Save your files on network drives

We strongly recommend that you save all work-related files on network drives. Network drives are more reliable than standard PC hard drives and are backed up every night. We hate to see anyone lose data due to a hard drive crash. Network drives are also convenient to use: you can easily get access to files on network drives from home or other locations simply by logging into Winstat.

It's especially important to save files on network drives when using Winstat: never save files on the Desktop or in My Documents on Winstat. Files in those locations may or may not be there then next time you log in.

Keep in mind that different network drives have different purposes. The U: drive is private space. However, there are shared spaces available suchas the SSCC's X: drive where you can put files that your collaborators or coworkers should have access to. If you're out, having a needed file on the X: drive rather than your U: drive can make life much easier for your coworkers!