EDUCATIONAL VARIABLES 1964 COMPUTER OPERATIONS REQUEST #275 The purpose of this COR is to explain the procedures used when coding college data from the 1964 follow-up. When R attended more than three colleges, we needed to make a decision over which three colleges were to be selected for coding. Our analysis revealed that, in seventeen cases, we had a respondent who attended four or more colleges. Selection of the three colleges to be coded if R attended 4 or more colleges appears in the following order of priority: 1. If R obtained a degree (BA or higher), the degree granting institution was coded. 2. If R was currently enrolled, current College was coded as third college attended. This information was occasionally obtained from the current occupation section of the questionnaire rather than from the educational history. 3. Schools attended for the longest periods of time were coded. 4. Colleges which could be coded easily with exact campus information were more likely to be selected. Parents tended to give more complete information on Wisconsin colleges (i.e., distinguishing between different campuses; University of Wisconsin-Madison) then they did on out-of-state colleges (University of California-no campus specified). 5. In several cases R attended summer school at many different institutions. The "better known" or Wisconsin colleges appear to have been coded. 6. Foreign colleges were given the lowest priority. They were only coded if the foreign school experience was more extensive than the U.S. experience or if a degree was obtained from the foreign school. In addition, it is worthwhile to note that when the variables CLYDG6 (number of years in college up to completion of the first degree) and EDYR64 (total years of schooling), were created, they were based on the number of years attended for the three colleges coded. Therefore, for those who attended 4 or more colleges, these variables report fewer years of schooling than actually occurred. This under-report is minor since the most significant and lengthy components of R's educational experience were those selected for coding.