HSR____ HN_____ MY PLANS BEYOND HIGH SCHOOL M______ Name ____________________________________________Age________________ F______ School________________________________Home address__________________________ ______________________________________Father's name_________________________ (or other parent or guardian) 1. I plan: (Place a cross (x) before the statement which describes what you plan to do next year) ____ To continue going to school ____ To go into military service ____ To get a job ____ To work at my home ____ To become an apprentice ____ I have no definite plans ____ (Other, specify)___________________________________________________ If the plan you have checked is not what you would really like to do, place an (L) in front of the statement above which described what you would most like to do, then state what circumstances prevent you from doing what you would most like to do. __________________________________________________________________________ How sure are you that you will be doing what you plan? ____ certain ____ uncertain 2. If you checked that you plan to go to school next year, what kind of school do you plan to attend? Public Private ____ Vocational school ____ Liberal arts college ____ County teachers college ____ University ____ State college ____ Business or trade school ____ University ____ Other (Specify)____________________ Do you plan to attend school outside Wisconsin? ____yes ____ no I plan to attend school ____full-time ____part-time 3. If you plan to continue your schooling or training, answer the items below. If not, go to question 4. I plan to enter the following courses or fields: In trade or vocational school__________________________________________ Specify field or training Apprenticeship_________________________________________________________ Specify field or trade College or university: (check the field of your interest) ____ Agriculture ____ Engineering ____ Liberal Arts ____ Architecture ____ Fine Arts ____ Medicine ____ Aeronautics ____ Forestry ____ Nursing ____ Business ____ Home Economics ____ Pharmacy ____ Chemistry ____ Journalism ____ Social Work ____ Dentistry ____ Law ____ Teaching ____ Undecided ____ ____________________ ____ Veterinary (Other) 4. If you plan to get a job next year, check the statement below which applies to you. ____ I have applied, but do not yet have a job ____ I have applied and have been accepted ____ I have not applied ____ I will continue in a job I now have ____ Other __________________________________________________________ My job will be: (describe)___________________________________________ (Name of firm)___________________________________________ It will pay about _____________ per week 5. To what extent have you discussed your plans with your teachers or school counselors? ____ not at all ____ some ____ very much How much did they influence your plans? ____ not at all ____ some ____ very much 6. To what extent have you discussed your plans with your parents? ____ not at all ____ some ____ very much How much did they influence your plans? ____ not at all ____ some ____ very much 7. Education of father and mother (check highest level attained) High School: Father Mother did not attend _____ _____ attended _____ _____ graduated from _____ _____ Trade or business school: attended _____ _____ College: attended _____ _____ graduated from _____ _____ ___as masters'or Ph.D.degree _____ _____ Do not know _____ _____ 8. Education of older brother and sister who have had most schooling. (Check the highest level reached; if more than one, show number at each level.) Brother Sister Some high school _____ _____ High school graduate _____ _____ Some college _____ _____ Attending college _____ _____ College graduate _____ _____ Attending graduate school (or attended) _____ _____ None older _____ _____ 9. (a) My father is engaged in the type of occupation checked in the left bond column below. (b) I hope eventually to enter the type of occupation checked in the right hand column below. Father Me _____ Office work (cashier, clerk, secretary, bookkeeper, etc.) _____ _____ Professional (doctor, lawyer, minister, teacher, etc.) _____ _____ Executive (manages large business, industry, firm) _____ _____ Factory worker (laborer, janitor, form hand, etc.) _____ _____ Salesman (insurance, real estate, auto, store, etc.) _____ _____ Owns, rents, manages small business (store, station, newspaper, cafe, etc.) _____ _____ Owns, rents, manages farm _____ _____ Other occupation (be specific)____________________________________ (c) If your mother has a job outside the home, place an (M) before the type of occupation in which she works. 10. How much do you think it costs per school year to attend college away from home? ____ Less than S1000 ____ Between $1500and $2000 ____ Between $1000 and $1500 ____ More than $2000 11. How do you estimate the ability of your parents to help you go to college, if you desire to go? ____ can easily afford it ____ cannot afford it ____ can afford it, but with much ____ I must work to help sacrifice support the family 12. In terms of income or wealth of families in my community, I think my family is: ____ considerably above average ____ average ____ somewhat above average ____ somewhat below average ____ considerably below average 13. (a) Have you ever considered attending college? ____ yes ____ no (b) If no, would you consider it if you had the money? ____ yes ____ no (c) Would you borrow money for college expenses if you could pay it back on the installment plan after leaving college? ____ yes ____ no (d) About how much could you or your family contribute to your college expenses next year (if you were going)? ____ none ____ less than $500 ____ Between $500 and $1000 ____ between $1000 and $1500 ____ all my expenses 14. Did you apply for admission to a school or college? (Check the statements which apply to you) ____ I have not applied ____ I have applied, but have not heard ____ I have not applied, ____ I plan to apply but plan to ____ I have been tentatively admitted, and expect to attend I have applied but was refused because: ____ I did not rank high enough ____ I did not take the right subjects ____ The school could not take more students ______________________________ _______________________________ (Name of School(s) ) (Name of School) I sent applications to _____ schools (number) 15. Did you take the National Merit Scholarship Examinations? ____ yes ____ no 16. Did you take the College Entrance Board Examinations: ____ yes ____ no ____ Scholastic Aptitude Test ____ Subject matter in (fields) _______________________________________ 17. Have you applied for a scholarship? ____ I did not apply ____ I have applied, but have not yet heard ____ I have applied, but was not successful I have received a scholarship from: ____ a college ______________________________________________________ (Name) ____ company or corporation _________________________________________ (Name) ____ organization or society__________________________________ (Name) ____ other __________________________________________________________ 18. The scholarship or awards I have will pay the following part of my college expenses next year: ____ tuition, one semester ____ tuition, plus $_______________ ____ tuition, both semesters ____ $_____________________________ (cash) ____ all expenses 19. If you are going to school next year what part of your school or college expenses do you expect to provide from summer earnings or part-time work at school? ____ Less than $250 ____ Between $500 and $750 ____ Between $250 and $500 ____ More than $750 20. Has marriage or the early prospect of marriage influenced your plan for next year? ____ yes ____ no 21. Place a circle around the number of semesters in which you studied the following subjects? Algebra 0 1 2 3 4 English 0 2 4 6 8 Geometry 0 1 2 3 4 History 0 2 4 6 8 Trigonometry 0 1 2 3 4 Social Studies 0 2 4 6 8 Biology 0 1 2 3 4 Foreign Language 0 2 4 6 8 Chemistry 0 1 2 3 4 Specify Language (s)_____________ Physics 0 1 2 3 4 _________________________________ Did you take a college preparatory course? ____ yes ____no 22. Did your high school give you practice in the following college-type experiences? (Check those in which you had considerable experience) ____ Taking notes from lectures ____ Writing term reports ____ Taking final semester examinations during a scheduled period ____ Making individual studies with oral reports ____ Long-term ass ignments. ____ Planning own use of study time rather than required study period ____ (If other, describe) ____________________________________________ 23. For the work I want to do, a college education is: ____ necessary ____ desirable ____ unnecessary 24. My teachers in high school have: ____ encouraged me to go to college ____ discouraged me from going to college ____ have had no effect on my decision 25. My parents: ____ want me to go to college ____ do not care whether I go ____ do not want me to go ____ will not let me go 26. Most of my friends are: ____ going to college ____ going into military service ____ getting jobs ____ other _________________________ 27. High school studies: ____ have been interesting; I want to learn more ____ have been uninteresting; I would rather work than study ____ have had no especial influence upon my plans 28. The prospect of military service: (boys only) ____ has influenced me to attend college and join the ROTC ____ has made me uncertain about my future plans ____ has caused me to plan a military career ____ has had no influence upon my plans 29. The fact that boys must go into military service: (girls only) ____ has caused me to be unsettled in my plans ____ has had no influence upon my decisions ____ has caused me to plan to enter military service too 30. Which of the following statements best describe your opinion of the value of going to college? (Answer whether you plan to go to college or not. Check the 3 statements which seem most important to you.) ____ I would rather start earning money quickly, and learn on the job ____ I (am) would be greatly dissatisfied to stop at my present level of knowledge ____ College life and activities (like athletics) attract me very much ____ College graduates get jobs with better pay ____ The country needs more people who have highly developed skills and knowledge ____ College is a good place to meet a worthy life-mate ____ Skilled laborers get paid as much as most college graduates ____ Going to college enables you to study more lines of work before deciding on a career ____ A college education helps you live a happier, more complete life ____ Going to college costs more than it is worth ____ College studies will make you work at a high intellectual level, and I like that ____ College graduates usually have the leadership positions ____ Learning on a job is more practical than most school learning ____ Persons who do not have college educations often make better leaders ____ College life broadens you socially, and developes your personality ____ Success in life depends upon ability and effort, not amount of education ____ Going to college would be a waste of time for me ____ Going to college has just been accepted; I have never thought of anything else WISCONSIN STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION AND SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN April, 1957