RJ1 fatherd any chldrn born snce prev intrvw Have you fathered any children that were born since (last interview date)? (The Q name was 'F1'.) % Freq VALUE 7.1 216 1 YES 92.9 2,807 2 NO 7 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 4,246 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ2 num of childrn fathered since prev intrvw How many children have you fathered that were born since (last interview date)? (The Q name was 'F2'.) % Freq VALUE 74.0 159 1 22.8 49 2 2.8 6 3 0.5 1 6 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,061 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = 1 Mean = 1.307 Max = 6 Std Dev = .603 Median = 1 Variance = .363 (Based on 215 valid cases) RJ3 given birth to children since prev intrvw Have you given birth to any children since (last interview date)? (The Q name was 'F1a'.) % Freq VALUE 7.8 116 1 YES 92.2 1,377 2 NO 2 -2 REFUSED 5,782 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ4 number of children birthed since prev intrvw How many children have you given birth to since (last interview date)? (The Q name was 'F2a'.) % Freq VALUE 78.4 91 1 18.1 21 2 3.4 4 3 7,161 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = 1 Mean = 1.250 Max = 3 Std Dev = .509 Median = 1 Variance = .259 (Based on 116 valid cases) RJ5P01M month born child 1 In what month and year was (the first of these children/this child) born? (INTERVIEWER: IF MULTIPLE BIRTHS, REPEAT DATE FOR EACH BIRTH) (The Q name was 'F5'.) % Freq VALUE 5.7 12 1 JANUARY 12.3 26 2 FEBRUARY 8.5 18 3 MARCH 10.4 22 4 APRIL 6.1 13 5 MAY 6.6 14 6 JUNE 9.9 21 7 JULY 12.3 26 8 AUGUST 10.8 23 9 SEPTEMBER 6.1 13 10 OCTOBER 4.7 10 11 NOVEMBER 6.6 14 12 DECEMBER 1 -2 REFUSED 3 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,061 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P01Y yr born child 1 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F6'.) % Freq VALUE 4.2 9 1987 4.2 9 1988 4.7 10 1989 0.9 2 1990 3.3 7 1991 3.8 8 1992 10.8 23 1993 19.7 42 1994 18.8 40 1995 10.3 22 1996 4.2 9 1997 7.0 15 1998 4.2 9 1999 3.3 7 2000 0.5 1 2001 1 -2 REFUSED 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,061 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P01F what part of year child 1 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F7'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 33.3 1 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 33.3 1 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 0.0 0 22 SPRING 33.3 1 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 7,274 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ6P01 r want baby before child 1 Just before that pregnancy began, did you yourself want to have (a/another) baby at SOME time? (The Q name was 'F7a'.) % Freq VALUE 72.2 153 1 YES 27.8 59 2 NO 4 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,061 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ7P01 r timing pregnancy child 1 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than you wanted, later than you wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F7b'.) % Freq VALUE 15.0 23 1 SOONER 20.3 31 2 LATER 64.7 99 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 1 -2 REFUSED 3 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,120 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ8P01 m/f want baby before child 1 And what about the (father/mother) - just before that pregnancy began, did (he/she) want (you) to have a baby at some time? (The Q name was 'F7c'.) % Freq VALUE 75.6 158 1 YES 24.4 51 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 6 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,061 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ9P01 m/f timing pregnancy child 1 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than the (father/mother) wanted, later than (he/she) wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F7d'.) % Freq VALUE 13.4 21 1 SOONER 19.1 30 2 LATER 67.5 106 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 1 -2 REFUSED 7 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,112 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ10P01 lived apart from r -child 1 Has this child ever lived apart from you for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F7e'.) % Freq VALUE 2.3 5 -4 CHILD HAS DIED 0.0 0 -3 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 4.6 10 1 YES 93.1 201 2 NO 7,061 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P01M month live apart -child 1 In what month and year did you and this child first begin living apart for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F7f'.) % Freq VALUE 22.2 2 1 JANUARY 11.1 1 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 11.1 1 5 MAY 11.1 1 6 JUNE 11.1 1 7 JULY 22.2 2 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 11.1 1 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 97 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,267 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P01Y yr live apart -child 1 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F7g'.) % Freq VALUE 11.1 1 1994 22.2 2 1996 11.1 1 1998 33.3 3 1999 11.1 1 2000 11.1 1 2002 7,268 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ12P01 who live with -child 1 During that time, did the child live with: the other parent, with grandparents or somewhere else? (The Q name was 'F7h'.) % Freq VALUE 88.9 8 1 THE OTHER PARENT 11.1 1 2 GRANDPARENTS 0.0 0 3 SOMEWHERE ELSE (ENTER REPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) 7,268 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ13P01 num lived apart -child 1 How many, if any, other times have you and this child lived apart for two months or more? (The Q name was 'F7i'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 8 0 NONE 0.0 0 10 TEN TIMES OR MORE 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,268 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P01M mnth live together child 1 In what month and year did you and this child last begin living together again? (The Q name was 'F7j'.) % Freq VALUE 75.0 6 -4 NEVER LIVED TOGETHER AGAIN 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 12.5 1 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 12.5 1 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,268 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P01Y yr live together child 1 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F7k'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 1 1997 50.0 1 1999 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,274 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P02M yr born child 2 (F8) In what month and year was the second of these children born? (INTERVIEWER: IF MULTIPLE BIRTHS, REPEAT DATE FOR EACH BIRTH) (The Q name was 'F8'.) % Freq VALUE 5.5 3 1 JANUARY 9.1 5 2 FEBRUARY 14.5 8 3 MARCH 7.3 4 4 APRIL 10.9 6 5 MAY 3.6 2 6 JUNE 12.7 7 7 JULY 7.3 4 8 AUGUST 7.3 4 9 SEPTEMBER 9.1 5 10 OCTOBER 9.1 5 11 NOVEMBER 3.6 2 12 DECEMBER 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,220 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P02Y yr born child 2 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F9'.) % Freq VALUE 1.8 1 1990 1.8 1 1992 12.7 7 1993 10.9 6 1994 5.5 3 1995 12.7 7 1996 16.4 9 1997 20.0 11 1998 5.5 3 1999 10.9 6 2000 1.8 1 2001 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,220 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P02F what part of year child 2 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F10'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 0.0 0 22 SPRING 0.0 0 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 1 -1 DK 7,276 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ6P02 r want baby before child 2 Just before that pregnancy began, did you yourself want to have another baby at SOME time? (The Q name was 'F10a'.) % Freq VALUE 62.3 33 1 YES 37.7 20 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,222 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ7P02 r timing pregnancy child 2 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than you wanted, later than you wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F10b'.) % Freq VALUE 17.6 6 1 SOONER 2.9 1 2 LATER 79.4 27 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 1 -2 REFUSED 7,242 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ8P02 m/f want baby before child 2 And what about the (father/mother) - just before that pregnancy began, did (he/she) want (you) to have another baby at some time? (The Q name was 'F10c'.) % Freq VALUE 73.6 39 1 YES 26.4 14 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,222 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ9P02 m/f timing pregnancy child 2 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than the (father/mother) wanted, later than (he/she) wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F10d'.) % Freq VALUE 17.5 7 1 SOONER 5.0 2 2 LATER 77.5 31 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 1 -2 REFUSED 7,236 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ10P02 lived apart from r -child 2 Since then, has this child lived apart from you for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F10e'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 CHILD HAS DIED 0.0 0 -3 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 3.6 2 1 YES 96.4 54 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 7,220 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P02M month live apart -child 2 In what month and year did you and this child first begin living apart for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F10f'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 1 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 50.0 1 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 97 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P02Y yr live apart -child 2 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F10g'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 1 1996 50.0 1 2000 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ12P02 who live with -child 2 During that time, did the child live with: the other parent, with grandparents, or somewhere else? (The Q name was 'F10h'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 2 1 THE OTHER PARENT 0.0 0 2 GRANDPARENTS 0.0 0 3 SOMEWHERE ELSE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ13P02 num lived apart -child 2 How many times have you and this child lived apart for a period of two months or more? (The Q name was 'F10i'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 2 1 0.0 0 10 TEN TIMES OR MORE 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P02M mnth live together child 2 In what month and year did you and this child last begin living together again? (The Q name was 'F10j'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 2 -4 NEVER LIVED TOGETHER AGAIN 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P02Y yr live together child 2 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F10k'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P03M month born child 3 (F11) In what month and year was the third of these children born? (INTERVIEWER: IF MULTIPLE BIRTHS, REPEAT DATE FOR EACH BIRTH) (The Q name was 'F11'.) % Freq VALUE 16.7 1 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 16.7 1 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 16.7 1 6 JUNE 16.7 1 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 33.3 2 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,269 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P03Y yr born child 3 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F12'.) % Freq VALUE 16.7 1 1993 16.7 1 1997 16.7 1 1998 16.7 1 2000 33.3 2 2001 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,269 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P03F what part of year child 3 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F13'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 7,276 0.0 1 * ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P03FS what part of year child 3 (The Q name was 'F13S'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 0.0 0 22 SPRING 0.0 0 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 1 -1 DK 7,276 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ6P03 r want baby before child 3 Just before that pregnancy began, did you yourself want to have another baby at SOME time? (The Q name was 'F13a'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 3 1 YES 50.0 3 2 NO 7,271 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ7P03 r timing pregnancy child 3 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than you wanted, later than you wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F13b'.) % Freq VALUE 66.7 2 1 SOONER 0.0 0 2 LATER 33.3 1 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,274 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ8P03 m/f want baby before child 3 And what about the (father/mother) - just before that pregnancy began, did (he/she) want (you) to have another baby at some time? (The Q name was 'F13c'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 3 1 YES 50.0 3 2 NO 7,271 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ9P03 m/f timing pregnancy child 3 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than the (father/mother) wanted, later than (he/she) wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F13d'.) % Freq VALUE 33.3 1 1 SOONER 0.0 0 2 LATER 66.7 2 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,274 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ10P03 lived apart from r -child 3 Since then, has this child lived apart from you for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F13e'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 CHILD HAS DIED 0.0 0 -3 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 0.0 0 1 YES 100.0 7 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 7,269 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P03M month live apart -child 3 In what month and year did you and this child first begin living apart for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F13f'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 97 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P03Y yr live apart -child 3 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F13g'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ12P03 who live with -child 3 During that time did the child live with: the other parent, with grandparents, or somewhere else? (The Q name was 'F13h'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 THE OTHER PARENT 0.0 0 2 GRANDPARENTS 0.0 0 3 SOMEWHERE ELSE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ13P03 num lived apart -child 3 How many times have you and this child lived apart for a period of two months or more? (The Q name was 'F13i'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 10 TEN TIMES OR MORE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P03M mnth live together child 3 In what month and year did you and this child last begin living together again? (The Q name was 'F13j'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 NEVER LIVED TOGETHER AGAIN 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P03Y yr live together child 3 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F13k'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P04M month born child 4 (F14) In what month and year was the fourth of these children born? (INTERVIEWER: IF MULTIPLE BIRTHS, REPEAT DATE FOR EACH BIRTH) (The Q name was 'F14'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P04Y yr born child 4 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F15'.) % Freq VALUE 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P04F what part of year child 4 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F16'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 7,276 0.0 1 * ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P04FS what part of year child 4 (The Q name was 'F16S'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 0.0 0 22 SPRING 0.0 0 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 1 -1 DK 7,276 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ6P04 r want baby before child 4 Just before that pregnancy began, did you yourself want to have another baby at SOME time? (The Q name was 'F16a'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 YES 0.0 0 2 NO 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ7P04 r timing pregnancy child 4 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than you wanted, later than you wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F16b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 SOONER 0.0 0 2 LATER 0.0 0 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ8P04 m/f want baby before child 4 And what about the (father/mother) - just before that pregnancy began, did (he/she) want (you) to have another baby at some time? (The Q name was 'F16c'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 YES 0.0 0 2 NO 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ9P04 m/f timing pregnancy -child 4 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than the (father/mother) wanted, later than (he/she) wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F16d'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 SOONER 0.0 0 2 LATER 0.0 0 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ10P04 lived apart frm r -child 4 Since then, has this child lived apart from you for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F16e'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 CHILD HAS DIED 0.0 0 -3 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 0.0 0 1 YES 100.0 1 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P04M month live apart -child 4 In what month and year did you and this child first begin living apart for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F16f'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 97 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P04Y yr live apart -child 4 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F16g'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ12P04 who live with -child 4 During that time, did the child live with: the other parent, with grandparents, or somewhere else? (The Q name was 'F16h'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 THE OTHER PARENT 0.0 0 2 GRANDPARENTS 0.0 0 3 SOMEWHERE ELSE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ13P04 num lived apart -child 4 How many times have you and this child lived apart for a period of two months or more? (The Q name was 'F16i'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 10 TEN TIMES OR MORE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P04M mnth live together child 4 In what month and year did you and this child last begin living together again? (The Q name was 'F16j'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 NEVER LIVED TOGETHER AGAIN 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P04Y yr live together child 4 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F16k'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P05M month born child 5 (F17) In what month and year was the fifth of these children born? (INTERVIEWER: IF MULTIPLE BIRTHS, REPEAT DATE FOR EACH BIRTH) (The Q name was 'F17'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P05Y yr born child 5 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F18'.) % Freq VALUE 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P05F what part of year child 5 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F19'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 7,276 0.0 1 * ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P05FS what part of year child 5 (The Q name was 'F19S'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 0.0 0 22 SPRING 0.0 0 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 1 -2 REF 7,276 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ6P05 r want baby before child 5 Just before that pregnancy began, did you yourself want to have another baby at SOME time? (The Q name was 'F19a'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 YES 0.0 0 2 NO 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ7P05 r timing pregnancy child 5 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than you wanted, later than you wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F19b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 SOONER 0.0 0 2 LATER 0.0 0 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ8P05 m/f want baby before child 5 And what about the (father/mother) - just before that pregnancy began, did (he/she) want (you) to have another baby at some time? (The Q name was 'F19c'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 YES 0.0 0 2 NO 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ9P05 m/f timing pregnancy child 5 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than the (father/mother) wanted, later than (he/she) wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F19d'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 SOONER 0.0 0 2 LATER 0.0 0 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ10P05 lived apart from r -child 5 Since then, has this child lived apart from you for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F19e'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 CHILD HAS DIED 0.0 0 -3 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 0.0 0 1 YES 100.0 1 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P05M month live apart -child 5 In what month and year did you and this child first begin living apart for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F19f'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 97 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P05Y yr live apart -child 5 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F19g'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ12P05 who live with -child 5 During that time, did the child live with: the other parent, with grandparents, or somewhere else? (The Q name was 'F19h'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 THE OTHER PARENT 0.0 0 2 WITH GRANDPARENTS 0.0 0 3 SOMEWHERE ELSE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ13P05 num lived apart -child 5 How many times have you and this child lived apart for a period of two months or more? (The Q name was 'F19i'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 10 TEN TIMES OR MORE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P05M mnth live together child 5 In what month and year did you and this child last begin living together again? (The Q name was 'F19j'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 NEVER LIVED TOGETHER AGAIN 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P05Y yr live together child 5 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F19k'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P06M month born child 6 (F20) In what month and year was the sixth of these children born? (INTERVIEWER: IF MULTIPLE BIRTHS, REPEAT DATE FOR EACH BIRTH) (The Q name was 'F20'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P06Y yr born child 6 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F21'.) % Freq VALUE 1 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P06F what part of year child 6 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F22'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 7,276 0.0 1 * ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ5P06FS what part of year child 6 (The Q name was 'F22S'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 0.0 0 22 SPRING 0.0 0 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 1 -1 DK 7,276 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ6P06 r want baby before child 6 Just before that pregnancy began, did you yourself want to have another baby at SOME time? (The Q name was 'F22a'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 YES 0.0 0 2 NO 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ7P06 r timing pregnancy child 6 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than you wanted, later than you wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F22b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 SOONER 0.0 0 2 LATER 0.0 0 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ8P06 m/f want baby before child 6 And what about the (father/mother) - just before that pregnancy began, did (he/she) want (you) to have another baby at some time? (The Q name was 'F22c'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 YES 0.0 0 2 NO 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ9P06 m/f timing pregnancy child 6 Did that pregnancy occur sooner than the (father/mother) wanted, later than (he/she) wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F22d'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 SOONER 0.0 0 2 LATER 0.0 0 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ10P06 lived apart from r -child 6 Since then, has this child lived apart from you for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F22e'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 CHILD HAS DIED 0.0 0 -3 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 0.0 0 1 YES 100.0 1 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P06M month live apart In what month and year did you and this child first begin living apart for two months or longer? (The Q name was 'F22f'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 97 CHILD HAS NEVER LIVED WITH R 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ11P06Y yr live apart -child 6 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F22g'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ12P06 who live with -child 6 During that time, did the child live with: (husband's/wife's/partner's) other parent,with grandparents, or somewhere else? (The Q name was 'F22h'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 (husband's/wife's/partner's) OTHER PARENT 0.0 0 2 GRANDPARENTS 0.0 0 3 SOMEWHERE ELSE (ENTER RESPONSE FOLLOWED BY //) 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ13P06 num lived apart -child 6 How many times have you and this child lived apart for a period of two months or more? (The Q name was 'F22i'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 10 TEN TIMES OR MORE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P06M mnth live together child 6 In what month and year did you and this child last begin living together again? (The Q name was 'F22j'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 -4 NEVER LIVED TOGETHER AGAIN 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ14P06Y yr live together child 6 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F22k'.) % Freq VALUE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ15 adopted any children since nsfh 1 Have you adopted any children since (last interview date)? (The Q name was 'F23'.) % Freq VALUE 1.4 43 1 YES 98.6 2,980 2 NO 6 -2 REFUSED 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 4,246 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = 1 Mean = 1.986 Max = 2 Std Dev = .118 Median = 2 Variance = .014 (Based on 3,023 valid cases) RJ16 number of adopted children How many children have you adopted since (last interview date)? (The Q name was 'F23z'.) % Freq VALUE 65.1 28 1 30.2 13 2 4.7 2 3 0.0 0 4 FOUR OR MORE CHILDREN 7,234 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = 1 Mean = 1.395 Max = 3 Std Dev = .583 Median = 1 Variance = .340 (Based on 43 valid cases) RJ17P1M mnth adopted child 1 In what month and year did you adopt (this/the first) child? (The Q name was 'F23a'.) % Freq VALUE 9.8 4 1 JANUARY 7.3 3 2 FEBRUARY 7.3 3 3 MARCH 17.1 7 4 APRIL 12.2 5 5 MAY 12.2 5 6 JUNE 7.3 3 7 JULY 7.3 3 8 AUGUST 2.4 1 9 SEPTEMBER 2.4 1 10 OCTOBER 2.4 1 11 NOVEMBER 12.2 5 12 DECEMBER 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,234 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P1Y yr adopted child 1 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F24'.) % Freq VALUE 2.3 1 1988 2.3 1 1989 2.3 1 1990 2.3 1 1992 2.3 1 1993 9.3 4 1994 18.6 8 1995 16.3 7 1996 7.0 3 1997 4.7 2 1998 18.6 8 1999 7.0 3 2000 4.7 2 2001 2.3 1 2002 7,234 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P1F part of yr adopt child 1 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F25'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 7,275 0.0 2 * ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P1FS part of yr adopt child 1 (The Q name was 'F25S'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 50.0 1 22 SPRING 50.0 1 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ18P01 age of child 1 when adopted How old was this child when you adopted (him/her)? (The Q name was 'F26'.) % Freq VALUE 38.1 16 0 LESS THAN ONE YEAR 11.9 5 1 9.5 4 2 2.4 1 3 7.1 3 4 2.4 1 5 2.4 1 6 7.1 3 7 2.4 1 11 4.8 2 12 2.4 1 13 2.4 1 14 2.4 1 17 4.8 2 18 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,234 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = 0 Mean = 4.167 Max = 18 Std Dev = 5.561 Median = 1.5 Variance = 30.923 (Based on 42 valid cases) RJ17P2M mnth adopted child 2 (F27) In what month and year did you adopt the second child? (The Q name was 'F27'.) % Freq VALUE 7.1 1 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 7.1 1 3 MARCH 7.1 1 4 APRIL 7.1 1 5 MAY 7.1 1 6 JUNE 14.3 2 7 JULY 21.4 3 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 21.4 3 11 NOVEMBER 7.1 1 12 DECEMBER 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,262 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P2Y yr adopted child 2 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F28'.) % Freq VALUE 6.7 1 1992 6.7 1 1993 6.7 1 1994 6.7 1 1995 6.7 1 1996 6.7 1 1997 6.7 1 1998 26.7 4 1999 13.3 2 2000 13.3 2 2001 7,262 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P2F part of yr adopt child 2 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F29'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 7,276 0.0 1 * ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P2FS part of yr adopt child 2 (The Q name was 'F29S'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 0.0 0 22 SPRING 100.0 1 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 7,276 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ18P02 age of child 2 when adopted How old was this child when you adopted (him/her)? (The Q name was 'F30'.) % Freq VALUE 33.3 5 0 LESS THAN ONE YEAR 26.7 4 1 13.3 2 2 6.7 1 6 6.7 1 11 6.7 1 14 6.7 1 15 7,262 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = 0 Mean = 3.600 Max = 15 Std Dev = 5.316 Median = 1 Variance = 28.257 (Based on 15 valid cases) RJ17P3M month adopted child 3 (F31) In what month and year did you adopt the third child? (The Q name was 'F31'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 1 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 50.0 1 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P3Y yr adopted child 3 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1987-2004) (The Q name was 'F32'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 2 2002 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P3F part of yr adopt child 3 Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F33'.) % Freq VALUE 100.0 7,277 ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ17P3FS part of yr adopt child 3 (The Q name was 'F33S'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 0.0 0 12 DECEMBER 0.0 0 21 WINTER 0.0 0 22 SPRING 0.0 0 23 SUMMER 0.0 0 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 99 OTHER 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ18P03 age of child 3 when adopted How old was this child when you adopted (him/her)? (The Q name was 'F34'.) % Freq VALUE 50.0 1 0 LESS THAN ONE YEAR 50.0 1 1 7,275 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ19 r/wife/partner curently pregnant (Are you/ Is your wife/partner) currently pregnant? (The Q name was 'F3'.) % Freq VALUE 0.7 7 1 YES 99.3 944 2 NO 7 -2 REFUSED 5 -1 DON'T KNOW 6,314 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ20 month baby due In what month is the baby due? (The Q name was 'F4'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.0 0 2 FEBRUARY 0.0 0 3 MARCH 14.3 1 4 APRIL 0.0 0 5 MAY 0.0 0 6 JUNE 14.3 1 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 0.0 0 9 SEPTEMBER 14.3 1 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 57.1 4 12 DECEMBER 7,270 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ21 r want baby at some time Just before this pregnancy began, did you yourself want to have (a/another) baby at SOME time? (The Q name was 'F4a'.) % Freq VALUE 57.1 4 1 YES 42.9 3 2 NO 7,270 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ22 timing of pregnancy Did this pregnancy occur sooner than you wanted, later than you wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F4b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 SOONER 50.0 2 2 LATER 50.0 2 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,273 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ23 father/mother want baby at some time And what about the (father/mother) - just before this pregnancy began, did (he/she) want (you) to have a baby at some time? (The Q name was 'F4c'.) % Freq VALUE 57.1 4 1 YES 42.9 3 2 NO 7,270 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ24 father/mother timing of pregnancy Did this pregnancy occur sooner than the (father/mother) wanted, later than (he/she) wanted, or at about the right time? (The Q name was 'F4d'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 SOONER 50.0 2 2 LATER 50.0 2 3 ABOUT THE RIGHT TIME 7,273 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ25 intend to have another child sometime Do you intend to have (a/another) (child/birth) sometime? (The Q name was 'F40'.) % Freq VALUE 3.6 43 1 YES 96.4 1,143 2 NO 4 -2 REFUSED 16 -1 DON'T KNOW 6,071 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ26 intend to have another child Not counting your (husband's/wife's/partner's) current pregnancy, do you intend to have another child sometime? (The Q name was 'F40a'.) % Freq VALUE 16.7 1 1 YES 83.3 5 2 NO 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,270 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ27 how sure r will not have (more) children How sure are you that you will NOT have (more) children? Are you: very sure, moderately sure, or not at all sure? (The Q name was 'F41a'.) % Freq VALUE 86.4 990 1 VERY SURE 10.1 116 2 MODERATELY SURE 3.5 40 3 NOT AT ALL SURE 2 -2 REFUSED 6,129 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ28 how sure r will have (more) children How sure are you that you will have (more) children? Are you: (The Q name was 'F41'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 VERY SURE 0.0 0 2 MODERATELY SURE 0.0 0 3 NOT AT ALL SURE 7,277 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ29 how many kids do you intend to have How many (more) children do you intend to have? (The Q name was 'F42'.) % Freq VALUE 4.8 2 -6 RESPONDENT GAVE A RANGE SUCH AS "2 OR 3" 47.6 20 1 42.9 18 2 4.8 2 3 0.0 0 13 THIRTEEN OR MORE 2 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,233 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = -6 Mean = 1.190 Max = 3 Std Dev = 1.728 Median = 1 Variance = 2.987 (Based on 42 valid cases) RJ30 how sure will have more children How sure are you that you will have (more) children? Are you: very sure, moderately sure, or not at all sure? (The Q name was 'F48'.) % Freq VALUE 21.4 9 1 VERY SURE 31.0 13 2 MODERATELY SURE 47.6 20 3 NOT AT ALL SURE 7,235 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases Min = 1 Mean = 2.262 Max = 3 Std Dev = .798 Median = 2 Variance = .637 (Based on 42 valid cases) RJ31 had no kids operation Have you ever had an operation that makes it impossible to have a child? (The Q name was 'F3b'.) % Freq VALUE 40.3 1,215 1 YES 59.7 1,797 2 NO 11 -2 REFUSED 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 4,253 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ32M mnth of operation In what month and year did you have this operation? If you have had more than one operation, please tell me about the first. (The Q name was 'F60a'.) % Freq VALUE 6.8 71 1 JANUARY 7.3 76 2 FEBRUARY 8.4 88 3 MARCH 8.1 85 4 APRIL 10.6 111 5 MAY 11.4 119 6 JUNE 6.9 72 7 JULY 8.3 87 8 AUGUST 9.6 101 9 SEPTEMBER 9.0 94 10 OCTOBER 7.1 74 11 NOVEMBER 6.6 69 12 DECEMBER 4 -2 REFUSED 164 -1 DON'T KNOW 6,062 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ32Y yr of operation (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1901-2004) (The Q name was 'F60b'.) % Freq VALUE 0.1 1 1960 0.4 5 1970 0.3 3 1971 0.6 7 1972 0.8 10 1973 0.9 11 1974 1.4 16 1975 2.0 23 1976 1.8 21 1977 3.1 37 1978 3.3 39 1979 5.4 64 1980 3.0 35 1981 4.6 54 1982 3.8 45 1983 3.9 46 1984 4.9 58 1985 4.8 57 1986 5.5 65 1987 4.4 52 1988 4.6 54 1989 4.8 56 1990 3.8 45 1991 4.5 53 1992 3.0 35 1993 4.3 51 1994 2.9 34 1995 3.1 36 1996 4.2 49 1997 3.0 35 1998 2.2 26 1999 2.3 27 2000 1.4 16 2001 0.8 9 2002 0.2 2 2003 0.1 1 2004 6 -2 REFUSED 31 -1 DON'T KNOW 6,062 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ32F what part of year had operation Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December?) (The Q name was 'F60c'.) % Freq VALUE 97.7 7,113 2.3 164 * ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ32FS what part of year had operation (The Q name was 'F60CS'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 0.9 1 2 FEBRUARY 0.9 1 3 MARCH 1.8 2 4 APRIL 1.8 2 5 MAY 4.5 5 6 JUNE 0.0 0 7 JULY 0.9 1 8 AUGUST 2.7 3 9 SEPTEMBER 3.6 4 10 OCTOBER 1.8 2 11 NOVEMBER 1.8 2 12 DECEMBER 9.9 11 21 WINTER 22.5 25 22 SPRING 27.9 31 23 SUMMER 15.3 17 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 3.6 4 99 OTHER 5 -2 REF 48 -1 DK 7,113 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ40 ever had tubal ligation Did you have a tubal ligation, that is have your tubes tied? (The Q name was 'F60d'.) % Freq VALUE 63.6 495 1 YES 36.4 283 2 NO 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 6,498 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ41 ever had hysterectomy Did you have a hysterectomy, that is surgery to remove your uterus? (The Q name was 'F60e'.) % Freq VALUE 95.4 269 1 YES 4.6 13 2 NO 1 -2 REFUSED 6,994 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ33 spouse/partner no kids operation Has your (husband/wife/partner) had an operation that makes it impossible to have a child? (The Q name was 'F61'.) % Freq VALUE 38.2 888 1 YES 61.8 1,436 2 NO 16 -2 REFUSED 3 -1 DON'T KNOW 4,934 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ34M mnth spouse/partner operation In what month and year did your (husband/wife/partner) have this operation? If (he/she) has had more than one operation, please tell me about the first. (The Q name was 'F61a'.) % Freq VALUE 6.1 38 1 JANUARY 8.2 51 2 FEBRUARY 6.6 41 3 MARCH 8.3 52 4 APRIL 10.1 63 5 MAY 13.8 86 6 JUNE 9.0 56 7 JULY 9.4 59 8 AUGUST 8.3 52 9 SEPTEMBER 8.3 52 10 OCTOBER 6.6 41 11 NOVEMBER 5.4 34 12 DECEMBER 3 -2 REFUSED 260 -1 DON'T KNOW 6,389 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ34Y yr of spouse/partner operation (INTERVIEWER: ENTER YEAR 1901-2004) (The Q name was 'F61b'.) 7,277 cases (Range of valid codes: 1,956-2,004) RJ34F what part of yr they had operation Do you remember what part of the year it was? (Enter response followed by //) (INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR SEASON, PORTION OF YEAR- IF R SAYS "WINTER" PROBE: Do you think it was January or February or December? (The Q name was 'F61c'.) % Freq VALUE 98.8 7,190 1.2 87 * ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ34FS what part of yr they had operation (The Q name was 'F61CS'.) % Freq VALUE 0.0 0 1 JANUARY 3.3 1 2 FEBRUARY 3.3 1 3 MARCH 0.0 0 4 APRIL 3.3 1 5 MAY 6.7 2 6 JUNE 3.3 1 7 JULY 0.0 0 8 AUGUST 3.3 1 9 SEPTEMBER 0.0 0 10 OCTOBER 0.0 0 11 NOVEMBER 3.3 1 12 DECEMBER 6.7 2 21 WINTER 13.3 4 22 SPRING 10.0 3 23 SUMMER 10.0 3 24 FALL 0.0 0 31 FIRST HALF OF YEAR 0.0 0 32 SECOND HALF OF YEAR 33.3 10 99 OTHER 6 -2 REF 51 -1 DK 7,190 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ42 ever had tubal ligation Did she have a tubal ligation, that is have her tubes tied? (The Q name was 'F61d'.) % Freq VALUE 61.5 359 1 YES 38.5 225 2 NO 2 -2 REFUSED 17 -1 DON'T KNOW 6,674 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases RJ43 ever had hysterectomy Did she have a hysterectomy, that is, surgery to remove her uterus? (The Q name was 'F61e'.) % Freq VALUE 96.0 215 1 YES 4.0 9 2 NO 1 -1 DON'T KNOW 7,052 . (No Data) ----- ----- 100.0 7,277 cases