Computing With the SSCC

The SSCC makes a tremendous amount of computing power available to our members.  

  • Winstat/Winstat for Big Jobs, the SSCC’s Windows Terminal Server farm. Winstat provides convenient access to a variety of statistical, research, and general purpose software from any location using your own Windows PC, Mac, Linux computer or even iPad. Winstat also provides convenient remote access to files stored on the SSCC’s network disk space. Winstat is intended for interactive work and running short jobs. Winstat sessions are automatically closed after 24 hours. On Winstat for Big Jobs you can start a job and then disconnect from your session, and your job will keep running for as long as it needs to.
  • Linstat, the SSCC’s Linux computing cluster. Linstat is meant for interactive work and short jobs. You’ll also use it to develop code you’ll submit to Slurm.
  • Slurm (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management), is a powerful system for managing and scheduling computing jobs. The SSCC has Slurm clusters in both our regular environment (Slurm) and in Silo (SlurmSilo). You can submit jobs to Slurm from Linstat and to SiloSlurm from LinSilo.
  • Silo, SSCC’s secure computing enclave. It consists of secure servers on a variety of platforms and data storage for working with data covered by HIPAA and other sensitive data.
    • WinSilo is a Windows-based computing cluster very similar to Winstat but in SSCC’s Silo secure computing environment. 
    • LinSilo is a Linux-based computing cluster similar to Linstat but in SSCC’s Silo secure computing environment. LinSilo has a wide variety of software installed for biomedical research to support researchers from the School of Medicine and Public Health.
    • SlurmSilo is a Linux-based computing cluster similar to our regular Slurm environment but in SSCC’s Silo secure computing environment.

All of these services are connected to one of our secure, networked file systems to ensure your data is both accessible and secure.  

For more information on all of these services, please see our Guide to Research Computing at the SSCC.