-- -- (COPY NAME, AGE, AND MARITAL STATUS OF EACH HH MEMBER FROM PAGE 3 OF THE SCREENING FORM ONTO THE HH ROSTER BELOW; DO NOT COPY NAMES OF DORM & MILITARY HOUSING RESIDENTS. RECORD R'S MARITAL STATUS ON LINE 1 OF BOOKMARK) 1. I've recorded (NAMES FROM SCREENING ROSTER) as members of this household. (IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK:) Is (PERSON) male or female? (RECORD SEX IN COL.4) 2. Tell me how each person on this list is related to you. Choose your answer from these categories. (HAND R CARD #1. WRITE IN THE RELATIONSHIP AND ENTER THE LETTER CODE IN COL.5. IF CODE B [LOVER/PARTNER] IS GIVEN TO PERSON OF OPPOSITE SEX, CIRCLE "COHABITING" ON LINE 2 OF BOOKMARK) _______________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS: [_______] FULL-TIME HOUSEHOLD ROSTER # in HH -- -- COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 COL.5 Marital Status Sex -- -- Relation- First Name Age Mar Sep Div Wid NM Male Fem. ship Code _______________________________________________________________________________________ (1)_____________ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 (RESPONDENT) _______________________________________________________________________________________ (2) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (3) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (4) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (5) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (6) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (7) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (8) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (9) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (10) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (11) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (12) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you (or anyone else in this household) stay part of the time somewhere else? (IF YES): Tell me their first names. (RECORD NAMES IN TABLE 1 BELOW. ALL NAMES MUST APPEAR ON THE HH ROSTER, PAGE 1) ___________________________________________ (SKIP TO Q.6, PAGE 3) No one 00 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.4-5 FOR EACH PERSON LISTED AND RECORD RESPONSES IN TABLE BELOW) 4. How does it happen that (PERSON) stays part of the time elsewhere? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (HAND R CARD #2) 5. How many days in the past 30 has (PERSON) stayed somewhere else? _____________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:_________ TABLE 1: HH MEMBERS WHO STAY ELSEWHERE PART OF THE TIME # LISTED _____________________________________________________________________________________ PERS.1 PERS.2 PERS.3 PERS.4 Q.3 First names ..................... ________ ________ ________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.4 work related reason ........... 01 01 01 01 away at school ................. 02 02 02 02 in the military ............... 03 03 03 03 child custody arrangement ..... 04 04 04 04 parent care arrangement ....... 05 05 05 05 stays with girlfriend/boyfriend or lover ....................... 06 06 06 06 stays with husband/wife ........ 07 07 07 07 stays with relative ........... 08 08 08 08 illness - stays in nursing home/ hospital/medical institution .. 09 09 09 09 something else (SPECIFY:) ..... 10 10 10 10 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.5 Number of days in past 30 ________ ________ ________ ________ person stayed elsewhere: (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is there anyone else who regularly stays here? For example, someone who often stays here a day or two each week, a few days each month, or part of the year? Include those away at school, if they stay here part of the time. -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT A, PAGE 5) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Tell me their first names. (RECORD NAMES ON TABLE 2, OPPOSITE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.8-16 FOR EACH PERSON LISTED. RECORD RESPONSES IN TABLE 2) 8. (IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK:) Is (PERSON) male or female? 9. How old was (PERSON) on (his/her) last birthday? (IF PERSON IS AGE 13 OR YOUNGER, SKIP TO Q.11) 10. What is (his/her) marital status? Choose your answer from this card. (HAND R CARD #3) 11. Does (he/she) stay here only during a certain time of the year? 12. (IF YES TO Q.11): About how many weeks in the last 12 months has (he/she) stayed here? 13. How does (PERSON) happen to stay here part of the time? Choose your answer from these categories. (HAND R CARD #4) 14. When (PERSON) is not staying here, where does (he/she) live? 15. How many days in the last 30 has (PERSON) stayed here? 16. How is (he/she) related to you? (HAND R CARD #1; WRITE IN THE RELATIONSHIP AND LETTER CODE) (RETURN TO Q.8 FOR NEXT PERSON LISTED. IF NO OTHERS, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT A, P.5) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:__________ TABLE 2: PART-TIME MEMBERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD # LISTED -- -- Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Q.7 First Name: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.8 Sex: Male 1 1 1 1 Female 2 2 2 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.9 Age: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.10 Marital Married 1 1 1 1 Status: Separated 2 2 2 2 Divorced 3 3 3 3 Widowed 4 4 4 4 Never Married 5 5 5 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.11 Stays only certain Yes 1 1 1 1 time of the year: No 2 2 2 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.12 Number of weeks person stayed here: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.13 Why person stays here: child custody arrangement 01 01 01 01 parent care arrangement 02 02 02 02 visiting or extended vacation 03 03 03 03 lodger who pays to stay here 04 04 04 04 home from school or military 05 05 05 05 boyfriend/girlfriend/lover stays here 06 06 06 06 husband/wife stays here 07 07 07 07 something else (SPECIFY:) 08 08 08 08 _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.14 Other living arrangements: own house, apartment, room 01 01 01 01 with parent or parents 02 02 02 02 with other relatives 03 03 03 03 hospital or medical institution 04 04 04 04 with friends 05 05 05 05 dorm, barracks, group quarters 06 06 06 06 nursing home 07 07 07 07 other (SPECIFY:) 08 08 08 08 _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.15 Number of days stayed _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ in HH in past 30: (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.16 Relationship to R: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Letter Code: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ DETERMINATION OF HOUSEHOLDER (RECORD ON LINE 3 OF BOOKMARK) CHECKPOINT A: IS R THE ONLY ADULT, OR IS R'S SPOUSE THE ONLY OTHER ADULT AGE 19 OR OVER IN THE HOUSEHOLD? ____ YES (R IS CONSIDERED THE HOUSEHOLDER. CIRCLE RESPONDENT ON LINE 3 OF BOOKMARK, THEN SKIP TO Q.18) ____ NO (GO TO Q.17) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. In whose name is this home owned or rented? _______________________________________________________________________ Respondent (or respondent (R IS CONSIDERED THE and someone else) 1 HOUSEHOLDER. CIRCLE -- -- RESPONDENT ON LINE 3 Respondent's spouse 2 OF THE BOOKMARK, -- -- THEN GO TO Q.18) Person not on HH roster (SPECIFY): 3 ________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ (ON LINE 3 OF BOOKMARK, RECORD FIRST Person(s) listed on HH roster 4 NAMES AND RELATIONSHIP TO R OF EACH (SPECIFY): PERSON MENTIONED, THEN GO TO Q.18) ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. (ADMINISTER SE-1: HOUSEHOLD TASKS. GIVE THE SELF-ENUMERATED BOOKLET TO R) This booklet contains some forms that you can fill out on your own at different times during the interview. You won't do all the forms, just those appropriate for you. The first form, on Page 1, asks about who in your household normally spends time doing various household tasks. If no time is spent doing the task, write in zero. Tell me when you are finished with this page. (CHECK THAT R HAS FILLED IN THE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS ON SE-1) (IF R IS THE HOUSEHOLDER [BOOKMARK LINE 3], GO TO INSTRUCTIONS AT TOP OF PAGE 6. IF NOT THE HOUSEHOLDER, SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.21 ON PAGE 7) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (BELOW, COPY THE NAMES OF EACH PERSON WITH RELATIONSHIP CODE L THROUGH U ON THE HH ROSTER. ASK QQ.19-20 FOR EACH PERSON LISTED) __________________________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.21, PAGE 7) None coded L through U 1 __________________________________________________________________________ 19. How long has (PERSON) been living in this household? (IF PERSON MOVED AWAY THEN CAME BACK, ASK HOW LONG THEY LIVED HERE THIS TIME) 20. How does (PERSON) happen to be living here? _____________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:_________ # LISTED Q.19 How long in Q.20 Why person is First Name household? living in household _____________________________________________________________________________________ (a) __________ _________/__________ ________________________________________ (YEARS) (MONTHS) ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (b) __________ _________/__________ ________________________________________ (YEARS) (MONTHS) ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (c) __________ _________/__________ ________________________________________ (YEARS) (MONTHS) ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (d) __________ _________/__________ ________________________________________ (YEARS) (MONTHS) ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (FROM THE HH ROSTER, COPY NAMES AND RELATIONSHIP CODES OF PERSONS CODED E ADOPTED OR F FOSTER CHILD ON THE TABLE BELOW. ASK Q.21 FOR EACH PERSON LISTED; ASK Q.22 FOR EACH ADOPTED PERSON) - - (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT B1, BELOW) No one coded E or F 1 - - 21. In what month and year did (PERSON) come to live in this household? 22. (IF PERSON IS CODED E ADOPTED, ASK:) Before this child was adopted, was (he/she): (1) the child of your (husband/wife/partner), (2) a foster child in your home, (3) the child of a relative, (4) not known to you previously, (5) or what? (SPECIFY:) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:_________ TABLE 3: ADOPTED AND FOSTER CHILDREN # LISTED _____________________________________________________________________________________ First Name & Code: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ -- -- Q.21 When child came to ______/______ ______/______ ______/______ ______/______ live in HH: (MO) (YR) (MO) (YR) (MO) (YR) (MO) (YR) -- -- Q.22 Child was: child of husband/ 1 1 1 1 wife/partner foster child 2 2 2 2 relative's child 3 3 3 3 not known to R 4 4 4 4 Other (SPECIFY): 5 5 5 5 _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT B1: DOES R HAVE ANY BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN, CODE C, ON HH ROSTER? [P.1] ____ YES (GO TO CHECKPOINT B2) ____ NO (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT C, PAGE 9) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT B2: IS R CURRENTLY MARRIED OR COHABITING? [BOOKMARK LINES 1 & 2] ____ YES (GO TO Q.23, PAGE 8) ____ NO (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT C, PAGE 9) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 23. I've recorded (NAMES OF CHILDREN CODED "C" ON HH ROSTER) as your biological child(ren). Is (each of these children/he/she) the biological child of your current (husband/wife/partner)? -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT C, PAGE 9) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 24. Which ones are not the biological children of your (husband/wife/partner)? (RECORD NAMES IN COLUMN 1 BELOW. ASK Q.25 FOR EACH CHILD LISTED) 25. Has (CHILD) been legally adopted by your (husband/wife/partner)? (CIRCLE CODE IN COLUMN 2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:________ # LISTED COL.1 COL.2 Q.24 Q.25 Names of children Legally not the biological adopted by children of spouse/ spouse/ partner: partner? -- -- Yes No __________________________________________ (a) ________________ 1 2 (b) ________________ 1 2 (c) ________________ 1 2 (d) ________________ 1 2 (e) ________________ 1 2 (f) ________________ 1 2 (g) ________________ 1 2 (h) ________________ 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT C ARE THERE ANY CHILDREN AGE 18 OR YOUNGER ON THE HH ROSTER WITH RELATIONSHIP CODES M THROUGH U? ____ YES ____ NO - - (SKIP TO Q.27 ON PAGE 10) (ENTER NAMES AND RELATIONSHIP CODES BELOW, THEN ASK Q.26 FOR EACH CHILD LISTED) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:________] # LISTED 26. Do either of (CHILD'S) parents live in this household? Child's Relation- first name ship code Yes No _____________________________________________________________________________________ (a) ______________ ______ 1 2 (b) ______________ ______ 1 2 (c) ______________ ______ 1 2 (d) ______________ ______ 1 2 (e) ______________ ______ 1 2 (f) ______________ ______ 1 2 (g) ______________ ______ 1 2 (h) ______________ ______ 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27. Do you (or does anyone living here) require care or assistance because of a disability or chronic illness? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28. During the past 12 months, did anyone (else) who lived here require care or assistance because of a disability or chronic illness? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- (IF NO TO BOTH Q.27 & Q.28, SKIP TO Q.37, PAGE 12) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29. Who required care or assistance? Tell me their first names, ages, and how they are related to you. (PROBE): Who else? PERSON 1 PERSON 2 PERSON 3 PERSON 4 Name: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Age: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Relationship: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (IF JUST ONE PERSON IS LISTED, SKIP TO INSTRUCTION ABOVE Q.31) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 30. Which of these persons required the most care or assistance during the past 12 months? __________________ (ASK QQ.31-36 ABOUT (FIRST NAME) THIS PERSON) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF THIS PERSON IS LISTED ON THE HH ROSTER [PAGE 1], SKIP TO Q.32) 31. Where does (PERSON) live now? Is it in: -- -- (his/her) own household, 1 -- -- the household of a relative, 2 -- -- a nursing home, 3 -- -- hospital, or 4 -- -- someplace else? (SPECIFY): 5 _____________________________ -- -- (DO NOT READ) Person is deceased 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 32. What (is/was) (your/PERSON'S) major illness or disability? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 33. In what year did (you/PERSON) first need care or assistance? ________________________ ______________ (YEAR) -or- Since birth 01 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF PERSON IS DECEASED [Q.31], OR UNDER AGE 6 [Q.29], SKIP TO Q.37 ON PAGE 12) 34. Because of (your/his/her) illness or disability, (do you/does PERSON) have any difficulty with: -------------- Yes No -- -- (IF PERSON IS AGE 15 OR UNDER, SKIP TO d) a. working for pay? 1 2 -- -- b. driving a car? 1 2 -- -- c. doing day-to-day household tasks? 1 2 -- -- d. climbing a flight of stairs without resting? 1 2 -- -- e. caring for personal needs, such as dressing, eating, or going to the bathroom? 1 2 -- -- f. moving about inside the house? 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 35. (Can/Could) (you/PERSON) ever be left home alone, or (is/was) it necessary for someone to be with (you/him/her) at all times? -- -- Can be left home alone 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.37) Needs someone there at all times 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 36. (Can/Could) (you/he/she) be left home alone: -- -- Yes No -- -- a. overnight? 1 2 (IF YES, SKIP TO Q.37) -- -- b. for as long as eight hours during the day? 1 2 (IF YES, SKIP TO Q.37) -- -- c. for as long as two hours during the day? 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 37. Sometimes people help take care of relatives who are seriously ill or disabled, and who do not live with them. Have you provided such care at any time during the last 12 months? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.44, PAGE 14) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 38. Who did you help care for? Tell me their first name, age, and how they are related to you. (PROBE): Who else? PERSON 1 PERSON 2 PERSON 3 PERSON 4 Name: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Age: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Relationship: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (IF JUST ONE PERSON IS LISTED, SKIP TO Q.40. ASK QQ.40-43 ABOUT THIS PERSON) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 39. Which of these persons did you spend the most time helping? __________________ (ASK QQ.40-43 ABOUT THIS PERSON) (FIRST NAME) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 40. Are you still helping (PERSON)? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.42) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 41. Why are you no longer helping (him/her)? Is it because (he/she): -- -- recovered, 1 -- -- moved away, 2 -- -- receives care from other relatives or friends, 3 -- -- lives in a nursing home or institution, 4 -- -- is in a hospital, or 5 -- -- some other reason? (SPECIFY): 6 ________________________________________________ -- -- (DO NOT READ) Person is deceased 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 42. In about how many different weeks during the past 12 months did you help take care of (PERSON)? ___________________ (# WEEKS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 43. During those weeks, about how many hours, on the average, did you spend helping take care of (him/her)? ___________________ (# HOURS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 44. Next, I want to ask you some questions about who you lived with while you were growing up. Did you live with both your biological mother and biological father from the time you were born until age 19, or until you left home to be on your own? _____________________________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO Q.57, PAGE 17. DO NOT FILL OUT PARENT CALENDAR) Yes 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT CALENDAR SEQUENCE (RECORD QQ.45-52 ON THE PARENT CALENDAR) 45. At what ages did you live with your biological mother? We will only record situations which lasted more than four months. (ENTER ON CALENDAR) (PROBE): What other times? (IF NEVER, CIRCLE "NEVER" ON CALENDAR, THEN GO TO Q.46) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 46. At what ages did you live with your biological father? (ENTER ON CALENDAR) (PROBE): What other times? (IF NEVER, CIRCLE "NEVER" ON CALENDAR, THEN GO TO Q.47) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 47. Did you ever live with a stepparent for four months or more? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (CIRCLE "NEVER" ON CALENDAR FOR STEPMOTHER No 2 AND STEPFATHER, THEN SKIP TO Q.50) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 48. At what ages, if ever, did you live with a stepmother? (ENTER ON CALENDAR; PROBE): What other times? (IF NEVER, CIRCLE "NEVER" ON CALENDAR, THEN GO TO Q.49) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 49. At what ages, if ever, did you live with a stepfather? (ENTER ON CALENDAR; PROBE): What other times?) (IF NEVER, CIRCLE "NEVER" ON CALENDAR, THEN GO TO Q.50) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 50. Did you ever live with adoptive parents for four months or more? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (CIRCLE "NEVER" ON CALENDAR FOR ADOPTIVE MOTHER AND No 2 ADOPTIVE FATHER, THEN SKIP TO Q.53 ON PAGE 15) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 51. At what ages did you live with an adoptive mother? (ENTER ON CALENDAR; PROBE): What other times? (IF NEVER, CIRCLE "NEVER" ON CALENDAR, THEN GO TO Q.52) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 52. At what ages did you live with an adoptive father? (ENTER ON CALENDAR; PROBE): What other times? (IF NEVER, CIRCLE "NEVER" ON CALENDAR, THEN GO TO Q.53) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 53. INSTRUCTIONS (SHOW R THE PARENT CALENDAR AND CORRECT ANY INACCURACIES IN THE TIME PERIODS RECORDED IN PANEL 1. AFTER REVIEWING THE CALENDAR, GO TO CHECKPOINT D) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT D: LOOK DOWN THE COLUMN FOR EACH AGE ON THE CALENDAR. ARE THERE ANY AGES WHEN R WAS NOT LIVING WITH A BIOLOGICAL, STEP-, OR ADOPTIVE PARENT? ____ YES ____ NO (ASK Q.54 ABOUT (SKIP TO INSTRUC- EACH SUCH PERIOD) TIONS FOR TABLE 4) . . . ___________________________________________________ 54. I see that you were not living with either of your parents from (AGE) to (AGE). With whom were you living then? (ENTER ON PANEL 2 OF CALENDAR) (IF R LEFT TO BE ON HIS/HER OWN, CIRCLE THAT AGE IN THE LAST ROW OF THE CALENDAR) ___________________________________________________ . . . _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS FOR TABLE 4: TIMES R STOPPED LIVING WITH PARENTS (BIRTH TO 18) (a) LOOK AT PANEL 1 OF THE CALENDAR. FOR EACH X UP TO AND INCLUDING AGE 18, (EACH AGE R STOPPED LIVING WITH A PARENT), ENTER R'S AGE IN ROW 1 OF TABLE 4. IF NO X'S, SKIP TO Q.57 ON PAGE 17. (b) RECORD THE TYPE OF PARENT R STOPPED LIVING WITH IN ROW 2 OF TABLE 4. (c) IF THERE ARE TWO OR MORE X'S AT ONE AGE, ENTER ONLY THE PARENT TYPE FOR THE FIRST, OR TOPMOST, X. (d) ASK QQ.55-56 ABOUT EACH TIME R STOPPED LIVING WITH A PARENT. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:_________ TABLE 4: TIMES R STOPPED LIVING WITH A PARENT # LISTED _____________________________________________________________________________________ TIME 1 TIME 2 TIME 3 TIME 4 ROW 1 Age R stopped living with parent: __________ __________ __________ __________ (AGE MUST BE LESS THAN 19) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ROW 2 Type of parent R stopped living with: Biological or adoptive mother 1 1 1 1 Biological or adoptive father 2 2 2 2 Stepmother 3 3 3 3 Stepfather 4 4 4 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 55. What was the reason you stopped living with your (PARENT TYPE) at age ___? Parent died 1 1 1 1 Parents separated or divorced 2 2 2 2 Parent's illness 3 3 3 3 Parents unable to care for R 4 4 4 4 Other (SPECIFY:) 5 5 5 5 __________ __________ __________ __________ (IF PARENT DIED: RETURN TO Q.55 FOR NEXT AGE. IF NO OTHER AGES, __________ __________ __________ __________ SKIP TO Q.57) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 56. How often did you see (him/her) during the first year after that? Was it: once a week or more, 1 1 1 1 once a month or more, 2 2 2 2 less than once a month, or 3 3 3 3 never? 4 4 4 4 (RETURN TO Q.55 FOR NEXT AGE. IF NO OTHER AGES, SKIP TO Q.57) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 57. (Other than the times you have already told me about), did you ever live in the home of your grandparents or other relatives for four months or more while you were growing up? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.62, PAGE 18) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 58. How many times did that occur? ____________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.59-61 FOR UP TO THREE OCCURRENCES. RECORD RESPONSES IN GRID BELOW) 59. Whose home were you living in (the first/next time)? (RECORD RELATIONSHIP IN COLUMN 1) 60. At what age did you start living with (PERSON IN COL.1)? (RECORD IN COL.2) 61. About how long did you stay there? (RECORD IN COL.3. RETURN TO Q.59 FOR NEXT OCCURRENCE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Q.59 Whose home? Q.60 Age Q.61 Length of time in household _____________________________________________________________________________________ TIME 1 __________________ ____________ ___________/___________ (AGE) (YEARS) (MONTHS) TIME 2 __________________ ____________ ___________/___________ (AGE) (YEARS) (MONTHS) TIME 3 __________________ ____________ ___________/___________ (AGE) (YEARS) (MONTHS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 62. Were there periods before you were age 19 when any of your grandparents lived with you (apart from times that you have already told me about)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.64) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 63. About how many years in all did you have a grandparent living with you before you were age 19? ___________________ (# YEARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 64. Did you have any stepbrothers or stepsisters or half-brothers or half-sisters who lived with you while you were growing up? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.71, PAGE 19) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 65. How many lived with you? _____________________ (# LIVED WITH R) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 66. How many of those who lived with you were older than you? _____________________ (# OLDER THAN R) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 67. How many of those who lived with you are still living? (IF DON'T KNOW, ASK): How many do you know for sure are still living? _____________________ (IF NONE, SKIP TO Q.71 (# STILL LIVING) ON PAGE 19) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 68. How many of your step- and half-brothers and sisters live: a. within two miles of here? ____________ b. between 2 and 25 miles from here? ____________ c. between 25 and 300 miles from here? ____________ d. more than 300 miles from here? ____________ (DO NOT READ) e. Don't know. ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 69. During the past 12 months, how often did you see any of your step- or half-brothers and sisters? Was it: -- -- not at all, 1 -- -- about once a year, 2 -- -- several times a year, 3 -- -- 1 to 3 times a month, 4 -- -- about once a week, or 5 -- -- several times a week? 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 70. During the past 12 months, how often did you talk on the telephone or receive a letter from any of your step- or half-brothers and sisters? Was it: -- -- not at all, 1 -- -- about once a year, 2 -- -- several times a year, 3 -- -- 1 to 3 times a month, 4 -- -- about once a week, or 5 -- -- several times a week? 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 71. Did you have any full brothers or sisters? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTION ABOVE Q.79, PAGE 21) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 72. How many full brothers did you have? _____________________ (# BROTHERS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 73. How many full sisters did you have? _____________________ (# SISTERS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 74. How many of your full brothers and sisters were older than you? _____________________ (# OLDER) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 75. How many are still living? _____________________ (IF NONE, SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS (# STILL LIVING) ABOVE Q.79, PAGE 21) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 76. How many of your full brothers and sisters live: a. within two miles of here? ____________ b. between 2 and 25 miles from here? ____________ c. between 25 and 300 miles from here? ____________ d. more than 300 miles from here? ____________ (DO NOT READ) e. Don't know. ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 77. During the past 12 months, how often did you see any of your full brothers or sisters? Was it: -- -- not at all, 1 -- -- about once a year, 2 -- -- several times a year, 3 -- -- 1 to 3 times a month, 4 -- -- about once a week, or 5 -- -- several times a week? 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 78. During the past 12 months, how often did you talk on the telephone or receive a letter from any of your full brothers or sisters? Was it: -- -- not at all, 1 -- -- less than once a month, 2 -- -- about once a month, 3 -- -- 2 or 3 times a month, 4 -- -- about once a week, or 5 -- -- more than once a week? 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R DOES NOT LIVE IN PARENT'S HOUSEHOLD [BOOKMARK LINE 3], SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.80) 79. Have you ever lived on your own, away from your parents' household, for four months or longer? Include any times that you were away at school or in the Armed Forces. -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.93, PAGE 25) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.80-85 FOR EACH TIME R LEFT TO BE ON HIS/HER OWN. RECORD IN TABLE 5) 80. How old were you the (first/next) time you left home to be on your own for four months or more? Include times you were away at school or in the Armed Forces. (RECORD AGE ON TABLE 5) (IF R NEVER LEFT HOME AGAIN, SKIP TO Q.86, PAGE 23) 81. How many miles away from home did you live? (GET R'S BEST ESTIMATE OF MILES) 82. (HAND R CARD #5) Why did you leave home at that time? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (01) to attend school (02) to get married (03) to live with (boy/girl)friend (04) found job in another area (05) moved into own house, apartment or room (06) travel (07) to enter Armed Forces (08) other (SPECIFY:) 83. Did you ever move back home for four months or more, other than for school vacations? (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.86, PAGE 23) 84. How old were you when you moved back home? 85. (HAND R CARD #6) Why did you move back home at that time? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (01) finished or left school (02) got divorced or separated (03) returned from Armed Forces (04) couldn't afford to live on my own (05) problems with roommates (06) broke up with lover/partner (07) husband/wife was away in Armed Forces (08) other reason (SPECIFY:) (RETURN TO Q.80. RECORD UP TO FOUR EXITS FROM PARENTS' HOUSEHOLD) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:_________ TABLE 5: TIMES R LEFT HOME TO BE ON HIS/HER OWN # LISTED _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXIT1 EXIT2 EXIT3 EXIT4 Q.80 R's age when left home: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.81 Number of miles ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ away R moved: (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.82 Why R left home: to attend school 01 01 01 01 to get married 02 02 02 02 to live with (boy/girl)friend 03 03 03 03 found job in another area 04 04 04 04 moved into own house/apart/room 05 05 05 05 travel 06 06 06 06 to enter the Armed Forces 07 07 07 07 other (SPECIFY:) 08 08 08 08 ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.83 Did R move back Yes 1 1 1 1 with parents? (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.86) No 2 2 2 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.84 Age when R moved back home: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.85 Why R moved back home: finished or left school 01 01 01 01 got divorced or separated 02 02 02 02 returned from Armed Forces 03 03 03 03 couldn't afford to live on my own 04 04 04 04 problems with roommates 05 05 05 05 broke up with lover/partner 06 06 06 06 hus/wife away in Armed Forces 07 07 07 07 other (SPECIFY:) 08 08 08 08 ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ (RETURN TO Q.80) ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 86. In the time that you have been on your own, have any of your parents (or parents-in-law) ever lived with you in your household? This does not include visits when your parent still had a household somewhere else. -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.93, PAGE 25) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 87. Who lived with you? (ENTER EACH PARENT TYPE AT THE TOP OF TABLE 6) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.88-92 FOR EACH PARENT LISTED ON TABLE 6) 88. How many different times did your (PARENT TYPE) live with you? (ASK QQ.89-92 ABOUT THE MOST RECENT TIME) 89. In what year did (he/she) begin living with you (the last time)? 90. Why did (he/she) begin living with you? Was it primarily because: (1) of (his/her) illness or disability, (2) (he/she) could not afford to live on (his/her) own, (3) (his/her) (husband/wife) died, (4) you needed a parent to help you out, or (5) for some other reason? (SPECIFY:) (IF THIS PARENT CURRENTLY LIVES IN HH, RETURN TO Q.88 FOR THE NEXT PARENT LISTED. IF NO OTHERS LISTED, SKIP TO Q.93 ON PAGE 25) 91. How long did (he/she) live with you? 92. Why did (he/she) stop living with you? Was it primarily because: (1) (his/her) financial condition improved, (2) (his/her) health condition improved, (3) (he/she) moved to a nursing home or other institution, (4) your (PARENT TYPE) died, or (5) some other reason (SPECIFY:) (RETURN TO Q.88 FOR NEXT PARENT LISTED. IF NO OTHERS, SKIP TO Q.93 ON PAGE 25) _____________________________________________________________________________________ -- -- TABLE 6: PARENTS WHO HAVE LIVED IN RESPONDENT'S HOME -- -- PARENT 1 PARENT 2 PARENT 3 PARENT 4 Q.87 Type of parent: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.88 Number of times parent lived with R: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (# TIMES) (# TIMES) (# TIMES) (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.89 Year parent began living with R: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.90 Why parent began living with R: illness or disability 1 1 1 1 could not afford to live on own 2 2 2 2 husband or wife died 3 3 3 3 R needed help from parent 4 4 4 4 other (SPECIFY:) 5 5 5 5 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.91 How long parent lived with R: ______/_____ ______/_____ ______/_____ ______/_____ (YRS) (MOS) (YRS) (MOS) (YRS) (MOS) (YRS) (MOS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.92 Why parent stopped living with R: financial condition improved 1 1 1 1 health improved 2 2 2 2 moved into nursing home or other institution 3 3 3 3 parent died 4 4 4 4 other (SPECIFY:) 5 5 5 5 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 93. (ADMINISTER SE-2: FEELINGS) Turn to page 3 in your booklet. Here are some questions that you can fill out by yourself. Tell me when you are finished. (WHILE RESPONDENT IS COMPLETING SE-2, FILL IN THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM. WHEN R IS FINISHED, GO TO CHECKPOINT E1 BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT E1: IS R THE HOUSEHOLDER? [BOOKMARK LINE 3] ____ YES (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT F1 ON PAGE 26) ____ NO (GO TO CHECKPOINT E2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT E2: R IS LIVING IN THE HOUSEHOLD OF: (SEE BOOKMARK LINE 3) ____ A NON-RELATIVE - - (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT F1 ON PAGE 26) ____ HIS/HER PARENT(S) OR ____ OTHER RELATIVE PARENT(S)-IN-LAW . . . . __________________________________ __________________________________ GIVE TERTIARY QUESTIONNAIRE TO GIVE TERTIARY QUESTIONNAIRE TO R'S PARENT OR PARENT-IN-LAW. THE HOUSEHOLDER LISTED ON LINE 3 IF MORE THAN ONE PARENT ON THE OF BOOKMARK. IF MORE THAN ONE HH ROSTER, SELECT THE ONE WHOSE PERSON LISTED, SELECT THE ONE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHABETICALLY WHOSE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHABETICALLY __________________________________ __________________________________ . . . . - - TERTIARY R IS: ____________________ (RECORD ON PAGE 4 OF SCREENING FORM, AND ON COVER PAGE OF TERTIARY SAQ) I also have a form for (TERTIARY R) to fill out. May I give it to (him/her) now? (GIVE SAQ TO TERTIARY R, OR LEAVE IT TO BE FILLED OUT. ENTER PRIMARY R'S NAME ON PAGE 1 OF TERTIARY SAQ, THEN GO TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.94) - - _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R DOES NOT LIVE IN PARENT'S HOUSEHOLD, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT F1, PAGE 26) 94. (ADMINISTER SE-3) Please turn to page 15 in your booklet. Here are some questions on what it is like for you to be living with your (parent(s)/in-laws). Please tell me when you are finished. (WHEN FINISHED, GO TO CHECKPOINT F1 ON PAGE 26) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT F1: IS R'S MARITAL STATUS CODED 5, NEVER MARRIED? [BOOKMARK LINE 1] ____ YES (GO TO CHECKPOINT F2) ____ NO (SKIP TO Q.95) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT F2: IS R CURRENTLY COHABITING? [BOOKMARK LINE 2] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.143 ON PAGE 36) ____ NO (SKIP TO Q.139 ON PAGE 36) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 95. Altogether, how many times have you been married? __________________ (RECORD ON LINE 4 OF BOOKMARK) (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 96. In what month and year were you married (for the first time)? ____________/_____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 97. At any time during your first year of marriage were you: ________________ Yes No __________________________________________________ a. attending school? 1 2 __________________________________________________ b. in the Armed Forces? 1 2 __________________________________________________ c. working full time in 1 2 a civilian job? __________________________________________________ d. working part time? 1 2 __________________________________________________ e. unemployed and looking for work? 1 2 __________________________________________________ (IF NO TO e, SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.99) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 98. During that first year, about how many weeks were you unemployed and looking for work? _________________ or _________________ (# WEEKS) (# MONTHS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R WAS MARRIED ONCE AND IS CURRENTLY MARRIED [BOOKMARK LINES 4 & 1], SKIP TO Q.109 ON PAGE 30) 99. How did this marriage end? Was it by: -- -- divorce, 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.101) separation, 2 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.102) or the death of your partner? 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 100. What was the date of your divorce? ___________/___________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 101. In what month and year did you and your (husband/wife) stop living together? ___________/___________ (ENTER DATE ON BOOKMARK, (MONTH) (YEAR) LINE 5) (IF R WAS MARRIED ONLY ONCE [BOOKMARK LINE 4], SKIP TO CHECKPOINT G, PAGE 30. IF MARRIED TWO OR MORE TIMES, SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.103) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 102. In what month and year did your (husband/wife) die? ___________/___________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (IF R WAS MARRIED ONLY ONCE [BOOKMARK LINE 4], SKIP TO CHECKPOINT G, PAGE 30. IF MARRIED TWO OR MORE TIMES, GO TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.103) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.103-107 FOR EACH OF R'S MARRIAGES, BEGINNING WITH THE SECOND [SEE BOOKMARK LINE 4 FOR NUMBER OF MARRIAGES]. RECORD RESPONSES IN TABLE 7, OPPOSITE) 103. In what month and year were you married for the (second/third/...) time? (IF THIS IS R'S LAST MARRIAGE AND R IS CURRENTLY MARRIED, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT G, PAGE 30) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 104. How did this marriage end? Was it by divorce, separation, or death of your (husband/wife)? (IF SEPARATION, SKIP TO Q.106. IF DEATH OF SPOUSE, SKIP TO Q.107) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 105. What was the date of your divorce? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 106. In what month and year did you and your (husband/wife) stop living together? (RECORD DATE ON LINE 5 OF BOOKMARK) (IF THIS WAS R'S LAST MARRIAGE, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT G, PAGE 30. OTHERWISE, RETURN TO Q.103 FOR THE NEXT MARRIAGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 107. In what month and year did your (husband/wife) die? (IF THIS WAS R'S LAST MARRIAGE, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT G, PAGE 30. OTHERWISE, RETURN TO Q.103 FOR THE NEXT MARRIAGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:_________ TABLE 7: MARRIAGE RECORD FORM FOR 2ND AND LATER MARRIAGES # LISTED __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2ND MAR 3RD MAR 4TH MAR 5TH MAR ___________________________________________________________________ Q.103 Marriage date: / / / / (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.104 Marriage ended by: Divorce 1 1 1 1 Separation 2 2 2 2 (SKIP TO Q.106) Death of spouse 3 3 3 3 (SKIP TO Q.107) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.105 Date of divorce: / / / / (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.106 Date stopped living together: / / / / (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.107 Date spouse died: / / / / (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) (MO.) (YR.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT G: HAS R HAD ANY MARITAL SEPARATIONS WHICH BEGAN AFTER JANUARY 1, 1977? [BOOKMARK LINE 5] ____ NO (GO TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.108) ____ YES (R COMPLETES FORM SE-4:) Please turn your booklet to page 17. Here are a few questions about your separation that occurred on (DATE OF MOST RECENT SEPARATION). Tell me when you are finished. (AFTER R COMPLETES SE-4, GO TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.108) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R WAS NEVER DIVORCED [QQ.100 & 105], SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.109) 108. Occasionally, couples who divorce get married again to each other. Has this ever happened to you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS NOT CURRENTLY MARRIED, SKIP TO Q.113, PAGE 31) 109. Sometimes couples live apart from each other for a time because of disagreements, but then live together again. Has this ever happened in your (current) marriage? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.113, PAGE 31) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 110. How many times have you and your (husband/wife) lived apart and then gotten back together again? __________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 111. In what month and year did the first such period begin? ___________/___________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 112. And how long did this last? ___________/___________/__________ (DAYS) (MONTHS) (YEARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 113. Nowadays, many unmarried couples live together; sometimes they eventually get married and sometimes they don't. Did you and your (first) (husband/wife) live together before you were married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.116) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 114. In what month and year did the two of you begin living together? _____________/_____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 115. Did you live together continuously from then until you were married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 116. Did you live with anyone else of the opposite sex before your (first) marriage? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT H1, TOP OF PAGE 32) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 117. With how many partners did you live before your (first) marriage (including your first husband/wife)? __________________ (# PARTNERS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 118. In what month and year did you first begin living with someone? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 119. And when did you and this person stop living together? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT H1: IS R CURRENTLY MARRIED TO FIRST SPOUSE? [BOOKMARK LINES 1 & 4] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.187 ON PAGE 46) ____ NO (GO TO CHECKPOINT H2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT H2: HAS R BEEN MARRIED 2 OR MORE TIMES? [BOOKMARK LINE 4] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.120) ____ NO (GO TO CHECKPOINT H3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT H3: IS R CURRENTLY COHABITING? [BOOKMARK LINE 2] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.134 ON PAGE 35) ____ NO (SKIP TO Q.130 ON PAGE 34) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 120. Did you and your second (husband/wife) live together before you were married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.123) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 121. In what month and year did the two of you begin living together? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 122. Did you live together continuously from then until you were married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 123. Did you live with anyone else of the opposite sex between your first and second marriages? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT J1, FOLLOWING Q.126) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 124. With how many partners did you live between your first and second marriages (including your second husband/wife)? __________________ (# PARTNERS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 125. In what month and year did you begin living with (this partner/the first of these partners)? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 126. And when did you and this person stop living together? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT J1: HAS R BEEN MARRIED 3 OR MORE TIMES? [BOOKMARK LINE 4] ____ YES (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.127) ____ NO (GO TO CHECKPOINT J2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT J2: IS R CURRENTLY: [BOOKMARK LINES 1 & 2] ____ MARRIED, (SKIP TO Q.164 ON PAGE 40) ____ COHABITING, (SKIP TO Q.134 ON PAGE 35) ____ NEITHER MARRIED NOR COHABITING? (SKIP TO Q.130 ON PAGE 34) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.127-129 ABOUT R'S CURRENT OR LAST MARRIAGE) 127. Did you and your (current/last) (husband/wife) live together before you were married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT K, PAGE 34) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 128. In what month and year did you begin living together? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 129. Did you live together continuously from then until you were married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT K: R IS CURRENTLY: [BOOKMARK LINES 1 & 2] ____ MARRIED (SKIP TO Q.164 ON PAGE 40) ____ COHABITING (SKIP TO Q.134 ON PAGE 35) ____ NEITHER MARRIED NOR COHABITING (GO TO Q.130) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 130. Have you lived with a partner of the opposite sex since your (last) marriage ended? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.148 ON PAGE 37) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 131. How many different partners have you lived with since this marriage? __________________ (# PARTNERS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 132. After your (last) marriage ended, in what month and year did you first begin living with someone? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 133. And when did you and this person stop living together? ____________/____________ -- -- (MONTH) (YEAR) -or- Still living together 95 (CIRCLE COHABITING ON (SKIP TO Q.148, PAGE 37) BOOKMARK. SKIP TO Q.164, PAGE 40) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 134. When did you and your present partner begin living together? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 135. Since your last marriage, were there any other times when you lived with a partner of the opposite sex? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.164, PAGE 40) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 136. Aside from your current partner, with how many different partners have you lived? __________________ (# PARTNERS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 137. After your marriage ended, in what month and year did you first begin living with someone? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 138. And when did you and this person stop living together? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (ALL SKIP TO Q.164 ON PAGE 40) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 139. Nowadays, many unmarried couples live together; sometimes they eventually get married and sometimes they don't. Have you ever lived with a partner of the opposite sex? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.148, PAGE 37) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 140. With how many different partners have you lived? ____________________ (# PARTNERS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 141. In what month and year did you first begin living with someone? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 142. And when did you and this person stop living together? ____________/____________ ________________________________ (MONTH) (YEAR) -or- Still living together 95 (SKIP TO Q.148, P.37) (CIRCLE COHABITING ON LINE 2 OF BOOKMARK. SKIP TO Q.186, PAGE 45) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 143. Next, I have some questions about you and your partner. When did you and your present partner begin living together? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 144. Have you lived with anyone else of the opposite sex? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.186 ON PAGE 45) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 145. Aside from your current partner, with how many different partners have you lived? ____________________ (# PARTNERS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 146. In what month and year did you first begin living with someone? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 147. And when did you and this person stop living together? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (ALL SKIP TO Q.186 ON PAGE 45) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 148. In the last month, about how many times did you date or go out with someone of the opposite sex? ________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 149. About how many different persons have you dated in the past twelve months? __________________ (# PERSONS) (IF NONE, SKIP TO Q.161 ON PAGE 39) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 150. Do you have a steady (boy/girl) friend? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.161, PAGE 39) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 151. How many days in the past week did you get together with (him/her)? __________________ (# DAYS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 152. Do you and your (boy/girl) friend have any definite plans to get married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.155, PAGE 38) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 153. When are you planning to get married? -- -- ____________/____________ -or- No definite date 95 (MONTH) (YEAR) (GO TO Q.154) -- -- (SKIP TO Q.158) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 154. When do you think that might be? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (ALL SKIP TO Q.158) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 155. Do you think you will eventually marry (him/her)? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.157) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 156. Do you think you will ever marry? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.158) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 157. At what age would you like to get married? _________________ (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 158. How likely do you think it is that you and your (boy/girl) friend will decide to live together sometime without being married? Is it: -- -- very likely, 1 -- -- likely, 2 -- -- (SKIP TO unlikely, or 3 -- -- Q.160 ON very unlikely? 4 -- -- PAGE 39) (DO NOT READ) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 159. When do you think that might be? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (IF NEVER MARRIED, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT L1, PAGE 45. IF MARRIED ONE OR MORE TIMES, SKIP TO Q.164 ON PAGE 40) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 160. How likely do you think it is that you will sometime live with a person of the opposite sex to whom you are not married? Is it: -- -- very likely, 1 -- -- likely, 2 -- -- unlikely, or 3 -- -- very unlikely? 4 -- -- (IF NEVER MARRIED, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT L1, PAGE 45. IF MARRIED ONE OR MORE TIMES, SKIP TO Q.164 ON PAGE 40) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 161. Do you think you will ever marry (again)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.163) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 162. At what age would you like to get married? _________________ (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 163. How likely do you think it is that you will sometime live with a person of the opposite sex to whom you are not married? Is it: -- -- very likely, 1 -- -- likely, 2 -- -- unlikely, or 3 -- -- very unlikely? 4 -- -- (IF NEVER MARRIED, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT L1, PAGE 45) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 164. Now I would like to ask a few questions about your (first) (husband/wife). How old was (he/she) when you got married? ___________________ (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 165. Did (he/she) have any children before (he/she) married you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.170, PAGE 41) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 166. How many children did (he/she) have? ____________________ (# CHILDREN) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 167. How many of these children lived with you after you got married? ____________________ (IF NONE, SKIP TO Q.169) (# CHILDREN) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 168. At the time you got married, what were the ages of the children who lived with you? (a) __________ (e) __________ (b) __________ (f) __________ (c) __________ (g) __________ (d) __________ (h) __________ (IF ALL CHILDREN LIVED WITH R AFTER MARRIAGE, SKIP TO Q.170, PAGE 41) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 169. Of the children who didn't live with you, how many did (he/she) have financial responsibility for? ___________________ (# CHILDREN) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 170. What was the highest grade in school that your (husband/wife) had completed at the time you got married? ___________________________________________________________________________ None: 00 Elementary School: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 High School: 09 10 11 12 College: 13 14 15 16 Graduate/Professional School: 17+ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 171. Did (he/she) change religions in connection with your marriage? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.174, PAGE 43) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 172. What was (his/her) religious preference just before (he/she) changed? (IF PROTESTANT, ASK): What denomination was that? -- -- No religion 00 -- -- Roman Catholic 01 -- -- Jewish 02 -- -- Baptist 03 -- -- Episcopalian 04 -- -- Lutheran 05 -- -- Methodist 06 -- -- Mormon 07 -- -- Presbyterian 08 -- -- United Church of Christ 09 (Congregational) -- -- Protestant/no denomination 10 -- -- Other (SPECIFY): 11 ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 173. And what was (his/her) religious preference after (he/she) changed? (IF PROTESTANT, ASK): What denomination was that? -- -- No religion 00 -- -- Roman Catholic 01 -- -- Jewish 02 -- -- Baptist 03 -- -- Episcopalian 04 -- -- Lutheran 05 -- -- Methodist 06 -- -- Mormon 07 -- -- Presbyterian 08 -- -- United Church of Christ 09 (Congregational) -- -- Protestant/no denomination 10 -- -- Other (SPECIFY): 11 ________________________ -- -- (ALL SKIP TO Q.175 ON PAGE 43) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 174. What was your first (husband's/wife's) religious preference at that time? (IF PROTESTANT, ASK): What denomination was that? -- -- No religion 00 -- -- Roman Catholic 01 -- -- Jewish 02 -- -- Baptist 03 -- -- Episcopalian 04 -- -- Lutheran 05 -- -- Methodist 06 -- -- Mormon 07 -- -- Presbyterian 08 -- -- United Church of Christ 09 (Congregational) -- -- Protestant/no denomination 10 -- -- Other (SPECIFY): 11 ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 175. Next are some questions about your (first) (husband's/wife's) work during the first year of your marriage. At any time during the first year was (he/she): - - Yes No __________________________________________________ a. attending school? 1 2 __________________________________________________ b. in the Armed Forces? 1 2 __________________________________________________ c. working full time in 1 2 a civilian job? __________________________________________________ d. working part time? 1 2 - - e. unemployed and looking for work? 1 2 - - (IF NO TO e, SKIP TO Q.177, PAGE 44) _____________________________________________________________________________________ -- -- 176. During that first year, about how many weeks was (he/she) unemployed and looking for work? __________________ -or- __________________ (# WEEKS) (# MONTHS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 177. What was the highest grade in school that (his/her) father completed? --- -- None: 00 Elementary School: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 High School: 09 10 11 12 College: 13 14 15 16 Graduate/Professional School: 17+ Don't know: 98 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 178. Did your first (husband/wife) live with both of (his/her) natural parents up to age 14? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.180) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.180) Don't know 8 -- -- 179. Was that because they had divorced or separated, or because one of (his/her) parents had died? -- -- Parents separated or divorced 1 -- -- A parent had died 2 -- -- Other (SPECIFY:) 3 _____________________________________ -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 180. Had (he/she) been married before (he/she) married you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 181. Sometimes couples live apart from each other for a time because of disagreements but then live together again. Did this happen in your first marriage? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT L1 ON PAGE 45) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 182. How many times did you and your first (husband/wife) live apart and then get back together again? __________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 183. In what month and year did (this/the first) period begin? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 184. And how long did this last? ____________/____________/___________ (DAYS) (MONTHS) (YEARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT L1: R IS CURRENTLY: ____ MARRIED (SKIP TO Q.187, PAGE 46) ____ COHABITING (SKIP TO Q.186, BELOW) ____ NEITHER MARRIED NOR COHABITING (GO TO CHECKPOINT L2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT L2: IS R AGE 35 OR YOUNGER? [HH ROSTER, PAGE 1] ____ YES (GO TO Q.185, BELOW) ____ NO (SKIP TO Q.202 ON PAGE 49) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 185. (ADMINISTER SE-5: UNMARRIED PERSONS AGE 35 AND UNDER) Turn your booklet to page 21. These are some questions about how you view marriage. Please tell me when you are finished. (WHEN R FINISHES, SKIP TO Q.202 ON PAGE 49) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 186. (ADMINISTER SE-6: COHABITING COUPLE RELATIONSHIPS) Please turn to page 25 in your booklet. Here are some questions about your relationship. You can fill this out on your own. (WHEN R FINISHES, SAY): I also have a questionnaire for your partner to fill out. May I give it to (him/her) now? (GIVE SECONDARY SAQ: COHABITING TO R'S PARTNER, OR LEAVE IT TO BE FILLED OUT. ENTER PARTNER'S NAME AS SECONDARY R ON PAGE 4 OF SCREENING FORM, THEN SKIP TO Q.202 ON PAGE 49) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 187. (ADMINISTER SE-7: MARRIED COUPLE RELATIONSHIPS) Please turn to page 35 in your booklet. Here are some questions about your marriage. Tell me when you are finished. (WHEN R FINISHES, GO TO CHECKPOINT M) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT M: IS R'S SPOUSE LISTED ON THE HOUSEHOLD ROSTER? [SEE PAGE 1] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.202, PAGE 49) ____ NO (CIRCLE "SPOUSE LIVES ELSEWHERE" ON LINE 6 OF THE BOOKMARK, THEN GO TO Q.188, BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 188. I've recorded that you are married, but your (husband/wife) is not living here now. Why is that? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (HAND R CARD #7) -- -- (GO TO Q.189) Work-related separation 1 -- -- Spouse is in a nursing home 2 (SKIP -- -- Other medical care facility 3 TO -- -- School-related separation 4 Q.190) -- -- Prison or correctional institution 5 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.202, P.49 Marital problems or conflict 6 -- -- (SKIP Other (SPECIFY: PROBE FOR DETAILS) 7 TO Q.190) __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 189. Is this because: -- -- you and your (husband/wife) have permanent jobs in different places, 1 -- -- you or your (husband/wife) moved to a new job, and other partner will follow, 2 -- -- or some other reason? (SPECIFY:) 3 ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 190. How long have you been living apart? ___________________________________ _____________/_____________ or (YEARS) (MONTHS) Never lived together 95 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 191. About how many miles away from here does (he/she) live? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MILES, ASK): In what city and state does (he/she) live? ________________ -or- ____________/____________/____________ (MILES) (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 192. How often do you see your (husband/wife)? (RECORD VERBATIM) ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 193. Do you and your (husband/wife) have any children who live with you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.195) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 194. How often do your children who live with you see their (father/mother)? ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 195. Do you have any children who live with your (husband/wife)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.197, PAGE 48) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 196. How often do you see your children who live with your (husband/wife)? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 197. How much longer do you expect to live apart from your (husband/wife)? ____________________________________ ____________/____________ or (YEARS) (MONTHS) Will never reunite 95 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R AND SPOUSE NEVER LIVED TOGETHER [Q.190], SKIP TO Q.202 ON PAGE 49) 198. Is this the first time you and your (husband/wife) have lived apart since you were married? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.202, PAGE 49) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 199. When did the previous separation begin and end? From: _________/_________ To: __________/__________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 200. Why were you living apart at that time? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (HAND R CARD #7) -- -- Work-related separation 1 -- -- Spouse is in a nursing home 2 -- -- Other medical care facility 3 -- -- School-related separation 4 -- -- Prison or correctional institution 5 -- -- Marital problems or conflict 6 -- -- Other (SPECIFY: PROBE FOR DETAILS) 7 __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 201. Was there a separation before that? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 202. How many children, if any, have you adopted? _________________ (# CHILDREN) (IF ONE OR MORE, CIRCLE CHILDREN ON LINE 7 OF BOOKMARK. IF NONE, SKIP TO Q.204) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 203. How old are your adopted children now? (RECORD AGES BELOW. IF DECEASED, ENTER "DECEASED") (a) __________ (d) __________ (g) __________ (j) __________ (b) __________ (e) __________ (h) __________ (k) __________ (c) __________ (f) __________ (i) __________ (l) __________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 204. How many children have you (given birth to/fathered)? _________________ (# LIVE BIRTHS) (IF ONE OR MORE, CIRCLE CHILDREN ON LINE 7 OF BOOKMARK. IF NONE, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT N, PAGE 51) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 205. (Not counting adopted children,) In what month and year was your (first, second,...) child born? (REPEAT FOR EACH BIRTH REPORTED IN Q.204) _________________________________________________________________________ 1st birth ________/________ 7th birth ________/________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (MONTH) (YEAR) _________________________________________________________________________ 2nd birth ________/________ 8th birth ________/________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (MONTH) (YEAR) _________________________________________________________________________ 3rd birth ________/________ 9th birth ________/________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (MONTH) (YEAR) _________________________________________________________________________ 4th birth ________/________ 10th birth ________/________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (MONTH) (YEAR) _________________________________________________________________________ 5th birth ________/________ 11th birth ________/________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (MONTH) (YEAR) _________________________________________________________________________ 6th birth ________/________ 12th birth ________/________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 206. (Did you) (Did your wife/partner) become pregnant with (this child/any of these children) sooner than you intended? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.208) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R HAD ONLY 1 BIRTH [Q.204], SKIP TO Q.208) 207. Which births occurred sooner than you intended? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th _____________________________________________________________________________________ 208. Sometimes people have (a child/another child) after they intend not to have any (more) children. Has this ever happened to you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.210) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R HAD ONLY 1 BIRTH [Q.204], SKIP TO Q.210) 209. Which births occurred after you intended not to have any more children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th _____________________________________________________________________________________ 210. (Is your child/Are all of your children) still living? -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT N, PAGE 51) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 211. Tell me the birthdate of your child(ren) who (is/are) no longer living. (RECORD MONTH AND YEAR ON TABLE BELOW) 212. (FOR EACH CHILD LISTED, ASK): In what month and year did this child die? (RECORD ON TABLE BELOW) - - Q.211 Q.212 Q.211 Q.212 Child was born: Child died: Child was born: Child died: Month Year Month Year Month Year Month Year a. ________/______ _________/_______ d. _________/______ ________/_______ b. ________/______ _________/_______ e. _________/______ ________/_______ c. ________/______ _________/_______ f. _________/______ ________/_______ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT N: RESPONDENT IS: [SEE HH ROSTER, PAGE 1] . ___ FEMALE ___ MALE . . ___ AGE 40 ___ AGE 39 OR ___ MARRIED OR ___ NOT MARRIED OR OLDER YOUNGER COHABITING OR COHABITING (SKIP TO (GO TO Q.213, . R'S WIFE/PARTNER IS: R IS AGE: CHECKPOINT BELOW) P1, PAGE 53) ___ AGE 40 ___ AGE 39 . ___ 45 OR ___ 44 OR . OR OR OLDER UNDER . OLDER YOUNGER (SKIP TO (GO TO (SKIP TO (GO TO CHECK- Q.213, CHECK- Q.213, POINT P1, BELOW) . POINT P1, BELOW) PAGE 53) PAGE 53) - - 213. Have you (or your husband/wife/partner) had an operation that makes it impossible for you to have (a/another) child? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.216) No 2 - - (IF R IS NOT CURRENTLY MARRIED OR COHABITING, SKIP TO Q.215) 214. Which of you have had such an operation? -- -- Respondent 1 -- -- Spouse/partner 2 -- -- Both 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 215. In what month and year did (that/those) operation(s) occur? (IF R OR SPOUSE HAD MORE THAN ONE SUCH OPERATION, RECORD YEAR OF THE FIRST ONE) - - Respondent's Operation Spouse/partner's operation ___________/__________ ___________/__________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (MONTH) (YEAR) - - (ALL SKIP TO Q.222 ON PAGE 52) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 216. Do you intend to have (a/another) child sometime? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.218, PAGE 52) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 217. How sure are you that you will not have (more) children? Are you: -- -- very sure, 1 -- -- moderately sure, or 2 -- -- not at all sure? 3 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO Q.222) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 218. What is the total number of children you intend to have (including those you have now)? ____________________ (# CHILDREN) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 219. How sure are you that you will have (more) children? Are you: -- -- very sure, 1 -- -- moderately sure, or 2 -- -- not at all sure? 3 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.222) (DO NOT READ) currently pregnant 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 220. Is there a particular time when you plan to have your (first/next) child? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.222) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 221. How many years from now do you expect that to be? _________________ (YEARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 222. (ADMINISTER FORM SE-8) Please turn to page 41 in your booklet. This page lists a number of things some people consider when thinking about having a child or another child. Please indicate how important you feel each is to you at the present time. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT P1: ARE THERE ANY CHILDREN LISTED ON THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM? ____ YES ____ NO - - (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT V1, PAGE 94) (GO TO CHECKPOINT P2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT P2: ARE THERE ANY CHILDREN ON LIST A OF THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM? ____ YES ____ NO - - (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT U1, PAGE 89) (GO TO CHECKPOINT P3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT P3: ARE ALL OF THE CHILDREN ON LIST A AGE 4 OR YOUNGER? ____ YES ____ NO - - (SKIP TO Q.224, BELOW) (GO TO Q.223) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 223. (ADMINISTER SE-9: ALL CHILDREN ON LIST A ARE AGE 4 OR YOUNGER) Turn your booklet to page 43. Here are some questions about the child(ren) age 4 or younger living in your household. Some of the questions may seem more appropriate for younger or older children. Answer the questions as best you can, as they apply to your situation. (WHEN R FINISHES SE-9, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT R1, PAGE 60) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 224. (ADMINISTER SE-10: CHILDREN ON LIST A AGE 18 OR YOUNGER) Turn your booklet to page 47. Here are some questions about the child(ren) age 18 or younger living in your household. Some of the questions may seem more appropriate for younger or older children. Answer the questions as best you can, as they apply to your situation. (WHEN R FINISHES SE-10, GO TO CHECKPOINT Q, BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT Q: HOW MANY CHILDREN AGES 5 TO 18 ARE THERE ON LIST A OF THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM? ____ ONE (GO TO Q.225, AND ASK QQ.225-245 ABOUT THAT CHILD) ____ TWO OR MORE (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF PAGE 57) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 225. The next questions are about (CHILD). (Does/Did) (CHILD) attend school (last Spring)? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.228) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 226. In what year did (he/she) last attend school? _________________________ _________________ -or- (YEAR) Never attended 95 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 227. Why (doesn't/didn't) (he/she) attend school (last Spring)? Choose your answer from this card. (HAND R CARD #8) -- -- Completed high school 01 -- -- Health problem 02 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.235, P.55) Not started school yet 03 -- -- Dropped out of school 04 -- -- Expelled or suspended 05 -- -- Parent won't let child attend 06 -- -- Pregnancy/childbirth 07 -- -- Other (SPECIFY): 08 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF CHILD NEVER ATTENDED SCHOOL [Q.226], SKIP TO Q.235 ON PAGE 55) 228. Has (he/she) ever repeated a grade? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.230) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 229. Which grades did (he/she) repeat? __________ __________ __________ __________ (GRADE) (GRADE) (GRADE) (GRADE) -- -- 230. In the past year, have you been asked to meet with a teacher or principal because of (CHILD'S) behavioral problems? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.232) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 231. About how many times has this happened in the past year? ____________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 232. Has (CHILD) ever been suspended or expelled from school? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.235) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 233. Has this happened more than once? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 234. How old was (he/she) when it happened (the last time)? _________________ (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 235. Has (he/she) ever run away from home for one or more nights? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.239) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 236. Has this happened more than once? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 237. How old was (he/she) when it happened (the last time)? _________________ (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 238. How long was (he/she) gone (the last time)? ____________/____________/____________/____________ (YEARS) (MONTHS) (WEEKS) (DAYS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 239. Has (he/she) ever been in trouble with the police? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.242) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 240. Has this happened more than once? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 241. How old was (he/she) when it happened (the last time)? _________________ (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 242. Has (he/she) ever seen a doctor or therapist about any emotional or behavioral problems? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.244) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 243. How old was (he/she) the last time? _________________ (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 244. Sometimes, for one reason or another, some children are particularly difficult to raise. Would you describe (CHILD) as particularly difficult to raise? -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT R1, PAGE 60) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 245. Would you describe (him/her) as particularly easy to raise? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO CHECKPOINT R1 ON PAGE 60) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (FROM LIST A OF THE ALL-CHILDREN'S FORM, COPY THE FIRST NAMES OF ALL CHILDREN AGES 5 TO 18 ONTO THE FIRST ROW OF PAGES 57, 58 & 59. ASK QQ.246-275 ABOUT THESE CHILDREN): The next questions are about (CHILDREN AGES 5 TO 18 FROM LIST "A"). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Child's first name: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- --- 246. (Are/Were) all of these children Yes 1 attending school (last Spring)? ------------- No 2 (IF YES, SKIP TO Q.250) ------------- --- --- --- 247. Which children (are/were) not attending? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --- --- --- (ASK QQ.248-249 FOR EACH CHILD NOT IN SCHOOL) 248. In what year did (CHILD) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ last attend school? (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) (YEAR) --- --- --- 249. Why isn't (CHILD) attending school now? Choose your answer from ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ this card. (HAND R CARD #8) (CODE) (CODE) (CODE) (CODE) (CODE) (CODE) (CODE) (CODE) (CODE) Other: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (IF ALL CHILDREN HAVE NOT STARTED SCHOOL YET [ALL CODE 3], SKIP TO Q.260) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 250. Have any of these children ever Yes 1 repeated a grade? ------------- No 2 (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.253) ------------- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 251. Which children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --- --- --- (ASK Q.252 FOR EACH CHILD WHO REPEATED A GRADE) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 252. Which grades did (CHILD) repeat? ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- --- 253. In the past year, have you Yes 1 been asked to meet with a teacher ------------ or principal because of behavioral No 2 problems of any of the children? ------------ (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.256) --- --- --- 254. For which children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.255 FOR EACH CHILD MENTIONED) 255. About how many times has this happened ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ in the past year? (TIMES) (TIMES) (TIMES) (TIMES) (TIMES) (TIMES) (TIMES) (TIMES) (TIMES) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Child's first name: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 256. Have any of the children ever Yes 1 been suspended or expelled ------------- from school? No 2 ------------- (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.260) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 257. Which children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.258-259 FOR EACH CHILD MENTIONED) Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 258. Has this happened to (CHILD -- -- --- more than once? No 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 259. How old was (CHILD) when ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ this happened (the last time)? (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 260. Have any of the children ever Yes 1 run away from home for one or ------------- more nights? No 2 ------------- (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.265) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 261. Which children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.262-264 FOR EACH CHILD MENTIONED) Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 262. Has (CHILD) run away --- --- --- more than once? No 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 263. How old was (CHILD) when ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ this happened (the last time)? (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) (AGE) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 264. How long was (he/she) gone (the last time)? ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (MONTHS) (MONTHS) (MONTHS) (MONTHS) (MONTHS) (MONTHS) (MONTHS) (MONTHS) (MONTHS) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (WEEKS) (WEEKS) (WEEKS) (WEEKS) (WEEKS) (WEEKS) (WEEKS) (WEEKS) (WEEKS) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) (DAYS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ --- --- --- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Child's first name: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 265. Have any of the children ever Yes 1 been in trouble with the police? ------------- No 2 (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.269) ------------- --- --- --- 266. Which children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --- --- --- (ASK QQ.267-268 FOR EACH CHILD MENTIONED) 267. Has (CHILD) been in trouble with Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the police more than once? --- ---- --- No 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 --- --- --- 268. How old was (CHILD) when this happened (the last time)? ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 269. Have any of the children ------------- ever seen a doctor or Yes 1 therapist about any emotional ------------- or behavioral problems? No 2 ------------- (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.272) --- --- --- 270. Which children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --- --- --- (ASK Q.271 FOR EACH CHILD MENTIONED) 271. How old was (CHILD) the ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ last time? (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) (YEARS) --- --- --- 272. Sometimes, for one reason or another, some children are par- ------------- ticularly difficult to raise. Yes 1 Would you describe any of the ------------- children as particularly No 2 difficult to raise? ------------- (IF NO, SKIP TO Q.274) --- --- --- 273. Which children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (IF ALL CHILDREN ARE CIRCLED, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT R1) --- --- --- 274. Would you describe any of Yes 1 your children as particu- ------------- larly easy to raise? No 2 ------------- (IF NO, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT R1) --- --- --- 275. Which children? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT R1 HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE THERE ON LIST A OF THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM? (INCLUDE ALL CHILDREN AGE 18 OR YOUNGER) ____ ONE (ENTER NAME BELOW AS FOCAL CHILD, THEN GO TO Q.276) ____ TWO OR MORE (SELECT THE CHILD WHOSE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHABETICALLY AS THE FOCAL CHILD. ENTER NAME BELOW, THEN GO TO Q.276) FOCAL CHILD IS: ________________ [CODERS: PERSON # OF FOCAL CHILD IS ______] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 276. The next questions are about (FOCAL CHILD). All things considered, is (CHILD'S) life going: -- -- very well, 1 -- -- fairly well, 2 -- -- not so well, or 3 -- -- not well at all? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 277. (Even though it may be a long way off,) How much education do you think (CHILD) will probably get? Choose your answer from this card. (HAND R CARD #9) -- -- Not finish high school 1 -- -- Graduate from high school 2 -- -- Graduate from vocational or trade school 3 -- -- Graduate from a two-year junior or community college 4 -- -- Complete one to three years of college 5 -- -- Graduate from a four-year college or university 6 -- -- Complete a master's or doctorate degree 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 278. Has there ever been a period of six months or more when (CHILD) was not living with you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.284, PAGE 62) No 2 -- -- 279. How many times has this happened? __________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.280-283 ABOUT THE FIRST & LAST SEPARATIONS) First Last Separation Separation -- -- 280. How old was (he/she) the (first/last) time ___________ ___________ this happened? (AGE) (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 281. How long did you live apart from each other _____/_____ _____/_____ that time? (YRS) (MOS) (YRS) (MOS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 282. What was the main reason for this separation? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (HAND R CARD #10) separation or divorce ................... 01 01 your illness ............................ 02 02 child's illness ......................... 03 03 child ran away .......................... 04 04 couldn't handle child ................... 05 05 financial problems ...................... 06 06 attend a special school ................. 07 07 other reason (SPECIFY:) ................. 08 08 ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 283. Where did (he/she) live during that time? Choose your answer from this card. (HAND R CARD #11) with other parent ...................... 01 01 with grandparent ....................... 02 02 with other relative .................... 03 03 in a foster home ....................... 04 04 hospital ............................... 05 05 corrections institution ................ 06 06 other (SPECIFY:) ....................... 07 07 (IF TWO OR MORE SEPARATIONS [Q.279], RETURN TO Q.280 ___________ ___________ AND ASK ABOUT THE LAST SEPARATION) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 284. During the past 30 days, how often did you have an especially enjoyable time with (CHILD)? Choose your response from these categories. (HAND R CARD #12. RECORD IN COLUMN 1 ON TABLE BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 285. How often in the past 30 days did you argue or have a lot of difficulty dealing with (him/her)? (RECORD IN COLUMN 2 BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS NOT CURRENTLY MARRIED OR COHABITING [BOOKMARK LINES 1 & 2], SKIP TO CHECKPOINT R2, PAGE 63) 286. What about your (wife/husband/partner)? During the past 30 days, how often did (he/she) have an especially enjoyable time with (CHILD)? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 287. And how often did (he/she) argue or have a lot of difficulty dealing with (CHILD)? (RECORD IN COLUMN 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________ COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 Q.284 Q.285 Q.286 Q.287 R had R had Spouse had Spouse had enjoyable difficult enjoyable difficult time time time time _____________________________________________________________________________________ Never 1 1 1 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Once 2 2 2 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Two or three times 3 3 3 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ About once a week 4 4 4 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ About twice a week 5 5 5 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Almost every day 6 6 6 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Don't know/not sure 8 8 8 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT R2: HOW OLD IS THE FOCAL CHILD IN QQ.276-287? ____ AGE 4 OR YOUNGER (GO TO Q.288) ____ 5 TO 11 YEARS OLD (SKIP TO Q.305 ON PAGE 67) ____ AGE 12 TO 18 (SKIP TO Q.325 ON PAGE 72) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 288. Sometimes, for one reason or another, some children are particularly difficult to raise. Would you describe (CHILD) as particularly difficult to raise? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.290) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 289. Would you describe (him/her) as particularly easy to raise? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 290. Do you feel (he/she) is slow, fast, or about on time in (his/her) development? -- -- slow 1 -- -- fast 2 -- -- about on time 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF CHILD IS LESS THAN ONE YEAR OLD, SKIP TO Q.298 ON PAGE 65) 291. Does (CHILD) attend a nursery or preschool? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.294) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 292. How many days each week does (he/she) attend? ___________________ (# DAYS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 293. About how many hours each day does (he/she) spend there? ___________________ (# HOURS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 294. Have you ever taken (him/her) to see a doctor or therapist about any emotional or behavioral problems? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 295. I am going to read some statements that might describe a child's behavior. Please tell me whether each statement has been often true, sometimes true, or has not been true of (CHILD) during the past three months. (REPEAT CATEGORIES AS NECESSARY) -- -- Often Sometimes Not True True True _____________________________________________________________________________ a. Is willing to try new things. Has that been often true, sometimes true, or not true of (CHILD) during the past three months? 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ b. Is fussy or irritable. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ c. Keeps self busy. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ d. Loses temper easily. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ e. Is cheerful and happy. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ f. Is fearful or anxious. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ g. Bullies, or is cruel or mean to others. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ h. Does what you ask. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ i. Gets along well with other kids. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 296. Sometimes children behave well and sometimes they don't. Have you had to spank (CHILD) when (he/she) behaved badly in the past week? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.298) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 297. About how many times have you had to spank (CHILD) in the past week? ____________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 298. About how many hours in a typical day do you spend taking care of (CHILD'S) physical needs, including feeding, bathing, dressing, and putting (him/her) to bed? RESPONDENT: _________________ (# HOURS A DAY) 298a. (IF CURRENTLY MARRIED OR COHABITING, ASK:) About how many hours in a typical day does your (husband/wife/partner) spend taking care of (CHILD'S) physical needs, including feeding, bathing, dressing, and putting (him/her) to bed? R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER: _________________ (# HOURS A DAY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 299. What time do you usually put (CHILD) to bed at night? ____________________________________________ AM ______________ -or- (SKIP TO INSTRUC- No fixed (TIME) PM TIONS ABOVE Q.301) bedtime 9595 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 300. How often does (he/she) stay up later than that? Would you say it is: -- -- never, 1 -- -- less than once a week, 2 -- -- about once a week, or 3 -- -- more than once a week? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF CHILD IS AGE 2 OR YOUNGER, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT S ON PAGE 79) 301. Do you restrict the amount of television that (CHILD) watches? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.303) Don't have a television 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 302. Do you restrict the type of programs that (he/she) watches? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 303. During the past week, about how often did you get a chance to read to (CHILD)? Was it: -- -- not at all, 1 -- -- once, 2 -- -- several times, or 3 -- -- almost every day? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 304. Is (CHILD) old enough to be left alone in the house for a short time, for example, when you have to go to the store, or visit a neighbor in the next block? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- Sometimes/it depends 2 -- -- No 3 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO CHECKPOINT S ON PAGE 79) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ FOCAL CHILD AGE 5 TO 11 305. I am going to read some statements that might describe a child's behavior. Please tell me whether each statement has been often true, sometimes true, or has not been true of (CHILD) during the past three months. (REPEAT CATEGORIES AS NECESSARY) -- -- Often Sometimes Not True True True -- -- a. Is willing to try new things. Has that been often true, sometimes true, or not true of (CHILD) during the past three months? 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ b. Is unhappy, sad or depressed. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ c. Keeps self busy. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ d. Loses temper easily. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ e. Is cheerful and happy. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ f. Is fearful or anxious. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ g. Bullies, or is cruel or mean to others. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ h. Does what you ask. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ i. Gets along well with other kids. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ j. Carries out responsibilities on (his/her) own. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 306. Sometimes children behave well and sometimes they don't. Have you had to spank (CHILD) when (he/she) behaved badly in the past week? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.308) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 307. About how many times have you had to spank (CHILD) in the past week? ____________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 308. What grade (is [CHILD] currently in/was [CHILD] in last Spring)? -- -- ______________ - or - Nursery school 93 (GRADE) -- -- Kindergarten 94 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.312, PAGE 69) Not in school 95 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 309. How well does (CHILD) do in school? Is (he/she): -- -- one of the best students in (his/her) class, 1 -- -- above the middle, 2 -- -- in the middle, 3 -- -- below the middle, or 4 -- -- near the bottom of the class? 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 310. What time is (CHILD) usually supposed to be in bed on school nights? AM ________________________________________ ______________ -or- (TIME) PM (SKIP TO Q.312 No fixed 9595 ON PAGE 69) bedtime _____________________________________________________________________________________ 311. How often does (he/she) stay up later than that on school nights? Would you say it is: -- -- never, 1 -- -- less than once a week, 2 -- -- about once a week, or 3 -- -- more than once a week? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 312. Would (CHILD) be allowed to be at home alone: - - Sometimes/ Yes it depends No - - (IF CHILD IS NOT IN SCHOOL [Q.308], SKIP TO d) a. in the morning before school? 1 2 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ b. in the afternoon after school, between 3:00 and 6:00 PM? 1 2 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ c. all day, when there is no school? 1 2 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ d. at night, if you were gone until midnight? 1 2 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ e. overnight, if you went on a trip? 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 313. When (CHILD) is away from home, is (he/she) supposed to let you know where (he/she) is: -- -- all the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, 2 -- -- sometimes, or 3 -- -- hardly ever? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 314. Do you restrict the amount of television that (CHILD) watches? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Try, but not successful 3 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.316, PAGE 70) Don't have a television 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 315. Do you restrict the type of programs that (he/she) watches? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Try, but not successful 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 316. Does (he/she) have regular chores to do around the house? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.320) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 317. How often do you remind (CHILD) to do (his/her) chores? Is it: -- -- all of the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, 2 -- -- some of the time, 3 -- -- rarely or never? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 318. Does (CHILD) get (his/her) chores done: -- -- all of the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, 2 -- -- some of the time, 3 -- -- rarely or never? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 319. Is (he/she) required to complete (his/her) chores before playing, watching television, or going out? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Sometimes/It depends 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 320. Does (CHILD) receive an allowance? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.323, PAGE 71) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 321. How much is (his/her) allowance? day . . . 1 ___________/___________ per week . . . 2 (DOLLARS) (CENTS) month . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 322. Does this allowance pay (him/her) for work that (he/she) regularly does around the house? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 323. (In addition to this allowance,) is (he/she) paid for extra jobs done around the house? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT S ON PAGE 79) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 324. In a typical month, how much is (he/she) usually paid for work around the house (in addition to the allowance)? day . . . 1 ___________/___________ per week . . . 2 (DOLLARS) (CENTS) month . . . 3 (ALL SKIP TO CHECKPOINT S, PAGE 79) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ FOCAL CHILD AGE 12 TO 18 325. I am going to read some statements that might describe a child's behavior. Please tell me whether each statement has been often true, sometimes true, or has not been true of (CHILD) during the past three months. (REPEAT CATEGORIES AS NECESSARY) - - Often Sometimes Not True True True -- -- a. Is willing to try new things. Has that been often true, sometimes true, or not true of 1 2 2 (CHILD) during the past three months? -- -- b. Is unhappy, sad or depressed. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ c. Keeps self busy. 1 2 3 - - d. Loses temper easily. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ e. Is cheerful and happy. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ f. Is fearful or anxious. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ g. Bullies, or is cruel or mean to others. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ h. Does what you ask. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ i. Gets along well with other kids. 1 2 3 -- -- j. Carries out responsibilities on (his/her) own. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 326. What grade (is [CHILD] currently in/was [CHILD] in last Spring)? -- -- ______________ - or - (SKIP TO Q.333 (GRADE) ON PAGE 74) Not in school 00 -- -- (IF COLLEGE, SKIP TO Q.331, P.73) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 327. (Does/Did) (CHILD) have regular homework (during the past school year)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO No 2 Q.331, -- -- PAGE 73) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 328. How often do you remind (CHILD) to do (his/her) homework? Is it: -- -- all of the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, 2 -- -- some of the time, 3 -- -- rarely or never? 4 -- -- 329. Does (CHILD) get (his/her) homework done: -- -- all of the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, 2 -- -- some of the time, 3 -- -- rarely or never? 4 -- -- (DO NOT READ) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 330. Is (he/she) required to complete (his/her) homework before playing, watching television, or going out after school? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Sometimes/It depends 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 331. What sort of grades does (CHILD) get? Would you say it is mostly A's, B's, C's, D's, or what? -- -- mostly A's 01 -- -- A's and B's 02 -- -- mostly B's 03 -- -- B's and C's 04 -- -- mostly C's 05 -- -- C's and D's 06 -- -- mostly D's 07 -- -- D's and F's 08 -- -- mostly F's 09 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 332. By what time is (CHILD) supposed to be home on school nights? (IF R SAYS IT VARIES, ASK:) What time is it usually? (NOTE: MIDNIGHT = 12:00 A.M.) -- -- AM No limits on when to be home 0000 ______________ -or- -- -- (TIME) PM Not allowed out on school nights 9595 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 333. By what time is (he/she) supposed to be home on Friday and Saturday nights? (IF R SAYS IT VARIES, ASK:) What time is it usually? (NOTE: MIDNIGHT = 12:00 A.M.) A.M. ________________________________________ _________________ -or- (TIME) P.M. No limits on when to be home 0000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 334. Would (CHILD) be allowed to be at home alone: ________________________________ Sometimes/ Yes it depends No ________________________________________________________________________________ (IF CHILD IS NOT IN SCHOOL [Q.326], SKIP TO d) a. in the morning before school? 1 2 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ b. in the afternoon after school, between 3:00 and 6:00 PM? 1 2 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ c. all day, when there is no school? 1 2 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ d. at night, if you were gone until midnight? 1 2 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ e. overnight, if you went on a trip? 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 335. When (CHILD) is away from home, is (he/she) supposed to let you know where (he/she) is: -- -- all the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, 2 -- -- sometimes, or 3 -- -- hardly ever? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 336. Do you restrict the amount of television that (CHILD) watches? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Try, but not successful 3 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.338) Don't have a television 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 337. Do you restrict the type of programs that (he/she) watches? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Try, but not successful 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 338. Does (he/she) have regular chores to do around the house? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.342, PAGE 76) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 339. How often do you remind (CHILD) to do (his/her) chores? Is it: -- -- all of the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, 2 -- -- some of the time, 3 -- -- rarely or never? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 340. Does (CHILD) get (his/her) chores done: -- -- all of the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, 2 -- -- some of the time, 3 -- -- rarely or never? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 341. Is (he/she) required to complete (his/her) chores before playing, watching television, or going out? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Sometimes/It depends 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 342. Does (CHILD) receive an allowance? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.345) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 343. How much is (his/her) allowance? day . . . 1 ___________/___________ per week . . . 2 (DOLLARS) (CENTS) month . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 344. Does this allowance pay (him/her) for work that (he/she) regularly does around the house? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 345. (In addition to this allowance,) is (he/she) paid for extra jobs done around the house? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.347, PAGE 77) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 346. In a typical month, how much is (he/she) usually paid for work around the house (in addition to the allowance)? day . . . 1 ___________/___________ per week . . . 2 (DOLLARS) (CENTS) month . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 347. During the past month, has (CHILD) earned money from other sources, such as a regular job, baby-sitting, or any other occasional work? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.350) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 348. How many hours, if any, did (CHILD) work last week? ____________________ (# HOURS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 349. Families have different expectations concerning what children should do with the money they earn. Do you require that (CHILD) use some of (his/her) earnings: ______________ Yes No _____________________________________________________________________________ a. to pay for regular expenses such as clothes and haircuts? 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ b. to save for future educational expenses? 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ c. to save for special purchases? 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ d. to help pay for day to day family expenses? 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 350. In the last 12 months, how often have you had open disagreements with (CHILD) about each of the following? Choose your answer from these categories. (HAND R CARD #13) -- -- Less than Several About Several Almost once a times once times every Never month a month a week a week day -- -- a. How (he/she) dresses. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- b. (His/Her) (girlfriend/ boy/friend). 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- c. (His/Her) friends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- d. How late (he/she) stays out at night. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- e. Helping around the house. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- f. (His/Her) sexual behavior. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- g. (His/Her) drinking, smoking, or drug use. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- h. Money. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- i. School. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- j. Getting along with other family members. 1 2 3 4 5 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 351. In the last 30 days, about how many times did (CHILD) date or go out with someone of the opposite sex? __________________ (# TIMES) - - 352. Does (CHILD) have a steady (boy/girl) friend? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 - - (IF CHILD IS AGE 15 OR UNDER, SKIP TO CHECKPOINT S, PAGE 79) 353. Does (CHILD) have (his/her) own: -- -- Yes No -- -- a. car? 1 2 -- -- b. motorcycle? 1 2 -- -- c. moped or motor scooter? 1 2 -- -- (IF YES TO a, b, OR c ASK QQ.354-355. OTHERWISE SKIP TO CHECKPOINT S, PAGE 79) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 354. How much of the total cost of the vehicle(s) did (he/she) pay? Was it: -- -- nearly all, 1 -- -- more than half, 2 -- -- less than half, or 3 -- -- none? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 355. How much of the maintenance and insurance of the vehicle(s) does (he/she) pay? Is it: -- -- nearly all, 1 -- -- more than half, 2 -- -- less than half, or 3 -- -- none? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT S: IS R CURRENTLY MARRIED OR COHABITING? [BOOKMARK LINES 1 & 2] ____ YES ____ NO - - - - HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE ON LIST B HOW MANY BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN (RELATION- OF THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM? SHIP CODE C) ARE ON LIST A OF THE ALL- (RECORD BELOW) CHILDREN FORM? (RECORD BELOW) - - - - ____ NONE (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT T, PAGE 87) ____ ONE (SKIP TO Q.356. ASK QQ.356-385 ABOUT THIS CHILD) ____ TWO OR MORE (LIST NAMES BELOW ALPHABETICALLY. SELECT THE CHILD WHOSE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHABETICALLY AS THE FOCAL CHILD FOR QQ.356-385) ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ FOCAL CHILD IS: ______________ (ASK QQ.356-385 ABOUT THIS CHILD) [CODERS: PERSON # IS ____] _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 356. Next, I'd like to ask you some questions about (CHILD) and (his/her) (father/mother). Is (CHILD'S) (mother/father) still living? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.358) Yes 1 -- -- (GO TO Q.357) No 2 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT T, PAGE 87) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 357. In what year did (he/she) die? _____________________ ________________ -or- (YEAR) Don't know 98 _____________________ (ALL SKIP TO CHECKPOINT T, PAGE 87) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 358. About how far away from here does (he/she) live? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MILES, ASK): In what city and state does (he/she) live? _______________ ____________/____________/____________ (MILES) (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 359. Is (he/she) currently married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 360. Has (he/she) had any children since those (he/she) had with you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 361. During the past 12 months, about how often did (CHILD) talk on the telephone or receive a letter from (his/her) (mother/father)? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (HAND R CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 362. During the past 12 months, how often did (CHILD) see (her/his) (father/mother)? (REFER TO CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- (SKIP Several times a year 3 -- -- TO One to three times a month 4 -- -- Q.364) About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 363. In what month and year did (CHILD) last see (him/her)? _________/__________ -or- -- -- (MONTH) (YEAR) Never saw parent 95 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO Q.366 ON PAGE 82) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 364. How many weeks did (he/she) stay with (his/her) (father/mother) during the past 12 months? This does not include short visits, such as weekends. ________________ (# WEEKS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 365. How often does (CHILD'S) (mother/father) spend time with (him/her) in each of the following activities? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (HAND R CARD #14) __________________________________________________________ One to About Several three About Several Not at once a times a times once times Don't all year year a month a week a week know _____________________________________________________________________________________ a. leisure activities, such as picnics, movies, sports, or 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 visiting family friends. _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. religious activities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. talking, working on a project, or 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 playing together. _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. school or other organized activities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 366. How often do you talk about (CHILD) with (his/her) (mother/father)? (REFER TO CARD #14) -- -- (SKIP TO Q.368, P.83) Not at all, 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 367. How much influence does (CHILD'S) (mother/father) have in making major decisions about such things as education, religion and health care? Does (he/she) have: -- -- none, 1 -- -- some, or 2 -- -- a great deal of influence? 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 368. How much conflict do you and (CHILD'S) (father/mother) have over each of the following issues? Tell me if it is none, some, or a great deal of conflict. _____________________________ A great None Some deal _____________________________________________________________________________ a. Where (CHILD) lives. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ b. How (he/she) is raised. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ c. How you spend money on (CHILD). 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ d. How (he/she) spends money on (CHILD). 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ e. (His/Her) visits with (CHILD). 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ f. (His/Her) contribution to (CHILD'S) 1 2 3 support. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 369. Do you and (CHILD'S) (mother/father) have a legal agreement regarding child support, alimony, custody, or visitation? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.382, PAGE 86) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 370. Is there a legal agreement about where (CHILD) lives? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.372) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 371. Is the agreement that (CHILD): -- -------- lives with you all the time, or 1 -- -------- some other arrangement? (SPECIFY) 2 ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 372. Does the agreement specify anything about visits between (CHILD) and (his/her) (father/mother)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.376, PAGE 85) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 373. How many days per month is (CHILD) to spend with (his/her) (father/mother)? _________________ (# DAYS) (IF VISITATION AGREEMENT IS NOT IN DAYS PER MONTH, DESCRIBE BELOW) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 374. Does the agreement provide for (extra) time with (CHILD'S) (mother/father) at holidays, during the summer, or at other times? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.376, PAGE 85) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 375. What are these provisions? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 376. Today, many states allow for joint legal custody, which means that regardless of where the child lives, both parents have equal decision- making rights. Does your legal agreement give (CHILD'S) (father/mother) an equal say in making decisions about (him/her)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 377. Is there a legal agreement that (his/her) (father/mother) is supposed to pay child support? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.379) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 378. How much child support is (he/she) supposed to pay to you? week . . . . 1 -- -- _____________ per month . . . 2 -or- None 0000 (DOLLARS) -- -- year . . . . 3 (CHILD SUPPORT AGREEMENTS MAY INCLUDE MORTGAGE PAYMENTS, RENT, CAR PAYMENTS, CHILD CARE, ETC. IF R MENTIONS SUCH PROVISIONS, RECORD BELOW) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 379. (In addition to child support,) how much alimony or other support is (he/she) supposed to pay to you? week . . . . 1 -- -- _____________ per month . . . 2 -or- None 0000 (DOLLARS) -- -- year . . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF NEITHER CHILD SUPPORT [Q.377] NOR ALIMONY [Q.379] IS SUPPOSED TO BE PAID SKIP TO Q.382) 380. In the past 12 months, how many of the payments have been missed? Was it: -- -- none, 1 -- -- less than one-quarter, 2 -- -- about one-quarter, 3 -- -- one-half, 4 -- -- three-quarters, or 5 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.385, PAGE 87) all? 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 381. In the past 12 months, how many of the payments have been received more than a week late? Was it: -- -- none, 1 -- -- less than one-quarter, 2 -- -- about one-quarter, 3 -- -- one-half, 4 -- -- three-quarters, or 5 -- -- all? 6 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO Q.384 ON PAGE 87) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 382. Does (CHILD'S) (father/mother) pay anything toward (his/her) support? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.385, PAGE 87) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 383. How many months within the past year has (he/she) made a payment? __________________ (IF NONE, SKIP TO Q.385, P.87) (MONTHS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 384. About how much per month has (he/she) usually paid, (when a payment is made)? ________________ (DOLLARS) (IF AMOUNT VARIES WIDELY, OR IS NOT EXPRESSED IN DOLLARS PER MONTH, DESCRIBE BELOW) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 385. Overall, how satisfied are you with the current situation in each of the following areas? Tell me if you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied. ___________________________________________________ Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied ________________________________________________________________________________ a. Where (CHILD) lives. 1 2 3 4 ________________________________________________________________________________ b. Other parent's contact with (CHILD). 1 2 3 4 ________________________________________________________________________________ c. Other parent's contri- bution to (CHILD'S) support. 1 2 3 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT T: ON LIST A OF THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM, HOW MANY CHILDREN AGE 18 OR UNDER HAVE RELATIONSHIP CODES D (STEPCHILD), OR G (CHILD OF PARTNER/LOVER)? ____ NONE (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT U1, PAGE 89) ____ ONE (ASK QQ.386-391 ABOUT THAT CHILD'S ABSENT PARENT) ____ TWO OR MORE (LIST NAMES BELOW IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. SELECT CHILD WHOSE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHABETICALLY AS THE FOCAL CHILD FOR QQ.386-391) ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ FOCAL CHILD IS: ________________ (ASK QQ.386-391 ABOUT CHILD'S ABSENT PARENT) [CODERS: CHILD'S PERSON # IS _____] _____________________________________________________________________________________ -- -- 386. The next questions will be about your (stepchild/partner's child) (NAME). Is (CHILD'S) (mother/father) still living? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO No 2 CHECKPOINT U1, -- -- PAGE 89) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 387. About how far away from here does (he/she) live? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MILES, ASK): In what city and state does (he/she) live? ____________ or _____________/____________/____________ (MILES) (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) -- -- 388. During the past 12 months, about how often did (CHILD) talk on the telephone or receive a letter from (his/her) (mother/father)? (HAND R CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 389. During the past 12 months, how often did (CHILD) see (her/his) (father/mother)? (REFER TO CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 390. Does your (husband/wife/partner) receive any payments from (CHILD'S) (father/mother)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT U1, PAGE 89) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 391. How much altogether does (he/she) receive? week . . . . 1 _____________ per month . . . 2 (DOLLARS) year . . . . 3 (BELOW, RECORD RESPONSES NOT EXPRESSED IN DOLLARS PER WEEK, MONTH, OR YEAR) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT U1: ARE THERE ANY CHILDREN ON LIST C OF THE ALL CHILDREN FORM? ____ YES (SKIP TO INSTRUCTION BOX 1 BELOW) ____ NO (GO TO CHECKPOINT U2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT U2: DOES R HAVE ANY BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTED CHILDREN? [BOOKMARK LINE 7] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.411 ON PAGE 94) ____ NO (GO TO CHECKPOINT U3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT U3: IS R CURRENTLY MARRIED OR COHABITING? [BOOKMARK LINES 1 & 2] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.444 ON PAGE 104) ____ NO (SKIP TO Q.484 ON PAGE 116) _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION BOX 1 (1) IF ONLY ONE CHILD ON LIST C, ASK QQ.392-410 ABOUT THAT CHILD'S ABSENT PARENTS. ENTER CHILD'S NAME BELOW AS FOCAL CHILD. (2) IF TWO OR MORE CHILDREN ON LIST C, SELECT THE CHILD WHOSE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHABETICALLY AS THE FOCAL CHILD FOR QQ.392-410. ENTER NAME BELOW. FOCAL CHILD IS: ________________ [CODERS: PERSON # IS_____] _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 392. The next questions are about (CHILD'S) parents. Is (his/her) mother still living? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.394) Yes 1 -- -- (GO TO Q.393) No 2 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.401, PAGE 92) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 393. In what year did she die? _____________________ ________________ -or- (YEAR) Don't know 98 _____________________ (ALL SKIP TO Q.401 ON PAGE 92) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 394. About how many miles away from here does she live? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MILES, ASK): In what city and state does she live? ____________ or _____________/____________/____________ (MILES) (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 395. Has (CHILD) had any contact with (his/her) mother in the past 12 months? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.397, PAGE 91) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 396. In what month and year did (CHILD) last see her? _________/__________ -or- -- -- (MONTH) (YEAR) Never saw parent 95 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO Q.399, PAGE 91) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 397. During the past 12 months, about how often did (he/she) see her? (HAND R CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 398. During the past 12 months, about how often did (CHILD) talk on the telephone or receive a letter from her? (REFER TO CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 399. Does (CHILD'S) mother pay anything toward (his/her) support? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.401, PAGE 92) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 400. About how much does she pay? week . . . . 1 _____________ per month . . . 2 (DOLLARS) year . . . . 3 (BELOW, RECORD ANY RESPONSES THAT ARE NOT EXPRESSED IN DOLLARS PER WEEK, MONTH, OR YEAR) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 401. Is (CHILD'S) father still living? -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.403) Yes 1 -- -- (GO TO Q.402) No 2 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT V1, PAGE 94) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 402. In what year did he die? _____________________ ________________ -or- (YEAR) Don't know 98 _____________________ (ALL SKIP TO CHECKPOINT V1 ON PAGE 94) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF CHILD'S MOTHER DIED [Q.392], SKIP TO Q.404) 403. Are (CHILD'S) mother and father still living together? -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT V1, PAGE 94) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 404. About how many miles away from here does he live? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MILES, ASK): In what city and state does he live? ____________ or _____________/____________/____________ (MILES) (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 405. Has (CHILD) had any contact with (his/her) father in the past 12 months? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.407, PAGE 93) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 406. In what month and year did (CHILD) last see him? ____________________________ _________/__________ -or- (MONTH) (YEAR) Never saw parent 95 ____________________________ (ALL SKIP TO Q.409 ON PAGE 93) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 407. During the past 12 months, about how often did (he/she) see him? (HAND R CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 408. And about how often did (CHILD) talk on the telephone or receive a letter from him? (REFER TO CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 409. Does (CHILD'S) father pay anything toward (his/her) support? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT V1, PAGE 94) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 410. About how much does he pay? week . . . . 1 _____________ per month . . . 2 (DOLLARS) year . . . . 3 (BELOW, RECORD ANY RESPONSES THAT ARE NOT EXPRESSED IN DOLLARS PER WEEK, MONTH, OR YEAR) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT V1: DOES R HAVE ANY BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTED CHILDREN? [BOOKMARK LINE 7] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.411, BELOW) ____ NO (GO TO CHECKPOINT V2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT V2: IS R CURRENTLY MARRIED OR COHABITING? ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.444 ON PAGE 104) ____ NO (SKIP TO Q.484 ON PAGE 116) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 411. Do you have any biological or adopted children age 18 or younger who do not live in this household at least half the time? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.444, PAGE 104) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 412. What are their names and ages? (RECORD IN COLUMNS 1 AND 2 BELOW; ASK QQ.413-414 ABOUT EACH CHILD LISTED) 413. (IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK:) Is (CHILD) male or female? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3) 414. In what year did (CHILD) last live with you for a period of six months or more? (RECORD IN COLUMN 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________] # LISTED COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 Sex Last lived with R ________________________________________ First Name Age Male Female Year ____________________________________________________________________________ (a) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (b) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (c) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (d) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (e) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (f) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (g) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (h) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (i) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ (j) _____________ _______ 1 2 _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION BOX 2 1. IF ONLY ONE CHILD IS LISTED ABOVE, ASK QQ.415-443 ABOUT THAT CHILD. ENTER NAME BELOW AS FOCAL CHILD. 2. IF TWO OR MORE ARE LISTED, SELECT THE CHILD WHOSE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHA- BETICALLY AS THE FOCAL CHILD FOR QQ.415-443. ENTER NAME BELOW. FOCAL CHILD IS: _______________ [CODERS: PERS.# FROM TABLE IS______] _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 415. The next questions are about (CHILD). Where is (he/she) now living? (HAND R CARD #15) __________________________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO INSTRUC- With other parent 01 TIONS ABOVE Q.417) - - With a grandparent 02 _____________________________________________________ (SKIP With other relative 03 _____________________________________________________ In a foster home 04 TO _____________________________________________________ At boarding school 05 _____________________________________________________ Q.419) In an institution or group home, including 06 hospitals and correctional institutions -- -- With a friend of R's 07 __________________________________________________________________________ At college 08 (GO TO _____________________________________________________ With (his/her) husband or wife 09 INSTRUCTION - - With boyfriend or girlfriend 10 - - BOX 3) In own household, alone or with roommates 11 __________________________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO Q.416) Child's whereabouts unknown 12 __________________________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO Other (SPECIFY) 13 INSTRUCTION BOX 4) _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION BOX 3 RETURN TO THE TABLE ON PAGE 95 AND SELECT ANOTHER FOCAL CHILD. ASK QQ.415-443 FOR THAT CHILD. IF NO OTHER CHILDREN ON TABLE, SKIP TO Q.444 ON PAGE 104. -- -- INSTRUCTION BOX 4 1. IF FOCAL CHILD IS AGE 15 OR UNDER, SKIP TO Q.419 ON PAGE 97. 2. IF FOCAL CHILD IS AGE 16 OR OVER, RETURN TO TABLE ON PAGE 95 AND SELECT ANOTHER FOCAL CHILD. ASK QQ.415-443 FOR THAT CHILD. IF NO OTHER CHILDREN ON TABLE, SKIP TO Q.444 ON PAGE 104. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 416. In what month and year did you last see (him/her)? _______________________ ____________/_____________ -or- (MONTH) (YEAR) Never saw child 95 _______________________ (ALL SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.444 ON PAGE 104) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS CURRENTLY MARRIED BUT SPOUSE LIVES ELSEWHERE [BOOKMARK LINE 6], SKIP TO Q.455 ON PAGE 108) 417. Is (CHILD'S) (mother/father) currently married? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 418. Has (he/she) had any children since those that (he/she) had with you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 419. About how many miles away from here does (CHILD) live? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MILES, ASK): In what city and state does (he/she) live? ____________ or _____________/____________/____________ (MILES) (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 420. During the past 12 months, about how often did you talk on the telephone or send (CHILD) a letter? (HAND R CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 421. During the past 12 months, about how often did you see (him/her)? -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 (SKIP -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- TO One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 Q.423) -- -- Several times a week 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 422. In what month and year did you last see (him/her)? _________/__________ -or- -- -- (MONTH) (YEAR) Never saw child 95 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO Q.425 ON PAGE 99) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 423. How many weeks did (he/she) visit or live with you during the past 12 months? (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE SHORT VISITS, SUCH AS WEEKENDS) ________________ (# WEEKS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 424. How often do you spend time with (him/her) in each of the following activities? (HAND R CARD #14) -- -- One to About Several three About Several Not once a times times once times Don't at all year a year a month a week a week know -- -- a. leisure activities, such as picnics, movies, sports, or 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 visiting family friends. _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. religious activities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. talking, working on a project, or 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 playing together. _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. school or other organized activities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 425. How much influence do you have in making major decisions about such things as education, religion and health care? Do you have: -- -- none, 1 -- -- some, or 2 -- -- a great deal of influence? 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF CHILD DOES NOT LIVE WITH OTHER PARENT [Q.415], SKIP TO Q.440, PAGE 102) 426. How much conflict do you and (CHILD'S) (father/mother) have over each of the following issues? Tell me if it is none, some, or a great deal of conflict. -- -- A great None Some deal _____________________________________________________________________________ a. Where (CHILD) lives. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ b. How (he/she) is raised. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ c. How you spend money on (CHILD). 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ d. How (he/she) spends money on (CHILD). 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ e. Your visits with (CHILD). 1 2 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ f. Your contribution to (CHILD'S) support. 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 427. Do you and (CHILD'S) (mother/father) have a legal agreement regarding child support, alimony, custody, or visitation? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.440, PAGE 102) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 428. Is there a legal agreement about where (CHILD) lives? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.430, PAGE 100) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 429. Is the agreement that (CHILD): _______________________________________________________________ lives with the other parent all the time, or 1 _______________________________________________________________ some other arrangement? (SPECIFY) 2 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 430. Does the agreement specify anything about (CHILD'S) visits with you? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.434, PAGE 101) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 431. How many days per month is (CHILD) to spend with you? _________________ (# DAYS) (IF VISITATION AGREEMENT IS NOT IN DAYS PER MONTH, DESCRIBE BELOW) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 432. Does the agreement provide for (extra) time with you at holidays, during the summer, or at other times? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.434, PAGE 101) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 433. What are these provisions? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 434. Today, many states allow for joint legal custody, which means that regardless of where the child lives, both parents have equal decision- making rights. Does your legal agreement give you an equal say in making decisions about (him/her)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 435. Is there a legal agreement that you are supposed to pay child support? In some states, child support and alimony together may be called "family support," which should be included here. -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.437) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 436. How much child support are you supposed to pay to (him/her)? week . . . . 1 ________________ _____________ per month . . . 2 -or- None 0000 (DOLLARS) ________________ year . . . . 3 (CHILD SUPPORT AGREEMENTS MAY INCLUDE MORTGAGE PAYMENTS, RENT, CAR PAYMENTS, CHILD CARE, ETC. IF R MENTIONS SUCH PROVISIONS, RECORD BELOW) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 437. (In addition to child support,) how much alimony or other support are you supposed to pay? week . . . . 1 ________________ _____________ per month . . . 2 -or- None 0000 (DOLLARS) ________________ year . . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF NEITHER CHILD SUPPORT [Q.435] NOR ALIMONY [Q.437] IS SUPPOSED TO BE PAID SKIP TO Q.440) 438. In the past 12 months, how many of the payments have been missed? Was it: -- -- none, 1 -- -- less than one-quarter, 2 -- -- about one-quarter, 3 -- -- one-half, 4 -- -- three-quarters, or 5 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.443, PAGE 103) all? 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 439. In the past 12 months, how many of the payments have been more than a week late? Was it: -- -- none, 1 -- -- less than one-quarter, 2 -- -- about one-quarter, 3 -- -- one-half, 4 -- -- three-quarters, or 5 -- -- all? 6 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO Q.442, PAGE 103) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 440. Do you pay anything toward (CHILD'S) support? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.443, PAGE 103) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 441. How many months within the past 12 months did you make a payment? __________________ (IF NONE, SKIP TO Q.443 (MONTHS) ON PAGE 103) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 442. About how much per month have you usually paid, when a payment is made? ________________ (DOLLARS) (IF AMOUNT VARIES WIDELY, OR IS NOT EXPRESSED IN DOLLARS PER MONTH, DESCRIBE BELOW) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF CHILD DOES NOT LIVE WITH THE OTHER PARENT [Q.415], SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.444 ON PAGE 104) 443. Overall, how satisfied are you with the current situation in each of the following areas? Tell me if you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied. ___________________________________________________ Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied _______________________________________________________________________________ a. Where (CHILD) lives. 1 2 3 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ b. Your contact with (CHILD). 1 2 3 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ c. Your contribution to (CHILD'S) support. 1 2 3 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS NOT CURRENTLY MARRIED OR COHABITING, OR IF SPOUSE LIVES ELSEWHERE, [BOOKMARK LINES 1, 2 & 6], SKIP TO Q.455 ON PAGE 108) 444. Does your (husband/wife/partner) have any biological or adopted children age 18 or younger who do not live here at least half the time? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.455, PAGE 108) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 445. What are their names and ages? (RECORD IN COLUMNS 1 AND 2 BELOW. IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK Q.446 ABOUT EACH CHILD) 446. Is (CHILD) male or female? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 Sex -- -- First Name Age Male Female -- -- (a) _____________ _______ 1 2 (b) _____________ _______ 1 2 (c) _____________ _______ 1 2 (d) _____________ _______ 1 2 (e) _____________ _______ 1 2 (f) _____________ _______ 1 2 (g) _____________ _______ 1 2 (h) _____________ _______ 1 2 (i) _____________ _______ 1 2 (j) _____________ _______ 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION BOX 5 1. IF ONE CHILD IS LISTED ABOVE, ASK QQ.447-454 ABOUT THAT CHILD. ENTER NAME BELOW AS FOCAL CHILD. 2. IF TWO OR MORE ARE LISTED, SELECT THE CHILD WHOSE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHA- BETICALLY AS THE FOCAL CHILD FOR QQ.447-454. ENTER NAME BELOW. FOCAL CHILD IS: _______________ [CODERS: PERS. # IS _____] _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 447. The next questions are about (CHILD). Where is (he/she) now living? (HAND R CARD #15) -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.449, P.106) With other parent 01 - - With a grandparent 02 _____________________________________________________ (SKIP With other relative 03 _____________________________________________________ In a foster home 04 TO _____________________________________________________ At boarding school 05 _____________________________________________________ Q.450) In an institution or group home, including hospitals and correctional institutions 06 _____________________________________________________ With a friend of R's 07 __________________________________________________________________________ At college 08 (GO TO _____________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION With (his/her) husband or wife 09 - - BOX 6) With boyfriend or girlfriend 10 - - In own household, alone or with roommates 11 __________________________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO Q.448) Child's whereabouts unknown 12 __________________________________________________________________________ (GO TO Other (SPECIFY) 13 INSTRUCTION BOX 7) _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION BOX 6 RETURN TO THE TABLE ON PAGE 104 AND SELECT ANOTHER FOCAL CHILD. ASK QQ.447-454 FOR THAT CHILD. IF NO OTHER CHILDREN, SKIP TO Q.455 ON PAGE 108. -- -- INSTRUCTION BOX 7 1. IF FOCAL CHILD IS AGE 15 OR UNDER, SKIP TO Q.450 ON PAGE 106. 2. IF FOCAL CHILD IS AGE 16 OR OVER, RETURN TO TABLE ON PAGE 104 AND SELECT ANOTHER FOCAL CHILD FOR QQ.447-454. IF NO OTHER CHILDREN, SKIP TO Q.455 ON PAGE 108. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 448. In what month and year did your (husband/wife/partner) last see (CHILD)? _______________________ ____________/_____________ -or- (MONTH) (YEAR) Never saw child 95 _______________________ (ALL SKIP TO Q.455, ON PAGE 108) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF THERE IS ONLY ONE CHILD LISTED IN TABLE ON PAGE 104, SKIP TO Q.450) 449. Which of your (husband's/wife's/partner's) other children age 18 or under, if any, also live with this other parent? (RECORD FIRST NAMES BELOW) __________ (a) __________ (b) __________ (c) __________ (d) __________ -or- None 00 (NAME) (NAME (NAME) (NAME) __________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 450. About how many miles away from here does (CHILD) live? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MILES, ASK): In what city and state does (he/she) live? ____________ or _____________/____________/____________ (MILES) (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 451. During the past 12 months, about how often did your (husband/wife/partner) talk on the telephone or send (CHILD) a letter? (HAND R CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 -- -- (DO NOT READ) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 452. During the past 12 months, about how often did your (husband/wife/partner) see (him/her)? (REFER TO CARD #14) -- -- Not at all 1 -- -- About once a year 2 -- -- Several times a year 3 -- -- One to three times a month 4 -- -- About once a week 5 -- -- Several times a week 6 -- -- (DO NOT READ) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 453. Does your (husband/wife/partner) pay anything toward (CHILD'S) support? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO No 2 Q.455, -- -- PAGE 108) Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 454. How much money does (he/she) pay (for all the children)? week . . . . 1 ____________________ _____________ per month . . . 2 -or- Don't know 9898 (DOLLARS) ____________________ year . . . . 3 (IF AMOUNT VARIES WIDELY, OR IS NOT EXPRESSED IN DOLLARS PER MONTH, DESCRIBE BELOW) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 455. (IF THERE ARE ANY NAMES ON LIST D OF THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM, ENTER ALL THESE NAMES BELOW IN a - h) 455a. Tell me the names of any sons or daughters, including stepchildren, who are away from home while attending college, or vocational or technical school. (ADD THESE NAMES TO THE LIST BELOW, THEN GO TO CHECKPOINT W) (a) ____________ (c) ____________ (e) ____________ (g) ____________ (b) ____________ (d) ____________ (f) ____________ (h) ____________ CHECKPOINT W: HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE LISTED ABOVE IN a - h? ____ NONE (SKIP TO INSTRUCTION ABOVE Q.473, PAGE 112) ____ ONE (GO TO Q.456. ASK QQ.456-472 ABOUT THAT CHILD) ____ TWO OR MORE (SELECT CHILD WHOSE NAME COMES FIRST ALPHA- BETICALLY AS THE FOCAL CHILD FOR QQ.456-472. FOCAL CHILD IS: _________________ [CODERS: PERS.# IS _____] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 456. The following questions are about (CHILD). [Is (he/she) currently attend- ing school?/Was (he/she) attending school last Spring?] -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.465, PAGE 110) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 457. What kind of school (is/was) that? (Is/Was) it a: -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTION high school, 1 ABOVE Q.473, PAGE 112) -- -- vocational, trade, or business school, 2 -- -- two year community or junior college, 3 -- -- four year college or university, 4 -- -- graduate or professional school, or 5 -- -- something else? (SPECIFY:) 6 _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 458. Does (he/she) attend: -- -- part time, or 1 -- -- full time? 2 -- -- (DO NOT READ) Some full, some part time 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 459. Does (he/she) have a scholarship, loan, or other financial aid? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.461) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 460. In total, how much did (he/she) receive during the school year? __________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 461. About what share of the total cost of (his/her) schooling do you (and your husband/wife/partner) pay? Would you say that it is closest to: -- -- all, 1 -- -- three-quarters, 2 -- -- one-half, 3 -- -- one-quarter, 4 -- -- less than one-quarter, or 5 -- -- none? 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 462. About how much per school year (are you paying/did you pay) for all of (his/her) educational costs, including room and board? __________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 463. Where does (CHILD) live while attending school? Is it: -- -- (SKIP TO Q.465) here at home, 1 -- -- in a dorm, 2 -- -- in a (fraternity/sorority) house, 3 -- -- in (his/her) own house or apartment, or 4 -- -- somewhere else? (SPECIFY) 5 _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 464. Does (he/she) live: -- -- alone, 1 -- -- with a roommate, 2 -- -- with a (girl/boy)friend, 3 -- -- with a spouse, or 4 -- -- with someone else? (SPECIFY) 5 ____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 465. Does (CHILD) currently work for pay? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.467, PAGE 111) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 466. Is (he/she) looking for work? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- Don't know 8 -- -- (ALL SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.468) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 467. About how many hours per week does (he/she) work? _________________ -or- -- -- (# HOURS) Don't know 98 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS NOT THE HOUSEHOLDER [BOOKMARK LINE 3], OR IF FOCAL CHILD IS LIVING AWAY FROM HOME WHILE ATTENDING SCHOOL, SKIP TO Q.471) 468. How much, if anything, does (he/she) pay for room or board? week . . . . 1 -- -- _____________ per month . . . 2 -or- Nothing 0000 (DOLLARS) -- -- year . . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 469. Does (he/she) make regular payments to you for anything other than room or board? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.471) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 470. How much are those payments? week . . . . 1 _____________ per month . . . 2 (DOLLARS) year . . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 471. For each of the following things, tell me if you pay for none, some, or most of (CHILD'S) expenses. -- -- None Some Most ____________________________________________________________________ a. Food 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ b. Clothing 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ c. Entertainment 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ d. Health care or health insurance 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ e. Transportation 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF FOCAL CHILD IN QQ.456-471 IS AWAY AT SCHOOL, SKIP TO INSTRUCTION ABOVE Q.473) 472. (ADMINISTER SE-11) Please turn to page 51 in your booklet. Here are some questions for you to fill out regarding (FOCAL CHILD). Tell me when you are finished. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS AGE 29 OR UNDER, SKIP TO Q.483 ON PAGE 116) 473. Do you have any sons or daughters age 19 or older living elsewhere, (other than those away at school)? (DO NOT INCLUDE PERSONS LISTED ON THE FULL TIME HH ROSTER) - -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 474. Do you have any step-children age 19 or older living elsewhere, (other than those away at school)? (DO NOT INCLUDE PERSONS LISTED ON THE FULL TIME HH ROSTER) -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 -- -- (IF NO TO BOTH Q.473 & Q.474, SKIP TO Q.483 ON PAGE 116) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 475. Tell me the first name of each son or daughter age 19 or older living elsewhere. Include adopted and step-children. (PROBE:) Who else? (RECORD ON ADULT-CHILD TABLE ON PAGES 114-115) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.476-482 FOR EACH CHILD LISTED ON ADULT-CHILD TABLE. RECORD ALL RESPONSES ON TABLE) 476. Is (CHILD) your child or a step-child? 477. How old was (CHILD) on (his/her) last birthday? 478. How many children, if any, has (he/she) had? 479. What is (his/her) marital status? Is (he/she) currently married, separated, divorced, widowed, or has (he/she) never married? 480. How many miles away from here does (he/she) now live? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MILES, ASK): In what city and state does (he/she) live? (HAND R CARD #14) 481. During the past 12 months, how often did you see (CHILD)? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. 482. During the past 12 months, about how often did you receive a letter or telephone call from (him/her)? (REFER TO CARD #14) (RETURN TO Q.476 FOR NEXT CHILD ON TABLE. IF NO OTHER CHILDREN, GO TO Q.483 ON PAGE 116) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ADULT-CHILD TABLE: CHILDREN AGE 19 OR OVER LIVING ELSEWHERE -- -- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Q.475 First Name ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- Q.476 R's own child 1 1 1 1 1 R's step-child 2 2 2 2 2 --- --- Q.477 Child's Age ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- Q.478 # of children ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- Q.479 Marital status: Currently Married 1 1 1 1 1 Separated 2 2 2 2 2 Divorced 3 3 3 3 3 Widowed 4 4 4 4 4 Never Married 5 5 5 5 5 --- --- Q.480 Number of miles away child lives ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- Q.481 R saw child: Not at all ............. 1 1 1 1 1 About once a year ...... 2 2 2 2 2 Several times a year ... 3 3 3 3 3 1 to 3 times a month ... 4 4 4 4 4 About once a week ..... 5 5 5 5 5 Several times a week ... 6 6 6 6 6 --- --- Q.482 Letters & calls: Not at all ............. 1 1 1 1 1 About once a year ...... 2 2 2 2 2 Several times a year ... 3 3 3 3 3 1 to 3 times a month ... 4 4 4 4 4 About once a week ..... 5 5 5 5 5 Several times a week ... 6 6 6 6 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ ADULT-CHILD TABLE: CONTINUED -- -- 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Q.475 First Name ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- Q.476 R's own child 1 1 1 1 1 R's step-child 2 2 2 2 2 --- --- Q.477 Child's Age ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- Q.478 # of children ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- Q.479 Marital status: Currently Married 1 1 1 1 1 Separated 2 2 2 2 2 Divorced 3 3 3 3 3 Widowed 4 4 4 4 4 Never Married 5 5 5 5 5 --- --- Q.480 Number of miles away child lives ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ --- --- Q.481 R saw child: Not at all ............. 1 1 1 1 1 About once a year ...... 2 2 2 2 2 Several times a year ... 3 3 3 3 3 1 to 3 times a month ... 4 4 4 4 4 About once a week ..... 5 5 5 5 5 Several times a week ... 6 6 6 6 6 --- --- Q.482 Letters & calls: Not at all ............. 1 1 1 1 1 About once a year ...... 2 2 2 2 2 Several times a year ... 3 3 3 3 3 1 to 3 times a month ... 4 4 4 4 4 About once a week ..... 5 5 5 5 5 Several times a week ... 6 6 6 6 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 483. (ADMINISTER SE-12: RELATIONSHIPS WITH ALL CHILDREN) Please turn your booklet to page 55. List the first names of all your living children [and all of your (husband's/wife's/partner's) living children]. (WHEN R IS FINISHED, GO TO Q.484) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 484. Next I have some questions about your background and work experience. (HAND R CARD #16) Which of the groups on this card best describes you? Just tell me the number. _________________________________________________ Black 01 _________________________________________________ White - not of Hispanic origin 02 _________________________________________________ Mexican American, Chicano, Mexicano 03 _________________________________________________ Puerto Rican 04 _________________________________________________ Cuban 05 _________________________________________________ Other Hispanic 06 _________________________________________________ American Indian 07 _________________________________________________ Asian 08 _________________________________________________ Other (SPECIFY:) 09 ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 485. What is your date of birth? __________/__________/__________ (MONTH) (DAY) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 486. What is your religious preference? (IF PROTESTANT, ASK:) What specific denomination is that? (RECORD IN COLUMN 1 ON TABLE OPPOSITE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 487. Have you ever changed religions since you were a child, or have you always (been [ANSWER TO Q.486] /had no religion)? -- -- Changed religions 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.492, PAGE 119) Always had same or no religion 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 488. In what religion were you raised? (IF PROTESTANT, ASK:) What specific denomination was that? (RECORD IN COLUMN 2 OPPOSITE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R NEVER MARRIED [BOOKMARK LINE 1], SKIP TO Q.492 ON PAGE 119) 489. Did you change your religion in connection with your (first) marriage? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.492, PAGE 119) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 490. What was your religious preference before you changed at that time? (IF PROTESTANT, ASK:) What specific denomination was that? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3 OPPOSITE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 491. What religion did you change to at that time? (IF PROTESTANT, ASK:) What specific denomination was that? (RECORD IN COLUMN 4 OPPOSITE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ RESPONDENT'S RELIGIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________ COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 Q.486 Q.488 Q.490 Q.491 Current Religion Religion Religion Religion Raised in before change after change _____________________________________________________________________________________ No religion ........ 00 00 00 00 Roman Catholic ..... 01 01 01 01 Jewish ............. 02 02 02 02 Baptist ............ 03 03 03 03 Episcopalian ....... 04 04 04 04 Lutheran ........... 05 05 05 05 Methodist .......... 06 06 06 06 Mormon ............. 07 07 07 07 Presbyterian ....... 08 08 08 08 United Church of Christ (Congregational) 09 09 09 09 Protestant-- No denomination .... 10 10 10 10 Other (SPECIFY:) ... 11 11 11 11 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 492. How often do you attend religious services? day . . . 1 ______________ per week . . . 2 (# TIMES) month . . 3 ________________ year . . . 4 -or- Never 00 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 493. Next, I have some questions about where you have lived. In what month and year did you first begin living in this (house/apartment)? -- -- ___________/___________ -or- Always lived here 95 (MONTH) (YEAR) (SKIP TO Q.500 ON PAGE 120) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 494. When, if ever, was the last time you lived more than 25 miles from here? __________________ ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) -or- Never 95 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF DATE IN Q.493 IS BEFORE JANUARY 1982, SKIP TO Q.497) 495. How many times have you moved since January 1982? ____________________ (# TIMES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 496. About how many miles away from here did you live before you moved to this (house/apartment)? ____________________ (# MILES) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 497. In what city and state did you live right after you were born? ____________/____________ -or- ______________ (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF BORN IN FOREIGN COUNTRY, INCLUDING PUERTO RICO AND OTHER U.S. POSSESSIONS, ASK Q.498. OTHERWISE SKIP TO Q.499) 498. How old were you when you first came to live in the United States? ___________________ (AGE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 499. Where were you living when you were about 16 years old? ____________/____________ -or- ______________ (CITY) (STATE) (COUNTRY) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 500. What kind of work did your father or stepfather do when you were about age 16? What were his main duties at that job? (PROBE FOR DETAILS) __________________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO Q.502) R HAD NO FATHER OR STEPFATHER AT AGE 16 000 __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 501. What was the highest grade of school that he completed? _______________________________________________________________________ No schooling 00 Elementary 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 High School 09 10 11 12 College 13 14 15 16 Graduate/Professional 17+ Don't know 98 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 502. What was the highest grade of school that your mother completed? _______________________________________________________________________ No schooling 00 Elementary 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 High School 09 10 11 12 College 13 14 15 16 Graduate/Professional 17+ Don't know 98 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 503. Did she have a paid job for 12 months or more: -- -- Don't know or mother Yes No deceased _______________________________________________________________________________ a. between the time that you were born and when you were 5 years old? 1 2 8 _______________________________________________________________________________ b. from the time you were 6 to 11 years old? 1 2 8 _______________________________________________________________________________ c. from the time you were 12 to 17 years old? 1 2 8 _______________________________________________________________________________ (IF NO OR DON'T KNOW TO ALL OF THE ABOVE (a, b, and c), SKIP TO Q.505) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 504. What was the last paid job that your mother had before you turned 18? Tell me her job title and what her main duties were. (PROBE FOR DETAILS) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 505. During the time you were growing up, until you were about 16 years old, did your family ever receive public assistance? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.507) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 506. While you were growing up, about how much of the time was your family receiving this public assistance? Was it: -- -- all of the time, 1 -- -- most of the time, or 2 -- -- some of the time? 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 507. This section is about your education. Do you have a high school diploma? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.510) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 508. What is the highest grade that you completed while in school? ___________________ (GRADE MUST BE LESS THAN 12) (GRADE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 509. Have you passed a high school equivalency test such as the GED? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.512) Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTION FOR Q.514) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 510. Did you get a diploma at graduation from high school or did you pass a high school equivalency test such as the GED and get a diploma later? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.513) got diploma at high school graduation 1 -- -- passed equivalency test (GED) 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 511. What was the highest grade you completed before you left school? ___________________ (GRADE MUST BE (GRADE) LESS THAN 12) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 512. In what month and year did you pass a high school equivalency test like the GED? ___________/___________ (MONTH) (YEAR) (ALL SKIP TO INSTRUCTION FOR Q.514) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 513. In what month and year did you receive your high school diploma? ____________/____________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 514. (HAND R CARD #17) Not counting schools at which you took 2 or fewer courses, or attended less than six weeks, have you ever enrolled as a part-time or full-time student in any of the types of schools listed on this card? Do not include correspondence courses in your answer. -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.523, PAGE 126) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ The next few questions are about the time periods you attended the school types listed on this card. Do not include times you attended school only in the summer, or when you were enrolled in only one course at a time. (REPEAT QQ.515-518 UNTIL R INDICATES THAT HE/SHE NEVER AGAIN ENROLLED IN ONE OF THE SCHOOL TYPES LISTED ON CARD 17. RECORD RESPONSES ON EDUCATION TABLE, ON OPPOSITE PAGE) 515. In what month and year did you (first/next) enroll in one of the school types listed on the card? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MONTH, ASK): Was it in the Fall or Spring semester? (RECORD IN COLUMN 1, OPPOSITE) (IF NEVER ENROLLED AGAIN, SKIP TO Q.519 ON PAGE 125. WRITE "NEVER ENROLLED AGAIN" ON NEXT LINE OF EDUCATION TABLE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 516. What type of school was this? Choose your answer from the categories on the card. (RECORD IN COLUMN 2 ON EDUCATION TABLE, OPPOSITE) VOC/TECH: Vocational, technical, or trade school. 2-YEAR: Two-year junior or community college. 4-YEAR: Four-year college or university. PROF/GRAD: Professional or graduate school requiring prior college work for entrance, such as medical, dental, or law school, or seminary. BUS/SEC/NUR: Business college or secretarial or nursing school. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 517. When was the (first/next) time you stopped attending a (SCHOOL TYPE) for at least six months? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MONTH, ASK): Would you say it was in the first half of the year, from January through June, or in the second half of the year, from July through December? (RECORD MONTH & YEAR IN COLUMN 3 ON TABLE, OPPOSITE) (IF R IS STILL ATTENDING SCHOOL, WRITE STILL ATTENDING IN COL.3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 518. During the period from (DATE IN COLUMN 1) to (DATE IN COLUMN 3), were you enrolled mostly full-time or mostly part-time? (RECORD IN COLUMN 4, OPPOSITE) (RETURN TO Q.515 FOR THE NEXT PERIOD OF SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. IF ANSWER TO Q.517 IS STILL ATTENDING, SKIP TO Q.519 ON PAGE 125) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:________ EDUCATION TABLE # LISTED - - COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 Q.515 Q.516 Q.517 Q.518 Began School Type Stopped Attended: Attending Attending - - Time VOC/ 2- 4- PROF/ BUS/ Full- Part- Per. Month Year TECH YEAR YEAR GRAD SEC/NUR Month Year time time ________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (4) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (7) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (8) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (9) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ (10) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 519. Have you received any degrees or certificates from the schools on this card? (REFER TO CARD #17) -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.523, PAGE 126) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 520. What degrees or certificates have you received? (RECORD IN COLUMN 1 BELOW) (PROBE): What others? (ASK Q.521 FOR EACH DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE MENTIONED. RECORD IN COLUMN 2) 521. In what year did you receive your (DEGREE TYPE)? (IF R RECEIVED TWO OF THIS DEGREE TYPE, RECORD SECOND IN COLUMN 3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 Degrees held: Year received Degrees or Certificates Yes No Year received: 2nd degree: _____________________________________________________________________________________ a. Associates Degree (2-year) 1 2 ___________ __________ b. Bachelor's Degree 1 2 ___________ __________ c. Master's Degree 1 2 ___________ __________ d. Doctorate 1 2 ___________ __________ (Ph.D., M.D., LL.D., etc.) e. Any certificate 1 2 ___________ __________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK Q.522 ABOUT EACH DEGREE R HAS RECEIVED. DO NOT ASK ABOUT CERTIFICATES) 522. From what school did you receive your (Associates/Bachelor's/Master's Doctoral) degree? In what city and state was this school? School City State Associates: ________________________________________ _____________/_______ Bachelor's: ________________________________________ _____________/_______ Master's: ________________________________________ _____________/_______ Doctorate: ________________________________________ _____________/_______ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 523. Have you ever been on active duty in the Armed Forces for a period of 6 months or more? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.528) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 524. In what month and year did that period of active duty begin? __________/_________ (MONTH) (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 525. Did you enter the Armed Forces as a: -- -- draftee or, 1 -- -- did you enlist? 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 526. Were you ever involved in combat? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 527. What was the month and year of your last separation from active duty? __________/_________ -- -- (MONTH) (YEAR) -or- Currently on active duty 95 (SKIP TO Q.529, PAGE 127) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 528. Now let's talk about your full-time and part-time work experience. Are you currently working for pay in any job? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 529. Not counting when you were primarily attending school, in what month and year did you first work for pay for at least six months? (IF R DOESN'T KNOW MONTH, RECORD SEASON OR 1ST/2ND HALF OF THE YEAR. ENTER IN COLUMN 1 ON WORK HISTORY TABLE, OPPOSITE) _____________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO Q.583b, PAGE 138) Never worked for pay 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 530. After that, when was the first time you stopped working, or were out of work, for at least 6 months? (RECORD DATE IN COLUMN 2, OPPOSITE) ____________________________________________ (SKIP TO Q.533) Still working 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (REPEAT QQ.531-532 FOR ALL WORK PERIODS UP TO THE PRESENT) 531. When did you next work for a period of at least six months? (RECORD DATE OR NEVER WORKED AGAIN IN COLUMN 1 OPPOSITE. IF NEVER WORKED AGAIN FOR SIX MONTHS, SKIP TO Q.533) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 532. And when was the next time you did not have a job for at least 6 months? (RECORD DATE OR STILL WORKING IN COLUMN 2. IF STILL WORKING, GO TO Q.533; OTHERWISE, RETURN TO Q.531 FOR THE NEXT WORK PERIOD) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 533. During the time(s) you have worked, have you always worked full-time, always part-time, or have you worked some full-time and some part-time? By full-time we mean 30 or more hours a week. ______________________________________________________ (SKIP TO Always full-time 1 CHECK- -- -- POINT X) Always part-time 2 -- -- some full-, some part-time 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK Q.534 FOR EACH WORK PERIOD RECORDED ON THE WORK HISTORY TABLE) 534. In the period from (DATE IN COL.1) to (DATE IN COL.2), were you working mostly full-time or mostly part-time? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3, OPPOSITE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT X: R LAST WORKED FOR PAY IN: [SEE Q.528 & WORK HISTORY TABLE] ____ 1987, OR IS CURRENTLY WORKING (GO TO Q.535 ON PAGE 129) ____ 1986 (SKIP TO Q.583 ON PAGE 138) ____ 1985 OR EARLIER (SKIP TO Q.583b ON PAGE 138) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:_________ WORK HISTORY TABLE # LISTED - - COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 Began working: Stopped working: Worked: -- -- Month Month Mostly Mostly Time or or Full- Part- Period Season Year Season Year time time _____________________________________________________________________________________ (1) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (2) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (3) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (4) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (5) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (6) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (7) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (8) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (9) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (10) 1 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 535. How many hours did you work last week? ________________ (IF R WORKED ANY HOURS LAST (# HOURS) WEEK, SKIP TO Q.537) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK Q.536 ONLY IF R DID NOT WORK AT ALL LAST WEEK. OTHERWISE, SKIP TO Q.537) 536. Do you have a job from which you were absent last week? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.538) Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.583, PAGE 138) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 537. Is this the number of hours that you usually work? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.539) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 538. How many hours a week do you usually work? __________________ (# HOURS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 539. Do you work: -- -- for yourself, 1 -- -- in a family business, or 2 -- -- for someone else? 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 540. What kind of work are you doing in your current job? What is your job title? (IF R HAS MORE THAN ONE JOB, ASK ABOUT THE ONE AT WHICH HE/SHE USUALLY SPENDS THE MOST HOURS) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 541. What are your main activities or duties at this job? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 542. What kind of business or industry is this? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 543. What is the name of the company or business you work for? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS AGE 59 OR YOUNGER [HH ROSTER, PAGE 1], SKIP TO Q.547) 544. Is this the same kind of work you were doing when you were about 50 years old? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.547) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 545. What kind of work were you doing when you were about age 50? What was your job title? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 546. What were your main activities or duties on that job? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 547. (I have a few more questions about your current job). Are you currently paid: -- -- by the hour, 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.549, PAGE 131) salaried, or 2 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.553, PAGE 131) paid on some other basis? 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 548. What is your base hourly wage rate at this job? ___ ___ ___ . ___ ___ per hour (DOLLARS) (CENTS) (ALL SKIP TO Q.554 ON PAGE 131) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 549. What is your gross salary before deductions at this job? week . . . 1 $ ______________ per biweekly . 2 (DOLLARS) month . . . 3 year . . . 4 (IF SALARY IS PER WEEK, BIWEEKLY, OR PER MONTH, SKIP TO Q.554) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 550. Is this salary for full time work, for the full year? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.554) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 551. For how many months work do you receive this salary? ________________ (# MONTHS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 552. For how many hours per week? ________________ (# HOURS) (ALL SKIP TO Q.554) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 553. In an average month, how much do you earn from this job, before taxes and other deductions? ________________ (DOLLARS) (SOME PEOPLE ARE PAID IN WAYS NOT COVERED WELL BY THIS QUESTION. ENTER ANY INFORMATION BELOW THAT WILL CLARIFY HOW R IS PAID) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 554. In addition to your main job, do you have a second job for which you get paid? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.560, PAGE 132) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 555. What kind of work do you do in your second job? What is your job title? (IF R HAS MORE THAN TWO JOBS, ASK ABOUT THE SECOND JOB AT WHICH HE/SHE SPENT THE MOST HOURS DURING THE PAST MONTH) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 556. In this second job, do you work: -- -- for yourself, 1 -- -- in a family business, or 2 -- -- for someone else? 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 557. How many hours a week do you usually work at this job? _____________ (# HOURS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 558. Is this all year or just for part of the year? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.560) all year 1 -- -- part of the year 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 559. About how many weeks a year do you work at this job? _________________ (# WEEKS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 560. Next I have some questions about your work schedule (on all your jobs). Do you work the same schedule each week? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.564, PAGE 133) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 561. Do the hours vary, the days vary, or both the hours and the days vary? -- -- hours 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.563, PAGE 133) days 2 -- -- both the hours and days 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 562. Sometimes work schedules alternate between day, evening or night shifts. Is this true of your schedule? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 563. What was your work schedule last week? Tell me the hours and days you worked (on all your jobs). Do not include any time that you worked at home. (IF R DID NOT WORK LAST WEEK, ASK ABOUT THE MOST RECENT WEEK WORKED. RECORD ON WORK SCHEDULE GRID BELOW, THEN SKIP TO Q.565 ON PAGE 134) -- -- (SKIP TO Q.567, PAGE 134) R worked only at home last week 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 564. What is your usual work schedule? Tell me the days and hours you usually work (at all your jobs), but not including any time that you work at home. (RECORD ON WORK SCHEDULE GRID, THEN GO TO Q.565 ON PAGE 134) _____________________________________________________________________________________ WORK SCHEDULE GRID ________________________________________________________________________ Did not Worked Worked work From: To: From: To: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Monday: 00 ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM PM PM PM PM _____________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday: 00 ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM PM PM PM PM _____________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday: 00 ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM PM PM PM PM _____________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday: 00 ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM PM PM PM PM _____________________________________________________________________________________ Friday: 00 ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM PM PM PM PM _____________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday: 00 ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM PM PM PM PM _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday: 00 ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM ______ AM PM PM PM PM _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 565. About how many minutes does it usually take you to get to work (on your main job)? - - _________________ -or- Time varies depending (# MINUTES) on work site 95 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 566. Did you do any paid work at home last week? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.568) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 567. How many hours did you work at home? ________________ (# HOURS) - - 568. Does your work sometimes require you to travel and be away from home overnight? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT Y1, FOLLOWING Q.569) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 569. Over the past 12 months, about how many nights per month, on the average, were you away from home because of work-related travel? (IF R RESPONDS WITH TOTAL # OF NIGHTS IN PAST 12 MONTHS, RECORD THAT TOTAL BELOW) ____________________ -or- ___________________ (# NIGHTS A MONTH) (# NIGHTS A YEAR) - - CHECKPOINT Y1: RESPONDENT IS: ____ MALE (GO TO CHECKPOINT Y2) ____ FEMALE (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT Y3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT Y2: IS R CURRENTLY MARRIED AND LIVING WITH WIFE, OR COHABITING? [BOOKMARK LINES 1, 2 & 6] ____ YES (SKIP TO Q.583 ON PAGE 138) ____ NO (GO TO CHECKPOINT Y3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT Y3: THE YOUNGEST CHILD ON LISTS A & C OF ALL-CHILDREN FORM IS: ____ AGE 4 OR UNDER (GO TO Q.570, PAGE 135) ____ AGE 5-11 (SKIP TO Q.577 ON PAGE 136) ____ NO CHILDREN UNDER AGE 12 (SKIP TO Q.583 ON PAGE 138) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 570. (IN COLUMN 2 OF THE CHILD CARE TABLE BELOW, WRITE IN THE FIRST NAMES OF ALL CHILDREN AGE 4 OR YOUNGER FROM LISTS A & C OF THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM) 571. Next we are interested in how your child(ren) age 4 or younger (is/are) cared for while you are working. During the past week, which of the following has provided care for your child(ren) while you were working? (HAND R CARD #18) (PROBE:) What others? (CIRCLE A CODE IN COLUMN 1 FOR EACH PROVIDER TYPE) (ASK Q.572 FOR EACH PROVIDER MENTIONED. RECORD IN COLUMN 2 BELOW) 572. In the past week, how many hours did (PROVIDER) care for (CHILD) while you were working? (RECORD IN COLUMN 2 FOR EACH CHILD LISTED) (ASK Q.573 FOR EACH PROVIDER MENTIONED, EXCEPT FOR TYPES a & f) 573. Does (PROVIDER) care for your child(ren) in your home? (RECORD IN COL.3) - - COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 Q.571 Q.572 Q.573 Has R Hours of care Is care used this provided per child: provid- provider? (ENTER FIRST NAMES BELOW) ed at ____________ ________ ________ ________ home? ___________ ________ ________ ________ Yes No (NAME) (NAME) (NAME) Yes No - - a. husband or partner 1 2 ________ ________ ________ (HOURS) (HOURS) (HOURS) - - b. child's grandparent 1 2 ________ ________ ________ 1 2 (HOURS) (HOURS) (HOURS) - - c. child's older sister or brother 1 2 ________ ________ ________ 1 2 (HOURS) (HOURS) (HOURS) - - d. other relative of child 1 2 ________ ________ ________ 1 2 (HOURS) (HOURS) (HOURS) - - e. neighbor or baby- sitter not related 1 2 ________ ________ ________ 1 2 to R (HOURS) (HOURS) (HOURS) - - f. day care center, nursery school, preschool, or 1 2 ________ ________ ________ kindergarten (HOURS) (HOURS) (HOURS) - - g. other provider (SPECIFY:) 1 2 ________ ________ ________ 1 2 (HOURS) (HOURS) (HOURS) _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ -- -- (IF THE ONLY PROVIDER IN Q.571 IS HUSBAND/PARTNER, SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.577) 574. How much altogether do you usually pay per week for the care of your preschool children while you are working? $___________________ per week -- -- 575. What do you usually do when your preschool child(ren) (is/are) sick and you are scheduled to work? Do you: -- -- (SKIP TO stay home from work, 1 -- -- INSTRUCTIONS use your regular child care arrangement, 2 -- -- ABOVE Q.577) leave your child(ren) home alone, 3 -- -- or make other child care arrangements? 4 -- -- 576. What child care arrangements do you usually make? Choose your answer from the categories on this card. (HAND R CARD #18) -- -- Husband or partner 01 -- -- Child's grandmother 02 -- -- Child's older sister or brother 03 -- -- Other relative of child 04 -- -- Neighbor or non-relative 05 -- -- Day care center, nursery school, preschool, or kindergarten 06 -- -- Other provider (SPECIFY:) 07 ____________________________________ -- -- (IF THERE ARE NO CHILDREN AGE 5-11 ON LIST A OF THE ALL-CHILDREN FORM, SKIP TO Q.583 ON PAGE 138) 577. The next questions are about your child(ren) aged 5-11. How often are you (or your husband/partner) at home when your child(ren) leave(s) for school in the morning? Would you say it was: -- -- (SKIP TO Q.579) always, 1 -- -- usually, 2 -- -- sometimes, 3 -- -- rarely, or never? 4 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.583, PAGE 138) child(ren) do not attend school 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 578. Who, if anyone, is with your child(ren) before school when you (and your husband/partner) are unable to be there? (HAND R CARD #19; RECORD ALL MENTIONED IN TABLE BELOW, COLUMN 1) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 579. How often are you (or your husband/wife/partner) at home when your child(ren) get(s) out of school: -- -- (SKIP TO Q.581) always, 1 -- -- usually, 2 -- -- sometimes, 3 -- -- rarely, or never? 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 580. Who, if anyone, is with your child(ren) after school when you are unable to be there? (USE CARD #19. RECORD ALL MENTIONED IN COLUMN 2 BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 581. Who cares for your child(ren) age 5 to 11 when (he/she/they) (is/are) sick and you are scheduled to work? (USE CARD #19. RECORD ALL MENTIONED IN COL.3) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 582. What about days during the school year when the child(ren) (does/do) not have school, who cares for your child(ren) then? (USE CARD #19. RECORD ALL MENTIONED IN COLUMN 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________ COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 Q.578 Q.580 Q.581 Q.582 Before After When child When no Who takes care of child: school school is sick school --- --- R stays home with child(ren) 1 1 --------------------------------- -------------------------- husband or partner stays home 2 2 --- --- relative 3 3 3 3 --- --- neighbor or non-relative 4 4 4 4 --- --- child stays home alone 5 5 5 5 --- --- older brother or sister 6 6 6 6 --- --- organized day care program 7 7 7 7 --- --- other (SPECIFY:) 8 8 8 8 __________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 583. Now, we are interested in your work experience last year, from January through December, 1986. a. How many of the 52 weeks in 1986 did you work at a paid job? Include paid vacations and paid sick leave as time spent working. ________________ (# WEEKS) (IF 52 WEEKS, SKIP TO INSTRUCTION ABOVE Q.584) b. How many weeks were you unemployed in 1986, that is, weeks that you were not working at _________________ all, but were looking for a job? (# WEEKS) c. How many weeks were you not working, and not looking for work? _________________ (# WEEKS) (CHECK THAT THESE 3 RESPONSES ADD TO 52 WEEKS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS CURRENTLY EMPLOYED [Q.528], SKIP TO Q.593 ON PAGE 140) 584. Have you looked for work during the past 4 weeks? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.586) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 585. How many weeks ago did you start looking for work? __________________ (# WEEKS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 586. What kind of work were you doing in your most recent job? What was your job title? ________________________________________________________ (SKIP TO Q.593, PAGE 140) R never had a job 995 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 587. What were your main activities or duties at this job? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 588. What kind of business or industry was this? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 589. In this job, did you work: -- -- for yourself, 1 -- -- in a family business, or 2 -- -- for someone else? 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS AGE 59 OR YOUNGER, SKIP TO Q.593 ON PAGE 140) 590. Is this the same kind of work you were doing when you were about 50 years old? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.593, PAGE 140) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 591. What kind of work were you doing when you were about age 50? What was your job title? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 592. What were your main activities or duties on this job? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 593. Did you receive any income from employers or from self-employment during 1986? -- -- (ENTER RESPONDENT IN COL.1, OPPOSITE) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS THE ONLY PERSON AGE 14 OR OLDER IN HH, OR IS NOT THE HOUSEHOLDER [BOOKMARK LINE 3], SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.595) 594. Tell me the first names of everyone else in your household who received any income from employers or from self-employment during 1986. (PROBE): Who else received income? (RECORD NAMES IN COLUMN 1 OF INCOME TABLE) ___________________ No one 00 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK Q.595 ABOUT EACH PERSON LISTED IN COLUMN 1 OF THE INCOME TABLE. IF NO ONE IS LISTED, SKIP TO INSTRUCTION ABOVE Q.598, PAGE 142) 595. During 1986, (were you/was [PERSON]) employed by someone else, self-employed, or both an employee and self-employed? (RECORD IN COLUMN 2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK Q.596 FOR EACH PERSON CODED SELF-EMPLOYED OR BOTH IN Q.595) 596. What was (your/[PERSON'S]) net income from self-employment in 1986 after all expenses, but before taxes and other deductions? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3 ON INCOME TABLE. DO NOT RECORD LOSSES ON THIS TABLE) ____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK Q.597 FOR EACH PERSON CODED EMPLOYEE OR BOTH IN Q.595) 597. About how much income from wages, salaries, commissions, and tips did (you/[PERSON]) receive in 1986, before taxes and other deductions? (RECORD IN COLUMN 4 ON INCOME TABLE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CODERS:_________ INCOME TABLE FOR 1986 # LISTED _____________________________________________________________________________________ COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 QQ.593- Q.595 In 1986 person was an: Q.596 Q.597 594 -- -- Self- Income from Self- employment wages and First Name Employee employed Both income salaries _____________________________________________________________________________________ a. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ e. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ f. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ g. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ h. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ i. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ j. ___________ 1 2 3 ____________ ____________ (DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS NOT THE HOUSEHOLDER [BOOKMARK LINE 3], ASK QQ.598-600 ABOUT R ONLY) 598. For each of the following sources of income, tell me whether you (or anyone in your entire household) received it in 1986. (READ SOURCES ONE BY ONE, AND RECORD A YES OR NO FOR EACH IN COLUMN 1 OF TABLE BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS THE ONLY PERSON AGE 16 OR OVER IN HH, SKIP TO Q.600) 599. (FOR EACH SOURCE RECEIVED, ASK): Who in this household received (SOURCE)? (RECORD FIRST NAMES OF UP TO TWO PERSONS IN COLUMN 2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 600. (FOR EACH RECIPIENT IN COL.2, ASK): What was the total amount of (SOURCE) that (you/PERSON) received during 1986? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3) - - COL.1 COL.2 COL.3 Q.598 Q.599 Q.600 Was source Persons in Total amount received? HH who person re- ------------ received ceived in Yes No source: 1986 - - a. Social Security, or Supplemental Security Income 1 2 ___________ $____________ ___________ $____________ - - b. Other pensions, annuities, or survivor's benefits 1 2 ___________ $____________ ___________ $____________ - - c. Public Assistance, including wel- fare, AFDC, general assistance, 1 2 ___________ $____________ food stamps, & energy assistance ___________ $____________ - - d. Any other government program, such as veterans' benefits, 1 2 ___________ $____________ Unemployment Compensation, or Workman's Compensation ___________ $____________ - - (IF R [AND R'S SPOUSE] ARE ONLY PER- SONS AGE 19 OR OVER IN HH, SKIP TO f) e. Child support, alimony, or family support 1 2 ___________ $____________ ___________ $____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ f. any other source of income, including lump sum payments 1 2 ___________ $____________ ___________ $____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 601. How much income from interest, dividends, or other investments did you (and your husband/wife) receive in 1986? Just tell me the letter from this card. (HAND R CARD #20) -- -- A. Less than $200 1 -- -- B. $200 - 499 2 -- -- C. $500 - 999 3 -- -- D. $1,000 - 1,999 4 -- -- E. $2,000 - 2,999 5 -- -- F. $3,000 - 4,999 6 -- -- G. $5,000 - 9,999 7 -- -- H. $10,000 or more 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS ONLY ADULT, OR IF SPOUSE IS THE ONLY OTHER ADULT AGE 19 OR OVER IN HH, SKIP TO Q.604) 602. Did anyone else age 19 or over in this household receive income from interest, dividends, or other investments in 1986? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.604) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 603. Tell me who that was and how much they received in 1986. (REFER TO CARD #20. PROBE:) Who else? First Name Amount (letter code) a. ______________ ____________ b. ______________ ____________ c. ______________ ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 604. Have you received any public assistance since 1982? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT Z1, PAGE 144) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 605. In which years since 1982 did you receive public assistance income? (CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED) 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT Z1: IS R THE HOUSEHOLDER? [BOOKMARK LINE 3] ____ YES (GO TO CHECKPOINT Z2) ____ NO (SKIP TO CHECKPOINT AA AT TOP OF PAGE 147) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT Z2: HOW MANY PERSONS ON HH ROSTER AGE 19 OR OVER HAVE RELATIONSHIP CODES I THROUGH U? ____ NONE (SKIP TO Q.633, PAGE 149) ____ ONE (GO TO Q.606 AND ASK QQ.606-619 ABOUT THIS PERSON) ____ TWO OR MORE (SELECT THE PERSON WHOSE FIRST NAME COMES FIRST ALPHABETICALLY AS THE FOCAL PERSON FOR QQ.606-619) FOCAL PERSON IS: _______________ [CODERS: PERS.# IS ______] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 606. The next questions are about (PERSON). How many hours, if any, did (he/she) work at a paid job last week? _________________ (# HOURS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 607. Does (he/she) make payments to you for room or board? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.609) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 608. How much does (he/she) pay? week . . . 1 _______________ per month . . . 2 (DOLLARS) year . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 609. Does (he/she) make regular payments to you for anything other than room or board? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.611, PAGE 145) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 610. How much are those payments? week . . . 1 _______________ per month . . . 2 (DOLLARS) year . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 611. For each of the following things, tell me if you pay for none, some, or most of (his/her) expenses. -- -- None Some Most ____________________________________________________________________ a. Food 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ b. Clothing 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ c. Entertainment 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ d. Health care or health insurance 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ e. Transportation 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 612. (Other than the payments already mentioned,) has (PERSON) given or loaned you more than $200 during the past 12 months? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.616, PAGE 146) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 613. How much altogether? _________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 614. Was this given or loaned to you to pay for anything in particular? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.616, PAGE 146) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 615. What was that? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 616. Have you given or loaned (PERSON) more than $200 during the past 12 months? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.633, PAGE 149) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 617. How much was that altogether in the past 12 months? __________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 618. Was this given or loaned to pay for anything in particular? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.633, PAGE 149) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 619. What was that? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ (ALL SKIP TO Q.633, PAGE 149) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHECKPOINT AA: IS R LIVING IN THE HOUSEHOLD OF A RELATIVE OTHER THAN A PARENT OR PARENT-IN-LAW? [BOOKMARK LINE 3] ____ YES (GO TO Q.620) ____ NO (SKIP TO Q.633, PAGE 149) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 620. Do you make payments for room or board? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.622) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 621. How much do you pay? week . . . 1 _______________ per month . . . 2 (DOLLARS) year . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 622. Do you make any other regular payments to (HOUSEHOLDER)? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.624) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 623. How much are those payments? week . . . 1 _______________ per month . . . 2 (DOLLARS) year . . . 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 624. For each of the following things, tell me if (HOUSEHOLDER) pays for none, some, or most of your expenses. -- -- None Some Most ____________________________________________________________________ a. Food 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ b. Clothing 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ c. Entertainment 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________ d. Health care or health insurance 1 2 3 - - e. Transportation 1 2 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 625. Has (HOUSEHOLDER) given or loaned you more than $200 for other purposes during the past 12 months? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.629) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 626. How much altogether in the past 12 months? __________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 627. Was this given or loaned to you to pay for anything in particular? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.629) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 628. What was that? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 629. Have you given or loaned (HOUSEHOLDER) more than $200 during the past 12 months? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.633, PAGE 149) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 630. How much money altogether in the past 12 months? ____________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 631. Was this given or loaned to pay for anything in particular? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.633, PAGE 149) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 632. What was that? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 633. Have you ever purchased a home? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.644, PAGE 151) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 634. These questions are about the first home you bought. If you have purchased more than one home, please answer only about your first home. In what year did you buy your first home? ________________ (YEAR) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 635. What was its total purchase price including the land and any buildings that came with it? _________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 636. How much was the down payment? _________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 637. Did you receive any financial gifts or loans from relatives or friends when you bought or built your first home? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.644, PAGE 151) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 638. Who on this list helped? (HAND R CARD #21. CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) _________________________________________ R's parents 01 _________________________________________ Parents-in-law, husband's or 02 wife's parents _________________________________________ R's brothers or sisters 03 _________________________________________ Spouse's brothers or sisters 04 _________________________________________ R's grandparents 05 _________________________________________ Spouse's grandparents 06 _________________________________________ R's children 07 _________________________________________ Other relatives 08 _________________________________________ Non-relatives 09 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 639. How much did you receive as a gift that you didn't have to pay back? ___________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 640. How much did you receive as a loan? ___________________ (IF NONE, SKIP TO INSTRUC- (DOLLARS) TIONS ABOVE Q.644, P.151) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 641. Have you paid back the entire amount? -- -- (SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Q.644, PAGE 151) Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 642. Are you still making payments? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 643. How much do you still owe? _________________ (DOLLARS) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (IF R IS NOT CURRENTLY MARRIED, SKIP TO Q.645) 644. Since you have been married, has anyone left you or your (husband/wife) anything worth more than $1,000 when they died, such as an inheritance, insurance settlement, or share in a family business or farm? -- -- (SKIP TO Q.646, PAGE 152) Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.649, PAGE 152) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 645. Did anyone ever leave you anything worth more than $1,000 when they died, such as an inheritance, insurance settlement, or share in a family business or farm? -- -- (GO TO Q.646, PAGE 152) Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.649, PAGE 152) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 646. Tell me who on this list ever left you (or your husband/wife) anything worth $1,000 or more. (HAND R CARD #21. RECORD ALL PERSONS MENTIONED IN TABLE BELOW) -- -- (ASK QQ.647-648 FOR EACH PERSON CODED YES IN Q.646. RECORD ON TABLE BELOW) 647. What was the total amount you received from (PERSON)? 648. In what year did you receive this amount? -- -- Q.646 Received Q.647 inheritance from Q.648 this person? Total -- -- Amount Year Yes No Received Received _____________________________________________________________________________________ a. R's parents 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. Spouse's parents 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. R's brothers or sisters 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. Spouse's brothers or sisters 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ e. R's grandparents 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ f. Spouse's grandparents 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ g. R's children 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ h. Other relatives 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ i. Non-relatives 1 2 $____________ ________ - - j. Spouse 1 2 $____________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 649. The next questions are about gifts or loans between you and friends or relatives not living in your household. During the past five years have you (or your husband/wife/partner) received a gift or loan worth more than $200 at any one time from anyone not living with you at the time? (Do not include money to help purchase your first home that you already told me about). -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.655, PAGE 154) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 650. Who on this list gave you a gift worth more than $200 during the past 5 years? (HAND R CARD #21. RECORD IN COLUMN 2 ON TABLE BELOW) 651. Who on this list loaned you more than $200 during the past 5 years? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3 BELOW) 652. (FOR EACH PERSON CODED YES IN COL.2 OR COL.3, ASK:) About how much altogether did (PERSON) (give/loan) to you in the past five years? (RECORD GIFT AMOUNTS IN COL.4, LOAN AMOUNTS IN COL.5 BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 COL.5 Did PERSON Did PERSON Total Total give R more loan R more value of value of COL.1 than $200? than $200? gifts loans -- -- in last in last Yes No Yes No 5 years: 5 years _____________________________________________________________________________________ a. R's parents 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. Spouse's parents 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. R's brothers or sisters 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. Spouse's brothers or sisters 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ e. R's grandparents 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ f. Spouse's grandparents 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ g. R's children 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ h. Other relatives 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ i. Non-relatives 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 653. Was the (LARGEST AMOUNT IN TABLE ABOVE) (given/loaned) to you to pay for anything in particular? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.655, PAGE 154) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 654. What was that? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ -- -- 655. During the past five years, did you give or loan more than $200 to anyone who was not living in your household at that time? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.661, PAGE 155) No 2 -- -- 656. To whom did you give a gift worth more than $200 during the past 5 years? (HAND R CARD #21. RECORD IN COLUMN 2 ON TABLE BELOW) 657. To whom did you loan more than $200 during the past 5 years? (RECORD IN COLUMN 3 BELOW) 658. (FOR EACH PERSON CODED YES IN COL.2 OR COL.3, ASK:) About how much altogether did you (give/loan) to (PERSON) in the past five years? (RECORD GIFT AMOUNTS IN COL.4, LOAN AMOUNTS IN COL.5 BELOW) _____________________________________________________________________________________ COL.2 COL.3 COL.4 COL.5 Did R give Did R loan Total Total PERSON more PERSON more value of value of COL.1 than $200? than $200? gifts loans -- -- in last in last Yes No Yes No 5 years: 5 years _____________________________________________________________________________________ a. R's parents 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. Spouse's parents 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. R's brothers or sisters 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. Spouse's brothers or sisters 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ e. R's grandparents 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ f. Spouse's grandparents 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ g. R's children 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ h. Other relatives 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ -- -- i. Non-relatives 1 2 1 2 $_________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 659. Was the (LARGEST AMOUNT IN TABLE ON PAGE 154) given or loaned to (PERSON) to pay for anything in particular? -- -- Yes 1 -- -- (SKIP TO Q.661) No 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 660. What was that? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ASSETS AND DEBTS 661. Do you (or your husband/wife) own (a TO d BELOW)? (IF NO TO ALL a - d, SKIP TO Q.664, PAGE 156) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (ASK QQ.662-663 FOR EACH YES TO Q.661) 662. How much do you think your (ASSET TYPE) would sell for now? 663. How much, if anything, do you (or your husband/wife) owe on your (ASSET TYPE)? (IF R ISN'T SURE, ASK FOR THE BEST ESTIMATE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.661 Does Q.662 Q.663 R own this? -- -- Sale value Amount owed ASSETS Yes No of asset: on asset: _____________________________________________________________________________________ a. your own home? 1 2 $__________ $_________ (IF HOME IS PART OF FARM, IN- CLUDE BELOW IN BUSINESS OR FARM) _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. other real estate? 1 2 $__________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. a business or farm? 1 2 $__________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. Motor vehicles, including cars, trucks, campers, boats, and other recreational vehicles? 1 2 $__________ $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (HAND R CARD #22) 664. What is the approximate total value of your (and your husband's/wife's) savings, including savings accounts, savings bonds, IRAs, money market shares, and CD's? Just tell me the letter from this card. -- -- A. None 01 -- -- B. $1 to $1,499 02 -- -- C. $1,500 to $2,999 03 -- -- D. $3,000 to $4,999 04 -- -- E. $5,000 to $9,999 05 -- -- F. $10,000 to $19,999 06 -- -- G. $20,000 to $49,999 07 -- -- H. $50,000 to $99,999 08 -- -- I. $100,000 or more 09 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 665. And what is the approximate total value of your (and your husband's/wife's) investments, including stocks, bonds, shares in mutual funds, or other investments? Tell me the letter from this card. (REFER TO CARD #22) -- -- A. None 01 -- -- B. $1 to $1,499 02 -- -- C. $1,500 to $2,999 03 -- -- D. $3,000 to $4,999 04 -- -- E. $5,000 to $9,999 05 -- -- F. $10,000 to $19,999 06 -- -- G. $20,000 to $49,999 07 -- -- H. $50,000 to $99,999 08 -- -- I. $100,000 or more 09 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 666. Next I will read a list of things that people often owe money on. Tell me if you (and your husband/wife/partner) owe money for: (RECORD ON TABLE BELOW. ASK Q.667 FOR EACH YES) 667. How much do you (and your husband/wife/partner) owe on your (DEBT TYPE)? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q.666 Does R owe Q.667 money on this? -- -- Amount Yes No owed _____________________________________________________________________________________ a. credit card or charge accounts that you're paying off gradually. 1 2 $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. installment loans for major purchases, such as furniture or appliances, 1 2 $_________ but other than auto loans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. educational loans. 1 2 $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. personal loans from banks and other busi- nesses, other than mortgage or auto loans. 1 2 $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ e. personal loans from friends or relatives. 1 2 $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ f. other bills you've owed for more than two months. 1 2 $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ g. home improvement loans. 1 2 $_________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 668. (ADMINISTER SE-13: PARENTS AND RELATIVES) Turn to Page 57 in your Booklet. Here are some questions about your parents and other relatives. Tell me when you are finished. (WHEN R IS FINISHED, GO TO Q.669 ON PAGE 158) _____________________________________________________________________________________