Caseids are in columns 1-6 for NSFH2 data. Columns 1-5 
contain the numeric caseid which is used to link all data files for one 
case.  Column 6 contains an alpha character which designates the type 
of wave 2 interview:
        R = primary respondent
        S = spouse/partner from wave 1
        N = new spouse partner that was not present at wave 1
        P =  parent interview
        O = older focal child interview (age 18-23)
        Y = younger focal child interview (age 10-17)
        B = best measures data, which compares primary R and spouse/partner
               income reports
The NSFH2 data files that are available include:
1.  Main respondent - interview data
2.  Current spouse/partner - interview data
3.  Ex-spouse/partner - interview data
        These files contain data collected by the interviewer in CAPI 
        (Computer-Assisted Personal Interview).  The structure of these files 
        is identical; the variable locations in the main respondent codebook 
        apply to all three of these files.  There are a few variables that 
        are applicable only to certain types of respondents - the codebook 
        and/or the instrument indicate when a variable is inapplicable to 
        certain respondent types.  The inapplicable fields contain 9s.
        The main respondent file includes one record for each of 10,007 main 
        respondents interviewed.  The current spouse/partner file includes a 
        record for each current spouse/partner who was interviewed.  There 
        are some cases where there was an interview with the spouse/partner, 
        but no interview with the main respondent.
        Cohabitation is difficult to define precisely. For purposes of the
        logic of the NSFH2 interview, a respondent was defined as cohabiting
        if he or she had an opposite sex person in the household who was
        identified as "lover/partner" on the relationship variable. Because
        of differing definitions of the situation the partners, changes in
        living arrangements between interviews of partners, and, for other
        reasons, there are a small number of cases where one partner is
        classified as cohabiting and the other is not.
        There are a small number of cases where we are uncertain whether a
        spouse interview was completed with a new spouse/partner or with
        the NSFH1 spouse/partner. There are also a small number of cases
        where one partner reports that they are married and the other
        reports they are cohabiting. There are also a small number of cases
        where one partner reports that they are cohabiting and the other
        reports that they are roommates, or that the "partner" is not in the
        This will have an impact almost entirely on spouse records and not
        on the main respondent record.
4.  Main respondent - SE data
5.  Current spouse/partner - SE data
6.  Ex-spouse/partner - SE data
        These files include data collected in the self-administered 
        questionnaires.  The structure of each of these files is identical
        for the three respondent types.
        There are a few cases where there are interview data, but no SE data.
        These are cases where the SE form was not completed by the respondent,
        not returned by the interviewer, or lost before data entry.
        When there are interview data but no SE data, there is an SE record 
        which is completely filled with 9s.
7.   Constructed variables - main respondent
8.   Constructed variables - current spouse/partner
9.   Constructed variables - ex-spouse partner
10. Constructed best measures - comparison of main respondent 
      income reports and current spouse/partner income reports
        These files contain variables constructed from the interview data, for 
        example, income measures aggregated over household members or 
        over income types, union history, education completed, etc.  Case 
        weights are in this file.  
        The structure of the first 3 files is identical.  The best measures
        file was created by comparing the primary respondent and current 
        spouse/partner income reports.
11. Status file
        This file shows which interview type is available for which cases, and
        it shows the result code for cases that were not interviewed. There is 
        one case for each NSFH1 respondent.  Among other uses, this file 
        permits the analysis of response rates. 
12. Focal child telephone interview data - 10-17 year olds
13. Focal child telephone interview data - 18-23 year olds
        Different interviews were administered to focal children depending on their 
        age. (Ages were classified by the age reported by the parent (usually R1) 
        at the time of the parent interview. There are separate data files for the two 
        age groups.  While some questions are identical in the two interviews, they 
        have different item names and locations
14.  Parent telephone interview data
        An interview was conducted with a parent of the main respondent.  A parent 
        was selected randomly for interview when both parents were living.  Under 
        some circumstances the other parent could be substituted for the selected 
15. Proxy data - telephone interviews with proxy respondent when 
      respondent was deceased or too ill to interview
Number of Records/size of Files:
                                                             Number of          Record            Bytes                  
                                                             Records             Length            (*1000)                      
1.  Main R - interview data                    10005                8231               82,350
2.  Curr spouse/partner- int data            5624                  8231               46,300
3.  Ex-spouse/partner - int data              789                    8231               6,500
4.  Main respondent - SE data               10005                728                 7,300
5.  Current spouse/partner - SE data      5624                  728                 4,100
6.  Ex-spouse/partner - SE data             789                    728                 575
7.  Main R - constructed variables          10005                1999               20,000
8.  Curr spouse/partner - const vars       5624                  1999               11,240
9.  Ex-spouse/partner - const vars          789                    1999               1,580
10. Constructed best measures vars       10211                1553               15,870
11. Status file                                         13007                47                    612
12. Focal child data - age 10-17            1415                  1844                2,620
13. Focal child data - age 18-23            1090                  1844                2,020
14. Parent interview data                       3347                  2333                7,840
15. Proxy interview data                        802                    157                 130
All data files are fixed length records in ascii format.
File Naming Conventions:
First letter:  type of file
        I = Instrument
        C = Codebook
        D = Data
        L = Layout file:  lists variable names and column locations 
2nd letter/number:  type of respondent
        M = Main Interview Respondents - Primary respondents and spouses/
                partners; caseids end in R, S and N.
        S = Spouses/Partners; caseids end in S and N
        R = Primary Respondents only; caseids end in R.
        C = Current spouses; caseids end in S and N.
        X = Ex-spouses; caseids end in S. 
        P = Parent; caseids end in P
        K = Kid; caseids end in Y or O
        Z = Proxy; caseids end in R
                                   SURVEY INSTRUMENTS
In the traditional "paper and pencil" interview there is a printed 
interview that the interviewer follows, which (hopefully) contains 
the skip logic of the interview in clear and unambiguous language.
In addition to being a roadmap for the interviewer, it is also a 
very useful document for researchers using the data.  In a 
computer-assisted interview (CATI or CAPI) there is not a similar 
document that is comprehensible to persons not familiar with the 
programming language.
We have produced an interview "instrument" which includes the skip logic,
interviewer instructions, and other information that should allow 
researchers to understand precisely what "stimulus" respondents were given
in each question.
Main Interview Materials:
There are three separate data files for three different respondent 
        1.  Main respondents (the original NSFH1 primary respondent, 
             also referred to as R1)
        2.  Current spouse/partner of R1 (some of whom were the 
             spouse/partner at NSFH1 (R2)  and others are newly acquired 
             spouse/partners (New Spouse/Partners)
        3.  Ex-spouse/partners (NSFH1 Spouse/Partners (R2's) who are 
             not Current Spouse/Partners.
The layout (variable locations) for the records in each of 
these files is identical.  The variable names for items on each of 
these files are the same except for the prefix letter (M for Main 
Respondents, C (current) or X (ex) for spouse/partners).
The variable locations, coding categories, and (with the exception 
of the first character) variable names are identical.  There are two main
interview codebooks:  one contains frequencies for primary respondents and
the other has frequencies for spouses/partners (one column for current, one
column for ex-sp/p).
SE and Constructed Variables:
Again, variable locations for the SE information are the same for all three
respondent types.  There are two codebooks:  one containing primary respondent
frequencies, the other for spouse/partners.
The variable locations for the constructed variables are also the same for all
three respondent types, but the codebook does not contain frequencies for any 
respondents.  There is only one version of the codebook which describes the 
column location and defines each variable.  The best measures are a comparison
of the primary respondent and spouse/partner's income reports.  The data and
layout are separate files from the other constructed variables, but they
are in the same codebook as the other constructed variables.
Other Codebook Information:
The codebook includes global skips, but not all question-and response-
specific skips.  For example, if left-handed respondents skipped a section 
of the interview, this will be noted in the codebook.  But if persons 
answering yes to a question skip the following questions, this is not shown 
in the codebook.  Or if a question about marital status is not asked 
regarding household members age 15 and younger, this will not appear in the 
codebook.  All of this skip logic is in the instruments and skip maps.  
The codebook also does not include interviewer instructions, and may not 
include all question wording variation (fills).
Zero frequency variables in main interview codebooks:
The codebook for the main interview is designed to be used with 
current and ex-spouse records, as well as with main respondent 
records.  The frequencies are for main respondents only.  A few variables 
shown in the codebook are applicable only to current or ex-spouses.  
These are shown in the codebook with "0" frequencies.  (An example is 
variable ML92, which is applicable only to spouses.  In this instance 
the question wording had to be different for spouses.)
Codebook Examples:
This is the codebook entry for two variables in the care-giving and
receiving section of the interview.
        .                                                                  .
          a. <l1a> If R has any conditions on card 5, GO TO ME3 <C3a>
          b. <l2a> If R does not have any long-term physical or mental 
                        condition or disability, GO TO CKPT:ME5 <l3>
        .                                                                  .
1270-1272       ME3             (C3a)
        What is the most serious condition that you have?
        See Appendix A for codes
        @                                                          Unwt    Wgted
                                                                       Freq       Pct 
        001-989  Condition given                      4085    40.67
        990      No specific condition given           88      0.89
        997      Refused                                            2      0.01
        998      Don't know                                     19     0.15
        999      Inap/No Answer                         5814    58.29
        Total                                                     10008  100.00
In this example:
          a. <l1a> If R has any conditions on card 5, GO TO ME3 <C3a>
          b. <l2a> If R does not have any long-term physical or mental 
                        condition or disability, GO TO CKPT:ME5 <l3>
This is a checkpoint.  It is a skip condition (that can be skipped to from a 
point earlier in the interview).  Checkpoints are identified by the CKPT 
designation followed by item name of the variable immediately following (ME3)
1270-1272       ME3             (C3a)
"1270-1272" is the column location of the item.
"ME3" is the item name.  The convention for naming items is discussed below.
"(C3a)" is the original item name in the CAPI program.  This is included for 
             NSFH staff use; it will not be useful to users of the data.
"What is the most serious condition that you have?"
This is the text of the question.  Interviewer instructions and other 
clarifying information are not included in the codebook.  They are included in 
the instrument.
"See Appendix A for codes"
This is clarifying information that will be useful to the user of the data.
In this instance it tells us that the codes are not here in the codebook but 
are in Appendix A.  When there are numerous coding categories for a variable 
- e.g., occupation or religious preference, the coding categories are 
 contained in appendices to the codebook.
       @                                                               Unwt    Wgted
                                                                          Freq          Pct 
       001-989  Condition given                           4085     40.67
       990      No specific condition given                 88       0.89
       997      Refused                                                2       0.01
       998      Don't know                                         19      0.15
       999      Inap/No Answer                             5814     58.29
       Total                                                         10008   100.00
This tells us the codes for the variable and the frequency distribution.  For 
main respondent data, both unweighted frequency distributions and a weighted 
percentage distributions are shown.  For some data only the unweighted 
frequency distributions are shown.
In this example, since coding categories are not shown (they are in an 
appendix), the valid substantive codes are all combined (001-989).  In such 
cases frequencies are always shown for non-substantive codes (Refused, DK).
The 5814 cases coded 999 are inapplicable/no answer.  In this example the 
series of questions is asked of all respondents, but the particular 
question is asked only of persons who reported on either of the two 
previous questions that they had a disability.
We do not show response-specific skips in the codebook - i.e., in the 
example that follows, only respondents answering "Yes" (1) are asked 
the immediately following question about the care-giver; Others ["No" (2), 
"Refused" (7) or "Don't Know" (8)] skip to a later question.  
1362            ME52            (C63)
        At any time in the last 12 months, did you RECEIVE help 
        with personal care from anyone WHO WAS LIVING WITH YOU, 
        because of a health condition, illness, or disability?
        @                                                   Unwt      Wgted
                                                                Freq           Pct 
        1  Yes                                                667        6.75
        2  No                                               9337      93.23
        7  Refused                                             0        0.00
        8  Don't know                                        1        0.00
        9  Inap/No Answer                                3        0.02
        Total                                              10008    100.00
Aggregated variables
Near the beginning of the interview there is a series of questions 
about each member of the respondent's household.  Included in this 
series is a question on marital status asked with reference to all 
household members (excluding the respondent) age 17 and older.
(Other examples where this applies include questions relating to 
spells of employment and questions relating to the number of children 
moving in and out of the parental household.)
The codebook entry for marital status of household members is:
0000            MB6P01-MB6P16
        What is (his/her) marital status?  Is (he/she):
        @                                                                 Unwt    Wgted
                                                                             Freq          Pct 
        1  married,                                                   6370        4.58
        2  separated because of marital problems,      190        0.11
        3  divorced,                                                   614        0.36
        4  widowed, or                                              342        0.24
        5  never married?                                         2963        2.01
        7  Refused                                                       10        0.01
        8  Don't know                                                  16        0.01
        9  Inap/No Answer                                  149623      92.67
        Total                                                        160128    100.00
The item names for this variable are MB6P01-MB6P16.  Space is 
available for up to 16 household members.  Hence there are 160128 
possible responses to this question (10008 respondents * 16 
potential persons per household).  Of these, 149623 are inapplicable 
- the person does not exist (household has less than 16 members) or 
the person is less than age 17.  The marital status distribution of 
the 10,505 household members who are age 17 and older is shown in 
the remaining rows of the table. 
No column location is shown in this codebook entry.  The "0000"  is 
simply a flag showing that this is an "aggregated variable".  Column 
locations for aggregate variables are normally shown in tables following 
the item or series of items.  In this example:
                        Household roster other than respondent--
                               Column locations
      Person              sex         age       marital      cohab      relation-
      Number                                       status        status      ship to R
 1.  0024-0025     0026  0027-0028   0029        0030     0031-0032
 2.  0048-0049     0050  0051-0052   0053        0054     0055-0056
 3.  0072-0073     0074  0075-0076   0077        0078     0079-0080
 4.  0096-0097     0098  0099-0100   0101        0102     0103-0104
16.  0384-0385     0386  0387-0388   0389        0390     0391-0392
This shows that marital statuses for the other members of the household 
are found in columns 29, 53, 77, 101, . . . and 389.
Note  also in this example, the codebook shows that the computer varied the 
question wording depending on the sex of the person being talked about 
(his/her) and (he/she).
                               SKIP MAP
We have created a "skip map" which shows, in graphic form, the skip 
logic of the entire interview.  The skip map is extremely useful in 
understanding which respondents get asked which questions.  Our 
experience with Nsfhhelp has shown that most of the questions asking
why N's don't seem to match can be quickly answered from the skip map.  
Users are encouraged to use the skip map along with the codebook and 
interview schedule to understand the logic of the interview.  These 
skip maps are the *.pdf files in the NSFH public access directory.  
A       Medical Condition Codes
B       Religion Codes
C       Reasons Stopped Living with Parents Codes
D       Reasons Started Living with Parents Codes
E       States Included in Each Census Region
F       Occupation Codes
G       Occupational Socioeconomic Status Codes:
         Total-based and Male-based
H       Conversion of Dates to Century Months
I        Industry Codes
J       Categorical & Constructed Income Variables 
K      Cause of Death Codes            
L       Relationship Codes for Proxy Interview
M      Showcards used with Main Interview
N      Field Report (includes interviewing procedures)
O      Weight Report
P       SE Measures
Q      Person Numbers
All item names are 8 characters or less; all begin with an alpha 
character.  Thus they are legal SPSS variable names.
Main Interview
(1) First character (letter)
        M  Primary (Main) Respondent interview item
        C  Current spouses/partners 
        X  Ex spouses/partners
(2) Second character (letter) - refers to the module in which the item occurs
        Interview Modules (in order they appear throughout the interview):
        A   Birthdate, is time 1 spouse/partner still with R?
              Sex, age and householder status
        B   Current marital status and household composition
        C   R's children living elsewhere and spouse/partner's children
              living elsewhere
              R's children mentioned at time 1 but not time 2 
        D   Comings and goings of children between time 1 and time 2
        E    Health and giving/receiving care
        F    R's parents
              R living with parents
        G   Help given to and received from adult children 19+
        H   Siblings, grandchildren, background of new spouses
        I     Marriage/cohabitation history since time 1
        J     Fertility history since time 1
        K   Problem inventory - children age 5-17
        L    Original Focal Child, now age 5-17
        K   Problem inventory - children age 18-23
        L    Original Focal Child, now age 18-23
        K   Problem inventory - children age 4 and under
        L    New Focal Child, age 4 and under
        M   Child under 18 with other parent absent from the household
              R's child under 18 who is absent from the household
        N   Residence history since time 1
              Education history since time 1
        O   Work history since time 1
        P    Current employment
        Q   Income, assets, debts and economic transfers
        R    Interviewer observations, info. about Focal Child and Parent 
              selected for telephone interviews
        S    Additional variables - these variables do not appear in the 
              interview as questions
(3) Third character (number) - sequential within the module
      For sequences in table format, this will be followed by a
      letter "P" (for person) or "T" (for time) and then a number 
      which is sequential within the table
(1) First character (letter)
        M  Primary Respondent interview item
        C  Current spouses/partners 
        X  Ex spouses/partners
(2) Second character is always the letter T
(3) Third character and fourth character for SE10-18 (number) 
    - corresponds to the SE (values=1-18)
    - an exception to this is the STATUS variable at the beginning
      of each SE 
(4) Fourth character (or fifth character for SE10-18) - usually the item 
     number in the SE questionnaire
Parent Interview
(1) First character is always the letter P
(2) Second character (letter) - refers to the module in which the item occurs.
        Interview Modules (in order by how they appear throughout
        the interview):
        A  Result code of parent interview, which parent 
        C  Household composition and children living elsewhere
        D  Marriage/cohabitation; Health and well-being
        E  Health and giving/receiving care
        F  Parents
        G  Help given to and received from adult children 19+
        H  Siblings, grandchildren
        P  Current employment
        Q  Income, assets, debts and economic transfers
(3) Third character (number) - sequential within the module
      For sequences in table format, this will be followed by a
      letter "P" (for person) or "T" (for time) and then a number 
      which is sequential within the table
Child Interview
(1) First character is always the letter F
(2) Second character (letter)
        Y = Younger focal child interview; child age 10-17
        O = Older focal child interview; child age 18-23
(3) Third character (number) - sequential throughout the interview;
      numbers start again at 1 for beginning of older child interview.               
      For sequences in table format, this will be followed by a
      letter "P" (for person) or "T" (for time) and then a number 
      which is sequential within the table
     VI.D PROXY (Deceased or ill primary respondents)
(1) First two characters are always the letters ZZ
(2) Third character (number) - sequential throughout the interview
                               PERSON NUMBERS
NSFH1 Person Numbers Maintained in NSFH2
In NSFH1 person numbers (also referred to as household member numbers) 
were assigned to all household members and to all sons and daughters and 
step-sons and daughters mentioned in the interview.  These numbers 
had values of 1 (main respondent), 2-15 (persons in the household) 
and 21-36 (sons and daughters and step-sons and -daughters living 
elsewhere).  When a person who had an NSFH1 person number was mentioned 
in NSFH2, the same NSFH1 person number was assigned.  
Person Numbers Assigned to Persons Not Mentioned in NSFH1
Persons mentioned in NSFH2 who were not mentioned in NSFH1 were assigned new 
person numbers (values ranging from 41-56).  These include new spouses and 
partners; children born since NSFH1; sons and daughters who should have been 
mentioned in NSFH1, but who were omitted; new roommates or relatives living 
in the household; and new spouse/partners children living (living with R or 
elsewhere).  Also included are the ex-spouse's new household members.
The initial assignment of these new person numbers was automated - i.e., the 
computer assigned them sequentially starting with "41" within the interview.
Potentially there were five separate interviews per case - main respondent, 
current spouse/partner, ex-spouse/partner, focal child, and parent. Each 
interview is self-contained and in the interview process there was no way to 
cross-reference information obtained in the interview with another respondent 
(e.g., the main respondent in the case of an interview with a spouse).  The 
person numbers had to be reconciled among the three interview types.  For 
example, a respondent may have separated, divorced, remarried and acquired 
a step-child, and had a baby with the new spouse between NSFH1 and NSFH2.  
The main respondent may have mentioned the new baby first (assigned a 41), 
the new spouse second (42), and the step-child third (43).  In the spouse 
interview, the respondent (i.e., the new spouse) would be assigned a person 
number of 41.  If the spouse mentioned her child (R1's step-child) first 
and the new baby second, the person numbers would be reversed when compared 
to the main respondent's numbers.  If the ex-spouse was living with a 
new partner, the new partner would have been assigned a person number 
of 41.  
We have reassigned person numbers so that each person is assigned a unique 
person number across all interviews for a particular case.  This proved to be 
a very complex and tedious process.  The unambiguous cases are those where 
the names and ages are the same, and the relationships are consistent (R1's 
biological child; spouse's step-child, and the residence is the same (in- or 
out- of Rs household)).  There were a fairly large number of ambiguous 
cases, and there are undoubtedly situations where a person was mentioned at 
NSFH1 and at NSFH2 was assigned a different person number.  
Children and step-children appear and disappear between the two interviews. 
In the case of biological children (and step-children living with R at NSFH1)
we try to account for missed children in the lost child sequence.  We made 
no attempt in the interview to determine where children listed in NSFH2 but 
not in NSFH1 have come from or why they were not reported in NSFH1.
Some Numbers are Not Assigned
Note that there may be sequential numbers that are not assigned - 
for example there may be a 41 and a 43, but no 42.  This may occur
for several reasons, but primarily in situations where the person 
appeared to be a new person, but later examination revealed that it 
was a person mentioned in NSFH1.  It can also occur when the interviewer 
enters a person on a roster and then later deletes the person.
Not Everyone Assigned a Person Number at NSFH1 was Asked About in NSFH2
Those not asked about include:
        non-relatives in household at NSFH1
        relatives other than spouse/partner and R's children and step-
        children in household at NSFH1
        r's step-children at time 1 who are the children of an ex-spouse or 
        partner at NSFH2
Person Numbers in the Parent Interview
In the parent interviews person numbers were assigned by the computer to all 
household members and all sons and daughters and step-sons and -daughters.  
These numbers have values of 61-75.  No attempt has been made to identify 
persons mentioned in the parent interview who were also mentioned in the 
main respondent and/or spouse interviews.  Thus in a few cases, when the 
parent and the respondent lived in the same household, or when the respondent 
and a sibling lived in the same household, the same person will have a 
different person number in the main respondent and parent interviews.  The 
main respondent also will have a different number (other than "1") in the 
parent interview.  There is a variable identifying the main respondent on 
the parent interview file.  For reasons which cannot be identified a large
number of parents did not list the primary respondent when listing their
children.  This is discussed in section X.H.
                               THE FOCAL CHILD 
In the NSFH1 interview, respondents who had any biological, adopted, 
step (including partner's), or foster child under the age of 18 living in
their household were ask a series of questions about a child, randomly
selected from among eligible children - the eligible child whose name
came first alphabetically. This is the focal1 child at NSFH1.
Focal(1-6) Children at time 1 were age 0-18
For each type of focal child: the first alphabetically was chosen
from those eligible.
FOCAL1 CHILD = R1's bio, step, adopted, foster or partner's child
living in the household
FOCAL2 CHILD = R1's child in the household; other parent living
FOCAL3 CHILD = R1's step-child or partner's child; lives in the
FOCAL4 CHILD = Child living in household who is NOT R's bio
or step-child
FOCAL5 CHILD = R1's bio. child living elsewhere
FOCAL6 CHILD = R1's step-child living elsewhere
FOCAL7 CHILD = R1's child or spouse/partner's child in household or
at school age 19+

This same focal child was the referent for questions in the NSFH2
interview, and was also the child that was interviewed by telephone.

When there was no focal1 child, and there were any children under
age 5 in the household at the time of the NSFH2 interview, a child was
randomly selected among the eligible children for a series of questions.


The focal child for the absent parent sequence
        A focal child was eligible for this sequence if all of the following 
        were true.  The child:
                Lived in the household with R 
                Was under 18
                Was a bio child of R
                Was not a bio child of current (residential) spouse/partner
        Focal 1 child was selected if eligible; if not:
        Focal 2 child was selected if eligible; if not:
        The focal child under age 5 was selected if eligible; if not:
        The eligible child whose first name comes first alphabetically
        was selected.
The focal child for the absent child sequence:
        A focal child was eligible for this sequence if the child:
                Did not live with R in the household
                Was under 18
                Was a bio child of R
        Focal 1 child was selected if eligible; if not:
        Focal 5 child was selected if eligible; if not:
        The focal child under age 5 was selected if eligible; if not:
        The eligible child whose first name comes first alphabetically
        was selected.
We know that some cases which should have been asked this sequence 
were not asked it or were asked about a wrong child.  This occurred 
if a child was assigned an incorrect person number, if a child's age
or relationship was misstated, or (in the case of the absent parent
sequence) for cohabiting respondents if the child was listed on the 
roster before the partner. 
See NSFH1 documentation for definition of focal 2 and focal 5 children.


If you are interested in linking contextual data with individual level data, the NSFH
respondent’s CASEID can be merged with data on geographic characteristics from another source.
Before proceeding, however, it is important that you read all of the introductory files on our
web page as well as the document, “GeoMergeOnline.doc” located on our “User Support”
page ( http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/nsfh/support.htm). Links to the introductory files are located on our homepage.
Please note that the purpose of this merge is to allow analysis including the characteristics of places of
residence, and not geographical locations. Please see our “User Support” page for more
information, including a more detailed explanation of the process.