
The cars it should ship are:

     | make            foreign   length   weight    price |
 53. | Audi 5000       Foreign      189    2,830    9,690 |
 54. | Audi Fox        Foreign      174    2,070    6,295 |
 55. | BMW 320i        Foreign      177    2,650    9,735 |
 56. | Datsun 200      Foreign      170    2,370    6,229 |
 58. | Datsun 510      Foreign      170    2,280    5,079 |
 59. | Datsun 810      Foreign      184    2,750    8,129 |
 61. | Honda Accord    Foreign      172    2,240    5,799 |
 64. | Peugeot 604     Foreign      192    3,420   12,990 |
 67. | Toyota Celica   Foreign      174    2,410    5,899 |
 69. | Toyota Corona   Foreign      175    2,670    5,719 |
 70. | VW Dasher       Foreign      172    2,160    7,140 |
 71. | VW Diesel       Foreign      155    2,040    5,397 |
 73. | VW Scirocco     Foreign      156    1,990    6,850 |
 74. | Volvo 260       Foreign      193    3,170   11,995 |

This list was generated with the following command:

l make foreign length weight price if foreign & length<=200 & weight<=4000 & price>=5000

Last Revised: 10/30/2009