Graduate and Sibling Mail Surveys

Mail surveys were sent to graduates and siblings after they had completed the telephone survey. Different forms of the mail survey were designed to use different versions of the World Health Survey instrument. They differ in which WHO vignettes are included (see memo145_vignetteplan_rev-102702) for a detailed description of the differences. The multiple forms of the mail survey are identical with the exception of the notes below.

Mail surveys were also sent to graduates and siblings who did not respond to the telephone survey. These nonrespondents have labels (see Mail Labels) pasted over a number of pages in order to obtain key information that was missing from the telephone surveys.

History of ALL Changes in Graduate Mail Forms

Grad Female Form (Replicate 0)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 0)
Grad Female Form (Replicate 1)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 1)
Grad Female Form (Replicate 2)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 2)
Grad Female Form (Replicate 3)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 3)

Grad Female Form (Replicate 4)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 4)

The following changes were made for replicates 4-9 (in addition to the WHO items):
-Organ donation was added
-Capitalize and bold FIRST employer retired from and more space allowed for employer name
-Space added for clarification and comments regarding abuse

Grad Female Form (Replicate 5)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 5)

The following changes were made for replicates 5-9 (in addition to the WHO items):
- New item on spouse's health using answer formats excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor
- New items on vision and hearing
- Reformat of race item responses

- New items on masculinity identification
- New item ff added
to personality
- New items on reading habits
- Elimination of entire page comparing yourself with others Who are you most or least like?

NOTE: Errors in printing the replicate 4 mail survey form for men were fixed with labels after the first 150 cases.

On page 7, Q16a and Q16b were numbered incorrectly.
On page 7, n. Prostate problems missing
(There will be a unique code for the questionnaires completed without this item.)
On page 33, Q2 No - Change skip to (Please go to Question 9, Page 34)

Grad Female Form (Replicate 6)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 6)
Grad Female Form (Replicate 7)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 7)
Grad Female Form (Replicate 8)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 8)
Grad Female Form (Replicate 9)
Grad Male Form (Replicate 9)

Non-normative supplement (8/1/03)

NOTE: All mail surveys for siblings reps 0,2-8 will be identical to graduates reps 5-9. Sibling replicates 1 and 9 have 22 additional items for Psychological Well Being that were used in 1993 and all the items will be randomly reordered. These PWB items appear for males on pp.14-15 and for females on pp.16-17.

NOTE: The WHO pages will be the same within replicates as described in memo145 and used for the graduates.

Sibling Female Form (Replicates 0, 2-8)
Sibling Male Form (Replicates 0, 2-8)
Sibling Female Form (Replicates 1 and 9)
Sibling Male Form (Replicates 1 and 9)

Mail Surveys for telephone nonrespondents