>prxyint1< [##type = integer] [define <-3>] [define <-4>] [define <-5>] [define <-6>] [define <-7>] [define <-1>] [define <-2>] [missing <-1> <-2>] I'm calling from the University of Wisconsin on behalf of the National Survey of Families and Households. We interviewed (R1) a few years ago and would like to talk to someone about his/her experiences since the time we last interviewed him/her. (R1) was part of an important longitudinal study of American family life for 14 years and we would really like to have his/her experiences recorded for this final interview. (READ IF NECESSARY: How are you related to (R1)?) <0> CANCEL PROXY; RESPONDENT IS NOT DECEASED [goto 0t] <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER [#goto proxy][goto prxyint3] <9> SISTER-IN-LAW <2> SON/STEPSON <10> OTHER RELATIVE[specify] <3> SON-IN-LAW <11> NEIGHBOR <4> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <12> FRIEND <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <13> ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE <6> BROTHER <14> HOME HEALTH AID <7> BROTHER-IN-LAW <15> NURSING HOME/HOSPITAL STAFF <8> SISTER s SOME OTHER PERSON (specify) (specify) x CALLBACK [missing] (goto T310) y REFUSED to be interviewed (missing)(goto T330) <97> SOME OTHER PERSON (specify) <98> CALLBACK [missing][goto T310] <99> REFUSED to be interviewed [missing][goto T330] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto prxyint2] >prxyint2< [##type = integer] Are you the person who would know the most about (R1) or is there someone else who would be more knowledgeable about his/her life? <1> INFORMANT IS MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE [goto prxyint3] <2> INFORMANT IS NOT MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE [goto prxyint4] x CALLBACK (missing)(goto T310) y REFUSED to be interviewed (missing)(goto T330) <8> CALLBACK [missing][goto T310] <9> REFUSED to be interviewed [missing][goto T330] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >prxyint3< [##type = integer] We would like to ask you a few questions about (R1)'s life. This should only take 5-10 minutes of your time. <1> READY TO START [#goto proxy][goto cnfd] x CALLBACK (missing)(goto T310) y REFUSED to be interviewed (missing)(goto T330) <8> CALLBACK [missing][goto T310] <9> REFUSED to be interviewed [missing][goto T330] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto proxyout] >prxyint4< [##type = integer] Do you know who the person is who would know the most about (R1)'s life? <1> YES [goto prxyint5] <2> NO x CALLBACK (missing)(goto T310) y REFUSED to be interviewed (missing)(goto T330) <8> CALLBACK [missing][goto T310] <9> REFUSED to be interviewed [missing][goto T330] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto prxyint7] >prxyint5< [allow 20] (INTERVIEWER: RECORD NAME, NUMBER, AND RELATIONSHIP ON PROXY COVERSHEET.) What is that person's name and telephone number? @name (INTERVIEWER: DOES THE RESPONDENT KNOW THE TELEPHONE NUMBER?) <1> YES <2> NO @yn [if prxyint5@yn eq <1>] @tele [endif] [@tele] [allow 10] [input format < - - >] [@yn] [##dname = prxyint5] >prxyint6< [allow 2] What is that person's address? @ (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] [goto pxyint5r][#goto T310] >prxyint7< [##type = integer] Is there someone else we could contact that might know who we could talk to about (R1)'s experiences? <1> YES [goto prxyint8] <2> NO x CALLBACK (missing)(goto T310) y REFUSED to be interviewed (missing)(goto T330) <8> CALLBACK [missing][goto T310] <9> REFUSED to be interviewed [missing][goto T330] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [#goto proxyout][goto T190] >prxyint8< [allow 20] (INTERVIEWER: RECORD NAME, NUMBER, AND RELATIONSHIP ON PROXY COVERSHEET.) What is that person's name and telephone number? @name (INTERVIEWER: DOES THE RESPONDENT KNOW THE TELEPHONE NUMBER?) <1> YES <2> NO @yn [if prxyint8@yn eq <1>] @tele [endif] [@tele] [allow 10] [input format < - - >] [@yn] [##dname = prxyint8] >prxyint9< [allow 1] What is that person's address? @ (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] [@] [#goto proxyout][goto pxyint9r][#goto T310] [#**************************************************************] >proxy< [#if cid6 eq <4>] [#if cid7 eq <4>][#CHANGED REFERENCE FROM CID6 TO CID7 1/10/01 BBD] [#if M11 eq <3> or M40a eq <3>] [#goto qzz5] [#endif] [#endif] [#goto proxyout] >qzz5< [##dname = ZY5] [##label = reason for proxy] [#should proxy be incorporated into spouse int only if R is deceased?] (INTERVIEWER: WHAT IS THE REASON FOR THE INTERVIEW?) <1> R IS DECEASED <2> R TOO ILL TO BE INTERVIEWED @ [#delete this item dw asked above] >qZZ6< [goto CKPTzz7] [define <-1>] [define <-2>] [missing <-1> <-2>] [##dname = ZY6] [##label = relation to R] (INTERVIEWER: READ IF NECESSARY) (Q1) How are you related to (R1)? <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <9> SISTER-IN-LAW <2> SON/STEPSON <10> OTHER RELATIVE[specify] <3> SON-IN-LAW <11> NEIGHBOR <4> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <12> FRIEND <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <13> ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE <6> BROTHER <14> HOME HEALTH AID <7> BROTHER-IN-LAW <15> NURSING HOME/HOSPITAL STAFF <8> SISTER <-6> SOME OTHER PERSON (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >CKPTzz7< [if qzz5 eq <2> goto qZZ28] [goto qzz701] >qzz701< [##dname = ZY701] [##label = month of death] (Q2) I have some questions about (R1)'s experiences between the time we interviewed (him/her) in (last interview date) and (his/her) death. In what month and year did (he/she) die? <1-12> 1 TO 12 DON'T KNOW REFUSED MONTH OF DEATH @ >qZZ702< [##dname = ZY702] [##label = year of death] <1987-2002> 1987 TO 2002 DON'T KNOW REFUSED YEAR OF DEATH @ >qZZ8< [##dname = ZY8] [##label = main cause of death] (Q3) What was the MAIN cause of (his/her) death? <1> HEART DISEASE, HEART ATTACK <2> CANCER (MALIGNANCY, LEUKEMIA) <3> STROKE <4> ACCIDENT [goto qZZ11] <6> PNEUMONIA/INFLUENZA <7> HOMICIDE/MURDER [goto qZZ11] <8> SUICIDE [goto qZZ11] <9> DIABETES <10> CIRRHOSIS OF LIVER <11> EMPHYSEMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, OR ASTHMA <12> SOME OTHER CAUSE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ9< [##dname = ZY9] [##label = how long ill] (Q4) How long was (he/she) ill with the condition that resulted in (his/her) death? (ENTER NUMBERS AND THEN UNITS) <0> NEVER ILL, DIED SUDDENLY <1-99> DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS OR YEARS [goto qZZ10] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ11] >qZZ10< [##dname = ZY10] [##label = units of how long ill] UNITS [no erase] <1> DAYS <2> WEEKS <3> MONTHS <4> YEARS @ >qZZ11< [##dname = ZY11] [##label = any other illness at time of death] (Q5) In addition to the condition that resulted in (his/her) death, did (he/she) have any other chronic illness or condition at the time (he/she) died? <1> YES [goto qZZ12] <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ13] >qZZ12< [allow 3][#repeat up to 3 times] [##dname = ZY12] [##label = other illness at time of death] (Q6) What chronic illness or condition did (he/she) have? [allow 3] <-6> CONDITION GIVEN (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] <-4> NO SPECIFIC CONDITION GIVEN DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [#delete qzz12b dw 1/9/00] >qZZ13< [##dname = ZY13] [##label = weeks hosp 12 mo prior to death] (Q7) In the 12 months prior to (his/her) death, about how many weeks was (he/she) hospitalized? <0> LESS THAN ONE WEEK <1-52> ONE TO 52 WEEKS <-4> WAS NOT HOSPITALIZED DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ14< [##dname = ZY14] [##label = weeks nursing home 12 mo prior to death] (Q8) In the 12 months before (he/she) died, how many weeks was (he/she) in a nursing home, convalescent center, or similar place? <0> LESS THAN ONE WEEK <1-52> ONE TO 52 WEEKS <-4> WAS NOT IN NURSING HOME, CONVALESCENT CENTER, ETC. DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ15< [##dname = ZY15] [##label = add weeks required care 12 mo prior to death] (Q9) Not counting time in a hospital or a nursing home, how many (additional) weeks did (he/she) require daily physical care during the 12 months before (his/her) death? By physical care we mean help eating, bathing, dressing, or going to the bathroom. <-4> DID NOT REQUIRE DAILY PHYSICAL CARE <0> LESS THAN ONE WEEK [goto qZZ16] <1-52> ONE TO 52 WEEKS [goto qZZ16] <96> R WAS IN A NURSING HOME THE LAST 12 MONTHS DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ17] >qZZ16< [##dname = ZY16] [##label = who provided most care] (Q10) Who provided most of this care? <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> SON-IN-LAW <4> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> BROTHER <7> BROTHER-IN-LAW <8> SISTER <9> SISTER-IN-LAW <10> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] <11> OTHER MALE RELATIVE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] <12> FEMALE FRIEND <13> PAID HELP <14> MALE FRIEND <15> NEIGHBOR <-6> SOME OTHER PERSON (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ17< [##dname = ZY17] [##label = where living just before death] (Q11) Just before (he/she) died, was (he/she) living: in (his/her) own house or apartment, in the home of a son or daughter, in a nursing home, or somewhere else? <1> IN (HIS/HER) OWN HOUSE OR APARTMENT <2> IN THE HOME OF A SON OR DAUGHTER <3> IN A NURSING HOME <4> SOMEWHERE ELSE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ18] >qZZ18< [##dname = ZY18] [##label = since (date) live at son/daughter/relative] (Q12) At any time since (last interview date), did (he/she) live in the household of a son, daughter, or other relative? <1> YES [goto qZZ19] <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ22] >qZZ19< [##dname = ZY19] [##label = lived with whom] (Q13) With whom did (he/she) live? <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> SON-IN-LAW <4> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> BROTHER <7> BROTHER-IN-LAW <8> SISTER <9> SISTER-IN-LAW <10> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] <11> OTHER MALE RELATIVE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLWED BY //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ20< [##dname = ZY20] [##label = how long at son/daugher/relative] (Q14) Altogether, since (last interview date), how long did (he/she) live in the household of a son, daughter, or other relative? (ENTER NUMBERS AND THEN UNITS) <0> NEVER <1-99> ONE TO 99 [goto qZZ21] e R'S ENTIRE LIFE <-9> R'S ENTIRE LIFE DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ22] >qZZ21< [##dname = ZY21] [##label = units at son/daughter/relative] UNITS OF TIME <0> NEVER <1> DAYS <2> WEEKS <3> MONTHS <4> YEARS DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ22< [##dname = ZY22] [##label = receive pension other than ss at time of death] (Q15) At the time of (his/her) death, was (he/she) receiving income from a pension plan based on (his/her) own employment, other than Social Security? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ23< [##dname = ZY23] [##label = work for pay since (date)] (Q16) Did (he/she) work for pay at any time since (last interview date)? <1> YES [goto qZZ24] <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto ckptzz28] >qZZ24< [##dname = ZY24] [##label = year last worked for pay] (Q17) In what year did (he/she) last work for pay? <1987-2002> 1987 TO 2002 DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >ZZ25A< [allow 2] [##dname = ZY25A] [##label = kind of work at most recent job] (Q18) What kind of work did (he/she) do in (his/her) most recent job? (INTERVIEWER: IF PERSON HAD MORE THAN ONE JOB, ASK ABOUT THE ONE AT WHICH HE/SHE USUALLY SPENT THE MOST HOURS) (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) @ [specify] >qZZ26< [##dname = ZY26] [##label = hours per week last year working] (Q19) In the last year that (he/she) was working, about how many hours per week did (he/she) usually work? <1-93> ONE TO 93 HOURS PER WEEK <94> 94 HOURS OR MORE PER WEEK DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ27< [##dname = ZY27] [##label = any 3+ mo not work from (date) to date stopped] (Q20) Were there any periods of three months or longer between (last interview date) and when (he/she) stopped working in (year) when (he/she) was not working? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >ckptzz28< [if qzz5 eq <1> goto qZZ58] >qZZ28< [##dname = ZY28] [##label = where R currently lives] (Q21) Where is (R1) currently living? <1> IN (HIS/HER) OWN HOUSE OR APARTMENT <2> IN THE HOME OF A SON OR DAUGHTER <3> IN THE HOME OF A GRANDCHILD <4> IN THE HOME OF A SISTER OR BROTHER <5> IN (HIS/HER) PARENT'S HOUSE <6> WITH AN OTHER RELATIVE <7> IN A ROOMING HOUSE <8> IN THE HOME OF A FRIEND <9> IN A NURSING HOME <10> IN THE HOSPITAL <11> IN A DRUG/ALCOHOL TREATMENT CENTER <12> IN A HOSPICE CENTER <13> IN A RETIREMENT HOME <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ2901< [##dname = ZY2901] [##label = month began living there] (Q22) In what month and year did (he/she) begin living (there)? <1-12> 1 TO 12 DON'T KNOW REFUSED MONTH @ >qZZ2902< [##dname = ZY2902] [##label = year began living there] <1955-2002> 1955 TO 2002 DON'T KNOW REFUSED YEAR @ [#CKPT:ZZ30 - If R1 NOT currently living in own house or apartment or in the home of a son or daughter, GO TO ZZ32] [#REVISED RANGE AT qzz30, from 4 to 8 1/29/01 bbd] >qZZ30< [if qZZ28 eq <7> or qZZ28 eq <9> or qZZ28 eq <10> or qZZ28 eq <11> or qZZ28 eq <13> goto qZZ32] [##dname = ZY30] [##label = how many people live there] (Q23) How many people live with (him/her) in that household? <0> NONE [goto qZZ32] <1-7> ONE TO SEVEN <8> EIGHT OR MORE DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ31P01< [##dname = ZY31P01] (Q24) How are these people related to (him/her)? <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <2> SON/STEPSON <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <14> GRANDSON <4> SON-IN-LAW <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <16> MALE FRIEND <6> FATHER <17> FEMALE FRIEND <7> MOTHER <18> GRANDCHILD/REN <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <19> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <20> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <10> BROTHER <21> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <11> SISTER <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @a [if qZZ30 gt <1>]@b [if qZZ30 gt <2>]@c [if qZZ30 gt <3>]@d [if qZZ30 gt <4>]@e [if qZZ30 gt <5>]@f [if qZZ30 gt <6>]@g [if qZZ30 gt <7>]@h[endif all] [@a] [##dname = ZY31P01A] [##label = how are they related - 1] [@b] [##dname = ZY31P01B] [##label = how are they related - 2] <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <4> SON-IN-LAW <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> FATHER <7> MOTHER <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <10> BROTHER <11> SISTER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <14> GRANDSON <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <16> MALE FRIEND <17> FEMALE FRIEND <18> GRANDCHILD/REN <19> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <20> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <21> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED [@c] [##dname = ZY31P01C] [##label = how are they related - 3] <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <4> SON-IN-LAW <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> FATHER <7> MOTHER <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <10> BROTHER <11> SISTER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <14> GRANDSON <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <16> MALE FRIEND <17> FEMALE FRIEND <18> GRANDCHILD/REN <19> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <20> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <21> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED [@d] [##dname = ZY31P01D] [##label = how are they related - 4] <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <4> SON-IN-LAW <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> FATHER <7> MOTHER <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <10> BROTHER <11> SISTER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <14> GRANDSON <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <16> MALE FRIEND <17> FEMALE FRIEND <18> GRANDCHILD/REN <19> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <20> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <21> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED [@e] [##dname = ZY31P01E] [##label = how are they related - 5] <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <4> SON-IN-LAW <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> FATHER <7> MOTHER <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <10> BROTHER <11> SISTER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <14> GRANDSON <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <16> MALE FRIEND <17> FEMALE FRIEND <18> GRANDCHILD/REN <19> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <20> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <21> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED [@f] [##dname = ZY31P01F] [##label = how are they related - 6] <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <4> SON-IN-LAW <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> FATHER <7> MOTHER <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <10> BROTHER <11> SISTER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <14> GRANDSON <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <16> MALE FRIEND <17> FEMALE FRIEND <18> GRANDCHILD/REN <19> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <20> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <21> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED [@g] [##dname = ZY31P01G] [##label = how are they related - 7] <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <4> SON-IN-LAW <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> FATHER <7> MOTHER <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <10> BROTHER <11> SISTER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <14> GRANDSON <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <16> MALE FRIEND <17> FEMALE FRIEND <18> GRANDCHILD/REN <19> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <20> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <21> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED [@h] [##dname = ZY31P01H] [##label = how are they related - 8] <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <4> SON-IN-LAW <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> FATHER <7> MOTHER <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <10> BROTHER <11> SISTER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <14> GRANDSON <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <16> MALE FRIEND <17> FEMALE FRIEND <18> GRANDCHILD/REN <19> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <20> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <21> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED [#CKPT:ZZ30 - If fewer than 8 relationships coded and additionalhousehold members exist, GO BACK TO ZZ31] >qZZ32< [allow 3] [#repeat up to 3 times] [##dname = ZY32T01] [##label = most serious condition] (Q25) What is the most serious condition that (he/she) has? [allow 3] (NOTE TO CODER: THIS ITEM WILL BE CODED OUTSIDE OF THE INSTRUMENT) <-6> CONDITION GIVEN (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] <-4> NO SPECIFIC CONDITION GIVEN DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qc4a< [#removed goto l3 for n, d, & r] [allow 3] [##dname = ZY32T02] [##label = next most serious condition] What is the next most serious condition (he/she) has? (NOTE TO CODER: THIS ITEM WILL BE CODED OUTSIDE OF THE INSTRUMENT) <-6> CONDITION GIVEN (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] <-4> NO SECOND CONDITION GIVEN DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [#CKPT:ZZ31 - If fewer than 3 responses coded for question ZZ30 and last response was NOT 999 ("no answer" or "no additional illnesses"), GO BACK TO ZZ32] >qZZ33< [##dname = ZY33] [##label = need assistance with bathing/showering] (Q26) Does (he/she) need assistance with bathing or showering? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ34< [##dname = ZY34] [##label = need assistance with dressing] (Q27) (Does (he/she) need assistance with) ...dressing? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ35< [##dname = ZY35] [##label = need assistance with eating] (Q28) (Does (he/she) need assistance with) ...eating? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ36< [##dname = ZY36] [##label = need assistance with getting in/out bed/chair] (Q29) (Does (he/she) need assistance with) ...getting in or out of bed or a chair? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ37< (Q30) [##dname = ZY37] [##label = need assistance with using toilet] (Does (he/she) need assistance with) ...using the toilet? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ38< [##dname = ZY38] [##label = how long needed assistance] (Q31) How long has (he/she) needed assistance with these activities? (ENTER NUMBERS AND THEN UNITS) <0> NEVER NEEDS ASSISTANCE <1-99> ONE TO 99 [goto qZZ39] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ40] >qZZ39< [##dname = ZY39] [##label = unit of time needed assist] UNIT OF TIME <1> DAYS <2> WEEKS <3> MONTHS <4> YEARS DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ40< [##dname = ZY40] [##label = receive help past 12 mo from not living with] (Q32) In the past 12 months, has (he/she) received help or assistance from anyone WHO WAS NOT LIVING WITH (him/her)? (INTERVIEWER: IF R CURRENTLY IN NURSING HOME OR SIMILAR FACILITY, ASK ABOUT MONTHS WHEN R WAS NOT LIVING THERE.) <1> YES [goto qZZ41] <2> NO n R IN NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILITY FOR 12 MONTHS OR MORE <3> R IN NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILITY FOR 12 MONTHS OR MORE DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ45] >qZZ41< [##dname = ZY41] [##label = who provided most help] (Q33) Who provided the most help? <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> SON-IN-LAW <4> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> BROTHER <7> BROTHER-IN-LAW <8> SISTER <9> SISTER-IN-LAW <10> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <11> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <12> FEMALE FRIEND <13> PAID HELP <14> MALE FRIEND <15> NEIGHBOR <-6> SOME OTHER PERSON (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ42< [##dname = ZY42] [##label = male or female] (Q34) (INTERVIEWER: ASK IF NECESSARY) Is this a male or a female? <1> MALE <2> FEMALE DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ43< [##dname = ZY43] [##label = weeks help last 12 mo from this person] (Q35) In about how many different weeks during the last 12 months did (he/she) receive help from this person? <0> LESS THAN ONE WEEK <1-52> ONE TO 52 WEEKS DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ WEEKS >qZZ44< [##dname = ZY44] [##label = average hours helped per week] (Q36) During those weeks, about how many hours per week on the average did this person help? <0> LESS THAN ONE HOUR PER WEEK <1-74> ONE TO 74 HOUURS PER WEEK <75> 75 OR MORE HOURS PER WEEK DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ45< [##dname = ZY45] [##label = receive help past 12 mo from living with] (Q37) At any time in the last 12 months, did (he/she) RECEIVE help with personal care from anyone WHO WAS LIVING WITH (him/her)? (INTERVIEWER: IF R CURRENTLY IN NURSING HOME OR SIMILAR FACILITY, ASK ABOUT MONTHS WHEN R WAS NOT LIVING THERE.) <1> YES [goto qZZ46] <2> NO n R IN NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILITY FOR 12 MONTHS OR MORE <3> R IN NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILITY FOR 12 MONTHS OR MORE DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ48] >qZZ46< [##dname = ZY46] [##label = who provided most help] (Q38) Who provided (him/her) with the most help with personal care? <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <2> SON/STEPSON <3> SON-IN-LAW <4> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <6> BROTHER <7> BROTHER-IN-LAW <8> SISTER <9> SISTER-IN-LAW <10> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] <11> OTHER MALE RELATIVE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] <12> FEMALE FRIEND <13> PAID HELP <14> MALE FRIEND <15> NEIGHBOR <-6> SOME OTHER PERSON (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ47< [##dname = ZY47] [##label = weeks help last 12 mo from this person] (Q39) About how many weeks during the last 12 months did (he/she) receive help with personal care from this person? <0> LESS THAN ONE WEEK <1-52> ONE TO 52 WEEKS DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ48< [##dname = ZY48] [##label = receive pension other than ss] (Q40) Does (he/she) receive income from a pension plan based on (his/her) own employment, other than Social Security? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ49< [##dname = ZY49] [##label = work for pay since (date)] (Q41) Did (he/she) work for pay at any time since (last interview date)? <1> YES [goto qZZ50] <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ54] >qZZ50< [##dname = ZY50] [##label = year last worked] (Q42) In what year did (he/she) last work? <1987-2002> 1987 TO 2002 [goto qZZ51A] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ54] >qZZ51A< [##dname = ZY51A] [##label = kind of work] (Q43) What kind of work did (he/she) do in (his/her) most recent job? DON'T KNOW REFUSED <-6> (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) [specify] @ >qZZ52< [##dname = ZY52] [##label = hours per week last year working] (Q44) In the last year that (he/she) was working, about how many hours per week did (he/she) usually work? <1-93> ONE TO 93 HOURS PER WEEK <94> 94 HOURS OR MORE PER WEEK DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ53< [##dname = ZY53] [##label = any 3+ mo not work from (date) to date stopped] (Q45) Were there any periods of three months or longer between (last interview date) and when (he/she) stopped working in (year) when (he/she) was not working? <1> YES <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ54< [##dname = ZY54] [##label = since (date) live at son/daughter/relative] (Q46) At any time since (last interview date), did (he/she) live in the household of a son or daughter or other relative? <1> YES [goto qZZ55] <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ58] >qZZ55< [##dname = ZY55] [##label = lived with whom] (Q47) With whom did (he/she) live? <1> SPOUSE/PARTNER <12> BROTHER-IN-LAW <2> SON/STEPSON <13> SISTER-IN-LAW <3> DAUGHTER/STEPDAUGHTER <14> GRANDSON <4> SON-IN-LAW <15> GRANDDAUGHTER <5> DAUGHTER-IN-LAW <16> GREAT GRANDCHILD/REN <6> FATHER <17> OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE [specify] <7> MOTHER <18> OTHER MALE RELATIVE [specify] <8> FATHER-IN-LAW <9> MOTHER-IN-LAW <10> BROTHER <11> SISTER <-6> OTHER (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLWED BY //)[specify] DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ56< [##dname = ZY56] [##label = how long at son/daugher/relative] (Q48) Altogether, since (last interview date), how long has (he/she) lived in the household of a son, daughter, or other relative? (ENTER NUMBERS AND THEN UNITS) <0> NEVER <1-99> ONE TO 99 DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ57< [##dname = ZY57] [##label = units at son/daughter/relative] UNIT OF TIME <0> NEVER <1> DAYS <2> WEEKS <3> MONTHS <4> YEARS DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ >qZZ58< [##dname = ZY58] [##label = knowledgeable about original R] (Q49) (INTERVIEWER: DID PROXY SEEM KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT ORIGINAL R AND ABLE TO PROVIDE MOST OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED?) <1> YES [goto proxyout] <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto qZZ59] >qZZ59< [##dname = ZY59] [##label = someone else who would know more] (Q50) Is there someone else who would know more about (his/her) life during the past five years who might be able to answer some of these questions better than you? <1> YES [goto prxycnc1] <2> NO DON'T KNOW REFUSED @ [goto proxyout] >prxycnc1< [allow 20] (INTERVIEWER: RECORD NAME, NUMBER, AND RELATIONSHIP ON PROXY COVERSHEET.) What is that person's name and telephone number? @name (INTERVIEWER: DOES THE RESPONDENT KNOW THE TELEPHONE NUMBER?) <1> YES <2> NO @yn [if prxycnc1@yn eq <1>] @tele [endif] [@yn] [#equiv prxyint5@yn] [@name] [#equiv prxyint5@name] [@tele] [#equiv prxyint5@tele] [allow 10] [input format < - - >] >prxycnc2< [#equiv qZZ59 position 3] [allow 2] What is that person's address? @ (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //)[specify] [@] [#goto proxyout][goto pxycnc1r][#goto T190] >proxyout< [#goto SE3q] [#store <32> in CODE] [#goto SKP3] [#don't ask for r's name in name sample] [if entry mode] [goto MOD7] [else] [codergoto codr] [goto cskp] [endif]