COR 514 Living Arrangements of Current Spouse Some members of the household are temporarily absent. Other members are currently living in the household, but may be away at other times. The variables in the household roster section reflect that information as much as possible. In the marriage section, question 62m asks, "Are you and your spouse currently living together?" If the answer is no, a follow-up question is asked to determine why not. These answers were assigned codes which indicated the reason why not and also indicated whether the spouse or the respondent was away from the "main" household. If it was unclear who was away and there were other members of the household; the person who lived with the other members of the household was coded as living in the "main" household. If it was unclear who was away and there were no other members of the household, the respondent was coded as "in the main household". To construct HHLIVE, the person living in the "main" household was coded 1, lives in household full-time, and the other person was coded with the reason for not currently living together. These reasons and codes are: 2 Away at work 3 Away at work (temporary assignment) 4 In the military 5 In the process of moving 6 Temporary live-in care of parent 7 Lives in retirement home 8 Illness-stays in nursing home/hospital/medical institution 9 Away for other medical reason, for ex. stay at warm place 10 Travel and extended vacation/visit 11 Has another residence elsewhere 12 Marital difficulties If answer to 62m, "Are you and your spouse currently living together?, is yes, then HHLIVE is coded 1, lives in household full-time. NOTE: In almost all cases, the spouse is the person living away from home. If you want to determine whether the R or spouse is the person away from the primary household, see Appendix D - COR511 on the Creation of Respondent's Household Roster. Variable RE00201 in the household roster section, CRST, will provide you with this data. See Appendix D - COR 511 Construction of Rosters for a more complete description of the household variables.