0 1
192 chlorthalidone 1 5 6
193 cholestyramine 0 2 2
197 clonazepam 3 6 9
206 dexamethasone 0 1 1
208 diflunisal 0 1 1
210 digoxin 6 1 7
212 diphenhydramine 1 5 6
213 dipyridamole 1 0 1
217 doxepin 0 1 1
231 felodipine 2 0 2
234 flecainide 2 4 6
235 fluorouracil 1 0 1
236 fluoxetine 5 10 15
238 flurazepam 0 1 1
241 folic acid 7 5 12
242 fosinopril 2 2 4
245 gemfibrozil 8 3 11
246 glipizide 14 7 21
248 glyburide 6 7 13
253 hydrochlorothiazide 40 41 81
254 hydrocortisone 1 0 1
260 indapamide 1 3 4
265 ipratropium 0 1 1
268 isosorbide dinitrate 0 1 1
269 isosorbide mononitrate 3 3 6
278 levothyroxine 15 82 97
280 lovastatin 16 29 45
290 methimazole 0 1 1
293 methylprednisolone 1 0 1
300 mexiletine 1 0 1
310 nabumetone 0 1 1
314 niacin 18 8 26
321 nitroglycerin 0 1 1
325 omeprazole 33 49 82
328 oxybutynin 2 5 7
329 oxycodone 2 2 4
343 piroxicam 0 1 1
345 potassium chloride 12 18 30
348 pravastatin 14 20 34
350 prednisone 6 5 11
352 primidone 2 1 3
358 propafenone 3 2 5
361 propylthiouracil 0 1 1
363 pyridostigmine 1 0 1
365 quinapril 9 3 12
371 sotalol 3 0 3
373 spironolactone 2 3 5
381 tamoxifen 0 1 1
384 temazepam 2 2 4
386 terazosin 19 1 20
395 trazodone 1 4 5
396 triamterene 2 4 6
397 triazolam 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 4 4 8
413 cyanocobalamin 4 8 12
425 calcium carbonate 6 45 51
426 ascorbic acid 4 9 13
440 sodium bicarbonate 1 0 1
484 selenium 2 0 2
488 lysine 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 30 28 58
537 estradiol 0 7 7
541 conjugated estrogens 0 14 14
550 progesterone 0 1 1
558 testosterone 1 0 1
563 finasteride 8 0 8
653 isosorbide 2 4 6
655 thyroid desiccated 1 3 4
683 lidocaine topical 2 0 2
689 amlodipine 39 44 83
709 bisoprolol 2 1 3
726 doxazosin 13 3 16
728 ramipril 5 5 10
730 benazepril 3 9 12
732 lisinopril 69 58 127
746 simvastatin 96 84 180
749 albuterol 6 13 19
769 pseudoephedrine 0 2 2
773 tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic 1 0 1
787 promethazine 0 1 1
797 guaifenesin 1 1 2
817 hydroxychloroquine 3 4 7
848 diclofenac 3 0 3
851 etodolac 1 1 2
859 meclizine 1 0 1
880 sertraline 4 16 20
897 loxapine 0 1 1
900 methylphenidate 0 2 2
907 hydroxyzine 0 2 2
910 zolpidem 6 9 15
960 carisoprodol 0 2 2
963 cyclobenzaprine 1 2 3
985 hyoscyamine 1 0 1
999 dicyclomine 0 3 3
1002 pancrelipase 1 0 1
1005 ursodiol 0 1 1
1017 polycarbophil 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 0 2 2
1021 docusate 2 3 5
1025 loperamide 1 2 3
1031 mesalamine 1 1 2
1187 levobunolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
1233 nystatin 0 1 1
1288 clobetasol topical 0 4 4
1293 fluocinolone topical 0 2 2
1296 fluticasone 6 10 16
1423 potassium citrate 0 1 1
3050 loratadine 4 10 14
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 4 18 22
3075 hydrocodone 2 3 5
3126 calcitriol 1 1 2
3129 cholecalciferol 14 26 40
3130 thiamine 1 0 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 7 39 46
3140 multivitamin 22 40 62
3141 multivitamin with iron 1 3 4
3145 multivitamin with minerals 7 33 40
3148 multivitamin, prenatal 0 1 1
3157 paroxetine 3 10 13
3160 sumatriptan 1 2 3
3181 venlafaxine 2 6 8
3182 gabapentin 4 8 12
3189 torsemide 0 1 1
3208 metronidazole topical 1 0 1
3221 prednisolone ophthalmic 0 1 1
3238 ethinyl estradiol-norethindrone 0 1 1
3247 hydrochlorothiazide-spironolactone 0 2 2
3258 atenolol-chlorthalidone 2 1 3
3265 benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide 1 0 1
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 4 16 20
3289 acetaminophen-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3298 chlorpheniramine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3353 hydrocodone-phenylpropanolamine 0 1 1
3379 guaifenesin-pseudoephedrine 0 2 2
3423 acetaminophen-codeine 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 2 7 9
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 0 1 1
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 1 1 2
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 0 1 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 6 1 7
3485 atropine/hyoscyamine/pb/scopolamine 1 0 1
3506 atropine-diphenoxylate 0 2 2
3524 bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin b topical 1 0 1
3593 calcium carbonate-magnesium carbonate 0 1 1
3663 lecithin 1 0 1
3689 calcium acetate 1 0 1
3740 enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide 1 1 2
3744 bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide 2 1 3
3768 ocular lubricant 1 0 1
3788 calcipotriene topical 0 1 1
3796 magnesium chloride 0 1 1
3797 magnesium oxide 0 2 2
3805 dorzolamide ophthalmic 1 1 2
3807 metformin 41 35 76
3821 losartan 15 16 31
3823 iron polysaccharide 0 1 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 1 8 9
3826 tramadol 3 5 8
3827 cetirizine 4 7 11
3828 lansoprazole 3 2 5
3829 amlodipine-benazepril 5 5 10
3830 hydrochlorothiazide-losartan 1 6 7
3838 valacyclovir 0 1 1
3839 mycophenolate mofetil 1 2 3
3847 carvedilol 10 8 18
3849 alendronate 6 25 31
3864 glimepiride 3 4 7
3866 calcium citrate 0 5 5
3873 anastrozole 0 5 5
4011 interferon beta-1a 0 1 1
4012 terbinafine 0 1 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 2 2 4
4025 mirtazapine 1 3 4
4037 timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4040 fexofenadine 4 5 9
4048 brimonidine ophthalmic 0 1 1
4049 ammonium lactate topical 1 0 1
4050 olanzapine 0 2 2
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 0 2 2
4099 donepezil 3 1 4
4105 atorvastatin 27 25 52
4113 valsartan 9 13 22
4117 olopatadine ophthalmic 1 0 1
4121 tamsulosin 16 0 16
4145 pramipexole 0 3 3
4156 letrozole 0 4 4
4210 estradiol topical 0 4 4
4215 ropinirole 1 2 3
4220 quetiapine 1 1 2
4222 irbesartan 5 7 12
4223 mometasone nasal 1 1 2
4233 triamcinolone nasal 1 0 1
4245 hydrochlorothiazide-irbesartan 0 1 1
4253 zolmitriptan 0 1 1
4258 clopidogrel 26 10 36
4261 raloxifene 0 5 5
4267 repaglinide 0 1 1
4270 fexofenadine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
4271 diclofenac-misoprostol 1 0 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 3 4 7
4286 fenofibrate 11 8 19
4289 montelukast 3 4 7
4293 hydrochlorothiazide-valsartan 1 1 2
4294 tolterodine 0 7 7
4299 sildenafil 8 0 8
4300 risedronate 0 2 2
4301 brinzolamide ophthalmic 1 1 2
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4322 candesartan 2 0 2
4332 citalopram 8 16 24
4349 leflunomide 0 1 1
4364 telmisartan 0 1 1
4365 etanercept 0 1 1
4370 insulin isophane 1 0 1
4373 insulin lispro 2 1 3
4375 estradiol-norethindrone 0 1 1
4376 abacavir 1 0 1
4380 celecoxib 2 7 9
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 3 3
4397 fluoride topical 1 0 1
4408 st. john's wort 0 1 1
4411 garlic 0 1 1
4413 ginkgo 1 3 4
4415 saw palmetto 4 0 4
4418 glucosamine 6 4 10
4419 chondroitin 0 1 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 3 7 10
4426 red yeast rice 1 0 1
4434 rosiglitazone 0 1 1
4442 pioglitazone 4 2 6
4448 rabeprazole 1 3 4
4459 dofetilide 0 1 1
4460 entacapone 1 0 1
4461 exemestane 0 1 1
4463 grape seed oil 1 0 1
4491 flax 0 1 1
4497 aspirin-dipyridamole 2 0 2
4514 pantoprazole 1 8 9
4523 ubiquinone 0 3 3
4532 meloxicam 1 7 8
4539 fosinopril-hydrochlorothiazide 0 1 1
4572 formoterol 1 0 1
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 4 6 10
4695 colesevelam 0 1 1
4697 insulin aspart 0 1 1
4703 glyburide-metformin 1 1 2
4711 candesartan-hydrochlorothiazide 0 1 1
4722 diclofenac topical 0 1 1
4749 esomeprazole 10 9 19
4750 galantamine 1 0 1
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 3 1 4
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 1 4 5
4766 acetaminophen-tramadol 0 1 1
4774 tenofovir 1 0 1
4787 lovastatin-niacin 1 0 1
4788 dutasteride 10 0 10
4795 budesonide-formoterol 1 4 5
4797 alfuzosin 2 0 2
4801 olmesartan 3 8 11
4812 escitalopram 1 3 4
4824 ezetimibe 8 10 18
4829 tiotropium 3 6 9
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 2 2
4851 rosuvastatin 26 18 44
4855 aprepitant 0 1 1
4878 hydrochlorothiazide-olmesartan 1 0 1
4899 memantine 0 2 2
4915 sertaconazole topical 0 1 1
5218 cinacalcet 0 1 1
5262 mometasone 1 0 1
5265 nebivolol 2 0 2
5283 brimonidine-timolol ophthalmic 0 3 3
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 5 6 11
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 0 2 2
5355 duloxetine 2 8 10
5357 ibandronate 0 4 4
5413 solifenacin 2 0 2
5422 darifenacin 1 0 1
5436 insulin detemir 0 1 1
5508 pregabalin 0 1 1
5702 methylsulfonylmethane 1 0 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 0 2 2
5719 ranolazine 0 1 1
5807 varenicline 1 0 1
5896 sitagliptin 2 3 5
6507 cinnamon 0 2 2
6665 aliskiren 1 0 1
6848 lutein 1 0 1
6860 oxygen 0 1 1
6867 biotin 0 3 3
7110 niacin-simvastatin 1 0 1
7132 olopatadine nasal 0 1 1
7162 fesoterodine 0 1 1
7395 dexlansoprazole 1 1 2
7397 febuxostat 1 0 1
7409 prasugrel 1 0 1
7546 dalfampridine 0 1 1
7634 dutasteride-tamsulosin 1 0 1
7640 denosumab 1 0 1
7645 onabotulinumtoxina 1 0 1

jxh014re: What is the dosage on the label of the 3rd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 7 4 11
"-2" 991 1000 1991
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 75 148 223
"1 mg" 14 15 29
"1000 mg." 1 0 1
"150 mcg" 0 3 3
"20 mg." 3 5 8
"20 mgm" 0 1 1
"5 mgs" 0 1 1
"50 mgm" 1 1 2
"600-200 mg unit" 0 1 1
"750 mg" 4 4 8
"not shown?" 1 0 1
Note: Only 15 of 797 values are listed.

jxh015re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 3rd medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 54 68 122
-2 991 1000 1991
0.50 - 1 966 1212 2178
1.50 - 3 270 326 596
3.50 - 24 40 77 117
777 WEEKLY 2 8 10
888 DAILY 94 103 197
999 AS NEEDED 61 119 180
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9015RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9015re: Time units: How often does the label on your 3rd medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_c_n, y_hlh30a3_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 238 198 436
-2 1148 1230 2378
1 TIMES PER DAY 1068 1405 2473
2 TIMES PER WEEK 18 67 85
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH015RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh016re: What is the main reason you are taking your 3rd medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_d, c_y_hlh30a3_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 154 161 315
-18 COULD NOT CODE 12 12 24
-2 991 1000 1991
-1 DON'T KNOW 13 5 18
31 Diseases due to other mycobacteria 1 0 1
42 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease 2 0 2
53 Herpes zoster 0 1 1
54 Herpes simplex 0 1 1
110 Dermatophytosis 0 1 1
117 Other mycoses 0 2 2
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 2 2 4
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 1 0 1
173 Other malignant neoplasm of skin 1 0 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 8 8
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 0 2 2
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 2 4 6
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 0 1 1
242 Thyrotoxicosis with or without goiter 0 1 1
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 1 9 10
246 Other disorders of thyroid 11 66 77
250 Diabetes mellitus 57 54 111
266 Deficiency of B-complex components 1 3 4
268 Vitamin D deficiency 0 4 4
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 218 209 427
274 Gout 20 9 29
277 Other and unspecified disorders of metabolism 0 1 1
283 Acquired hemolytic anemias 1 0 1
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 5 5
286 Coagulation defects 2 1 3
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 1 0 1
300 Neurotic disorder 14 52 66
308 Acute reaction to stress 1 1 2
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 16 28 44
314 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 0 1 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 1 0 1
332 Parkinson's disease 8 4 12
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 3 10 13
340 Multiple sclerosis 0 2 2
346 Migraine 1 4 5
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 1 9 10
358 Myoneural disorders 1 0 1
362 Other retinal disorders 2 1 3
365 Glaucoma 5 14 19
380 Disorders of external ear 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 92 154 246
410 Acute myocardial infarction 4 3 7
413 Angina pectoris 2 0 2
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 2 0 2
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 25 12 37
428 Heart failure 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 10 4 14
435 Transient cerebral ischemia 0 1 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 10 7 17
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 9 3 12
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 0 2 2
477 Allergic rhinitis 2 1 3
492 Emphysema 1 3 4
493 Asthma 12 21 33
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 5 10 15
530 Diseases of esophagus 29 53 82
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 2 2 4
535 Gastritis and duodenitis 1 1 2
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 2 2 4
555 Regional enteritis 0 1 1
556 Idiopathic proctocolitis 0 1 1
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 1 1 2
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 4 4
573 Other disorders of liver 0 1 1
586 Renal failure, unspecified 0 1 1
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 0 2 2
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 2 0 2
594 Calculus of lower urinary tract 1 0 1
595 Cystitis 0 2 2
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 13 0 13
692 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 0 2 2
695 Erythematous conditions 1 2 3
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 2 3
703 Diseases of nail 1 0 1
708 Urticaria 1 1 2
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 2 5 7
712 Crystal arthropathies 0 1 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 3 10 13
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1 3 4
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 9 41 50
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 12 13 25
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 6 10 16
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 1 3 4
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 3 4 7
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 0 6 6
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 4 32 36
757 Congenital anomalies of the integument 0 1 1
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 4 3 7
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 0 1 1
789 Other Symptoms involving abdomen and pelvis 1 0 1
791 Nonspecific findings on examination of urine 0 1 1
844 Sprains and strains of knee and leg 1 0 1
919 Superficial injury of other, multiple, and unspecified sites 1 0 1
996 Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures 1 1 2
1130 Energy and drive functions 2 4 6
1134 Sleep functions 16 25 41
1144 Memory functions 2 4 6
1147 Psychomotor functions 0 2 2
1152 Emotional functions 1 5 6
1210 Seeing functions 1 0 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 4 5 9
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 6 4 10
1230 Hearing functions 0 1 1
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 1 2 3
1249 Hearing and vestibular functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 24 27 51
1410 Heart functions 105 81 186
1415 Blood vessel functions 4 3 7
1420 Blood pressure functions 185 186 371
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 8 7 15
1435 Immunological system functions 16 37 53
1440 Respiration functions 1 4 5
1445 Respiratory muscle functions 1 1 2
1450 Additional respiratory functions 4 11 15
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 5 7 12
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 58 26 84
1515 Digestive functions 1 0 1
1525 Defecation functions 3 10 13
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 21 20 41
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 9 15 24
1540 General metabolic functions 0 1 1
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 22 38 60
1555 Endocrine gland functions 0 8 8
1610 Urinary excretory functions 2 1 3
1620 Urination functions 21 16 37
1640 Sexual functions 6 6 12
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 14 14
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 33 3 36
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 13 86 99
1765 Involuntary movement functions 3 3 6
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 2 1 3
1840 Sensation related to the skin 1 2 3
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 1 4 5
2110 Structure of brain 1 0 1
2199 Structure of the nervous system, unspecified 0 1 1
2320 Structure of mouth 0 2 2
2810 Structure of areas of skin 0 1 1
2830 Structure of nails 0 3 3
3570 Looking after one's health 43 83 126
3770 Intimate relationships 0 1 1
4355 Health professionals 10 12 22
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 3 4 7
6007 Need For Isolation And Other Prophylactic Measures 0 1 1
6018 Family History Of Certain Other Specific Conditions 0 2 2
6058 Encounter For Other And Unspecified Procedures And Aftercare 1 0 1
7000 Procedures and Interventions, NEC 1 0 1
7006 Operations on thyroid and parathyroid glands 0 2 2
7013 Operations on lens 0 1 1
7024 Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli 1 1 2
7035 Operations on valves and septa of heart 1 0 1
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 6 0 6
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 1 0 1
7055 Operations on kidney 1 0 1
7059 Other operations on urinary tract 1 0 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 0 3 3
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9016re: What is the main reason you are taking your 3rd medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_d, c_y_hlh30a3_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 154 161 315
-18 NOT CODEABLE 12 12 24
-2 991 1000 1991
-1 DON'T KNOW 13 5 18
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 5 7 12
20 Neoplasms 4 15 19
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 308 356 664
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 3 6 9
50 Mental Disorders 32 82 114
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 22 45 67
70 Circulatory System 154 185 339
80 Respiratory System 20 37 57
90 Digestive System 35 66 101
100 Genitourinary system 16 5 21
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 4 7 11
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 41 128 169
140 Congenital Anomalies 0 1 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 5 5 10
170 Injury and Poisoning 3 1 4
180 ICD-9 E Codes 3 4 7
190 ICD-9 V Codes 1 3 4
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 12 7 19
210 ICF Body Functions 582 671 1253
220 ICF Body Structures 1 7 8
230 ICF Activities and Participation 43 84 127
240 ICF Environmental Factors 10 12 22
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH016RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh017re: How many times did you take your 3rd medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 85 154
-2 991 1000 1991
1 1095 1378 2473
2 239 272 511
3 25 44 69
4 7 15 22
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh018re: Century-month Participant began taking 3rd medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a3_f, y_hlh30a3_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 207 308 515
-2 991 1000 1991
-1 DON'T KNOW 50 108 158
620 - 1176 231 315 546
1177 - 1234 249 297 546
1235 - 1280 269 285 554
1281 - 1315 275 282 557
1316 - 1366 206 318 524
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh019re: What is the name on the label of the 4th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 1257 1263 2520
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 2 2 4
"Calcitrol" 1 0 1
"Calcium magnesium potassium" 1 0 1
"Finest Natoral Fish oil" 0 1 1
"Furosemide generic for lasix" 1 0 1
"Oxybutnin" 0 1 1
"Stool softener" 1 0 1
"Theophylline" 1 0 1
"Ventolin" 0 1 1
"Zantac" 2 1 3
"Zetia" 5 5 10
Note: Only 13 of 1472 values are listed.

jxh019cn: What is the code for the 4th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 1257 1263 2520
1 acyclovir 1 1 2
2 amiodarone 3 5 8
4 atenolol 17 22 39
6 captopril 0 1 1
11 ciprofloxacin 1 0 1
13 enalapril 4 10 14
15 ibuprofen 7 15 22
16 labetalol 1 1 2
18 nadolol 0 1 1
19 naproxen 8 11 19
21 ranitidine 5 9 14
22 warfarin 26 15 41
23 allopurinol 11 4 15
32 propranolol 1 2 3
39 indomethacin 1 0 1
40 oxazepam 1 0 1
41 tetracycline 0 2 2
44 clonidine 0 3 3
45 diltiazem 4 6 10
46 erythromycin 0 1 1
48 verapamil 3 6 9
49 acetaminophen 3 11 14
51 nifedipine 5 1 6
58 carbamazepine 1 1 2
60 methotrexate 1 2 3
70 furosemide 17 19 36
71 fluconazole 1 0 1
88 amoxicillin 2 1 3
91 azithromycin 1 1 2
96 cephalexin 1 0 1
108 metronidazole 0 1 1
112 nitrofurantoin 0 1 1
132 hydralazine 0 2 2
134 metoprolol 31 33 64
138 prazosin 1 0 1
139 timolol 3 4 7
140 cimetidine 0 1 1
141 famotidine 1 2 3
142 theophylline 1 1 2
143 phenytoin 2 0 2
145 desipramine 1 1 2
146 amitriptyline 1 7 8
148 diazepam 4 2 6
149 lorazepam 3 9 12
150 colchicine 1 0 1
168 alprazolam 2 6 8
169 amiloride 0 1 1
170 aspirin 111 107 218
179 bumetanide 1 0 1
181 bupropion 4 2 6
182 buspirone 0 1 1
189 chlordiazepoxide 0 1 1
191 chlorpheniramine 0 1 1
192 chlorthalidone 1 1 2
193 cholestyramine 0 1 1
197 clonazepam 0 2 2
210 digoxin 11 4 15
212 diphenhydramine 4 7 11
213 dipyridamole 1 0 1
217 doxepin 1 1 2
234 flecainide 1 1 2
236 fluoxetine 4 9 13
241 folic acid 4 7 11
242 fosinopril 1 2 3
245 gemfibrozil 4 4 8
246 glipizide 9 4 13
248 glyburide 3 3 6
253 hydrochlorothiazide 36 27 63
259 imipramine 0 2 2
260 indapamide 0 2 2
262 insulin 2 0 2
265 ipratropium 2 0 2
269 isosorbide mononitrate 5 0 5
270 isradipine 1 0 1
278 levothyroxine 20 48 68
280 lovastatin 6 18 24
284 medroxyprogesterone 0 1 1
290 methimazole 1 1 2
298 metoclopramide 1 1 2
299 metolazone 2 0 2
300 mexiletine 1 0 1
310 nabumetone 3 1 4
314 niacin 18 4 22
321 nitroglycerin 4 4 8
325 omeprazole 34 43 77
328 oxybutynin 1 4 5
329 oxycodone 0 1 1
340 phenobarbital 1 0 1
343 piroxicam 0 1 1
345 potassium chloride 9 24 33
348 pravastatin 11 10 21
350 prednisone 5 10 15
352 primidone 1 1 2
355 prochlorperazine 0 1 1
358 propafenone 1 1 2
365 quinapril 4 6 10
371 sotalol 3 0 3
373 spironolactone 3 3 6
379 sulfasalazine 2 0 2
384 temazepam 1 2 3
386 terazosin 7 0 7
395 trazodone 1 8 9
396 triamterene 0 4 4
405 vitamin e 4 9 13
412 pyridoxine 0 2 2
413 cyanocobalamin 4 4 8
425 calcium carbonate 6 41 47
426 ascorbic acid 4 6 10
439 citric acid-potassium citrate 0 1 1
488 lysine 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 18 39 57
537 estradiol 0 5 5
541 conjugated estrogens 0 3 3
543 estropipate 0 1 1
550 progesterone 0 2 2
558 testosterone 2 0 2
563 finasteride 14 0 14
598 calcitonin 0 2 2
620 triamcinolone 2 0 2
628 betamethasone 1 0 1
653 isosorbide 0 1 1
655 thyroid desiccated 0 1 1
689 amlodipine 35 32 67
709 bisoprolol 0 1 1
726 doxazosin 11 2 13
728 ramipril 4 6 10
730 benazepril 2 2 4
732 lisinopril 55 34 89
746 simvastatin 76 68 144
749 albuterol 4 10 14
760 beclomethasone 0 3 3
769 pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
797 guaifenesin 0 1 1
801 caffeine 1 0 1
817 hydroxychloroquine 2 3 5
842 salsalate 1 1 2
848 diclofenac 1 3 4
851 etodolac 0 1 1
859 meclizine 2 5 7
880 sertraline 2 7 9
890 trifluoperazine 1 0 1
907 hydroxyzine 1 0 1
910 zolpidem 5 9 14
963 cyclobenzaprine 2 7 9
966 orphenadrine 1 1 2
967 baclofen 0 1 1
985 hyoscyamine 0 1 1
991 clidinium 1 0 1
1010 cascara sagrada 0 1 1
1015 bisacodyl 1 0 1
1017 polycarbophil 1 3 4
1018 psyllium 1 1 2
1021 docusate 3 2 5
1025 loperamide 0 3 3
1027 simethicone 0 1 1
1031 mesalamine 1 1 2
1265 sulfacetamide sodium topical 1 0 1
1288 clobetasol topical 0 1 1
1291 desoximetasone topical 0 1 1
1296 fluticasone 3 9 12
3050 loratadine 6 3 9
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 6 9 15
3075 hydrocodone 2 2 4
3126 calcitriol 2 1 3
3128 ergocalciferol 0 2 2
3129 cholecalciferol 14 49 63
3137 calcium-vitamin d 5 50 55
3140 multivitamin 24 52 76
3141 multivitamin with iron 2 0 2
3145 multivitamin with minerals 14 36 50
3148 multivitamin, prenatal 1 1 2
3154 doxylamine 0 1 1
3157 paroxetine 2 5 7
3160 sumatriptan 0 1 1
3180 risperidone 1 0 1
3181 venlafaxine 3 4 7
3182 gabapentin 3 5 8
3183 fluvastatin 1 0 1
3197 betamethasone topical 0 2 2
3206 triamcinolone topical 1 1 2
3208 metronidazole topical 1 0 1
3245 esterified estrogens-methyltestosterone 0 1 1
3265 benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide 1 2 3
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 4 4 8
3298 chlorpheniramine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 3 2 5
3434 acetaminophen-propoxyphene 0 1 1
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 1 3 4
3449 aspirin-caffeine 0 1 1
3457 aspirin/butalbital/caffeine 0 1 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 2 3 5
3492 chlordiazepoxide-clidinium 0 1 1
3496 docusate-senna 0 1 1
3506 atropine-diphenoxylate 0 3 3
3520 naphazoline-pheniramine ophthalmic 1 0 1
3537 dexamethasone/neomycin/polymyxin b ophthalmic 0 1 1
3561 betamethasone-clotrimazole topical 1 0 1
3646 lactobacillus acidophilus and bulgaricus 0 1 1
3740 enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide 0 1 1
3744 bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide 1 0 1
3752 tacrolimus 1 0 1
3768 ocular lubricant 0 1 1
3788 calcipotriene topical 0 1 1
3802 calcium lactate 0 1 1
3804 fluvoxamine 0 1 1
3805 dorzolamide ophthalmic 1 0 1
3807 metformin 23 26 49
3809 lamotrigine 2 1 3
3818 loratadine-pseudoephedrine 0 2 2
3819 conjugated estrogens-medroxyprogesterone 0 1 1
3821 losartan 9 10 19
3823 iron polysaccharide 1 1 2
3824 ferrous sulfate 2 3 5
3826 tramadol 1 6 7
3827 cetirizine 1 5 6
3828 lansoprazole 3 1 4
3829 amlodipine-benazepril 1 1 2
3830 hydrochlorothiazide-losartan 0 4 4
3833 divalproex sodium 2 0 2
3847 carvedilol 16 6 22
3849 alendronate 3 18 21
3850 bicalutamide 1 0 1
3864 glimepiride 7 3 10
3866 calcium citrate 0 8 8
3873 anastrozole 0 4 4
3923 acetaminophen-phenylephrine 0 1 1
4008 trandolapril 0 1 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 2 8 10
4025 mirtazapine 2 1 3
4037 timolol ophthalmic 0 2 2
4038 betaxolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4040 fexofenadine 0 4 4
4052 pentosan polysulfate sodium 0 1 1
4058 melatonin 0 1 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 1 2 3
4068 azelastine nasal 1 2 3
4099 donepezil 0 1 1
4105 atorvastatin 20 26 46
4113 valsartan 5 17 22
4115 topiramate 0 1 1
4121 tamsulosin 17 0 17
4145 pramipexole 2 2 4
4156 letrozole 0 1 1
4215 ropinirole 2 1 3
4222 irbesartan 1 4 5
4223 mometasone nasal 4 4 8
4233 triamcinolone nasal 1 1 2
4245 hydrochlorothiazide-irbesartan 0 1 1
4248 methylcellulose 0 1 1
4258 clopidogrel 12 13 25
4261 raloxifene 0 5 5
4271 diclofenac-misoprostol 0 1 1
4276 budesonide 3 0 3
4279 flunisolide nasal 2 0 2
4283 fluticasone nasal 2 6 8
4286 fenofibrate 5 4 9
4289 montelukast 3 14 17
4293 hydrochlorothiazide-valsartan 1 1 2
4294 tolterodine 1 1 2
4299 sildenafil 4 0 4
4300 risedronate 0 4 4
4301 brinzolamide ophthalmic 0 1 1
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 1 0 1
4332 citalopram 4 7 11
4342 infliximab 2 2 4
4364 telmisartan 1 2 3
4365 etanercept 0 1 1
4370 insulin isophane 1 1 2
4372 insulin zinc extended 1 0 1
4380 celecoxib 5 6 11
4382 cilostazol 1 1 2
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 1 1
4411 garlic 2 2 4
4413 ginkgo 1 0 1
4415 saw palmetto 3 0 3
4418 glucosamine 3 9 12
4419 chondroitin 1 0 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 6 11 17
4426 red yeast rice 0 1 1
4427 levalbuterol 2 0 2
4434 rosiglitazone 1 0 1
4441 ketotifen ophthalmic 1 0 1
4442 pioglitazone 4 4 8
4448 rabeprazole 0 1 1
4460 entacapone 1 0 1
4461 exemestane 0 2 2
4470 cranberry 0 3 3
4491 flax 0 4 4
4499 levetiracetam 0 1 1
4514 pantoprazole 5 8 13
4523 ubiquinone 6 4 10
4532 meloxicam 3 3 6
4538 insulin glargine 1 6 7
4572 formoterol 1 0 1
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 6 6 12
4695 colesevelam 1 2 3
4697 insulin aspart 1 1 2
4700 balsalazide 0 1 1
4703 glyburide-metformin 1 0 1
4708 zoledronic acid 0 1 1
4743 nateglinide 0 2 2
4749 esomeprazole 4 8 12
4750 galantamine 1 0 1
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 0 3 3
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 1 3 4
4764 cetirizine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
4788 dutasteride 4 0 4
4795 budesonide-formoterol 0 1 1
4797 alfuzosin 3 0 3
4801 olmesartan 4 4 8
4812 escitalopram 2 1 3
4824 ezetimibe 7 8 15
4828 teriparatide 1 0 1
4829 tiotropium 0 2 2
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 5 5
4848 inulin 0 2 2
4851 rosuvastatin 10 11 21
4857 gatifloxacin ophthalmic 0 1 1
4878 hydrochlorothiazide-olmesartan 1 1 2
4882 atazanavir 1 0 1
4893 vardenafil 4 0 4
4899 memantine 1 0 1
5048 amlodipine-atorvastatin 1 0 1
5265 nebivolol 0 1 1
5283 brimonidine-timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 6 5 11
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 1 0 1
5355 duloxetine 0 3 3
5357 ibandronate 0 6 6
5413 solifenacin 1 3 4
5422 darifenacin 1 1 2
5436 insulin detemir 0 1 1
5508 pregabalin 0 2 2
5635 metformin-pioglitazone 2 0 2
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 0 2 2
5736 lubiprostone 0 1 1
5770 omeprazole-sodium bicarbonate 0 1 1
5896 sitagliptin 3 0 3
6370 turmeric 0 2 2
6662 amlodipine-valsartan 2 1 3
6720 metformin-sitagliptin 0 1 1
6848 lutein 0 2 2
6860 oxygen 0 1 1
6867 biotin 0 1 1
7076 etravirine 1 0 1
7137 dabigatran 1 1 2
7162 fesoterodine 0 1 1
7347 bifidobacterium infantis 1 0 1
7354 silodosin 1 0 1
7371 fenofibric acid 1 0 1
7409 prasugrel 1 0 1
7458 dronedarone 1 0 1
7693 aspirin-calcium carbonate 0 1 1

jxh020re: What is the dosage on the label of the 4th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 4 8 12
"-2" 1257 1263 2520
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 72 163 235
"0.4 MG" 1 0 1
"1600 units" 0 1 1
"20 units daily" 1 0 1
"2000 mg + Vit C" 0 1 1
"40 Mg" 1 0 1
"40 mc" 1 0 1
"5/500" 1 0 1
"50,000" 0 1 1
"7.5 mg T-Th-Sat.-Sun" 1 0 1
"multivitamin/multimineral supplement" 0 1 1
Note: Only 15 of 700 values are listed.

jxh021re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 4th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 42 60 102
-2 1257 1263 2520
0.50 26 22 48
0.75 1 0 1
1 763 981 1744
1.50 6 12 18
1.75 0 1 1
2 167 250 417
2.50 0 1 1
3 29 29 58
3.50 4 11 15
4 33 44 77
4.50 0 1 1
5 0 2 2
6 3 9 12
8 2 3 5
9 2 2 4
10 1 0 1
12 1 1 2
17 0 1 1
24 0 4 4
777 WEEKLY 4 3 7
888 DAILY 88 107 195
999 AS NEEDED 49 106 155
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9021RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9021re: Time units: How often does the label on your 4th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_c_n, y_hlh30a4_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 205 194 399
-2 1398 1479 2877
1 TIMES PER DAY 855 1178 2033
2 TIMES PER WEEK 18 47 65
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH021RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh022re: What is the main reason you are taking your 4th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_d, c_y_hlh30a4_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 144 158 302
-18 COULD NOT CODE 7 4 11
-2 1257 1263 2520
-1 DON'T KNOW 11 7 18
31 Diseases due to other mycobacteria 1 0 1
42 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease 2 0 2
54 Herpes simplex 1 0 1
112 Candidiasis 0 1 1
117 Other mycoses 0 1 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 1 0 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 6 6
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1 0 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 0 2 2
211 Benign neoplasm of other parts of digestive system 1 1 2
242 Thyrotoxicosis with or without goiter 2 0 2
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 2 8 10
246 Other disorders of thyroid 14 40 54
250 Diabetes mellitus 50 47 97
266 Deficiency of B-complex components 0 2 2
268 Vitamin D deficiency 2 3 5
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 146 169 315
274 Gout 10 4 14
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 3 3
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 1 0 1
300 Neurotic disorder 10 26 36
308 Acute reaction to stress 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 11 18 29
332 Parkinson's disease 5 4 9
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 2 7 9
345 Epilepsy 1 0 1
346 Migraine 1 4 5
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 6 5 11
362 Other retinal disorders 3 4 7
365 Glaucoma 6 19 25
379 Other eye disorders 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 58 100 158
410 Acute myocardial infarction 3 2 5
413 Angina pectoris 2 0 2
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 1 0 1
416 Chronic pulmonary heart disease 0 1 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 14 17 31
428 Heart failure 1 1 2
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 6 5 11
435 Transient cerebral ischemia 0 1 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 11 8 19
440 Atherosclerosis 0 1 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 8 5 13
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 1 0 1
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 0 3 3
466 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis 0 1 1
477 Allergic rhinitis 2 1 3
492 Emphysema 0 5 5
493 Asthma 14 18 32
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 6 8 14
519 Other diseases of respiratory system 0 1 1
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 0 1 1
530 Diseases of esophagus 26 34 60
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 3 2 5
535 Gastritis and duodenitis 1 2 3
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 0 3 3
555 Regional enteritis 1 2 3
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 0 1 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 3 5 8
565 Anal fissure and fistula 1 0 1
579 Intestinal malabsorption 0 1 1
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 0 1 1
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
595 Cystitis 0 3 3
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 7 0 7
692 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 1 2 3
695 Erythematous conditions 1 3 4
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 0 1 1
697 Lichen 0 1 1
708 Urticaria 0 2 2
709 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 1 0 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 2 1 3
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 3 11 14
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 0 3 3
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 12 28 40
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 7 10 17
721 Spondylosis and allied disorders 0 2 2
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 5 7 12
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 1 2 3
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 2 3 5
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 0 8 8
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 7 38 45
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 4 3 7
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 1 0 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 1 2 3
1110 Consciousness functions 1 0 1
1130 Energy and drive functions 1 1 2
1134 Sleep functions 13 28 41
1144 Memory functions 1 1 2
1152 Emotional functions 3 1 4
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 3 11 14
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 2 7 9
1235 Vestibular functions 0 1 1
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 2 4 6
1280 Sensation of pain 9 27 36
1410 Heart functions 93 75 168
1415 Blood vessel functions 0 4 4
1420 Blood pressure functions 136 125 261
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 13 13 26
1430 Haematological system functions 2 2 4
1435 Immunological system functions 21 34 55
1440 Respiration functions 3 3 6
1450 Additional respiratory functions 4 11 15
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 3 11 14
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 50 30 80
1510 Ingestion functions 0 1 1
1515 Digestive functions 2 1 3
1520 Assimilation functions 1 1 2
1525 Defecation functions 2 9 11
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 16 16 32
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 3 9 12
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 25 41 66
1550 Thermoregulatory functions 0 1 1
1555 Endocrine gland functions 1 3 4
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 1 2
1620 Urination functions 16 17 33
1640 Sexual functions 8 0 8
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 5 5
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 33 1 34
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 13 99 112
1749 Muscle functions, other specified and unspecified 1 1 2
1765 Involuntary movement functions 3 3 6
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 4 10 14
1840 Sensation related to the skin 2 1 3
2840 Structure of hair 0 2 2
2898 Skin and related structures, other specified 1 0 1
3570 Looking after one's health 48 104 152
4355 Health professionals 7 11 18
4360 Other professionals 0 1 1
4410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members 1 0 1
5888 Other and unspecified fall 0 1 1
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 1 7 8
6007 Need For Isolation And Other Prophylactic Measures 0 1 1
6018 Family History Of Certain Other Specific Conditions 0 1 1
6046 Other Dependence On Machines 1 0 1
6056 Encounter For Dialysis and Dialysis Catheter Care 1 0 1
6058 Encounter For Other And Unspecified Procedures And Aftercare 1 0 1
7000 Procedures and Interventions, NEC 0 1 1
7006 Operations on thyroid and parathyroid glands 0 1 1
7024 Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli 1 0 1
7035 Operations on valves and septa of heart 1 0 1
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 2 1 3
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 3 2 5
7055 Operations on kidney 1 0 1
7059 Other operations on urinary tract 1 0 1
7069 Other operations on uterus and supporting structures 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9022re: What is the main reason you are taking your 4th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_d, c_y_hlh30a4_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 144 158 302
-18 NOT CODEABLE 7 4 11
-2 1257 1263 2520
-1 DON'T KNOW 11 7 18
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 5 2 7
20 Neoplasms 2 9 11
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 226 273 499
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 0 3 3
50 Mental Disorders 22 45 67
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 24 44 68
70 Circulatory System 105 141 246
80 Respiratory System 22 37 59
90 Digestive System 35 51 86
100 Genitourinary system 8 4 12
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 3 9 12
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 39 113 152
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 6 5 11
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 8 9
190 ICD-9 V Codes 3 2 5
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 9 6 15
210 ICF Body Functions 491 609 1100
220 ICF Body Structures 1 2 3
230 ICF Activities and Participation 48 104 152
240 ICF Environmental Factors 8 12 20
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH022RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh023re: How many times did you take your 4th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 73 83 156
-2 1257 1263 2520
1 903 1171 2074
2 163 248 411
3 22 21 43
4 14 11 25
5 1 0 1
8 1 1 2
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh024re: Century-month Participant began taking 4th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a4_f, y_hlh30a4_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 171 286 457
-2 1257 1263 2520
-1 DON'T KNOW 37 84 121
546 - 1158 207 255 462
1160 - 1230 210 267 477
1231 - 1285 219 246 465
1286 - 1317 205 261 466
1318 - 1358 172 251 423
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh025re: What is the name on the label of the 5th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 1491 1518 3009
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 2 1 3
"Levonthyroxine" 0 1 1
"Omeprazole" 8 8 16
"Zestril" 0 1 1
"aspirin" 15 12 27
"cozaar" 1 2 3
"flaxseed oil" 0 3 3
"fursomide" 1 0 1
"maxzide (triamterene-hctz)" 0 1 1
"multivatamin" 1 0 1
"multivitiam" 0 1 1
Note: Only 13 of 1325 values are listed.

jxh025cn: What is the code for the 5th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2414 4927
-2 1491 1518 3009
1 acyclovir 0 1 1
2 amiodarone 1 1 2
4 atenolol 11 9 20
6 captopril 1 0 1
11 ciprofloxacin 1 1 2
13 enalapril 4 3 7
15 ibuprofen 5 6 11
16 labetalol 1 0 1
18 nadolol 1 1 2
19 naproxen 4 11 15
21 ranitidine 4 9 13
22 warfarin 14 15 29
23 allopurinol 5 2 7
31 probenecid 1 0 1
32 propranolol 2 3 5
33 sulindac 1 0 1
37 doxycycline 3 0 3
39 indomethacin 5 0 5
41 tetracycline 1 0 1
43 clindamycin 1 1 2
45 diltiazem 3 2 5
47 rifampin 1 0 1
48 verapamil 1 1 2
49 acetaminophen 3 13 16
50 methadone 1 0 1
51 nifedipine 3 2 5
58 carbamazepine 0 1 1
60 methotrexate 1 1 2
70 furosemide 16 23 39
86 amantadine 1 0 1
88 amoxicillin 1 2 3
97 clarithromycin 0 1 1
108 metronidazole 1 0 1
110 minocycline 0 1 1
112 nitrofurantoin 0 5 5
119 sulfamethoxazole 1 0 1
124 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 0 1 1
128 acebutolol 0 1 1
134 metoprolol 22 28 50
141 famotidine 2 3 5
144 nortriptyline 1 2 3
146 amitriptyline 2 5 7
148 diazepam 0 3 3
149 lorazepam 4 8 12
168 alprazolam 3 5 8
170 aspirin 97 108 205
179 bumetanide 1 1 2
181 bupropion 1 1 2
182 buspirone 1 1 2
184 carbidopa 1 0 1
191 chlorpheniramine 0 1 1
192 chlorthalidone 1 3 4
193 cholestyramine 1 0 1
197 clonazepam 4 4 8
210 digoxin 4 3 7
212 diphenhydramine 3 1 4
213 dipyridamole 1 0 1
217 doxepin 1 2 3
231 felodipine 1 0 1
234 flecainide 1 1 2
236 fluoxetine 4 6 10
241 folic acid 6 2 8
242 fosinopril 2 2 4
245 gemfibrozil 4 5 9
246 glipizide 4 3 7
248 glyburide 5 3 8
253 hydrochlorothiazide 14 25 39
259 imipramine 1 0 1
260 indapamide 2 1 3
265 ipratropium 0 1 1
269 isosorbide mononitrate 3 2 5
278 levothyroxine 13 30 43
280 lovastatin 8 10 18
308 morphine 1 0 1
310 nabumetone 0 1 1
314 niacin 21 4 25
321 nitroglycerin 7 2 9
325 omeprazole 26 24 50
328 oxybutynin 0 5 5
329 oxycodone 0 2 2
343 piroxicam 0 1 1
345 potassium chloride 16 19 35
348 pravastatin 10 7 17
350 prednisone 2 7 9
358 propafenone 0 1 1
360 propoxyphene 1 0 1
361 propylthiouracil 1 0 1
365 quinapril 1 0 1
370 octreotide 0 1 1
371 sotalol 2 2 4
373 spironolactone 4 1 5
377 sucralfate 0 1 1
379 sulfasalazine 1 1 2
384 temazepam 0 1 1
386 terazosin 7 0 7
395 trazodone 0 6 6
396 triamterene 1 2 3
402 vitamin a 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 3 13 16
412 pyridoxine 0 2 2
413 cyanocobalamin 6 1 7
425 calcium carbonate 5 45 50
426 ascorbic acid 5 11 16
484 selenium 1 0 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 26 50 76
537 estradiol 0 2 2
541 conjugated estrogens 0 5 5
550 progesterone 0 1 1
558 testosterone 1 0 1
563 finasteride 9 0 9
598 calcitonin 0 1 1
620 triamcinolone 1 0 1
653 isosorbide 2 0 2
689 amlodipine 17 21 38
709 bisoprolol 0 2 2
726 doxazosin 8 2 10
728 ramipril 2 0 2
730 benazepril 7 5 12
732 lisinopril 35 18 53
746 simvastatin 36 49 85
749 albuterol 4 14 18
760 beclomethasone 2 1 3
797 guaifenesin 1 2 3
817 hydroxychloroquine 1 3 4
842 salsalate 0 1 1
848 diclofenac 0 4 4
853 oxaprozin 0 1 1
859 meclizine 2 2 4
880 sertraline 0 3 3
900 methylphenidate 1 0 1
907 hydroxyzine 0 1 1
910 zolpidem 4 11 15
962 chlorzoxazone 1 0 1
963 cyclobenzaprine 1 2 3
967 baclofen 0 2 2
970 trihexyphenidyl 0 1 1
982 magnesium hydroxide 0 1 1
999 dicyclomine 0 1 1
1013 senna 1 1 2
1015 bisacodyl 1 0 1
1017 polycarbophil 1 3 4
1018 psyllium 1 2 3
1021 docusate 0 3 3
1024 lactulose 1 0 1
1025 loperamide 0 3 3
1027 simethicone 0 1 1
1031 mesalamine 0 1 1
1233 nystatin 0 1 1
1246 benzoyl peroxide topical 0 1 1
1265 sulfacetamide sodium topical 1 0 1
1288 clobetasol topical 0 1 1
1293 fluocinolone topical 0 3 3
1296 fluticasone 3 1 4
1300 mometasone topical 1 0 1
1353 leuprolide 1 0 1
1423 potassium citrate 1 1 2
3050 loratadine 3 9 12
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 3 9 12
3075 hydrocodone 2 3 5
3126 calcitriol 1 1 2
3128 ergocalciferol 1 0 1
3129 cholecalciferol 21 57 78
3137 calcium-vitamin d 3 46 49
3140 multivitamin 33 49 82
3141 multivitamin with iron 0 3 3
3145 multivitamin with minerals 12 27 39
3154 doxylamine 0 1 1
3157 paroxetine 0 5 5
3160 sumatriptan 0 1 1
3180 risperidone 1 1 2
3181 venlafaxine 2 3 5
3182 gabapentin 3 11 14
3206 triamcinolone topical 2 0 2
3208 metronidazole topical 0 3 3
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 2 1 3
3298 chlorpheniramine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3425 acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine/codeine 1 0 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 2 2 4
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 2 0 2
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 0 1 1
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 1 4 5
3449 aspirin-caffeine 0 1 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 0 1 1
3485 atropine/hyoscyamine/pb/scopolamine 0 1 1
3506 atropine-diphenoxylate 0 1 1
3640 budesonide nasal 1 0 1
3644 lactobacillus acidophilus 0 1 1
3740 enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide 1 0 1
3768 ocular lubricant 0 1 1
3807 metformin 17 18 35
3809 lamotrigine 0 1 1
3818 loratadine-pseudoephedrine 0 2 2
3821 losartan 7 8 15
3823 iron polysaccharide 2 3 5
3824 ferrous sulfate 3 2 5
3826 tramadol 3 9 12
3827 cetirizine 1 5 6
3828 lansoprazole 1 0 1
3829 amlodipine-benazepril 1 2 3
3830 hydrochlorothiazide-losartan 1 2 3
3833 divalproex sodium 1 0 1
3847 carvedilol 3 4 7
3849 alendronate 1 14 15
3858 lamivudine 1 0 1
3864 glimepiride 3 3 6
3866 calcium citrate 1 3 4
3873 anastrozole 0 2 2
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 4 4 8
4025 mirtazapine 0 2 2
4031 pilocarpine 0 2 2
4040 fexofenadine 1 1 2
4048 brimonidine ophthalmic 0 2 2
4052 pentosan polysulfate sodium 0 1 1
4053 zafirlukast 0 1 1
4057 zinc sulfate 1 0 1
4058 melatonin 2 3 5
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 0 2 2
4068 azelastine nasal 1 1 2
4099 donepezil 0 1 1
4102 tizanidine 2 0 2
4105 atorvastatin 11 10 21
4113 valsartan 8 10 18
4115 topiramate 1 1 2
4121 tamsulosin 16 0 16
4142 chromium picolinate 0 1 1
4145 pramipexole 2 5 7
4210 estradiol topical 0 1 1
4215 ropinirole 1 0 1
4220 quetiapine 1 0 1
4222 irbesartan 3 1 4
4223 mometasone nasal 3 2 5
4233 triamcinolone nasal 1 0 1
4245 hydrochlorothiazide-irbesartan 1 0 1
4248 methylcellulose 0 2 2
4258 clopidogrel 14 5 19
4261 raloxifene 0 2 2
4263 trovafloxacin 0 1 1
4276 budesonide 0 1 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 2 6 8
4286 fenofibrate 1 6 7
4289 montelukast 2 2 4
4293 hydrochlorothiazide-valsartan 3 0 3
4294 tolterodine 0 4 4
4299 sildenafil 3 0 3
4300 risedronate 0 2 2
4301 brinzolamide ophthalmic 0 1 1
4328 rizatriptan 0 1 1
4332 citalopram 4 14 18
4364 telmisartan 0 1 1
4369 insulin regular 1 1 2
4372 insulin zinc extended 1 0 1
4373 insulin lispro 0 2 2
4380 celecoxib 1 1 2
4382 cilostazol 3 2 5
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 2 2
4408 st. john's wort 1 0 1
4411 garlic 1 1 2
4413 ginkgo 1 1 2
4418 glucosamine 7 11 18
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 10 16 26
4441 ketotifen ophthalmic 0 1 1
4442 pioglitazone 3 3 6
4448 rabeprazole 0 1 1
4470 cranberry 0 4 4
4487 peppermint 0 1 1
4491 flax 2 5 7
4509 hydrochlorothiazide-quinapril 0 1 1
4514 pantoprazole 2 2 4
4523 ubiquinone 4 4 8
4532 meloxicam 1 3 4
4538 insulin glargine 4 3 7
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 6 6 12
4703 glyburide-metformin 1 1 2
4708 zoledronic acid 0 1 1
4737 hydrochlorothiazide-telmisartan 1 0 1
4743 nateglinide 1 0 1
4749 esomeprazole 1 9 10
4750 galantamine 2 0 2
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 1 2 3
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 2 2 4
4764 cetirizine-pseudoephedrine 0 2 2
4766 acetaminophen-tramadol 1 0 1
4782 bosentan 0 1 1
4785 desloratadine 1 1 2
4787 lovastatin-niacin 1 0 1
4788 dutasteride 2 0 2
4795 budesonide-formoterol 4 1 5
4797 alfuzosin 3 0 3
4801 olmesartan 1 1 2
4812 escitalopram 0 1 1
4815 eplerenone 1 0 1
4824 ezetimibe 7 12 19
4829 tiotropium 2 0 2
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 3 3
4839 insulin aspart-insulin aspart protamine 2 0 2
4851 rosuvastatin 6 2 8
4855 aprepitant 1 0 1
4877 carbidopa/entacapone/levodopa 1 0 1
4878 hydrochlorothiazide-olmesartan 1 2 3
4893 vardenafil 2 0 2
4896 tadalafil 4 0 4
4899 memantine 1 0 1
4929 trospium 1 0 1
5265 nebivolol 0 1 1
5283 brimonidine-timolol ophthalmic 2 1 3
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 2 4 6
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 0 3 3
5355 duloxetine 0 4 4
5357 ibandronate 1 4 5
5366 acetaminophen/dextromethorphan/doxylamine 0 1 1
5413 solifenacin 2 2 4
5421 eszopiclone 0 1 1
5422 darifenacin 0 2 2
5436 insulin detemir 1 0 1
5508 pregabalin 1 3 4
5529 exenatide 1 1 2
5612 rasagiline 0 1 1
5626 everolimus 1 0 1
5694 abatacept 0 1 1
5702 methylsulfonylmethane 0 1 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 0 4 4
5719 ranolazine 1 0 1
5770 omeprazole-sodium bicarbonate 1 0 1
5896 sitagliptin 6 1 7
6507 cinnamon 1 1 2
6655 alpha-lipoic acid 0 1 1
6662 amlodipine-valsartan 2 0 2
6665 aliskiren 0 1 1
6848 lutein 0 3 3
6867 biotin 0 1 1
7113 desvenlafaxine 1 0 1
7137 dabigatran 1 0 1
7371 fenofibric acid 0 1 1
7397 febuxostat 0 1 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 1 0 1
7409 prasugrel 0 1 1
7458 dronedarone 1 0 1

jxh026re: What is the dosage on the label of the 5th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 3 11 14
"-2" 1491 1519 3010
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 66 147 213
"125 MCG" 1 0 1
"20 mg" 71 75 146
"20-12.5" 1 0 1
"30 gm" 0 1 1
"37.5 mg" 1 1 2
"440 mg" 1 0 1
"8.6" 0 1 1
"81 mg OTC" 0 1 1
"[ilg]" 0 1 1
"none" 1 0 1
Note: Only 15 of 671 values are listed.

jxh027re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 5th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 1491 1519 3010
0.25 0 1 1
0.50 17 21 38
1 602 767 1369
1.50 2 7 9
1.75 2 1 3
2 156 246 402
2.50 1 1 2
3 28 42 70
3.50 4 8 12
4 20 29 49
5 0 4 4
6 4 10 14
8 0 8 8
9 1 1 2
22 1 0 1
24 0 1 1
40 0 1 1
777 WEEKLY 1 1 2
888 DAILY 56 84 140
999 AS NEEDED 53 103 156
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9027RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9027re: Time units: How often does the label on your 5th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_c_n, y_hlh30a5_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 181 164 345
-2 1601 1707 3308
1 TIMES PER DAY 677 992 1669
2 TIMES PER WEEK 15 37 52
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH027RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh028re: What is the main reason you are taking your 5th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_d, c_y_hlh30a5_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 157 165 322
-18 COULD NOT CODE 5 7 12
-2 1491 1519 3010
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 5 9
31 Diseases due to other mycobacteria 1 0 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 3 3 6
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 3 3
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1 0 1
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 0 1 1
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 2 2 4
242 Thyrotoxicosis with or without goiter 1 0 1
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 1 6 7
246 Other disorders of thyroid 10 20 30
250 Diabetes mellitus 47 35 82
251 Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretion 0 1 1
266 Deficiency of B-complex components 1 0 1
268 Vitamin D deficiency 1 4 5
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 105 110 215
274 Gout 8 3 11
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 3 3
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 3 0 3
296 Affective psychoses 0 1 1
300 Neurotic disorder 10 28 38
308 Acute reaction to stress 0 3 3
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 9 18 27
332 Parkinson's disease 4 3 7
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 3 7 10
340 Multiple sclerosis 0 3 3
344 Other paralytic syndromes 0 1 1
346 Migraine 1 4 5
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 3 6 9
362 Other retinal disorders 1 2 3
365 Glaucoma 6 13 19
386 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 1 1 2
401 Essential hypertension 26 55 81
410 Acute myocardial infarction 4 2 6
413 Angina pectoris 3 0 3
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 1 1 2
416 Chronic pulmonary heart disease 0 1 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 8 9 17
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 3 6 9
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 4 11 15
440 Atherosclerosis 0 1 1
443 Other peripheral vascular disease 1 0 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 5 8 13
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 0 2 2
466 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis 1 0 1
477 Allergic rhinitis 2 2 4
492 Emphysema 0 2 2
493 Asthma 12 15 27
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 4 6 10
518 Other diseases of lung 0 2 2
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 0 1 1
530 Diseases of esophagus 16 18 34
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 0 4 4
535 Gastritis and duodenitis 1 0 1
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 1 2 3
562 Diverticula of intestine 0 1 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 3 3
573 Other disorders of liver 1 0 1
586 Renal failure, unspecified 0 1 1
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 1 1 2
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
595 Cystitis 0 5 5
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 10 0 10
692 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 1 2 3
695 Erythematous conditions 1 3 4
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 0 2 2
708 Urticaria 0 1 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 2 5 7
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 0 2 2
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 7 26 33
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 6 19 25
721 Spondylosis and allied disorders 0 2 2
722 Intervertebral disc disorder 0 1 1
723 Other disorder of cervical region 1 1 2
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 4 7 11
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 1 0 1
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 1 6 7
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 5 33 38
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 1 5 6
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 1 0 1
1130 Energy and drive functions 5 4 9
1134 Sleep functions 13 26 39
1144 Memory functions 0 1 1
1152 Emotional functions 0 2 2
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 3 5 8
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 2 9 11
1230 Hearing functions 0 1 1
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 1 3 4
1249 Hearing and vestibular functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 18 29 47
1410 Heart functions 84 74 158
1415 Blood vessel functions 1 3 4
1420 Blood pressure functions 87 79 166
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 6 10 16
1430 Haematological system functions 1 1 2
1435 Immunological system functions 12 25 37
1440 Respiration functions 4 9 13
1450 Additional respiratory functions 5 6 11
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 3 4 7
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 38 29 67
1510 Ingestion functions 0 1 1
1515 Digestive functions 0 2 2
1520 Assimilation functions 1 1 2
1525 Defecation functions 3 12 15
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 14 12 26
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 5 13 18
1540 General metabolic functions 0 2 2
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 23 38 61
1550 Thermoregulatory functions 0 2 2
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 0 1
1620 Urination functions 9 19 28
1640 Sexual functions 7 1 8
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 1 1
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 26 3 29
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 17 95 112
1749 Muscle functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1765 Involuntary movement functions 1 1 2
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 4 1 5
1789 Movement functions, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1799 Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions, unspecified 1 0 1
1840 Sensation related to the skin 0 6 6
2110 Structure of brain 0 1 1
2320 Structure of mouth 0 1 1
2520 Structure of oesophagus 1 0 1
2840 Structure of hair 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 45 99 144
4355 Health professionals 9 12 21
4360 Other professionals 0 1 1
4410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members 1 0 1
4598 Services, systems and policies, other specified 0 1 1
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 4 5 9
6018 Family History Of Certain Other Specific Conditions 0 1 1
6058 Encounter For Other And Unspecified Procedures And Aftercare 1 0 1
7000 Procedures and Interventions, NEC 0 1 1
7035 Operations on valves and septa of heart 2 0 2
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 1 1 2
7045 Incision, excision, and anastomosis of intestine 1 0 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 1 1 2
7085 Operations on the breast 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9028re: What is the main reason you are taking your 5th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_d, c_y_hlh30a5_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 157 165 322
-18 NOT CODEABLE 5 7 12
-2 1491 1519 3010
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 5 9
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 4 3 7
20 Neoplasms 3 7 10
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 174 179 353
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 0 3 3
50 Mental Disorders 22 50 72
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 19 40 59
70 Circulatory System 55 94 149
80 Respiratory System 19 29 48
90 Digestive System 19 29 48
100 Genitourinary system 12 7 19
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 2 8 10
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 27 102 129
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 2 5 7
180 ICD-9 E Codes 4 5 9
190 ICD-9 V Codes 1 1 2
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 5 4 9
210 ICF Body Functions 396 532 928
220 ICF Body Structures 1 3 4
230 ICF Activities and Participation 45 99 144
240 ICF Environmental Factors 10 14 24
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH028RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh029re: How many times did you take your 5th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 66 88 154
-2 1491 1519 3010
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 698 942 1640
2 144 223 367
3 22 32 54
4 7 10 17
5 1 0 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh030re: Century-month Participant began taking 5th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a5_f, y_hlh30a5_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 154 250 404
-2 1491 1519 3010
-1 DON'T KNOW 42 80 122
606 - 1182 159 226 385
1184 - 1249 163 209 372
1251 - 1290 178 209 387
1291 - 1320 153 219 372
1321 - 1358 138 201 339
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh031re: What is the name on the label of the 6th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 1701 1769 3470
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 1 2 3
"Aroxatrol" 1 0 1
"Calcium with D" 0 1 1
"Cyanoco-Balan B-12" 0 1 1
"Fexofenadine" 0 1 1
"Levath prone" 0 1 1
"allodurinal" 1 0 1
"glucosamine + MSM" 1 0 1
"multivitamin Centrum silver" 0 1 1
"plavix tabs" 0 1 1
Note: Only 12 of 1127 values are listed.

jxh031cn: What is the code for the 6th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2514 2413 4927
-2 1701 1769 3470
2 amiodarone 1 0 1
4 atenolol 8 5 13
13 enalapril 1 5 6
15 ibuprofen 2 7 9
16 labetalol 1 0 1
19 naproxen 4 7 11
21 ranitidine 2 6 8
22 warfarin 11 13 24
23 allopurinol 7 0 7
31 probenecid 1 0 1
32 propranolol 2 2 4
37 doxycycline 2 0 2
39 indomethacin 2 0 2
41 tetracycline 0 1 1
43 clindamycin 0 2 2
44 clonidine 1 1 2
45 diltiazem 4 3 7
46 erythromycin 0 1 1
48 verapamil 2 3 5
49 acetaminophen 3 11 14
60 methotrexate 1 1 2
68 ethambutol 0 1 1
70 furosemide 10 12 22
71 fluconazole 0 2 2
86 amantadine 0 1 1
88 amoxicillin 1 1 2
89 amoxicillin-clavulanate 1 0 1
91 azithromycin 1 0 1
96 cephalexin 1 0 1
98 dapsone 1 0 1
102 itraconazole 1 0 1
108 metronidazole 0 1 1
110 minocycline 2 0 2
125 vancomycin 0 1 1
132 hydralazine 3 0 3
134 metoprolol 23 16 39
137 pindolol 0 1 1
139 timolol 1 1 2
141 famotidine 2 4 6
144 nortriptyline 1 0 1
146 amitriptyline 2 5 7
148 diazepam 1 1 2
149 lorazepam 2 7 9
150 colchicine 1 2 3
168 alprazolam 2 3 5
170 aspirin 74 90 164
181 bupropion 3 1 4
191 chlorpheniramine 0 1 1
192 chlorthalidone 1 0 1
197 clonazepam 4 3 7
210 digoxin 1 3 4
212 diphenhydramine 0 4 4
231 felodipine 1 0 1
233 fentanyl 1 0 1
234 flecainide 0 1 1
236 fluoxetine 1 2 3
241 folic acid 5 7 12
242 fosinopril 1 1 2
245 gemfibrozil 1 2 3
246 glipizide 5 1 6
248 glyburide 1 0 1
253 hydrochlorothiazide 14 11 25
259 imipramine 0 1 1
260 indapamide 2 0 2
269 isosorbide mononitrate 1 2 3
278 levothyroxine 10 20 30
280 lovastatin 4 2 6
308 morphine 1 0 1
314 niacin 7 12 19
321 nitroglycerin 4 1 5
325 omeprazole 19 25 44
328 oxybutynin 1 1 2
329 oxycodone 1 3 4
337 phenazopyridine 1 0 1
345 potassium chloride 6 20 26
348 pravastatin 8 11 19
350 prednisone 4 4 8
355 prochlorperazine 0 2 2
365 quinapril 1 2 3
371 sotalol 1 0 1
373 spironolactone 4 2 6
377 sucralfate 0 1 1
384 temazepam 1 0 1
386 terazosin 4 0 4
395 trazodone 4 2 6
396 triamterene 1 1 2
402 vitamin a 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 2 8 10
412 pyridoxine 1 0 1
413 cyanocobalamin 4 7 11
425 calcium carbonate 5 34 39
426 ascorbic acid 8 18 26
438 sodium chloride 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 22 46 68
537 estradiol 0 3 3
541 conjugated estrogens 0 6 6
558 testosterone 1 0 1
563 finasteride 5 0 5
609 cortisone 1 0 1
628 betamethasone 0 1 1
653 isosorbide 2 0 2
689 amlodipine 10 9 19
709 bisoprolol 0 2 2
726 doxazosin 7 0 7
728 ramipril 1 1 2
730 benazepril 0 2 2
732 lisinopril 21 18 39
744 colestipol 0 1 1
746 simvastatin 37 28 65
749 albuterol 4 8 12
755 pirbuterol 1 0 1
761 flunisolide 1 0 1
797 guaifenesin 0 1 1
817 hydroxychloroquine 0 1 1
842 salsalate 1 0 1
848 diclofenac 1 0 1
851 etodolac 1 0 1
859 meclizine 0 2 2
867 ondansetron 1 0 1
880 sertraline 1 3 4
907 hydroxyzine 0 2 2
910 zolpidem 3 6 9
963 cyclobenzaprine 1 1 2
967 baclofen 0 2 2
982 magnesium hydroxide 1 0 1
985 hyoscyamine 0 1 1
1002 pancrelipase 1 2 3
1013 senna 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 2 5 7
1021 docusate 2 4 6
1025 loperamide 0 1 1
1031 mesalamine 1 1 2
1282 alclometasone topical 0 1 1
1288 clobetasol topical 1 0 1
1290 desonide topical 0 1 1
1291 desoximetasone topical 1 0 1
1296 fluticasone 1 3 4
1348 megestrol 1 0 1
3050 loratadine 4 7 11
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 1 3 4
3061 butalbital 0 1 1
3075 hydrocodone 0 1 1
3126 calcitriol 2 1 3
3129 cholecalciferol 19 50 69
3137 calcium-vitamin d 5 24 29
3140 multivitamin 29 60 89
3141 multivitamin with iron 1 0 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 12 22 34
3157 paroxetine 1 2 3
3160 sumatriptan 1 0 1
3180 risperidone 0 1 1
3181 venlafaxine 0 2 2
3182 gabapentin 6 9 15
3197 betamethasone topical 0 1 1
3205 hydrocortisone topical 0 1 1
3206 triamcinolone topical 1 0 1
3208 metronidazole topical 0 3 3
3227 fluorometholone ophthalmic 1 0 1
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 1 3 4
3298 chlorpheniramine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3423 acetaminophen-codeine 1 0 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 1 6 7
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 1 0 1
3434 acetaminophen-propoxyphene 0 1 1
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 2 3 5
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 0 1 1
3455 acetaminophen/butalbital/caffeine 0 1 1
3463 amitriptyline-perphenazine 0 1 1
3478 al hydroxide/mg hydroxide/simethicone 0 1 1
3562 nystatin-triamcinolone topical 0 1 1
3640 budesonide nasal 0 1 1
3644 lactobacillus acidophilus 0 1 1
3768 ocular lubricant 0 3 3
3796 magnesium chloride 0 1 1
3797 magnesium oxide 1 0 1
3805 dorzolamide ophthalmic 0 1 1
3807 metformin 11 11 22
3809 lamotrigine 1 0 1
3819 conjugated estrogens-medroxyprogesterone 0 2 2
3821 losartan 7 6 13
3822 ferrous gluconate 1 0 1
3823 iron polysaccharide 2 4 6
3824 ferrous sulfate 4 2 6
3826 tramadol 0 1 1
3827 cetirizine 1 7 8
3828 lansoprazole 0 8 8
3829 amlodipine-benazepril 0 1 1
3847 carvedilol 7 5 12
3849 alendronate 2 10 12
3864 glimepiride 4 0 4
3866 calcium citrate 0 6 6
4008 trandolapril 1 0 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 4 5 9
4025 mirtazapine 1 1 2
4031 pilocarpine 0 1 1
4037 timolol ophthalmic 2 1 3
4040 fexofenadine 1 3 4
4048 brimonidine ophthalmic 1 0 1
4057 zinc sulfate 0 2 2
4058 melatonin 0 1 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 1 2 3
4068 azelastine nasal 0 1 1
4105 atorvastatin 15 13 28
4113 valsartan 3 4 7
4121 tamsulosin 8 0 8
4142 chromium picolinate 1 0 1
4145 pramipexole 1 1 2
4215 ropinirole 1 2 3
4220 quetiapine 1 0 1
4223 mometasone nasal 0 2 2
4233 triamcinolone nasal 0 1 1
4235 ipratropium nasal 0 1 1
4242 sodium chloride nasal 0 1 1
4248 methylcellulose 0 3 3
4258 clopidogrel 12 4 16
4261 raloxifene 0 1 1
4276 budesonide 1 1 2
4279 flunisolide nasal 1 0 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 4 4 8
4285 naratriptan 0 1 1
4286 fenofibrate 5 4 9
4289 montelukast 2 7 9
4293 hydrochlorothiazide-valsartan 1 1 2
4294 tolterodine 2 0 2
4299 sildenafil 1 0 1
4300 risedronate 0 3 3
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 1 0 1
4322 candesartan 1 3 4
4332 citalopram 3 7 10
4349 leflunomide 2 0 2
4373 insulin lispro 2 6 8
4380 celecoxib 0 2 2
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 3 3
4399 nystatin topical 0 1 1
4411 garlic 1 4 5
4415 saw palmetto 3 0 3
4418 glucosamine 5 7 12
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 4 9 13
4426 red yeast rice 0 5 5
4442 pioglitazone 2 2 4
4448 rabeprazole 1 1 2
4459 dofetilide 1 0 1
4466 milk thistle 1 0 1
4470 cranberry 1 3 4
4491 flax 1 5 6
4499 levetiracetam 0 1 1
4512 cevimeline 0 1 1
4513 oxcarbazepine 0 1 1
4514 pantoprazole 4 5 9
4523 ubiquinone 1 3 4
4530 strontium-89 chloride 0 1 1
4532 meloxicam 1 3 4
4538 insulin glargine 0 5 5
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 4 7 11
4695 colesevelam 1 2 3
4697 insulin aspart 2 1 3
4703 glyburide-metformin 1 0 1
4743 nateglinide 1 0 1
4749 esomeprazole 2 4 6
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 1 2 3
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 0 1 1
4764 cetirizine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
4785 desloratadine 1 0 1
4788 dutasteride 3 0 3
4795 budesonide-formoterol 1 4 5
4797 alfuzosin 2 0 2
4803 voriconazole 0 1 1
4812 escitalopram 3 2 5
4824 ezetimibe 4 2 6
4829 tiotropium 5 4 9
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 1 1
4851 rosuvastatin 9 8 17
4878 hydrochlorothiazide-olmesartan 0 1 1
4896 tadalafil 1 0 1
4899 memantine 2 0 2
5265 nebivolol 1 0 1
5283 brimonidine-timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 2 0 2
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 1 5 6
5355 duloxetine 2 1 3
5357 ibandronate 1 2 3
5413 solifenacin 0 3 3
5436 insulin detemir 2 1 3
5529 exenatide 1 0 1
5612 rasagiline 1 0 1
5635 metformin-pioglitazone 0 1 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 1 2 3
5719 ranolazine 1 0 1
5776 iodine 0 1 1
5851 levocetirizine 0 1 1
5896 sitagliptin 1 1 2
6507 cinnamon 0 3 3
6655 alpha-lipoic acid 1 0 1
6848 lutein 1 1 2
6860 oxygen 0 1 1
6867 biotin 1 1 2
6905 amlodipine-olmesartan 0 1 1
7347 bifidobacterium infantis 0 1 1
7371 fenofibric acid 1 2 3
7409 prasugrel 1 0 1
7660 formoterol-mometasone 0 1 1
7766 abiraterone 1 0 1

jxh032re: What is the dosage on the label of the 6th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 7 10 17
"-2" 1701 1769 3470
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 50 137 187
"0.5%" 1 0 1
"10-mg" 1 0 1
"100 mg capsule" 0 1 1
"1500 mg/ 800 mg 750 mg" 0 1 1
"1500/1250 mgm" 0 1 1
"17 grams" 1 1 2
"3 mg" 0 2 2
"30 GM" 0 1 1
"650 mg" 1 2 3
"8.6/50 mg" 0 1 1
Note: Only 15 of 608 values are listed.

jxh033re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 6th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 1701 1769 3470
0.25 0 1 1
0.50 19 7 26
1 469 651 1120
1.50 5 4 9
2 119 184 303
3 29 35 64
3.50 2 10 12
4 15 24 39
5 2 1 3
5.50 0 1 1
6 2 5 7
8 2 4 6
9 0 1 1
10 1 0 1
12 0 1 1
777 WEEKLY 2 3 5
888 DAILY 41 70 111
999 AS NEEDED 36 94 130
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9033RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9033re: Time units: How often does the label on your 6th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_c_n, y_hlh30a6_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 154 135 289
-2 1780 1936 3716
1 TIMES PER DAY 528 793 1321
2 TIMES PER WEEK 12 37 49
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH033RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh034re: What is the main reason you are taking your 6th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_d, c_y_hlh30a6_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 121 147 268
-18 COULD NOT CODE 6 12 18
-2 1701 1769 3470
-1 DON'T KNOW 11 4 15
8 Intestinal infections due to other organisms 0 1 1
61 Dengue 1 0 1
88 Other arthropod-borne diseases 1 0 1
110 Dermatophytosis 1 1 2
112 Candidiasis 0 2 2
117 Other mycoses 0 1 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 2 1 3
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 1 1
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1 0 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 2 0 2
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 0 1 1
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 0 3 3
246 Other disorders of thyroid 6 18 24
250 Diabetes mellitus 27 27 54
251 Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretion 0 2 2
266 Deficiency of B-complex components 2 3 5
268 Vitamin D deficiency 2 9 11
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 74 90 164
274 Gout 8 2 10
280 Iron deficiency anemias 1 0 1
281 Other deficiency anemias 0 1 1
282 Hereditary hemolytic anemias 1 0 1
285 Other and unspecified anemias 3 3 6
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 1 0 1
300 Neurotic disorder 9 9 18
308 Acute reaction to stress 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 3 17 20
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 0 1 1
332 Parkinson's disease 1 1 2
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 4 6 10
345 Epilepsy 0 1 1
346 Migraine 1 3 4
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 1 5 6
362 Other retinal disorders 1 4 5
365 Glaucoma 7 13 20
386 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 25 30 55
410 Acute myocardial infarction 2 2 4
413 Angina pectoris 1 0 1
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 2 0 2
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 10 7 17
428 Heart failure 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 4 5 9
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 4 5 9
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 2 3 5
453 Other venous embolism and thrombosis 0 1 1
455 Hemorrhoids 0 1 1
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 0 2 2
466 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis 1 0 1
477 Allergic rhinitis 1 0 1
493 Asthma 5 16 21
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 5 8 13
516 Other alveolar and parietoalveolar pneumonopathy 1 0 1
518 Other diseases of lung 0 1 1
530 Diseases of esophagus 10 34 44
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 3 1 4
535 Gastritis and duodenitis 2 1 3
555 Regional enteritis 0 1 1
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 0 1 1
562 Diverticula of intestine 2 2 4
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
579 Intestinal malabsorption 1 0 1
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
595 Cystitis 2 0 2
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 8 0 8
692 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 0 1 1
694 Bullous dermatoses 1 0 1
695 Erythematous conditions 1 6 7
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 0 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 3 4 7
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 0 3 3
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 6 11 17
717 Internal derangement of knee 0 1 1
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 6 10 16
722 Intervertebral disc disorder 0 1 1
723 Other disorder of cervical region 0 1 1
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 4 5 9
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 0 3 3
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 2 1 3
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 6 29 35
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 3 8 11
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 1 1
829 Fracture of unspecified bones 0 1 1
992 Effects of heat and light 1 0 1
1130 Energy and drive functions 2 4 6
1134 Sleep functions 10 16 26
1144 Memory functions 1 1 2
1147 Psychomotor functions 2 1 3
1152 Emotional functions 1 1 2
1198 Mental functions, other specified 0 1 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 3 3 6
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 1 8 9
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 0 3 3
1280 Sensation of pain 10 18 28
1410 Heart functions 69 70 139
1415 Blood vessel functions 1 2 3
1420 Blood pressure functions 54 53 107
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 2 8 10
1430 Haematological system functions 0 4 4
1435 Immunological system functions 14 36 50
1440 Respiration functions 3 6 9
1450 Additional respiratory functions 5 6 11
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 2 9 11
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 44 25 69
1510 Ingestion functions 0 1 1
1515 Digestive functions 0 2 2
1520 Assimilation functions 1 0 1
1525 Defecation functions 3 12 15
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 5 11 16
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 4 12 16
1540 General metabolic functions 0 2 2
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 19 20 39
1550 Thermoregulatory functions 0 1 1
1555 Endocrine gland functions 0 1 1
1610 Urinary excretory functions 2 1 3
1620 Urination functions 7 9 16
1640 Sexual functions 1 2 3
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 2 2
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 10 1 11
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 13 65 78
1765 Involuntary movement functions 0 3 3
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 2 2 4
1799 Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions, unspecified 0 1 1
1840 Sensation related to the skin 4 4 8
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
2110 Structure of brain 1 0 1
2320 Structure of mouth 0 1 1
2830 Structure of nails 1 0 1
2840 Structure of hair 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 38 91 129
3598 Self-care, other specified 0 1 1
3599 Self-care, unspecified 0 1 1
4335 People in subordinate positions 6 5 11
4355 Health professionals 2 4 6
4410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members 1 0 1
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 2 4 6
6007 Need For Isolation And Other Prophylactic Measures 0 3 3
6058 Encounter For Other And Unspecified Procedures And Aftercare 1 0 1
7011 Operations on cornea 1 0 1
7024 Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli 0 1 1
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 2 0 2
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 0 2 2
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9034re: What is the main reason you are taking your 6th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_d, c_y_hlh30a6_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 121 147 268
-18 NOT CODEABLE 6 12 18
-2 1701 1769 3470
-1 DON'T KNOW 11 4 15
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 5 6 11
20 Neoplasms 3 2 5
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 119 154 273
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 5 4 9
50 Mental Disorders 13 27 40
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 15 35 50
70 Circulatory System 50 55 105
80 Respiratory System 13 27 40
90 Digestive System 18 41 59
100 Genitourinary system 12 0 12
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 3 7 10
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 27 69 96
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 3 10 13
170 Injury and Poisoning 1 1 2
180 ICD-9 E Codes 2 4 6
190 ICD-9 V Codes 1 3 4
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 3 3 6
210 ICF Body Functions 296 427 723
220 ICF Body Structures 2 2 4
230 ICF Activities and Participation 38 93 131
240 ICF Environmental Factors 9 9 18
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH034RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh035re: How many times did you take your 6th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 54 95 149
-2 1701 1769 3470
1 550 752 1302
2 121 167 288
3 21 30 51
4 2 7 9
8 0 2 2
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh036re: Century-month Participant began taking 6th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a6_f, y_hlh30a6_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 134 216 350
-2 1701 1769 3470
-1 DON'T KNOW 27 59 86
486 - 1184 119 179 298
1185 - 1252 140 159 299
1253 - 1292 128 171 299
1293 - 1320 116 184 300
1321 - 1362 113 176 289
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh037re: What is the name on the label of the 7th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 1868 1996 3864
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 1 0 1
"Asperin" 1 1 2
"Excedrin Tension Headache" 0 1 1
"Insulin" 1 0 1
"Loperamide Hydrochloride" 0 1 1
"Prime years multi Vitamin" 0 1 1
"Simastatin" 1 0 1
"Simvastotin" 1 0 1
"effexor" 0 1 1
"latanoprost" 2 0 2
"morphine sulfate" 1 0 1
Note: Only 13 of 959 values are listed.

jxh037cn: What is the code for the 7th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2414 4927
-2 1868 1996 3864
2 amiodarone 1 0 1
4 atenolol 7 4 11
15 ibuprofen 6 7 13
16 labetalol 0 1 1
19 naproxen 3 8 11
21 ranitidine 3 6 9
22 warfarin 8 12 20
23 allopurinol 7 4 11
28 ketoprofen 0 1 1
32 propranolol 0 2 2
33 sulindac 1 0 1
44 clonidine 1 2 3
45 diltiazem 2 1 3
47 rifampin 0 1 1
48 verapamil 1 2 3
49 acetaminophen 5 14 19
51 nifedipine 2 0 2
60 methotrexate 1 3 4
70 furosemide 5 11 16
71 fluconazole 1 0 1
86 amantadine 0 1 1
88 amoxicillin 1 0 1
91 azithromycin 1 0 1
97 clarithromycin 1 0 1
103 ketoconazole 0 1 1
112 nitrofurantoin 0 1 1
123 trimethoprim 0 1 1
124 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 1 0 1
132 hydralazine 1 1 2
134 metoprolol 20 7 27
139 timolol 1 1 2
141 famotidine 0 1 1
143 phenytoin 1 0 1
144 nortriptyline 0 2 2
146 amitriptyline 0 3 3
148 diazepam 1 3 4
149 lorazepam 2 4 6
168 alprazolam 2 7 9
170 aspirin 57 69 126
179 bumetanide 0 1 1
181 bupropion 0 2 2
192 chlorthalidone 1 0 1
197 clonazepam 0 3 3
206 dexamethasone 0 1 1
210 digoxin 2 1 3
212 diphenhydramine 2 3 5
231 felodipine 0 1 1
236 fluoxetine 1 1 2
241 folic acid 3 3 6
242 fosinopril 1 0 1
245 gemfibrozil 2 1 3
246 glipizide 8 1 9
248 glyburide 4 3 7
253 hydrochlorothiazide 5 12 17
255 hydromorphone 1 1 2
260 indapamide 0 1 1
262 insulin 1 0 1
265 ipratropium 1 0 1
268 isosorbide dinitrate 0 1 1
269 isosorbide mononitrate 1 1 2
278 levothyroxine 5 21 26
280 lovastatin 4 7 11
284 medroxyprogesterone 0 1 1
293 methylprednisolone 0 2 2
298 metoclopramide 1 1 2
308 morphine 2 1 3
314 niacin 12 5 17
321 nitroglycerin 1 0 1
325 omeprazole 16 20 36
328 oxybutynin 2 1 3
329 oxycodone 1 1 2
345 potassium chloride 6 7 13
348 pravastatin 3 6 9
350 prednisone 0 5 5
352 primidone 0 1 1
365 quinapril 1 0 1
366 quinine 0 1 1
371 sotalol 2 1 3
373 spironolactone 0 1 1
377 sucralfate 1 0 1
381 tamoxifen 0 1 1
384 temazepam 0 1 1
386 terazosin 5 0 5
395 trazodone 0 2 2
397 triazolam 1 0 1
402 vitamin a 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 4 6 10
412 pyridoxine 0 1 1
413 cyanocobalamin 2 8 10
425 calcium carbonate 10 27 37
426 ascorbic acid 5 13 18
440 sodium bicarbonate 1 0 1
488 lysine 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 25 51 76
537 estradiol 0 4 4
541 conjugated estrogens 0 1 1
563 finasteride 2 0 2
649 ethacrynic acid 0 1 1
653 isosorbide 0 2 2
655 thyroid desiccated 0 1 1
689 amlodipine 5 8 13
726 doxazosin 4 2 6
728 ramipril 1 0 1
730 benazepril 1 3 4
732 lisinopril 7 5 12
746 simvastatin 22 17 39
749 albuterol 6 6 12
755 pirbuterol 0 1 1
761 flunisolide 1 0 1
762 acetylcysteine 1 0 1
769 pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
797 guaifenesin 0 2 2
806 phentermine 1 0 1
817 hydroxychloroquine 0 2 2
848 diclofenac 1 2 3
851 etodolac 1 0 1
853 oxaprozin 0 1 1
859 meclizine 0 1 1
880 sertraline 3 1 4
907 hydroxyzine 0 1 1
910 zolpidem 1 2 3
963 cyclobenzaprine 3 0 3
967 baclofen 0 1 1
1013 senna 0 2 2
1017 polycarbophil 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 2 2 4
1021 docusate 3 3 6
1024 lactulose 0 1 1
1025 loperamide 0 1 1
1026 bismuth subsalicylate 0 1 1
1027 simethicone 1 0 1
1115 bacitracin 1 0 1
1233 nystatin 1 0 1
1296 fluticasone 2 3 5
1373 hydroxyurea 0 1 1
1423 potassium citrate 0 1 1
3050 loratadine 3 4 7
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 1 1 2
3071 diphenoxylate 0 1 1
3128 ergocalciferol 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 10 37 47
3130 thiamine 1 0 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 4 29 33
3140 multivitamin 29 50 79
3141 multivitamin with iron 0 2 2
3145 multivitamin with minerals 12 40 52
3148 multivitamin, prenatal 1 0 1
3157 paroxetine 1 1 2
3180 risperidone 1 0 1
3181 venlafaxine 0 2 2
3182 gabapentin 7 7 14
3189 torsemide 1 0 1
3197 betamethasone topical 1 1 2
3206 triamcinolone topical 1 1 2
3214 ketorolac ophthalmic 1 0 1
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 1 0 1
3289 acetaminophen-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3423 acetaminophen-codeine 0 2 2
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 0 1 1
3434 acetaminophen-propoxyphene 1 0 1
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 0 3 3
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 3 7 10
3457 aspirin/butalbital/caffeine 0 1 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 1 0 1
3506 atropine-diphenoxylate 0 3 3
3644 lactobacillus acidophilus 1 0 1
3689 calcium acetate 0 1 1
3744 bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide 1 0 1
3768 ocular lubricant 1 1 2
3789 potassium gluconate 1 0 1
3807 metformin 7 8 15
3819 conjugated estrogens-medroxyprogesterone 0 1 1
3821 losartan 1 1 2
3823 iron polysaccharide 3 0 3
3824 ferrous sulfate 2 2 4
3826 tramadol 3 1 4
3827 cetirizine 2 2 4
3828 lansoprazole 0 2 2
3829 amlodipine-benazepril 0 1 1
3830 hydrochlorothiazide-losartan 1 0 1
3847 carvedilol 4 2 6
3849 alendronate 1 10 11
3864 glimepiride 0 2 2
3866 calcium citrate 0 3 3
3902 sodium chondroitin-hyaluronate ophthalmic 1 0 1
4008 trandolapril 1 0 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 8 0 8
4025 mirtazapine 1 3 4
4037 timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4040 fexofenadine 3 1 4
4058 melatonin 1 1 2
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 2 2 4
4068 azelastine nasal 1 0 1
4099 donepezil 1 0 1
4105 atorvastatin 7 5 12
4113 valsartan 2 4 6
4117 olopatadine ophthalmic 0 1 1
4121 tamsulosin 9 0 9
4145 pramipexole 0 1 1
4156 letrozole 0 1 1
4215 ropinirole 1 1 2
4220 quetiapine 0 1 1
4222 irbesartan 0 1 1
4223 mometasone nasal 0 1 1
4233 triamcinolone nasal 1 1 2
4235 ipratropium nasal 1 0 1
4258 clopidogrel 6 0 6
4261 raloxifene 0 1 1
4276 budesonide 1 0 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 0 2 2
4286 fenofibrate 2 1 3
4289 montelukast 2 3 5
4293 hydrochlorothiazide-valsartan 1 0 1
4294 tolterodine 2 2 4
4299 sildenafil 2 0 2
4300 risedronate 0 1 1
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 0 2 2
4332 citalopram 1 2 3
4373 insulin lispro 2 1 3
4374 insulin isophane-insulin regular 0 1 1
4380 celecoxib 1 3 4
4382 cilostazol 1 0 1
4411 garlic 1 2 3
4413 ginkgo 0 1 1
4418 glucosamine 1 6 7
4419 chondroitin 1 1 2
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 5 13 18
4426 red yeast rice 0 3 3
4427 levalbuterol 1 1 2
4435 doxercalciferol 0 1 1
4442 pioglitazone 3 1 4
4448 rabeprazole 1 1 2
4470 cranberry 0 3 3
4491 flax 0 3 3
4499 levetiracetam 1 1 2
4514 pantoprazole 2 1 3
4523 ubiquinone 3 0 3
4532 meloxicam 1 2 3
4538 insulin glargine 5 10 15
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 2 5 7
4697 insulin aspart 3 1 4
4708 zoledronic acid 0 1 1
4723 calcium carbonate/famotidine/mg hydroxide 0 1 1
4732 tryptophan 1 0 1
4749 esomeprazole 2 3 5
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 1 4 5
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 0 2 2
4764 cetirizine-pseudoephedrine 1 1 2
4784 pimecrolimus topical 0 1 1
4785 desloratadine 0 1 1
4788 dutasteride 1 0 1
4795 budesonide-formoterol 3 2 5
4801 olmesartan 0 1 1
4812 escitalopram 2 0 2
4824 ezetimibe 2 1 3
4829 tiotropium 3 1 4
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 1 1
4839 insulin aspart-insulin aspart protamine 1 0 1
4848 inulin 0 1 1
4851 rosuvastatin 4 4 8
4896 tadalafil 2 0 2
4929 trospium 0 1 1
5262 mometasone 0 1 1
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 3 3 6
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 1 1 2
5355 duloxetine 0 2 2
5357 ibandronate 0 1 1
5413 solifenacin 2 0 2
5421 eszopiclone 0 1 1
5508 pregabalin 1 1 2
5526 alendronate-cholecalciferol 0 1 1
5702 methylsulfonylmethane 1 1 2
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 2 0 2
5770 omeprazole-sodium bicarbonate 0 1 1
5819 diphenhydramine-ibuprofen 0 1 1
6507 cinnamon 0 3 3
6655 alpha-lipoic acid 0 1 1
6665 aliskiren 1 0 1
6720 metformin-sitagliptin 0 1 1
6848 lutein 1 1 2
6867 biotin 0 4 4
7395 dexlansoprazole 0 1 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 0 3 3
7458 dronedarone 1 0 1
7467 saxagliptin 1 0 1
7645 onabotulinumtoxina 0 1 1
8119 brimonidine topical 1 0 1

jxh038re: What is the dosage on the label of the 7th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 3 4 7
"-2" 1869 1997 3866
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 52 152 204
"0.2%" 1 0 1
"1.75" 0 1 1
"10mg" 1 0 1
"160/4.2" 1 0 1
"200" 1 0 1
"40 mg tablet" 1 1 2
"500mg" 2 0 2
"600 M+D" 0 1 1
"90 MCG" 1 0 1
"fish oil" 0 1 1
Note: Only 15 of 488 values are listed.

jxh039re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 7th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 1869 1997 3866
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0.25 1 1 2
0.50 14 9 23
1 338 500 838
1.50 0 3 3
2 103 150 253
3 25 25 50
3.50 2 4 6
4 16 26 42
5 1 1 2
6 2 2 4
7 0 2 2
8 2 0 2
9 0 1 1
12 0 1 1
777 WEEKLY 1 0 1
888 DAILY 36 55 91
999 AS NEEDED 37 89 126
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9039RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9039re: Time units: How often does the label on your 7th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_c_n, y_hlh30a7_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 119 104 223
-2 1943 2141 4084
1 TIMES PER DAY 404 636 1040
2 TIMES PER WEEK 9 28 37
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH039RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh040re: What is the main reason you are taking your 7th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_d, c_y_hlh30a7_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 97 161 258
-18 COULD NOT CODE 4 3 7
-2 1869 1997 3866
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 0 6
53 Herpes zoster 1 0 1
114 Coccidiomycosis 1 0 1
117 Other mycoses 1 0 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 2 0 2
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 3 3
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 1 0 1
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 1 2 3
246 Other disorders of thyroid 3 15 18
250 Diabetes mellitus 32 25 57
255 Disorders of adrenal glands 0 1 1
268 Vitamin D deficiency 1 3 4
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 48 53 101
274 Gout 4 4 8
276 Disorders of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance 0 1 1
285 Other and unspecified anemias 1 1 2
286 Coagulation defects 2 1 3
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 1 0 1
300 Neurotic disorder 4 14 18
308 Acute reaction to stress 0 2 2
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 4 8 12
332 Parkinson's disease 2 1 3
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 1 5 6
346 Migraine 1 1 2
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 3 8 11
362 Other retinal disorders 0 6 6
365 Glaucoma 7 9 16
401 Essential hypertension 21 23 44
410 Acute myocardial infarction 3 1 4
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 5 4 9
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 2 4 6
433 Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries 1 0 1
435 Transient cerebral ischemia 1 0 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 1 3 4
440 Atherosclerosis 0 1 1
443 Other peripheral vascular disease 1 0 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 4 5
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 1 2 3
473 Chronic sinusitis 1 0 1
477 Allergic rhinitis 1 0 1
491 Chronic bronchitis 0 1 1
492 Emphysema 1 0 1
493 Asthma 10 17 27
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 6 4 10
516 Other alveolar and parietoalveolar pneumonopathy 1 0 1
518 Other diseases of lung 0 2 2
530 Diseases of esophagus 15 20 35
532 Duodenal ulcer 0 1 1
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 2 3 5
535 Gastritis and duodenitis 1 1 2
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 1 1 2
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 2 2
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 0 1 1
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
595 Cystitis 1 3 4
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 3 0 3
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 1 2
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1 0 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 4 19 23
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 4 6 10
723 Other disorder of cervical region 0 1 1
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 3 5 8
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 0 1 1
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 0 1 1
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 1 1 2
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 3 24 27
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 0 3 3
1130 Energy and drive functions 0 5 5
1134 Sleep functions 6 18 24
1144 Memory functions 1 2 3
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 3 5 8
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 6 3 9
1235 Vestibular functions 0 1 1
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 1 1 2
1280 Sensation of pain 18 28 46
1410 Heart functions 52 47 99
1420 Blood pressure functions 32 31 63
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 3 6 9
1430 Haematological system functions 1 0 1
1435 Immunological system functions 12 23 35
1440 Respiration functions 1 4 5
1450 Additional respiratory functions 3 3 6
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 2 2 4
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 20 20 40
1510 Ingestion functions 1 0 1
1515 Digestive functions 3 4 7
1520 Assimilation functions 1 0 1
1525 Defecation functions 3 10 13
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 1 10 11
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 3 5 8
1540 General metabolic functions 0 1 1
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 10 13 23
1555 Endocrine gland functions 0 1 1
1610 Urinary excretory functions 3 2 5
1620 Urination functions 13 8 21
1640 Sexual functions 2 0 2
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 1 1
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 8 1 9
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 16 61 77
1765 Involuntary movement functions 1 0 1
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 2 2 4
1840 Sensation related to the skin 2 4 6
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
2110 Structure of brain 0 1 1
2830 Structure of nails 0 1 1
3550 Eating 2 0 2
3570 Looking after one's health 43 91 134
4355 Health professionals 3 10 13
4410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members 1 0 1
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 0 1 1
6007 Need For Isolation And Other Prophylactic Measures 0 2 2
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 1 0 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 1 0 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9040re: What is the main reason you are taking your 7th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_d, c_y_hlh30a7_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 97 161 258
-18 NOT CODEABLE 4 3 7
-2 1869 1997 3866
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 0 6
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 5 0 5
20 Neoplasms 1 3 4
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 89 104 193
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 3 2 5
50 Mental Disorders 9 24 33
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 14 30 44
70 Circulatory System 36 40 76
80 Respiratory System 21 26 47
90 Digestive System 19 28 47
100 Genitourinary system 5 4 9
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 1 1 2
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 16 58 74
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 0 3 3
180 ICD-9 E Codes 0 1 1
190 ICD-9 V Codes 0 2 2
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 2 0 2
210 ICF Body Functions 230 323 553
220 ICF Body Structures 0 2 2
230 ICF Activities and Participation 45 91 136
240 ICF Environmental Factors 4 10 14
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH040RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh041re: How many times did you take your 7th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 45 72 117
-2 1869 1997 3866
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 406 595 1001
2 98 148 246
3 21 15 36
4 6 7 13
6 1 1 2
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh042re: Century-month Participant began taking 7th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a7_f, y_hlh30a7_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 105 199 304
-2 1869 1997 3866
-1 DON'T KNOW 21 46 67
654 - 1182 94 142 236
1186 - 1252 86 144 230
1253 - 1290 113 130 243
1291 - 1319 112 126 238
1320 - 1362 78 129 207
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh043re: What is the name on the label of the 8th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2017 2205 4222
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 1 1 2
"Advair Discus" 0 1 1
"Flonase" 1 0 1
"Furosemide (Jaciz)" 1 0 1
"Hydrocodone/Apap" 0 1 1
"Memintine" 1 0 1
"digoxin" 0 1 1
"florajen 3 probiotic" 0 1 1
"gabapentin" 2 1 3
"himdin 70/30" 0 1 1
"omega 3 fishoil" 0 1 1
Note: Only 13 of 791 values are listed.

jxh043cn: What is the code for the 8th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2017 2205 4222
2 amiodarone 1 0 1
4 atenolol 3 1 4
6 captopril 1 0 1
13 enalapril 1 1 2
15 ibuprofen 3 9 12
19 naproxen 3 6 9
21 ranitidine 3 3 6
22 warfarin 4 4 8
23 allopurinol 4 0 4
32 propranolol 1 0 1
39 indomethacin 1 0 1
44 clonidine 2 0 2
49 acetaminophen 3 11 14
58 carbamazepine 1 0 1
60 methotrexate 1 0 1
70 furosemide 10 9 19
71 fluconazole 0 1 1
88 amoxicillin 2 0 2
96 cephalexin 1 0 1
106 methenamine 0 1 1
108 metronidazole 1 0 1
116 penicillin 1 0 1
133 methyldopa 1 0 1
134 metoprolol 3 7 10
135 minoxidil 0 1 1
139 timolol 2 1 3
141 famotidine 3 0 3
143 phenytoin 1 0 1
144 nortriptyline 0 1 1
146 amitriptyline 1 1 2
148 diazepam 1 1 2
149 lorazepam 2 2 4
150 colchicine 1 1 2
168 alprazolam 2 1 3
170 aspirin 34 61 95
181 bupropion 0 1 1
191 chlorpheniramine 0 1 1
192 chlorthalidone 0 2 2
193 cholestyramine 1 1 2
210 digoxin 0 1 1
212 diphenhydramine 1 2 3
217 doxepin 0 1 1
241 folic acid 1 2 3
245 gemfibrozil 2 0 2
246 glipizide 2 0 2
248 glyburide 2 0 2
253 hydrochlorothiazide 3 4 7
254 hydrocortisone 0 1 1
262 insulin 3 1 4
269 isosorbide mononitrate 2 1 3
278 levothyroxine 1 9 10
280 lovastatin 1 1 2
298 metoclopramide 0 2 2
310 nabumetone 0 1 1
314 niacin 8 2 10
321 nitroglycerin 7 5 12
322 nizatidine 1 0 1
325 omeprazole 13 12 25
329 oxycodone 0 2 2
345 potassium chloride 5 4 9
348 pravastatin 1 6 7
350 prednisone 1 1 2
352 primidone 0 1 1
355 prochlorperazine 0 3 3
371 sotalol 1 0 1
373 spironolactone 3 1 4
377 sucralfate 0 1 1
386 terazosin 1 1 2
395 trazodone 0 2 2
396 triamterene 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 1 4 5
412 pyridoxine 0 2 2
413 cyanocobalamin 2 7 9
425 calcium carbonate 8 28 36
426 ascorbic acid 6 8 14
438 sodium chloride 0 2 2
440 sodium bicarbonate 1 0 1
484 selenium 0 1 1
488 lysine 1 0 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 26 38 64
541 conjugated estrogens 0 2 2
558 testosterone 1 0 1
563 finasteride 3 0 3
578 arginine 1 0 1
593 glucagon 1 1 2
643 methyclothiazide 1 0 1
652 glycerin 0 1 1
655 thyroid desiccated 0 1 1
683 lidocaine topical 0 1 1
689 amlodipine 4 4 8
699 epinephrine 0 1 1
709 bisoprolol 1 0 1
726 doxazosin 1 1 2
728 ramipril 0 1 1
730 benazepril 1 0 1
732 lisinopril 4 5 9
744 colestipol 1 0 1
746 simvastatin 9 11 20
749 albuterol 2 8 10
750 metaproterenol 1 0 1
797 guaifenesin 1 0 1
817 hydroxychloroquine 0 1 1
842 salsalate 1 0 1
848 diclofenac 0 1 1
851 etodolac 0 1 1
859 meclizine 0 1 1
880 sertraline 0 2 2
884 tranylcypromine 0 1 1
900 methylphenidate 0 1 1
910 zolpidem 0 6 6
960 carisoprodol 1 0 1
963 cyclobenzaprine 0 1 1
999 dicyclomine 0 1 1
1008 magnesium citrate 0 1 1
1013 senna 1 0 1
1017 polycarbophil 3 2 5
1018 psyllium 4 1 5
1021 docusate 2 3 5
1025 loperamide 1 2 3
1031 mesalamine 0 1 1
1233 nystatin 0 1 1
1267 mupirocin topical 1 1 2
1290 desonide topical 0 1 1
1296 fluticasone 3 2 5
1300 mometasone topical 2 0 2
3050 loratadine 1 8 9
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 2 3 5
3061 butalbital 0 1 1
3075 hydrocodone 1 0 1
3129 cholecalciferol 11 35 46
3130 thiamine 0 1 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 5 24 29
3140 multivitamin 20 39 59
3141 multivitamin with iron 3 0 3
3145 multivitamin with minerals 6 23 29
3157 paroxetine 1 2 3
3160 sumatriptan 0 1 1
3181 venlafaxine 1 2 3
3182 gabapentin 2 4 6
3205 hydrocortisone topical 0 1 1
3208 metronidazole topical 0 1 1
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 1 0 1
3300 chlorpheniramine-phenylephrine 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 1 3 4
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 1 0 1
3434 acetaminophen-propoxyphene 1 0 1
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 2 2 4
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 1 0 1
3506 atropine-diphenoxylate 0 1 1
3665 menthol topical 0 1 1
3744 bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide 0 1 1
3789 potassium gluconate 0 1 1
3797 magnesium oxide 0 3 3
3802 calcium lactate 0 1 1
3807 metformin 8 8 16
3809 lamotrigine 1 0 1
3818 loratadine-pseudoephedrine 1 0 1
3821 losartan 2 0 2
3823 iron polysaccharide 2 3 5
3824 ferrous sulfate 2 1 3
3826 tramadol 1 3 4
3827 cetirizine 1 4 5
3828 lansoprazole 0 2 2
3838 valacyclovir 1 0 1
3847 carvedilol 2 0 2
3849 alendronate 0 7 7
3864 glimepiride 1 2 3
3866 calcium citrate 0 6 6
3873 anastrozole 0 1 1
3884 trolamine salicylate topical 0 1 1
4012 terbinafine 1 0 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 3 3 6
4031 pilocarpine 0 1 1
4037 timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4040 fexofenadine 1 0 1
4048 brimonidine ophthalmic 2 1 3
4057 zinc sulfate 0 1 1
4058 melatonin 0 3 3
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 3 2 5
4099 donepezil 2 0 2
4105 atorvastatin 2 1 3
4113 valsartan 0 2 2
4121 tamsulosin 6 0 6
4210 estradiol topical 0 1 1
4215 ropinirole 0 1 1
4220 quetiapine 0 2 2
4223 mometasone nasal 2 2 4
4245 hydrochlorothiazide-irbesartan 1 0 1
4248 methylcellulose 0 1 1
4258 clopidogrel 6 2 8
4261 raloxifene 0 1 1
4271 diclofenac-misoprostol 1 0 1
4276 budesonide 0 1 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 2 3 5
4286 fenofibrate 4 2 6
4289 montelukast 0 1 1
4292 loteprednol ophthalmic 1 0 1
4293 hydrochlorothiazide-valsartan 1 0 1
4294 tolterodine 0 1 1
4299 sildenafil 1 0 1
4300 risedronate 1 0 1
4301 brinzolamide ophthalmic 0 1 1
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4332 citalopram 2 1 3
4373 insulin lispro 0 2 2
4380 celecoxib 1 1 2
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 4 4
4407 echinacea 0 1 1
4411 garlic 2 1 3
4413 ginkgo 0 2 2
4415 saw palmetto 2 0 2
4418 glucosamine 3 1 4
4419 chondroitin 1 1 2
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 4 15 19
4426 red yeast rice 0 1 1
4442 pioglitazone 2 1 3
4448 rabeprazole 2 0 2
4452 zaleplon 0 1 1
4491 flax 0 4 4
4499 levetiracetam 0 1 1
4513 oxcarbazepine 1 0 1
4514 pantoprazole 1 3 4
4523 ubiquinone 3 5 8
4532 meloxicam 2 0 2
4538 insulin glargine 5 2 7
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 3 5 8
4697 insulin aspart 1 1 2
4699 pycnogenol 0 1 1
4700 balsalazide 0 1 1
4737 hydrochlorothiazide-telmisartan 1 0 1
4749 esomeprazole 2 0 2
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 2 1 3
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 1 0 1
4764 cetirizine-pseudoephedrine 1 0 1
4788 dutasteride 3 0 3
4795 budesonide-formoterol 1 1 2
4797 alfuzosin 1 0 1
4824 ezetimibe 1 3 4
4825 aripiprazole 0 1 1
4829 tiotropium 4 3 7
4835 adalimumab 1 1 2
4851 rosuvastatin 5 1 6
4899 memantine 2 0 2
5265 nebivolol 0 1 1
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 1 1 2
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 2 0 2
5357 ibandronate 0 2 2
5413 solifenacin 1 1 2
5422 darifenacin 2 1 3
5626 everolimus 0 1 1
5702 methylsulfonylmethane 0 1 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 0 1 1
5719 ranolazine 1 0 1
5896 sitagliptin 0 1 1
5899 ciclesonide nasal 1 0 1
6507 cinnamon 1 2 3
6848 lutein 0 3 3
6860 oxygen 1 1 2
6867 biotin 0 4 4
7132 olopatadine nasal 0 1 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 0 5 5
7409 prasugrel 0 1 1
7466 liraglutide 1 0 1
7685 carboxymethylcellulose 0 1 1

jxh044re: What is the dosage on the label of the 8th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 1 5 6
"-2" 2017 2206 4223
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 52 106 158
"0.5% drops" 1 0 1
"0.5%" 0 1 1
"1200 mg" 4 8 12
"2000 Units" 0 1 1
"3 ML" 0 1 1
"3 mg" 0 1 1
"300 mg 1" 0 1 1
"34 AM 38 PM" 0 1 1
"650 mg" 0 2 2
"for women" 0 1 1
Note: Only 15 of 412 values are listed.

jxh045re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 8th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2017 2206 4223
0.50 6 10 16
1 229 372 601
1.50 3 3 6
2 98 130 228
2.50 0 1 1
3 14 19 33
3.50 3 1 4
4 21 24 45
5 1 2 3
6 3 4 7
7 0 1 1
8 0 4 4
9 0 1 1
10 1 0 1
11 0 1 1
12 0 1 1
28 0 1 1
777 WEEKLY 0 1 1
888 DAILY 27 34 61
999 AS NEEDED 35 67 102
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9045RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9045re: Time units: How often does the label on your 8th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_c_n, y_hlh30a8_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 88 87 175
-2 2079 2308 4387
1 TIMES PER DAY 304 495 799
2 TIMES PER WEEK 5 15 20
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH045RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh046re: What is the main reason you are taking your 8th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_d, c_y_hlh30a8_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 84 118 202
-18 COULD NOT CODE 3 4 7
-2 2017 2206 4223
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 3 8
79 Viral infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site 2 0 2
110 Dermatophytosis 1 0 1
112 Candidiasis 0 1 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 1 0 1
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 1 0 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 1 2 3
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 0 1 1
246 Other disorders of thyroid 1 9 10
250 Diabetes mellitus 19 17 36
268 Vitamin D deficiency 2 2 4
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 28 32 60
274 Gout 7 1 8
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 3 3
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 3 0 3
296 Affective psychoses 0 1 1
300 Neurotic disorder 3 7 10
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 1 3 4
332 Parkinson's disease 1 0 1
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 1 2 3
346 Migraine 0 1 1
354 Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex 0 1 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 2 2 4
362 Other retinal disorders 3 4 7
365 Glaucoma 5 8 13
371 Corneal opacity and other disorders of cornea 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 11 12 23
410 Acute myocardial infarction 0 2 2
413 Angina pectoris 1 1 2
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 2 4 6
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 3 5 8
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 0 4 4
440 Atherosclerosis 0 1 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 3 3 6
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 0 1 1
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 0 1 1
473 Chronic sinusitis 1 0 1
482 Other bacterial pneumonia 1 0 1
491 Chronic bronchitis 0 1 1
493 Asthma 3 7 10
494 Bronchiectasis 0 1 1
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 7 8 15
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 1 1 2
530 Diseases of esophagus 12 7 19
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 0 1 1
555 Regional enteritis 0 1 1
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 0 1 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 2 2
579 Intestinal malabsorption 0 1 1
586 Renal failure, unspecified 1 0 1
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
595 Cystitis 0 1 1
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 4 0 4
686 Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue 0 1 1
695 Erythematous conditions 1 1 2
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 0 1
697 Lichen 0 1 1
704 Diseases of hair and hair follicles 0 1 1
708 Urticaria 0 1 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 0 2 2
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 0 1 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 11 7 18
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 2 6 8
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 3 9 12
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 0 1 1
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 1 14 15
756 Other congenital muscoskeletal anomalies 0 1 1
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 1 7 8
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 2 2 4
1130 Energy and drive functions 0 4 4
1134 Sleep functions 2 11 13
1144 Memory functions 2 2 4
1147 Psychomotor functions 1 0 1
1152 Emotional functions 1 2 3
1199 Mental functions, unspecified 0 1 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 3 2 5
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 1 5 6
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 7 17 24
1410 Heart functions 32 42 74
1420 Blood pressure functions 14 13 27
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 4 2 6
1430 Haematological system functions 1 2 3
1435 Immunological system functions 10 19 29
1440 Respiration functions 2 3 5
1445 Respiratory muscle functions 1 0 1
1450 Additional respiratory functions 2 6 8
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 1 3 4
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 14 13 27
1515 Digestive functions 1 3 4
1525 Defecation functions 8 11 19
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 8 8 16
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 5 5 10
1540 General metabolic functions 2 0 2
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 8 13 21
1550 Thermoregulatory functions 0 1 1
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 1 2
1620 Urination functions 8 7 15
1639 Urinary functions, other specified and unspecified 2 0 2
1640 Sexual functions 1 0 1
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 4 4
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 7 2 9
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 13 61 74
1749 Muscle functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1765 Involuntary movement functions 2 1 3
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 2 3 5
1840 Sensation related to the skin 0 2 2
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
2199 Structure of the nervous system, unspecified 0 1 1
2840 Structure of hair 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 37 77 114
4355 Health professionals 3 8 11
4410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members 1 0 1
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 1 0 1
6007 Need For Isolation And Other Prophylactic Measures 0 1 1
6018 Family History Of Certain Other Specific Conditions 0 1 1
6058 Encounter For Other And Unspecified Procedures And Aftercare 1 0 1
7024 Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli 1 0 1
7036 Operations on vessels of heart 0 1 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 2 0 2
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9046re: What is the main reason you are taking your 8th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_d, c_y_hlh30a8_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 84 118 202
-18 NOT CODEABLE 3 4 7
-2 2017 2206 4223
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 3 8
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 4 1 5
20 Neoplasms 2 3 5
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 57 62 119
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 0 3 3
50 Mental Disorders 7 11 18
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 12 19 31
70 Circulatory System 20 33 53
80 Respiratory System 12 18 30
90 Digestive System 13 14 27
100 Genitourinary system 7 1 8
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 2 5 7
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 17 40 57
140 Congenital Anomalies 0 1 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 3 9 12
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 0 1
190 ICD-9 V Codes 1 2 3
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 3 1 4
210 ICF Body Functions 166 272 438
220 ICF Body Structures 0 2 2
230 ICF Activities and Participation 37 77 114
240 ICF Environmental Factors 4 8 12
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH046RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh047re: How many times did you take your 8th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 50 70 120
-2 2017 2206 4223
1 260 419 679
2 102 133 235
3 14 19 33
4 2 7 9
10 1 0 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh048re: Century-month Participant began taking 8th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a8_f, y_hlh30a8_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 97 168 265
-2 2017 2206 4223
-1 DON'T KNOW 21 34 55
546 - 1186 57 112 169
1188 - 1254 74 104 178
1255 - 1297 77 99 176
1298 - 1321 77 102 179
1322 - 1362 58 88 146
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh049re: What is the name on the label of the 9th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2129 2354 4483
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 2 1 3
"D3 2000 iu" 1 0 1
"Hyzaar" 1 0 1
"Lidoderm Patches" 0 1 1
"Lupron shot" 1 0 1
"Oxylcetynin" 0 1 1
"Preseu Vision" 0 1 1
"Sonata" 0 1 1
"Vit/B12" 0 1 1
"carb/levo" 1 0 1
"citrate + calcium w/ vitamin d" 0 1 1
Note: Only 13 of 647 values are listed.

jxh049cn: What is the code for the 9th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2129 2354 4483
1 acyclovir 0 1 1
4 atenolol 2 1 3
15 ibuprofen 2 2 4
19 naproxen 2 4 6
21 ranitidine 1 2 3
22 warfarin 4 3 7
23 allopurinol 1 1 2
31 probenecid 1 0 1
32 propranolol 0 1 1
39 indomethacin 0 1 1
43 clindamycin 1 0 1
44 clonidine 0 1 1
45 diltiazem 1 1 2
49 acetaminophen 3 18 21
50 methadone 0 1 1
51 nifedipine 1 0 1
70 furosemide 4 6 10
88 amoxicillin 1 0 1
112 nitrofurantoin 0 1 1
116 penicillin 1 0 1
119 sulfamethoxazole 1 0 1
132 hydralazine 0 1 1
133 methyldopa 1 0 1
134 metoprolol 6 4 10
138 prazosin 1 0 1
139 timolol 1 0 1
141 famotidine 0 1 1
144 nortriptyline 1 0 1
146 amitriptyline 0 3 3
148 diazepam 3 0 3
149 lorazepam 0 2 2
150 colchicine 1 1 2
168 alprazolam 1 0 1
170 aspirin 33 35 68
175 benztropine 0 1 1
191 chlorpheniramine 1 2 3
193 cholestyramine 1 0 1
197 clonazepam 0 1 1
210 digoxin 1 0 1
212 diphenhydramine 1 1 2
233 fentanyl 1 0 1
236 fluoxetine 1 0 1
241 folic acid 7 4 11
245 gemfibrozil 1 1 2
246 glipizide 1 1 2
248 glyburide 1 1 2
253 hydrochlorothiazide 2 3 5
262 insulin 1 0 1
265 ipratropium 0 1 1
269 isosorbide mononitrate 1 0 1
278 levothyroxine 3 7 10
314 niacin 6 3 9
321 nitroglycerin 1 1 2
325 omeprazole 3 9 12
329 oxycodone 1 1 2
345 potassium chloride 4 8 12
348 pravastatin 1 3 4
350 prednisone 3 0 3
373 spironolactone 2 1 3
384 temazepam 0 2 2
386 terazosin 1 1 2
395 trazodone 1 0 1
396 triamterene 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 3 5 8
412 pyridoxine 1 1 2
413 cyanocobalamin 4 2 6
425 calcium carbonate 3 30 33
426 ascorbic acid 6 13 19
440 sodium bicarbonate 0 1 1
484 selenium 0 1 1
488 lysine 0 2 2
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 11 27 38
537 estradiol 0 1 1
550 progesterone 0 1 1
595 glucose 0 1 1
598 calcitonin 0 1 1
683 lidocaine topical 0 1 1
689 amlodipine 2 2 4
699 epinephrine 0 1 1
728 ramipril 1 0 1
732 lisinopril 6 3 9
743 sodium polystyrene sulfonate 1 0 1
746 simvastatin 9 5 14
749 albuterol 6 4 10
797 guaifenesin 0 1 1
833 oxymorphone 0 1 1
859 meclizine 1 1 2
880 sertraline 0 2 2
907 hydroxyzine 1 0 1
910 zolpidem 0 2 2
962 chlorzoxazone 1 0 1
963 cyclobenzaprine 0 1 1
970 trihexyphenidyl 1 0 1
1017 polycarbophil 1 0 1
1018 psyllium 3 1 4
1021 docusate 1 4 5
1025 loperamide 1 0 1
1027 simethicone 0 1 1
1031 mesalamine 0 1 1
1296 fluticasone 0 2 2
1353 leuprolide 1 0 1
1406 naltrexone 1 1 2
1427 bethanechol 0 1 1
3050 loratadine 1 4 5
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 1 0 1
3075 hydrocodone 1 0 1
3126 calcitriol 0 1 1
3128 ergocalciferol 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 13 32 45
3137 calcium-vitamin d 2 23 25
3140 multivitamin 17 33 50
3141 multivitamin with iron 0 1 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 7 14 21
3154 doxylamine 1 0 1
3160 sumatriptan 0 1 1
3181 venlafaxine 2 0 2
3182 gabapentin 3 2 5
3189 torsemide 0 1 1
3206 triamcinolone topical 0 3 3
3208 metronidazole topical 0 1 1
3221 prednisolone ophthalmic 0 1 1
3266 hydrochlorothiazide-lisinopril 0 1 1
3297 acetaminophen-phenyltoloxamine 0 1 1
3312 diphenhydramine-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 1 3 4
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 1 1 2
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 0 1 1
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 0 1 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 1 0 1
3561 betamethasone-clotrimazole topical 0 1 1
3788 calcipotriene topical 0 1 1
3797 magnesium oxide 0 1 1
3805 dorzolamide ophthalmic 0 1 1
3807 metformin 3 1 4
3809 lamotrigine 0 1 1
3821 losartan 1 0 1
3822 ferrous gluconate 1 1 2
3823 iron polysaccharide 0 2 2
3824 ferrous sulfate 3 2 5
3826 tramadol 2 3 5
3827 cetirizine 1 1 2
3828 lansoprazole 1 0 1
3830 hydrochlorothiazide-losartan 1 0 1
3847 carvedilol 1 1 2
3849 alendronate 1 1 2
3864 glimepiride 1 1 2
3866 calcium citrate 1 1 2
3897 lactase 1 1 2
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 2 1 3
4025 mirtazapine 0 2 2
4048 brimonidine ophthalmic 3 0 3
4053 zafirlukast 0 1 1
4057 zinc sulfate 2 1 3
4058 melatonin 0 1 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 0 3 3
4068 azelastine nasal 2 0 2
4099 donepezil 1 0 1
4105 atorvastatin 3 4 7
4113 valsartan 2 1 3
4121 tamsulosin 2 0 2
4210 estradiol topical 0 1 1
4215 ropinirole 1 1 2
4220 quetiapine 1 0 1
4223 mometasone nasal 0 3 3
4233 triamcinolone nasal 0 2 2
4235 ipratropium nasal 0 1 1
4248 methylcellulose 1 2 3
4258 clopidogrel 4 2 6
4261 raloxifene 0 2 2
4276 budesonide 1 1 2
4279 flunisolide nasal 2 0 2
4283 fluticasone nasal 1 4 5
4286 fenofibrate 1 3 4
4290 calcium carbonate-magnesium hydroxide 0 1 1
4294 tolterodine 0 1 1
4299 sildenafil 3 0 3
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 1 0 1
4332 citalopram 1 0 1
4342 infliximab 0 1 1
4363 sevelamer 0 1 1
4365 etanercept 1 0 1
4370 insulin isophane 0 1 1
4372 insulin zinc extended 1 0 1
4373 insulin lispro 1 2 3
4380 celecoxib 1 3 4
4382 cilostazol 0 1 1
4394 cromolyn nasal 1 0 1
4395 clotrimazole topical 0 1 1
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 1 1
4411 garlic 1 0 1
4412 ginseng 1 0 1
4415 saw palmetto 3 0 3
4418 glucosamine 1 8 9
4419 chondroitin 0 1 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 6 5 11
4426 red yeast rice 0 1 1
4442 pioglitazone 1 0 1
4448 rabeprazole 0 1 1
4452 zaleplon 0 1 1
4470 cranberry 1 2 3
4491 flax 1 2 3
4497 aspirin-dipyridamole 1 0 1
4514 pantoprazole 0 2 2
4523 ubiquinone 2 6 8
4532 meloxicam 0 2 2
4537 rivastigmine 1 0 1
4538 insulin glargine 1 2 3
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 2 5 7
4722 diclofenac topical 0 1 1
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 5 0 5
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 0 1 1
4788 dutasteride 1 0 1
4795 budesonide-formoterol 0 3 3
4797 alfuzosin 1 0 1
4801 olmesartan 1 0 1
4812 escitalopram 0 2 2
4824 ezetimibe 1 2 3
4825 aripiprazole 1 0 1
4829 tiotropium 1 2 3
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 3 3
4848 inulin 0 2 2
4851 rosuvastatin 1 3 4
5283 brimonidine-timolol ophthalmic 1 0 1
5294 rifaximin 1 0 1
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 0 1 1
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 2 1 3
5355 duloxetine 0 1 1
5422 darifenacin 1 0 1
5471 alpha-d-galactosidase 0 1 1
5508 pregabalin 1 2 3
5529 exenatide 1 1 2
5702 methylsulfonylmethane 0 1 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 2 1 3
5819 diphenhydramine-ibuprofen 1 1 2
5896 sitagliptin 1 0 1
6507 cinnamon 1 1 2
6867 biotin 0 1 1
7395 dexlansoprazole 0 1 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 0 2 2
7637 pitavastatin 0 1 1

jxh050re: What is the dosage on the label of the 9th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
"-2" 2129 2356 4485
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 40 89 129
".05 mg" 0 1 1
"1 mg" 4 4 8
"150 mcg" 1 0 1
"20 mg." 1 2 3
"220 MG" 1 0 1
"360 mg" 0 1 1
"40 units AM" 0 1 1
"5 mg" 5 6 11
"5 mm" 0 1 1
"750 mg" 0 1 1
Note: Only 15 of 338 values are listed.

jxh051re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 9th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2129 2356 4485
0.50 3 1 4
1 189 283 472
2 62 108 170
3 15 22 37
3.50 1 3 4
4 15 18 33
5 1 2 3
6 0 3 3
7 1 0 1
7.50 0 1 1
8 0 2 2
10 1 0 1
12 0 2 2
15 1 0 1
36 0 1 1
777 WEEKLY 1 0 1
888 DAILY 25 30 55
999 AS NEEDED 20 54 74
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9051RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9051re: Time units: How often does the label on your 9th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_c_n, y_hlh30a9_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 63 70 133
-2 2175 2440 4615
1 TIMES PER DAY 227 383 610
2 TIMES PER WEEK 9 11 20
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH051RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh052re: What is the main reason you are taking your 9th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_d, c_y_hlh30a9_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 114 183
-18 COULD NOT CODE 1 5 6
-2 2129 2356 4485
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 1 5
110 Dermatophytosis 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 2 2 4
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 2 0 2
246 Other disorders of thyroid 2 6 8
250 Diabetes mellitus 8 7 15
266 Deficiency of B-complex components 2 0 2
268 Vitamin D deficiency 2 2 4
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 23 26 49
274 Gout 4 3 7
285 Other and unspecified anemias 2 3 5
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 2 0 2
298 Other nonorganic psychoses 1 1 2
300 Neurotic disorder 3 3 6
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 3 2 5
332 Parkinson's disease 1 2 3
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 3 1 4
346 Migraine 0 1 1
354 Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex 0 1 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 1 2 3
358 Myoneural disorders 1 0 1
362 Other retinal disorders 1 0 1
365 Glaucoma 5 3 8
371 Corneal opacity and other disorders of cornea 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 7 8 15
410 Acute myocardial infarction 0 1 1
428 Heart failure 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 1 2 3
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 0 1 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 2 2 4
446 Polyarteritis nodosa and allied conditions 1 0 1
455 Hemorrhoids 0 1 1
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 1 1 2
478 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract 0 1 1
493 Asthma 3 6 9
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 3 4 7
518 Other diseases of lung 1 0 1
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 1 1 2
530 Diseases of esophagus 1 8 9
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 0 2 2
553 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene 0 2 2
555 Regional enteritis 1 0 1
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 1 1 2
562 Diverticula of intestine 1 0 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
579 Intestinal malabsorption 0 2 2
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 0 1 1
595 Cystitis 0 1 1
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 2 0 2
695 Erythematous conditions 0 1 1
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 0 1 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 1 0 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 0 1 1
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 0 1 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 3 11 14
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 3 10 13
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 3 5 8
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 1 0 1
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 0 2 2
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 1 14 15
782 Symptoms involving skin and other integumentary tissue 1 0 1
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 1 3 4
995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
1130 Energy and drive functions 1 0 1
1134 Sleep functions 5 8 13
1144 Memory functions 1 0 1
1147 Psychomotor functions 0 1 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 4 4 8
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 1 2 3
1249 Hearing and vestibular functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 11 24 35
1410 Heart functions 35 21 56
1420 Blood pressure functions 13 9 22
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 3 1 4
1430 Haematological system functions 0 2 2
1435 Immunological system functions 8 18 26
1440 Respiration functions 1 3 4
1445 Respiratory muscle functions 1 2 3
1450 Additional respiratory functions 1 4 5
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 2 2 4
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 11 9 20
1510 Ingestion functions 0 1 1
1515 Digestive functions 0 4 4
1525 Defecation functions 4 6 10
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 3 5 8
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 0 3 3
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 3 9 12
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 0 1
1620 Urination functions 3 4 7
1639 Urinary functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1640 Sexual functions 2 0 2
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 3 3
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 5 1 6
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 7 44 51
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 0 2 2
1789 Movement functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1840 Sensation related to the skin 1 5 6
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
2110 Structure of brain 0 1 1
2198 Structure of the nervous system, other specified 0 1 1
2840 Structure of hair 0 2 2
3570 Looking after one's health 34 57 91
4355 Health professionals 2 8 10
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 1 1 2
7024 Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli 2 0 2
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 1 0 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9052re: What is the main reason you are taking your 9th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_d, c_y_hlh30a9_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 69 114 183
-18 NOT CODEABLE 1 5 6
-2 2129 2356 4485
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 1 5
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 0 1 1
20 Neoplasms 2 2 4
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 43 44 87
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 2 3 5
50 Mental Disorders 9 6 15
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 12 11 23
70 Circulatory System 11 16 27
80 Respiratory System 8 12 20
90 Digestive System 5 17 22
100 Genitourinary system 2 2 4
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 0 2 2
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 12 44 56
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 2 3 5
170 Injury and Poisoning 0 1 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 1 2
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 3 0 3
210 ICF Body Functions 127 202 329
220 ICF Body Structures 0 4 4
230 ICF Activities and Participation 34 57 91
240 ICF Environmental Factors 2 8 10
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH052RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh053re: How many times did you take your 9th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 44 61 105
-2 2129 2356 4485
1 217 335 552
2 51 101 152
3 7 17 24
4 5 1 6
5 0 1 1
6 0 1 1
7 1 0 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh054re: Century-month Participant began taking 9th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a9_f, y_hlh30a9_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 75 147 222
-2 2129 2356 4485
-1 DON'T KNOW 13 26 39
546 - 1186 44 85 129
1188 - 1254 52 80 132
1257 - 1294 58 71 129
1295 - 1321 64 78 142
1322 - 1357 43 70 113
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh055re: What is the name on the label of the 10th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2221 2481 4702
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 2 0 2
"Alphagan P" 0 1 1
"Aspirin (adult low dose)" 0 1 1
"MetfoRmin XR" 1 0 1
"OsteoBiflex" 0 1 1
"Stool softener" 0 1 1
"Ventolin" 1 0 1
"Vitamin B" 0 1 1
"Zantac" 0 1 1
"calcium + vitamins" 0 1 1
"potassium cl" 1 0 1
Note: Only 13 of 499 values are listed.

jxh055cn: What is the code for the 10th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2221 2481 4702
2 amiodarone 1 0 1
11 ciprofloxacin 0 1 1
13 enalapril 0 1 1
15 ibuprofen 0 2 2
19 naproxen 2 1 3
21 ranitidine 0 3 3
22 warfarin 6 1 7
23 allopurinol 3 1 4
28 ketoprofen 0 1 1
32 propranolol 1 1 2
48 verapamil 0 1 1
49 acetaminophen 6 11 17
50 methadone 1 0 1
70 furosemide 5 3 8
88 amoxicillin 1 4 5
91 azithromycin 0 1 1
96 cephalexin 1 0 1
132 hydralazine 1 0 1
134 metoprolol 2 2 4
135 minoxidil 1 0 1
139 timolol 1 0 1
141 famotidine 0 2 2
149 lorazepam 0 2 2
150 colchicine 1 0 1
170 aspirin 16 27 43
181 bupropion 0 1 1
191 chlorpheniramine 0 1 1
210 digoxin 1 2 3
212 diphenhydramine 2 2 4
236 fluoxetine 1 0 1
241 folic acid 3 3 6
245 gemfibrozil 0 1 1
246 glipizide 1 1 2
248 glyburide 0 3 3
253 hydrochlorothiazide 1 2 3
262 insulin 0 1 1
265 ipratropium 1 0 1
268 isosorbide dinitrate 1 0 1
269 isosorbide mononitrate 1 1 2
278 levothyroxine 4 4 8
280 lovastatin 1 1 2
284 medroxyprogesterone 0 1 1
314 niacin 2 5 7
321 nitroglycerin 1 4 5
325 omeprazole 5 7 12
328 oxybutynin 0 1 1
329 oxycodone 0 1 1
334 pentazocine 0 1 1
345 potassium chloride 4 4 8
348 pravastatin 2 1 3
350 prednisone 0 2 2
366 quinine 0 1 1
373 spironolactone 0 1 1
377 sucralfate 0 1 1
384 temazepam 1 0 1
386 terazosin 1 0 1
395 trazodone 1 0 1
396 triamterene 0 2 2
405 vitamin e 1 6 7
412 pyridoxine 1 0 1
413 cyanocobalamin 5 7 12
425 calcium carbonate 4 15 19
426 ascorbic acid 3 5 8
488 lysine 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 12 26 38
537 estradiol 0 1 1
620 triamcinolone 1 0 1
683 lidocaine topical 0 1 1
689 amlodipine 1 2 3
728 ramipril 0 1 1
730 benazepril 0 1 1
732 lisinopril 4 3 7
746 simvastatin 8 1 9
749 albuterol 2 6 8
797 guaifenesin 2 0 2
817 hydroxychloroquine 2 1 3
848 diclofenac 0 1 1
880 sertraline 0 1 1
907 hydroxyzine 0 2 2
910 zolpidem 1 2 3
963 cyclobenzaprine 0 2 2
982 magnesium hydroxide 1 0 1
992 glycopyrrolate 0 1 1
1013 senna 0 1 1
1017 polycarbophil 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 1 5 6
1021 docusate 1 3 4
1025 loperamide 0 2 2
1026 bismuth subsalicylate 0 1 1
1293 fluocinolone topical 0 1 1
1296 fluticasone 0 2 2
3050 loratadine 0 4 4
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 0 1 1
3128 ergocalciferol 1 0 1
3129 cholecalciferol 9 22 31
3130 thiamine 0 1 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 3 13 16
3140 multivitamin 14 26 40
3145 multivitamin with minerals 6 15 21
3157 paroxetine 0 1 1
3181 venlafaxine 0 2 2
3182 gabapentin 1 2 3
3197 betamethasone topical 0 1 1
3206 triamcinolone topical 1 0 1
3208 metronidazole topical 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 0 1 1
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 2 0 2
3434 acetaminophen-propoxyphene 1 0 1
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 0 3 3
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 0 2 2
3644 lactobacillus acidophilus 0 1 1
3739 niacinamide 0 1 1
3770 emollients, topical 2 0 2
3797 magnesium oxide 1 0 1
3807 metformin 3 1 4
3818 loratadine-pseudoephedrine 1 1 2
3821 losartan 2 0 2
3823 iron polysaccharide 0 4 4
3824 ferrous sulfate 2 2 4
3826 tramadol 1 5 6
3827 cetirizine 1 0 1
3828 lansoprazole 0 1 1
3847 carvedilol 1 0 1
3849 alendronate 0 2 2
3897 lactase 0 1 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 0 1 1
4040 fexofenadine 1 0 1
4048 brimonidine ophthalmic 0 2 2
4049 ammonium lactate topical 0 1 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 0 3 3
4105 atorvastatin 4 2 6
4113 valsartan 1 0 1
4121 tamsulosin 3 0 3
4145 pramipexole 2 0 2
4210 estradiol topical 0 1 1
4223 mometasone nasal 1 0 1
4248 methylcellulose 0 1 1
4258 clopidogrel 0 1 1
4286 fenofibrate 0 1 1
4289 montelukast 0 1 1
4300 risedronate 0 1 1
4301 brinzolamide ophthalmic 1 0 1
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 2 0 2
4332 citalopram 0 1 1
4349 leflunomide 0 1 1
4364 telmisartan 0 1 1
4365 etanercept 1 0 1
4374 insulin isophane-insulin regular 0 1 1
4380 celecoxib 0 1 1
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 1 1
4411 garlic 1 1 2
4415 saw palmetto 2 0 2
4418 glucosamine 2 7 9
4419 chondroitin 0 1 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 6 13 19
4425 dehydroepiandrosterone 0 1 1
4426 red yeast rice 1 0 1
4427 levalbuterol 2 1 3
4442 pioglitazone 2 0 2
4459 dofetilide 0 1 1
4470 cranberry 1 3 4
4491 flax 0 3 3
4514 pantoprazole 1 1 2
4523 ubiquinone 2 4 6
4532 meloxicam 0 1 1
4538 insulin glargine 3 3 6
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 2 1 3
4697 insulin aspart 2 1 3
4700 balsalazide 1 0 1
4749 esomeprazole 2 1 3
4753 travoprost ophthalmic 1 2 3
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 1 0 1
4785 desloratadine 0 1 1
4795 budesonide-formoterol 0 1 1
4829 tiotropium 1 0 1
4851 rosuvastatin 2 2 4
4896 tadalafil 1 0 1
5262 mometasone 0 1 1
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 2 2 4
5355 duloxetine 1 0 1
5413 solifenacin 0 1 1
5421 eszopiclone 1 0 1
5436 insulin detemir 1 0 1
5654 acetaminophen/diphenhydramine/phenylephrine 0 1 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 0 1 1
6635 milnacipran 1 0 1
6655 alpha-lipoic acid 0 1 1
6860 oxygen 1 0 1
7137 dabigatran 1 0 1
7162 fesoterodine 0 1 1

jxh056re: What is the dosage on the label of the 10th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
"-2" 2221 2481 4702
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 35 73 108
"2,000" 1 0 1
"200 unit/ml" 1 0 1
"2000" 1 1 2
"20mg" 1 0 1
"25 m" 1 0 1
"40 MG" 1 0 1
"50 mg." 0 1 1
"500" 3 0 3
"70 mg" 0 2 2
"OTC" 0 2 2
Note: Only 15 of 290 values are listed.

jxh057re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 10th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2221 2481 4702
0.25 0 1 1
0.50 5 5 10
1 128 209 337
1.50 1 1 2
2 48 79 127
3 8 14 22
3.50 2 5 7
4 11 5 16
5 0 4 4
5.50 1 0 1
6 2 2 4
7 0 1 1
8 0 4 4
9 1 0 1
12 0 2 2
24 0 1 1
777 WEEKLY 0 1 1
888 DAILY 21 25 46
999 AS NEEDED 18 54 72
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9057RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9057re: Time units: How often does the label on your 10th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_c_n, y_hlh30a10_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 43 49 92
-2 2260 2561 4821
1 TIMES PER DAY 164 290 454
2 TIMES PER WEEK 9 11 20
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH057RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh058re: What is the main reason you are taking your 10th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_d, c_y_hlh30a10_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 51 90 141
-18 COULD NOT CODE 3 8 11
-2 2221 2481 4702
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 1 6
53 Herpes zoster 0 1 1
110 Dermatophytosis 1 0 1
114 Coccidiomycosis 0 1 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 0 2 2
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 1 0 1
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 0 2 2
246 Other disorders of thyroid 2 2 4
250 Diabetes mellitus 10 9 19
268 Vitamin D deficiency 2 1 3
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 20 11 31
274 Gout 4 2 6
285 Other and unspecified anemias 1 3 4
287 Purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions 0 1 1
300 Neurotic disorder 0 1 1
308 Acute reaction to stress 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 1 4 5
332 Parkinson's disease 1 1 2
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 2 1 3
346 Migraine 0 1 1
354 Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex 0 1 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 1 0 1
365 Glaucoma 3 5 8
401 Essential hypertension 2 3 5
413 Angina pectoris 2 2 4
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 2 2 4
428 Heart failure 0 2 2
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 0 1 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 1 0 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 0 2 2
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 1 0 1
473 Chronic sinusitis 0 1 1
493 Asthma 4 6 10
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 2 1 3
530 Diseases of esophagus 3 7 10
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 1 3 4
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 1 1 2
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 3 3
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 1 0 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 0 1 1
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 0 1 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 7 10 17
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 1 8 9
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 1 3 4
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 1 0 1
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 0 2 2
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 0 9 9
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 0 2 2
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 1 0 1
1130 Energy and drive functions 1 0 1
1134 Sleep functions 5 7 12
1147 Psychomotor functions 0 1 1
1164 Higher-level cognitive functions 1 0 1
1210 Seeing functions 0 1 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 3 1 4
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 1 5 6
1280 Sensation of pain 7 18 25
1410 Heart functions 19 20 39
1420 Blood pressure functions 7 5 12
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 0 3 3
1430 Haematological system functions 0 1 1
1435 Immunological system functions 4 9 13
1440 Respiration functions 2 3 5
1445 Respiratory muscle functions 2 0 2
1450 Additional respiratory functions 1 2 3
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 1 4 5
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 8 9 17
1515 Digestive functions 0 1 1
1520 Assimilation functions 0 1 1
1525 Defecation functions 5 5 10
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 4 6 10
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 0 7 7
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 8 7 15
1610 Urinary excretory functions 3 0 3
1620 Urination functions 2 3 5
1639 Urinary functions, other specified and unspecified 0 2 2
1640 Sexual functions 1 0 1
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 3 2 5
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 4 26 30
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 0 2 2
1840 Sensation related to the skin 0 1 1
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 1 1 2
2199 Structure of the nervous system, unspecified 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 20 49 69
4355 Health professionals 1 6 7
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 1 0 1
6046 Other Dependence On Machines 0 1 1
7024 Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli 1 2 3
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 1 0 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9058re: What is the main reason you are taking your 10th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_d, c_y_hlh30a10_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 51 90 141
-18 NOT CODEABLE 3 8 11
-2 2221 2481 4702
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 1 6
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 4 5
20 Neoplasms 1 0 1
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 38 27 65
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 1 4 5
50 Mental Disorders 1 6 7
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 7 9 16
70 Circulatory System 7 12 19
80 Respiratory System 7 8 15
90 Digestive System 5 14 19
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 11 34 45
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 2 3
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 0 1
190 ICD-9 V Codes 0 1 1
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 2 2 4
210 ICF Body Functions 93 153 246
220 ICF Body Structures 0 1 1
230 ICF Activities and Participation 20 49 69
240 ICF Environmental Factors 1 6 7
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH058RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh059re: How many times did you take your 10th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 40 47 87
-2 2221 2481 4702
1 150 260 410
2 41 69 110
3 6 11 17
4 2 4 6
5 0 2 2
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh060re: Century-month Participant began taking 10th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a10_f, y_hlh30a10_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 58 109 167
-2 2221 2481 4702
-1 DON'T KNOW 14 16 30
546 - 1192 32 66 98
1194 - 1254 36 66 102
1256 - 1300 39 60 99
1302 - 1322 39 61 100
1323 - 1361 39 54 93
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh061re: What is the name on the label of the 11th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"(OTC) Fish Oil" 0 1 1
"-2" 2291 2597 4888
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 2 0 2
"Amoxicillan" 0 1 1
"Aspirin" 5 12 17
"Co Q-10" 0 1 1
"Evista" 0 1 1
"Fluticason Propionate" 1 0 1
"Glucosamine chondroitin MSM complex" 1 0 1
"Prilosic" 0 1 1
"novlog" 1 0 1
"simvastatin" 1 0 1
Note: Only 13 of 385 values are listed.

jxh061cn: What is the code for the 11th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2291 2597 4888
4 atenolol 0 1 1
15 ibuprofen 0 3 3
19 naproxen 2 5 7
22 warfarin 3 2 5
23 allopurinol 0 1 1
32 propranolol 1 1 2
43 clindamycin 0 2 2
44 clonidine 2 0 2
45 diltiazem 2 1 3
48 verapamil 0 1 1
49 acetaminophen 4 9 13
60 methotrexate 0 1 1
70 furosemide 2 1 3
88 amoxicillin 0 1 1
98 dapsone 1 0 1
132 hydralazine 1 0 1
134 metoprolol 2 1 3
139 timolol 0 1 1
141 famotidine 0 2 2
146 amitriptyline 0 1 1
149 lorazepam 0 1 1
170 aspirin 15 29 44
191 chlorpheniramine 0 1 1
193 cholestyramine 0 1 1
212 diphenhydramine 1 4 5
241 folic acid 4 2 6
253 hydrochlorothiazide 1 0 1
262 insulin 2 1 3
265 ipratropium 2 1 3
268 isosorbide dinitrate 1 0 1
269 isosorbide mononitrate 1 0 1
278 levothyroxine 2 1 3
314 niacin 1 1 2
321 nitroglycerin 1 0 1
325 omeprazole 2 5 7
329 oxycodone 0 2 2
345 potassium chloride 0 1 1
348 pravastatin 0 1 1
350 prednisone 2 2 4
363 pyridostigmine 1 0 1
373 spironolactone 0 1 1
386 terazosin 2 0 2
395 trazodone 1 0 1
397 triazolam 2 0 2
405 vitamin e 2 4 6
413 cyanocobalamin 1 3 4
417 bioflavonoids 0 1 1
425 calcium carbonate 4 14 18
426 ascorbic acid 4 10 14
488 lysine 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 15 19 34
558 testosterone 1 0 1
620 triamcinolone 1 0 1
689 amlodipine 0 3 3
699 epinephrine 1 0 1
726 doxazosin 1 0 1
732 lisinopril 3 0 3
746 simvastatin 3 2 5
749 albuterol 2 4 6
848 diclofenac 0 1 1
880 sertraline 1 1 2
910 zolpidem 3 1 4
963 cyclobenzaprine 0 1 1
964 metaxalone 0 1 1
965 methocarbamol 0 1 1
967 baclofen 1 1 2
1013 senna 1 0 1
1015 bisacodyl 0 1 1
1017 polycarbophil 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 1 4 5
1021 docusate 0 4 4
1025 loperamide 0 2 2
1231 chlorhexidine topical 0 1 1
1236 clotrimazole 0 1 1
1259 silver sulfadiazine topical 1 0 1
1291 desoximetasone topical 0 1 1
1296 fluticasone 1 3 4
3050 loratadine 1 3 4
3075 hydrocodone 0 1 1
3126 calcitriol 1 0 1
3128 ergocalciferol 1 0 1
3129 cholecalciferol 5 11 16
3137 calcium-vitamin d 1 9 10
3140 multivitamin 7 16 23
3145 multivitamin with minerals 5 10 15
3182 gabapentin 3 3 6
3208 metronidazole topical 0 1 1
3289 acetaminophen-pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
3400 dextromethorphan-guaifenesin 0 2 2
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 1 2 3
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 0 1 1
3457 aspirin/butalbital/caffeine 0 1 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 1 1 2
3663 lecithin 1 0 1
3739 niacinamide 0 1 1
3790 potassium phosphate 1 0 1
3807 metformin 3 1 4
3821 losartan 1 0 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 2 1 3
3826 tramadol 0 2 2
3847 carvedilol 0 1 1
3849 alendronate 0 3 3
3864 glimepiride 1 0 1
3866 calcium citrate 0 1 1
4017 latanoprost ophthalmic 0 1 1
4058 melatonin 1 0 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 0 3 3
4099 donepezil 0 2 2
4102 tizanidine 0 1 1
4105 atorvastatin 0 1 1
4142 chromium picolinate 0 1 1
4210 estradiol topical 0 1 1
4248 methylcellulose 0 2 2
4258 clopidogrel 0 1 1
4261 raloxifene 0 1 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 1 1 2
4286 fenofibrate 1 1 2
4289 montelukast 1 1 2
4290 calcium carbonate-magnesium hydroxide 1 0 1
4299 sildenafil 2 0 2
4303 dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic 0 1 1
4332 citalopram 0 1 1
4369 insulin regular 0 1 1
4373 insulin lispro 1 1 2
4411 garlic 1 0 1
4413 ginkgo 1 0 1
4418 glucosamine 3 4 7
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 1 3 4
4426 red yeast rice 0 2 2
4441 ketotifen ophthalmic 0 1 1
4442 pioglitazone 1 0 1
4491 flax 1 1 2
4497 aspirin-dipyridamole 0 1 1
4523 ubiquinone 0 3 3
4524 s-adenosylmethionine 0 1 1
4538 insulin glargine 3 0 3
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 1 2 3
4697 insulin aspart 2 0 2
4732 tryptophan 0 1 1
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 0 1 1
4764 cetirizine-pseudoephedrine 1 0 1
4785 desloratadine 0 1 1
4795 budesonide-formoterol 0 1 1
4812 escitalopram 1 0 1
4824 ezetimibe 2 0 2
4829 tiotropium 1 0 1
4839 insulin aspart-insulin aspart protamine 0 1 1
5262 mometasone 1 0 1
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 2 1 3
5355 duloxetine 0 1 1
5421 eszopiclone 1 0 1
5508 pregabalin 0 1 1
5660 hydroxyquinoline topical 0 1 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 1 2 3
5851 levocetirizine 0 1 1
5896 sitagliptin 0 1 1
6507 cinnamon 0 1 1
6848 lutein 2 1 3
7395 dexlansoprazole 0 1 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 0 2 2
7693 aspirin-calcium carbonate 0 1 1

jxh062re: What is the dosage on the label of the 11th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
"-2" 2291 2598 4889
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 16 56 72
"0.25" 1 0 1
"0.5 mg tablet" 0 1 1
"1" 0 2 2
"1000 mcg" 0 1 1
"2 sprays" 1 0 1
"325" 1 0 1
"500 MG" 1 0 1
"81 mg" 7 19 26
"9 mg" 1 0 1
"varies" 1 0 1
Note: Only 15 of 227 values are listed.

jxh063re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 11th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2291 2598 4889
0.50 3 0 3
1 100 147 247
1.50 2 3 5
2 26 53 79
3 6 10 16
3.50 1 1 2
4 9 13 22
5 0 1 1
6 1 7 8
8 1 1 2
8.50 1 0 1
10 1 0 1
888 DAILY 18 24 42
999 AS NEEDED 12 39 51
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9063RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9063re: Time units: How often does the label on your 11th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_c_n, y_hlh30a11_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 30 36 66
-2 2321 2661 4982
1 TIMES PER DAY 123 204 327
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH063RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh064re: What is the main reason you are taking your 11th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_d, c_y_hlh30a11_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 38 63 101
-18 COULD NOT CODE 2 4 6
-2 2291 2598 4889
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
53 Herpes zoster 1 0 1
114 Coccidiomycosis 0 1 1
154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 1 0 1
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 1 0 1
246 Other disorders of thyroid 1 1 2
250 Diabetes mellitus 9 6 15
268 Vitamin D deficiency 2 1 3
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 11 9 20
274 Gout 1 1 2
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 1 1
287 Purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions 0 1 1
300 Neurotic disorder 1 1 2
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 1 2 3
332 Parkinson's disease 1 0 1
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 0 1 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 2 3 5
358 Myoneural disorders 1 0 1
362 Other retinal disorders 1 0 1
365 Glaucoma 0 5 5
401 Essential hypertension 7 3 10
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 2 2 4
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 0 2 2
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 0 1 1
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 1 1 2
473 Chronic sinusitis 0 1 1
477 Allergic rhinitis 0 1 1
491 Chronic bronchitis 2 0 2
493 Asthma 3 8 11
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 2 0 2
530 Diseases of esophagus 2 6 8
562 Diverticula of intestine 0 1 1
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 0 1
708 Urticaria 1 0 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 0 1 1
715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 0 1 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 1 4 5
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 2 2 4
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 1 3 4
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 1 1 2
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 0 8 8
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 0 1 1
1134 Sleep functions 7 4 11
1144 Memory functions 0 2 2
1147 Psychomotor functions 1 0 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 0 1 1
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 1 2 3
1280 Sensation of pain 6 14 20
1410 Heart functions 17 20 37
1415 Blood vessel functions 0 1 1
1420 Blood pressure functions 4 2 6
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 0 3 3
1435 Immunological system functions 5 6 11
1440 Respiration functions 1 2 3
1445 Respiratory muscle functions 1 0 1
1450 Additional respiratory functions 1 6 7
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 1 2 3
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 11 10 21
1525 Defecation functions 3 6 9
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 1 2 3
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 1 3 4
1540 General metabolic functions 1 0 1
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 2 3 5
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 1 2
1620 Urination functions 2 1 3
1640 Sexual functions 1 0 1
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 1 1
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 4 21 25
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 1 2 3
1840 Sensation related to the skin 0 2 2
2110 Structure of brain 0 1 1
2320 Structure of mouth 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 13 38 51
4355 Health professionals 0 4 4
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 1 1 2
7037 Other operations on heart and pericardium 0 1 1
7046 Other operations on intestine 0 1 1
7081 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9064re: What is the main reason you are taking your 11th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_d, c_y_hlh30a11_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 38 63 101
-18 NOT CODEABLE 2 4 6
-2 2291 2598 4889
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 1 2
20 Neoplasms 1 1 2
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 25 18 43
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 0 2 2
50 Mental Disorders 2 3 5
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 5 9 14
70 Circulatory System 9 9 18
80 Respiratory System 8 11 19
90 Digestive System 2 7 9
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 2 0 2
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 5 20 25
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 0 1 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 1 2
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 0 3 3
210 ICF Body Functions 73 117 190
220 ICF Body Structures 0 2 2
230 ICF Activities and Participation 13 38 51
240 ICF Environmental Factors 0 4 4
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH064RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh065re: How many times did you take your 11th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 36 39 75
-2 2291 2598 4889
1 105 177 282
2 19 49 68
3 9 12 21
4 4 6 10
5 1 0 1
6 1 0 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh066re: Century-month Participant began taking 11th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a11_f, y_hlh30a11_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 47 84 131
-2 2291 2598 4889
-1 DON'T KNOW 10 17 27
721 - 1201 22 46 68
1202 - 1242 27 42 69
1243 - 1290 28 40 68
1293 - 1321 24 44 68
1322 - 1357 29 42 71
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh067re: What is the name on the label of the 12th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2370 2730 5100
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 0 1 1
"Lisinopril & Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets" 1 0 1
"Mature Mali (Similar to Centurm Silver)" 1 0 1
"Methylphenidate" 1 0 1
"Niacin" 1 0 1
"Primidone" 1 0 1
"SensiPar" 0 1 1
"Simvastin" 0 1 1
"meloxicam" 1 0 1
"proventil" 1 0 1
Note: Only 12 of 243 values are listed.

jxh067cn: What is the code for the 12th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2370 2730 5100
15 ibuprofen 0 2 2
18 nadolol 0 1 1
19 naproxen 0 1 1
22 warfarin 2 1 3
45 diltiazem 1 0 1
49 acetaminophen 1 3 4
88 amoxicillin 0 1 1
124 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 1 0 1
134 metoprolol 0 1 1
139 timolol 0 1 1
141 famotidine 0 1 1
149 lorazepam 1 1 2
170 aspirin 7 13 20
191 chlorpheniramine 0 1 1
193 cholestyramine 1 0 1
212 diphenhydramine 1 1 2
241 folic acid 0 2 2
246 glipizide 0 1 1
253 hydrochlorothiazide 1 0 1
260 indapamide 0 1 1
262 insulin 1 0 1
280 lovastatin 1 1 2
314 niacin 2 0 2
325 omeprazole 4 2 6
328 oxybutynin 0 1 1
348 pravastatin 1 0 1
350 prednisone 0 1 1
352 primidone 1 0 1
373 spironolactone 1 2 3
377 sucralfate 0 2 2
386 terazosin 2 0 2
405 vitamin e 0 4 4
412 pyridoxine 1 0 1
413 cyanocobalamin 0 2 2
425 calcium carbonate 2 10 12
426 ascorbic acid 2 3 5
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 9 7 16
541 conjugated estrogens 0 3 3
563 finasteride 1 0 1
595 glucose 0 1 1
683 lidocaine topical 0 1 1
689 amlodipine 1 1 2
732 lisinopril 3 0 3
746 simvastatin 1 4 5
749 albuterol 4 4 8
796 benzonatate 0 1 1
797 guaifenesin 2 0 2
900 methylphenidate 1 0 1
907 hydroxyzine 0 1 1
910 zolpidem 1 2 3
963 cyclobenzaprine 0 1 1
1013 senna 0 1 1
1017 polycarbophil 0 1 1
1021 docusate 0 1 1
3050 loratadine 1 2 3
3075 hydrocodone 0 2 2
3129 cholecalciferol 4 8 12
3137 calcium-vitamin d 0 7 7
3140 multivitamin 6 13 19
3145 multivitamin with minerals 3 6 9
3157 paroxetine 1 0 1
3182 gabapentin 1 0 1
3221 prednisolone ophthalmic 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 1 1 2
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 0 1 1
3644 lactobacillus acidophilus 0 1 1
3665 menthol topical 0 1 1
3759 salmeterol 0 1 1
3768 ocular lubricant 1 0 1
3807 metformin 1 0 1
3821 losartan 1 2 3
3822 ferrous gluconate 1 0 1
3823 iron polysaccharide 0 1 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 0 1 1
3827 cetirizine 1 0 1
3830 hydrochlorothiazide-losartan 1 0 1
3849 alendronate 0 1 1
3866 calcium citrate 1 0 1
4025 mirtazapine 1 0 1
4102 tizanidine 0 1 1
4105 atorvastatin 0 1 1
4115 topiramate 1 0 1
4117 olopatadine ophthalmic 0 1 1
4138 tazarotene topical 0 1 1
4210 estradiol topical 0 1 1
4220 quetiapine 0 1 1
4223 mometasone nasal 0 1 1
4271 diclofenac-misoprostol 0 1 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 1 1 2
4299 sildenafil 1 0 1
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 1 1
4399 nystatin topical 0 1 1
4411 garlic 0 2 2
4415 saw palmetto 1 0 1
4418 glucosamine 0 3 3
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 0 2 2
4425 dehydroepiandrosterone 1 0 1
4426 red yeast rice 0 1 1
4470 cranberry 1 1 2
4472 black cohosh 0 1 1
4523 ubiquinone 2 3 5
4532 meloxicam 1 0 1
4538 insulin glargine 4 1 5
4541 azelastine ophthalmic 1 0 1
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 0 1 1
4695 colesevelam 0 1 1
4697 insulin aspart 2 1 3
4750 galantamine 1 0 1
4784 pimecrolimus topical 1 1 2
4797 alfuzosin 1 0 1
4851 rosuvastatin 0 1 1
4896 tadalafil 1 0 1
5049 calcitriol topical 1 0 1
5218 cinacalcet 0 1 1
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 0 1 1
5436 insulin detemir 0 1 1
5702 methylsulfonylmethane 0 1 1
5719 ranolazine 1 0 1
5896 sitagliptin 0 2 2
6655 alpha-lipoic acid 1 0 1
7395 dexlansoprazole 0 1 1

jxh068re: What is the dosage on the label of the 12th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
"-2" 2372 2731 5103
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 15 32 47
"0.3 mg" 0 1 1
"100,000 use/GM" 0 1 1
"12 mg" 1 0 1
"3,000 mg" 0 1 1
"30 units" 1 1 2
"50 units" 0 1 1
"500 mg Tab." 0 1 1
"6 600" 0 1 1
"6 mg" 1 0 1
Note: Only 14 of 163 values are listed.

jxh069re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 12th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2372 2731 5103
0.50 1 3 4
1 46 84 130
1.50 2 0 2
2 18 27 45
3 6 9 15
3.50 0 2 2
4 4 6 10
6 1 1 2
7.50 1 0 1
12 0 1 1
777 WEEKLY 0 2 2
888 DAILY 11 18 29
999 AS NEEDED 12 19 31
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9069RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9069re: Time units: How often does the label on your 12th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_c_n, y_hlh30a12_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 18 24 42
-2 2395 2770 5165
1 TIMES PER DAY 63 114 177
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH069RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh070re: What is the main reason you are taking your 12th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_d, c_y_hlh30a12_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 29 47 76
-18 COULD NOT CODE 1 2 3
-2 2372 2731 5103
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
246 Other disorders of thyroid 0 1 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 7 7 14
268 Vitamin D deficiency 1 0 1
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 5 10 15
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 1 1
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 1 0 1
300 Neurotic disorder 2 0 2
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 1 0 1
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 1 0 1
356 Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy 1 1 2
362 Other retinal disorders 0 1 1
365 Glaucoma 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 4 1 5
413 Angina pectoris 1 0 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 1 0 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 0 1
493 Asthma 2 3 5
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 0 1 1
530 Diseases of esophagus 1 3 4
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 1 0 1
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 0 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 1 0 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 1 0 1
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 0 1 1
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 0 1 1
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 0 1 1
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 1 0 1
814 Fracture of carpal bone(s) 0 1 1
1130 Energy and drive functions 1 0 1
1134 Sleep functions 2 2 4
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 1 1 2
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 1 9 10
1410 Heart functions 9 9 18
1420 Blood pressure functions 0 5 5
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1435 Immunological system functions 3 5 8
1440 Respiration functions 1 0 1
1450 Additional respiratory functions 0 3 3
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 2 2 4
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 2 4 6
1520 Assimilation functions 1 0 1
1525 Defecation functions 0 1 1
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 2 2 4
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 0 3 3
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 2 2 4
1620 Urination functions 0 2 2
1639 Urinary functions, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1640 Sexual functions 1 1 2
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 1 1
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 1 1 2
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 1 11 12
1765 Involuntary movement functions 1 0 1
1840 Sensation related to the skin 1 2 3
3570 Looking after one's health 8 21 29
4355 Health professionals 0 1 1
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 0 1 1
6025 Encounter For Contraceptive Management 0 1 1
6043 Organ Or Tissue Replaced By Other Means 0 1 1
7068 Other incision and excision of uterus 0 2 2
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9070re: What is the main reason you are taking your 12th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_d, c_y_hlh30a12_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 29 47 76
-18 NOT CODEABLE 1 2 3
-2 2372 2731 5103
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 13 18 31
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 0 1 1
50 Mental Disorders 4 0 4
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 2 3 5
70 Circulatory System 7 1 8
80 Respiratory System 2 4 6
90 Digestive System 1 3 4
100 Genitourinary system 1 0 1
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 1 0 1
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 2 4 6
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 0 1
170 Injury and Poisoning 0 1 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 0 1 1
190 ICD-9 V Codes 0 2 2
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 0 2 2
210 ICF Body Functions 33 68 101
230 ICF Activities and Participation 8 21 29
240 ICF Environmental Factors 0 1 1
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH070RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh071re: How many times did you take your 12th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 37 41 78
-2 2372 2731 5103
1 45 97 142
2 13 21 34
3 4 4 8
4 2 2 4
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh072re: Century-month Participant began taking 12th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a12_f, y_hlh30a12_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 40 60 100
-2 2372 2731 5103
-1 DON'T KNOW 7 8 15
726 - 1158 8 26 34
1170 - 1242 10 24 34
1245 - 1283 13 21 34
1284 - 1317 7 28 35
1318 - 1350 21 15 36
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh073re: What is the name on the label of the 13th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2401 2783 5184
"Align Probiotic" 0 1 1
"Cal/Mag/Zinc/Calcium" 1 0 1
"Fish oil" 1 0 1
"Glucosamine" 1 0 1
"Multi Vitamin w/ Folic Acid" 0 1 1
"Potassium Gluconate" 0 1 1
"Pseudoephedrin- 12 hr" 0 1 1
"Ranitidine" 0 1 1
"Vitamin C" 0 3 3
Note: Only 11 of 191 values are listed.

jxh073cn: What is the code for the 13th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2401 2783 5184
2 amiodarone 1 0 1
19 naproxen 2 0 2
21 ranitidine 0 1 1
22 warfarin 1 0 1
23 allopurinol 1 0 1
49 acetaminophen 2 6 8
52 ceftriaxone 0 1 1
60 methotrexate 0 1 1
70 furosemide 1 1 2
88 amoxicillin 1 0 1
134 metoprolol 0 1 1
146 amitriptyline 0 1 1
148 diazepam 0 1 1
149 lorazepam 1 0 1
168 alprazolam 0 1 1
170 aspirin 3 3 6
181 bupropion 0 1 1
236 fluoxetine 0 1 1
241 folic acid 1 1 2
253 hydrochlorothiazide 2 0 2
262 insulin 0 1 1
265 ipratropium 1 1 2
278 levothyroxine 0 2 2
299 metolazone 1 0 1
321 nitroglycerin 0 1 1
325 omeprazole 0 2 2
345 potassium chloride 2 2 4
350 prednisone 1 1 2
402 vitamin a 0 2 2
405 vitamin e 0 1 1
412 pyridoxine 0 1 1
425 calcium carbonate 1 3 4
426 ascorbic acid 1 6 7
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 3 4 7
732 lisinopril 1 0 1
746 simvastatin 3 1 4
749 albuterol 0 2 2
769 pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
772 oxymetazoline nasal 0 1 1
797 guaifenesin 0 2 2
880 sertraline 1 1 2
900 methylphenidate 1 0 1
910 zolpidem 0 1 1
1013 senna 0 1 1
1015 bisacodyl 1 0 1
1021 docusate 0 2 2
1267 mupirocin topical 0 2 2
1292 diflorasone topical 0 1 1
3050 loratadine 0 2 2
3052 hydrochlorothiazide-triamterene 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 1 8 9
3130 thiamine 1 0 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 1 4 5
3140 multivitamin 2 3 5
3145 multivitamin with minerals 1 5 6
3157 paroxetine 1 0 1
3200 erythromycin topical 0 1 1
3206 triamcinolone topical 1 1 2
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 1 0 1
3445 acetaminophen-diphenhydramine 1 0 1
3473 carbidopa-levodopa 1 0 1
3789 potassium gluconate 0 1 1
3797 magnesium oxide 0 1 1
3807 metformin 2 0 2
3821 losartan 1 0 1
3822 ferrous gluconate 0 1 1
3823 iron polysaccharide 0 1 1
3827 cetirizine 1 0 1
3847 carvedilol 1 0 1
3849 alendronate 0 1 1
4053 zafirlukast 0 1 1
4056 zinc gluconate 1 0 1
4058 melatonin 1 1 2
4105 atorvastatin 0 1 1
4223 mometasone nasal 0 1 1
4242 sodium chloride nasal 0 1 1
4279 flunisolide nasal 2 0 2
4283 fluticasone nasal 0 1 1
4289 montelukast 2 0 2
4290 calcium carbonate-magnesium hydroxide 1 0 1
4332 citalopram 0 1 1
4373 insulin lispro 1 0 1
4396 conjugated estrogens topical 0 1 1
4399 nystatin topical 0 1 1
4411 garlic 1 0 1
4418 glucosamine 1 2 3
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 1 1 2
4427 levalbuterol 1 0 1
4491 flax 0 1 1
4523 ubiquinone 0 3 3
4538 insulin glargine 1 1 2
4697 insulin aspart 0 1 1
4722 diclofenac topical 0 1 1
4824 ezetimibe 0 1 1
4851 rosuvastatin 1 0 1
4890 ciprofloxacin-dexamethasone otic 1 0 1
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 1 0 1
5436 insulin detemir 0 1 1
5696 lenalidomide 1 0 1
5702 methylsulfonylmethane 0 1 1
5748 brewer's yeast 0 1 1
6507 cinnamon 1 2 3
6860 oxygen 1 0 1
6867 biotin 0 1 1
7347 bifidobacterium infantis 0 1 1
7395 dexlansoprazole 0 1 1

jxh074re: What is the dosage on the label of the 13th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
"-2" 2402 2784 5186
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 8 26 34
"-Furit 2" 0 1 1
"0.3% 0.1%" 1 0 1
"15,500 IU" 0 1 1
"2.5ml" 1 0 1
"2500 mg" 0 1 1
"40 mg" 0 4 4
"400 mcg" 1 0 1
"4000 IU" 0 2 2
"60 mg" 0 1 1
"7.5/500 mg" 1 0 1
Note: Only 15 of 115 values are listed.

jxh075re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 13th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2402 2784 5186
0.50 0 1 1
1 39 58 97
1.50 0 1 1
2 11 29 40
3 0 5 5
4 5 5 10
5 0 1 1
6 1 1 2
8 1 0 1
888 DAILY 8 10 18
999 AS NEEDED 8 14 22
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9075RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9075re: Time units: How often does the label on your 13th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_c_n, y_hlh30a13_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 10 13 23
-2 2418 2808 5226
1 TIMES PER DAY 50 88 138
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH075RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh076re: What is the main reason you are taking your 13th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_d, c_y_hlh30a13_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 18 37 55
-18 COULD NOT CODE 1 1 2
-2 2402 2784 5186
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
53 Herpes zoster 1 0 1
204 Lymphoid leukemia 1 0 1
244 Acquired hypothyroidism 0 1 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 4 2 6
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 3 3 6
285 Other and unspecified anemias 0 1 1
300 Neurotic disorder 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 2 4 6
314 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 1 0 1
332 Parkinson's disease 1 0 1
362 Other retinal disorders 0 1 1
380 Disorders of external ear 1 0 1
401 Essential hypertension 0 1 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 1 0 1
443 Other peripheral vascular disease 1 0 1
460 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 1 1 2
493 Asthma 0 2 2
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 2 1 3
530 Diseases of esophagus 0 1 1
558 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis 0 1 1
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 1 2
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 0 3 3
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 0 2 2
723 Other disorder of cervical region 1 0 1
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 0 1 1
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 1 3 4
1134 Sleep functions 1 2 3
1210 Seeing functions 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 1 2 3
1410 Heart functions 9 6 15
1420 Blood pressure functions 1 0 1
1430 Haematological system functions 0 1 1
1435 Immunological system functions 4 5 9
1440 Respiration functions 1 0 1
1445 Respiratory muscle functions 1 0 1
1450 Additional respiratory functions 0 3 3
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 1 3 4
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 1 0 1
1515 Digestive functions 0 1 1
1525 Defecation functions 1 2 3
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 1 0 1
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1540 General metabolic functions 0 2 2
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 2 4 6
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 0 1
1620 Urination functions 1 1 2
1670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions 0 2 2
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 1 6 7
1765 Involuntary movement functions 1 0 1
1840 Sensation related to the skin 0 2 2
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 0 2 2
2840 Structure of hair 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 5 12 17
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9076re: What is the main reason you are taking your 13th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_d, c_y_hlh30a13_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 18 37 55
-18 NOT CODEABLE 1 1 2
-2 2402 2784 5186
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 0 1
20 Neoplasms 1 0 1
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 7 6 13
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 0 1 1
50 Mental Disorders 3 5 8
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 2 1 3
70 Circulatory System 2 1 3
80 Respiratory System 3 4 7
90 Digestive System 0 2 2
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 1 1 2
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 2 9 11
210 ICF Body Functions 28 46 74
220 ICF Body Structures 0 1 1
230 ICF Activities and Participation 5 12 17
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH076RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh077re: How many times did you take your 13th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 27 35 62
-2 2402 2784 5186
1 36 60 96
2 6 19 25
3 1 1 2
4 2 3 5
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh078re: Century-month Participant began taking 13th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a13_f, y_hlh30a13_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 29 47 76
-2 2402 2784 5186
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 4 10
822 - 1194 5 18 23
1201 - 1254 7 18 25
1259 - 1298 11 12 23
1299 - 1323 5 18 23
1325 - 1350 13 12 25
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh079re: What is the name on the label of the 14th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2421 2819 5240
"Calcium & Vitamin D" 1 0 1
"Calcium w Vitamin D" 0 1 1
"Desonide Cream" 1 0 1
"Fish Oil" 1 0 1
"Omega 3 Fish Oil" 0 1 1
"Prilosec" 0 1 1
"Vitamin D-3" 0 1 1
"furosemide" 1 0 1
"refresh eye drops or systane eye drops" 1 0 1
"viagra" 1 0 1
Note: Only 12 of 137 values are listed.

jxh079cn: What is the code for the 14th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2414 4927
-2 2421 2819 5240
13 enalapril 0 1 1
15 ibuprofen 0 1 1
49 acetaminophen 2 0 2
51 nifedipine 0 1 1
70 furosemide 1 1 2
88 amoxicillin 0 1 1
134 metoprolol 0 1 1
149 lorazepam 0 1 1
170 aspirin 2 4 6
241 folic acid 2 0 2
299 metolazone 0 1 1
314 niacin 0 4 4
321 nitroglycerin 2 1 3
325 omeprazole 0 3 3
345 potassium chloride 1 2 3
348 pravastatin 0 1 1
350 prednisone 0 1 1
395 trazodone 2 1 3
413 cyanocobalamin 1 1 2
425 calcium carbonate 0 1 1
426 ascorbic acid 2 2 4
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 1 1 2
577 somatropin 1 0 1
726 doxazosin 1 0 1
732 lisinopril 1 0 1
746 simvastatin 3 0 3
749 albuterol 1 1 2
769 pseudoephedrine 0 1 1
859 meclizine 0 1 1
910 zolpidem 0 1 1
1005 ursodiol 0 1 1
1013 senna 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 1 1 2
1021 docusate 1 0 1
1290 desonide topical 1 0 1
3050 loratadine 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 3 6 9
3130 thiamine 0 1 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 2 1 3
3140 multivitamin 1 4 5
3141 multivitamin with iron 0 1 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 0 3 3
3160 sumatriptan 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 0 1 1
3644 lactobacillus acidophilus 0 1 1
3663 lecithin 1 0 1
3768 ocular lubricant 1 0 1
3797 magnesium oxide 1 0 1
3807 metformin 1 0 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 2 0 2
3827 cetirizine 0 2 2
3849 alendronate 0 2 2
4113 valsartan 2 0 2
4142 chromium picolinate 0 1 1
4145 pramipexole 0 1 1
4210 estradiol topical 0 1 1
4215 ropinirole 1 0 1
4223 mometasone nasal 1 1 2
4248 methylcellulose 0 1 1
4283 fluticasone nasal 1 0 1
4289 montelukast 0 2 2
4299 sildenafil 1 0 1
4369 insulin regular 1 0 1
4399 nystatin topical 1 0 1
4411 garlic 0 1 1
4418 glucosamine 0 1 1
4419 chondroitin 0 1 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 0 1 1
4425 dehydroepiandrosterone 0 1 1
4523 ubiquinone 0 3 3
4538 insulin glargine 2 1 3
4697 insulin aspart 1 0 1
4788 dutasteride 1 0 1
4829 tiotropium 2 0 2
4844 camphor-menthol topical 1 0 1
5348 ezetimibe-simvastatin 1 0 1
5508 pregabalin 0 1 1
5896 sitagliptin 1 0 1
6392 wheat dextrin 0 1 1
6649 calcium carbonate-magnesium chloride 0 1 1
6655 alpha-lipoic acid 0 1 1
6860 oxygen 0 1 1
6867 biotin 0 1 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 0 2 2

jxh080re: What is the dosage on the label of the 14th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
"-2" 2421 2820 5241
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 4 14 18
".10 mg" 0 1 1
"0.5 mg" 0 1 1
"1 mg oral tablet" 1 0 1
"1-6 cap" 0 1 1
"12.5 mg" 0 1 1
"18 mcg" 1 0 1
"2000 X 4 = 8000" 0 1 1
"40 mg tab" 1 0 1
"40 mg" 2 0 2
Note: Only 14 of 99 values are listed.

jxh081re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 14th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2421 2820 5241
0.50 1 0 1
1 27 45 72
1.50 0 1 1
2 10 13 23
3 3 0 3
4 2 0 2
8 1 0 1
888 DAILY 4 14 18
999 AS NEEDED 8 13 21
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9081RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9081re: Time units: How often does the label on your 14th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_c_n, y_hlh30a14_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 8 15 23
-2 2433 2847 5280
1 TIMES PER DAY 36 44 80
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH081RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh082re: What is the main reason you are taking your 14th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_d, c_y_hlh30a14_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 14 32 46
-18 COULD NOT CODE 1 0 1
-2 2421 2820 5241
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
250 Diabetes mellitus 5 1 6
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 2 6 8
285 Other and unspecified anemias 2 0 2
300 Neurotic disorder 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 1 0 1
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 1 0 1
401 Essential hypertension 0 1 1
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 2 0 2
493 Asthma 0 1 1
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 1 2 3
530 Diseases of esophagus 0 1 1
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 0 1 1
562 Diverticula of intestine 0 1 1
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 1 0 1
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 1 0 1
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 0 2 2
725 Polymyalgia rheumatica 0 1 1
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 2 1 3
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 1 1 2
1134 Sleep functions 1 1 2
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 0 1 1
1410 Heart functions 3 2 5
1420 Blood pressure functions 1 0 1
1435 Immunological system functions 1 4 5
1440 Respiration functions 2 0 2
1450 Additional respiratory functions 0 1 1
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 0 1 1
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 1 2 3
1525 Defecation functions 1 1 2
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 1 1 2
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 1 3 4
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 1 4 5
1620 Urination functions 1 1 2
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 0 5 5
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 0 1 1
1840 Sensation related to the skin 2 0 2
3570 Looking after one's health 3 12 15
7093 Physical therapy, respiratory therapy, rehabilitation, and related procedures 1 0 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9082re: What is the main reason you are taking your 14th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_d, c_y_hlh30a14_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 14 32 46
-18 NOT CODEABLE 1 0 1
-2 2421 2820 5241
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 7 7 14
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 2 0 2
50 Mental Disorders 1 1 2
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 1 0 1
70 Circulatory System 2 1 3
80 Respiratory System 1 3 4
90 Digestive System 0 3 3
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 1 0 1
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 3 4 7
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 1 2
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 1 0 1
210 ICF Body Functions 17 29 46
230 ICF Activities and Participation 3 12 15
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH082RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh083re: How many times did you take your 14th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 23 28 51
-2 2421 2820 5241
1 23 44 67
2 5 10 15
4 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh084re: Century-month Participant began taking 14th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a14_f, y_hlh30a14_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 21 35 56
-2 2421 2820 5241
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 5 9
966 - 1205 7 10 17
1206 - 1242 6 11 17
1254 - 1302 6 11 17
1303 - 1319 5 12 17
1321 - 1356 8 9 17
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh085re: What is the name on the label of the 15th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2435 2840 5275
"Cevimeline hcl" 0 1 1
"Fentanyl" 0 1 1
"Fish Oil" 1 1 2
"Flex-a-min (Triple Strength)" 1 0 1
"Ginkgo Biloba" 0 1 1
"Multivitam" 0 1 1
"Omega 3 Fish Oil" 1 0 1
"fish oil" 0 1 1
"prochlorperazine (compazine)" 0 1 1
"simvastatin" 1 0 1
Note: Only 12 of 115 values are listed.

jxh085cn: What is the code for the 15th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2435 2840 5275
15 ibuprofen 0 1 1
19 naproxen 1 2 3
21 ranitidine 1 1 2
22 warfarin 2 0 2
23 allopurinol 1 0 1
33 sulindac 1 0 1
49 acetaminophen 2 2 4
70 furosemide 1 0 1
88 amoxicillin 0 1 1
170 aspirin 2 1 3
197 clonazepam 1 1 2
233 fentanyl 0 1 1
241 folic acid 0 1 1
278 levothyroxine 0 1 1
321 nitroglycerin 0 1 1
325 omeprazole 0 1 1
345 potassium chloride 1 1 2
355 prochlorperazine 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 0 2 2
413 cyanocobalamin 0 3 3
425 calcium carbonate 1 1 2
426 ascorbic acid 1 2 3
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 2 3 5
558 testosterone 1 0 1
628 betamethasone 0 1 1
653 isosorbide 0 1 1
689 amlodipine 1 0 1
746 simvastatin 1 1 2
749 albuterol 0 1 1
867 ondansetron 0 1 1
880 sertraline 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 0 1 1
1025 loperamide 0 1 1
3075 hydrocodone 0 1 1
3128 ergocalciferol 1 0 1
3129 cholecalciferol 1 3 4
3137 calcium-vitamin d 0 1 1
3140 multivitamin 2 2 4
3145 multivitamin with minerals 1 3 4
3206 triamcinolone topical 1 0 1
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 0 1 1
3449 aspirin-caffeine 0 1 1
3456 acetaminophen-butalbital 0 1 1
3478 al hydroxide/mg hydroxide/simethicone 0 1 1
3768 ocular lubricant 0 1 1
3797 magnesium oxide 0 1 1
3807 metformin 1 0 1
3826 tramadol 0 1 1
3827 cetirizine 0 1 1
3828 lansoprazole 0 1 1
3866 calcium citrate 0 1 1
3873 anastrozole 0 1 1
4105 atorvastatin 0 1 1
4223 mometasone nasal 0 1 1
4258 clopidogrel 2 0 2
4276 budesonide 0 1 1
4289 montelukast 0 1 1
4380 celecoxib 0 1 1
4411 garlic 1 0 1
4413 ginkgo 0 1 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 1 0 1
4512 cevimeline 0 1 1
4514 pantoprazole 0 1 1
4523 ubiquinone 2 1 3
4535 articaine-epinephrine 1 0 1
4538 insulin glargine 0 1 1
4697 insulin aspart 1 0 1
4829 tiotropium 1 0 1
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 1 0 1
5355 duloxetine 0 1 1
5413 solifenacin 1 0 1
5422 darifenacin 1 0 1
5896 sitagliptin 0 1 1
6665 aliskiren 1 0 1

jxh086re: What is the dosage on the label of the 15th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_b

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
"-2" 2436 2841 5277
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 5 14 19
"1 tab by mouth" 1 0 1
"1%" 1 0 1
"1000 MG" 2 0 2
"200 mg" 1 2 3
"2000 U" 0 1 1
"30 mgm" 0 1 1
"300 mg" 1 0 1
"400 IU" 0 1 1
"50 mcg" 0 1 1
"81" 0 1 1
Note: Only 15 of 77 values are listed.

jxh087re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 15th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2436 2841 5277
0.50 0 1 1
1 22 29 51
2 8 13 21
3 1 1 2
4 1 3 4
6 1 1 2
8 0 1 1
777 WEEKLY 0 1 1
888 DAILY 3 5 8
999 AS NEEDED 3 11 14
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9087RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9087re: Time units: How often does the label on your 15th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_c_n, y_hlh30a15_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 6 13 19
-2 2442 2858 5300
1 TIMES PER DAY 29 42 71
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH087RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh088re: What is the main reason you are taking your 15th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_d, c_y_hlh30a15_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 13 23 36
-2 2436 2841 5277
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
246 Other disorders of thyroid 0 1 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 1 1 2
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 0 3 3
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
332 Parkinson's disease 1 0 1
346 Migraine 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 1 0 1
413 Angina pectoris 0 2 2
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 0 1
530 Diseases of esophagus 0 2 2
692 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 0 1 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 0 1 1
716 Other and unspecified arthropathies 2 1 3
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 0 1 1
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 0 1 1
729 Other disorders of soft tissues 0 1 1
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 1 1 2
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 0 1 1
1134 Sleep functions 0 1 1
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 0 2 2
1280 Sensation of pain 1 5 6
1410 Heart functions 5 0 5
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1435 Immunological system functions 0 2 2
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 0 3 3
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 3 1 4
1525 Defecation functions 1 1 2
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 1 2 3
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 2 1 3
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 0 1
1620 Urination functions 1 0 1
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 0 2 2
1840 Sensation related to the skin 1 0 1
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 4 7 11
6044 Artificial Opening Status 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9088re: What is the main reason you are taking your 15th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_d, c_y_hlh30a15_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 13 23 36
-2 2436 2841 5277
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 5 6
50 Mental Disorders 0 1 1
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 1 1 2
70 Circulatory System 2 2 4
90 Digestive System 0 2 2
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 0 1 1
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 3 6 9
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 0 1 1
190 ICD-9 V Codes 0 1 1
210 ICF Body Functions 18 21 39
230 ICF Activities and Participation 4 7 11
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH088RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh089re: How many times did you take your 15th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 23 24 47
-2 2436 2841 5277
1 12 26 38
2 2 12 14
3 1 3 4
6 1 1 2
8 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh090re: Century-month Participant began taking 15th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a15_f, y_hlh30a15_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 19 29 48
-2 2436 2841 5277
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
774 - 1146 2 10 12
1154 - 1262 3 9 12
1266 - 1302 3 9 12
1311 - 1324 8 4 12
1325 - 1356 6 8 14
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh091re: What is the name on the label of the 16th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2447 2853 5300
"Budesonide" 0 1 1
"Calcium w/Vitamin D" 0 1 1
"Fiber Laxative" 0 1 1
"Fish oil" 1 0 1
"Fluoxetine" 0 1 1
"Magnesiam" 0 1 1
"Miralax" 0 1 1
"Spironolactone" 1 0 1
"Vit. C." 0 1 1
Note: Only 11 of 91 values are listed.

jxh091cn: What is the code for the 16th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2447 2853 5300
15 ibuprofen 1 0 1
19 naproxen 0 1 1
22 warfarin 1 1 2
49 acetaminophen 1 1 2
114 ofloxacin 1 0 1
134 metoprolol 0 1 1
142 theophylline 1 0 1
149 lorazepam 0 1 1
170 aspirin 0 3 3
181 bupropion 0 1 1
212 diphenhydramine 1 0 1
233 fentanyl 0 1 1
236 fluoxetine 0 1 1
241 folic acid 1 0 1
246 glipizide 0 1 1
248 glyburide 0 1 1
321 nitroglycerin 1 0 1
325 omeprazole 0 1 1
328 oxybutynin 0 1 1
350 prednisone 0 1 1
373 spironolactone 1 0 1
386 terazosin 1 0 1
405 vitamin e 0 1 1
412 pyridoxine 0 1 1
413 cyanocobalamin 1 1 2
425 calcium carbonate 0 2 2
426 ascorbic acid 0 3 3
438 sodium chloride 0 1 1
440 sodium bicarbonate 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 3 0 3
563 finasteride 1 0 1
689 amlodipine 2 0 2
746 simvastatin 0 1 1
749 albuterol 0 1 1
910 zolpidem 0 1 1
963 cyclobenzaprine 1 1 2
982 magnesium hydroxide 1 0 1
985 hyoscyamine 1 0 1
1017 polycarbophil 1 1 2
1021 docusate 1 0 1
1027 simethicone 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 2 2 4
3137 calcium-vitamin d 0 2 2
3140 multivitamin 3 2 5
3145 multivitamin with minerals 0 1 1
3434 acetaminophen-propoxyphene 0 1 1
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 0 1 1
3768 ocular lubricant 0 1 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 1 0 1
4145 pramipexole 0 1 1
4248 methylcellulose 0 1 1
4276 budesonide 0 1 1
4373 insulin lispro 0 1 1
4413 ginkgo 1 0 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 0 3 3
4442 pioglitazone 0 1 1
4470 cranberry 1 0 1
4523 ubiquinone 0 1 1
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 0 2 2
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 0 1 1
5413 solifenacin 0 1 1
5776 iodine 0 1 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 0 1 1

jxh092re: What is the dosage on the label of the 16th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2447 2853 5300
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 14 17
"1 capful" 0 1 1
"1 tab" 0 2 2
"10 mg" 1 1 2
"1000 mg by mouth" 1 0 1
"1200 mg" 0 1 1
"2 teaspoons per day" 1 0 1
"3 tabs" 1 0 1
"5 mg" 4 2 6
"650 mg" 0 1 1
"7 mg/5 ml" 0 1 1
Note: Only 13 of 61 values are listed.

jxh093re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 16th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2447 2853 5300
1 11 15 26
1.50 1 0 1
2 9 17 26
3 0 4 4
3.50 0 1 1
6 0 1 1
888 DAILY 3 8 11
999 AS NEEDED 4 10 14
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9093RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9093re: Time units: How often does the label on your 16th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_c_n, y_hlh30a16_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 10 13
-2 2454 2871 5325
1 TIMES PER DAY 20 31 51
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH093RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh094re: What is the main reason you are taking your 16th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_d, c_y_hlh30a16_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 9 24 33
-18 COULD NOT CODE 0 1 1
-2 2447 2853 5300
246 Other disorders of thyroid 0 2 2
268 Vitamin D deficiency 1 0 1
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 1 1 2
300 Neurotic disorder 0 1 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 1 0 1
413 Angina pectoris 1 0 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 0 1 1
493 Asthma 0 2 2
530 Diseases of esophagus 0 1 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 1 0 1
719 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 0 1 1
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 0 1 1
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 0 1 1
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 1 0 1
1220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures 0 1 1
1229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1280 Sensation of pain 1 2 3
1410 Heart functions 2 2 4
1420 Blood pressure functions 1 0 1
1435 Immunological system functions 0 1 1
1440 Respiration functions 1 1 2
1460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions 1 0 1
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 1 0 1
1525 Defecation functions 1 1 2
1535 Sensations associated with the digestive system 0 1 1
1539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1610 Urinary excretory functions 1 0 1
1620 Urination functions 1 1 2
1729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and unspecified 1 1 2
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 1 1 2
1849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 3 5 8
4355 Health professionals 0 1 1
6044 Artificial Opening Status 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9094re: What is the main reason you are taking your 16th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_d, c_y_hlh30a16_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 9 24 33
-18 NOT CODEABLE 0 1 1
-2 2447 2853 5300
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 2 3 5
50 Mental Disorders 0 2 2
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 0 1 1
70 Circulatory System 2 1 3
80 Respiratory System 0 2 2
90 Digestive System 0 2 2
100 Genitourinary system 1 0 1
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 0 2 2
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 1 2
190 ICD-9 V Codes 0 1 1
210 ICF Body Functions 13 14 27
230 ICF Activities and Participation 3 5 8
240 ICF Environmental Factors 0 1 1
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH094RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh095re: How many times did you take your 16th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 16 22 38
-2 2447 2853 5300
1 6 23 29
2 7 10 17
3 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh096re: Century-month Participant began taking 16th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a16_f, y_hlh30a16_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 14 25 39
-2 2447 2853 5300
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
966 - 1202 1 8 9
1205 - 1280 4 5 9
1284 - 1312 3 7 10
1314 - 1324 3 6 9
1326 - 1356 5 6 11
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh097re: What is the name on the label of the 17th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2452 2868 5320
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 1 0 1
"1 buprofen tablets" 1 0 1
"Calciium + MCHC" 0 1 1
"Fish Oil Cholesterol Free" 0 1 1
"Nitroglycerin Patch" 1 0 1
"Nitroglycerin" 0 1 1
"Stool Softner" 0 1 1
"fibercon" 0 1 1
"oxygen" 1 0 1
"raloxifene (evista)" 0 1 1
Note: Only 12 of 72 values are listed.

jxh097cn: What is the code for the 17th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2452 2868 5320
15 ibuprofen 1 0 1
22 warfarin 1 0 1
23 allopurinol 0 1 1
134 metoprolol 0 1 1
146 amitriptyline 1 0 1
170 aspirin 2 2 4
212 diphenhydramine 0 1 1
241 folic acid 0 1 1
280 lovastatin 0 1 1
314 niacin 1 1 2
321 nitroglycerin 2 1 3
329 oxycodone 1 1 2
345 potassium chloride 0 1 1
348 pravastatin 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 0 1 1
413 cyanocobalamin 1 0 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 0 3 3
749 albuterol 1 1 2
859 meclizine 1 0 1
1017 polycarbophil 0 1 1
1018 psyllium 1 0 1
1021 docusate 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 1 1 2
3137 calcium-vitamin d 0 1 1
3140 multivitamin 0 3 3
3145 multivitamin with minerals 0 1 1
3226 saliva substitutes 1 0 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 0 2 2
3439 acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine 0 1 1
3478 al hydroxide/mg hydroxide/simethicone 0 1 1
3506 atropine-diphenoxylate 0 1 1
3768 ocular lubricant 1 0 1
3798 magnesium gluconate 0 1 1
3821 losartan 1 0 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 1 1 2
3828 lansoprazole 1 0 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 0 1 1
4115 topiramate 0 1 1
4261 raloxifene 0 1 1
4332 citalopram 0 1 1
4415 saw palmetto 1 0 1
4521 nettles 1 0 1
4611 fluticasone-salmeterol 0 1 1
4829 tiotropium 0 2 2
4893 vardenafil 1 0 1
5355 duloxetine 0 1 1
5465 ciclesonide 0 1 1
5847 efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir 1 0 1
6507 cinnamon 1 1 2
6860 oxygen 1 0 1
7400 bifidobacterium-lactobacillus 0 1 1

jxh098re: What is the dosage on the label of the 17th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
"-2" 2452 2868 5320
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 2 7 9
"0.4 mg subl" 1 0 1
"0.4mg tab sublingual" 0 1 1
"0.5 mg" 0 1 1
"20 mg" 1 1 2
"480 ml" 1 0 1
"60 mg tablet" 0 1 1
"60 mgm" 0 1 1
"600 mg/200 mg" 1 0 1
"80 mg" 0 1 1
"900 mg" 0 1 1
Note: Only 15 of 60 values are listed.

jxh099re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 17th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2452 2868 5320
0.50 0 2 2
1 8 16 24
2 6 10 16
3 0 1 1
4 1 2 3
6 1 0 1
8 0 1 1
888 DAILY 1 3 4
999 AS NEEDED 4 4 8
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9099RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9099re: Time units: How often does the label on your 17th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_c_n, y_hlh30a17_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 7 10 17
-2 2457 2875 5332
1 TIMES PER DAY 14 28 42
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH099RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh100re: What is the main reason you are taking your 17th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_d, c_y_hlh30a17_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 7 19 26
-2 2452 2868 5320
42 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease 1 0 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 0 1 1
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 0 2 2
286 Coagulation defects 1 0 1
311 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 0 2 2
343 Infantile cerebral palsy 0 1 1
401 Essential hypertension 1 0 1
413 Angina pectoris 1 0 1
493 Asthma 0 2 2
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 0 1 1
530 Diseases of esophagus 1 0 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 2 2
724 Other and unspecified disorders of back 1 0 1
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 0 1 1
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 1 1 2
1134 Sleep functions 1 0 1
1240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function 1 0 1
1280 Sensation of pain 1 0 1
1410 Heart functions 0 2 2
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1435 Immunological system functions 0 1 1
1440 Respiration functions 2 1 3
1499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified 1 0 1
1510 Ingestion functions 1 0 1
1525 Defecation functions 0 2 2
1545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions 1 0 1
1679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified 1 0 1
1749 Muscle functions, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 3 5 8
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9100re: What is the main reason you are taking your 17th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_d, c_y_hlh30a17_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 7 19 26
-2 2452 2868 5320
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 0 1
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 0 3 3
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 1 0 1
50 Mental Disorders 0 2 2
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 0 1 1
70 Circulatory System 2 0 2
80 Respiratory System 0 3 3
90 Digestive System 1 2 3
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 1 0 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 2 3
210 ICF Body Functions 9 8 17
230 ICF Activities and Participation 3 5 8
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH100RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh101re: How many times did you take your 17th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 17 20 37
-2 2452 2868 5320
1 5 16 21
2 3 6 9
4 1 0 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh102re: Century-month Participant began taking 17th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a17_f, y_hlh30a17_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 15 19 34
-2 2452 2868 5320
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 3 5
1026 - 1202 1 5 6
1205 - 1266 2 4 6
1271 - 1314 3 8 11
1323 - 1345 2 4 6
1347 - 1356 1 2 3
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh103re: What is the name on the label of the 18th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2457 2876 5333
"Ipratropium Bromide" 0 1 1
"Iron" 1 0 1
"Milk of Magnesia" 0 1 1
"Remicade 100 mg IU solr" 0 1 1
"Verapamil HCL Covera HS" 0 1 1
"Vit A beta carotene" 0 1 1
"Vitamin D" 1 2 3
"Zinc" 1 0 1
"fentanyl patch" 0 1 1
"nitroglycerin (NITROSTAT)" 1 0 1
Note: Only 12 of 57 values are listed.

jxh103cn: What is the code for the 18th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2457 2876 5333
48 verapamil 0 1 1
70 furosemide 0 1 1
170 aspirin 0 2 2
233 fentanyl 0 1 1
265 ipratropium 0 1 1
314 niacin 0 1 1
321 nitroglycerin 1 3 4
348 pravastatin 1 0 1
350 prednisone 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 1 0 1
413 cyanocobalamin 1 1 2
425 calcium carbonate 0 1 1
426 ascorbic acid 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 1 1 2
514 ticlopidine 0 1 1
732 lisinopril 1 0 1
746 simvastatin 1 0 1
797 guaifenesin 0 1 1
842 salsalate 0 1 1
982 magnesium hydroxide 0 1 1
1013 senna 0 1 1
1027 simethicone 0 1 1
1293 fluocinolone topical 1 0 1
1296 fluticasone 1 0 1
1385 beta-carotene 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 1 4 5
3137 calcium-vitamin d 0 1 1
3140 multivitamin 0 1 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 1 0 1
3205 hydrocortisone topical 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 0 2 2
3768 ocular lubricant 1 0 1
3821 losartan 1 0 1
3823 iron polysaccharide 1 0 1
3827 cetirizine 0 1 1
4057 zinc sulfate 1 0 1
4242 sodium chloride nasal 1 1 2
4342 infliximab 0 1 1
4415 saw palmetto 1 0 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 1 0 1
4425 dehydroepiandrosterone 0 1 1
4754 bimatoprost ophthalmic 0 1 1
4788 dutasteride 1 0 1
4824 ezetimibe 1 0 1
6639 aluminum hydroxide-magnesium trisilicate 0 1 1

jxh104re: What is the dosage on the label of the 18th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_b

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2457 2876 5333
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 5 8
"0.4 mg" 0 1 1
"0.5 mg oral capsule" 1 0 1
"0.9gm/0.4 mg" 0 1 1
"1,000 mcg" 1 0 1
"1200 mg/15ml SUSP" 0 1 1
"400 mg" 0 1 1
"500 mg with vitamin D" 0 1 1
"80" 1 0 1
"81 mg" 0 1 1
"topical" 0 1 1
Note: Only 13 of 50 values are listed.

jxh105re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 18th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a18_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2457 2876 5333
0.50 2 0 2
1 9 11 20
2 3 6 9
3 0 1 1
4 1 0 1
6 0 2 2
777 WEEKLY 0 1 1
888 DAILY 2 3 5
999 AS NEEDED 3 6 9
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9105RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9105re: Time units: How often does the label on your 18th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_c_nr, y_hlh30a18_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a18_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 4 7 11
-2 2462 2886 5348
1 TIMES PER DAY 11 18 29
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH105RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh106re: What is the main reason you are taking your 18th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_dr, c_y_hlh30a18_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a18_d, c_y_hlh30a18_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 5 15 20
-2 2457 2876 5333
266 Deficiency of B-complex components 1 0 1
272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 1 0 1
401 Essential hypertension 1 0 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 0 1 1
600 Hyperplasia of prostate 1 0 1
1280 Sensation of pain 0 1 1
1410 Heart functions 0 1 1
1435 Immunological system functions 0 1 1
1525 Defecation functions 0 1 1
1840 Sensation related to the skin 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 1 1 2
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9106re: What is the main reason you are taking your 18th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_dr, c_y_hlh30a18_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a18_d, c_y_hlh30a18_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 5 15 20
-2 2457 2876 5333
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 2 0 2
70 Circulatory System 1 1 2
100 Genitourinary system 1 0 1
210 ICF Body Functions 0 5 5
230 ICF Activities and Participation 1 1 2
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH106RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh107re: How many times did you take your 18th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a18_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 13 21 34
-2 2457 2876 5333
1 7 8 15
2 0 3 3
3 0 1 1
4 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh108re: Century-month Participant began taking 18th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a18_fr, y_hlh30a18_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a18_f, y_hlh30a18_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 11 17 28
-2 2457 2876 5333
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
966 - 1206 0 5 5
1218 - 1285 1 4 5
1302 - 1314 3 5 8
1317 - 1326 3 2 5
1337 - 1352 2 3 5
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh109re: What is the name on the label of the 19th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2462 2886 5348
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 1 0 1
"Ativan" 0 1 1
"Multi Vitamin Sr." 0 1 1
"Multi Vitamin" 1 0 1
"Oscal" 0 1 1
"Robinul (Glycopyrolate)" 0 1 1
"hydrocodone apap 10/325" 0 1 1
"meclizine (Antivert)" 0 1 1
"oxybutynin (DITROPAN-XL)" 1 0 1
"ropinirole (requip)" 0 1 1
Note: Only 12 of 45 values are listed.

jxh109cn: What is the code for the 19th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2462 2886 5348
19 naproxen 1 0 1
22 warfarin 1 0 1
70 furosemide 1 0 1
149 lorazepam 0 1 1
150 colchicine 0 1 1
170 aspirin 1 0 1
246 glipizide 1 0 1
325 omeprazole 0 1 1
328 oxybutynin 1 0 1
350 prednisone 0 1 1
373 spironolactone 1 0 1
412 pyridoxine 0 1 1
426 ascorbic acid 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 0 1 1
732 lisinopril 1 0 1
746 simvastatin 0 1 1
749 albuterol 1 1 2
797 guaifenesin 0 1 1
859 meclizine 0 2 2
992 glycopyrrolate 0 1 1
1013 senna 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 1 0 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 0 1 1
3140 multivitamin 1 0 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 0 1 1
3206 triamcinolone topical 1 0 1
3423 acetaminophen-codeine 0 1 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 0 2 2
3644 lactobacillus acidophilus 1 0 1
3704 coal tar/salicylic acid/sulfur topical 1 0 1
3827 cetirizine 0 1 1
4215 ropinirole 0 1 1
4412 ginseng 0 1 1
4491 flax 0 1 1
4697 insulin aspart 0 1 1
4835 adalimumab 1 0 1
5508 pregabalin 0 1 1
6392 wheat dextrin 0 1 1

jxh110re: What is the dosage on the label of the 19th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_b

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2462 2886 5348
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 5 8
"1 mg" 0 2 2
"1 tab" 0 1 1
"10 mg" 0 1 1
"10/325" 0 2 2
"1200 mg" 0 1 1
"325 mg" 1 0 1
"500 mg" 0 2 2
Note: Only 10 of 34 values are listed.

jxh111re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 19th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a19_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2462 2886 5348
0.50 2 0 2
1 7 8 15
2 0 5 5
4 1 1 2
888 DAILY 2 2 4
999 AS NEEDED 1 9 10
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9111RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9111re: Time units: How often does the label on your 19th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_c_nr, y_hlh30a19_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a19_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2465 2897 5362
1 TIMES PER DAY 8 13 21
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH111RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh112re: What is the main reason you are taking your 19th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_dr, c_y_hlh30a19_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a19_d, c_y_hlh30a19_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 4 12 16
-2 2462 2886 5348
250 Diabetes mellitus 1 0 1
428 Heart failure 1 0 1
1147 Psychomotor functions 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 0 1 1
1420 Blood pressure functions 1 0 1
3570 Looking after one's health 1 1 2
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9112re: What is the main reason you are taking your 19th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_dr, c_y_hlh30a19_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a19_d, c_y_hlh30a19_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 4 12 16
-2 2462 2886 5348
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 0 1
70 Circulatory System 1 0 1
210 ICF Body Functions 1 2 3
230 ICF Activities and Participation 1 1 2
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH112RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh113re: How many times did you take your 19th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a19_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 11 14 25
-2 2462 2886 5348
1 4 7 11
2 1 2 3
3 0 1 1
4 0 2 2
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh114re: Century-month Participant began taking 19th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a19_fr, y_hlh30a19_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a19_f, y_hlh30a19_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 10 12 22
-2 2462 2886 5348
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1086 0 1 1
1134 0 1 1
1146 0 1 1
1242 0 1 1
1254 0 1 1
1266 0 3 3
1296 2 0 2
1302 0 1 1
1303 0 1 1
1314 0 1 1
1315 1 0 1
1318 0 1 1
1324 1 0 1
1328 1 0 1
1340 0 1 1
1351 0 1 1
1352 1 0 1
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh115re: What is the name on the label of the 20th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2465 2891 5356
"Baclofen" 0 1 1
"Furosemide" 0 1 1
"Paroxetine HCL" 0 1 1
"Percocet" 0 1 1
"Plavix" 0 1 1
"Sertraline 25 mg or tablet" 0 1 1
"Tolteradine Tartrate (Detrol LA)" 1 0 1
"Vicodin & Valtrex" 0 1 1
"calcium/vitamin D" 1 0 1
"vitality vit. + min." 0 1 1
Note: Only 12 of 37 values are listed.

jxh115cn: What is the code for the 20th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2465 2891 5356
22 warfarin 1 0 1
44 clonidine 1 0 1
49 acetaminophen 1 0 1
70 furosemide 0 1 1
108 metronidazole 0 1 1
170 aspirin 1 0 1
328 oxybutynin 0 1 1
345 potassium chloride 1 0 1
373 spironolactone 0 1 1
395 trazodone 0 2 2
413 cyanocobalamin 0 2 2
425 calcium carbonate 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 1 2 3
880 sertraline 0 1 1
967 baclofen 0 1 1
982 magnesium hydroxide 1 0 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 1 0 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 0 1 1
3157 paroxetine 0 1 1
3316 pseudoephedrine-triprolidine 1 0 1
3428 acetaminophen-hydrocodone 1 1 2
3431 acetaminophen-oxycodone 0 1 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 0 1 1
3838 valacyclovir 0 1 1
4040 fexofenadine 1 0 1
4186 phenylephrine nasal 0 1 1
4258 clopidogrel 0 1 1
4294 tolterodine 1 0 1
4538 insulin glargine 1 0 1

jxh116re: What is the dosage on the label of the 20th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2465 2892 5357
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 2 5
"0.1 mg./24 HR patch" 1 0 1
"100 units/ml subcutaneous solution" 1 0 1
"1000 mg" 0 1 1
"250 mcg/daily" 0 1 1
"50 mg" 0 2 2
"500 mg" 0 1 1
"5mg" 1 0 1
"60 mg" 1 0 1
"600 mg po tabs" 0 1 1
Note: Only 12 of 28 values are listed.

jxh117re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 20th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a20_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2465 2892 5357
1 6 9 15
2 2 3 5
3 0 1 1
4 1 0 1
7 0 1 1
888 DAILY 1 1 2
999 AS NEEDED 3 3 6
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9117RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9117re: Time units: How often does the label on your 20th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_c_nr, y_hlh30a20_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a20_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2469 2896 5365
1 TIMES PER DAY 8 11 19
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH117RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh118re: What is the main reason you are taking your 20th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_dr, c_y_hlh30a20_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a20_d, c_y_hlh30a20_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 11 14
-18 COULD NOT CODE 1 0 1
-2 2465 2892 5357
250 Diabetes mellitus 1 0 1
286 Coagulation defects 1 0 1
1429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified 0 1 1
1780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 1 0 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9118re: What is the main reason you are taking your 20th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_dr, c_y_hlh30a20_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a20_d, c_y_hlh30a20_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 3 11 14
-18 NOT CODEABLE 1 0 1
-2 2465 2892 5357
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 0 1
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 1 0 1
210 ICF Body Functions 0 2 2
230 ICF Activities and Participation 1 0 1
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH118RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh119re: How many times did you take your 20th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a20_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 10 11 21
-2 2465 2892 5357
1 2 8 10
2 1 1 2
3 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh120re: Century-month Participant began taking 20th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a20_fr, y_hlh30a20_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a20_f, y_hlh30a20_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 8 10 18
-2 2465 2892 5357
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1067 0 1 1
1125 0 1 1
1194 0 1 1
1266 0 1 1
1280 1 0 1
1281 1 0 1
1314 0 3 3
1320 1 0 1
1323 1 0 1
1333 0 1 1
1340 0 1 1
1349 0 1 1
1352 1 0 1
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh121re: What is the name on the label of the 21st medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2468 2897 5365
"Bisacodyl" 0 1 1
"Combivent inhaler" 1 0 1
"Garlique" 0 1 1
"Glucosamin/chondroitin" 0 1 1
"Nitrofurantoin" 0 1 1
"R wrote: 'trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (bactrim ds)'" 0 1 1
"Vardenafil HCL (12 tabs, RO @ 6)" 1 0 1
"Vit C 500 mg" 0 1 1
"multivitamin/mineral daily (Multi Complete)" 0 1 1
"occuvite" 1 0 1
Note: Only 12 of 28 values are listed.

jxh121cn: What is the code for the 21st medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2468 2897 5365
19 naproxen 1 0 1
23 allopurinol 1 0 1
49 acetaminophen 0 1 1
88 amoxicillin 1 0 1
112 nitrofurantoin 0 1 1
124 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 0 1 1
146 amitriptyline 0 1 1
329 oxycodone 0 1 1
413 cyanocobalamin 1 0 1
426 ascorbic acid 0 1 1
749 albuterol 0 1 1
1015 bisacodyl 0 1 1
1293 fluocinolone topical 1 0 1
3137 calcium-vitamin d 0 1 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 1 1 2
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 1 0 1
4411 garlic 0 1 1
4420 chondroitin-glucosamine 0 1 1
4434 rosiglitazone 1 0 1
4829 tiotropium 0 1 1
4836 cyclosporine ophthalmic 0 1 1
4893 vardenafil 1 0 1
5719 ranolazine 0 1 1

jxh122re: What is the dosage on the label of the 21st medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_b

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2468 2897 5365
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 0 2 2
".01%" 1 0 1
"0.05% EMUL" 0 1 1
"10 gr" 0 1 1
"10 mg" 0 1 1
"1500/1200" 0 1 1
"20 mg" 0 1 1
"20" 1 0 1
"400 mg" 0 1 1
"8 MG" 1 0 1
"once a day" 0 1 1
Note: Only 13 of 25 values are listed.

jxh123re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 21st medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a21_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2468 2897 5365
1 2 4 6
2 3 3 6
3 0 2 2
4 0 2 2
6 1 0 1
888 DAILY 0 1 1
999 AS NEEDED 3 2 5
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9123RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9123re: Time units: How often does the label on your 21st medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_c_nr, y_hlh30a21_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a21_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2471 2900 5371
1 TIMES PER DAY 6 9 15
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH123RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh124re: What is the main reason you are taking your 21st medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_dr, c_y_hlh30a21_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a21_d, c_y_hlh30a21_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 4 6 10
-2 2468 2897 5365
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 1 0 1
1280 Sensation of pain 0 1 1
1525 Defecation functions 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9124re: What is the main reason you are taking your 21st medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_dr, c_y_hlh30a21_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a21_d, c_y_hlh30a21_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 4 6 10
-2 2468 2897 5365
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 0 1
210 ICF Body Functions 0 2 2
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH124RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh125re: How many times did you take your 21st medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a21_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 8 7 15
-2 2468 2897 5365
1 1 4 5
2 1 5 6
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh126re: Century-month Participant began taking 21st medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a21_fr, y_hlh30a21_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a21_f, y_hlh30a21_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 7 5 12
-2 2468 2897 5365
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
990 0 1 1
1146 0 1 1
1206 0 1 1
1278 1 0 1
1280 1 0 1
1290 0 1 1
1292 0 1 1
1301 0 1 1
1314 0 1 1
1335 0 1 1
1340 0 1 1
1348 0 1 1
1350 1 0 1
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh127re: What is the name on the label of the 22nd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2471 2898 5369
"Aspirin" 0 1 1
"Docusate" 0 1 1
"Ferrous Sulfate" 1 0 1
"Milk of Magnesia" 1 0 1
"Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat)" 1 0 1
"Tegretol" 0 1 1
"Vitamin D" 0 1 1
"simvastatin (ZOCOR)" 1 0 1
"spironolactone 25 mg or tablet" 0 1 1
"stool softner" 0 1 1
Note: Only 12 of 24 values are listed.

jxh127cn: What is the code for the 22nd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2471 2898 5369
58 carbamazepine 0 1 1
170 aspirin 0 1 1
321 nitroglycerin 1 1 2
373 spironolactone 0 1 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 0 1 1
746 simvastatin 1 0 1
982 magnesium hydroxide 1 0 1
1021 docusate 0 2 2
3129 cholecalciferol 0 2 2
3647 isopropyl alcohol topical 1 0 1
3824 ferrous sulfate 1 1 2
3849 alendronate 0 1 1
4105 atorvastatin 1 0 1
4142 chromium picolinate 1 0 1
4332 citalopram 0 1 1
5350 polyethylene glycol 3350 0 1 1
5703 chondroitin/glucosamine/methylsulfonylmethane 0 1 1

jxh128re: What is the dosage on the label of the 22nd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_b

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2471 2898 5369
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 1 1 2
".4 mg" 1 0 1
"1000 unit" 0 1 1
"17 grams" 0 1 1
"20 mg oral tablet" 1 0 1
"200 mcg" 1 0 1
"200 mg" 0 1 1
"250 mg" 0 1 1
"VI STRP" 0 1 1
Note: Only 11 of 22 values are listed.

jxh129re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 22nd medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a22_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2471 2898 5369
1 3 7 10
2 1 0 1
3 0 2 2
4 1 1 2
888 DAILY 0 1 1
999 AS NEEDED 1 2 3
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9129RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9129re: Time units: How often does the label on your 22nd medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_c_nr, y_hlh30a22_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a22_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2472 2901 5373
1 TIMES PER DAY 5 8 13
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH129RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh130re: What is the main reason you are taking your 22nd medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_dr, c_y_hlh30a22_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a22_d, c_y_hlh30a22_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2471 2898 5369
401 Essential hypertension 1 0 1
413 Angina pectoris 0 1 1
1525 Defecation functions 1 1 2
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9130re: What is the main reason you are taking your 22nd medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_dr, c_y_hlh30a22_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a22_d, c_y_hlh30a22_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2471 2898 5369
70 Circulatory System 1 1 2
210 ICF Body Functions 1 1 2
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH130RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh131re: How many times did you take your 22nd medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a22_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 6 5 11
-2 2471 2898 5369
1 0 5 5
2 1 1 2
3 0 1 1
4 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh132re: Century-month Participant began taking 22nd medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a22_fr, y_hlh30a22_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a22_f, y_hlh30a22_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2471 2898 5369
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
966 0 1 1
1242 1 0 1
1254 0 1 1
1266 0 1 1
1280 1 0 1
1302 0 1 1
1321 0 1 1
1326 0 1 1
1334 0 1 1
1338 0 1 1
1340 0 1 1
1345 1 0 1
1348 0 1 1
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh133re: What is the name on the label of the 23rd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_a

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"(Milk of Magnesia)" 0 1 1
"-2" 2473 2900 5373
"DGL" 1 0 1
"Fentanyl (patch)" 0 1 1
"Red Yeast Rice" 0 1 1
"Tylenol" 1 0 1
"Vitamin D" 0 1 1
"Warfarin" 0 1 1
"lorazapam" 0 1 1
"pioglitazone (Actos)" 0 1 1
"tramadol HCL 50 mg or tabs" 0 1 1
Note: Only 12 of 20 values are listed.

jxh133cn: What is the code for the 23rd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2900 5373
22 warfarin 0 1 1
49 acetaminophen 2 0 2
149 lorazepam 0 1 1
233 fentanyl 0 1 1
405 vitamin e 0 1 1
426 ascorbic acid 0 1 1
797 guaifenesin 0 1 1
982 magnesium hydroxide 0 1 1
3129 cholecalciferol 0 2 2
3826 tramadol 0 1 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 0 1 1
4286 fenofibrate 1 0 1
4426 red yeast rice 0 1 1
4442 pioglitazone 0 1 1

jxh134re: What is the dosage on the label of the 23rd medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_b

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-1" 0 1 1
"-2" 2473 2900 5373
"1 tablet 2 a day as needed" 0 1 1
"1000 mg" 0 1 1
"2 Puffs" 0 1 1
"325mg" 1 0 1
"500 mg" 1 0 1
"6 mg" 0 1 1
"600 mg" 0 1 1
Note: Only 10 of 20 values are listed.

jxh135re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 23rd medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a23_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2900 5373
1 1 6 7
2 0 1 1
6 1 0 1
777 WEEKLY 0 1 1
888 DAILY 0 1 1
999 AS NEEDED 2 3 5
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9135RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9135re: Time units: How often does the label on your 23rd medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_c_nr, y_hlh30a23_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a23_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2475 2905 5380
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH135RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh136re: What is the main reason you are taking your 23rd medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_dr, c_y_hlh30a23_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a23_d, c_y_hlh30a23_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2900 5373
300 Neurotic disorder 0 1 1
1280 Sensation of pain 1 0 1
1525 Defecation functions 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9136re: What is the main reason you are taking your 23rd medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_dr, c_y_hlh30a23_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a23_d, c_y_hlh30a23_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2900 5373
50 Mental Disorders 0 1 1
210 ICF Body Functions 1 1 2
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH136RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh137re: How many times did you take your 23rd medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a23_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 5 6 11
-2 2473 2900 5373
1 0 3 3
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh138re: Century-month Participant began taking 23rd medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a23_fr, y_hlh30a23_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a23_f, y_hlh30a23_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2900 5373
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1266 0 1 1
1292 1 0 1
1299 0 1 1
1302 0 1 1
1325 0 1 1
1326 0 1 1
1330 0 1 1
1340 0 1 1
1348 1 0 1
1349 0 1 1
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh139re: What is the name on the label of the 24th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2473 2905 5378
"Albuterol + Ipratropium" 0 1 1
"Fish Oil Softgel" 1 0 1
"Flaxseed Oil" 0 1 1
"Flexaril" 0 1 1
"Mylanta" 0 1 1
"Precision Xtra Glucose Test Strips" 1 0 1
"Pregabalin (Lyrica)" 1 0 1
"PreserVision/Lutein Caps" 0 1 1
"R wrote 'insulin Determir (levemir flexpen) 100 unit 1ml [ilg word] injection'" 0 1 1
"Senna S docusate" 1 0 1
"folic acid" 1 0 1
"ocuvite po tabs" 0 1 1
"simethicone" 0 1 1

jxh139cn: What is the code for the 24th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2905 5378
241 folic acid 1 0 1
497 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 1 0 1
963 cyclobenzaprine 0 1 1
1013 senna 1 0 1
1027 simethicone 0 1 1
3145 multivitamin with minerals 0 2 2
3478 al hydroxide/mg hydroxide/simethicone 0 1 1
4066 albuterol-ipratropium 0 1 1
4491 flax 0 1 1
5436 insulin detemir 0 1 1
5508 pregabalin 1 0 1

jxh140re: What is the dosage on the label of the 24th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_b

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2473 2905 5378
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 0 3 3
".83% ?" 0 1 1
"1 mg oral tablet" 1 0 1
"1-2 tabs" 1 0 1
"1000 mg" 1 0 1
"125 mg" 0 1 1
"15 ml" 0 1 1
"50 mg" 1 0 1
"65 units twice a day" 0 1 1
"800" 0 1 1
"n/a" 1 0 1

jxh141re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 24th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a24_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2905 5378
1 1 1 2
2 0 2 2
3 1 0 1
6 1 0 1
888 DAILY 0 1 1
999 AS NEEDED 1 4 5
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX9141RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx9141re: Time units: How often does the label on your 24th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_c_nr, y_hlh30a24_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a24_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2474 2910 5384
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH141RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh142re: What is the main reason you are taking your 24th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_dr, c_y_hlh30a24_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a24_d, c_y_hlh30a24_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2905 5378
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
3570 Looking after one's health 1 0 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx9142re: What is the main reason you are taking your 24th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_dr, c_y_hlh30a24_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a24_d, c_y_hlh30a24_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2905 5378
90 Digestive System 0 1 1
230 ICF Activities and Participation 1 0 1
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH142RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh143re: How many times did you take your 24th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a24_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 5 5 10
-2 2473 2905 5378
2 0 2 2
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh144re: Century-month Participant began taking 24th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a24_fr, y_hlh30a24_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a24_f, y_hlh30a24_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2905 5378
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1290 0 1 1
1292 1 0 1
1330 0 1 1
1346 0 1 1
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh845re: What is the name on the label of the 25th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2473 2907 5380
"Blood Glucose Monitoring" 1 0 1
"Dulcolax Suppository" 0 1 1
"Insulin Lispro (Huma Log 12 wlk pen) 100 unit/ml sc injection morning 28/noon 34/supper 40/ slididng scale" 0 1 1
"Lycopom" 1 0 1
"One Touch Ultra Test Strips" 1 0 1
"Proventil HFA 108 (90 Base) MCG/ACT AERS" 0 1 1
"Selenium" 0 1 1
"TUMS" 0 1 1
"UrgentQR Stop Bleeding powder OTC" 1 0 1
"magnesium oxide (Mag-Ox)" 1 0 1
"multivitamins or caps" 0 1 1

jxh845cn: What is the code for the 25th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2907 5380
425 calcium carbonate 0 1 1
484 selenium 0 1 1
749 albuterol 0 1 1
1015 bisacodyl 0 1 1
3140 multivitamin 0 1 1
3797 magnesium oxide 1 0 1
4373 insulin lispro 0 1 1

jxh846re: What is the dosage on the label of the 25th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_b

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2473 2907 5380
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 2 2 4
"1" 0 1 1
"100 mcg" 0 1 1
"3 times a day" 0 1 1
"30 mg" 1 0 1
"400 oral tablet" 1 0 1
"500 mg" 0 1 1
"n/a" 1 0 1

jxh847re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 25th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a25_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2907 5380
1 2 1 3
3 0 1 1
12 0 1 1
888 DAILY 0 1 1
999 AS NEEDED 2 2 4
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX8147RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx8147re: Time units: How often does the label on your 25th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_c_nr, y_hlh30a25_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a25_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2475 2910 5385
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH847RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh848re: What is the main reason you are taking your 25th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_dr, c_y_hlh30a25_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a25_d, c_y_hlh30a25_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2907 5380
269 Other nutritional deficiencies 1 0 1
564 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx8148re: What is the main reason you are taking your 25th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_dr, c_y_hlh30a25_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a25_d, c_y_hlh30a25_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2907 5380
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 0 1
90 Digestive System 0 1 1
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH848RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh849re: How many times did you take your 25th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a25_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2907 5380
1 0 1 1
3 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh850re: Century-month Participant began taking 25th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a25_fr, y_hlh30a25_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a25_f, y_hlh30a25_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2907 5380
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1294 0 1 1
1303 1 0 1
1348 0 1 1
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh851re: What is the name on the label of the 26th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_a

Value Label Male Female Total
"" System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2473 2908 5381
"Artificial Saliva gel" 0 1 1
"Bactrim" 0 1 1
"Clotrimazole" 1 0 1
"Fluoride Dental (Prevident)" 1 0 1
"Magnesium" 1 0 1
"Potassium" 0 1 1
"R wrote 'Smith & Nephew I.V. Prep (from Medtronic)'." 1 0 1
"Warfarin 5 mg or tablet 1 tablet per day" 0 1 1
"[See F1 Note]" 1 0 1
"rabeprazole EC (Aciphex)" 0 1 1

jxh851cn: What is the code for the 26th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2908 5381
22 warfarin 0 1 1
124 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 0 1 1
345 potassium chloride 0 1 1
1236 clotrimazole 1 0 1
3226 saliva substitutes 0 1 1
4397 fluoride topical 1 0 1
4448 rabeprazole 0 1 1

jxh852re: What is the dosage on the label of the 26th medication you take?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_b

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
"-2" 2473 2908 5381
"-29" LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 1 1 2
"0.25 mg/0.6 ml oral liquid" 1 0 1
"1%" 1 0 1
"20 mg tablet" 0 1 1
"250 mg" 1 0 1
"51 g-" 1 0 1
"800 - 160 mg 2 a day" 0 1 1
"90 mg" 0 1 1
"once a day" 0 1 1

jxh853re: Numeric component: How often does the label on your 26th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_c_nr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a26_c_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2908 5381
1 0 2 2
2 1 0 1
2.25 1 0 1
888 DAILY 0 1 1
999 AS NEEDED 1 1 2
Note: Rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" here and a code of "times per day" on JX8153RE. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jx8153re: Time units: How often does the label on your 26th medication say you should take it?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_c_nr, y_hlh30a26_c_ur, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a26_c_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2474 2910 5384
Note: In a very small number of cases, participants reported a range in response to the question, "how often does the label say you should take this medication?" Whenever this occurred, this variable was coded to reflect the most conservative interpretation possible. If, for example, a participant reported that their medication's label read, "take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours," it would have been interpreted as "take 1 tablet every 6 hours." Recoding of this variable would subsequently reflect that most conservative interpretation, resulting in a value of "4" on JXH853RE and a code of "times per day" here. The WLS will make the originally reported ranges available upon request.

jxh854re: What is the main reason you are taking your 26th medication? These are ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_dr, c_y_hlh30a26_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a26_d, c_y_hlh30a26_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-18 COULD NOT CODE 0 1 1
-2 2473 2908 5381
3570 Looking after one's health 1 0 1
Note: See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jx8154re: What is the main reason you are taking your 26th medication? These are collapsed ICD-9 and ICF codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_dr, c_y_hlh30a26_dr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a26_d, c_y_hlh30a26_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-18 NOT CODEABLE 0 1 1
-2 2473 2908 5381
230 ICF Activities and Participation 1 0 1
Note: This variable collapses the ICD-9 and ICF codes used at JXH854RE into categories. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 and ICF codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxh855re: How many times did you take your 26th medication yesterday?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_er, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a26_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2908 5381
1 0 1 1
2 0 1 1
Note: Rounded up to the nearest integer number of times the medication was taken.

jxh856re: Century-month Participant began taking 26th medication.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlh30a26_fr, y_hlh30a26_gr, inProxySAQ, y_hlh30a26_f, y_hlh30a26_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2473 2908 5381
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1280 1 0 1
1311 0 1 1
1350 0 1 1
Note: Century-months are the months elapsed since the beginning of the year 1900. July of 1995 would, for example, represent century-month 1147 (since 95 full years have elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and July is 7 months into the year 1995, multiplying 95 by the 12 months there are in each year and adding 7 yields 1147).
Note: If the participant does not report the month they began taking their medication but does provide the year, June (as the middlemost month) is used to calculate the century-month they began taking it. For example, if a participant only tells us that they began taking their medication in 2007, the century-month would be calculated as 1290 (since 2007 represents 107 full years elapsed since the beginning of 1900 and June is the 6th month of the year, multiplying 107 by 12 and adding 6 yields 1290).

jxh150re: Are any of the medications you're currently taking prescribed by a doctor or other healthcare professional to be taken regularly?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth30a:1-24, y_health31

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 564 668 1232
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 YES 1680 2062 3742
2 NO 221 169 390

jxh151re: In the past 12 months, how often have you forgotten to take your prescription medications?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health31, y_health31a_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 254 292 546
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 221 169 390
1 NEVER 573 748 1321
2 RARELY 1245 1436 2681
3 SOMETIMES 159 239 398
4 OFTEN 9 11 20
5 VERY OFTEN 3 3 6

jxh152re: In the past 12 months, how often have you been careless about using your prescription medications?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health31, y_health31a_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 254 284 538
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 221 169 390
1 NEVER 1625 2003 3628
2 RARELY 329 375 704
3 SOMETIMES 32 59 91
4 OFTEN 3 6 9
5 VERY OFTEN 0 2 2

jxh153re: In the past 12 months, how often have you stopped using your prescription medications because you felt better?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health31, y_health31a_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 256 294 550
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 221 169 390
1 NEVER 1783 2193 3976
2 RARELY 124 140 264
3 SOMETIMES 70 86 156
4 OFTEN 8 10 18
5 VERY OFTEN 1 5 6

jxh154re: In the past 12 months, how often have you taken less medication than your doctor prescribed because you felt better?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health31, y_health31a_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 261 291 552
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 221 169 390
1 NEVER 1711 2119 3830
2 RARELY 157 183 340
3 SOMETIMES 93 105 198
4 OFTEN 13 19 32
5 VERY OFTEN 8 10 18

jxhi19re: In the past 12 months, how often did you take less medication than was prescribed or delay filling your prescriptions because of the cost?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health31, y_health31a_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 254 293 547
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 221 169 390
1 NEVER 1818 2188 4006
2 RARELY 94 126 220
3 SOMETIMES 63 98 161
4 OFTEN 13 17 30
5 VERY OFTEN 0 6 6

jxh156re: In the past 12 months, how often have you taken an extra dose of your prescription medication without talking to your doctor first because you thought it might improve your condition?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health31, y_health31a_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 255 284 539
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 221 169 390
1 NEVER 1889 2349 4238
2 RARELY 78 78 156
3 SOMETIMES 20 16 36
4 OFTEN 1 1 2
5 VERY OFTEN 0 1 1

jxh157re: In the past 12 months, how often have you gotten a refill when you had more than a few days of the prescription medication left?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health31, y_health31a_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 260 294 554
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 221 169 390
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 NEVER 646 912 1558
2 RARELY 436 560 996
3 SOMETIMES 416 492 908
4 OFTEN 251 238 489
5 VERY OFTEN 231 232 463

jxh158re: In the past 12 months, how often has someone else used your prescription medications?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health31, y_health31a_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 259 287 546
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 221 169 390
1 NEVER 1936 2389 4325
2 RARELY 35 51 86
4 OFTEN 1 0 1
5 VERY OFTEN 3 0 3

jxh159re: Do you have any prescription medications stored in your home that are expired or you are no longer taking?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health32

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 316 289 605
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 YES 549 673 1222
2 NO 1599 1937 3536

jx012rer: Have you ever smoked cigarettes regularly in your entire life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health33

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 78 78 156
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 YES 1457 1305 2762
2 NO 930 1514 2444

jxt06rer: How old were you when you started smoking cigarettes regularly?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health33, y_health34

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 89 88 177
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 930 1514 2444
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
5 - 16 535 320 855
17 - 18 515 480 995
19 - 21 297 346 643
22 - 60 97 150 247

jxt07rer: How often do you smoke cigarettes now?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health33, y_health35

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 84 92 176
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 930 1514 2444
1 NOT AT ALL 1243 1103 2346
2 EVERY DAY 175 151 326
3 SOME DAYS 32 38 70

jxt08rer: On average, how many packs of cigarettes do you smoke a day?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health35, y_health35a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 103 108 211
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 2173 2617 4790
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 14 10 24
0.25 20 23 43
0.50 52 63 115
0.75 8 8 16
1 64 60 124
1.25 2 0 2
1.50 13 7 20
2 11 1 12
3 2 0 2
5 1 0 1
25 1 0 1
Note: Rounded to the nearest 1/4 pack.

jxt09rer: For how many years have you been smoking the average number of packs of cigarettes a day you smoke now?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health35, y_health35b

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 102 113 215
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 2173 2617 4790
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 3 3
0 - 5 50 31 81
6 - 20 40 30 70
22 - 50 54 64 118
51 - 58 35 35 70
59 - 70 10 5 15
Note: If the participant's answer included a fraction or decimal point, it has been rounded down to the nearest integer number of years.

jxt10rer: About how many packs of cigarettes did you usually smoke per day when you smoked regularly?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health35, y_health35c

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 38 64 102
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 84 90 174
-2 1137 1703 2840
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 16 32 48
0.25 41 85 126
0.50 128 222 350
0.75 28 31 59
1 544 428 972
1.25 6 9 15
1.50 117 84 201
1.75 3 7 10
2 211 100 311
2.25 0 1 1
2.50 36 19 55
2.75 1 0 1
3 62 20 82
3.50 1 1 2
4 6 2 8
4.50 1 0 1
5 4 0 4
12 1 0 1
Note: Rounded to the nearest 1/4 pack.

jxt11rer: How old were you when you last smoked cigarettes?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health35, y_health35d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 21 25 46
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 84 90 174
-2 1137 1703 2840
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
3 - 30 315 259 574
31 - 40 315 226 541
41 - 50 262 256 518
51 - 64 233 240 473
65 - 73 96 100 196
Note: If the participant's answer included a fraction or decimal point, it has been rounded down to the nearest integer age.

jxt12rer: Other than yourself, does anyone regularly smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products inside your home?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health36

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 86 101 187
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 YES 165 163 328
2 NO 2214 2634 4848

jx013rec: Does Participant currently smoke cigarettes?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health33, y_health35

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 84 92 176
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 YES 207 189 396
2 NO 2173 2615 4788

jx014rer: Number of years the Participant has smoked cigarettes regularly or did smoke cigarettes regularly.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health33, y_health34, y_health35, y_health35b, y_health35d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 54 58 112
-2 1008 1594 2602
0 - 12 297 266 563
13 - 23 317 241 558
24 - 34 296 263 559
35 - 49 258 283 541
50 - 68 235 194 429
Note: Rounded down to the nearest integer number of years.

jx015rer: Number of packs of cigarettes Participant currently smokes per day or did smoke per day when they smoked regularly.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health33, y_health35, y_health35a, y_health35c

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 69 99 168
-2 1008 1594 2602
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 30 42 72
0.25 60 106 166
0.50 179 282 461
0.75 36 39 75
1 605 487 1092
1.25 8 9 17
1.50 130 90 220
1.75 3 7 10
2 221 100 321
2.25 0 1 1
2.50 36 19 55
2.75 1 0 1
3 64 20 84
3.50 1 1 2
4 6 2 8
4.50 1 0 1
5 5 0 5
12 1 0 1
25 1 0 1
Note: Rounded to the nearest 1/4 pack.

jxab01re: Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 265 260 525
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 YES 1734 1877 3611
2 NO 465 761 1226

jxab02re: When talking with others, do you ever underestimate how much you actually drink?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 97 108 205
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
1 YES 254 127 381
2 NO 1649 1902 3551

jxab03re: After a few drinks, have you sometimes not eaten or been able to skip a meal because you didn't feel hungry?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 99 115 214
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
1 YES 172 93 265
2 NO 1729 1930 3659

jxab04re: Does having a few drinks help decrease your shakiness or tremors?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 176 187 363
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 5 7
1 YES 53 22 75
2 NO 1769 1924 3693

jxab05re: Does alcohol sometimes make it hard for you to remember parts of the day or night?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 103 123 226
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 86 38 124
2 NO 1810 1977 3787

jxab06re: Do you usually take a drink to relax or calm your nerves?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 103 114 217
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 290 201 491
2 NO 1604 1822 3426

jxab07re: Do you drink to take your mind off your problems?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 112 123 235
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 66 52 118
2 NO 1821 1961 3782

jxab08re: Have you ever increased your drinking after experiencing a loss in your life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 102 115 217
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 YES 117 128 245
2 NO 1780 1895 3675

jxab09re: Has a doctor or nurse ever said they were worried or concerned about your drinking?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 105 113 218
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
1 YES 92 18 110
2 NO 1803 2007 3810

jxab10re: Have you ever made rules to manage your drinking?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 108 118 226
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 YES 285 125 410
2 NO 1605 1893 3498

jxab11re: When you feel lonely does having a drink help?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health37, y_health37a_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 130 129 259
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 465 761 1226
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 104 79 183
2 NO 1764 1929 3693

jxor01re: Have you signed an organ donor card or indicated on your driver's license you intend to be an organ donor?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health38

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 84 95 179
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1 YES 1116 1460 2576
2 NO 1265 1342 2607

jxor02re: Are you willing to be contacted about the possibility of donating your body for scientific research after death?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health39

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 111 159 270
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 15 21
1 YES 644 759 1403
2 NO 1702 1963 3665

jxor03re: Are you willing to be contacted about the possibility of donating just your brain for scientific research after death?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health40

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 113 172 285
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 18 22
1 YES 647 781 1428
2 NO 1699 1927 3626

jxel01re: How important is it to you to be free of pain at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 109 145 254
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
2 A LITTLE IMPORTANT 177 177 354
4 VERY IMPORTANT 949 1148 2097

jxel02re: How important is it to you to be free of shortness of breath at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 115 161 276
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
2 A LITTLE IMPORTANT 240 212 452
4 VERY IMPORTANT 845 1098 1943

jxel03re: How important is it to you to have your family and loved ones with you at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 109 133 242
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
4 VERY IMPORTANT 908 880 1788

jxel04re: How important is it to you to be at peace with God at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 126 138 264
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 3 5
1 NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 192 107 299
4 VERY IMPORTANT 550 511 1061
5 EXTREMELY IMPORTANT 1281 1970 3251

jxel05re: How important is it to you to resolve unfinished business with family or friends at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 114 154 268
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 177 134 311
2 A LITTLE IMPORTANT 195 138 333
4 VERY IMPORTANT 899 971 1870

jxel06re: How important is it to you to use all available treatments, no matter what the chance of recovery, at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 124 186 310
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 4 5
1 NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 893 939 1832
2 A LITTLE IMPORTANT 510 545 1055
4 VERY IMPORTANT 235 311 546

jxel07re: How important is it to you to have one's financial affairs in order at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 110 131 241
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
4 VERY IMPORTANT 989 1010 1999

jxel08re: How important is it to you to know what to expect about your physical condition at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 114 136 250
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
4 VERY IMPORTANT 1053 1051 2104

jxel09re: How important is it to you to be mentally aware at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 114 139 253
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
4 VERY IMPORTANT 1052 1035 2087

jxel10re: How important is it to you to have funeral arrangements planned at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 114 139 253
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
4 VERY IMPORTANT 1052 1035 2087

jxel11re: How important is it to you to control the place of one's death at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 114 137 251
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
2 A LITTLE IMPORTANT 227 155 382
4 VERY IMPORTANT 756 883 1639

jxel12re: How important is it to you to feel one's life is complete at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 119 163 282
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 4 6
1 NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 525 446 971
2 A LITTLE IMPORTANT 428 361 789
4 VERY IMPORTANT 454 610 1064

jxel13re: How important is it to you to believe one's family is prepared for death at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 118 149 267
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 174 112 286
2 A LITTLE IMPORTANT 187 130 317
4 VERY IMPORTANT 857 923 1780

jxel14re: How important is it to you to not be connected to machines at the end of life?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_health41_14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 114 153 267
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
2 A LITTLE IMPORTANT 151 109 260
4 VERY IMPORTANT 930 1051 1981

jxm01rer: Do you know about your biological mother's health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 2308 2760 5068
2 NO / NO SUCH RELATIVE 168 151 319
Note: This item was assumed "yes" unless indicated otherwise. The original wording was "Don't know about this person's health/No such relative," to which the participant could answer affirmatively with a check. A blank was assumed to indicate that the participant did have such a relative and did know about that person's health.

jxm02rer: Has your biological mother had high blood pressure (or hypertension)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 713 1227 1940
2 NO 1595 1533 3128
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm03rer: Has your biological mother had high blood cholesterol?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 17 20
1 YES 327 504 831
2 NO 1979 2241 4220
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm04rer: Has your biological mother had a stroke before age 65?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 105 122 227
2 NO 2203 2638 4841
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm05rer: Has your biological mother had a stroke at age 65 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 YES 290 447 737
2 NO 2018 2314 4332
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm06rer: Has your biological mother had a heart attack before age 55?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 1 4
1 YES 49 59 108
2 NO 2257 2702 4959
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm07rer: Has your biological mother had a heart attack at age 55 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 2 5
1 YES 292 397 689
2 NO 2014 2363 4377
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm08rer: Has your biological mother had diabetes (or high blood sugar)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 1 4
1 YES 307 380 687
2 NO 1999 2381 4380
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm09rer: Has your biological mother had Alzheimer's disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 210 291 501
2 NO 2098 2469 4567
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm10rer: Has your biological mother had asthma?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 YES 52 106 158
2 NO 2256 2655 4911
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm11rer: Has your biological mother had osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 YES 202 510 712
2 NO 2106 2251 4357
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm12rer: Has your biological mother had cancer?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 168 151 319
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 YES 583 795 1378
2 NO 1725 1966 3691
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxm13rer: What is the name of the organ or system of the body where your biological mother's cancer occurred? These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42a_12, c_y_hlth42a_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 1895 2118 4013
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 4 5
140 Malignant neoplasm of lip 2 0 2
142 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands 0 1 1
145 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of the mouth 4 3 7
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 0 6 6
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 18 24 42
152 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum 6 10 16
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 50 98 148
154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 3 6 9
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 22 11 33
156 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts 4 5 9
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 20 30 50
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 3 11 14
160 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses 4 1 5
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 5 5 10
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 54 54 108
164 Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart, and mediastinum 1 3 4
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 12 11 23
171 Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue 0 5 5
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 2 27 29
173 Other malignant neoplasm of skin 2 4 6
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 149 200 349
179 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 11 26 37
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 7 20 27
182 Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus 1 0 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 15 34 49
184 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 6 6 12
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 2 0 2
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 7 13 20
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 7 17 24
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 11 22 33
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 1 6 7
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 7 14 21
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 103 61 164
201 Hodgkin's disease 1 1 2
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 10 20 30
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 3 6 9
204 Lymphoid leukemia 0 1 1
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 17 15 32
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 0 3 3
Note: This variable contains the specified organ or system of the body affected by cancer, coded using using ICD-9 classifications. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxf01rer: Do you know about your biological father's health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 2272 2697 4969
2 NO / NO SUCH RELATIVE 203 214 417
Note: This item was assumed "yes" unless indicated otherwise. The original wording was "Don't know about this person's health/No such relative," to which the participant could answer affirmatively with a check. A blank was assumed to indicate that the participant did have such a relative and did know about that person's health.

jxf02rer: Has your biological father had high blood pressure (or hypertension)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
1 YES 583 784 1367
2 NO 1689 1914 3603
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf03rer: Has your biological father had high blood cholesterol?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 9 11
1 YES 358 443 801
2 NO 1914 2247 4161
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf04rer: Has your biological father had a stroke before age 65?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 160 195 355
2 NO 2112 2504 4616
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf05rer: Has your biological father had a stroke at age 65 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 253 334 587
2 NO 2019 2365 4384
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf06rer: Has your biological father had a heart attack before age 55?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 188 204 392
2 NO 2083 2495 4578
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf07rer: Has your biological father had a heart attack at age 55 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 525 653 1178
2 NO 1746 2046 3792
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf08rer: Has your biological father had diabetes (or high blood sugar)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 241 290 531
2 NO 2030 2409 4439
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf09rer: Has your biological father had Alzheimer's disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 116 124 240
2 NO 2156 2575 4731
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf10rer: Has your biological father had asthma?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 55 75 130
2 NO 2217 2624 4841
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf11rer: Has your biological father had osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 16 28 44
2 NO 2256 2671 4927
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf12rer: Has your biological father had cancer?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 203 214 417
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 571 713 1284
2 NO 1701 1984 3685
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxf13rer: What is the name of the organ or system of the body where your biological father's cancer occurred? These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42b_12, c_y_hlth42b_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 1907 2200 4107
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
140 Malignant neoplasm of lip 0 3 3
141 Malignant neoplasm of tongue 1 1 2
144 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth 0 1 1
145 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of the mouth 1 5 6
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 5 12 17
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 31 40 71
152 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum 0 1 1
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 63 93 156
154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 4 6 10
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 17 28 45
156 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts 1 1 2
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 22 26 48
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 4 6 10
160 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses 2 1 3
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 20 22 42
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 94 125 219
164 Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart, and mediastinum 2 3 5
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 17 18 35
171 Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue 1 1 2
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 16 25 41
173 Other malignant neoplasm of skin 3 4 7
175 Malignant neoplasm of male breast 1 2 3
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 0 1 1
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 100 107 207
186 Malignant neoplasm of testis 0 1 1
187 Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organs 0 1 1
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 21 27 48
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 7 17 24
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 14 22 36
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 1 1 2
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 15 6 21
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 65 55 120
201 Hodgkin's disease 0 1 1
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 13 15 28
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 4 2 6
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 16 18 34
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 0 3 3
246 Other disorders of thyroid 0 1 1
Note: This variable contains the specified organ or system of the body affected by cancer, coded using using ICD-9 classifications. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxb01rer: Do you know about your biological brother's/brothers' health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 2070 2473 4543
2 NO / NO SUCH RELATIVE 406 438 844
Note: This item was assumed "yes" unless indicated otherwise. The original wording was "Don't know about this person's health/No such relative," to which the participant could answer affirmatively with a check. A blank was assumed to indicate that the participant did have such a relative and did know about that person's health.

jxb02rer: Have any of your biological brothers had high blood pressure (or hypertension)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 440 599 1039
2 NO 1630 1874 3504
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb03rer: Have any of your biological brothers had high blood cholesterol?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 3 5
1 YES 340 506 846
2 NO 1729 1966 3695
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb04rer: Have any of your biological brothers had a stroke before age 65?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 97 92 189
2 NO 1973 2381 4354
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb05rer: Have any of your biological brothers had a stroke at age 65 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 61 73 134
2 NO 2008 2400 4408
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb06rer: Have any of your biological brothers had a heart attack before age 55?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 126 156 282
2 NO 1943 2317 4260
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb07rer: Have any of your biological brothers had a heart attack at age 55 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 160 242 402
2 NO 1909 2231 4140
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb08rer: Have any of your biological brothers had diabetes (or high blood sugar)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 272 344 616
2 NO 1798 2129 3927
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb09rer: Have any of your biological brothers had Alzheimer's disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
1 YES 26 37 63
2 NO 2044 2435 4479
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb10rer: Have any of your biological brothers had asthma?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 47 90 137
2 NO 2022 2383 4405
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb11rer: Have any of your biological brothers had osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 6 21 27
2 NO 2063 2452 4515
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb12rer: Have any of your biological brothers had cancer?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 406 438 844
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 352 471 823
2 NO 1718 2002 3720
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxb13rer: What is the name of the organ or system of the body where your biological brother's/brothers' cancer occurred? These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42c_12, c_y_hlth42c_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2126 2442 4568
140 Malignant neoplasm of lip 1 0 1
141 Malignant neoplasm of tongue 0 4 4
142 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands 0 3 3
145 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of the mouth 2 6 8
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 5 9 14
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 13 8 21
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 24 30 54
154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 0 3 3
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 10 11 21
156 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts 0 2 2
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 13 12 25
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 4 5 9
160 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses 1 3 4
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 10 22 32
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 45 67 112
163 Malignant neoplasm of pleura 0 1 1
164 Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart, and mediastinum 1 5 6
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 8 13 21
171 Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue 0 4 4
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 15 35 50
173 Other malignant neoplasm of skin 1 0 1
175 Malignant neoplasm of male breast 0 2 2
182 Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus 0 1 1
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 72 98 170
186 Malignant neoplasm of testis 2 7 9
187 Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organs 0 1 1
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 5 9 14
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 11 13 24
190 Malignant neoplasm of eye 1 0 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 12 15 27
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 1 3 4
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 7 6 13
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 54 36 90
201 Hodgkin's disease 2 3 5
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 7 11 18
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 2 1 3
204 Lymphoid leukemia 1 0 1
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 12 14 26
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 0 2 2
Note: This variable contains the specified organ or system of the body affected by cancer, coded using using ICD-9 classifications. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxs01rer: Do you know about your biological sister's/sisters' health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 2058 2469 4527
2 NO / NO SUCH RELATIVE 418 442 860
Note: This item was assumed "yes" unless indicated otherwise. The original wording was "Don't know about this person's health/No such relative," to which the participant could answer affirmatively with a check. A blank was assumed to indicate that the participant did have such a relative and did know about that person's health.

jxs02rer: Have any of your biological sisters had high blood pressure (or hypertension)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
1 YES 296 632 928
2 NO 1762 1836 3598
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs03rer: Have any of your biological sisters had high blood cholesterol?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 234 491 725
2 NO 1823 1978 3801
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs04rer: Have any of your biological sisters had a stroke before age 65?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 38 67 105
2 NO 2020 2402 4422
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs05rer: Have any of your biological sisters had a stroke at age 65 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 34 64 98
2 NO 2023 2405 4428
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs06rer: Have any of your biological sisters had a heart attack before age 55?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 17 37 54
2 NO 2040 2432 4472
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs07rer: Have any of your biological sisters had a heart attack at age 55 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 64 111 175
2 NO 1994 2358 4352
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs08rer: Have any of your biological sisters had diabetes (or high blood sugar)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 161 292 453
2 NO 1897 2177 4074
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs09rer: Have any of your biological sisters had Alzheimer's disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 YES 39 56 95
2 NO 2019 2413 4432
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs10rer: Have any of your biological sisters had asthma?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 40 101 141
2 NO 2017 2368 4385
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs11rer: Have any of your biological sisters had osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
1 YES 44 169 213
2 NO 2013 2300 4313
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs12rer: Have any of your biological sisters had cancer?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 418 442 860
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
1 YES 330 565 895
2 NO 1728 1903 3631
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxs13rer: What is the name of the organ or system of the body where your biological sister's/sisters' cancer occurred? These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42d_12, c_y_hlth42d_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-18 COULD NOT CODE 0 1 1
-2 2148 2348 4496
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
141 Malignant neoplasm of tongue 0 1 1
142 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands 1 0 1
145 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of the mouth 1 0 1
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 1 1 2
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 4 1 5
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 11 35 46
154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 0 2 2
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 7 10 17
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 9 14 23
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 6 4 10
160 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses 1 2 3
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 5 3 8
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 37 58 95
164 Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart, and mediastinum 0 1 1
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 5 6 11
171 Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue 0 2 2
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 7 29 36
173 Other malignant neoplasm of skin 1 2 3
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 110 211 321
179 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 5 21 26
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 4 10 14
182 Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus 0 2 2
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 5 25 30
184 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 4 4 8
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 1 8 9
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 2 10 12
190 Malignant neoplasm of eye 1 1 2
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 8 9 17
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 4 11 15
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 6 7 13
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 50 41 91
201 Hodgkin's disease 2 1 3
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 4 8 12
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 0 2 2
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 12 13 25
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 2 1 3
Note: This variable contains the specified organ or system of the body affected by cancer, coded using using ICD-9 classifications. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxso01re: Do you know about your biological son's/sons' health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 2155 2607 4762
2 NO / NO SUCH RELATIVE 320 306 626
Note: This item was assumed "yes" unless indicated otherwise. The original wording was "Don't know about this person's health/No such relative," to which the participant could answer affirmatively with a check. A blank was assumed to indicate that the participant did have such a relative and did know about that person's health.

jxso02re: Have any of your biological sons had high blood pressure (or hypertension)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 1 4
1 YES 165 325 490
2 NO 1989 2281 4270
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso03re: Have any of your biological sons had high blood cholesterol?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 139 268 407
2 NO 2015 2339 4354
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso04re: Have any of your biological sons had a stroke before age 65?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 10 30 40
2 NO 2145 2577 4722
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso05re: Have any of your biological sons had a stroke at age 65 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 0 3 3
2 NO 2154 2604 4758
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso06re: Have any of your biological sons had a heart attack before age 55?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 13 34 47
2 NO 2141 2573 4714
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso07re: Have any of your biological sons had a heart attack at age 55 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 3 4 7
2 NO 2151 2603 4754
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso08re: Have any of your biological sons had diabetes (or high blood sugar)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 53 90 143
2 NO 2102 2517 4619
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso09re: Have any of your biological sons had Alzheimer's disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 1 1 2
2 NO 2154 2606 4760
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso10re: Have any of your biological sons had asthma?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 58 90 148
2 NO 2096 2517 4613
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso11re: Have any of your biological sons had osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 1 5 6
2 NO 2153 2602 4755
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso12re: Have any of your biological sons had cancer?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 320 306 626
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 39 73 112
2 NO 2116 2534 4650
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxso13re: What is the name of the organ or system of the body where your biological son's/sons' cancer occurred? These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth42e_12, c_y_hlth42e_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2439 2840 5279
141 Malignant neoplasm of tongue 0 1 1
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 1 1 2
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 1 0 1
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 4 10 14
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 0 1 1
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 0 4 4
160 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses 0 1 1
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 1 0 1
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 1 4 5
164 Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart, and mediastinum 2 2 4
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 1 0 1
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 2 12 14
173 Other malignant neoplasm of skin 1 3 4
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 1 0 1
175 Malignant neoplasm of male breast 0 1 1
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1 4 5
186 Malignant neoplasm of testis 6 4 10
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 0 1 1
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 0 3 3
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 0 1 1
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 0 3 3
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 2 0 2
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 6 5 11
201 Hodgkin's disease 0 4 4
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 3 4 7
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 4 3 7
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 2 1 3
Note: This variable contains the specified organ or system of the body affected by cancer, coded using using ICD-9 classifications. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 codes as well as details regarding coding.

jxd01rer: Do you know about your biological daughter's/daughters' health?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 2165 2572 4737
2 NO / NO SUCH RELATIVE 310 341 651
Note: This item was assumed "yes" unless indicated otherwise. The original wording was "Don't know about this person's health/No such relative," to which the participant could answer affirmatively with a check. A blank was assumed to indicate that the participant did have such a relative and did know about that person's health.

jxd02rer: Have any of your biological daughters had high blood pressure (or hypertension)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
1 YES 93 223 316
2 NO 2072 2348 4420
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd03rer: Have any of your biological daughters had high blood cholesterol?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 86 173 259
2 NO 2078 2399 4477
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd04rer: Have any of your biological daughters had a stroke before age 65?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 9 28 37
2 NO 2156 2544 4700
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd05rer: Have any of your biological daughters had a stroke at age 65 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 1 3 4
2 NO 2163 2569 4732
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd06rer: Have any of your biological daughters had a heart attack before age 55?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 0 4
1 YES 4 12 16
2 NO 2159 2560 4719
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd07rer: Have any of your biological daughters had a heart attack at age 55 or older?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 0 4
1 YES 2 1 3
2 NO 2161 2571 4732
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd08rer: Have any of your biological daughters had diabetes (or high blood sugar)?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 25 69 94
2 NO 2139 2503 4642
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd09rer: Have any of your biological daughters had Alzheimer's disease?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 1 2 3
2 NO 2164 2570 4734
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd10rer: Have any of your biological daughters had asthma?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 46 90 136
2 NO 2118 2482 4600
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd11rer: Have any of your biological daughters had osteoporosis?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
1 YES 5 22 27
2 NO 2159 2550 4709
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd12rer: Have any of your biological daughters had cancer?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 310 341 651
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 46 122 168
2 NO 2119 2450 4569
Note: This item was assumed "no" unless indicated otherwise. The participant was instructed to check a box if the specified relative ever had the disease this variable pertains to; thus, if the participant left the box unchecked, it was assumed that their relative never had the disease.

jxd13rer: What is the name of the organ or system of the body where your biological daughter's/daughters' cancer occurred? These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_hlth40f_12, c_y_hlth40f_12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-2 2432 2791 5223
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 0 1 1
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 1 5 6
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 0 1 1
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 0 1 1
160 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses 1 0 1
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 0 1 1
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 0 4 4
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 1 2 3
171 Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue 2 0 2
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 5 13 18
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 16 44 60
179 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 0 5 5
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 1 6 7
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 2 6 8
184 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 2 0 2
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 0 2 2
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 3 5 8
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 2 10 12
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 1 3 4
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 6 3 9
201 Hodgkin's disease 0 1 1
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 3 6 9
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 0 2 2
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 0 1 1
Note: This variable contains the specified organ or system of the body affected by cancer, coded using using ICD-9 classifications. See cor867 in Appendix R for ICD-9 codes as well as details regarding coding.
